The WORST EGO in Limbus Company
@goodintentions8106 5 сағат бұрын
I started during this event. Rerolled until I thought I got something decent. Red eyes black swords woman was one of my starters:)
@suspecm6316 7 сағат бұрын
This stream literally could have been less than an hour long if Esgoo stopped getting distracted by chat's insanity but I guess that's the fun part. I just wish there was an edited down version with all the chat insanity cut out because I don't think anyone can call this the must watch for explanations for the tier list when literally 2/3s of the vod is just fluff.
@ThomasPerez-l1p 7 сағат бұрын
Thomas Sandra Davis Jason Martin Christopher
@protege6383 9 сағат бұрын
Ok but me looking away for a min coming back after hearing the Hokma church music and seeing a giant fucking dog snout is crazy, can’t believe Esgoo’s dog is god
@McCarthyAmanda-q4c 14 сағат бұрын
Jackson Sandra Martin Patricia Davis Christopher
@quintessenceoflife7870 17 сағат бұрын
Thoughts an opinions on this for burn to make them more viable instead of locking majority of the archetype's power behind a walpurgisnacht ID: A new effect called "Combustion", essentially it behaves similarly to Spicebush Yi Sang's sinking deluge. It consumes the burn multiplying the potency by the count to deal burst damage. One of burn's problems is how slowly it deals it's damage and this feels like this could be a nice work around that thematic to Liu ID's. We could make the burst effect deal wrath damage in order to fit abit more aswell as add some sorta balance being halved by wrath resistant enemies but doubly effective vs wrath weak enemies.
@redhotdanger2394 21 сағат бұрын
The only reason I see to use the base ids would be their passives. Otherwise I simply stick to the 3 star IDs I already own.
@MerlinCross13 21 сағат бұрын
Esgoo: I'm not gonna distort Said moments before distorting.
@wyvern_wolf2821 23 сағат бұрын
Funny how I had the opposite of this. Got Red Eyes & Penetince Ryoshu on my first 10 pull. Then I had to pity buy Solemn Lement Yi Sang cause I rolled 20 ten pulls with no luck.
@yoyodada230 Күн бұрын
21:15 we be going back to finance with this one
@Polar_Hmm Күн бұрын
Unskipable adds smh
@LauraRoss-o8r Күн бұрын
Walker Elizabeth Harris Elizabeth Anderson Charles
@infamouscheezit9088 Күн бұрын
I got Hod 4 times, I got SL Gregor and RE Ryōshū on my third try, I had to use ideality to get SL Yi Sang
@Chai_normalniy Күн бұрын
And here I thought who took my Yi Sang.
@literallyjustsean Күн бұрын
4:20 *multicrack ids just waiting in the corner*
@joshuaseesahai7590 Күн бұрын
Is there any way to get multi crtack heathcliff if you iust stared?
@YuriSupporter Күн бұрын
@sakura368 Күн бұрын
i do agree with liu ishy at high A, apart from rodion and dawnclair she's still carrying burn on her shoulders, rodion doesn't exactly have a good burn E.G.O and even with rodion's conditional clash power, ardor blossom star still rolls a damn 41
@Petterwass 2 күн бұрын
While I agree with most of what you say, I thinkyou overvalue geeralists. If you use a ID you will in most cases build a team for that purpose, using ID's that synergize with each other
@blindeyedblightmain3565 2 күн бұрын
Wtf ESGOO is only 21? Damn, bro has a whole life ahead of him.
@trevorBbracket 2 күн бұрын
esgoo is stuck between being completely unable to catch a break and also causing his own downfall by sounding vaguely Bostonian. what an unfortunate character
@Shadow6OO 2 күн бұрын
No, genuinely, why is Pequod Heathcliff in S tier? I thought I was missing something, so I went and checked on his kit, and even played him in a few different gamemodes, and unless you hard commit to an envy team, he is unbearably middling. His clashing is shit for a 000, with his S1 and S2 hard capped at 11 and 16, and only his S3 getting any clash or coin power, and it's entirely envy res reliant. While the bleed count from S2 could be incredibly good, he has no lust other than his HE EGO, so he'd struggle on current bleed teams, and they wouldn't even support his Envy res well either. And with his poise being reliant on his terrible S1 for count and needing a ton of bleed to get decent amounts of poise porency from S2 and S3 having only the slightest but of poise synergy, he's a pretty terrible poise unit outside of MD as well. And absolutely not with the "but 99% damage" argument, he'll either be long dead from getting absolutely dogged on in his staggered state since his is so high up that it's practically a lose turn option when he uses his counter move, or the enemy will be long dead before he gets beat enough to get a decent amount of damage bonus in the first place. He is just so far from being a good generalist that it makes no sense for him to be in S.
@blindeyedblightmain3565 2 күн бұрын
It's kind of the same with Dieci Hong Lu and the answer - ESGOO really likes these two IDs, as he said himself when going over their placements.
@kires421 Күн бұрын
It's like you said you were missing something. like the part about him being an aggro tank which is just a really good archetype. plus the part where he only has one stagger treshhold at 80%. and his passive and counter being able to stack def lvl ups(his counter is conditional but you basically get the passive for free in every fight). also the offense lvl up of the passive scales up pretty nicely with his missing hp %dmg increase. play him on a poise team, envy team, bleed team or just throw him in to take aggro he does his job great. his clashing is also just not shit? he also just doesn't struggle on current bleed teams. why mention him not having lust? if you're playing a team to solely min max the resonance on sanguine or contempt just don't bring him(even though he literally has all th e ego resources both of those need outside of lust so he works perfectly fine) or just run hex nails instead. he got a really nice ego recently as well in fell bullet that gives him basically free !POISE! and applies bleed. 4 of his egos also have passives that synergize really well (binds, la sunyata, holiday and fell bullet) so throw him on any team and trigger one of those. why complain about his rating when you left out the best parts about his kit? i understand maybe arguing about him not being so high in s... personally think he and pequod ish are pretty similar in strength but 4 placements up or down in the highest tier really doesnt matter all that much. you arguing him not belonging in s tier at all just makes me wonder what kind of team or skill order you were using when testing him.
@Shadow6OO Күн бұрын
@kires421 Funniest thing I've read all day: "aggro tank which is just a good archetype." Aggro tanks are a joke. Aggro doesn't work in unfocused fights, and in focused fights, aggro RNG is pretty damn unreliable. And as ESGOO himself had put multiple times, usually while trash-talking Sloshmael: "Why not just bring more damage?" My point with the stagger threshold is that he literally has to lose a turn in order to get low enough to start stacking some decent damage, technically 2 if he doesn't draw enough aggro and has to manually use his counter to redirect enough damage to get the stagger (and again, aggro is still very RNG reliant). As I mentioned before, outside of MD, his poise gain just isn't very good on poise teams, and while fine, he doesn't have to have lust to fit in on bleed team, the envy res that he desperately wants to make his one hard-hitting attack actually hit hard is just not abundant enough on teams that can make good use of his bleed-based poise gain. I mentioned his clashing because ESGOO weirdly said his clashing was good even though, compared to most other good 6*s, the only skill of his that actually gains any more clashing and coins is his S3, which is 1. Is far less abundant than his S1 and S2, so you don't get it as often 2. relies entirely on Envy Res, which means you have to actively drop what you're doing and make his teammates play their envy skills that turn or else he doesn't get that much big damage, which could be a huge opportunity cost depending on what other skills or EGO you might want to play that turn. And look at almost any other ID in S tier (and a ton in A tier as well) and see how so many at have conditionals on their S2s and/or S1s that at least them match the average Canto 5 onward's mid-level attack coin power. His S1 is permanently stuck at 11 (which fine, he has his counter [that he doesn't use when he staggers], so whatever for that), and his S2 at 16. Bringing up Fell Bullet is also just absolutely laughable. Have you even looked at that EGO? You only gain highest res + 1 poise, +2 if absolute res, so if you get a perfect 6 pride absolute res, you get a whopping 9 poise potentency, and guess what? It's a 2 coin skill that only gives you +1 poise count, meaning it's possibly negative poise balance. And the bleed? 5 potency. Beyond Ya Sunyata's passive, he doesn't have that much specific synergy that you couldn't just get with most other Heathcliff units. Rabbit and Multicrack benefit as much from Holiday's passive and relying on it to bleed wouldn't even work because you'd need a ton of gluttony to get enough bleed for poise gain. And any of them would make pretty good use of Binds, and fine, again in the very specific envy team setup, he gets more value out of Binds passive, but again S tier is meant for generalists that actually do worthwhile stuff on any team they are in, or for IDs that make the specific teams they are in absolutely bonkers to where it's more than worth building around them. Those non-generalist IDs that make up the majority of S tier and near the top of A tier are ones that absolutely make or break the very strong teams teams that they reside in, and while an Envy team would break if it lacked Pequod Heathcliff, envy teams just aren't all that powerful yet, fun, but not game-changing. If envy team gets enough synergy and power to truly contend with the big status teams in the future, then maybe I'd consider him to be S tier. But right now I'd say he's, at best, below Multicrack Heathcliff and above W Yi Sang.
@HawaiiPart 3 сағат бұрын
⁠Read Fell Bullet's passive. He is a poise id with a pride s1, which guarantees his spot in the bl team with cap ish. His middling poise potency gain is fixed by an ego that is available as early as turn 2. Your claim about his damage being low is absolutely ridiculous. An id with 2-3-4 coins that can now crit consistently and dish out even more damage the lower hp he has is bad? While not on the level of recent id, if you use him correctly, his damage should always be higher than 4/6 of the team you run him in. You also underestimate how high ~230 hp is. Unless you let ricardo use all his skills on him or sth, he will never die on the turn where he gets staggered and after. Also, this might surprise you. This is a team-building game where you can redirect the attacks. Unless you are a buffoon, he will never die with that kind of hp. And guess what? More damage the lower the hp. Losing one turn is nothing compared to the extra damage you gain the following turns which makes the loss of one turn laughable. Plus, he still isn't fully useless while he is staggered because yknow, he can still function as a TANK. Tank, aggro, high hp, deals higher damage the lower hp he has is an absolute bonker combination. His only downside is that he does not function well in short-form content, which is similar to many ids released recently. Also, all that talk about not being useful outside of md and you fail to ever mention rr. The team you run him in, or atleast the team you should, has plenty of envy skills for him to reasonably achieve 4-res: Yi sang's skill 3, Don's 2 skill 2s, Ish's 3 skill 1, Meursalt's counter, not even mentioning heath's s3 already counts towards the res. Now I'm just wondering if this is just incompetence in team-building or in game-plan or both on your part.
@imaplaygames633 2 күн бұрын
You might be able to make Mariachi work with Peqod Ish, and Sloshmael is a decent option for Ricardo.
@imaplaygames633 2 күн бұрын
Imagine if when threadspin level 5 comes out and it gets percentage and also is always a crit.
@flusterfluff 2 күн бұрын
What's the "discard trick" I keep hearing about? It sounds like y'all are doing something to keep three insight on Dieci Rodion and Hong Lu? How does that work?
@Carnanai4 2 күн бұрын
Just place a defensive skill and leave it there discard specifically cannot discard defensive and ego skills
@loukarodrigues 2 күн бұрын
Oh hey an ego you can use in the worst team railway for team healing instead of [REDACTED].
@heartbae87 2 күн бұрын
also why the hell is he overrating chef ryoshu so much?? the ID sucks nowadays with her skill 3 having a max roll of 14 lmao
@longnguchicken4580 2 күн бұрын
The s3 with max roll of 15 that FOREVER SCALES with the boss hp bloat in this game's lifespan, dealing infinitesimally more damage than pretty much even W ryoshu s3 if the boss health is large enough? Yeah no she's still good. Her s3 can have 0 base and coin power and it will still have the potential to deal the most damage in this game She has been used in EVERY SINGLE RR SPEEDRUNS, in every fight where even Wryoshu isn't fast enough, or the enemy has 2x lust weak. Even Ting Tang Hong Lu is still used, because his skill 2 deals EVEN MORE damage than Ring Sang's s2. Thinking chef ryoshu is "overrated" is one hell of a take.
@kires421 Күн бұрын
aside from what the other person already said healing 20+ per takedown (with chef gregor on the bench) makes her pretty flexible to slot in anywhere imo
@heartbae87 12 сағат бұрын
@@longnguchicken4580 lmao she doesn't really scale as good as you say. check the skill 3 again it's only (max 20). it's already non-signifact since bosses can reach 3000 hp in this game
@heartbae87 12 сағат бұрын
@@kires421 also pretty sure her healing is made obsolete by the fact that spider ryoshu basically has way better healing that doesnt even rely on killing an enemy (on top of also healing sp)
@longnguchicken4580 10 сағат бұрын
@@heartbae87 I totally get why you assume her skill is like that, but no. “Boost damage by 5% of target's missing HP (Max 20)” is completely misleading and it’s not what the skill does at all. Instead, to calculate the bonus damage, it first checks how many times the enemy is missing chunks of 20 HP. 1 bonus damage is gained per chunk of 20 missing HP, but it’s capped to 20 total bonus damage. That bonus damage then benefits from enemy physical resistances, sin resistances, and sinner off lvl/enemy def lvl calculations. Every coin gets that bonus damage. It deals WAY more damage than you think it does.
@JoseeSowders-f8m 2 күн бұрын
Young Laura Thompson Cynthia Hall Cynthia
@BrighterDays11744 2 күн бұрын
1:54:20 the best voice acting ever!??
@heartbae87 2 күн бұрын
>placing tingtang over nelly shu garbage stream my goat is washed can't believe he fell off
@motymurm 2 күн бұрын
2:39:33 imagine passing Queen of Hatred smh
@Zorin1 2 күн бұрын
The Dieci Rodion slander of people. Top 3 in my heart. Not min maxed to be good at one thing, but above average everything. I love her
@Bondrewd__21 2 күн бұрын
All I get from this valpurgis night was Hook Hong Lu. I also bought Magic Bullet Outis and that’s it. So I’m will have to try and get it next time
@GoldDragon20 2 күн бұрын
Hey I just had an idea Missions in railway right? we need that? Stick the rewards you missed in there!
@bloorb0569 3 күн бұрын
I don't have a good argument but Talisman Sinclair deserves F.
@luciuswrath290 3 күн бұрын
Damn, bro really values rosespanner rodya THAT high. 10 roll on S1, 17 on S2 and 17 on S3, no support, isn't that good at damage department and doesn't really apply that much count either Meanwhile Tcorp has much better clashing (without speedUp 13, 16 and 20), bind, good count application and moratorium. Also, great synnergy with clam ego AND YOU RANKED RYOSHU HIGHER. She exist as substitute for outis (the only two IDs for lust) and as passive provider (also, passive makes faust broken af). Rodya, faust and heathcliff are already more than enough for tremor count (i mean, heath is for egoless. You can do fine without him), when the hell do you even need THAT much count? It's overkill at the price of damage and general utility. Tremor isn't sinking, or rapture, you can't spend THAT MUCH count in one turn, even in 2 or 3, especially because hong lu takes time to setup You really didn't test tremor well and i'm talking about general content, not mirror dungeon UPD: i forgot about boatwork ishmael, who can deal more damage than ryoshu, have good tremor count application AND fragile on S3. And also sinking+blind obsession. AND ryoshu also doesn't have good support ego, or any tremor ego
@pp_hermy4854 3 күн бұрын
I would like to note that wh heathcliff is insane not in a sinking team but rather in a lust whistle (nfaust passive) spam team. In a whistle spam team wh guarantees lust with counter and can immediately mount on t1 due to whistle. Ideally you put him on position 1 so he can gain coffin faster from s3 + counter when mounted. The sinking part of wh doesn't really matter much since wh's s4 damage comes from coffin mainly.
@WiserOdin 3 күн бұрын
Dieci Meur is like, a discard nuke which is nice but it clashes with the other two IDs being more consistent damage dealers.
@fineanddandy26 3 күн бұрын
I mean this in a totally genuine and serious way your voice is so pleasant. Like you have a really nice podcast voice If college doesnt work out you should narrate ebooks or something
@szen0000 3 күн бұрын
you seriously dont hear her radiating voice?
@Le-guy 3 күн бұрын
Yield my flesh to claim their silly
@may-tine 3 күн бұрын
I pulled Sloshmael while watching this vod
@olyn.somewhere8154 3 күн бұрын
Esgoo's sinking team: 2:15:00
@blazetigerfang7797 3 күн бұрын
Is the EGO tier list and, more importantly, the uptie 4 tier list gonna be updated too soon?
@panwp123 3 күн бұрын
Fun fact. Magic bullet Outis is the only 2 sin affinity ID
@SuperDawsome 3 күн бұрын
No? Pequod heath has 2 envy. Outis has pride gaurd, so she's actually the only 3 sin ID.
@thatonecringeposter 3 күн бұрын
I surmise they meant only id with 2 sins total, since Pequod Heath has a wrath counter
@SuperDawsome 3 күн бұрын
@@thatonecringeposter you're right, I'm afflicted with the project moon fan curse
@panwp123 3 күн бұрын
@SuperDawsome pequod heathcliff has 3 sins. Envy on skill 3 and 2, pride on skill 1, and wrath on counter. Bl Mersault has pride on skill 1 and 2, wrath on skill 3 and envy on counter. Bullet Outis has pride on skil 2, 3 and guard and wrath on skill 1.
@NMC213 3 күн бұрын
Mister cube-man, I have 2 things I want to ask, one is more doable than the other one... First, could you please, PLEASE do the "uptie/threadspin priority" list again? No matter if it's on video or stream format... It's been a while and you know... The IDs/EGOs are coming but until KJH changes the mirror, resources are on an all-time-low, specially for newer players... That was that, and now a bigger ask... After ruminating on the tier list and making off stream final adjustments, could you, pretty please, do a video on the list? I know explanations are more important than placements, but not everyone has the time to watch a 3 hour long stream... And having no explanation at all (just posting the tier list on the community tab) is the extreme opposite... A TL;DW video with the broad strokes of the changes and additions is something that, while I recognize is a big ask, I think is still relatively reasonable And that's all I wanted to say Thanks for everything
@VASHTORCH_Dev 3 күн бұрын
R Heathcliff is really falling off now because of the chain fights and other(Wild Hunt and Pequod) very strong IDs for new content. (Fell bullet still dont fixes his ammo issues)
@TheRovingPunster 2 күн бұрын
Honestly... in RR at least, chain battle is an Rcliff buff. You let him do the thing, then just die and have another unit take his spot, which removes his downside of being a potato once out of ammo
@boxtupos7718 2 күн бұрын
He's pretty good I think, just overshadowed by WildCliff in Chain Battles. But you run him, and make him burst 1 or even 2 IDs down before letting him die. Quick Supression can prolly one shot any other IDs.
@kires421 Күн бұрын
i don't have him so take this as the theory crafting that its meant to be but maybe he could find a spot in a team alongside pequod ish and a few poise ids now that fell bullet is a thing. poise ids overall have pretty decent ego resources to spam fell bullet(esp pride). i recon pequod ishs takedown or stagger conditonal should be easy to hit with fragile even on tankier enemies which in turn would buff heaths dmg and make him take down the next unit with fell bullet. plus theres an alright amount of bleed among the poise ids. i mean ik theres shi cliff and more importantly pequod cliff but like it could maybe be a fun alternative to just burst through adds so his lack of bullets wouldnt be a problem in long fights anymore. if you have the ids and ego it might be worth a shot to play around with it. and if you do pls lmk. (i could be completely off and this is a horrible idea since i never use any poise ids besides the pequods and in limbus fashion can't be bothered to read up on them too much)
@ericshun9037 3 күн бұрын
Seeing WH fanboys crying gotta be the funniest thing.
@M1011.4 3 күн бұрын
i was this done just hours before a new ID released
@AnonymousInternetUserLaine 3 күн бұрын
I'm only adding timestamps for IDs that were moved, if you have a gripe or I missed something then let me know in the reply comments 0:00 - Stream starts 3:46 - Dog (Rogan) ranking and excess rambling begins 10:30 - Obligatory crab song 12:36 - Reordering begins / Ring Yi Sang 16:50 - Regret Faust (2:13:56) 18:15 - Warp Don (1:57:16 rip ) 20:51 - NClair is a girlboss 21:58 - Tingtang Hong Lu (57:52) 21:58 - Warp Yi Sang 21:58 - Reindeer Ishmael 23:22 - Liu Ishmael 23:35 - Chef Ryoshu 25:57 - Butler Outis 27:38 - Molar Outis 28:42 - Seven Faust 28:52 - Butler Ryoshu 33:00 - Der Shootis 34:10 - Edgar Gregor 38:16 - Oufi Heathcliff (1:02:01) 43:30 - Spicebush Yi Sang 46:12 - Zwei Gregor 49:32 - Ring Outis 50:10 - Rosespanner Rodion 51:00 - Middle Don 53:14 - Rhino Meursault 54:00 - BL Faust 56:42 - BL Don 1:02:55 - This comment aged well 1:07:27 - "Potential" Man 1:09:20 - Maid Ishmael (1:13:50) 1:10:49 - Molar Yi Sang 1:11:10 - LCCB Ishmael 1:13:11 - Dieci Yi Sang 1:13:22 - KK Ryoshu 1:15:24 - G Corp Outis (Welvander jumpscare) 1:16:28 - Middle Meursault 1:18:55 - LCB Outis 1:22:04 - LCB Ishmael 1:24:43 - Yurodivy Ryoshu 1:26:58 - Cinq Don 1:27:20 - Yurodivy Hong Lu 1:31:15 - T Corp Rodion 1:34:50 - T Corp Don 1:38:17 - Dieci Meursault 1:43:11 - Warp Outis 1:44:47 - BL Yi Sang 1:47:27 - Multicrack Heathcliff 1:50:34 - Multicrack Faust (RIP, you were top 10 for only 15 minutes) 1:53:26 - Wild Hunt Heathcliff (*chat glazing intensifies*) 2:02:49 - Dieci Rodion is dethroned but not really 2:05:08 - Red Eyes Ryoshu 2:11:10 - Butterfly Yi Sang 2:26:10 - Patron Librarian Tier List 2:36:18 - Abnormalities Smash or Pass 2:48:42 - Bygone Days Ishmael Review 2:51:07 - Amazon Delivery Rodion Review Best Tremor Team - (42:06) LCCB Ishmael, Molar Outis, Regret Faust, Rosespanner Rodion, T Corp Don, Yurodivy Hong Lu "Where is Deyvat Rodion" Count: *4* 7:30, 13:43, 18:01, 44:31 "Happy Birthday ESGOO" Count: *8* 7:47, 8:17, 8:59, 9:15, 9:24, 10:36, 10:53, 1:21:35 Lob Corp Abnormalities: The Burrowing Heaven - 35:44 Price Of Silence - 59:53 Schadenfreude - 1:03:21 [CENSORED] - 1:20:02 Other Goobers: Gebura - 39:03 Jun - 40:56 Gregor - 54:14 Hod - 1:05:55 Cinq Don - 1:53:47
@Anthony-yf4jl 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for your hard work
@Reynnan123 3 күн бұрын
Add a time stamp for him roasting guardianZET 2:40:46