7 Worst Movie Mistakes About Catholicism

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Breaking In The Habit

Breaking In The Habit

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@jameskirchner 4 ай бұрын
Priests and nuns on TV shows are constantly addressing laypeople as "my child". It drives me berserk. I'm an old guy, and in my whole life I've never seen a religious call anyone "my child" - not even a child, let alone an adult!
@arokiaisabella2265 4 ай бұрын
In God sight we are all children 😇❤
@maryemilysmiley6146 4 ай бұрын
The nuns used to say to us "you little people," but never "my child."
@lilliedoubleyou3865 3 ай бұрын
Sometimes Hollywood gets it right, though (maybe?). I really like the priest in RUDY; he seems to consistently reflect the pastoral idea but also tells it straight: “there is a God, and I’m not Him.” Love that scene
@maryemilysmiley6146 2 ай бұрын
The nuns used to say to us, "You little people," but never "my child."
@joffercalifornia 2 ай бұрын
Priests and sisters always called me "Joe," the name I like to be called by. They always called me by name, and I loved them for that. I'm an ex-seminarian and I've known hundreds of priests and sisters through my 75 years, and they have always treated me respectfully, even when I was ten years old. I do admit that there was one seminary professor I knew for 8 years, and he never called me "Joe," and he never pronounced my surname correctly. I hated him, and rightly so.
@omegaXXIV 4 ай бұрын
Before I converted, I thought confession booths all had screens with holes wide enough to see through because that's how they're always portrayed in movies and TV shows. Although my first confession was an appointment, so the priest knew it was me, it makes me feel a little better knowing that I'm one faceless person in a long line of faceless people when I go to confession during normal times.
@domlorayna 4 ай бұрын
There's this mall chapel where I live that has a confessional that's pitch black inside. Even light from outside doesn't seep in. I tell you that experience was something else.
@rmar67 3 ай бұрын
I’m a wheelchair bound paraplegic. I can’t get into a confessional, so I’ve always had to give confession face to face with a priest.
@jamesdonahue4084 3 ай бұрын
​@@domloraynaI would LOVE that. I just hope I'd bore him enough to not be there long.
@Lavolanges 2 ай бұрын
@@omegaXXIV - Our “confessional” is a room divided by a floor to ceiling wall on the left side. The wall contains a shuttered opening, louvers almost completely closed. Beyond that wall, a lamp, a small table and two facing armchairs. Fr. sits in the armchair that is hidden by the wall. Upon entering, the penitent can opt to kneel before the shutter and confess anonymously (something canon law mandates always be an option) or to move beyond the wall and take a seat in the vacant armchair and have face to face confession.
@Daeananaias 2 ай бұрын
When I was a child we were required to go to confession once a week. Thinking back I can say it was quite over the top. I think I had to invent sins just to say something.
@sromany5898 4 ай бұрын
The mix-up between The Incarnation and The Immaculate Conception, 99.99% of the time.
@chazchoo99 4 ай бұрын
As a lifelong Christian, I genuinely had no idea that the Immaculate Conception didn't refer to the Incarnation until I seriously started considering conversion last year.
@theleastofpilgrims3379 4 ай бұрын
Oh yes, everyone seems to think that the Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of our Lord by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Our Most 😅Glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary, as opposed to the Roman Catholic doctrine that preseerves the sinlessness of the Theotokos with the Augustinian model of Original Sin.. In Orthodoxy, we do venerate St. Augustine and reject Pelagianism, but our hamartiology, our theology of Original Sin, is based on the refutation of Pelagius by another Latin ascetic, St. John Cassian, who is also a saint in the RCC. His approach to original sin allows the Theotokos to be sinless without requiring the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, but that said I do respect the piety of Roman Catholics that advised the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. Where we do agree of course is in the Assumption, which Eastern Orthodox and the Assyrian Church of the East* call the Dormition, but it is called the Assumption by the Oriental Orthodox. *The Assyrian Church of the East and the Ancient Church of the East, which separated it after it was realized during the reign of the last hereditary Patriarchate Shimun XXIII, that the hereditary patriarchate was a violation both of the ancient Apostolic Canons and the long-forgotten Nomocanon of the Church of the East, and so when Shimun XXIII unilterally switched everything to the Gregorian Calendar, the more traditionalist bishops separated and formed the Ancient Church of the East, whose first Catholicos Patriarch Mar Addai II, memory eternal (he reposed in 2018) also lived in Iraq where most of the faithful were, rather than in the safety of the massive Assyrian American community in Chicago. Tragically Mar Shimun XXIII was assasinated in 1974, and with him, the hereditary patriarchate ended, and the two churches were close to reunifying when the ISIS wars in Syria and Iraq hit, and Mar Dinkha IV, the Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East since 1974, died in 2014, memory eternal, and this delayed the reunification; the current patriarch Mar Awa Royel, who I met when he was Bishop of California, now lives in Iraq, and it seems likely that as soon as he works out an understanding with his successor at the Ancient Church of the East, Mar Tomo Darmo, the two Assyrian churches will be reunited or at least restore communion in some manner. The Church of the East in old texts is called the “Nestorian Church”, and it is true they venerate Nestorius, but their Christology has not been Nestorian since the Sixth Century, when Mar Babai the Great reformed it along Chalcedonian lines, and the excellent scholarship of Pope Benedict XVI when he was Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith established that the Christology of the Chalcedonian churches such as the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic and sui juris Eastern Orthodox, the Miaphysite Oriental Orthodox communion, and the Assyrian Church of the East, was fully compatible, since all agree that our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ is fully God and fully Man, putting on our humanity in the Incarnation and uniting it with His divinity without there being any change, confusion, separation or division of the distinct humanity and divinity, and this in turn facilitates such Christological principles such as communicatio idiomatum, that being the idea that actions or properties of one nature are communicated to the other, so that we can assert that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God, for example.
@colinwithonel 4 ай бұрын
It even happens in catechism classes, in fact my assistant catechist this year got stumped by that one
@toadofsteel 3 ай бұрын
That's specific to Catholicism, so many filmmakers that may have been raised in a Protestant tradition wouldn't know the difference. Most Protestant denominations don't teach that Mary had to be without sin, since she supplied the human nature of Jesus while the divine nature comes from the Father, so there isn't a need to explain the sinlessness of Mary as a result. So, the term "immaculate conception" just sounds like a fancy term for the Incarnation, especially since the Annunciation (Luke 1:31) specifically uses the word "conceive" when referring to Jesus.
@Koki-hc3mw 3 ай бұрын
The problem with this misunderstanding is that it should be intuitive when you hear the words immaculate conception. It basically means being born without sin, so it should be self evident that Jesus Christ God incarnate would obviously not need to be described as sinless if sin is an offense against God and God‘s not sending against Himself is He?
@DawnLapka 4 ай бұрын
I laughed at "it's OK to pray at random times, and there's always a priest just wandering around waiting to help any time of the day or night" 😂
@protoman2260 4 ай бұрын
And don’t forget “he’s doing nothing” lol
@i.b.640 4 ай бұрын
@@protoman2260 Just lurking around until a protagonist in trouble needs advice
@SanIgnaciodeMborore 4 ай бұрын
Literally during my conversion I always wondered why is the church closed ad 9pm on a monday, wheres the priest, this is NOT like the movies xD
@ursislatvis3783 4 ай бұрын
Another strange feature of Catholic Church is that in the Vatican there are so many secrets including a clandestine department to fight vampires.
@the_man_emperor_of_mankind 3 ай бұрын
and an army to fight nazi vampires in london.
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 3 ай бұрын
Shhhh! No one is supposed to know about the real vampire fighting department!
@tmorganriley 4 ай бұрын
Inverting #3 was literally the basic premise for Chesterton's Father Brown: a priest who has basically already heard it all and then some in the confessional, and so has a better understanding of human depravity and criminal motivation than the actual police inspectors.
@Burning_Dwarf 2 ай бұрын
i just love the modern Father brown bbc series
@jimgriffin9924 4 ай бұрын
Churches were open 24/7, and a parish priest was generally always available when I was younger. All that changed when society changed. Churches had to be locked to prevent crimes, and the shortage of priests meant most parishes were, and still are, short staffed. It's really a shame.
@Nicole-kc1vx 4 ай бұрын
It's crazy, cause the church has survived and been opened during more trying times. The vikings used to raid and loot churches and monasteries all the time, but because christianity was so important back then these attacks were taken ever more seriously, and lots of money and such was given to get back the stolen goods and kidnapped clergy. I know this decline is very inevitable with the current state of society, but it's very sad to witness, esp the fact the pivotal members of the church appear to care so little about keeping catholic tradition alive, instead of trying to salvage what remains they are more interested in making drastic changes to bring in people who have zero plans of attending church.
@timothydonlan9112 3 ай бұрын
At one parish I was with, the front porch of the rectory has two doors. One went went into the rectory and the other went into a confessional. There were separate doorbell buttons so you could, theoretically, go to confession at any time.
@markiangooley 2 ай бұрын
There were more priests, and more enthusiastic laymen willing to protect churches by volunteering as watchmen or the like…
@silverhawkflash 4 ай бұрын
A lot of veterans would say the same thing about portrayals of the military and service in movies. Glad to see we're not alone.
@ruby07241 4 ай бұрын
Also, the medical and legal fields are portrayed unrealistically.
@rrmemphis427 3 ай бұрын
And 911 dispatch centers. Usually nothing like a real center. Gun stuff is almost always wrong too.
@Gunthusiest 3 ай бұрын
Just goes to show how detached the movie makers really are from the real world. All of the money they put into movies, you'd think they could hire on some real human beings to help
@anitavaughn1968 2 ай бұрын
No lie!
@Kredorish 4 ай бұрын
Videos games display nuns as strong and someone to look up to. In RD2 when Arthur Morgan, most infamous outlaw ever, admits to a Sister at the train station that he’s afraid of dying, her words are both wise, soft, and comforting.
@Onlyafool172 2 ай бұрын
Rockstar likes nuns especially in Red dead, its a breeze of fresh air that atleast one mainstream franchise doesnt mock our faith while portraying it, and in contrast the Protestant reverend becomes a better man by walking with the nuns
@stephenhosking7384 2 ай бұрын
I disagreed with Fr's description of the portrayal of nuns. I get a little tired of the nun in a movie or TV show being "feisty" and bossing priests around - and always portrayed favourably for this.
@GregWeidman 4 ай бұрын
So, at St Mary's of Piscataway MD, in the 1970s, Msgr Ripetti did actually keep the church open almost all the time, waiting in case someone wanted to talk or go to confession. He was a saintly man, and this was a ministry he undertook by choice. God rest his soul.
@ursislatvis3783 4 ай бұрын
I know a Catholic church that used to keep opened its basement, even during the night anyone can find a shelter there - and something to eat, if necessary, a place to sleep in warmth. As far as I know, there never has been any serious incidents.But I do not really know, if they have discontinued this practice.
@maxdepasquale2351 4 ай бұрын
A laudable behaviour, to be sure (absolutely no pun intended). Unfortunately, robbery does happen in churches. I used to go to a church in Rome, which kept the doors open. Valuable goods now and then vanished, robbed away. I do not know if they have discontinued their attitude.
@christiandpaul2022 4 ай бұрын
Most churches are now locked during the day as well as night. The chance of vandalism and theft is just too high to leave the doors open. A shame but true. There is a church in my county that has 24 hour Exposition but a person has to be there at all times. I guess they are safe but criminals could come in and harm and damage. The door is locked and someone wanting to come in rings the bell and the person inside kind of determines whether or not its safe to let them in.
@rob585 4 ай бұрын
@@christiandpaul2022Which country?
@DanielKwarta 3 ай бұрын
@toddfraser3353 4 ай бұрын
I would say one of the biggest issues is how movies rarely make priests and nuns normal people. They are either saintly, judgemental, or just bad and corrupt. Rarely as approachable humans.
@andrewshaw7762 4 ай бұрын
Our priest has invited us to play boardgames that require lying in order to win (social deduction style board games). Haven't taken him up on it yet due to scheduling, but might be fun.
@killianmiller6107 4 ай бұрын
I’m trying to play quiddler with my priest, just for fun.
@maxdepasquale2351 4 ай бұрын
You have a point.
@stephenhosking7384 2 ай бұрын
" either saintly, judgemental, or just bad and corrupt. ". Yup. That bugs me. In the shows they are also detached from normal people's lives and fraility, living in their own mystical or clerical world, when in real life they are more-than-usual kind and understanding.
@rappmasterdugg6825 2 ай бұрын
Nobody would watch a program (excluding a documentary, and even then there's usually some fudging) that portrayed people as they are. I've held this position for decades. No family is as simple and straightforward as the Brady Bunch. Engineers and physicists are (usually) not as nerdy as those portrayed on The Big Bang, although they did a good job capturing the rivalries between the two professions and between PhDs and those with masters degrees. Etc.
@anitassitarski6502 4 ай бұрын
One I always find jarring- in “While You Were Sleeping,” the altar cloths are red and green for Christmas😮
@Urfavigbo 4 ай бұрын
😭😭😭they didn't even try
@researchotaku 3 ай бұрын
When I went through RCIA, the teacher was going over the liturgical seasons. She asked, "What are the colors for Christmas?" I brightly answered, "Red and green." She answered in a darkly funny way, "Those are the colors according to Wal-Mart!" 😅 I think about that conversation every year around Advent/Christmas time! It's so hard to find purple and pink decorations!!!
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 3 ай бұрын
I watched that recently and i guess I didn't notice that but now that I go to the mass in Latin I loved hearing grandma Elsie say she preferred the mass in Latin
@theowarner 4 ай бұрын
I would say that you could also do a "catholicism in horror movies" video !!!!
@endofall12 4 ай бұрын
Oh.. that’s just the worst… 🤦‍♂️
@krdiaz8026 4 ай бұрын
@@endofall12 Yes, especially when they show that anybody can do a successful exorcism just by reading all the magical Latin words.
@pd417 4 ай бұрын
I'll start off with "The Pope's Exorcist"
@MariyaOfJesus 4 ай бұрын
​@@pd417 what are the mistakes I may ask?
@JoshuaCadavez 4 ай бұрын
Netflix’s Midnight Mass would be great too. They got some specifics right
@karennorris7880 4 ай бұрын
My pet peeve is when they show a confessional scene and act like it’s just a secular mini-therapy session. They’ll have the priest and “penitent” talk and totally skip all the parts that make it a sacrament, the “Bless me Father for I have sinned,” "How long it’s been since their last confession,” The Act of Contrition, and Penance. They blow it every time!
@semaphor81 4 ай бұрын
The formal dialogue is not mandatory. Lots of people in real life receive the sacrament with very little formalities.
@karennorris7880 4 ай бұрын
@@semaphor81 I guess that’s a possibility, but what irks me is when the television writers obviously didn’t do their homework. 😊
@pdcates6184 4 ай бұрын
@@semaphor81 The “formal dialogue” is expected in the churches I’ve visited.
@pre-debutera6941 4 ай бұрын
Well I will say that Father Casey has an entire video which says that isn't technically the formal way to do confession either
@carolynkimberly4021 4 ай бұрын
"Formal dialogue"? You better find a priest that knows what he's doing.
@melissasaint3283 4 ай бұрын
My husband's beloved great aunt was a nun. She was sweet as sugar, but SO resilient and competent and brave....a nursing Nun who rode subways working in major urban hospitals in the US, but who had also spent years nursing at a post on the Klondike. We think it had veen established to meet medical needs way back in the Gold rush, but remained open as a vital medical resource for indigenous communities living in a very isolated region. There were little black and white photos jn her album, of her and another nun out in the snow, smiling in their habits with Innuit parkas over the top, complete with those HUGE fur lined hoods associated in cartoons with igloos! She would nurse children back to health, particularly those suffering from starvation, and when they and their parents were healthy again, they'd be released....the hardest part fo her was that some would be back, because their living conditions were the same💔 to the end of her life, she saved what she could from her modest retirement income and gave to charities that supported indigenous people of North America.
@jeffreydean463 3 ай бұрын
Hi Father, I’ve been a subscriber for quite a long time but I have never gotten around to letting you know that I am grateful for your ministry, which the Church and world need. I am thankful to God for his special call to you, and to you for your resounding, enthusiastic, and frankly beautiful answer to that call. May you continue to walk with God’s love in your heart each day & know that you are appreciated and prayed for. Peace and joy to you.
@JimNH777 4 ай бұрын
6 is actually really sad. I grew up in Catholic Country and church was open ... always. I mean obviously it had to be closed during the night, but first mass was early in the morning (6-7) and church was open to come in and pray until late evening hours (last mass). I also remember any time I walked past there was someone inside. I know in many countries and especially in 2024 t seems unreal or even dangerous to just leave the Altar and the Tabernacle completely unattended out there in an open church. And it wasn't just one church, all of them, each one 15-30 minute walk from each other operated this way. But that's just the way it was.
@danawalker9417 4 ай бұрын
It seems like Father Mulcahy on M.A.S.H. always wore white vestments whenever he did wear vestments.
@mariehernandez5878 4 ай бұрын
I do think he played a fine priest. We could assume his vestments were limited because of his overseas duty. I did like seeing him in the white, but I am also a huge fan of this character, so I will always go towards the positive.
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 3 ай бұрын
Mash was set in the Korean War, right? Pre Vatican 2 but show made after Vatican 2
@JelenaMajic 4 ай бұрын
5:46 I would love 24hr churches so much. There are some that are open most of the day, and it's an immense joy to just come and talk to God for a while whenever I have some time I don't know what to do with. I wish it was possible for all churches, although I understand why it can't be
@i.b.640 4 ай бұрын
Yes. When I was a kid, Normal Churches indeed were always open. And it breaks my heart that it became necessary to lock them up.
@Artyom_Lensky 4 ай бұрын
The TV show 'Lost' has some pretty funny mistakes about Catholicism. Like when he becomes a priest just by signing a piece of paper, or when he gets "fired" from being a monk.
@mige8492 4 ай бұрын
or when Eco who was supposed to be a priest explained that Jesus was baptized to be cleansed of His "sins"! I wanted to scream
@hayleybartek8643 4 ай бұрын
I'm re-watching that show right now1 I'll have to keep an eye out for that episode.
@stephenp5693 4 ай бұрын
Eko forced his brother Yemi, an actual priest, to sign the papers. Yemi told him that his signing does not make him a priest. He could probably get away with for a time since it was a remote area in Nigeria, but the real mistake is that surely some church official would have eventually questioned his credentials long before he ended up in Australia and flight 815.
@mige8492 4 ай бұрын
@@stephenp5693 yep, that's true. Still, you'd think a decade or I don't know how long of even pretending to be a priest would have still forced him to learn *something* about the very basics of Christianity
@alexislopez9355 4 ай бұрын
They really should hire consultants for the scenes involving confession, mass, nuns, weddings, and funerals.
@historyloveriii2949 4 ай бұрын
Hollyweird wants the Church to look BAD!
@faithlesshound5621 4 ай бұрын
Consultants cost money. Everybody in Hollywood has gone to school and college, visited a hospital and attended a church or synagogue at some time, so they think they know enough to make it look real. On the other hand, the job of the writers is to make things up!
@Quincy_Morris 4 ай бұрын
Hollywood wants to proselytize wrong opinions about the church.
@savvyaranda 4 ай бұрын
that would be they’d have to care and be respectful which they don’t they make a mockery of it all the time
@watcherwlc53 3 ай бұрын
It is extremely odd they don't have consultants. They do for everything else. But even with consultants they mess up a lot of medical stuff and therapy/mental health stuff and they get the details of niche sports (or even well known sports!) wrong, they get dog shows wrong, they get farm life wrong... by that I mean most movies or TV shows are like a kid's wild daydream, with only the most tenuous connection to reality at best.
@bethdibartolomeo2042 4 ай бұрын
I know the reality of Heaven, but it gives me comfort to think of my deceased father and deceased sister going fishing every day together in Heaven for endless hours, never getting tired and having all the time to spend together that they loved to do in life. It also gives me comfort thinking of elderly family members being reunited with their whole family coming to greet them and welcome them home, when doctrine says we won't have the same connections in Heaven that we did in life. Even if it's not accurate, and we keep in mind such images aren't accurate, I like the comforting images as something to aspire to Heaven for.
@watcherwlc53 3 ай бұрын
Who knows the reality of heaven???
@howdydoo9148 4 ай бұрын
Good video, but I would disagree that Sister Mary Roberts from Sister Act is a stereotype of meek and shy nuns. That is her personality, but it’s supposed to be her own character traits as opposed to how the all of the nuns in the movie act, especially considering that the other nuns have a wide variety of personalities.
@fruzsimih7214 4 ай бұрын
Sister Act still perpetuates the idea that the nuns are closed in in the convent and are out of touch with the world outside, but otherwise I think it is a respectful and in many ways accurate depiction, especially of the religious calling. They at least didn't depict nuns as being afraid of men, having had romantic disappointments or the whatnot.
@arrysortanez 4 ай бұрын
I might be nit-picking, but actually the baptism scene from 'The Godfather' is accurate. The priest-celebrant is actually wearing a purple stole, in shade commonly called "Roman Purple". Depending on the light, this type of purple can be easily mistaken for red. Furthermore, purple is used in the traditional (pre-vatican II) baptism rite. The priest wears a purple stole for the first half of the ceremony for the introductory and exorcism rites, and then switches to a white stole for the actual baptism and anointing with chrism. Also, the guy in red is a cardinal in choir dress (mozzetta, rochet, pectoral cross) invited to attend, which makes sense given the background of the family in this movie series, to have friends in the Catholic Hierarchy. I hope this clears up some things. P.S. all the church/religious scenes in The Godfather are amazingly accurate. It is one of the few movies that's actually accurate in this sense.
@Laurelin70 4 ай бұрын
Even a cardinal would never wear a red chasuble. The liturgical vestments are the same for regular priests and high clergy, they are only more decorated, but the colors are prescribed by the liturgy, not by the status of the priest.
@arrysortanez 4 ай бұрын
@@Laurelin70 he wasn't wearing a Chasuble, he's wearing the red choir dress of prelates (mozzetta, rochet). It's hard to see, because of the specific screen grab Casey chose. But if you watch the full original scene on KZbin, you could see it more clearly. I've edited my earlier comment to reflect that.
@Laurelin70 4 ай бұрын
@@arrysortanez Ah, ok, I thought that you were referring to the scene with the priest in the red (pink? burgundy?) chasuble.
@bartoszjerzykaczkowski2384 4 ай бұрын
Actually, the stole used during the baptism can be two colours. Violet on one side, then switched to the other. I think it was that way during my children's baptism.
@piratesapper 4 ай бұрын
Now imagine how those in the military feel, especially when it comes to uniforms, double especially a dress uniform and doubles doubles doubles when it comes to wards and decorations. Not only are there tons of publicly available regulations online that tell you every single aspect of what uniform is appropriate for a specific duty/occasion. What types of situations uniforms cannot be worn, the criteria required to be even writing an award request, where, when, how and placement of awards and devices, quantity and type. I’ve seen movies where a naval officer is wearing Army specific awards, awards for conflicts where there is no way that person could even have been awarded those medals (likes I don’t know, say something like a WWII Victory Medal or POW medal). There tons of military websites which give you the availability to ❝BUILD YOUR RACK❞ listing the awards for a specific branch, placing them in the correct order and when you’re finished will create all the types of configurations you would need for all occasions. It will make you things like a flat board ribbon set arranged whichever way you want (say 3 across, placement offset (so your uniform collar wouldn’t cover an awards and even the type of attachment (like I personally have a thin ribbon set, 3 across, collar offset, with a MAGNETIC BACK ATTACHMENT with a board stiffener so they don’t pull down and remain flat. It will simultaneously create multiple types of medal types (like sanitized aka shiny) full size, miniature with specifically weighted medals with backing attachments to keep them in place (full size medals are HEAVY especially when you have 3 or more). It will even generate things like sticker sets of each types of awards that can be placed on things like a vehicle, or things like tee shirts with them printed on. You can build things like shadow boxes which allows you to use these awards (ribbons medals or both [not every ribbon has an accompanying medal], special skill badges/tabs, ropes, fourragere’s, ropes, chords, aiguillette’s, patches, staff identification badges, coins, as well as swords or sabers. And even better, you now have entire generations of military combat veterans who would be more than happy to advise and assist with these things free of charge.
@Marthitaandsunflowers 3 ай бұрын
It bothers me to see the improper salute. Uggggggh.
@annai157 2 ай бұрын
@@Marthitaandsunflowers YES! As a vet who homeschools, I taught my daughter to salute quite young. She regularly tutors her friends in the "proper method" (grabbing their hands & arm if necessary) when they think they're saluting, but look more like they're trying to shade their eyes from the sun ; )
@MarkusTronsg 4 ай бұрын
In gothic and horror films….dozens of candles burning everywhere.
@bettevidrine9938 4 ай бұрын
Churches used to be open around the clock, and I was so grateful to be able to go there.
@jamestregler1584 4 ай бұрын
Totally changing the subject ; I just remembered that years ago I was driving past my parish and saw a poor soul shaking in the cold rain stopped and talked to him, AHH maybe we get you in the boiler room but walking past the side door 😇 it's open gave him a blanket and told him to rest easy next morning got there before the decon and Father 😂 decon was not happy but Father understandingly calmed down decon 😇
@SamuelVarg 4 ай бұрын
That every confession starts with ”Bless me Father beqause I have sinned ” …
@pdcates6184 4 ай бұрын
That’s how I was taught in the 60’s.😊
@SamuelVarg 4 ай бұрын
@@pdcates6184 Really? So it is an old thing?
@pdcates6184 4 ай бұрын
@@SamuelVarg Very.
@Urfavigbo 4 ай бұрын
Yeah that's how I learnt it, and I did my communion in 2014
@SamuelVarg 4 ай бұрын
@@UrfavigboMust be local variations.
@pamelatarajcak5634 4 ай бұрын
My irritation with nuns are the exact opposite. Nuns who are the harsh and authoritarian teachers. Or religious/priests who are so unaware of pop culture that they might as well be living in the 1950s.
@richardmh1987 4 ай бұрын
wonder how those writers would react to a preach from one of the priest in my local parrish, one time one of them after preaching the Gospel he got his smartphone and told us about an app to monitor what kids are watching on their phones to keep them from browsing or downloading things inappropiate for them, and he´s in his 60's, definitively not isolated from outside world.
@pamelatarajcak5634 4 ай бұрын
@richardmh1987 my childhood pastor showed his treasured Heart album during a homily...surprisingly it worked.
@FlupAlex 4 ай бұрын
Why is pop culture worth being aware of?
@pamelatarajcak5634 4 ай бұрын
@@FlupAlex because it connects to the younger people who often see "church people" as woefully uncool.
@FlupAlex 4 ай бұрын
@@pamelatarajcak5634 coolness is not really important compared to sanctity and trying to be "cool" is what is killing the Protestants
@gracedecena760 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, Fr. Casey! No. 6 hit me the most. As a parish secretary, I hear parishioners asking why our ONLY priest is not available on certain times. Despite my explaining to them the situation,... at least now, i have this video to show them
@karenbencke8407 4 ай бұрын
As another parish secretary, AMEN! We kind of have 3 priests, but our pastor is also pastor of another parish and lives there, so is primarily there when he isn't running around to the other 3 parishes that were merged into that one. Another priest is in residence and helps with Masses, but primarily works for the Archdiocese so isn't around during the day. And the last priest who is the most likely to be around is technically retired... We do not have enough priests floating around for someone to just be hanging out in the church all the time waiting for someone to come in!
@Magdalene777 4 ай бұрын
I find in movies they depict nuns as living in convents and wearing habits but today a lot of nuns have jobs, live in the community and wear modest but regular clothing. Many nuns are nurses and teachers for instance. I remember a sister visited my grandmother in hospital and she looked like a business woman in a modest pant suit.
@for_a_reason 4 ай бұрын
You saw a reverend sis not a nun, nuns stay inside abeg
@PaulsWanderings 4 ай бұрын
One of my aunts is a nun and I have never seen here in a habit.
@for_a_reason 4 ай бұрын
@@PaulsWanderings hmm...that's interesting
@emmamcclellan8272 4 ай бұрын
Consecrated religious sisters have many jobs. Nuns are always cloistered, don’t participate in public life except through intercessory prayer. So if you meet Sister Mary Martha but she’s working as a teacher/nurse/retreat director, she’s a consecrated religious sister but not a nun. Even if she wears a habit.
@jameydunne3920 4 ай бұрын
I miss the way nun's "penguin up" like they used to. I always thought it was cool to see someone who has dedicated her life to Jesus publicly visible. The same thing goes for priests and brothers. I especially think in this secular world it may be even more important since culture is post Christian. I know that's why my wedding ring is the most important thing I put on my body. It always bothered me when I had/ have to take it off for work.
@kstepko 4 ай бұрын
My cousin remarked to me that, once I became a Lutheran pastor, she realized now unrealistic those shows (that she loves) about priests who run around and solve mysteries in their spare time are. Clergy are busy!
@Nicole-eternalstudent 4 ай бұрын
I agree 100% about the vestments. On an episode of Father Brown, they had him wearing a maniple as a stole. Oftentimes they have a lack of form during the sacraments... There are a lot of invalid TV and movie sacraments out there.
@cynthia57169 2 ай бұрын
😂 sometimes I think they do that on purpose. For example, there was an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. Some of the cast are actually Catholic. They know how the Mass develops. If they had given an accurate imitation of saying Mass, that would’ve been a sacrilege .
@edtenchavez3983 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Fr. Casey. You have a gift of explaining our Catholic practices simply and clearly! God bless you. 🙏
@Fortunatus144 3 ай бұрын
There’s a Conjuring movie where a religious sister gives the sacrament of reconciliation to children. Apparently noone in the entire movie writing and production process saw anything weird with it.
@alistairkentucky-david9344 4 ай бұрын
There's a subtle one in the movie Beckett, where Thomas Beckett's speech excommunicating Lord Gilbert references him being cut off from the "Sacraments, in Heaven and on Earth". But of course, there are no sacraments in heaven.
@pacogonzales2028 4 ай бұрын
CONSISTENTLY, priests are portrayed as wearing the stole over the chasuble. And it is not even matching. It's a green stole over a red chasuble at Christmas Mass, for example. ( I know there are times when the priest is missing the matching stole for a chasuble, but that is one thing that is hidden by properly wearing the stole under the chasuble. Our priest borrowed a rose chasuble from a friend for the third Sunday of Advent. He had to wear a purple stole because he was lacking the matching stole. Because he wore it correctly UNDER the chasuble we didn't know it until he mentioned it in his pitch for his fund drive for new vestments several months later.)
@jamesfunk7614 4 ай бұрын
Hollywood writers usually have no intention of presenting Heaven, Purgatory, Limbo, or Hell accurately. They use a vision of Heaven, Purgatory, Limbo, or Hell that they think will help tell a good story. An analogy is how science, especially physics, is portrayed in space opera.
@baldacchinonicholas7962 4 ай бұрын
You should definitely make a video on the clothing worn in events and everyday things, as well as a full-length video explaining the rituals of events and everyday things
@whatsup3270 4 ай бұрын
Father John says it is Rose, not Pink!
@musicmama2864 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. Liturgical seasons/colors too.
@jimsmagnificentminiaturemo3235 4 ай бұрын
Hahaha casually pointing out the RT score of that last movie was a heck of a burn! That had me in stitches!
@anthonysafo473 4 ай бұрын
The vestments is so valid it always gets me riled up 😭
@watcherwlc53 3 ай бұрын
wait, what?? maybe you didn't proof read...??
@desiriwalker7220 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, Father Casey, love it. Keep up the good work!
@ChristianV-od7lb 3 ай бұрын
Interesting enough. I confessed something crazy, I thought the priest would make me walk bare foot in a junble full of snakes as a penance, but he simply responds "hmmm ok" as if it was a normal thing. They are not shocked by confessions.
@KkittyKkorn 2 ай бұрын
We all need more priests like you, not only preaching but explaining. Thanks for being so accurate.
@BigFUNShirtCompany 4 ай бұрын
Big irk for me is in the demonic possession movies, the demon will always turn the cross upside down as a way to show they’re unholy… when really that’s just a St Peter’s Cross 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
@BritishRepublicsn 3 ай бұрын
The demons have turned to Christ
@centradragon 4 ай бұрын
Awesome video - I haven't seen any of these movies, so it was neat hearing about them! Since you pointed out vestment inaccuracy - one miniseries you might really like is "Midnight Mass"! It's neither pro or anti-Catholic in my opinion, but has a lot of Catholic Easter eggs (and interestingly, the first episode actually points out Father Paul "accidentally" wearing gold vestments at the wrong time of year. Really cool!) It's gothic horror so it might not be your cup of tea, but a non-Catholic friend introduced me to it and it was a lot of fun watching it with her!
@jamesfunk7614 4 ай бұрын
G. K. Chesterton wrote a series of stories where a priest, Father Brown, was the detective. In one of them, a criminal was shocked by some of the things Father Brown knew about committing crimes. But, Father Brown got some of that knowledge from hearing confessions.
@AlvinZorDi 4 ай бұрын
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION A lot of movies and TV shows misconstrued this to be the VIRGIN BIRTH, instead of the Virgin Mary being conceived free from original sin.
@kennyberger5377 4 ай бұрын
Man! I thought us Mormons had it bad. Worst we had was one episode of South park and a musical, while They've been getting Catholisism wrong since the dawn of film.
@jameydunne3920 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, former, lapsed, and non-practicing Catholics can be obnoxious for practicing Catholics to be around. Many of them believe that church hasn't changed since they stopped participating, whether it was 1, 10, or 20 years ago. It would be like me going to the most recent Daytona 500 and asking which car is Richard Petty's or Dale Earnhardt's. (Maybe not that out of touch, but the idea holds.) They also have a hyper tendency to believe that they KNOW the truth, and I'm the one who's wrong.
@kareng3801 4 ай бұрын
I thought that the term "Mormon" was no longer acceptable. A rumor?
@kennyberger5377 4 ай бұрын
Your right. We've been asked not you use it by the prophet because the full name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Because it is not Mormon's church, its Jesus Christ's church. But I'm lazy sometimes and still type mormon.
@jameydunne3920 4 ай бұрын
@@kennyberger5377 Is LDS a more accurate modern name?
@jdmerrick7976 4 ай бұрын
@@jameydunne3920 The name "LDS" has been frequently used between Mormons themselves and lacks the historical derogatory connotations associated with the name "Mormon". However, the name "LDS" is too frequently not understood by non-Mormons, and so using it on public forums defeats the purpose, in my experience.
@DavidMiller.93 4 ай бұрын
I think the oversized "Alb" is actually an anglican surplice, like a cotta but rounded neck rather than squared and baggy sleeves
@SoleaGalilei 4 ай бұрын
Great video, hilarious! I think most TV and movie creators only worry about getting things "right enough" that a non-expert won't see the problem. I studied linguistics in school, and you wouldn't believe how much they get wrong anytime translation and language barriers are present in fiction. I'm sure there are a lot of inaccuracies that go over our heads in almost all the fictional media we watch because they didn't bother to get it right and we don't know enough to tell the difference.
@virginiamorris92 4 ай бұрын
This material life feels like the waiting room.
@toslaw9615 4 ай бұрын
Here where I live the Church is open on Sunday almost all day, just with no priest inside most of the time.
@rodrigotaunan3515 4 ай бұрын
Amen, Father! 🙏❤️ Watching from Davao City, Philippines!
@gamezswinger 3 ай бұрын
Regarding vestments, uniformity and repetition in the use of vestments and rituals in the Catholic Church plays a significant role in shaping and reinforcing the beliefs and behaviors of followers. Repetition of rituals and the use of sacred vestments contribute to the solemnity and reverence of religious ceremonies. This can evoke deep emotional and spiritual responses, reinforcing the perceived sanctity and truth of the Church’s teachings🔱.
@jamesfunk7614 4 ай бұрын
In watching the M*A*S*H TV series, I was under the impression that Father Mulcahy kept his purple stole nearby, perhaps in a pocket, in case someone needed him to hear confession.
@mcgarry2588 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Friar. Could you do one on movies and shows that do Catholicism well?
@moishglukovsky 4 ай бұрын
The Nun’s Story The Sound of Music Of Gods and Men The Two Popes The Shoes of the Fisherman Agnes of God I Confess
@lilliedoubleyou3865 3 ай бұрын
@scottwarthin1528 4 ай бұрын
Anyone else notice how the Jewish description of Hell seems identical to the Catholic description of Purgatory? After going through a tunnel towards the light (that is neither an oncoming freight train or muzzle flash) one arrives... only to wait ~11 months for the purging of sin before being briefly befriended by a Jewish St.Peter who lets one through the Pearly Gates of Paradise.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 ай бұрын
The Jews talked about "sheol", a temporal place. They didn't have a clear theology of the afterlife.
@scottwarthin1528 4 ай бұрын
​@@carolynkimberly4021 Sweet Carolyn, it is all about which Hebrews/Jews said what about the immortality of the soul and WHEN they wrote it all down. Sheol/Grave is akin to the Greek Hades before the Hellenistic mind wrote of Platonic ideas and had such cultic rites as the Elysian mysteries. KZbinr Rabbi Manis Freidman speaks eloquently of a temporary "Hell" in the same way that Catholic priests talk of Purgatory. Job and Ecclesiastes have vague descriptions of a Sheol/Hades yet it was fully supplanted in both 2nd Temple Judaism and Christianity: fully formed beliefs that we shall all rise from our graves for a Final Judgement in The World To Come. As to whether there is a temporary Heaven, Hell and/or Purgatory "holding pattern" for those departed is up to the longstanding 3-way shouting match between Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergies. Personally, as a depressed Catholic receptive to Jewish ideas, I yearn for Martin Luther's concept of "Soul Sleep" to be the right interpretation: this loveless veil of tears calls to me to take a well-deserved, LONG "dirt nap" from life.
@scottwarthin1528 4 ай бұрын
@@carolynkimberly4021 Sweet Carolyn, it is all about which Hebrews/Jews said what about the immortality of the soul and WHEN they wrote it all down. Sheol/Grave is akin to the Greek Hades before the Hellenistic mind wrote of Platonic ideas and had such cultic rites as the Elysian mysteries. KZbinr Rabbi Manis Freidman speaks eloquently of a temporary "Hell" in the same way that Catholic priests talk of Purgatory. Job and Ecclesiastes have vague descriptions of a Sheol/Hades yet it was fully supplanted in both 2nd Temple Judaism and Christianity: fully formed beliefs that we shall all rise from our graves for a Final Judgement in The World To Come. As to whether there is a temporary Heaven, Hell and/or Purgatory "holding pattern" for those departed is up to the longstanding 3-way shouting match between Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergies. Personally, as a depressed Catholic receptive to Jewish ideas, I yearn for Martin Luther's concept of "Soul Sleep" to be the right interpretation: this loveless veil of tears calls to me to take a well-deserved, LONG "dirt nap" from life.
@WHix-om4yo 4 ай бұрын
Thanks again for a great video. I constantly see TV and movies getting liturgical colors wrong. The same thing with military uniforms (a young modern era soldier with a WWI ribbon?) Yep, they need to give you a call. Peace!
@semaphor81 4 ай бұрын
One more: The overall confusion between vows of chastity, clerical celibacy and basic catholic morals, e.g. a parish priest turning down sexual advances because of his "vows".
@stjuliaofavila 4 ай бұрын
the absolute worst part about Catholicism in modern media are all the blasphemous priest and nun stories, often portraying them as sexual sinners who choose to give up their religious vocation for the sake of love, or worse, sexually abuse others... like yeah totally realistic that a man who fully and consciously and freely chose to become a priest would eventually suppress his sexual desires to the point of sin. that happens SO much /sarcasm it's literally so disgusting, i hate it
@roamingroadtrip5696 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this, Fr. Casey. I watch a lot of Spanish-language telenovelas (soap operas). I love how the shows include characters who are supposedly practicing Catholics; however, they repeatedly get the faith, especially weddings and funerals, wrong. For weddings, one doesn't have to go through marriage preparation. They're married by priests within weeks or even days. Also, their Catechism of the Telenovelas Version of the Catholic Church allows people to be married by priests on yachts, coffee plantations, a barn, haciendas, or even poolside in someone's backyard. Also, the woman from the yacht wedding gets a civil divorce. When they reconcile, she says she doesn't want to be married again, that she doesn't need a piece of paper for them to be together. They forget that their status is only for civil law, but they're still married according to Church law. (Examples: Corazon valiente, Cafe con aroma de mujer, Hasta que el dinero nos separe, Hasta que la plata nos separe, Corazon guerrero) It's a shame because they took the time to show characters who are portrayed as devoted to the faith, and overall, I loved the storylines, the actors who played the characters, and the beautiful places where they were filmed. Oh, there was one time when a priest tells the bride to make time for confession before the wedding. She asks why, and the priest breaks the seal of confession and reveals that the best man, the best friend of the groom, confessed that he had just slept with her. I wish they would show or at least give a nod to the beautiful process before getting married. I wish they would somehow include, even briefly, a nuptial Mass. Just once. If I read right, a Mass isn't required, but a Mass would be nice. For funerals, there's no Mass of Christian Burial or Memorial Mass. There are multiple eulogies in a church-like place, and then the priest shows up eventually at the cemetery for the burial. Thank you in advance for reading this. Sorry for the detailed comment. :-)
@Carolina_de_oliveira8 4 ай бұрын
Padre pio is the exception of the rule for long hours of confession 🙏🏻
@Christiaan-w8p 3 ай бұрын
Starting a confession with 'bless me, father, for I have sinned'...
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 3 ай бұрын
That's how I was taught. And many others pre Vatican 2
@ams5156 4 ай бұрын
How about those sloppy, mismatched habits on nuns in movies these days. Unlike the lovely habits worn by Ingrid Bergman and Audrey Hepburn in Bells of St. Mary's & The Nun's Story.
@christiandpaul2022 4 ай бұрын
I'm glad you said that the official teaching on purgatory is that it is not a place of suffering. That was what we ere taught in school. Some of these videos depict it as hell-like where they are being burned by fire and other terrible tortures. There is a video where a person was visited by a nun in purgatory who was chained and burned and begged the person to pray for her to be released because the suffering was so terrible as opposed to just wanting to get to heaven. What is in purgatory is anyone's guess but we are encouraged to pray to help them get out.
@pilotusa 4 ай бұрын
Easy solution: Buy a plenary indulgence! Church gets more money and person gets out of purgatory. Win-win! (yes, it's snark.)
@christiandpaul2022 2 ай бұрын
@@pilotusa The church does not sell a ticket to get out of purgatory. The selling of indulgences was the idea and practice of two German priests who did it without Papal approval. Plenary indulgences are not hard to get.
@pilotusa 2 ай бұрын
@@christiandpaul2022 : Did you miss what I put in parentheses?
@christiandpaul2022 2 ай бұрын
@@pilotusa Some time ago i found one that i thought was a sure fire way.... then as i read the instructions you can only do it in Lent. I have my fingers crossed! Its the prayer before the crucifix, sacramental confession and communion and a couple of prayers for the Pope. I thought i got this!
@pilotusa 2 ай бұрын
@@christiandpaul2022 :Thanks for the chuckle!😄
@Niska201 4 ай бұрын
Nuns are like hurricanes, just try and stop them! I saw one time someone taking the disabled spot on a bus and not moving when a passenger with crutches got on the bus, and a sister, on that same bus, gave the most righteous dressing down I have ever seen! That person might have never ridden a bus since!
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 3 ай бұрын
I started watching the old tv show murder she wrote and there was an episode where near the end of the episode, a catholic priest was going to run for political office. I so want to go to the imdb page for the episode and write in the goofs/mistakes area that a priest can't run for political office.
@ElleCee62978 4 ай бұрын
I have been Catholic for nearly 46 years. I have never met a meek nun.
@sr.shannonfox3071 4 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness… how wrong they get nuns habits!!!!!! Especially the veil.
@Clever_viper 4 ай бұрын
Whenever I think of nuns, the first thing that comes to mind is a stern woman, caught up in the old ways, that cannot bear different ideas. When I stop to think a bit more, I remember the kind and strict enough nun that thought me religion and catechism at school. I once fell asleep during catechism while sitting in the first row, she softly kicked my foot so I’d wake up then made a kind joke about being bored before reminding all of us the importance of the sacrament of confirmation. I remember her kindly
@charlier711 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Father C. Hope Fr. Patrick is doing ok.
@niva6511 4 ай бұрын
Love this video. Keep it coming Father.
@margaretestrella2862 4 ай бұрын
I work for a Convent and the Sisters I work for are anything but meek. They have so many talents and have such amazing personalities. I am so lucky to work with them.
@natb4812 4 ай бұрын
I love your channel so much. I'm finding God again after years.
@for_a_reason 4 ай бұрын
Capitalise the G. Thanks
@natb4812 4 ай бұрын
@@for_a_reason got it, apologies
@EamonBurke 3 ай бұрын
I think the red color of vestments in The Godfather was because it was a scene showing that while his nephew was being baptised and he was recieving the baptism on his behalf verbally(thus becoming officially a Godfather), Michael was simultaneously being "baptised in blood" as the new 'Godfather'.
@christiandpaul2022 4 ай бұрын
Most churches are now locked during the day as well as night. The chance of vandalism and theft is just too high to leave the doors open. A shame but true. There is a church in my county that has 24 hour Exposition but a person has to be there at all times. I guess they are safe but criminals could come in and harm and damage. The door is locked and someone wanting to come in rings the bell and the person inside kind of determines whether or not its safe to let them in. There is are closed circuit cameras inside and outside to record anything going on. I don't know if they have a panic button.
@Panzyeaater1234 4 ай бұрын
terrific content as always
@chrisa6310 2 ай бұрын
Yes! Movies always show priests wandering around and available 24 hours a day. Getting an appointment and time to see them can be pretty difficult sometimes in a larger parish.
@buzzcutjose Ай бұрын
Marytown is open 7 x 24 in Libertyville, IL. The monastery is staffed by Franciscans.
@christyminski1153 4 ай бұрын
Great job explaining what the movies miss portray.
@torspedia 4 ай бұрын
What about how the church is portrayed in supernatural shows, like Buffy and Charmed, etc..? It'll be interesting to hear your take on how Priests and Nuns are portrayed in these types of shows/movies... especially when it comes to interacting with Demons and or Vampires!
@SirStephenSW5334 4 ай бұрын
Love this video. It made me smile. Thanks., Father.
@toma2233 4 ай бұрын
number 3 reminds me of a Fr. Brown story by Chesterton where the priest scandalizes the thief by knowing types of crimes of which the thief has never heard.
@lilliedoubleyou3865 3 ай бұрын
One of my professors (Christian university) said purgatory was like a spa for the soul, in that it cleanses and rejuvenates it but some of the treatments might be strenuous, “like getting a massage that REALLY works your muscles.” The context from what I remember was he was trying to dispel the idea that purgatory is a place of punishment, which is what we all thought
@ciberx8450 4 ай бұрын
You could make a follow up video about movies that get all of this things surprisingly right
@mph1ish 4 ай бұрын
Like which movies?
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 3 ай бұрын
I think the movie The Trouble with Angels did a good job. Its an old movie from 1960s starring haley Mills
@arokiaisabella2265 4 ай бұрын
As St John Maria Vianney says " Priests are another Christ " and i love that. I bow to greet the priest.❤
@wlinden 2 ай бұрын
" How do you know all these horrors?" Father Brown: "O, one's little flock, you know."
@joshualuke3146 4 ай бұрын
I was very pressed with the liturgical accuracy of the TV series "Midnight Mass". That the liturgical calendar was part of the plot movement helped, but whoever wrote the script and whoever designed the costuming did very well. Accurate calendar, accurate colours, accurate vestments. Or at least, a passing grade on each!
@andrewshaw7762 4 ай бұрын
One of the things that is an extremely popular trope but annoys me: Arrogant Angels that are almost as bad as demons. I get it, but I prefer if you are going to portray a battle against evil demonic forces, that you just have humans defeat them through hardship and struggle, rather than have another group of antagonists that are super powerful "followers of order to the extreme." Just my minor pet peave because I feel it is overdone.
@davidweihe6052 4 ай бұрын
Most writers are not particularly religious, especially in their stories. Nor are they usually interested in one side being too obviously right, for a better story. The Dresden Files has a decent archangel as a character, one who was famous for running the Passover project, then shifted to more quiet jobs, like being the boss of one of the three Knights Of The Cross, responsible for shifting his Knight to where needed, and occasionally counseling Harry Dresden when he needs a few words (limit is about 12) or when the other side used a few too many to drive him into suicidal despair, such as when he arranged for his own assassination after becoming the Winter Knight. Subtle. We readers only meet a few devils, though, and they are the arrogant ones.
@cuppajavaplease 4 ай бұрын
Father, you're the best and also a Franciscan, which is the icing on the cake! Thank God for your candor and humor, enlightening all of us and retaining kindness and dignity. You are an excellent representative of our church, especially after having looked around at some of the others on KZbin.
@ragnapodewski4694 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, I'm Protestant, but these mistakes are too ridiculous. We are also fighting the prejudices.
@damarismolina6319 3 ай бұрын
Haha my pet peeves! I have been blessed with many priest friends and now i work for a congregation of nuns and people are always amazed when i talk about how they're all regular unique people with personalities! And yes sisters are a force to be reckoned with! Also, the church from its always sunny, im pretty sure is Sacred Heart church in Lincoln Heights (los angeles) 😊
@gilbertchavez9081 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for educating me.
@rujeaniasabajo8487 3 ай бұрын
Also in movies they either see religious sisters as contemplativos only. Or completely disregard the charism of the congregation and try to turn contemplativos into active sisters as was the case in Sister Act
@martinfarrell9235 3 ай бұрын
How about how religious habits are depicted!!! In lots of movies habits look like the individuals wearing them just ran through Jo-Ann fabrics and snagged whatever cloth they could and wrapped themselves in it, then added a rope belt, a rosary and a cross.
@heidinewell3925 4 ай бұрын
Love this. Fr.Casey does a great job of explaining all the inconsistencies. And yes, often films getvit completely wrong. I'm certain many a priest cringes at movies where the details of the faith are marginalized.
@jdmerrick7976 4 ай бұрын
The series finale of "Young Sheldon" misrepresented Baptists. Mary, distraught after her husband George's death, is desperate to get her two twins baptized, even though they have no faith in God, because being baptized will save their souls. But Baptists deny baptismal regeneration and believe baptism is an optional ordinance to demonstrate the faith that you already have. It was quite confusing, but no else I know seems to have noticed.
@juiceydr 2 ай бұрын
The confession part is always so weird; although I do know an old priest that has spent 30+ years in my parish that legitimately says stuff crazy stuff after you’ve confessed your sins instead of the counseling; man says stuff like (imagine it in a Nigerian accent) “ah, you’re a living corpse; how can you be walking around with all this sin and still feel comfortable” or when he tried to conduct a “deliverance session” pushing a the person on his head as asking “don’t you feel the power of God upon you?” Hoping the guy would fall or more personally to me; he said “that’s why I’m always scared of the choir; you people’s praise never passes the roof of the church because of your sins and you’re getting too used to your sins” - someone I hadn’t confessed to in almost 2 years😂 or telling me that my dreadlocks are a sin and I should cut it if I want God to bless me😂 it’s annoying but that doesn’t stop me… I will always go for confession cuz it’s not him I’m confessing to. The inpersona Christi clause is what I always remember ❤
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5 Must-See Catholic Movies
Breaking In The Habit
Рет қаралды 496 М.
ChristianMC: Why Im Catholic
Рет қаралды 13 М.
The Papal Five: The Cardinals Vying To Lead The Catholic Church
Purely Catholic
Рет қаралды 779 М.
All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes
Redeemed Zoomer
Рет қаралды 11 МЛН
Catholic Rules Everyone Should Know
Breaking In The Habit
Рет қаралды 96 М.
Fulton Sheen On the Demonic with Fr. Dave Tomaszycki
St. Paul Center
Рет қаралды 187 М.
18 MORE Minutes of Useless Catholic Trivia
Breaking In The Habit
Рет қаралды 214 М.
Can AI Answer Catholic Questions?
Breaking In The Habit
Рет қаралды 41 М.
Priest Debunks Common Catholic Myths
Breaking In The Habit
Рет қаралды 834 М.
Миллионер | 1 - серия
Million Show
Рет қаралды 879 М.