13:38:50 From Andrew Stansbury : How could we actually deliver more socila rent housing at pace and scale within the current economic climate and wider housing pressures? SR housing is utlimately the road out of many of the crises we are facing - how can we get substantially more, quickly? 13:39:18 From Sophie Cheadle : If you would like to submit evidence to the Radix Big Tent Housing Commission please do so here www.shoosmiths.com/Radix-Housing-Commission 13:40:35 From Alan Chapman : Would you repeal the 1961 land compensation act? 13:40:42 From Sophie Cheadle : If you can, please support the Big Tent Foundation with a donation or as a Friend - www.radixbigtent.org.uk/join-and-support/ - every donation however small is very much appreciated - thank you 13:40:50 From Alicia Weston : Totally agree the issue is land. The big housebuilders land bank and I wonder how much of their profits come from uplift in land values 13:42:00 From Susan's iPhone : Re Social rent we need a better way to calculate a “ social rent” as it’s hard for some organisations to understand and no- one wants s to fall foul of RSH by not having the right values required from the last century 13:43:58 From Georgie pike : If you’d like to tweet about this event please tag @Radix_UK 13:44:41 From Elizabeth Bundred Woodward : A lot of political discussion seems to be about home ownership, but there are 1000's of people across the country and in rural areas that rely on the private rented sector. The social rented sector is regulated (somewhat), in particular around housing quality, do you think the PRS needs the same? 13:45:55 From Susan's iPhone : Almshouses are charities providing social rent homes that are exempt from the right to buy/ right to shared ownership and are being favoured by local authorities as a result in rural areas for small infill type schemes. If registered they can obtain grant from Homes England via Almshouse Consortium 13:48:31 From Tumi Hawkins : Replying to "A lot of political d..." The regulation on the PRS is high, and there are many landlords that rent out high quality properties. Its the poor quality ones that give the rest a bad name. Also there's is the Housing Health and Safety Rating System is used by LAs to assess quality of rented property. They just need more Housing standard officers to carry out this work 13:49:02 From Alan Chapman : Thanks to Margaret Thatcher the high street banks now invest in housing rather than business that could grow the economy. 13:54:03 From Rachael Williamson : Reacted to "Planning is seen as ..." with 👍 13:54:53 From Georgie pike : If you can, please support the Big Tent Foundation with a donation, or as a Friend - www.radixbigtent.org.uk/join-and-support/ - every donation however small is very much appreciated - thank you 13:54:57 From Paul Haslam : we cannot leave the building house to private industry alone just as we cant leave other strategic markets such as the building infrastructure - we still build roads in the public sector 13:55:31 From Alicia Weston : It's not just about council land, it's also about the rules around financing for councils 13:56:35 From Tumi Hawkins : Reacted to "It's not just about ..." with 👍🏽 13:56:55 From Georgie pike : A reminder that if you would like to submit evidence to the Radix Big Tent Housing Commission please do so here www.shoosmiths.com/Radix-Housing-Commission 13:58:21 From Ross Mccoll : Thankyou 13:58:28 From Brian Q Love : Ebeneezer Howard had the solution. www.connectedcities.org/delivery/land-tenure 13:58:49 From Tumi Hawkins : Thank you 13:59:06 From Diana Broughton : Thank you all very much. 13:59:15 From Georgie pike : If you would like to submit evidence to the Radix Big Tent Housing Commission please do so here www.shoosmiths.com/Radix-Housing-Commission - before the 1st August 13:59:36 From Georgie pike : If you can, please support the Big Tent Foundation with a donation or as a Friend - www.radixbigtent.org.uk/join-and-support/ - every donation however small is very much appreciated - thank you 14:00:17 From Rachael Williamson : V interesting, thank you
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Chat history: 13:06:18 From Sophie Cheadle : Please view Vicky Spratt’s article for the i paper here: inews.co.uk/news/tony-blair-housing-guru-dame-kate-barker-crisis-so-bad-2024-3083668 13:07:24 From Georgie pike : Pre-submitted questions: Andrew Dixon - Given the punitive Stamp Duty and the regressive Council Tax, there is a very real impediment to, and no incentive for, older generations to downsize. Do we face a genuine housing shortage or is it a case of the wrong families living in the wrong homes? Does tax reform need to be part of the solution? Lutz Johnen - How are you planning to tackle the coming water crisis that will have and already has an impact on housing development but which is also caused due water inefficient house building? Simon Ward - In tandem with developing more homes, what else would you advocate (by way of approach or mix of uses) in order that development is perceived to be good news and welcomed fondly by the public? 13:08:06 From Georgie pike : Pre- submitted Qs Sue Missin - How can we make regulation of smaller Housing Organisations more streamlined to allow then to access grant more easily rather than the current @2 year wait? Can we make social rent a more easy calculation ? The fact that it is so difficult to understand ( using data from the last century) plus the implications of getting it wrong ( Regulator) and trying to explain to residents does lead to smaller organisations choosing the affordable rent calculation as the preferred option, potentially at a lower level than 80% but by classing it as affordable does not show an uptake in social rent homes. To try and continue the momentum of an affordable homes programme how can we influence government to extend the 2021-26 programme to avoid RP's having to pause development because the schemes they would like to develop will not be completed by March 2026? 13:10:41 From Georgie pike : Fleur Rossdale (shortened) would like to discuss potential for a new model as a sustainable village constructed from natural materials, working with a tight team of experts in their field. In particular, an architect with vision and the highest of standards, which does not mean expensive. Connell Boyle - How do we Stop House Prices Rising? Dr Tumi Hawkins - Can the Government be encouraged to halt the Right To Buy scheme that is reducing the stock of council housing and preventing councils from being able to replace stock that is sold as most of the proceeds goes to government purse?? Nigel Langley - How would you reduce the demand for housing? 13:11:38 From Georgie pike : Ashton Cull - Does any significant increase in private housing lead to a collapse in the housing market, threatening the futures of those reliant on the ever increasing value of housing over the last 30 years Chris Pointon - Do we have a housing problem or a job location problem? How could a more evenly distributed economy help alleviate housing issues? Peter Todd - What about the closed banks and empty high st shops. Shrink the High Street to address big increase of online shopping by moving peripheral shop to a smaller town centre and reuse vacated premises for professionally converted accommodation. Solves two problems 1) empty shops. 2) More accommodation 13:13:35 From Georgie pike : Daria Johnen - Water availability is becoming a major challenge in some areas of England (Cambridgeshire, Sussex North), impeding the ability to build homes. It is likely the shortages are going to spread over the wider areas in the future. Is water availability included in scope of the review and will the team look into recommendations relating to this specific challenge? Robert Shaw - 1. What reforms to stamp duty might free up housing stock - for example graduating stamp duty, offering exemptions, or increasing costs for non-domiciled purchasers. 2. What planning reforms are necessary to encourage sustainable and affordable integrated neighbourhoods, so the housing we build includes access to accessible parks, gardens, cultural centres, fitness studios, schools / training colleges, access to good jobs, transport links and wifi? 13:14:44 From Georgie pike : George Wilesmith - Do you believe it would help young people to find a house if we drastically reduced the number of immigrants entering the country each day? Chris Worrall - Why do you think the UK government has failed to monitor key supply shortage metrics used by industry such as vacancy rates? Other nations seem to measure this with much more success than the UK does, in particular when overlaid with rental and/or house price growth Tom Rees - The target to build 300,000 homes a year stems back to your review in 2004. Given what has happened in the last 20 years in terms of population and building, should this target now be even higher? Is there a rough ballpark number you can give? Thanks 13:15:25 From Georgie pike : If you’re tweeting about this event we’d be grateful if you tag @radix_UK 13:17:42 From Alan Chapman : Having worked in the construction industry since 1958 when I was 15 years old and worked for my father I believe that the only period politicians haven’t screwed up the housing market was between 1948 and 1961. I don’t believe that any of the current political parties have the guts to introduce radical changes to the speculative housing model needed to provide sustainable affordable housing. 13:18:18 From Alicia Weston : It seems to me that the government's attitude to increasing supply is expecting that the major housebuilders will increase supply and cut margins. I have never seen this in any industry anywhere in the world where there is a constrained raw material supply, i.e. land. The only way you can realistically deal with this is to increase land supply => reform planning. Which no government seems able to do. Is there anything that gives you hope in this area? 13:20:32 From Alicia Weston : How on earth do you expect the private sector to build so much which will affect the value of its land bank and NAV? They'd be mad 13:21:16 From Alicia Weston : There's a fundamental conflict of interest here and I'm not sure relying on the private sector is ever going to be realistic 13:25:13 From Tom Rees : Can Kate describe the economic spillover effects of the housing crisis? Does it affect productivity, labour mobility, business formation etc. 13:33:39 From Catriona Riddell : Planning is seen as a bad thing, yet when used properly it has the ability to transform places and lives for the better, building the houses needed alongside all the other things need to make good places. How do we change the image planning has so we can start to use it as a force for good? 13:34:02 From Paul Haslam : when I moved my mother from a big house - she became very disoriented, became very ill and ended up in a home 3 years later and I regret moving her. perhaps you need to down size in early 50s rather than in the 60s. Health needs to be taken into account 13:34:37 From Tumi Hawkins : Reacted to "Planning is seen as ..." with 👍🏽 13:35:16 From Andrew Dixon : 👏 13:38:41 From Susan's iPhone : Owners choose to extend their 3 bed home into 4 beds to avoid stamp duty and more economical but reduces the supply of smaller homes in localities and points / rungs on the housing ladder
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