7 Ways To Make Your Rabbit Live Longer

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Lennon The Bunny

Lennon The Bunny

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@HarperBunny 8 ай бұрын
Spot On! Harper is 11 years old now, free roamer. Every night she gets Story time, Petting and massage time, and TV time. Once in awhile acoustic guitar time which she absolutely loves the sound of the guitar strings. I know because she will do her little bunny flop. Anyways, just sharing.
@astridcassie5 8 ай бұрын
What kind of story do u tell her? Just everyday life or read from children book ? 😀
@tatiaa7206 8 ай бұрын
One of my buns gets really excited when I put classical music on for him😆
@HarperBunny 8 ай бұрын
@@astridcassie5 Everyday life, novels, random, etc. I sit on the floor on her level, show her the book and page we left off on in which she usually noses bumps out of curiosity. She usually lays down to listen sometimes rolling on her side.
@Starlight.S_23 8 ай бұрын
@@HarperBunny If I get a book anywherre near my bunny, he immediately wants to rip the pages. He loves to chew on paper 😂
@noahgaming3397 5 ай бұрын
My name is Harper!! ❤❤
@teekierudite5108 8 ай бұрын
My bunny is so spoiled, I'm pretty sure he knows hes the boss of the house. He's never known what a cage is, always gets pets/massages daily (for hours), can run around the house freely. He's just the happiest lil guy. If I ever have a bad day, seeing my bun just raises my spirits, he's perfect for me :)
@janetelliott7099 8 ай бұрын
Our sweet bun is almost 13. We rescued her at about age 2.5 yrs. I am certain we made mistakes along the way, but we have tried very hard to give her a good life, and continue to research rabbit care. She has always had an Xpen in a 12 x 14 bedroom filled with toys,tunnels and maze. She was always allowed out of her room into main house with supervision for several hours a day. She starts and ends her day with sweet talk and massages. We spend hours laying on the floor with her in her room and the main house. Ever since she had an eye enucleated (after 3 months intensive meds to try to save it) she will run out of room and retrace steps a few times back to it, but only goes around main house once and then stays in her room even though gate is open. I think part of it is due to arthritis and perhaps part due to the surgery. She seems to love her room. She has adapted well with one eye, we just don’t change her pathways to stimulate her as we did when she was younger. Some things we do for her: Unlimited Timothy hay mixed with oat hay and orchard grass, fresh water in heavy ceramic bowl, home grown variety of lettuces and herbs, transitioned to Senior bun pellets and joint support treats. Continued nose work and encourage foraging. We keep a first aid kit- top items are infant dye free simethicone drops, Critical Care, oral syringes of different sizes for feeding and administering meds, meloxicam for pain and Cisapride for motility once obstruction has been ruled out. We also have stethoscope to listen to heart, respiration and gut sounds, thermometer, styptic powder , and we just updated the scale to weigh her. This new one is for babies and small pets and has a quick hold button when she moves. I had just been encouraged her weight was up a bit on the old scale, but new one registers a little bit lower. Hoping to see improvement in that area. She has had regular annual vet care and follow up visits to any concerns. She started losing some weight last year. Vet said normal aging muscle loss. In May she had regular wellness check with bloodwork. Everything came back normal on bloodwork, but she had lost even more weight. Again this was presented as to be expected based on her advanced age. Ever since we got her stabilized after rescue, her straw like fur became plush and soft, her ears and feet were always in great condition. Suddenly, in mid October, out of nowhere, she developed a bad case of ear mites. Of course these things always accelerate on a weekend after vet was closed. We called first thing that Mon morn and they fit her into schedule and started her on meds. It helped some, but did not eradicate it so follow up testing and cultures were done and new meds were put on board. During this time she still ate lots of hay, treat and greens, but she had lost all interest in her pellets. I tried all kinds of things, but nothing seemed to stir her appetite. She was still pooping fine. I bought a new bag of pellets in case the others didn’t taste right to her even though they should not have been stale. It didn’t really help. She does not appear to have any dental issues. Dr wants her weight up before she can check further with anesthesia. I wish we had started her on Critical Care immediately, but she was still eating a pile of hay as big as her body, and appeared to be pooping normally and I know bunnies who never eat pellets. Follow up visit was 💔. I failed to think that lack of pellets meant lack of calories and she lost a little more weight. She seemed fine at Christmas, but stopped pooping suddenly. She has had mild GI stasis in past that we recognized by the size, shape and volume of her poops. We would start her on infant simethicone drops and within a few days she would be fine. We never saw a change in her poops this time. There just suddenly weren’t any. We bought more Critical Care and Dr prescribed more meloxicam and Cisapride. She was afraid she would not survive the next 2 days 😭. It has been an uphill battle. She is still getting 4 syringe feedings of Critical Care/ day. Each followed by belly rubs. She has continued to eat her hay mixture and nibbling her treats instead of scarfing them down. In just the past few days she has starting to eat 1 + TBSP of pellets again. This really has been an exhausting and emotional roller coaster. I cannot express the sheer joy we felt last night when she ran over to get pets from my husband and when I came into the room she ran to me and I was talking to her and petting her when she ran into her xpen and put her snoot between the wires of pen and then pawed up the side. This was her old familiar pattern when she was excited about getting a treat. We started singing her little song “who wants a treat?” And she ran out of pen and did a lap around her room while I made my way over to get her a treat. She grabbed it from me and devoured it- no accepting it and dropping it and taking a nibble here or there. Last night’s treat was devoured in minutes. Has she really turned the corner? Will this last? Will she gain weight and keep it on? If anyone is so inclined, we’d appreciate your prayers for her. We know how blessed we are to have had her with us this long. We know that time might be limited. But when she lights up and you can feel her still having quality of life in spite of supplemental feeding I cannot do anything but keep supporting her and cheering her on. She is the best little patient and pure joy. And the old saying ,”Who rescued whom” rings true. Please please please everyone needs to pay close attention to know what is normal for their bunny and watch for any changes. Bunnies don’t like to let anyone know when something is wrong. It is up to us to take notice!🐇💕
@GothremenBhason 7 ай бұрын
That was very beautiful, that she's still alive, even though her days might be limited, but from reading this article, I can tell she's leading a happy life, this was touching to say the least, I don't know if my prayers would be anything special, given I'm agnostic, but still.
@soggycookie345 7 ай бұрын
Sending you positive vibes! You’re an amazing bunny parent! ❤
@InvisibleImam 5 ай бұрын
You're an amazing bunny parent. Yesterday, my rabbit passed away at night and he was 9.5 years only. Since last few weeks, his poop were little irregular and then would go back. He was always on a diet of timothy hay , water and little pellets along with fiberplex and liver supplements. Here we don't have rabbit specialised vet and I got hold of one via online consultation. She said to continue with fiberplex and to get an xray if possible. I delayed on xray as where i live, there is no rabbit focused clinic and handling of rabbits can be tough. And since he was eating hay normally , i thought there wasn't any immediate urgency, Since it's summer and he's lethargic, we thought of getting a second opinion and then xray. We even scheduled a vet visit but he passed away on the day of the appointment. Guess i should have gone for xray sooner and perhaps could have saved him. It was difficult to diagonise as his stool would return to normal and then again go back to either small or mushy.
@janetelliott7099 5 ай бұрын
@@InvisibleImam My heart goes out to you. It is so difficult, especially with no rabbit savvy vet available. We are 45 miles from our vet and the drive is an additional stressor for the bunny. It sounds like you gave your bunny a great life. It is heartbreaking to lose a fur baby. So many paw prints remain on the heart. ❤️‍🩹
@janetelliott7099 5 ай бұрын
@@GothremenBhason Thank you for your kind thoughts! She has gained a bit more weight and is down to two syringe feedings/day. Hoping Critical care comes back in stock soon!
@RobinBanks956 8 ай бұрын
I got a bunny because of you! he lives in a playpen and is getting neutered in february!
@lemoneuropa 8 ай бұрын
this is awesome - but watch the fruit! Too much sugar can contribute to stasis... but rock on, bunny-mom! :D
@PascaleLaurent81 8 ай бұрын
Once neutered, I hope your bunny won’t be limited to a playpen anymore. 😊
@janeteckhart4886 8 ай бұрын
I hope you are making hay the biggest part of your rabbits diet.
@Reptile149 8 ай бұрын
It’s all good advice in here Abbie
@neginessa 8 ай бұрын
She has inspired many of us to be bunny owners🥹🥹❤️❤️
@Just_Pele 8 ай бұрын
During the 80s and 90s, I kept rabbits in a hutch outside and mostly fed them pellets (which are both terrible things to do), and they only lived 4-5 years, but we didn't know better. I would let them out to get some exercise, and they did graze on grass, but it wasn't nearly enough. Also vets didn't know how to properly treat rabbits either, and most didn't even see them as real pets and wouldn't provide medical treatment for them. So the world has changed dramatically for bunnies over the last 20 years, and almost entirely for the better. 🐰🐰
@wheenmist 8 ай бұрын
I did the same for which I feel the guilt but like you said we didnt know any better. So glad the standard of care has improved. Maybe eventually we will understand other animals and humans will stop eating them.
@Goofyjamal28 7 ай бұрын
Wait I’m a new bunny owner..are they not supposed to have pellets ? I feed my bunnies pellets everyday
@Just_Pele 7 ай бұрын
@@Goofyjamal28 They're fine in limited amounts, but should only be 1/3rd of your rabbit's diet at most.
@Goofyjamal28 7 ай бұрын
@@Just_Pele thank you so much for letting me know!
@Goofyjamal28 7 ай бұрын
@@Just_Pele The pet store worker told me they should definitely be have unlimited pellets and hay and water
@kirstengriffith7221 8 ай бұрын
I have a 9 year old bunny and I’ve pretty much done all the things that you mentioned but I think what also has contributed to her lifespan is that I pay attention. I know her routine, what her typical day looks like and what she’s like at different times of the day, her normal behavior, etc. and if I notice even the smallest change I monitor her heavily and take her straight to the vet if necessary. I’ve spent a lot of money on vet visits just to be told she’s fine, but I’ve also taken her to the vet and caught mites early as well as a GI stasis episode very early on simply because she wouldn’t take her favorite treat from me. I feed veggies in the morning when I wake up, a treat before I go to work, a treat when I get home from work, and pellets before bed and if I were ever to notice her not eating any of these treats/meals, I’d be immediately concerned. I also think having a bun partner has helped her live longer too since she is kept company while I’m at work or busy. Lastly, she has plenty of space and enrichment including tunnels, castles, dig boxes, and tons of toys and of course lots of love and pets!
@slwrabbits 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I'm a veterinary technician specializing in rabbits and rabbit rescue. You said everything I want people to hear.
@Saebrin_8 8 ай бұрын
My mom owned a rabbit as a kid and NEVER gave him hay... He lived for like 6 years! Crazy how much rabbit care has changed over the years, and how long they are living. I am going to really work on exercise with my rabbits, because even though they are free roamed, I want to make sure they are moving.
@kimmycup_xo 8 ай бұрын
Yayy I’m happy to say I do all of these except regular vet check ups. Its been a financial thing but my husband recently got a better job and I plan on setting up an appointment for her next week!! She is my first bunny and I love her to death❤️ I rescued her from a very bad living situation and we have been spoiling her ever since!!😊😊
@Barn_Editzzz 8 ай бұрын
Same. I haven’t been able to give my rabbit regular check ups. But I hope to once I have enough money. My parents don’t even take our dogs for regular checks. Only if there’s something severe going on. I got my rabbit from a 4-H club. Was supposed to sell her for FOOD. But I fell in love. She didn’t have a very good living style, but a few years later, I gave her the life she needs. That’s the short version 😅
@circuitsalsa 8 ай бұрын
Call your vet and ask them if they work with any pet insurances! it can super help with the costs
@JoJo-vz5uy 8 ай бұрын
My bunny was found in the snow in Salt Lake City exactly 4 years ago. I adopted him and he is now living with us in Florida. I don’t have cages or pens, he owns the house and is best friends with my 2 large rescue dogs. When he got neutered, the doctor said he’s over 6 years old. He’s still happy and active 4 years later! He is an older bunny but I don’t know how old really. We had some scares and he was in the hospital 3 times for a week every time …his bills so far are up to $7k+ but I rather spend it on animals than having a kid or shopping... :)
@rkenzie5235 8 ай бұрын
I have free roam bonded bunnies! They are so happy together! And they love their water bowl…bunnies drinking water is the cutest thing ever.
@tikru34 8 ай бұрын
We do that too, running with a treat. And I am quite sure that our bunny really likes that because he starts to do binkys while running. 🥰
@tikru34 8 ай бұрын
And he also tells us when he wants new/more hay. He starts to bite and scratch the litter box when he wants more. 😄
@GothremenBhason 7 ай бұрын
That's adorable, one day I'll have a bunny once my life is put together ^^
@weatherponies7503 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for all your videos. One year later and my bun has been great! One cold when she initially were brought home but a vet visit fixed that right up. Every day my bun gets unlimited hay, salads, a quarter of an oxbow treat, and some pellets. Every other week a small dot of laxitone. The shedding comb and Leovoit have been amazing at keeping fur at bay, thank you for making this first year (and many to come 🤞) a success! Elli is a hoppy free-roamer!
@kitmitz89 8 ай бұрын
I’ve had my four rabbits for three years and I’ve learned a lot from this channel. I can’t thank you enough for your tips for a first time bunny owner to learn about how to keep her little best friends happy!
@Tigerlily413 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate all you do for all bunnies! Thank you ❤
@kierasnow7788 7 ай бұрын
We got an impulse baby rabbit and because of you have made his life so much better than all his siblings. He is treated like a cat and loves to hang out with us in the living room. He has slowly gotten more friendly as he's gotten older. He's now three and is a very happy boy. Looking forward to many happy years with him.
@mattbaker337 8 ай бұрын
The other bonus with separating feeding into 2-3 times a day is you are able to pick up on GI problems quickly. We use Critical Care and massages, they will normally be eating again within a few hours
@lindsayleavittxo 8 ай бұрын
My Honey is gonna be 6 this year. She’s not doing as many binkies and zoomies she loves to just lounge and be comfy. But I do the same thing with her treats, I make her work for them because I know she needs her exercise. I’ll also pick her up and bring her to the living room or something so even if she doesn’t want to be in there she has to run back to the bedroom. But usually she’s like oooh I’m gonna explore a little.. (She’s free roam as well - because when I first got her I watched your channel and realized she needs to be! 😊) May I respectfully add something to your list? Honey is a double maned lion head. I brush her every single day. I have to. She went through GI stasis a couple years ago and I thought I would lose her. The brushing is sooooooo important since they can’t get rid of hairballs like a cat can and they groom themselves so much! So please guys! Brush your bunnies. And If they’re long haired, brush them every single day. It’s like making sure your kid brushes their teeth. It needs to be done as part of their healthy daily regimen ❤
@beabot7559 8 ай бұрын
My rabbit is 10 years old now!! He and my other rabbit recently started free roaming thanks to your channel and I’m so grateful as they are so much happier now ❤
@lenabillare4443 Ай бұрын
I have three bunnies, they are free roamed (for the better and worst 😅), different types of hay, they are very active, lots of love...
@TerreHauteRemoteGoat 8 ай бұрын
I have a 9 year old bunny now and had a 10-year old. They made it that long because I pretty much did and do the things you recommend, Lorelei. The 10-year old probably would have made it longer if I hadn't been a slow learner who gradually found and adopted better practices through the years.
@christengardner4780 6 ай бұрын
How do I bond with my new rex bunny. He just hide or he doesn't like being picked up. Any tips or help
@TerreHauteRemoteGoat 6 ай бұрын
@@christengardner4780 You may not like my answer, but it's true... bonding sometimes requires tremendous patience. Every bunny is different and some just need more time. I would try starting with laying on the floor near him with good treats in your hand. Let him approach you. If he doesn't after half an hour or so, leave one treat and try again and again several days a week. Make sure your motions are deliberate, but not stalking. Talk to him in a soft calm voice. Above all, be consistent around him. I have one bunny who I've had 10 years, yet to this day he will hop away if I buse my normal voice (which is deep, so he finds it threatening). I have to talk baby talk or whisper to him for him to feel calm. I hope this helps. They are totally worth the effort.
@Bunikioz 4 ай бұрын
​@@christengardner4780you need to stay on his level like sitting down on the floor or lay down on the floor, get a treat anywhere on your body. Bananas and apples are recommend but they only can be used as treats. They're high in sugar and may get your Bunny's tooth rot, and don't move, touch him and pet him. do things like reading a book and anything than touch him, pet him and let him explore you. I hope this helps!
@Bunikioz 4 ай бұрын
​@@christengardner4780you can give him other fruits than that but I recommend finding fruits that's safe for them in KZbin & Tiktok. If you're going to give him grapes just make sure to buy the seedless ones and seedless grapes possibly can have seeds without you knowing so find if there's seeds and if there's no seeds, you can give it to him! Sorry if this is too long but I hope that works!
@BenjamintheTortoise 8 ай бұрын
Great video! I'm happy to know that I'm doing all these things with my 2 house bunnies. Both are about 6 years old. In addition, I regularly rotate their toys or introduce new items for enrichment activities, just to keep that bunny curiosity going! 💕
@MagaloupXD 7 ай бұрын
I had my bunny for 13 years and he was perky and healthy for his whole life but the last 6 months. I took him to the vet once a year, and twice a year in his old days. He fed mainly on hay and veggies, with the occasional treat. However, I think the most important thing is that I never let anything bad happen to him. I would protect him and he would know it, so that he was never really scared of noise or people. He had a big personality and never got to live in fear, and I believe that this made him live longer and healthier, not to mention happier.
@amywetmore9647 7 күн бұрын
I'm learning sooo much about rabbits from you. As a child I had several experiences with doing rabbitry the wrong way. Your info is very eye opening. My first bunny experience was when I was 2 my parents got a black bunny named Thumper. This was back in the 70's and surprisingly they did "free roam it". However they did not bunny proof at all. It chewed lamp cords and baseboards all over our house. It would sleep under my parents bed and in the morning it would put its paws on the outside doors to be let outside. It was house trained but one day a cat got inside and chased it around the house. It scared the rabbit so she left pellets all around the house. My dad got so angry he threw the rabbit down the side door stairs and onto the rocks below where it broke its back leg. Thumper ran around the yard in a cast after that. Seeing Thumper in a cast is actually my earliest memory in life. Our dog did protect her in the yard when a neighborhood dog was chasing her but soon after she died under the house after only three years. When I was around eight my parents built hutches and let me start breeding rabbits. I only ever gave them pellets,water, carrots, kudzu, apples and grass. I never knew anything about Timothy hay, even though I read rabbit care books cover to cover I somehow missed that info. I had at least two tragedies with neighborhood dogs getting in the hutches. I don't remember how long I had the rabbits or what happened to the last one but I don't think any of my over 15 rabbits lived much more than three or four years. I had one other experience with pet rabbits when my mom bought 5 rabbits for my youngest sister and crammed them all into one cage. I was about 22 at the time. I got so angry and concerned about the bunnies that I went the local hardware and bought all kinds of hutch building supplies to build a hutch. I built 3 -3ft× 3ft cages. Seemed like a huge hutch at the time, lol. The mindset back then was sooo set on the belief that bunnies should be in cages. I did not have any more pet bunnies until Jan. 2023 when I went into a pet store to buy some things for a kitten. I happened to come on a day when there was a bunny rescue. I had never heard of a bunny rescue before and I fell for an adorable lop rabbit that was in a cage on the floor. I kept him in my kitchen when I was home and in an indoor cage when I left. I recently acquired two " after Easter" bu nnies so it's grown into 4. While I had been keeping them indoors and free roaming them when I'm home. Since I found your channel I have been radically changing the ways I do rabbit care. Today I bought a runner rug for one of the bunnies. I keep doing what I can to improve their lives. Soon the two females will be getting spayed The two neutered males are bonded. I find them all snuggled up together. It's adorable. Thank you for all your amazing content. I know you are saving many bunnies from having miserable lives.
@cathydonnelly6113 8 ай бұрын
As an adult, I brought my very first rabbit into our home. He lived in the main part of the house with us and was very much part of the family. Thank you for all your videos as it allowed me to care for Peanut the best way I knew how. On Thursday morning past, Peanut greeted me as usual , pushing his breakfast aside and placing his his head under my hand so I would pet him. I came home from work later that day and thought Peanut was different. He hadn’t eaten his breakfast and was sitting in his home sideways as if he didn’t want anyone to look at or bother him. I sat with him until 2 am noticing he hadn’t ate, drank, peed or pooed. I took him to the vet and said I think Peanut is dying. He dismissed this and sent me home with medicine. At 3.10pm on Friday, Peanut died in my arms. On the Wednesday, Peanut had been his usual self, running, playing and binkies. I have wrecked my brains to figure out what could possibly have happened, did I miss something, did I do something different and have came up with nothing. Peanut was only 2yrs and 8 months. I am absolutely devastated 💔
@K-Freya 7 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for you 😢 😢😢 The same thing happend to me with my bunny Släddy a few years ago! Within a day he died with no apparent reason! Two different vets couldn't help him. He was only 3 1/2 years old! That totally shocked me and broke my heart 😢😢😢
@anaquintanilla2389 7 ай бұрын
I am so sorry for your loss, it's a devastating loss. Sending prayers your way. ❤😢
@Scorpionbite8 8 ай бұрын
Give your bunny lots and lots of pettins and smooches
@Brenda-ur3xw 8 ай бұрын
My bunny Rocky is now 13 but cataracts have slowed him down. He gets mostly organic greens and timothy hay twice a day but he enjoys a late night snack of another green item. Lots of love and attention.
@galactadoodlez 8 ай бұрын
Aw, I hope he's doing ok with his cataracts 🥺
@calthorp 8 ай бұрын
@@galactadoodlez I used to have a rabbit that was blind & it was actually hard to tell he was blind. It was only if something was out of place that he would have trouble.
@Brenda-ur3xw 8 ай бұрын
@@calthorp sounds like a smart bunny! I keep the same "pathway" straight from cage door to hangout den so overall he does pretty good.
@calthorp 8 ай бұрын
@@Brenda-ur3xw Good luck with your bunny, You could try including some Bilberries into his diet. As it seems to slow down or stop cataracts. My mum was prescribed them by the eye specialist when she was 90 to slow hers down, so I am sure it would work in rabbits too.
@Brenda-ur3xw 8 ай бұрын
@@calthorp thanks...will check into that.
@sashaconrad3939 8 ай бұрын
You are so right about kindness - for bunnies and all living beings! It’s cool that your tips apply to rabbits first and foremost but they are also effective and healthy for all animals and people! Healthy diet, exercise, affection and mind-stimulating activities are good for literally everyone (everybun 😉) ❤
@miraaaaa03 8 ай бұрын
Hope Lennon is doing better
@ProvingSpooky 8 ай бұрын
I’ll be sobbing with her when she passes
@kpoolove1965 8 ай бұрын
My Roxy is 9 as well. Because of your channel she is free roaming. She gets unlimited hay, I feed her all Oxbow products (hay, adult rabbit food, treats and vitamin C). I use a water fountain for her as well as a cat that was a rescue at the same shelter so they knew each other. Even though the fountain is filtered I use Britta pitcher for their water. They do play together and Holly grooms Roxy. The only problem with Roxy is when she is on my bed sleeping and my 2 yr old granddaughter goes in there to "pet and love on", she jumps off the bed and leaves behind a few little pellets. Thank God they are just little hard peas, lol
@RussellCGoose 8 ай бұрын
Hi Lorelei I totely agree with you on every but mostly I do check my bunny for lumps or just anything I can find thanks for posting Lennon is so adorable
@tristan2224 8 ай бұрын
Awesome I agree!
@donnajoiner-jackson341 8 ай бұрын
I have a pair of bunnies around 6. I have kept them alive by keeping up with your videos. Thank you for sharing. It has made my bunny journey better! ❤
@alexiaholiday981 8 ай бұрын
I got a bunny because you inspired me to look after one. I love the rabbit tips you have for people with rabbits, my rabbit now trusts me and shows affection. Thank you Lorelei♥️
@ringpinglan 8 ай бұрын
its true theyare so smart. The oldest one I have had become abit over 10 and ive done as you says in the video keep acrive interact and free roaming and loads of hay always.
@PunxBytch 8 ай бұрын
My baby boy passed away last evening. He would have been 8 in March. I'm having a hard time coping with losing him. 😭
@galactadoodlez 8 ай бұрын
Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that! I know exactly what it's like to lose a bun bun. 😭 My girl passed almost a year ago but the memories are still fresh, I'll never forget how heartbroken I was. I hope your baby is having the bestest time up in bunny heaven 🥺 please take care of yourself. Grief is honestly the most painful feeling. Sending you hugs 💖💞
@rosydoll5209 8 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear that. what a coincidence. My baby girl passed a week ago and she was also about to turn 8 years old. It still feels unreal. I hate that I'm here. But I'm trying to keep pushing. I feel I get into my own head like ppl don't take my grief seriously, but they just don't understand the bond you can have with another rabbit. Even if I'm a human, I felt like I was her bonded rabbit lol I'm sorry. I hope our buns give us strength. Also, seeing this video is hard bc i struggle with feeling like i didn't do enough for her to live to at least 10 years old. But my rabbit's breed showed an average lifespan of 7-9 years old, idk what to think lol At least our buns lived happy lives which is foremost. Comfort for us both 💕
@spiritofcoco 8 ай бұрын
Oh no 😢
@Willy-Joey_bunnies 2 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry for you 😢 I know how it feels to lose pets 😢 I lost my dog when he was 3 and no one knows why he died I also lost my gecko 😢
@patriciabush4590 8 ай бұрын
I have 4 rabbits that are free roam. Each pair in different rooms as they would fight otherwise. One pair is in living/dinning room. Other air in a large bedroom next to living room that I close off with a four ft ex pin fence. I separated the ex pin by using a screw driver so I could put other part in doorway at other enterance of bedroom to bathroom so the bunnies can see me in living room. They are so happy. Love me to brush, trim their nails and hold them. I really needed their loving support after my husband passed last April. They seemed to understand my grief and gave me lots of love. They've I only been in a encloser after neutering and spaying. Am so happy I found your information on line! They are all between 3 and 5 yrs so hopefully they will be with me for my lifetime. 😊
@OnceSniper66 8 ай бұрын
Also having a very good exotics vet!❤
@Natashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8 ай бұрын
Lennon is so sweet 🫶🏾
@emekecho2024 8 ай бұрын
My bunny Peta is 5 now. I found you and Lennon when we rescued her at 3 months old, from a family who treteted her like their kid's entertainment, like a toy. Thank you for creating positive change for rabbits and making it a better place for animals. Animals are our friends and us humans have the power to protect them.
@deliagonzalez7038 8 ай бұрын
Hi, Lennon's mom! I'm glad Lennon is doing great ❤ I agree with the ways you suggest buns should be cared for. We have a 7 year old New Zealand white bun. We love him so very much, and he makes our lives very happy. He seems very happy as well and he's healthy and gorgeous 🩵
@xnikoplayz7482 8 ай бұрын
My rabbit is a 8 male and not even spayed or neutered and he’s still thriving and healthy ❤🥰 many many more years to come ❤️🙏🏻
@paulleniger3575 8 ай бұрын
My bun Fleur just turned 7, we do almost everything you brought up! One thing I do a little differently with the feeding, other than constant hay, is he gets lettuce and little, very little, snacks multiple times a day when I’m home of course. He’s had GI issues when he was younger but as I learned why, we almost eliminated them at this point. So I give smaller portions multiple times and it’s working great! Also, as you mentioned, it makes him get up and run to the kitchen, run back to the living room, up on the loveseat and so on every time. Thanks for your tips and for you’re dedication to this wonderful community!
@tomgalarowicz1042 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much…I also have 2 Hollander Lops that are turning 9yrs old in March……my Boys. Of course they are free roam house buns. Just before your video I watched a video by the rabbit society, I think, addressing arthritis in senior rabbits. Because of points mentioned by them, I Wanted to mention your high jumping litter box may cause arthritic pain…and all of the slick bare floors can also cause pain and difficulty for movement…there words, not mine. I put down large, comfortable rugs where my buns are. Thought I’d mention this video because you also care so very much about Lennon’s health, comfort and longevity.
@tomgalarowicz1042 6 ай бұрын
Holland lops ! NOT Hollander…damn spell check.
@RabbitAndTheLabBestFriends 7 ай бұрын
I play classical music when I leave and at bedtime my bun loves to sit and listen and helps him relax
@emmsx5784 8 ай бұрын
Ive had my little rabbits for 5 months already! And they have half my room to themselves until i move out and wont have dogs. But your videos made me really learn about them, and tbh in my opinion they really aren't too expensive or hard to take care of
@barrykettell7499 3 ай бұрын
My Caramac was almost 9 years when he passed,but like you I followed all those steps and I’m sure he was happy, I wouldn’t have had it any other way just wished he was with me a lot longer. I hope I gave him the best.
@janeelse-looker242 8 ай бұрын
My bunny miss Marvel is free roam in my bedroom. Thank you for all the ideas to bunny proof my room.
@annikaaasav9365 8 ай бұрын
go Lennon!❤❤❤
@HarmonyTheKF 8 ай бұрын
Yay, the bunny queen has posted!!! 💕🐇
@lorrainewheeler5592 8 ай бұрын
My little boy free roams all day and goes in pen At night he eats oxbow hay and oxbow food and veggies 🥗 he will be 5 years old next month ❤
@jinx1743 8 ай бұрын
I love your channel and I love your videos💗 It's such a euphoric experience to find other Lennon The Bunny fans in real life, and we can gush about all the cool rabbit tips you give. You're changing lives, thank you! :)
@WildSunflower 8 ай бұрын
This helped a lot! Thanks ♥️
@Glissycat 7 ай бұрын
I love you lorelei, I have two 4 year old beautiful spoilt free roam buns because of your incredible education, the work you do is phenomenal and so needed. Thank you endlessly for caring about everybun. Don’t listen to the haters xxxxxx
@sydneystreibel6240 7 ай бұрын
Your vidoes are so helpful!! My 3.5 year old holland lop has some underlying health issues, like chronic sinusitis/snuffles and had E cuniculi 2 years ago. He has been through a lot and is doing well now, just on and off abx. I feed him sherwood pellets every day and sherwood prevention tablets. He is free roamed around our apartment!! Highly highly recommend sherwoods products for overall health since they don't have filler ingredients
@onebraincellleft2563 8 ай бұрын
Kinda crazy how long I’ve been watching your channel…my girls are the same age as Lennon and I recall coming across your channel when they were 3 or so!
@criticalmile 8 ай бұрын
My bunny Popeye lived 11 years. He was very active and went to work with me an my dog on trade fishing boat. He was free roam. Lots of love and attention from us n ship mates. Dearly loved❤
@Splashstar216 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great video!
@jeanmorell1947 8 ай бұрын
Very good advice Laura and I’m learning so much about rabbits your encloypedia of these animals I do have cats but rabbits are fascinating especially your videos keep it up!
@imacrayzcritter 8 ай бұрын
I had Ozzy who was bonded to me like Lennon is to you. Unfortunately, when I moved to Washington state from Orlando, he passed away from GI stasis less than a week later. He was around 5.5 / 6. After that I swore to do better for my next bunny. Thankfully, resources like you and HRS were discovered and my Sophie lived to be 9.5. My Lulu is now 9ish and gets his geriatric bunny visit once per year and RHDV2 vaccine. 6 months later Drew Bunnymore gets hers (which is coming up in February. As she is a rescue, I think she is between 1 and 2 somewhere. My advice would be for vet costs, it has a a high interest rate, but my vet accepts Care Credit. Also, with the vet and RHDV2 a lot of rabbit boarders require it now. Mine does, so if you are traveling you might definitely need it depending who you trust to watch your bunny. I got my bunny from bottle to bowl by putting a splash of no sugar added, all natural apple juice in with the water. Worked perfectly.
@andhisband 5 ай бұрын
I've had 3 Nederlands Dwarf rabbits in succession. Bum lasted 2 years. He died in the care of a pet sitter. Lesson: choose a sitter wisely. Then there was Silly, who lasted 7 years before succumbing to Pasteurella. Lesson: monitor their weight as weight loss can be the first sign of a serious problem. Finally there was Goliath, who made it all the way to 12 years. He survived E. cuniculi, having his hind legs paralyzed, getting an eyeball impaled on a hay stalk, a hernia, blocked tear ducts, and testicular cancer. Lesson: get a great vet and don't be afraid to take the bun in. I miss them.
@Oukow 8 ай бұрын
Niles is either 10 or 11. (When I got him they weren’t sure if he was 1 or 2). I do all these things that you mentioned and I give him flax seeds, bunny vitamins, and lately an oil prescribed by his vet to help him maintain his weight. Sadly, the vet did recommend I say goodbye to him soon. 😞 So next month might be an at home service for my sweet man.
@cloverrabbit5622 7 ай бұрын
My last 3 beautiful rabbits lived between the ages of 11 1/2 and 12 1/2. Luckily my vet specializes in rabbits, she got me into them actually! Unfortunately all 3 had e cuniculi, and in the end that's why they passed away not from old age really. Rabbits with e cuniculi usually don't show signs until they are older. I miss them very much. I have had rabbits for over 30 years now and I have learned so much about how to raise them right, in the beginning I didn't know anything about the buns. I have 2 new buns now (lion heads) and I wish a long healthy life for them. I fostered them 2 1/2 years ago and of course ended up keeping them. Rabbits are very smart and very stubborn! haha Thanks for your great video. 🥰🐰
@Monoroma_ 7 ай бұрын
As a new bun mom, your videos are so helpful! On your account i can find everything i need to ensure my bunny's best life.
@circuitsalsa 8 ай бұрын
My rabbit Cho is 9, almost 10, and she's also free roaming. I think one of the only things I can point out that you haven't already covered (although you alluded to listening when Lennon communicates her needs to you!) is that she has agency and can participate in her own decisions around care and interaction. She has a couple of places where she can go where it does not matter - vet appointment planned, trying to give a medication, someone wants to meet her - if she is in her special hide, she will not be moved from it until SHE is ready. I think her knowing that even though we COULD get her from these places, but her being in these places means that she is 'immune' from being forced into doing something she does not want to do. This I think has been critical in things like a medication for a chronic eye problem she has - she will sit for me to put it in her eye now, because when she wasn't ready before I would let her sit in her safe hide until we were ready to try again. And because the only time she has ever needed to be fished out was because a fire alarm was going off, she knows that I am respecting her wishes the rest of the time.
@tondalayawalker3716 8 ай бұрын
Yes,rabbits can live a long time . My bunny lived for 13 years. She was so very smart too. I highly recommend free roaming your bunny and giving them plenty of loving care, proper food ( unlimited hay) I gave Paradise only healthy treats and she ate wheat grass that I planted for us. She had the grass & I made me smoothies. 😂 very healthy for us both.
@Natashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8 ай бұрын
Glad to hear Lennon’s okay and thank for your channel you really helped educate me on rabbits and I will use this knowledge with my rabbit
@thethriftyfawn 8 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this video! It has that familiar 2016-2019 vibe of this channel! I know this isn't rabbit related, but one of my aunts had a cat who lived to be 23 years old! She ALWAYS included the cat in everyday conversations. For example, when a new visitor arrived, she would verbally introduce the cat to the visitor, and the visitor to the cat, both by their names! 😊
@jackhack1972 8 ай бұрын
Welcome home ! We truly love you from Fargo ND
@galactadoodlez 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video. My bun Cleo passed last year in February, so it's been almost a solid year, but I'll never stop missing her. Once again, tysm. I hope my buns Jupiter and Sailormoon(who is Cleos sister) live long, happy lives. Sailormoon is turning 6 in about 2 weeks, and I'm so happy to see her still binkying every time I come home from school. Hope you and miss Lenny are ok ❤ Edit: Jupiter just turned 3 last month. He was at an adoption center for about 2 years, and was apparently a dumped easter bunny 😢 I'm so grateful to you, because it's your channel that taught me to adopt not shop. Yes, I got Sailormoon and Cleo from a breeder. That was before I knew about your channel. But that doesn't change the way I view either of them. Sailormoon is still my bestest friend (along with my cat and Jupiter) and Cleo will always live in my heart ❤
@madelon7849 8 ай бұрын
I have two bunny's free roaming one is almost 7 and the other is 8 now. I think what also helps your bunny's health is castratrion! Also for the female bunny! And I do think they get older when they are not alone ❤ ofcourse I give them as much attention i can give but when I see them lay together, wash eachother its the cutest 🎉
@Cobaltblueprism 5 ай бұрын
My female bun is 13 years old. She is leaner and has had some dental, balance and seizures stuff within the last few years. This said, she still has great appetite, policing the fridge for veggies and treats on the counter everyday. She free-roams her real estate in the living room and reluctantly goes to the vet twice per year. In having rabbits that died younger than her, I feel that older bunnies, appreciate more the attention and care you give them. There's more mellowness and sweetness in those golden years.
@geenalizzi 8 ай бұрын
I’ve had a few bunnies in the past. 2 as a child, 2 of my own as an adult (no longer with us) I currently have 2 bunnies, one is a year old and has been spayed, the other will be a year old in this coming April and will be spayed soon. They’re kept separate at the moment but I’m planning to bond them together after the younger is spayed (fingers crossed for success) Also they’re both insured due to knowing how expensive vet care is if/when they need it
@StellarPhoenix_ 8 ай бұрын
My sweet little Fino was 15 years old, I had to let him go on January 18. 💔 He's at peace now, probably binkying his heart out in a beautiful wildflower meadow in heaven. I will love my darling Fino forever. 🐇💖🐇
@pezgurl09 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video!!! My little boy Loki is 7yrs old. He is a Netherland Dwarf bunny. I only fed him organic hays and pellets. He’s my baby 💙
@brooklynnchick 7 ай бұрын
I love your breakup of Lennon’s meals, speaking as an ecology educator, this is so much closer to what she would experience in the wild. Good job, Bunny Mama!
@tomgalarowicz1042 7 ай бұрын
I do have my 2 boys…Teddy and Alvin, Holland lops….who are both turning 9 in March. I have done everything I can do to provide health and comfort. They live in the house with us, of course…..They are greatly loved.
@Wyatt_The_Bunny 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for uploading this. I want to make my sweet little old bunny live as long as he can stay happy, and healthy!
@jackhack1972 8 ай бұрын
I'll say it again. You have done so well with Lennon .
@eddlo9721 7 ай бұрын
My rabbit fluffball is almost three years old and she's very happy and healthy I know she will live a long life
@ArcticWarriorYT 8 ай бұрын
Yay lorli posted😊😊 ive been following your india journy and i loved it ❤
@vienaimhof7466 Ай бұрын
25 years Ago i got my First bunny. He lived 9 years. 1. he was neutered ( doubles livespan) 2. He was partialy freeroamed 3. fresh hearbs every day 4. i spend several Hours with him every day - He listened to handsigns - driving bus beneath me, legs stretched - we played with a ball Eric has been so cool People looked at us like aliens For the context i am from germany
@debbielynnsmellowminutesme7909 4 ай бұрын
I’m hoping my new bunnies get along with my dogs . My dogs are nice so can’t wait to get my new bunnies .
@ronaldmcdonald8303 6 ай бұрын
My first bunny only died because she got bunny cancer, she was 8 1/2. But we cared for her right to the end. My 2nd bunny died when I was in rehab aged only 3 because the staff would not help her!!!! I still miss her today, the we cutie. Her fur was so soft like silk and was metallic silver in colour and had big brown eyes like volcanic glass. She was beautiful, she was a rex cross!!!!
@jaynejohnson6855 7 ай бұрын
Our last bunny lived 14 1/2 years. He was free roaming and slept at the foot of our bed. We were quick to get vet care whenever we noticed changes or problems. He was very loved and traveled with us. We fed salad twice a day, with treats such as banana, apple, berry, carrot, and red pepper pieces. We also offered high quality pellets and always had a bowl of fresh water available. We read a lot about rabbit care. We still miss him. We rescued a bunny from the dog pound last year and hope he is with us for as long.
@ProdbyDanz 7 ай бұрын
What I got from this video is treat your bunny like a dog love it unconditionally
@kimberlydewitt9533 8 ай бұрын
My first bunny was already old when I got her I don’t remember exactly how old she was I imagined she lived 10 or 11 years I just talked to her, cuddled, petted her && fed her && gave extra treats she knew love && trusted me more then she ever has anybody she came from a very traumatic experience && didn’t like or trust people she was aggressive but never to me I kept her stress down low
@miriamnunezruiz4054 8 ай бұрын
My bunny Luna is my conhijita. She was found in the CA desert and I have had her exactly 2 years. She is freeroaming and so spoiled with love and attention because she deserves it. I have learned so mucn from you Lorelei and from the Bunny Lady. I give her so many kisses every day and she returns them ferociously. The vet estimates she was about 2 when we rescued her and every day when I massage her we sing and chant "10 more years!" It's our daily mantra 😂
@Noel.Chmielowiec 8 ай бұрын
In regards to catching health stuff quickly: few years ago my bun was scratching his ear way too much in my opinion for few days, one day he didn't want me to touch it, I called our vet immediately, she told me to get up and bring him now. She checked, he had ear infection, not really bad, but she said that he could even lose hearing in this ear if we wouldn't treat it quickly. One week of antibiotics and probiotics and he never had similar issue. And she said that I did well catching something quite subtle like scratching ear too much. And few weeks ago he was acting weird, I suppose he ate too much, because he stopped eating hay, went to lay on my bed and was there for few hours, I checked his belly, it was hard, he got a belly massage, I tried giving him simethicone but I think maybe 0.1 ml went into his mouth, the rest ended up on me and the floor, but after another massage and checking up every hour for the whole night, everything was okay. It's so important to know your bunny well. I just know when something happens, when he gets scared, when he's sad, when he wants a treat (mostly because he will sit in two specific places depending which treat he wants and if you ask him if he wants a treat he will look at them and move his mouth 😂), when he wants cuddles or when I should leave him alone. He won't bark like a dog or meow like a cat to tell me, but we have our own language.
@cassiusmyers5575 8 ай бұрын
I love my fur baby, I got her and her siblings but I couldn’t keep all of them 😢. but I found the good homes 😊. I kept my baby girl though she is the best ❤I’m still getting the hang of things with she’s 4 years old still healthy. I know she should get check up daily but I can’t afford them so I do it yearly, but if she was in danger I would do it instantly. Hope to all you bunny lovers that want to get a bun.
@hayleywright2966 7 ай бұрын
My bun buns have always been free roam but currently I have two males that refuse to bond 😭 so they can’t be completely free roam at the moment until we’ve worked out how to bond them successfully. Honestly it’s hurting my heart every time I have to put them in their pens. My last boy Oli got to 8 yrs 11 and a half months. We lost him to cancer. He fought it for a whole year before I had to do the kind thing for him. Honestly I know for a fact, he kept fighting so long because he loved me so much and me him. He was my heart bunny, my reason and losing him was so so hard!
@Grace-rr5ec 8 ай бұрын
My rabbits feeding In the morning he has half his pellets for the day Midday lettuce & / or dandelion salad Evening the rest of his pellets Bedtime Timothy Hay treat
@EmmaLindaEmmason-ng1dv 2 ай бұрын
Everybody's stopped cooking rabbits for good thanks.
@juliethomas705 8 ай бұрын
I have a 9 year old bonded pair, one has a chronic ear issue, the other has chronic stasis, so she has been on routine GI stimulants for years, right now she is on metronidazole, s I have been able to cut back the GI stimulants. But yes , free roam, attention, hay, blackberry leaves, I recently rescued a younger pair so the house is divided into 2 territories.
@sassymusic77 8 ай бұрын
I do everything that you talked about in this video because of all your previous videos! My biggest one is getting Ziggy to the vet for checkups- he goes in twice a year for an assessment and so I can talk with the vet about his behavior and teeth etc. So far, so good! And I have been able to find a reliable vet who doesn't charge an arm and a leg for exotic pet care, so I take full advantage of that stroke of luck!
@patriciabush4590 8 ай бұрын
You are lucky to have found a low cost vet. Here in Seattle area the vets charge so much! I've only found one who does good bunny care also. I have spent over $2,000 so far in vet costs! It's difficult with only SS to live on but I use my care card and have paid each expense monthly which helps. Good luck being a good bunny mom😊
@sedwards6213 7 ай бұрын
My Jasper is turning 10 soon!
@mizzydizzyz 3 ай бұрын
I am a Teen and I'm saving money to buy a bunny, and I really appreciate your videos because I still need to get how much I need to spend spot on, before I get a get a bunny or two (planning to name them Willow or pepper!) I don't have much room because my room is quite small, but I'm planning to get a loft bed so I can have a corner of my room dedicated to the bunny(or bunnies). So far I have 98 dollars, don't have a job so I have to wait until next summer to get one, hopefully my parents will agree if I'm paying for everything the bunny needs all by myself
@Arcticpaws27 7 ай бұрын
I hade a rabbit named mis may we did free roam and pets fresh food for her and lots of toys ❤
@Feed_the_Kitty_a_Hotdog 8 ай бұрын
I think being a human nurse that meticulously studied rabbit care, diet, getting a proper vet has attributed to getting all 6 bunnies into their senior years. Katrina 12, Gwen 11, Grace 11, Halligan 10, Babs 9 and Niko 6. I had another senior Slate that passed away last year at 11 years old and we adopted Niko soon afterwards. We’ve also fostered over 40 rabbits over 10 years for the AHS and MCRS of Minnesota. Now I only have time to do vacations for fosters because I’m too busy with my senior squad of buns and a new job. Halligan is our golden bunny. I’m so devoted I spent over $6,000 on him in the last 2 years with surgery (lipoma), stasis, and specialist care.
@Fandar 8 ай бұрын
Rabbits are so much harder to take care of than cats. I will only consider owning a rabbit if I become super rich or something.
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