A "Brief" Guide and Thoughts on Refraction Railway 2 [Limbus Company]

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@therealESGOO 11 ай бұрын
Finally, this video is DONE. I would like to apologize for a few audio errors, and the state of my voice. I recorded this with a new mic setup AND was sick for part of it. Should be fixed in all future videos!
@GA7273 11 ай бұрын
Its fine, as long as your lovable style of editing remains, we will enjoy it despite the errors :)
@sealoverlord5120 11 ай бұрын
talking about the audio thing, i would have your voice be quite louder, same as the music, its very quiet!
@HarambaeXelonmuskfans 11 ай бұрын
It’s not fine, you need to apologise to me directly and restart the video from scratch.
@AWrySmile 11 ай бұрын
I hope you're better now D: Remember good, warm food, it is important and surprisingly helpful for recovery.
@sneaky1497 11 ай бұрын
FYI dieci is pronounced "dee-eh-chee" hope this helps
@eyez3294 11 ай бұрын
The challenge of playing railway is not the difficulty, but the attempts to find the will to endure all the B.S. it throws at you.
@helpme3230 11 ай бұрын
the 3 first fights that you're forced to do on every cycle really ruins it imo
@BrainRotPatient 11 ай бұрын
This railway is just ass although it's possible to complete it on cycle 5 without a completely optimal team you straight up can't beat terminus without AOE ego's
@NuclearRaven13 11 ай бұрын
If steam machine has 1 million hater, I am one of them. If steam machine has 5 haters, I am one of them. If steam machine has 1 hater, I am that hater. If steam machine has zero haters, I am no longer alive. If the world is against steam machine, I'll support the world. Till my last breath, I'll hate steam machine.
@hotmud9703 11 ай бұрын
@dsbmaldia13 11 ай бұрын
​@BrainRotPatient My team wasn't optimal either but I was able to complete it without AOE EGOs.
@yosef7313 11 ай бұрын
My hope is that next railway has a parallel track gimmick. Half your sinners go on one track, the other half on the other. So you have a scenario where you can't just stack all the top meta IDs on one team, as that means you're left with much slower victories on the other track. And then at the end the tracks converge and lead into our first ever 12 sinners at once fight.
@delirare 11 ай бұрын
That...sounds really interesting,ngl
@hauntedhoody2976 11 ай бұрын
I Hope they bring back apocalypse bird
@Punsmaster2 9 ай бұрын
@@hauntedhoody2976"Do not trust time, for I will guide you."
@FaiAstriel 9 ай бұрын
​@@hauntedhoody2976I do not want to experience another Binah Realization bs again
@bestaround3323 6 ай бұрын
We got a very simple no gimmick Railway.
@oxipox 11 ай бұрын
Stratbook (assumes a mix of good and decent ids, no idea about challenge/masochistic runs) Station 1 - So That No One Will Cry: - Stagger the body on the first 2 turns, this will push the 3rd turn defense phase to the 4rd turn. - Break the body and lower the arm near it's stagger threshold on the stagger turn. - If you couldn't kill him on the stagger turn (a.k.a in the first cycle, you should be able to on subsequent cycles), break the arm with one sided attacks (his 3 nuke skills are divided as 2 from the body and 1 from the arm, you can clash with your lower speed sinner the one from the arm and throw the rest of your damage there). - If you couldn't kill him after 2 turns of staggered bursting, then just reset the railway until you can. Station 2 - Steam Transport(?) Machine: - If you break the body on the same turn you stagger it, the passive activating goes on hold until after the NEXT turn, a.k.a the turn it unstaggers, but the cycle passive deactivates immediately. - So, the strat is to stagger/break the blaster on a protection turn, or as you break the body on a fragility turn (it works out better breaking the blaster on a prot turn, but if your first turn is odd, then just try and break both, prioritizing the body). - After breaking the body, just nuke it. Either you kill it in stagger, or leave it at 1 turn of damage off. - If you couldn't kill it, coming off stagger with a broken blaster, I think he guaranteed always does 2 attacks that give him fragility thanks to the blaster passive. Clash those with your faster sinners for more damage. - Ineffective math time: He get's ineff. to both damage types AND sin types, so you actually do 25% damage to him. Then, fragility applies on said 25%, bossting that low value. Station 3 - Drifting Fox: - ESGOO's strat is right, just wait out until he doesn't have protection anymore and onesided attack the head for lethal. - On later cycles (4 and 5 I think, don't remember if 3 also) you'll need to do this twice because the head doesn't break in the first 2 turns. - Usefull tip: In the first turn, he does 4 (or 3?) body attacks + 1 head attack. In the second, he does 4 (again, 3?) head attacks + a body attack. - Using said tip, try and break the head on turn 2 (and as said earlier, this doesn't work on later cycles. Just 6 turns it then). - This shouldn't need to be said, but if you can't kill the fox on turn 4 break the umbrellas. They buff his nuke, but only at clash time, so killing remaining ones on the same turn before clashing the nuke removes the buff from it. Station 4 - T Corp: - ESGOO's right again. Just nuke one and then the other. - If you can't 1 turn each one of them, just stagger 1 and clash the other. On turn 2 kill the staggered one, and stagger the other, on turn 3 kill the remaining staggered one. - When there are two waves, just repeat the process twice. They really are pushovers. - It's either a 2-4 turn station, or a 3-6 turn station. Knowing this is important to adjust the turn count you'll NEED to have on more optimizable stations. - If you fuckup and one heals, just reset. It really isn't worth it. Station 5 - Faelantern: - What Is Cast actually oneshots or almost oneshots the fairy with a heads hit. Killing the fairy is really easy either way, as it has (I think) like 170 hp only. - As said in the video, stagger the tree -> it doesn't go down -> just send it. - Either a 3 turn fight or a 5 turn fight, most likely a 3 turn one (it really is made of paper). This is the fight that gives space for T Corp, Fairy Duo, and Fox to take as long as they can take and still make it under 150. Station 6 - Shock Centipede: - Rime Shank. - Seriously, Rime Shank almost alone takes out the shield. - As said in the video, self-charge gain is on TURN START, but the self-charge removal is on CLASH LOSE. DO NOT KILL THE ELECTROBUG UNTIL YOU CLASHED WITH ALL HIS SKILLS. Even if it means lowrolling the previous turns. - This fight is really a 2 turn damage foresight fight, or in other words, knowing the worst skills you need to use to kill the bug by turn 4 while clashing all his skills. - If you can burst it turn 3 and have it have equal or less than 4 self-charge you can also do that, since that should only be a single turn extra. - Focus the head for damage. Station 7 - Fairy Gentleman: - Break arm. - Kill glass. - Nuke arm (don't clash). - 3 or 4 turns. More is bad, retry. Actual Station 7 - Fairy Duo: - Pick a fairy to focus your exceeding damage on. My recommendation is Long Legs. - Try and break both fairies extremities with clashing, break Long Legs head if you can with extra damage. - At turn 2 (or 3 if im misremembering) they do the summon attack, you'll need to use EGOs to clash them. Gentlemen is doable on a skill 3, but Long Legs rolls too high to not use an EGO. - At turn 3(or 4 if im misremembering) they summon, kill the wine and ignore the clover. Focus the rest of the damage on Long Legs. - Attack a part that isn't guarding to not trigger the guard. This is the reason to break his head (at least i think it was his head? It would make more sense if it was his legs, but I remember it being his head. Maybe i'm wrong), to get all his resistances to fatal. Also, by not triggering his guards, I'm pretty sure the protection doesn't trigger as well. - Long Legs will keep guarding until the clover is broken, just kill him. Ignore the Gentlemans attacks since you did his mechanic. Long Legs should die here. - Faster sinner breaks clover, Gentleman gets bursted. Gentlemen dies either here or next turn. - This fight can take between 6 and 8 turns on average. It sucks, but it is what it is. This is the reason to save turns on Faelantern and early cycle Steam Machine and Dog btw. Station 8 - Wayward Passenger: - The video is 100% right, be carefull with the counter, break all the portals and he's a pushover. - The protals are weak to their sin type, and extremely fragile. They also are ineff. (or resist, i don't remember) all other sin types. - AOE EGOs are king, use them. Portals are so fragile that using 3 or 4 different AOEs will kill all of them, regardless of sin types. - When you kill all portals, you get an extra turn of DPS into him before he hops into the rift again. - This fight should be a 4 turn station if you break all portals, otherwise is a 7 turn Station (assuming you fail to break all portals 2 times). - Really, just nuke him every time he's onscreen, since you'll not need the skills for the last Station anyways. - BTW as a fun fact, this is the fight that limits the possible cycle counts to around 10 - 12 ish. He literally murders everyone and heals to full xD. Station 9 - Sign of Roses: - Video covers it really well, in reality is a "just read and it does itself" fight. - The Sign loses damage and gains health as cycle count goes up. It delays the fight but makes it easier, to the point that at later cycles it's an autowin because it can't meaningfully hurt you. - Roses are fatal to their sin affinity, ineffective to all else. - Dangerous roses: Wrath (retaliates damage dealt to it), Gloom (inverts resistance and gains protection) and Sloth (Straigth out gains 5 protection). - Deal with the roses, kill the flesh. After the flesh is broken, just keep hitting it (I don't remember it not being targetable after breaking it, but if it is just go for the body then). - Only the first turn of roses being out the Sing should not be hit, after you can just clash his attacks and direct excess damage to it to speed it up. - Ideally it's a 4 turn fight. In reality, probably 5 or 6. You can keep roses alive to extend the turns you can hit the Sign, keep in mind your sinners can get staggered on the rose passive damage. Well, that's my guide. Im sure someone better than me will correct a bunch of stuff I said, so be sure to check the replies here to get the most accurate info. Finally, good luck to all with the sub 150! Im hoping once Farmwatch Faust comes out sub 150 will get easier for all (She will come out and she will be Faust, let me cope).
@Welvader 11 ай бұрын
33:52 Finally, another person who prefers Brazen Bull over Shock Centipede. Esgoo you have earned all my respect homie
@notloopers1110 11 ай бұрын
I always liked shock centipede... i like the techno theme and i feel like i can relate to how stubborn the thing is I dont know when to stay down either... Its also why i LOVE the wayward passenger fight, W corp is a ez favorite faction, the dimension hopping, high speed , charge themed attacks are also a favorite
@panzerldr5724 11 ай бұрын
Can’t agree since all my good IDs are blunt weak
@societalmenace7952 10 ай бұрын
I just hate them both equally, tho that might be because I fought the bull a ton while that one bug that ducked up your clashes was around
@Genkoryu 11 ай бұрын
I loved Wayward Passenger, it was quite fun! I'm quite sad that we fought It just once and really hope to see it in MD2H or even MD3
@treedude4246 8 ай бұрын
I couldnt break the gd rifts in one turn
@notshinjiikari9996 Ай бұрын
@paps3060 11 ай бұрын
i'd argue brazen bull's fight would have dragged on even more tbh, since its stagger threshold is at the bottom of its healthbar until its extra part to break shows up, it just feels like a total slough to fight
@axeiiyl 11 ай бұрын
Not even an hour video, smh my head
@coffeegaming9863 11 ай бұрын
i love hour long ramblings of a madman
@aguyoti8947 11 ай бұрын
Hard disagree with you on MFE being better than Sign of Roses. The first fight against MFE is a great experience and really well-suited to capping off RR1, but I think that the atmosphere Sign of Roses’ wields is pretty much perfect. The parallels between the two are really interesting as well. Given MFE’s obvious Buddhist inspiration and Sign of Roses’ Christian theming, I wonder if every final railway boss will be themed after a religion. Great video as always. If you actually manage to beat all of railway 2 with your worst units team, then it’ll be interesting to see if Wayward Passenger finally lives long enough to use his mass attack.
@Late0NightPC 11 ай бұрын
Seconded. As someone raised Christian, seeing how the Abno is this horrific and perverted mixture of "finding peace in your own sinfulness" was a strangely enjoyable experience. Plus, I've always been a sucker for intense battles that don't feel intense such as this one, where the HP draining of the roses is a seriously dangerous mechanic, yet due to the peaceful design of the arena, the enemies being literal flowers, and the organ music in the background, it never *felt* like I was fighting for my life. Not to mention, the countless connections to Jesus and his crucifixion may have some interesting lore implications. We already have "jesus 2.0" in the form of One Sin and 100 Good Deeds, and this abno's focus on "accepting yourself and letting your sinful nature bloom" just drips with Carmen's influence, so seeing an Abnormality that might be a strange mixture of both Carmen and Ayin could have some interesting implications for the nature of the Distortion Phenomenon going forward.
@Sequence0_Paradox 11 ай бұрын
@@Late0NightPC Lob Corp and Ruina skipper here, can you elaborate on the thing about ayin and carmen and how they came to influence ego and distortions, spoilers are fine, I just want to know since I don't have the time to play either games except for limbus (I knew the pm universe roughly but I just started to get into it through limbus just last month).
@LTDLetsPlays 11 ай бұрын
@@Sequence0_Paradoxyou see after Carmen became one with light along with Ayin at the end of lob Corp Carmen decided Everyone should paint the world with their own colours fully integrating with their personal flaws to be more selfish and be themselves that way since she regretted her previous goal which led to story of Lob Corp any Ayin doing so much pain and suffering to fulfill her dream One sin thousand good deeds represent Ayin and White night Represented bad ending C Ayin and Carmen as they are false Saviours
@aaronli8843 10 ай бұрын
I think MFE had mechanics better suited to Railway; you have a lot of options to tackle it, and a lot to shave turn counts. Breaking the Buddha Murti to make him go berserk, setting up early kills on the minions, or the ultimate turn count skip; breaking through 10 prot to directly kill MFE. You can still do that somewhat with Sign of Roses, but MFE specced all the way into figuring out turn count reduction. Roses are fun too though.
@AudibleNoiseContent 11 ай бұрын
Railway is pretty fun for me I try to optimise few fights per day and that has been really fun for me. I think many of the issues people have stem from trying to do everything in a few days rather than spreading it out. Theres still quite a long time before the embellished banner stops being available There is wayyyy more thinking involved and variables to consider in each turn compared to RR1 and that is already an improvement for me. I hated resetting for perfect turns in RR1 and hoping for good skill rng Some of the earlier fights on railway feel completely different on later cycles. For drifting fox on earlier cycles, you can nuke the head and not have to bother with the umbrellas, on the later fights the protection on the 1st 2 turns encourages you to use your skill 1s. This is usually the same with the other fights, so fights have sort of a rhythm to them. It probably would be better if you had a greater choice in choosing when the protection on body parts are triggered Worst fight in railway for me is Centipede for sure It is a complete rng nightmare for low turning Main thing I really want from Limbus is survival content The most challenging thing in the game I have experienced is Chapter 3's Sacristy fight when the game launched and that has not changed
@medicalricky 11 ай бұрын
Yeah it seems the first 2 (maybe 3) cycles can be unga bunga damage nuked but the later ones, alternative strats seem to shine.
@LTDLetsPlays 11 ай бұрын
Yeah we need a Survival based Mode where we fight randomised enemies in randomised layouts with only limit how far you are in waves
@nakoamechi 11 ай бұрын
God don't remind me of Sacristy. That fight was pure hell during release.
@Yuri_Burger 11 ай бұрын
I don’t care how long, I’ll watch every single second of this!!!
@fluffbunn4175 11 ай бұрын
Resetting really kills the fun in the game imo It was miserable for me to have to reset continuously in RR1 to get good starting skills (+ back then 45 sanity was like 70-75 % chance to roll heads) In this one I did a chill first run hitting 179 turns and a second trying to get sub 150 and was able to do it in 131 turns. And that was without resetting (except for centipede first encounter bc losing a clash means basically losing 3 turns). So imo this one was more fun and I like that you can play like either a dps race or an endurance test
@user-yv3ct7ml6d 11 ай бұрын
Taking tremor is actually good on rupture teams, since Rosespanner Gregor only applies count with s3 when bursting tremor, and even 1 of it is enough
@makowiecmakowiecki4565 11 ай бұрын
One important note, Meurault's chains of others is really good against the talisman doll. If you use it against it during the protection turn, it get's -9 attack lvl next turn, making his gloom skill a joke.
@MagoDraws 8 ай бұрын
Cycle 0 STNOWC is probably the main reason I never really even went near Railway 2 until like yesterday because I wanted to try and at least get SOMETHING from it before Railway 3 comes out. I honestly want to thank this guide for motivating me to actually attempt Railway 2 fully, because I've now gone from being stuck at STNOWC all the way to now having gotten past Fairy Gentleman's first encounter. (But seriously cycle 0 STNOWC is genuinely very annoying due to starting at 0 sanity)
@gaygedepartment 11 ай бұрын
Hey, some thoughts of a 95 turn clear loser here. Stnowc isnt bad at all when you realize that it can be straight up killed on turn 4 on the first fight, especially since it gets a ton of bind once it gets the talismans. On subsequent cycles this fight becomes a joke like you said, an overclocked and a regular rime shank will allow to just kill it in 2 turns. Faelantern isnt bad at all as well, its just so squishy and consistently dies on turn 3. Centipede just folds under sinking even when just managing it with rime shank only Wayward passengers portal gimmick can be completely skipped by staggering both its arms.
@therealESGOO 11 ай бұрын
I should have clarified what I meant when I said STNOWC is the hardest fight. It’s more because it is assuming you are starting without much knowledge. With strategies, the fight does fall apart. I think it also speaks to how generally easy the fights are, since outside of dying of boredom (you the player, not the IDs) there isn’t much risk outside of STNOWC’s big attack.
@AlembicOverflow 11 ай бұрын
I really enjoy hearing you analyze and talk about stuff in this game. It's fun to see other people's perspectives and experiences, especially when there's real care and passion behind it.
@whensatoriischibi9930 11 ай бұрын
Hey, ESGOO, I sincerely want to thank you for your hard work on this video! It helped me a lot! There were some moments where I struggled and your guide is a miracle. Please keep making good content, you're my favorite limbus youtube so far!
@makowiecmakowiecki4565 5 ай бұрын
5:58 the legendary words that would change generations to come
@GhostKing-bq4sh 11 ай бұрын
One issue with using Base Rodyas passive is N Sin has one of the highest HPs on your team and since he wants to roll tails its wasted on him. You need keep his HP lower then the next highest HP to get any benefits from the passive.
@Shimazumi 11 ай бұрын
have to say for the first cycle of STNOWC, I recommend warp don, warp Ryoshu, and Molar Ish, and you may wonder why. The reason is, by the third turn, you should have enough charge/tremor to clash with his big attacks. As well, this has worked for all the runs I've tried to far, pretty consistently. And its pretty simple to set up.
@roxas256 11 ай бұрын
oh boy 50 minutes of peak ESGOO back at it again with another good vid like always❤
@tikhonbatkovic 11 ай бұрын
OMG I JUST CLEARED ITTTT. Thank you. Mr. Esgoo, I would never be able to do it without your detailed guide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@ShadowOfOurHearts 7 ай бұрын
Welp only a couple days left in railway. I just got into limbus a little while ago, and finally have a good(ish) set of ids and ego. And I'm really thankful for your guide. I managed to make it all the way to passenger before really walling and I'm hoping I can finish it off tomorrow and claim my rewards just in time to see the future
@warthogs3098 10 ай бұрын
I had youtube autoplay going on while I was working on something. When you said "Hi there!" That actually spooked me because I wasn't really paying attention that the video changed XD
@PinkLilly55 11 ай бұрын
Hong Lu my beloved ^v^
@Granberia32 10 ай бұрын
Love the guide, been pretty bad at the game mostly just hitting the win rate button, now that game’s difficulty as gotten to the point I have to put some effort into decision making this guide has helped me a lot going to try and beat at least all bosses on the railway got the first 2 so far, (which is 2 more than before I found this video) so thanks for the advice.
@johncarlfuentebella9375 11 ай бұрын
Don't have the healing ego's mentioned on the video, but after watching this, I've reached cycle 2 with 80% of my teams health remaining! With the tips on how to deal with bosses and what buffs ro pick my run has been smooth. This is a very informative video! Thank you for creating this.
@Cat-qo3cn 11 ай бұрын
Cleared this at 154 turns thanks to this guide. THIS REALLY FREAKING HELPED!!!!
@thousandyoung 11 ай бұрын
Lobotomy Faust can have crazy high clash potential but Seven is definitely built for RR2.
@sheepertheclassical6597 11 ай бұрын
I would love to see the railway 3 video, even though i din’t play limbus myself. These vids are a blast to watch, project moon’s stuff is really eyecatching!
@advbassdrop3956 11 ай бұрын
I don't understand the hate for fae lantern I thought that fight was a free 3 turn literally every cycle now centipede on the other hand the gaining charge on combat start instead of clash win or something else because if it's not turn 6 and he's coiling up again he gains 10 charge guaranteed and you can't clash if you kill it before final clash and if you go to final stand at more than 10 charge just reset its over
@advbassdrop3956 11 ай бұрын
Also I don't know of I'm bugged or something, but literally, wvery encounter always rolls max speed guaranteed
@kenjidayan7579 11 ай бұрын
Beat the railway cycle 5 at 139 turns, had a lot of fun and seriously enjoyed the time i spent on it. but also NEVER AGAIN (at least until the next railway)
@notloopers1110 11 ай бұрын
My first run took a solid like 5 days of on and off play, and i ended up at turn 199 Thank fucking God i was NOT interested in going for another round For a tip, when fighting so that no one will cry, Do NOT be affeaid of the burn spreading I brought Liu ishmael and nclair and the burn was nothing but tickle damage that can instantly be fixed with a single fluid sac
@Walnutt 11 ай бұрын
i've already gotten my sub-150 5 cycle but i like going back to this video just to listen to the explanations
@monchete9934 11 ай бұрын
I don't care if i've already did a 5-172 run, i'll watch it to the end. Btw, a STNWC tidbit, the talismans slightly buff damage dealt, so, so long as you don't pass the 9 count threshold, stack them on your damage dealers to increase even for a bit the damage dealt, it can probably make a difference
@KuroiShiAnimu 11 ай бұрын
From my personal experience the Talisman damage boost doesn't matter much, you can only 3 turn it if you don't get bad skills and if you do get bad skills then no amount of Talismans will get you less than 4 turns. That's from the point of view of a good team comp though, it might help never/unlucky people with worse comps
@kirashinji 11 ай бұрын
What do you mean I can't winrate my way to victory 😔😔😔 Thanks for the video! Can't wait to watch it and finally beat this Railway
@ImmortalAbyss 11 ай бұрын
Despite already being done with rr2, I'd still watch such a lovely video by an amazing creator. Maybe I'll even try sub 200, but I'm too lazy for it.
@nertulagno1302 11 ай бұрын
Wow, thanks for that, dude. Will watch it with great pleasure
@LTDLetsPlays 11 ай бұрын
34:51 meanwhile im struggling with lack of gloom and pride and this perk would kill me
@jacobnguyen8372 8 ай бұрын
Hi Esgoo! I just finished my first run of RR after a while taking a break, and this really helped! I managed to get 169 turns, which is 13^2! I know this because your guides help make me super smart :)
@HarambaeXelonmuskfans 11 ай бұрын
The centipede is the worst part of this railway. It is not a fun fight, it relies entirely on what skills you get at the start (which is even worse then faelantern) and it’s “cancel all skills at 1 HP” is fucking horrible. It can also steal your charge for it’s self-charge and cuck you over at the last possible turn which is really fun for me. The worst part is that MD2Hard is easier then this fucker even without any starlight tree.
@lewisback7704 11 ай бұрын
@flowers_chaos 11 ай бұрын
@constanze6286 11 ай бұрын
"now that maybe one person went to go do the fight" I feel so called out... I just want to procrastinate...
@fordexyzable1597 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying That No One Will Cry is the hardest fight. I haven't had time to play much but tried on Sunday and it kicked my ass several times even after I tried updating for bashing and such. Maybe one day I'll be mediocre at the game!
@fantastgd3628 11 ай бұрын
Considering that I perfer lobocorp massively over Ruina its not a surprise that I actually really enjoy this railway and the way it works. Got 110 on my first run and going for sub 100 right now and I'm still enjoying myself.
@trevorBbracket 11 ай бұрын
damn that poll doesn't lie. this is exactly what I wanted
@DregunStash 11 ай бұрын
Hello, I have a lot of thoughts, I will "only" write four of them down and leave the rest for later 1) Dimensional Shredder is cool against fox as it can help apply rupture counts which is just more free damage and you can even use the big number to clash against the AoE itself, very neat way to help with the fight 2) Since speed is kept between runs in RR2, you can plan ahead, restart, bring different units for Fae Lantern in order to control who gets charmed, which is pretty interesting, I brought base Meursault and I brought him out for that fight only just because he is so slow. 3) I'm surprised Blade Lineage Yi Sang never gets mentioned, especially because he does have a not completely useless skill 1 (most of the time), I've had a friend casually doing RR2 and he accidentally got under 200 (or was it 150) with BL Yi Sang on the team. 4) I actually quite liked this event, perhaps the closest thing in this game feeling wise to library of ruina's later fights, I just... don't enjoy low turn count conditions. In my opinion that's the only reason these protection and ineffective and stalling mechanics are so unenjoyable. That being said I still went for 150 (and succeeded) because I know I could do it and so why not, give me the special border game PS: I almost forgot to say but you are really good at speaking and voicing your thoughts, I think that's one of my favorite parts about watching your videos, even in this less edited format I could barely notice that this video was supposed to be lower quality, looking forward to hear what you have to say about your bad IDs run. This comment ends here
@McKayla24798 11 ай бұрын
This morning I accidentally got a four-turn steam transport machine by getting it’s body to around 40 health on turn 3 then I got DDEDR, Rip Space, Mind Whip, AND Nclair skill 3 to just obliterate it. Great day.
@MistrumFeathering 11 ай бұрын
Just jotting down my thoughts as I watch through. Quick note, I did manage to get 143 turn cycle count 5, I think on the first or second week, I don't remember which. -Nothing to say on So That No One Will Cry -Steam Machine is such a pain. My trick was setting up for fast quick suppression on a Fragile turn for Metronome. Then just hitting the body with everything (Mind whips and rip spaces and all that deal). Should do good damage that turn, play your cards right and they're staggered the next, just deal as much as you can. Then use the Steam Blaster to deal whatever damage is left for the total healthbar. Also I didn't know about the fragile-based debuff after breaking the blaster. I'm bad at reading, sometimes. -No real thoughts on Fox fight. Just don't stagger yourself on Thorns. -No real comments on T-Corp. -I liked Faelantern :c. Didn't have much trouble with it, could generally do somewhere between 4-6 turns. -No real notes on Shock Centipede. -I thought it was neat to add Fairy Long Legs after Fairy Gentleman. -Wayward is neat. But really easy (Four turns, I think, though I needed to try a couple times for it), and you only fight them once. Would love to see them in Mirrors, though. I'm also just doing a 'as many cycles as I care to do' run, so maybe I'll get a better feel for them in that. -Sign of Roses was a cool fight. Easy, but cool. I once intentionally set up my team with all the affinities on skill 1, to get the rainnnnnboww. Pretty, not recommended for the fight itself. Also, maybe a Staining Rose Aberration? Which would be kinda neat. I liked the railway as a whole. I do think the looping would be better suited to something more Mirror Dungeon-y (I would love a version of something like this with E.G.O. gifts and dispensers and all that). I think Railway 1 was better as a *railway*, but I enjoyed 2. Possibly just because there's not really anything at quite the same level of challenge as the Railways. Would be nice if they just left the Railways available in general, even without rewards. I think they're fun. For those who might care, my team comp was: Uptie 3 Spicebush (Crow's Eye, Fourth Match, Sunshower) Uptie 4 Kromerfaust (Representation, Nothing [I do not have Hex Nail], Fluid Sac) Uptie 4 Warp Don (La Sangre De Sancho, Lifetime Stew, Fluid Sac [I do not have Don Telepole]) Uptie 4 Warp Ryoshu (Forest for the Flames, Nothing [I did not have Red Eyes], 4th Match Flame) Uptie 4 Rhino Meursault (Chains of Others, Screwloose Wallop, Capote [I do not have Persuance]) Uptie 3 Tingtang (Land Of Illusion, Roseate Desire, Dimension Shredder). This was for passive, I did not use him. Uptie 4 Bunnycliff (Bodysack, AEDD, Telepole) Uptie 4 Rishmael (Snagharpoon, Roseate Desire, Ardor Blossom Star). I used Roseate once, to get Whispers. Uptie 4 Rosedya (What is Cast, Threadspun 4 Rime Shank, Fourth Match Flame) Uptie 3 Boatworks Sinclair (Branch of Knowledge). I don't really like N-Corp Sinclair, and while I used him a bit on earlier attempts, he kept Stewing everyone, and eventually just got benched. Uptie 4 Outiseven (To Pathos Mathos, Threadspun 4 Sunshower, Ebony Stem) Uptie 4 Zwei Gregor (Legerdemain, Lantern, AEDD) Rodya had the most damage, at 9993 (Spicebush was second, at 8451)
@faldororlaridon2691 11 ай бұрын
Ah, the Railway. My 'winning run'(where i got everything practical, ignoring cosmetics) was doing well, and i was even considering going for that 5th loop...until i learned the hard way that K Corp Hong Lu needs to have any health left over in order to revive...dang Rip Space....
@555Soupy555 8 ай бұрын
I followed ur advice and went to do the fight!
@Bedhead7 11 ай бұрын
I did an extra loop because I thought I had to and ngl it was a lot more fun
@Disorder2312 11 ай бұрын
I also expected they would put the Brazen Bull, although that would've been pain. And then also Canto 4 story bosses, like they first did with Kromer. I think that would've been a better idea than to just extend the completion time by repeating the whole thing over and over again with slight changes. Yes, that would've been hard as well, but perhaps more fun overall. Plus i never fought against them more than once because it isn't needed, so it would feel quite fresh.
@lgkinfalljack 11 ай бұрын
The moment this was leaked early will never be forgotten.
@covid19sama 11 ай бұрын
Ok, but that 3 hour rant about Ishmael would absolutely be a certified ESGOO classic. Also that worst IDs run sounds absolutely fucking awful and I would love to watch your cycle 4
@CJ-wh7ik 11 ай бұрын
I didnt play the first RR. I started after this season started. I didn't manage to go 5 cycles but I did get all the rewards. I will probably try to clear 5 cycles but I need to uptie more of my stuff. Thanks for video
@vallytine 10 ай бұрын
Sign of Roses was like an early christmas for us Carmen enjoyers.
@akumu2225 11 ай бұрын
Railway without sustain is fucking miserable, babysitting my dying Mersault has been a torturous experience and I eventually reset my entire run on cycle 4 to grind for Fluid sac.
@pure7438 10 ай бұрын
Thanks i cleared it in 197 turns only cuz of that guide
@Yuri_Burger 11 ай бұрын
i love cinq don, so cute
@noishfanboy1141 11 ай бұрын
Least lengthy project moon guide
@elendoso 11 ай бұрын
"get atleast one healing ego, even if that's soda honglu, somehow" dude stop calling me out im trying please
@elendoso 11 ай бұрын
the tipsy man he attacked one of my sinners twice that turn god i wish i could read
@Piper9080 11 ай бұрын
Personal observations on how you could optimise the run: Talisman Doll - Attempt to stagger right arm during Turn 3 and burst damage it to have 1 17 clash skill to worry about on Turn 4 and burst on it if you think you can kill it Steamengine Clock - Use IDs with defense down and Fragile debuffs to add more damage on the phases where it gets protection or if you were unable to kill it after you destroyed and/or staggered the body Sunshower Fox - More or less just deal as much damage as you can (not a whole lot of gimmicks you can abuse unless you’re running a rupture team to abuse the Umbrella Fragments inflicted on the fox) T-Corp = 100% focus down 1 of them to avoid their 100% heal and stagger heal Faelantern = DPS check pretty much and abuse the burst time with the staggered body (can easily 3 Turn the boss if your skill RNG was good) Centipede - Clash like crazy to avoid giving it self charge and can hopefully end at around 5 turns. Be sure to clash with ALL of the Self-Charge gain skills before it gets staggered/killed, otherwise it will still retain the charges it’s gained at Combat Start. Fairy Duo - deal as much damage as possible, pop the fairy wine to make Fairy Gentlemen’s hard hitting attack the following turn wine and stalk are spawned useless due to Tipsy and aim for the non-counterable parts on Fairy Long Legs if the Stalk is up Wayward passenger - Have sinners who are resistant to slash clash 1st on the arm with the slash counter, break the problematic portals first (HP and coin power), and attempt to stagger and/or break one or both arms then burst Rose Garden - straight up unga bunga damage the flesh and AOE Ego Spam the rose mobs if you can, whilst making sure you don’t self-nuke against the Wrath Roses.
@iciclie 11 ай бұрын
Again as always, quality work!
@steptic8316 11 ай бұрын
Tip for zwei greg user for STNOWC at first cycle. When the abnormality use block, use guardian and then when the abnormally start barraging use zwei block and tank all of the damage (preferably the one with higher damage) Zwei greg is resisted to blunt so remember that.
@plinfan6541 11 ай бұрын
I have done two runs. The first one was Base ID's only, which supricingly worked pritty decent. I did cut it short in the end, because Steam machine gave me the Feeling of Sysiphus rolling the Bolder up the Montain. The second one was all 7 ID's, Talisman Sinclair and K Hong Lu. This not only went much better, it even had the added bonus of taking revenge on the Steam man, because Talisman on him lets you reck his ass in 6 turns max, even with a non-meta team.
@MrOverTyrant 9 ай бұрын
Next Railway should just put an straight line, cool fight and cycle retry for better reward harder bosses. Buff and debuff if they want to.
@WhyWouldYouTubeShowThis 11 ай бұрын
Looking forward to that 3 hour-long Ishmael rant
@deekadiko 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video bud, have a great rest now o7
@deekadiko 11 ай бұрын
Also a little suggestion, if you're feeling burnt out or tired trying to do long form content, you could try uploading a video specifically for one boss every 1-2 weeks (so you don't have to rush making it, granted refraction railway lasts for around 10-12 weeks and people's interest for the content may already drop). I really like the ravings of a mad man type of content but if you were to choose a healthier way of making the videos i would still appreciate them regardless. Once again thanks for the great content! 🤙👍
@neroesthepangolinmaster 11 ай бұрын
I liked the video. I mostly agree with your opinions
@ixyrt7096 11 ай бұрын
My recomendation for fight 1: -Chain of others on turn 3. Really, with redirected talismans and power down from this EGO so no one will cry will be hitting like wet noodles, also you can use lagerdermain for extra softening, also you can stagger his arm on turn 3 so you only need to clash only 1 big attack fight 2- just use lagerdermain and chain of others in critical sittuations fight 3: -Zwei Gregor can easily survive fox's counter so do not be afraid to paralyze him and hit umbrellas for softing his attack and then using chain of others to make fox's ego less threatening
@larsthememelord3383 8 ай бұрын
I actually did fairly well by using chef ryoshu the healing often came in clutch and were easy to trigger on fairy gentleman and drifting fox
@DouePls 11 ай бұрын
On my sub-150 clear of railway, I managed to consistently clear centipede in 3 turns every time. On the first turn, I used a corroded Rime Shank to inflict huge amounts of damage and sinking, as well as a fluid sac if my Faust was going after Rodion to restore SP. You have to be very careful with how you clash on the next two turns as if you stagger or break a part (or kill the centipede) before you win all your clashes it will stop clashing with self-charge remaining. Clearing on the third turn is a bit difficult if you don't have your big nuke skills available but as long as you manipulate your clashes well the fight won't go much longer.
@jellifygirl 10 ай бұрын
After one morbillion days, I have decided I am never going to get a good mersault ID or ebony stem, and it's now time to do a marginally less than meta run as fast as possible (both in turns, and in real time). It will surely be very fun and easy and I will definitely leave with a higher sanity than the average Nclair !!!
@makowiecmakowiecki4565 11 ай бұрын
Tremor burst is your best friend against steam machine, because if you tremor burst him at least once, he gets staggered when you destroy his body, giving you one more turn to deal as much damage as possible.
@randomaether 11 ай бұрын
I beat cycle 5 without Fluid Sac or Persuance, or any way to heal multiple chars (lacking the EGOs), not worth the pain, I just had to reset every single clash lost unless it was gregor, as he could heal himself back to full, with fae lantern x3
@randomaether 11 ай бұрын
My experience with the second fight was that sinking is amazing only due to 1 thing, sinking deluge. When you do a 1.5k nuke and he implodes, it's beautiful.
@joho4430 11 ай бұрын
I have written a 20 page sinking guide because of how good it is. You can use sinking to trivialize half these fights STNOWC: other than first cycle, f em up with sinking Steam man: pass Fox: adds damage but not worth spending rime shank T corp: worst fight for sinking, still can probably sinking deluge one to death Faelantern: just w Corp him no sinking Centipede: dies to sinking fairy gentlemen: viable till last cycle wayward: you can sink him but he kinda needs strong numbers
@imbaconplate8872 11 ай бұрын
If youre struggling to win clashes i deffinately reccomend k corp hong lu. He has decent dmg overall but with his ampules you can constantly heal and not have to worry about taking so much damage. Some bosses can kill him though (mainly the first one and the passanger) but an ego should take care of that
@hypervt8816 11 ай бұрын
I don't have access to RR yet, but I like your videos a lot!
@pinkhoodieguy7703 11 ай бұрын
High-cycle RR2 is an utterly different sport from pre-150, and I daresay more interesting since the strategy there isn't "use all the meta IDs". Pity the game scraps your lower cycle banners if you get a higher cycle one after, but might attempt a Cycle10 RR2 with a Rupture team...
@NuclearRaven13 11 ай бұрын
huh, I've always thought of Ornstein and Smough more when fighting the fairy duo.
@caffe2285 11 ай бұрын
Lobotomy Faust is like my mini medic in this game.
@jakcesleepingrn5739 11 ай бұрын
with the ability to just win most clashes using s3
@-Ripica- 11 ай бұрын
Good guide. Aimed for general players.
@ronjohnson6376 11 ай бұрын
Personally I ran a Full N corp team + K Hong Lu after I did my sub-150 run. Hong Lu was a nice added damage sponge, plus kind of went thematically with how K and N corp tied into each other in the story. But that's beside the point. RR2 is a lot more fun when you're NOT trying to minmax turn count, unsurprisingly. Focused encounters really do let team comps/IDs that are complete jokes in most content otherwise (looking at you, N Rodion/Mersault) shine. It was fun to play around and actively debuff some of the Abnormalities in RR2 into the ground thanks to skills with Nail thresholds. I Uptie 4'd a lot of them just to see how it'd go, and I even managed a sub-200 turn run! That said, I do agree that in my first run (and second, thanks emergency maintenance) certain fights were an absolute slog. That said, this is only PM's second crack at this kind of content, and in certain aspects I can definitely see an improvement over RR1, but there are undeniable flaws as well.
@averagemobileplayergfs7383 11 ай бұрын
Wasn’t the robot 🤖 bugged? And the *majority* of players were getting high turn counts(8 and up turns) because of that bug? They did fix that bug of my knowledge because I already beaten him a few times and achieving between 3-4 turns on him.
@adam17tt 11 ай бұрын
First of all, thank you for the video! This is very fun to watch, and I think your comments are mostly on spot. I'm one of those players who got baited by the new 150 banner and decide to torture myself into second run. I got 130 turns which I did not expected. With that turn counts I guess I can give some advice on top of yours??? Take my passage below with a spoon of salt, as I may just be lucky on my run (although unlucky simultaneously, as I had a few fights leaving the enemy with double digit health...) Overall advice: Brings units with good S1, especially on the clashing. You need to use them a lot as you can't spam ego as much because thirsting, and you don't want to prolong fights purposely if you want to go sub 150 (sub 200 can get sooooo much leeway, imagine I used 50 turns to grind resources lmao) Exceptions are Molar Yi Sang and Dieci Rodion, discard mechanic makes them packed with S2 and S3 which are great at clashing. If you want to bring a unit that has no good S1, a good evade or defende can justify that. S1 usually doesn't deal that much damage anyway (unless it's someone W Ryoshu) so you're not missing much. Or at least a cheap basic ego with sin type that you can generate a lot so you can actually spam it after thirsting, preferably 2 types only. You don’t need tanks, but having one could be good. Besides, Dieci Rodion has enough damage to be compared with typical DPS, and she has Rime Shank. Fluid Sac is mandatory if you don’t want to lose even more sanity. I didn’t use Meursault much, and I didn’t have a problem surviving. I guess I could use more Chain of Others? Yeah you should try more Meursault than me. Now, the fight analysis: (All analysis are add-on of this video so I’ll omit things in it) So That No One Will Cry: It’s easy enough if you actually read the mechanic. Just use fire… I mean wrath and blunt. N Sinclair can break its arm on his S3 alone with a fanatic buff. Thoughts: I don’t hate it even if I have to fight this 5 times. Tbf I give a lot of leeway for this game, because I like the visual and other things of this game in general a lot. I’m just like “ooooo this abno pretty and attacks are cool~” This abno is cool and countering it with talismans is satisfying. Steam Machine: I skipped x0.25 damage bullshit several if not all of 5 times. You can break the steam part and stagger the core but don’t break it, if you do it at the fragile turn then you have to wait a turn so it will be fragile again. Then you can just diminish this machine at one turn. Using both Rip space and DDEDR (I’m not typing the dots) probably can do it, but you better be all out on this just to be safe if you want to save your own sanity. Thoughts: It feels very good to just skip the annoying phase. If you can’t, oof. I personally find it very challenging and rewarding to skip. Again, I might just be very lucky. I did do my best to do this strategy though. Fox: ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. This motherfucker has 2~6 protection on his first two turns and you only have one turn after clearing all umbrellas to kill him or at least reduce it to the killable state. I don’t have good advice for this boss. 5th fight of this is the third biggest block of 150 turn run and I hate every reason it makes the third place because it shouldn’t be. When you can hurt it in any meaningful way, it’s already your 4th turn, and if you don't kill it or reduce most of it right there, you need to wait more turns again. Thought: ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. No other word. This fight is so annoying that I didn’t even bother resetting after being punished by leaving it at double digit health. Protection is not only for dredging your turns, but also forcing you to keep clashing on its skills which can be very hard. Very very bad fight. T corp: Just get good. That’s it. And it’s okay to kill 2 waves at 5~6 turns if you just can’t be faster. 150 turns requires about 5 turns in a fight, so it isn't worth your sanity to save two turns on it. Reviving is worth some reset, though. Killing them after revive (no stagger line this time!) is really punishing. Thought: Cool fight! I lost my mind struggling in the 5th cycle because I got bad skill order and speed on that fight but it’s an anomaly. Faelantern: Fairy isn’t hard to kill if you have any good slashing or even lust skill spread out in your IDs. W Ryoshu and Don are really good in this fight. I generally kill it fast enough to not feel the difficulty of this fight. Choosing HP buff for this fight isn’t worth other fights being lengthened, especially missing the chance of skipping Steam Machine’s x0.25 phase. Thought: Cool fight, not much else to say. Animation is indeed cool. Centipede: Just accept this fight will be longer, save turns in other fights. Generally you want to clash every skill, but sometimes you stagger it and it cancels other skills on the same part, which it already gains self-charge from. This situation is annoying and I don’t have good advice on it. Just keep bashing its head I guess. This is the second biggest block of 150 turn run, it’s not your fault if you can’t speed it through. This abno is intended to be long, so don’t hurt yourself for this. It’s not like 10+ turns anyway, 6~8 turns is reasonable and totally doable. Thought: I think the normal (chapter 4) version of Brazen Bull is better here indeed. MD2H version that has ~2000 health and high af clashing power? Absolutely no no no no no no no no- (Legend says that this person is still saying no at this day) Fairy Duo: Gentleman is 2~4 turns kill so I think I’ll just skip to this. This fight is the single biggest block of 150 turn run. I use NINE TURNS to finish both of them. Like Centipede, you need to accept that crunching ~4000 health on two abnos is very hard to do fast. Just be patient and steadily fight them. Thought: Jesus, 9 turns… really? Wayward Passenger: Color matching! Portal has 1.5x weakness on the same color skills. Don’t hesitate to throw your big attacks or EGOs on the portal. By every means, you should one turn kill them. Thought: Haha funni man. Cool fight x3. I agree that fighting this only once is a shame. Sign of Rose: No extra advice from the video. This fight is relatively easy to clear quickly. Thought: This fight is a classic Project Moon creation. Every aspect of this fight is fueled with creativity and passion. If only we will meet this abno in the story, preferably at an important part. Conclusion: I love this Railway probably more than most players. I get that I have much time, and this content is not very good for light players and people who struggle getting op IDs and EGOs, especially for those who don't play and pay for Limbus Pass in season one. They don’t have Fluid Sac! However, I’ll argue that this content is supposed to be the hardest thing you can get in the game by intended design. It tests not only your understanding of the game, but all you can work on before this event: ID and EGO collection, basic abno knowledge since you fight a lot of them before, team composition experience in general, etc. Not every player should clear it without struggles, even the most seasoned player should be challenged. As some players say that this Railway is a snoozefest that only checks on damage and basic survival… I hate to say it, but it’s the core of this game, stemming from the coin clashing mechanic. Clashing encourages you to attack far more than defense since you can’t attack and defense at the same skill slot, unless you’re Zwei Gregor or something, which is a good designed ID. I'd love to see some strong assist skills that deal low damage, though. As for people who say that RR2 is too easy… We don’t need MD2H type of difficulty in the RR. Remember that MD has gifts and shops to help with the run, and you can grind resources at early fights, RR has way less help by design. Managing sinners’ condition and resources between 29 abno-like fights is the difficulty itself. Wow this is a long post, I just wanted to share “you can skip Steam Machine!” at first, but decided to pour almost all my thoughts instead. I guess my autism kicked in. Thanks for anyone reading all through, and I’ll love every discussion or correction in the comments. This comment ends, n-
@fred8984 11 ай бұрын
woo 53 minute esgoo video :D
@quarmy2169 11 ай бұрын
Ive literally finished this shitty railway but Im still gonna watch, peak creator
@XDFFBXD 11 ай бұрын
My list of strats for RR2 that are not in this video STNOWC: On turn 3 (aka the one he blocks) if you can stagger the right arm on that turn specifically two of the big scary attacks won't even be used since its, well staggered. Using Sinking or a Warp Don Leap can help squeeze out damage through the 9 protection. Steam boy: If you don't nuke him properly just reset. If you nuke him and he has like 100 or so hp left you can probably get away with throwing a few S1s at him for 1 turn, but this fight kinda sucks since doing too much damage or too little damage can kill the run. Drifting Fox: I like using Heathcliff's body sack on turn 1 or turn 2 of this fight so that he gets Haste and Attack Power Up after you butcher all the umbrellas. Using Fluid Sac on the turn where umbrellas spawn for the SP is very nice, although it doesn't kill them by itself. Ryoshu's FMF is nice for killing 2 umbrellas and gaining attack power up (provided you haven't taken hardening yet) and some charge for W Ryoshu, T Corp: Idk the fight is so simple. Sometimes I just use it to throw extra fluid sacs around for healing. Faelanturn: Warp Ryoshu my beloved. But in all seriousness if your turn one is jank you can switch out your people and see who gets charmed instead. Shock Centipede: All attacks being cancelled upon hitting 1 hp and then doubling self charge is the bane of my existence. Also Rime Shank my beloved Fairy Boys: If you dont want to clash with clover boy you can use a skill that inflicts paralysis on hit and just face tank all his 1 coin skills. Fight is pretty simple just unga bunga. Wayward: Rifts are weak to the sin color they are (ex. red portal is weak to wrath). If you are going for a low turn count you need to kill all the portals in 1 turn. Sign of Roses: Spam your EGO baby! AoE is king. Also ESGOO failed to mention the sheer amount of protection Sign has while the roses are up to stop you from just ignoring the mechanics. Also I just want to say in general if you are fighting a boss and it has like 150 hp or so I wouldn't reset and and try to kill it one turn faster (unless you made an obvious mistake). Using a turn like this to just dump skill 1s on a boss to make future fights a bit smoother is perfectly valid. I think a lot of people playing don't realize this then complain that they have too many S1s.
@Emlopp 11 ай бұрын
4:30 I ran a poise team for a sub 150 clear, admittedly substituting the less viable options in Shi Don and Shi Heath for their respectively better IDs, and Shimael did pretty well. She did 8100 damage to W Don's 9300, which is a bit more impressive when you consider that despite getting buffs from the Poise boost bonuses W Don had a much better matchup against the more problematic/bulkier bosses in Steam Machine and the fairies alongside Envy Boost. Considering it took me a bit to really get into the grove of how to play her to work with the poise boost (timing/redirecting for counter's poise count, mainly) she could possibly close the gap between her and Don a bit more with optimal play. She's not perfect though. Shimael eats up your Gregor healing supports if running them, can prevent a group heal if you can't get her back down below 90, she's got an awful 2-5 speed range, and her S3 can brick herself if you heal too much off of it when its active. Pretty easily the second best poise unit behind BL Yi Sang, and notably better than all the other remaining poise units for Railway.
@bgammax5842 11 ай бұрын
Its worth noting that Faelantern also randomizes the skills on everyone he charms, so weaker teams are likely to have to reroll for a favorable skill set to stagger on turn 2. Was a real pain for my sub 150 Rupture run
@sarsos5409 11 ай бұрын
Where is my Asmr goose? you have promised
@dotv2359 11 ай бұрын
I came for your thoughts but the guide is nice :)
@dotv2359 11 ай бұрын
I liked RR2. I started playing Limbus after RR1 finished so I would like to see it come back at some point; maybe the one year anniversary? I think the fights are a mixed bag and it became a slog when chasing down sub 150 (I did get a 142 eventually) but I'm excited to run it again with goofy teams (only base IDs, Tremor, Poise, etc).
@Delmworks 9 ай бұрын
Still haven’t beaten it…but I I have Choo Choo Ryoshou to me team of top tiers now, so I should give it a round two soon
@sealoverlord5120 11 ай бұрын
ESGOO, you ARE aware that Tcorp IDs would be charge based, right? didnt you hate charge? is the tuber stoopid?????????
@therealESGOO 11 ай бұрын
This is the only comment I have ever considered deleting.
@sealoverlord5120 11 ай бұрын
@@therealESGOO lmao
@cabbagebutterfly800 9 ай бұрын
i saw a strat for talisman where you solo 4 turns with Yi Sang, i can't remember all the detail but basically first two turn, you evade on the first highest speed ability (after first cycle of course for full sanity) evading everything and stacking an insane amount of sinking to nuke over 1k damage with his skill 3
@extrakrispy81 7 ай бұрын
Now that railway 3 has been announced, and people are theorizing White Knight being the end boss, maybe people will get their wish about getting stomped.
@paps3060 11 ай бұрын
I finished Wayward Passenger on turn 145 and did not think I would be able to finish it up in the last five turns It took several attempts at the final boss, but in the end I finished on turn 149 and couldn't have been happier
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