9 Reasons Why NOT To Move To Italy

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Rafael Di Furia - Not Your Average Globetrotter

Rafael Di Furia - Not Your Average Globetrotter

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@lucchese20 2 жыл бұрын
You’re doing a great job Rafael of explaining the expectations of living in Italy (or other countries) vs. ‘The Reality’ to some US Citizens. Patience is a big one IMHO-which you covered very well. I’d only say many folks in the US aren’t even aware of their lack of patience. Even when you explain it, it not necessarily understood-kinda like a fairytale. Some simply have to live it to realize patience is a virtue. Anyway, I love your backgrounds. Sometimes a tad distracting but would rather have it than not. 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻 🇮🇹 Grazie.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking part in the convo, sharing your thoughts on the background as well as your kind words ^_^ I completely agree though, that many of us don't realize how impatient we actually are, I personally only realized it after I left the USA. Even though I've been abroad for a while and have worked on it, I still have some good ol American tendencies. You also raised a fantastic point regarding only being able to know something once it's become part of your reality, so glad you mentioned it because that's a huge point! I want to make sure to pin this as the top comment on this video because you've raised such important points here, thanks so much!
@lucchese20 2 жыл бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuria Thank YOU for your work. Much appreciated. 🙂
@pattiderosamusic3292 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rafael. All on target. Ive been living here in Firenze for 6 years and am very happy. The only thing I’d add is that yes, though there is an abundance of delicious food, I find that I’ve actually lost weight since living here because my lifestyle is so much healthier. First, the quality of the food is much better and portions are smaller (and more satisfying!). But the biggest factor is my level of physical activity. I no longer own a car and so I walk everywhere. Love it!
@markhousel7936 Жыл бұрын
I'm moving there for almost 3 months in September of 2024. Very excited.
@antoniiocaluso1071 2 ай бұрын
thank you for naming your City properly!!!
@doomblackdeath8888 2 жыл бұрын
It's simple: you either get Italy or you don't. You're either a tourist or a resident. Choose, because you can't be both. If you don't speak the language, you're a tourist. If you have to "put up with" the habits of the country in which you find yourself, you're a tourist. If you find things quaint or charming instead of said things just being what they are, i.e., "the honeymoon period", you're a tourist. It's perfectly fine, but you have to realize that your thoughts and opinions - while they may be completely valid - don't count for much. This doesn't mean you have to give up being an individual or having your own opinions, but they can't be problems for you. They could be inconveniences, but not actual problems. That said, if I may offer a bit of introspection, eventually you will simply get over everything in Italy, good and bad, save a few things. However, those few things that you simply cannot get over (in a good way) MUST be bordering on life-changing in order to ever truly feel at home here. For me, it's the natural beauty. Living in Friuli, the mountains and natural beauty of this region are something that I simply cannot get over, and every single time I look at them is like the very first time. It just never gets old. Now, let's be honest...Italians love to be praised for two things: food and architecture. Honestly, I'm pretty over Italian food; it's not that I don't enjoy it immensely, but the honeymoon period for the food is over for me. I know what to expect, I'm never surprised, and this is very good because it's always going to be great, but it's also very predictable. Italians don't take risks in nearly any facet of their lives, and I'm all about taking risks. I'm very rarely surprised or blown away by how amazing food is anymore because I already know it's going to be good simply because Italians take great care and have immense pride in their food, which they take very seriously. It's a very good position to be in, but at the same time it can be too much of a good thing that you end up taking for granted. Ironically, it can get boring and predictable. Never bad, always great, just..."yeah, I guess I'll eat that again." The shine can wear off. Still, it's an enviable position to be in, and definitely one of those "first world problems" sort of things. The same goes with architecture. You can throw a rock in any direction and hit something magnificent, but you will notice that you start taking it for granted just as Italians do. Sure, they love to talk about it and go on about how amazing everything is (and it is), but they're just fishing for compliments, honestly. They don't walk around in a stupor in complete awe of everything around them as we might. In fact, I know so many Italians who have never been to even the most touristy places in Italy - all places I visited in the first year I was here. This is where you will start narrowing down the things that really, really inspire and captivate you and truly improve your life. What's more, it's different for every person. For me, again, it's the natural beauty. I simply have not seen another country's natural beauty speak to me in the way Italy's does. The US in places comes close, but it's always maligned by something that takes me out of the moment. Italy is magnificent in every sense of the word, and I consider it to be the most beautiful country on the planet. It never ceases to amaze me and inspire me, and it fuels my writing, my music, and my sense of adventure. Unfortunately, that sense of adventure must be tempered with predictability sometimes, which is the dichotomy of living here. All this is evidenced by my original point that you must not look to merely tolerate your new home, but find your own way to navigate it and make it yours in your own way, and it can be very tricky when it's anathema for the local populace to do or try something that hasn't been done repeatedly for centuries.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and become part of the conversation! While I can't say I fully agree with that first paragraph, in principle I definitely get where you're coming from, and can say that you aren't wrong.
@doomblackdeath8888 2 жыл бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuria BTW, that wasn't for *you*, Rafael, but "you" in the second person, hehe. I should probably change my name to TL;DR 🤣 Look at it this way: your videos are incredibly thought-provoking and move me to many, many (often too many) words. 😁
@jirikosek6383 2 жыл бұрын
Great and long.coment.
@jacopostrasorier1663 Ай бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuriaThe first paragraph is crucial.
@susanrim999 Ай бұрын
italy is known as "il bel paese" (the beautiful country) for good reason
@andremauboussin2705 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Spent 5 days in Rome in July with my wife and son. We enjoyed it immensely. Videos like yours helped us understand the culture and align expectations. Love Italian food and found most Italian people we interacted with very friendly and helpful. I'll be spending a considerable amount of time there soon on business travel and I'm really looking forward to exploring Italy more.
@jacquesmertens3369 4 ай бұрын
Yes, you need to accept receipts. How can you live in Italy and not know about the Guardia di Finanza? They raid random shops and restaurants, and if they catch someone with an item for which there is no receipt the owner can expect severe penalties or even the closure of his business. If you go to a B&B, especially in the south of Italy, you won't even be allowed to drop off your stuff in the room before all paperwork has been handled.
@filipporubino4163 2 жыл бұрын
Good video. You're talking about real facts, objectively. One thing I've heard some expats here complaining about was that they couldnt make any friends. Now, making friends with Italians is extremely easy, with the right mindset and avoiding certain "mistakes". Italians won't just come at you and say "let's be friends", especially if there are language barriers (rule no.1, learn the language, always!). You definitely need to break the ice, and often it can be a very simple thing like small talk in a shop, or a park. Having interests/Hobbies in common helps a lot. Simply put: if you really want it, Italians will perceive it and they'll be welcoming. But you may need to break the ice, once in a while. Don't be afraid, we like foreigners and we're always willing to help expats in our country.
@lisabianconi1315 2 жыл бұрын
Yes!!!!! I’ll never understand why some won’t learn the language of the place they are living. How can you fully experience the beauty of the culture and the country if you do not speak the language? This goes for everywhere in the world. Even with my crappy Italian in the beginning I made friends..Was it hard? Yes. Was it fun? Hell yes!!
@franktaylor7978 Ай бұрын
Caveat. I speak Italian. But i find Italians among the friendliest of any country.
@intersezioni 2 жыл бұрын
at least in Italy for better or for worse paying taxes, you don't have to take a mortgage to take care of your health, you don't have to take a mortgage to study, you don't have to take a mortgage for anything like in the United States, I find it a lot demeaning and terrifying for the human being. Honestly, as an Italian and a European, I would never want to live in the United States, I would have a wonderful week of vacation there but I would never live there. I prefer to keep a heavy bureaucracy than to live in a country where you live worthily and are considered among the fake smiles only if you have a credit card full of money. perfection is not of this world!
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but good luck getting a mortgage in the first place in Italy 😆
@WalkerErika01 2 жыл бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuria oddio ne parli come se fosse impossibile 😅 e invece basta avere dei requisiti di base per ottenerlo.
@refdog10 2 жыл бұрын
well i’m not certain where in the usa you have been, but it’s a huge country and people are not the same everywhere/
@nicolettastrada5976 Жыл бұрын
@@refdog10 the same could be said for Italy
@JM-gu3tx 5 ай бұрын
Those dismal, depressing poorly compensated "mille euro" professional jobs are why Italy has such awful brain drain. And nobody smiles at somebody's "credit card full of money". That is just silly and absurd.
@giulianoilfilosofo7927 2 ай бұрын
Italy is not slow paced or laid backed, it s just civilized.
@unknownninja4430 Ай бұрын
@armandzottola1626 3 ай бұрын
My father was Italian…we went to his parents and brothers and sisters 3-6 times per week. So…I lived in Italy as a boy ! At home..Irish … a different world. I was lucky to be an American! My wife is Polish…my children and grandchildren are descended from most of Europe. It is what it is.
@brianfay6783 12 күн бұрын
I’m half Italian, quarter Irish and quarter Polish myself. Nice combo 👍🏼
@joanneromano1234 2 жыл бұрын
I understand totally the "back home"! But what we all need to understand.. is that.. if we want to make this country our home and life... Then... the "back home" mentality needs to disappear and acceptance of our new home country needs to be embraced.. with all its warts and wrinkles! Doesn't mean we need to like it.. but if this is the life that we have chosen... we need to accept the consequences of our decisions.. and move forward to the life that we want. Life is not all lavender and roses.. there are thistles and brambles to get through.. but.. if we persevere enough.. we will find the road that we destined to travel!! hope we all find the place to call home!
@lewishowe8349 4 ай бұрын
"the "back home" mentality needs to disappear and acceptance of our new home country needs to be embraced" This line right here, Mediterranean peoples living in Northern Europe and North America still cling to their heritage.
@lorraineperron4840 5 ай бұрын
Amazon in Italy faster than in Florida and much better selection. Italy rules, the best. My condo would be 3 times the price and 3 times the annual cost in USA or Canada. Wine at a$1.19 bottle.
@antonellalovato3813 2 жыл бұрын
Scusa se scrivo in italiano, ma il mio inglese non è abbastanza fluido per scrivere in tranquillità circa lo scontrino fiscale: è davvero importante prendere e tenere lo scontrino dei negozi, se non ricordo male per almeno 60m di distanza dal negozio, perché se ci fosse un controllo della Guardia di Finanza prende una multa il gestore del negozio e pure il cliente, e son multe salate
@JM-gu3tx 5 ай бұрын
Io capisco tutto che scrivi. Grazie per informare. E molto interessante.
@annaesposito541 6 күн бұрын
Sono 50 metri.
@joecesa1013 2 жыл бұрын
Enjoy your show. Enjoy your new backup, love seeing streetscapes and scenery.
@jwaiello55 2 жыл бұрын
I like the background you should continue to use it. Attitude is everything. If the natives sense a lack of commitment to relocating to a new country they probably won't give you the time of day. I'm planning to move to Milano in April or May of 2022. Currently putting together the documentation needed for extended residency and I am learning the language. My goal is to be at least conversational when I step off the plane from the US (Dallas, TX). I'm a retired 67 YO who has always dreamed of living in Italy. I've always been an adventurer that enjoys being uncomfortable - it's the only way we grow as human beings. I'm always learning and growing even at 67! Your advise is spot on about the pluses and minuses of moving abroad.
@NXdBest 2 ай бұрын
Hey man, if youre still on youtube, can you give some advice on moving to italy? I am currently looking to move to Napoli or Naples in english, i dont really know what to expect? If you can give me some tips that would be nice.😅
@reginapolo3357 2 жыл бұрын
I looove the outside background!!!!! Grazie!
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear you enjoyed it ^_^ thanks for the feedback!
@gerdpapenburg7050 2 жыл бұрын
6:55 - in my opinion it is much easier to approach Italy from a German prospective than from a US prospective. As Italy and Germany are both EU countries they have lots of legally similarities which the US does not have.
@pulse4503 2 жыл бұрын
are u German? I Doubt it...the USA is way closer to north europe culturally than south...Im not say it is very close to northern europe, but overall pretty similar
@andrewscottgreene 11 күн бұрын
The receipts in Italy are nuts! And the rules in the COOP are just beyond. That said, I find the drivers on the A1 super courteous 😊
@ValeOfSorrow 4 ай бұрын
Excellent content, thank you for your work!
@WorldWideWebObserver 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info. You’ve mentioned points that I haven’t heard before.
@litolito1893 2 жыл бұрын
Background is very cool 🤙🏻
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you ^_^ Glad you enjoy it ^_^
@williamdeoradesilva9444 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Rafael. We love the background. Please keep up the great work you are doing.
@Crankbait4444 2 жыл бұрын
Love the new background!!
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
So glad you liked it ^_^
@robynbruni6695 2 жыл бұрын
Love the new backgrounds
@scottcrumbaker7156 2 жыл бұрын
The new background is awesome!!! Keep it. I really enjoy your videos
@reneeoconnell4606 2 жыл бұрын
Love the background! Thanks for keeping our expectations real! There is no perfect place for sure! I still want to make Italy my home one day
@GiovanniMazzeo-r1n Ай бұрын
I bought a house 12 years ago in Italy,my view of Italy is mixed,the life style near the mountains is good but getting things done and the paperwork is a real pain.I visit off and on every few months,i did get residency but that took 9 years because name was the same as my father's,no contact to me about the problem?Italy eh!I have a problem paying council tax because the local council won't send me a bill,i have to find a financial advisor to sort it out?That is crazy!At the present moment i am thinking of selling the house because i am fed up with whole system there and i am considering retiring somewhere else!The cost of living is higher than i thought,bank charges,won't go on!
@DJPTEXAS 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on Rafael, A dose of reality ! It is not negatives about Italy it is truly about you, the person.....
@pereinarolsson3928 2 ай бұрын
Two comments - to live permanent and have a holiday for some weeks/months is two different things. Ask yourself - what do I want? Move TO a new place and not FROM the old.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 ай бұрын
I completely agree, although to spend a few months somewhere can give you a good sense if it has the possibility to work on a longer term basis. And also, I completely agree about moving to a place and not from the old, it’s something I’ve repeated in a number of episodes of NYAG, I believe it’s a very important mindset for any move.
@kyraelliott1140 2 жыл бұрын
Also LOVE the background!!! To see Italians living life is perfect!
@fscott1134 20 күн бұрын
These things are true all over the world. I am now living in Buenos Aires in the majority of your comments would be exactly the same here.
@janetlombardi2314 2 жыл бұрын
Very well explained Rafael an honest opinion Thank you
@carolc1543 2 жыл бұрын
Love the new background. You are right with stages of adjustment. I hate bugs. I’ll be happy not to have alligators around me ! Oh yessss the phone is my biggest fear with Spanish and Italian.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the feedback, glad you like it ^_^ Oh goodness, I'm so glad Italy doesn't have any alligators😬
@tatianamoughrabie6842 5 ай бұрын
Wherever one’s go -- respect the rules of life and people there as well.
@jennifernewell2530 2 жыл бұрын
Love the background!
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for letting me know! Glad to hear you liked it ^_^
@andreiabovezfold7247 Жыл бұрын
Generally speaking there is NO country in the EU that is fast paced.
@lospopularos Ай бұрын
The BG you're using is fine unless you want to show something very specific. Thank you for the nice show.
@itsmetaran 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video - thanks!
@seandavie3672 4 ай бұрын
Great video. So many great points that I've been thinking about a lot as I transition to moving to Europe from Australia. I'm used to insects and animals that bite.... the prevalence of cigarette smoking will take some getting used to.
@andreiabovezfold7247 Жыл бұрын
Thanks man, all the mentioned reasons aren't scary for anybody who did the move to any other country from their home country in Europe. I think Europeans won't be facing any serious problems adjusting but Americans definitely will. The squared, narrowed down, traditional, at times so much religious Europe won't leave any open space to play one's rules, adjusting will certainly deform anyone coming to EU from America.
@wxmath 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, thanks. I like your background.
@circlonica2101 2 жыл бұрын
Salve Rafael - love your videos. When you mentioned getting active with hobbies . . . then asked about your background (I like both BTW) and it reminded me of your guitar rack which I'm always eyeing . . .it made me think of maybe a future topic. Are you an active musician? I don't mean professionally, but just jamming with friends and the occasional gig at a bar or coffeehouse. If so - how do you find the casual jam scene in Italy? Is it easy to find some play-mates? My unscientific observation - based solely on my Italian family members - is that music and musical education are very prized in Italy - most of my cousins learned to play an instrument as kids, and more than a few carried that into adult life. What's your impression?
@siberianpie Жыл бұрын
You video almost makes me cry. Those things seem so little, but they are unbearably frustrating for me. I wish I watched your video before moving to Italy
@Grant5272 2 жыл бұрын
I love the new background!
@simplymilla 2 жыл бұрын
Find a job in a private company and see how fast paced it is, then you’ll change your mind , 90% to 100%
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Haha still nothing compared to companies abroad ;)
@simplymilla 2 жыл бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuria mmmh, not so sure🤪
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
after having worked with companies both here and abroad, I definitely am more than sure
@mariadigiovanni1168 2 жыл бұрын
I love the new background.
@agjomarkaj 2 жыл бұрын
The outside background is very nice!! Grazie mille....buona sera.
@hovigalahaidoyan4080 7 ай бұрын
Scorpions = Veneto for sure. Most specially in the ancient houses - they live in the walls. Apparently harmless but if looks could kill...Also...if I had moved here BEFORE the miracle of google translate, I would have not lasted a minute. (and that's with a wife whose Italian) As for the rest, Im glad I haven't imagined things as everything you've mentioned seems on point. The hardest thing to deal with has been having to learn the driving test in Italian even though I am a seasoned driver. (its available in German and French also I believe but thats it) It can be a major hurdle. If you know you are coming here to stay, start learning before you get here because the one year you are allowed to drive with your native license will go by fast. Plenty of help online. As far as food, its a double edged sword...yes amazing food but unless you are in a mid-major centre, good luck trying to find anything that's not Italian food..so If you love different cuisines and cant live without variety, make sure you're not in a small town.
@tsocanuck 2 жыл бұрын
you are absolutely right ..for me owning a house in ITaly the bureaucracy is the WORST in the world . ithat must change .
@davidmisisco 2 жыл бұрын
You are so right! My wife is born and raised Italian. I arrived there almost 40 years ago. We both have duel citizenship. We love Italy. But we cannot make it our forever home. We'll continue to go back for 2,3 or more months of the year. But not forever.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
It's a tricky subject because there really are many wonderful things, it's just a question if you can accept these things as the tradeoff when you have many other wonderful things that exist here.
@hajiralsharif2074 2 жыл бұрын
Things are different for different people right!.. What really matter is that you are comfortable and you feel belonging wherever you are! 😊
@tesslapointe5120 2 жыл бұрын
I like the new background!
@michelle_architect 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! Great topic, learned a lot. Currently using Babbel to learn the language ☺️
@pamjacobson6236 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I like the background, good video.
@rich-ard-style6996 3 ай бұрын
This was a very good advise and video. 👍🏻🥰notboybgir Italy, but in general, too.
@1954patrizio 2 жыл бұрын
I like your last point because communication is key. Yes, learn the language!
@mr.dsproductreviewchannel 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You again Rafael for another Great Video. The Background is Nice but change it up from time to time from inside Your Studio area to the Video Background where You have taken Videos in different places in the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening for More Variety. As for Video Ideas how about for Students, Young Working People, Older Retired People, Vacationers, and about reasons why to either Rent or Own and Why one over the other. These Ideas cover a Lot which could be Many Vedio Episodes for Your Channel.
@Slowbiker1957 3 ай бұрын
If you expect the same as where you come for stay at home You wanted to go there. So stop complaining
@alexandervargas5304 Жыл бұрын
Correct about the pace of life except the roads.
@maureenruggeri5026 2 жыл бұрын
Love the backround!
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the feedback and coming to check out this episode!
@mattd7650 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure about the background, it can be a little distracting. But I’d say change it up every now and then. Keep us guessing.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your input, I completely understand where you're coming from. And yes, the plan is to change it up as much as possible, some backgrounds may be more busy, and some less... let's see you never know
@fk5701 2 жыл бұрын
Good point about the distraction of activity in the background. How about some still shots of scenic areas in your region, or even in other parts of northern Italy? There are so many spectacular sites and views to choose from. Give us a little tour of Italy in the background, which could be a nice mention up front so we know where we are.
@StephGambino 2 жыл бұрын
I 💕 the new background ❗
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the feedback Steph! Much appreciated ^_^
@annaesposito541 16 күн бұрын
If you come for going on to criticize then dont come.
@milarest2578 2 жыл бұрын
Love the background! I would add another reason....Earthquakes 😉
@mike-oh8if 5 ай бұрын
In America we're expected to change for everybody else that comes here
@fashionschoolsnitch6866 Жыл бұрын
Agree with you sir. Most videos about why or why not to relocate are from an American perspective. As a none American many of the cons don't apply to me...
@heather-vs9qe 4 ай бұрын
Caribbean the same❤
@wwlt.trevor0512 Жыл бұрын
love the background - where is it?
@bethanycollette2472 2 жыл бұрын
I like the scenic background, where is the one behind you located? I'm planning to move there from the US as well.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for letting me know! That is the main street here in Rovigo called Corso del Popolo, it’s right in the heart of the town
@simplepixel5617 2 жыл бұрын
Lived in Florence at a rented house for 1 month as a trial to move to Italy. Went stale and frustrating very fast, so we changed our minds in 3 weeks. When packing our clothes from the closet, BAM a scorpion sleeping like a baby in one of my wife's t-shirts from the closet. How it got there we have no idea.
@TheRomanPilgriminPerson 2 жыл бұрын
OhmyGosh, a Scorpion in Florence! I've not seen a Scorpion in Rome, nor a Stink Bug. However, the outskirts of Rome, outside the GRA, that could be something else. I grew up in the Indiana country, but the Italian countryside is no comparison.
@simplepixel5617 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheRomanPilgriminPerson It wasn't big, something like a 2 - 2.5 cm but it was so weird. I had no idea there were scorpions in Florence. If I knew, I would have been more careful when letting the clothes outside to dry after washing. I'm guessing that is how it got there.
@rosanaleao8256 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the background.
@MegaKurgen 2 жыл бұрын
Slow pace of life ? Unless they are driving....then everyone turns into a formula one driver. Lot of crazy drivers on the road..
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you hear you liked them ^_^ Thanks for letting me know!
@TheRomanPilgriminPerson 2 жыл бұрын
Rome is not slow at all.
@3onthebeach 2 жыл бұрын
Good job on the haircut, you were looking rather Gallagher. :)
@pap130 Жыл бұрын
8 minutes into your video your ranting about you have to take a receipt. I've traveled there 6 out of the last 7 years. Take the receipt when you get home throw it away.
@RafaelDiFuria Жыл бұрын
Your comment made it into episode 291 that was just uploaded, you'll be able to find a response to your comment in the episode: kzbin.info/www/bejne/r2fKdH-EjJulZs0&ab_channel=RafaelDiFuria-NotYourAverageGlobetrotter
@Jacob-tp3sw 11 ай бұрын
background -> Outside
@wade2922 2 жыл бұрын
Cool background!
@fabianpatrizio2865 4 ай бұрын
Americans think they just click their fingers and everyone jumps to attention for them.....(ie. impatience)
@unknownninja4430 Ай бұрын
Now that’s something, coming from a hand waver.
@kendv4299 2 жыл бұрын
Great episode. Italy is Italy!. They are NOT interested in putting a man on the moon. They don't care about such foolishness. They enjoy life here on earth as much as possible. That should tell you everything about the national culture. I think deep down they actually enjoy the paperwork, forms, stamps, certificates, procedures, etc. Something done in the "official" way must give them some sort of satisfaction. Bring your patience here and find out what it means to truly enjoy life. Your animated backgrounds are wonderful keep doing them. Bravo.
@hajiralsharif2074 2 жыл бұрын
Big respect for enjoying life concept 🙏👏from where i come from the culture is all about work and home weekends which is so boring! . that's why i admire Italian culture, They know how to appreciate life to the maximum.. 😊
@giulianoilfilosofo7927 2 ай бұрын
You do realized that Italy Is the leading investor in Europe in space economy alongside France? Stereotypes are bad for your health Sir......
@birgittemunch3886 10 ай бұрын
Of cause you must adjust to any country's law and culture. That is so obvious that only an American can raise the topic.... Everything change, but why should Italy be like the US? Why do you at all consider US an ideal, we do not!
@technologymusings2376 2 жыл бұрын
The video background stands out and feels a bit too distracting to me, though I understand why others may like it.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the feedback, much appreciated. If I would use backgrounds, I'd probably change them out each time and some may have less action than this one, while some may have more
@nina19581 2 жыл бұрын
Live background is better ;)
@KaratePath 2 жыл бұрын
Moving is always hard, i gotta be honest, if Venezuela wasnt in such a disastrous state, i would be returning. (Keep in mind that nor in Venezuela nor here, i was ever "poor", in fact i was much better financially in Venezuela than here, but too much insecurity and shit) Things to consider that start being heavy on you after a while. -Cultural differences to make friends... No matter how much i try, i am more inclined to "American Culture" (The continent), and some stuff here that i hate, like translated movies (there is only one Cinema with english), there are many people that dont like much video gaming (specially in Italy, all EU Servers, when im best is with Brits), rather read stuff in the library or that kind of stuff. Man i read already a lot of IT to be reading novels instead of gaming them. -Winter darkness.... I dont care much about the cold. Although i've been feeling colder and colder winters (global warming my ass); but the dark at 5 pm, is really depressing. -Taxes... Too much taxes, need to constantly be thinking on schemes to reduce your tax burden, thats annoying as fuck. -Pecore .... Sheeps.... Everyone so often behaves like sheeps. And i hate that.... (its a phenomenom most seen on europe's bigger cities really), but what do i mean? exactly what you mean that some people would do shit just an specific way just because they been told or are following the pack, instead of thinking by themselves and do it differently. I often have to buy clothes elsewhere so i dont look like everyone.. have you ever seen a pack of guys at the park?, they all look alike.. like sheeps... -And this one bothers me less, and the more time passes im more used to it. But even on Milan, i still find pace too slow. I mean, just watch people entering/exiting the subway, it is exasperating how slow they do it.Only Rome has that crazy turbulence (that i like, guess im just used to living in capital cities) -Gasoline prices .... dont get me started Don't get me wrong, i love Italy. But really some things have made me realize how good i had it. In Venezuela i used to go out every weekend drink, sometimes to the beach, or had access to gold resort club. Something similar here in Italy is €3.000/year (and half as good) (it is $80/mo there)
@dainasworldnumbers88 2 жыл бұрын
Kind of like Hawaii
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Haha I can only imagine like I said, a lot of what's in this episode may apply to other places as well. I'm guessing you live in Hawaii?
@dainasworldnumbers88 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in Kona and Maui for five years. Now I live in Santa Barbara, Ca. It’s really true what you said that the pace i a lot slower in Italy, Hawaii as well. When Target first came to Maui they lowered their sales goals because they knew Hawaiians didn’t care as much about money ! They are much more focused on experience. Also true it takes five years to really get to know a place. Thank you for all your work.!
@carolmerlini9971 2 жыл бұрын
No stink bugs here; have never seen one, didn't even know they exist in Italy. No flies, knats, etc. A few, small, seasonal spiders, no scorpions. An occasional, cute lizard. Italians say if a lizard comes into your house, it's good luck. Mosquitoes, yes, definitely but compared to Mexico the bite from an Italian mosquito is no big deal.
@katiedeluise2345 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha and from QLD Australia as well , they are nasty . 🦘
@macaccount4315 3 ай бұрын
Left Italy for Portugal as the Italians were so angry. The Portuguese are wonderful
@kokorospirit5006 Ай бұрын
Expressive -> Inexpressive - whatever floats your boat....
@artnunymiss2530 2 жыл бұрын
I like to see the outside!
@maurogallo8851 9 ай бұрын
I feel very sad I am from Italy and it makes me very sad sad and some things are a bit really but I feel very sad about what the videos say
@giulianoilfilosofo7927 2 ай бұрын
È un video pieno di stereotipi da parte un Americano superficiale, cosa ti aspetti?
@LeftToWrite006 2 жыл бұрын
When you say things are done slower there, do you mean even regarding medical things? This seems to be something that might need a bit of clarification, in my opinion. As a side note, in these background vids, it's funny to see people walking by and pointing or, at least, acknowledging "you". I laugh at these and they make it way worth it to keep using these kinds of shots as background. As a final note: what you said about what one considers their "home" was spot-fucking-on.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
When talking about things being slower I mean every aspect of life, there is not anything that isn’t slower here, including medical. Also thanks for feedback on the background :) Glad you’re enjoying them :)
@FLAC2023 Жыл бұрын
Actually there are plenty of articles on travel websites that mention how BAD the food is in Italy restaurants...
@sisko212 2 ай бұрын
Do you want some heartfelt advice??? Stay away from Italy. Visit it only for vacations, but don't even think about moving there. It's a messed-up country, perpetually on the brink of economic collapse. Services don't work, and the laws are so convoluted that even natives can't precisely understand how the system works. You are constantly at risk of fines and other penalties for not following laws that even Italians don't know exist. Buying anything outside of a store is extremely complicated. If you want to buy a house, there are so many documents to submit and professionals to pay that I wonder how Italians manage it. Let's not even talk about the job market. It's a disaster; as employees, most of the time, the salary is barely enough to live a minimally dignified life. Working as a freelancer is a nightmare both from a bureaucratic standpoint, and the taxes are so high that you won't have a euro left in your pocket. Italy is beautiful, but it's better to stay far away from it.
@pereinarolsson3928 2 ай бұрын
Be careful man - Italians have very sensitive skin. Their country and the food is of course the best in the world. Why? Because it is Italian! Italy is very conservative - italians rarely move and travel. Mama is still king in Italy....
@RafaelDiFuria 2 ай бұрын
Not everything is perfect, however, so many things are wonderful 😁
@JessicaDainese Ай бұрын
I am Italian and I have NEVER heard an Italian say we are the best country in the world 😂 we are among the least patriotic countries in the world. The only politician who has used nationalistic rethoric since Mussolini is his heir Meloni. We know, as most Europeans do, where nationalism leads to. No, Italians do not think Italy is the best country in the world. About the food, yes most italians do think Italian food is the best, and tbh IT IS among the best. BUT we do not have many "ethnic cuisine" restaurants in Italy besides chinese and japanese, so if an Italian person has not travelled much, they know nothing about other countries cuisine. If you are told by half the world that your food is the best, and you havent tried other types of food, you end up thinking it is the best. I personally like Indian food because it has many vegetarian dishes, but I learned about Indian food because I lived in the UK for 2 years. There were no Indian restaurants in my city when I was a kid (there are a few now).
@JessicaDainese Ай бұрын
Also, "Italians never move or travel" is absolutely false 😂 we have been sailors and traders for centuries. We have one of the biggest diasporas in the world. Huge numbers of Italians in the USA, South America, Germany etc. You really do not know anything about Italy. EDIT: Young Italians are moving to other countries in big numbers even now. Mostly highly educated and skilled. We call it "fuga di cervelli" (brain drain). It is a big problem.
@pereinarolsson3928 Ай бұрын
@@JessicaDainese This is a very Italian answer - when you say something about Italy and Italians - people immedately explodes and start to defend themself and Italy. They never seem to stop and reflect......just explosion....but I guess that is Italy......
@JessicaDainese Ай бұрын
@@pereinarolsson3928 Explosion? Where? I just explained that you are telling lies. Why would I NOT correct you? Also, I was the only one to comment you, so obviously there was no "explosion". Ridiculous.
@darthhideous9084 2 жыл бұрын
Of course you don’t move to Italy when receiving citizenship. You get the Italian citizenship so that you can live in a based country in the EU, like Poland, Hungary, etc.
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly disagree, I would stand behind any requirement for a recently recognized citizen to have to live at least 1 year in the country. Even making it a requirement to be eligible to have a passport. After having lived here I can say to me it's absolutely absurd to have an Italian passport and not know what living in the country is like based on first-hand experience. If you decide to reside abroad to an extent, as small as it may be, you are representing "your country" but for it to truly be yours then you should know what exactly life is like there. If a person however wants to get the citizenship to then move somewhere else then hey, why not? But if you find that you disagree with how things are run in a country why would pursuing their citizenship make sense? I get your point to move to a country that may be more appropriate for the individual, but like I said, in my opinion, it's almost a little silly that there's no residency requirement. Also thank you for taking part in the conversation I appreciate all points of view and respect why you may feel the way you do
@darthhideous9084 2 жыл бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuria Quite simply, I would pursue an Italian citizenship specifically to obtain EU citizenship with hopes to residing in a country that doesn't run its people like tyrants. Of course, to each his own: my great-grandparents arrived at Ellis Island from Sicily in 1914. One of their children, my grandmother, married an Anglo-German, and had my mother who then married a Mexican immigrant, who then had me. I am now a mere quarter Sicilian as a result, which my explains a complete lack of affinity I have to Italy. And the way they're treating their people like prisoners with this green pass nonsense was easily the final thrust of the dagger for any remaining hope I may have for "coming home." It's as if Italy is rewriting history: my great-grandparents left Sicily because they were not treated right/ignored by the regime, in this case Umberto I creating poor conditions on the island. And here we go again, greatly limiting freedoms just over 100 years later. Three generations later and Italy is being avoided again.
@norma8686 2 жыл бұрын
@@darthhideous9084 I disagree, Italy is getting better not worse. And the green pass thing is to protect the citizens and help stop the spread of this terrible virus.
@suzannederringer1607 2 жыл бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuria You had a strong emotional connection to Italy from you childhood, and your Immigrants were your grandparents who you knew well. Not everyone has that direct experience. In my case - 4 of my Greatgrandparents came from Italy (as kids in the 1850s going to relatives already in the US - or in the 1880s as young adults) The other 4 Greatgrandparents came from Austria and Bavaria. All but one of that Immigrant Generation died before I was born. My Grandparents never saw their parents' Homelands. Nor my parents. The cultural ties that remained - to any extent - had to do with Food and Church. So I am pursuing Italian Citizenship essentially for the freedom to live and work anywhere in the EU. Hopefully I will 'settle' - make a Home for myself - in Italy. I'm pursuing Italian Citizenship because both Austrian and German aren't available due to little things like World War I and the end of the Austrian Empire, and the fact that the Greatgrandpas never went back to re-establish their Austrian or German Citizenship before they died. I am no more emotionally tied to Austria or Germany than to Italy. I am looking to establish myself in a congenial community. Depends on where I can find something that provides opportunities for me.
@carolmerlini9971 2 жыл бұрын
And that's why the government should stop giving the Italian passport to people who have no connection to Italy except, for example, one great, great, great grand-father.
@jacopostrasorier1663 Ай бұрын
“Italy is not a fast-paced” country. Try moving to Milano.
@reginapolo3357 2 жыл бұрын
I came back to Panama after 30 plus years in the US....Big adjustment!!!! On the other hand, it is relaxing to know that you can enjoy a movie at the movie theaters, (good or bad)...after a little mall indulgence and not have your adrenaline up at dangerous degree. Beurocracy???? Just an opportunity to practice the local language!!!!
@RafaelDiFuria 2 жыл бұрын
Well if that isn't the definition of looking on the bright side then I don't know what is!😆
@reginapolo3357 2 жыл бұрын
@@RafaelDiFuria Grazie Rafael. Presto mi trasloco a Scalea. Ci vediamo a presto. Hasta pronto. Ps....It was hard to adjust to US civilian life after 22nyear in the USN/USMC.......😨 anything else is a piece of cake
@musiccreation1198 9 ай бұрын
Dude...if these are your "best" reasons not to move to Italy...versus living in the USA? It's laughable. I'm moving to Italy :)
@camarosspr Жыл бұрын
Obesity? Not really. Last stat Italy 10%, Theire slim. USA 30% overweight, 40% obese 7 out of 10
@birgittemunch3886 10 ай бұрын
Why do you imagine that Italy or any other country just should accept strange foreigners.. like Americans.. moving to their country? Actually people outside EU cannot just move to Italy, ie get residence. And why are you coming if you want things to be like US? Stay home....
@alek4811 2 жыл бұрын
I so agree with you, Rafael! I’ve been going to Italy for the past 5 years, staying in chunks of 3 months per each visit in preparation for a permanent move, which, the latest pandemic interfered with enormously…still, working on it, though. It’s a beautiful country, great people and at the same time infuriating to the max to a person accustomed to a different life style. Its important to relinquish all preconceived notions and ingrained habits and expectations and accept the culture as is. Not easy, but time and patience work wonders.
@youlookfin.3 4 ай бұрын
can i ask how you set up a preparation like that? there are so many vague instructions and steps but i don't know of any actions to take other than a passport or finding remote work
@kennance115 17 күн бұрын
Interesting , reminds me of Quebec City in Canada. The Italians I know in the states all have extended family members living in the same house but none of them are fat.
@7TerriPod 6 ай бұрын
I was considering moving to Italy, until you mentioned all that crap about the government there they’re nuts but then again the American government is just as crazy lately.
@QNEGRO1 2 жыл бұрын
Too much red tape here in Italy to do anything.
@scottstambaugh8473 3 ай бұрын
Everyone is wearing a mask. That does it for me.
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