I rarely add comments to videos, but I have listen to this man several times, I like how he talks about these other preachers and how they are guilty of robbing people, those people that are really actually hurting and sick people, these preachers play on a persons hopes of a Miracle, then we know what’s its all about its called “filthy lucre” (Money), they get rich, and many times, the sick and hurting people have less money in their pocket with very few results. These men will be judged by the Almighty God. But now I want to talk about this man’s ministry Mr. Peters he teaches a doctrine called Cessationism, Mr. Peters is not the originator of this doctrine but he believes it, so he teaches it, He calls those that he condemns clouds without water, but what this man teaches is far worse: Sola scriptura was one of the main theological beliefs that Martin Luther proclaimed against the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation. They claim they use only the Word Of God to teach their doctrine which is not true at all. This doctrine teaches that the gifts of the Spirit “which are benefits of the Born Again experience “ They teach this doesn’t happen any more, this experience ceased when the Apostles died. This doctrine of Cessationism is a doctrine conjured up from satan himself. The Miracle working power didn’t begin with the Apostles, it began with Jesus Christ, the Bible says in Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the Same yesterday, today and Forever. These Gifts were put into the Church by the Holy Spirit, for the edifying of the Church, and I Haven’t read in my Bible where the Holy Spirit has been taken away. This Born Again experience is not an option, it’s essential to our Salvation, one person told me; when I made a comment about this mans teaching Mr. Peters, we don’t need to debate things that are not essential to Salvation, what I am talking about is essential to Salvation, and what they are talking about is diminishing this experience, the doctrine they are teaching says it don’t happen anymore, this is a lie. Jesus said in John 3, except a man be born again he can’t even see the Kingdom of God, verse 5 Jesus said again except a man is born again he cant enter into the Kingdom of God, you see this Born Again experience is not an option, it’s essential. If you want to know about this Born Again experience; look where it all begin in Acts 2:1-4, Acts 8, Acts 10, Acts 19. These people that are teaching this Cessationism doctrine is absolutely false doctrine “clouds without water is what they call others, this doctrine of Cessationism is false doctrine that can keep other people from knowing the real truth. I have read the comments here, i hear people talk about how great it is to hear a man speaking the truth, my goodness know your bible, don’t let people like Mr. Peters dictate to you what is in the Scripture, there is no place in the Bible where they can prove Gifts of the Spirit has been taken away, actually I know by experience these experiences have NOT been taken away. They talk about the gifts of teaching and administration, these are not gifts these are governments that God has put into the church for the perfecting of the Saints, Ephesians 4:11-12 (KJV) 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: In Galatians 1:6-9 Paul said if anyone or even an angel from Heaven comes preaching any other Gospel than what we have preached unto you let him be accursed. We can look in Acts, and in all the Epistles,and know what Paul wrote to the Church and what he preached. When he taught the Corinthians in Chapter 12 he wasn’t teaching them just for the time he was alive, these gifts were going to be part of the Church until Jesus comes to take His church away. What foolish teaching, the reason why this teaching is so popular is because, he is teaching to an audience of people that are part of the Laodicean church age in Revelation 3, the Lord chided His church because they were lukewarm (lazy may I say) they didn’ want to put forth the effort to really seeking God, they said we are rich, we have all of our ducks in a row, everything is great, but the Lord said, your naked, and your blind, then The Lord gave them the remedy for their situation, he said buy me Gold tried in the fire: what the Lord was telling His church, you have lost your fire, You need another trip to the Altar and be renewed with the Holy Ghost and fIre. Don’t let people like these teachers convince you the Days of Miracles have pasted, “God hasn’t took His church away yet”, the Church age is still in effect. These teachers are enemies of your Souls. While they are quick to condemn and judge them, and tell them the mote they have in their eyes, when they have got the whole tree in their eyes. This doctrine of Cessationism is of satan.
@apostlecalo10 жыл бұрын
I have watched many of this man's teaching, and I noticed that if there were no preachers or charismatics he would have no message......why can't we just preach the Bible and the Gospel.....THIS IS NOT GOSPEL......
@yellownotepad862710 жыл бұрын
He actually does have other teachings.
@Dge5039 жыл бұрын
I noticed your KZbin name......do you feel your an actual apostle, I am asking this with all sincerity if you can please explain more I would appreciate it thanks.
@CornerstoneOrlando16899 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@albertosanchez-kw8qc9 жыл бұрын
+apostle calo He is doing the job or exercising what Jesus said to his diciples, that many false Teachers and to watch. And Paul warned so many times the churches about a false gospel. Wish everyone would stand against false doctrine. I thank God for Christians that stand for the truth. And with all the respect you deserve, apostolic age ceased. An Apostle was someone who walked with Jesus.
@thomassony9 жыл бұрын
+apostle calo... justin would have only preached the word of god if there were no heretic preachers.