8 Different Views of the Force

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Generation Tech

Generation Tech

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@RensStoryteller 10 ай бұрын
I subscribe to the idea that balance in the force means balancing your own inner light and darkness, not letting either fully control you or giving yourself purely to either.
@Kit_Kat_Catastrophe 10 ай бұрын
The proto Jedi, Jedaii believed this too until they encountered the Rakatan who used the darkside almost exclusively. That is what gave birth to the Jedi and their hate of the darkside...the Jedaii hunted their own who refused to give up the dark...which between the Jedaii and Jedi lead to the creation of the Sith
@Meravokas 10 ай бұрын
@@Kit_Kat_Catastrophe It was less an issue with full separation and divide between the two so much as the Jedaii wanted to simply lessen the usage (and therefore teaching) of the darker powers. This eventually caused a large enough fracture that there was an internal 'civil war' because those that wished to still practice the darker arts fell deeper and deeper into it before they lost the fight any the survivors were exiled. The Sith themselves (Beyond being using the dark side strongly) were not created until the exiles found themselves on Korriban and the actual Sith species that had natural affinity for the dark side (Much like the Rakatan, though in originally with less intently violent purposes) and used it in a more magik/alchemy based state than in normal manipulation most commonly.
@paradoxworkshop4659 10 ай бұрын
Like riding a motorcycle in snow.
@adrianmartinez9406 10 ай бұрын
Perfectly balanced. As all things should be 😊
@xprettylightsx 10 ай бұрын
You subscribe to being 50% narcissistic almost one could say evil? Then have the blind outlook of calling it balance? Your outlook “subscribed” theory is highly flawed.
@johannesbowers7467 10 ай бұрын
1. While all Nightsisters are Witches of Dathomir, not all Witches of Dathomir are Nightsisters. 2. The White Current 3. The Echani 4. The sentient Minerals known as Shards who gain mobility by piloting mechanical bodies, becoming Iron Knights. (Mistaken for droid jedi) 5. Revanites 6. Teepo Paladins, who use the Force to go full "Wanted" style with projectile and Blaster weapons, rather than melee like lightsabres. 7. The Masters of Teras-Kasi. 8. The Voss Mystics
@josephcittadino6541 10 ай бұрын
There is also... all the Sith-adjacent cults that where not actually Sith, like the Prophets of the Dark Side in legends, Acolytes of the Beyond, etc... You also have, from the clone wars, the "Gungan art of mind over matter" which is the gungan's force tradition that bears a surprising resemblance to Sith Sorcerery of all things (it makes use of talismans and artifacts as foci much like Sith Sorcery, and is seen being primarily used for mind control by a clearly evil/dark leaning gungan, and Jar Jar seemed scared/wary of it), and the Bardotans, who where a heavily force sensative race that where very much firmly aligned to the light side, yet deeply distrusted the Jedi despite due to viewing them as child-snatchers out to steal their children from them and indoctrinate them in a tradition that was not their own. They praticed the force in a purely non-violent way, seeing the use of the force for combat in any shape or form as a big no-no, and their leaders, the Dagoyan Mystics, where very powerful in non-combat uses of the force I.E. Precognition, sensing, healing, etc... as a result.
@cesare_1302 10 ай бұрын
​@@josephcittadino6541gungan art of mind over matter... suspiciously similar to sith sorcery... Darth Jar Jar theory seems more real than ever!! (Sadly not real but still... :P )
@josephcittadino6541 10 ай бұрын
@@cesare_1302 I wish, but Jar Jar was frightened of it and said "not to mess with it," so that's actually a point AGAINST Darth Jar Jar. XD The guy who used it was like, a scheming gungan political bueracrat just underneath the Gungan Bosses who wanted the gungans to cut ties to the republic and join the separatists, and used the "gungan art of mind over matter" to mind control the bosses, with the intent to mind control them into signing an agreement with Count Dooku to join the separatists. Jar Jar stopped the plot though. So while its not hard-confirmed to be a strictly dark side tradition, the one time we say it used it happened to be being used for a very dark-side purpose, and likewise, the practitioner had to use a Talisman as a focus to use his force abilities, both of which hearken back to Sith Sorcery (which also typically requires the use of Talismans and other "magical foci"), even if the similarities might not have been intentional on the writer's part. That being said, at least in legends, the Gungans had ties to the Rakata of all species, as they where originally from Rakata Prime in Legends and moved to Naboo, I believe. So the "Gungan Art of Mind Over Matter" could have been a kind of watered down version of Rakatan Bogan that the Gungans picked up via living in the ruins of the Infinite Empire's heart and being able to use fragments of old Rakatan force writings to approximate a slapdash shadow of the Rakatan force pratices, which could explain the reason it is vaguely similar to Sith Sorcery (As Sith Sorcery could have also been in part derived from Rakatan Bogan)
@cesare_1302 10 ай бұрын
@@josephcittadino6541 yeah I know but whenever a possible dark side oriented gungan show up the imagination runs wild :P XDXD. Tho tbf in Legends gungans are native to Naboo
@mrzirak792 9 ай бұрын
I wish all of these were explored more. And i mean "explored in EU", not adapted for disney canon and reduced to something inferior.
@clanodekk 10 ай бұрын
Fun fact: In Legends, the Chiss actually viewed the Force as an abomination, and if you were caught using it, you were either executed or exiled, though there were hints of a possible Force tradition that fell apart long before 2500BBY.
@steffent.6477 10 ай бұрын
I think SWTOR mentiones this in the Chiss Flashpoint when you play a force-user.
@clanodekk 10 ай бұрын
@@steffent.6477 they do on Copero
@jessicaguarneri8460 8 ай бұрын
@@steffent.6477 It does! And if you happen to play a CHISS force-user, the NPC tells you, "You're an exception. You've made the Chiss proud." Your mileage may vary on whether you find this as flagrantly insulting as my Chiss Jedi did.
@ItsAVolcano 10 ай бұрын
The Aing Ti ships are pretty cool, they use their force abilities to power their Battlestar Galactica style jump drives, allowing for instant FTL teleports across their sector of the galaxy. Interestingly the force teleportation trick (minus the ship) was possible for Jedi and Sith Masters to learn. Although everyone in Legends who did learn it described it as being incredibly exhausting, often speculating as to how powerful the Aing Ti were to use such abilities so easily.
@velnz5475 9 ай бұрын
because they didnt use the force for mundane things
@daniels7907 10 ай бұрын
The Nightsisters came to the GFFA by way of Seatos, but they didn't stay there. Instead, they moved on to Dathomir. This leads me to wonder if the green ichor is not consistently available across the universe, but that it is found in varying quantities on different worlds. Worlds like Peridea and Dathomir may have a lot more of it than planets like Seatos. This could explain why the Nightsisters seemed oddly unambitious compared to other Dark Side factions. If their powers were limited on worlds with low ichor, they would have had motivation to prefer worlds where their powers were strongest.
@HylianSith920 10 ай бұрын
Zakuul was such a fascinating society. I wish current canon would let us explore what the ruins of what Zakuul would look like in BBY-ABY time frame. Though I remember that Zakuul's knights were completely devoted to Valkorion, and believed that their strength in the Force was based on their devotion to the emperor.
@chocomalk 10 ай бұрын
I think only Qui-gon got it right tho. Considering the use of the force was either to conquer life and death or to be an emissary of the force for good and balance, he won on both fronts.
@xengen212 10 ай бұрын
A force for good isn't balance. Can't have good without bad.
@chocomalk 10 ай бұрын
If he is basically living as a vessel for the force he is doing its will and that is balance, he literally conquered death, paved the way for Anikin and force ghosts etc etc, yup he got it right all without resorting to the dark side or falling prey to the glorious egos of the order. @@xengen212
@derfuzzy8854 10 ай бұрын
In: Star Wars Tales, an old comic. Qui Gonn is on a mission with young Obi Wan. And the force leads them to a giant predator, that must be killed. Obi Wan questions this, because the creature wasn‘t necessarily evil, and maybe just a natural part of the life cycle, so by what right did they have to kill it?. Qui Gon doesn‘t really resolve this, but just mysteriously alludes to: Trust in the living force. There are many occasions, in which this „servant of the force“ theme is somewhat dubious, and ethically grey. Jedi often did questionable things, believing to serve justice/good/the force. Follow this line of thought to the extreme conclusion you have Kreia, who things the force IS a manipulative insidious power.
@IsaacYoder-qf7jq 10 ай бұрын
I completly agree.
@Meravokas 10 ай бұрын
The most interesting thing about the chiss is that it's actually theorized (in legends at least) that they were actually once humans much like with the zeltron. Albeit to it's own less extreme degree. A long haul sleeper ship ended up drifting off course or with the lack of proper FTL capabilities, had the place or list of potential places to colonize move out of range and ended up in the unknown regions. The conditions of the planet causing the evolutionary separation from mainline humans. I also don't remember if the Mirialan were a case of human mutation or just one of the few naturally near human species. Again speaking from Legends since we don't have much in the way of solidified Nu canon lore for pretty much any species.
@QuintusAntonious 10 ай бұрын
Speaking of Vitiate, I'm convinced Palpatine's Project Cinder was his attempt to create the kind of death Vitiate did to resurrect himself.
@danielcox7629 10 ай бұрын
There are 2 ways to use the force, dark and light. Light is going with the flow or requesting the force does things. Building a relationship with it. Then the dark side is about controlling it. If you want absolute control you'll gain power faster but it will have consequences. If you build a relationship with it you'll have steady influence and you can contend with much more power simply by letting the other person pit themselves against the force instead of you.
@ironrhino12 10 ай бұрын
You should do a second one of these, the Kel Dor is a great one to refer. Also don’t the Mirialan have views that influenced padawaan and major plot event in the Clone Wars?
@Meravokas 10 ай бұрын
The Mirialan after request to the Jedi council (unknown point in history.) gained the ability for Mirialan to exclusively train other Mirialan. However their cultural views of the force held no direct ties to light or dark as it was spiritual and for all intents and purposes, use of nexus points on the home world as ritual or ancestor... Worship isn't really the correct term, but it gives the general idea. As for the CW it wasn't a plot point or even specifically brought up during episodes that included both Barriss and Luminara, or singularly even. Species practice never came into reference at all.
@BeanCasserole-wg7wu 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree I would love to see a video on the Baran Do sages.
@fumarc4501 10 ай бұрын
@Aewon84 10 ай бұрын
The Path of the Open Hand: Their beliefs are more or less the opposite of Kreia's. They believe that that it's not the Force that's the enslaver, but the people using it. Including the Jedi. They believe that if you use the Force, even if it's for good, you will ultimately cause harm somewhere else. Their mission is to free the Force from all who would enslave it. It's a shame none of the lore channels ever discuss the High Republic. There's so much cool lore there, and it's absolutely not creatively bankrupt like some (who very obviously haven't read any of the books) claims. The Old Republic remains my favourite era, but the High Republic is a lot more creative.
@LiveFreeOrDieDH 10 ай бұрын
Being a droid, the great Chiss commander DA-TA had no comprehension of The Force. Though tactically brilliant, stronger than a Wookie, and faster than a Mandalorian in a jet pack, he would gladly trade it all for the gift of Force sensitivity. 🖖0:51
@thecookie8453 10 ай бұрын
That is great and thank you for your detailed commentary.
@vikrantpulipati1451 10 ай бұрын
0:50 Data as a Chiss is incredibly cursed lmao
@DediHund 10 ай бұрын
You're my most favorite Allen from Generation Tech. I have a question to you, have you ever visited the real Life places from Star Wars?
@craytherlaygaming2852 10 ай бұрын
Had to quickly check, cause I thought Aing Ti was another name for the Star Dragons but it's not, and I seem to recall them being heavily force sensitive... and to actually be the originators of the "skywalker" technique the chiss use.
@isaackim7675 10 ай бұрын
It makes me wonder if the Zeffo discovered Peridea?
@Aewon84 10 ай бұрын
Considering there are Zeffo glyphs on the structures there I'm inclined to believe that yes, they did.
@Lobsterwithinternet 10 ай бұрын
What makes me really wonder is if all these various Galaxy-spaning forerunner civilizations that existed in canon and legends ever bumped into each other.
@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 10 ай бұрын
They could have been followers of kujet one of the zeffo that fell to the dark side.
@skyden24195 10 ай бұрын
This is not directly related to the video topic, although details within the video reminded me of a couple of things I wanted to bring up with Star Wars fans, and I figure this is one of the best channels to bring it up. I recently re-watched the "Star Wars: Rebels" series and was reminded of two factors that have played or may play in the future of Star Wars. First, I know many people/fans were dumbfounded by General Organa's ability to pull herself from the vacuum of space when the bridge of her star-cruiser was compromised and all present were ejected into space, General Organa being the only survivor. In season 3, episode 3, Kanan Jarrus (Jedi Knight) accomplished the same feat when he is tricked by Maul and ejected out of an airlock, so the ability for a Jedi (or Force-wielder) to do such a thing did have precedence. Makes you wonder how long a force-wielder could survive in the vacuum of space. Second thing I want to bring up involves the Night-Sisters' ability to resurrect themselves. As mentioned in the video, this is typically done via corpses of fallen Night-Sisters, however, in season 3, episode 11 of "Rebels," deceased Night-Sisters are able to invade and take over the living bodies of Sabine and Kanan. So, since the Night-Sisters are able to resurrect corpses and take over the bodies/minds of persons/species that are not of Dathomir, then perhaps there could be corpses, other than Night-Sisters, held within the vast number of crates seen being loaded onto Thrawn's Star Destroyer in the "Ahsoka" series. They could be filled with former crew members of said Star Destroyer. This could be further reason for returning to Dathomir as that is where they would be able to find the spiritual-remnants of all the fallen Night-Sisters. Take the corpses back to Dathomir, let the deceased Night-Sisters have the corpses. Boom, instant undead army.
@joshuahogan3475 10 ай бұрын
My favorite is still the Matukai with their ability to teach even non-Force Sensitives how to tap into the Force.
@mremington8 10 ай бұрын
Kreia was always one of my favorites, as was Mace Windu
@awarenesswithchris 10 ай бұрын
What I'm confused about is how this guy doesn't even mention Pelekotan or force abilities from Shatterpoint. The coolest alter version of the force that may take one's voice in exchange for force abilities. Cmon man!!!!!!😅
@robzombie1845 10 ай бұрын
I allways figured the night sisters of dathomire largely originated from the remnants of the old sith academy established there by the brotherhood of darkness
@nathanieljackson5554 10 ай бұрын
I like that there are other Force users in the Star Wars Universe. Having there just be the Jedi and Sith in a galaxy spanning civilization always seemed kind of odd.
@derfuzzy8854 10 ай бұрын
In the new „high republic“ comics they show various force cults on Jedha, with different views. Even one radical, whose members think that using the force is harmful and must be outlawed. Because a force user would siphon the living force away from the larger galaxy, by manilulating it. Kind of like a butterfly effect. Lift a stone here and a catastrophe occurs on another planet. So better not disturb it.
@ironfist7789 10 ай бұрын
Han Solo group - there is no force, it is called luck Also Han Solo: that's not how the force works
@robertagu5533 10 ай бұрын
One thing really stood out to me, there's probably NEVER, OR extremely rarely would there EVER been Chiss Jedi or Sith I'm assuming... definitely not someone like a Zaphonian
@vitormauch7367 9 ай бұрын
Failed to mentioned the Fel Empire’s Imperial Knights who are one of the most interesting force wielders group in all SW
@TheRumblewagon 10 ай бұрын
The Chiss Navigators similar to the Guild Navigators in DUNE.
@ghostdreamer7272 10 ай бұрын
Glad you included the Aing Ti! There’s dozens of others, just look at Wookieepedia, but the main ones missing here are the White Current of the Fallanasi (pacifists but masters of illusion, see TLJ Luke) and the Imperial Knights of the Fel Dynasty’s light-side Jedi Empire (they aren’t gray, they’re even sworn to deal with their Emperor if he ever goes dark, they just otherwise obey their Emperor like the PT Jedi obeyed the Senate). The Matukai and the Mind Walkers are also interesting ideas.
@brettshaff8772 10 ай бұрын
"I see what once was the great Witch Kingdom of the Dathomiri." says Baylan Skoll on Peridea. The witches can use the green ichor there because it is their ancestral home and power base.
@SevereWeatherCenter 10 ай бұрын
Love your videos Allen!
@aster4jaden 10 ай бұрын
Disney isn't creative enough to think of a new Force User Sect and Ideology, now everyone can use The Force and that's it.
@Aewon84 10 ай бұрын
The Path of the Open Hand. Also, everyone being able to use the Force was part of George Lucas's plan. Being Force-sensitive only gives you an advantage.
@Lobsterwithinternet 10 ай бұрын
@@Aewon84That was back when there was nothing but the OT and the Empire always existed.
@rvds2040 10 ай бұрын
no, everyone has the potential to use the force
@Lobsterwithinternet 10 ай бұрын
@@rvds2040 Unfortunately, that's not the Galaxy we see in Star Wars.
@akselphan7013 10 ай бұрын
I think that the ichor is actually only usable on specific planets, such as peridea because the nightsisters could have spread out but instead they beelined to dathomir because it was like peridea with the ichor
@the_cyberchill 10 ай бұрын
One odd thing is, swtor never elaborates on who valkorian was before the emporer overtook him like he did with Vitate we know that vitiate was once another sith lord that tenebre simply turned into his vessel.
@the_cyberchill 10 ай бұрын
Probally alot of lost/cut content about zakuul that never made it
@the_cyberchill 10 ай бұрын
Also I need a citation for all zakuulan force users being traced to tenebrae as former zakuulans still have thier force abilities long after kotfe
@erictaeger9943 10 ай бұрын
What about the Bendu and also the beings with the different faces, happy, sad,etc. in clone wars.
@worldtraveler930 29 күн бұрын
I second that motion!!! 🤠👍
@justanotherdayinthelife9841 10 ай бұрын
THANK YOU FOR USING THE TERM CORRECTLY!!!!! "Outside of the box thinking" Meaning the thinking comes from outside the conformity of "the box". "Out of the box thinking" is thinking from INSIDE the conformity of the box and precisely the opposite of what people are generally trying to express. This irks tf out of me and you said it correctly and I appreciate that.
@allyourpiesarebelongtous 7 ай бұрын
Why would "out of the box thinking" necessarily mean thinking outward from the inside the box, when a much clearer phrase would be "in the box thinking", if that was the intent? To me (and I suspect to most others), "out of the box" simply functions as a contraction of "outside of the box", and operates far less ambiguously than what you're suggesting.
@petergohan 9 ай бұрын
I think SWTOR implies that Zakuulans use the force not with stoicism like jedi or hate like sith, but rather from loyalty to the throne of Zakuul, like that blind loyalty type.
@BeanCasserole-wg7wu 10 ай бұрын
11:17 Actually Valkorion can be traced back farther than Vitiate to a sith named Tenebrae, this was his original name and form.
@Eyecyou64 10 ай бұрын
When Star Wars explores different philosophies of the force. It only makes me more mad when people are like "grey jedi dont exist because dark side is inherently corrupting" as if They aren't speaking in absolutes... They're literally just not smart enough or unwilling to put in the thought that goes behind and viewing the force as an extension of nature like the Jedis already do. Are you genuinely going to try to moralize the fact that lightning is evil???? It's lightning! If you use it to torture someone obviously that's going to be evil. Yoda calls down lightning from the sky, is that evilM
@dragontemplar4561 10 ай бұрын
What I would do for a movie adaptation of Knights Of The Eternal Throne.
@yamanuhem.netjer3165 10 ай бұрын
Another you might have mentioned was the Lesat, their connection to the force was quite strong. They produced sacred Ashla Staves that had a direct and powerful connection to the light side of the Force.
@4str0m3ch 10 ай бұрын
The Jedi don't fear the power of the Force. They respect it, and understand that it needs to be used carefully. They've had 25,000 years of scholarly insight, practical experience, and spiritual understanding to work this out. It's the same as how the Path Of The Open Hand have a completely broken philosophy and it is just daft when they try to argue that they somehow know better after less than 100 years of existing.
@gamerwolffang2722 9 ай бұрын
Bwbwhababwh!!! I had this video idea for a few years now! Like the Web (that everything in the force was connected, and the last few wove themselves in cocoon made from the force, and their conscious survived for millennials til Like broke their cocoon), The Wave (where you let the force guide you in all acts of life, not using [abusing] the force that things all happen for a reason, and that you should trust the gentle guidance of the wave), Sage (Darth Bane, and his apprentice met a man [Bane's apprentice's brother] who got his power from plants, and living a simple life style, Bane's apprentice said that she felt a strange aura of the force from him, but not the kind she usually felt from the Jedi or the sith) This vid was gonna be called the "Different Sides of the Force" :/ been sitting on this vid idea for a long while
@ulfberht4431 9 ай бұрын
Kriea or Traya’s view on the force is very much similar to Gnosticism. The fact she calls the force as the Insidious Force is similar to the idea of the demiurge and how they are both wicked forces enslaving the physical realm.
@glamourweaver 3 ай бұрын
“Every Star Wars fan is familiar with the concept of the Force” What they’re just a huge fan of Andor and literally never seen anything else?
@YayoHernandez-b1j 10 ай бұрын
Generations tech a question if Anakin Skywalker went to both the wellspring of life & ahch to he would have reached his full potential even more than if he stayed on Mortis or what somebody tell me, because going to the birthplace of the midiclorian, and the first Jedi temple is more much more OP then staying on the realm of mortis
@jnort95 10 ай бұрын
Great Video!
@dennisjensen4375 10 ай бұрын
My view comes from a combination of the pre-Jedi/Sith folk who were put on a planet by other more enlightened beings that seemed to want to teach them the nature of the Force. On this planet if the force got out of balance there would be nasty force storms. Someone to light was made to focus on the dark and vice-versa. This imbalance concept then seem to expand from a pure planetary basis to a more galactic basis when the Jedi and Sith were formed and the Sith and then the Jedi left that planet. As these "force storms" moved from a single planet to the entire galaxy in the form of, I believe, galactic wars caused by this imbalance in the Force. Which is mirrored in the concept that if there arose a great dark or light force user the Force would create a counter part to that and the Force Storms would continue. As such, and as RensStoryteller states, balance in the force means balancing the force within so that is does not become unbalanced without. However, I also find the multi-colored view of the force to be quite interesting as well, since not only were these users potentially more powerful than the Jedi/Sith but they used it without seeming issues with this Light vs Dark side issue. So perhaps this blending of the use of the force was done using balanced elements of the Light and Dark in a way that created colors beyond just Black (all colors) and White (absence of color). I tried to approach this from an RPG mechanics stand point and tried to figure out a means of creating a system that reflected the balance concept where one used the Light (for control) and the Dark (for power) which seems to me to be a means if fully understood would be a beneficial means of doing so. There was also a group that came sort-of after the Jedi/Sith from the lady who was a Jedi became a Sith then broke away from the Sith and taught a more balanced approch. These folk, while still thought of as Sith by the Jedi, used both Light and Dark in harmony and most never gave into the Dark Side -- so again this strongly speaks to the seeming fact that the Force is meant to be used in balanced way.
@Feyyore 10 ай бұрын
I'll admit, I was facinated by the Zeffo. Hoped there would end up being a small outcast jedi community using their teachings and rebuilding an out of the way Zeffo temple out there somewhere. xD But a small generational enclave of survivors of the eternal empire would be neat...
@Wayfaring_Stranger 10 ай бұрын
so the chiss and the night sisters teach us that the force is indeed actually female! 😅 but jokes aside, my favorite is the BENDU because he is in the middle a.k.a. BALLANCE like all things should be imo! 😉
@jacoblansman8147 10 ай бұрын
Well the Zeffonians are, to the best of my knowledge, extinct. The Chiss only have access to the Force in a brief and specific way. The Dathomiri Nightsisters are fairly isolationist. Emperor Valkorion of the Zakuul Empire was killed centuries ago, and not long after Vaylin and Arcann were killed, the Zakuul Empire ceased to be. Vagadarr's views and methods revolve around a living rock golem that I presume is only found on Vagadarr. Kreia died before Valkorion and her philosophy has only been confirmed to be seen once since, by Luke Skywalker who had a different outlook on how to deal with such a bleak perspective. The Rakatan Empire was largely reduced to dust millennia ago after they wiped themselves out. The Aing-Tii sound like they wouldn't attempt to fill the boots of either the Jedi or Sith; certainly they wouldn't force their views on anyone.
@codypturner 9 ай бұрын
Would love to point out that if even only a single Skywalker ended up alien hands, and thus potentially enemy hands, the Chiss Ascendancy would drop an ENTIRE ARMADA to liberate the Skywalker. That just how important they were to them.
@hipolitorivera4631 10 ай бұрын
Awesomeness ❤❤❤
@luisemoralesfalcon4716 10 ай бұрын
Well, to the Force studies
@tokageki 10 ай бұрын
Man, I haven't watched this channel in months.
@samuelblessum5759 10 ай бұрын
Matukai were pretty cool
@brianmoyachiuz905 10 ай бұрын
Darth Maul on Brisk: TASTE DA FORCE! 🥤
@parrisxsummers 10 ай бұрын
I would like the witches of dathomir powers.
@JMPT 10 ай бұрын
Very Nice
@theromanorder 10 ай бұрын
@Richard3rd665 9 ай бұрын
There is no death, there is only the force.... And I am its Master." -Tenebrae To me the most interesting, and darkest view of the force is that of Tenebrae Most view it as a greater power to draw upon. be it for powers sake, or for justice. Others view it as an energy to channel to bring clarity, purpose, and/or to follow. Fundamentally they all view it as some great thing beyond them. How they choose to utilize and live with it varies. But it is something external to draw upon. But in the mind of a Psychopathic God; The force is not something greater. There is no religious belief behind it. It is no deity. In others it is a victim. In him it is a slave. Even Abeloth is tame in comparison to his depravity. Abeloths darkness was born of love. Corrupted and twisted into a need for companionship. A selfish, and often very cruel desire to remake the family she lost, and find again that love. Tenebrae has never known the concept of love. He is incapable of empathy. He is a violent sadist turned god through the suffering and death of his victims. His view of the force is similarly as twisted.
@hohoiboshi8654 10 ай бұрын
And how was that bird like race call with the empress whom Jar Jar was friends with?
@zacharybyford8200 10 ай бұрын
Those were the Bardottans and they'll probably be in a potential part 2. Also I'd say Jar Jar was a little more than 'friends' with their queen.
@TheRezro 10 ай бұрын
Idea of force as Rainbow is actually supported by sources. Lightsaber colors were usually associated with different aspects of the force. Green, Yellow and Blue with Jedi. While Orange, Red and Purple with the Sith. But those were not clear divisions. Like Mace Windu using Kyber and techniques associated with Sith Warriors. When Jedi Healers use "Pink" Lighsabers (natural Red crystals) as manipulation of life was classic Sith technique and use of those powers needed to be heavily regulated (red crystals were banned by the Jedi Council for political reasons and healers almost not use swords anyway). While Jedi also commonly didn't trust Yellow Kyber crystal users, who have tendency of breaking protocols and somewhat vampire powers. It is why Jedi Sentinels were turn into ridged secret police (what actually betray order becoming Inquisitors). While most actual Sentinels were pushed out of order and become some unimportant agricultural Jedi. As Order didn't understand they powers, what actually make them extra capable of tracking Sith, as they could sample powers of Force users. Greatest Jedi of all time Meetra Surik actually was a Jedi Sentinel. There was also rare White Kyber, what implied someone who find true balance of the force (Black Kyber do not exist, those are elaborate forms of energy blades). Though White crystals was also associated with fanatics, who commonly go rouge against Jedi Order (so called Gray Jedi). So there may be truth in claims that Force is actually evil?
@carldooley9344 10 ай бұрын
Zonoma Sekot from Legends?
@ryanhannapel1830 10 ай бұрын
Maybe you have already done it but is there a in cannon reason why there is so many humans in starwars.
@teodorrydberg254 8 ай бұрын
Is that how you pronounce the A in Abeloth?
@Marcotube-j3x 10 ай бұрын
Oh man I bet that's the secret thrawn has on that ahsoke show, he using force sensitive chiss
@Kenneth_James 10 ай бұрын
Why doesn't Disney tell some original stories about these other Empires of Force users? So much entertainment just sitting at their fingertips with barely any limits.
@lordshankracing4724 6 ай бұрын
Well it's not a well kept secret if we know how the chiss navigate
@ChibaMitsurugi19792 10 ай бұрын
I prefer the Je’Daii, even though they probably would have pretty much been the precursors of the Jedi and the Sith.
@brandonsantiago5993 9 ай бұрын
The tagoyans
@mentalgymnastics6384 9 ай бұрын
I subscribe to the idea that xenos are gross, and the use of force lightning to keep them out of your neighborhood is permissible.
@leightoncressman6188 10 ай бұрын
So what’s with Chiss version of Data?
@GrinningFeline 10 ай бұрын
So chiss third sighted are mentats from Dune?
@seanbrondstetter2987 10 ай бұрын
@chriswysocki-k1o 9 ай бұрын
He admits there were more Force factions / views, but he didn't have time: but this was only 13min long. So why not take a bit more time & give the others ??? Or maybe this is part 1 ??? Are their 100s of factions / views ???
@MorpheusBlackstone 5 ай бұрын
I'm so mad that YOU made this video. Now anytime I wanna use it for reference I have to acknowledge that you know a lot about Star Wars history and nothing about ours. Free Palestine
@boi905 10 ай бұрын
Aren’t they just called “the Zeffo”? Not “Zeffonians”
@goddessomai9177 10 ай бұрын
Valcorian isn't dead. You can't kill immortal. He's simply watching and waiting just lik he did for thousands of years or at least I hope 😁 you have to have a ultimate bad guy in SW!
@lingoistj1956 10 ай бұрын
So we have rip off’s of the Polynesian Wayfinder, Tolkien Elves, Lord of the Flies, Agnostics, Quakers, and Colonialism. Allen, you forgot about the Fel Imperial Knights.
@Aewon84 10 ай бұрын
Tolkien elves are Norse elves. He does tweak them a little bit, but they're essentually just elves from Norse mythology.
@lingoistj1956 10 ай бұрын
@@Aewon84 the part where the Zefonians ended up in civil war and departed into the Unknown Regions resemble the Elves of the First and Second Ages that culminated with them leaving to the Grey Havens
@Lobsterwithinternet 10 ай бұрын
Pretty much. It's what happens when you let a bunch of people do their own thing without talking to each other.
@lingoistj1956 10 ай бұрын
@@Lobsterwithinternet nevertheless still relatable and entertaining !
@andersonic 10 ай бұрын
You're generous to list the Radagarr and not comment on the quality of the comics. Marvel's new canon series got off to a promising start but those Yoda issues were a plunge to the bottom. The writing felt like a first draft and the art is Larocca either tracing photos or avoiding any faces or natural body language by keeping everyone off panel and backlit. I honestly stopped buying the Star Wars issues until they got a new artist.
@LiveDefiant 10 ай бұрын
What bothers me about the force is it's sentience.
@JetForceGem 10 ай бұрын
The Chiss are like Digimon tamers as they get older they lose there connection to there partner Digimon
@aDeathbomb 10 ай бұрын
1st really
@Purpleninjawv 9 ай бұрын
You forgot kriea, kill the force.
@Lord_Shadowz 10 ай бұрын
First like & comment!😊 Humanity First!!!!
@charlesjohnson7458 10 ай бұрын
@lennartgamer2339 10 ай бұрын
@christinabibeau4018 10 ай бұрын
63 rd comment
@benhenderson8952 10 ай бұрын
Beanie > Cap
@jacob4920 10 ай бұрын
The time is right for ALL of the Force Users of the Galaxy to gang together, and take on THE YUUZHAN VONG!!! Come on Disney! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO NEXT!!!! lol
@Lobsterwithinternet 10 ай бұрын
No, they don't. Not if they had any sense.
@mremington8 10 ай бұрын
I admire your ongoing staying power to the franchise despite all the wokeness. I hold out hope that one day the evil Disney execs that cast destructive influences and lore breaking pandering will be defeated and good writing and common sense will return, along with the fans. thank you Alan for keeping the ember of possibility alive, they should hire you as a consultant before putting out more garbage.
@syndicate_555 10 ай бұрын
Long Live The Eternal Empire.
@manricobianchini5276 10 ай бұрын
Again, Canon doesn't mean a thing to me.
@718Anubis 10 ай бұрын
@nuquenilex3188 10 ай бұрын
saw the israel flag in the background, unsubscribed. I dont like people who support terrorist states
@raybarry4307 10 ай бұрын
I'm Begging you on my knees until they bleed to set straight the morons that say the rebellion won because the Force was on their side 🙄. The Force isn't on anyone's "side". It just is the Force. Like nature, it doesn't take sides. Orrrrr maybe you do think that way as well. Either way l'd love to know.
@Angry_Squirrel555 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for you support of Israel 🇮🇱. It means more than you know.
@animefitnessandphilosophy 9 ай бұрын
ty for having a Israel flag.
@СергейМедведев-ы5ч 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for Israel flag in the back. As a israeli soldier I appreciate the gesture.
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