A Discussion on the Nature of Reality, Mind, and Death with Bernardo Kastrup

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Edge of Mind

Edge of Mind

Күн бұрын

Join the esteemed philosopher and computer scientist Bernardo Kastrup in a wide-ranging exploration of the nature of mind and reality. The conversation begins with a look at the implications of idealism, the view that reality is essentially mental. If reality is like a dream, how do we accurately derive meaning from this collective dream and avoid the trap of projecting meaning onto it? Can we interpret disease in a meaningful way, and how do we read this form of sign language? Is there a connection to this world view with the Buddhist teaching on Mahamudra, or the tradition of the “Great Symbol”? Bernardo shares his innovative view of cancer and speaks about the compassion we should direct to our diseases. If disease is a form of dissociation, can we look at the meta-crises facing the world today as a meta-disease, and reduce the meta-crises to irreducibly simple principles? Does karmic theory have a place in the origin of phenomena?
Dr. Kastrup shares his liberating view of death as the end of dissociation, not the end of consciousness. How do the contents of our mind contribute to “mind at large” when we die? What kind of “contribution” does someone like Hitler make? Intertwined with this discussion is the role of development, and the place of identity. What is our irreducible identity that is untouched even by death? The conversation turns to viewing the unconscious mind as the obfuscated or obscured mind. What is the main source of obfuscation, and where does dark retreat fit in? Is the light of meta-cognition a form of obfuscation? What about the relationship of light to mind, and to reality, altogether? Bernardo proclaims that philosophy must be lived if it is to be genuine. He shares two major ways his view of reality has positively affected his life, and two ways he has been challenged by his own views. What does Dr. Kastrup most want to know? See for yourself why Bernardo is a major figure in the world of philosophy, and a leading voice in the arena of nondual spirituality.

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@lisawanderess 4 ай бұрын
The kind of video I always hope the algorithm sends me! When I was 14 I saw some graffiti scrawled on a brick wall that said "your life is your dream" and it struck me so profoundly that it became the basis of my entire life philosophy ever since. Loved this talk so much! Thank you 🙏❤
@sxsmith44 4 ай бұрын
I never get tired of listening to BK and I like Andrew and the dreams too!
@CJ-cd5cd 4 ай бұрын
Bernardo does a great service to the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis.
@marktwain5232 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Always a positive to hear a discussion with Bernardo Kastrup!
@patrickl6932 4 ай бұрын
Bernardo is just the greatest.
@AlexD-qj9pe 3 ай бұрын
"We unplugged from the web of instinct" might be one of the most concise, powerful statements I've ever heard.
@7Denial7 3 ай бұрын
Bernardo I listen to you before bed time, thanks for your work
@VenusLover17 3 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤Never get tired of this great visionary of our times. Thanks for this Sire!!
@lifematters687 3 ай бұрын
Finally finished this - I've been working on it for two weeks, taking notes, writing questions. This was a fabulous conversation. Thanks.
@barbarakane9887 3 ай бұрын
You two made my Sunday evening...as I munched on an apple, I saluted the apple blossom!
@GiedriusMisiukas 3 ай бұрын
2:00 sounds a lot related to Alan Watts 2:40 on "More Than Allegory: On Religious Myth, Truth And Belief" by Bernardo Kastrup 4:13 dreams 11:30 gravity 14:50 phenomena and books 20:13 on Michael Levin's science and his very probable solution for general cure of cancer (Michael Levin is one of the greatest scientists of our time, a possibly Noble prize level scientist) 34:50-38:00 metaphor on apple blossom (me and my son have just enjoyed listening to this nice metaphor); and then on dissociation and association. 54:28, 1:02:09 on sensory deprivation, and on sleep (and dream) 2:04:27 on creativity 1:05:40 on the length of life and living forever 1:17:21 nice thought experiment 1:29:00 on memory, brain, and Michael Levin, Karl Jung 1:41:58 comparing with dream 1:47:04 on the burning monk, Thích Quảng Đức 1:52:35-1:56:05 on memory, Michael Levin, #lookslike 1:57:45 what is looking at far objects in the universe 2:50:00 primordial itch, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, and 42 :)
@godwho5365 4 ай бұрын
Bernardo is the metaphysical Rockstar 🤘
@enrico1856 3 ай бұрын
The more I listen to BK , the more he says identical things that Allan watts said
@innerlight617 3 ай бұрын
@@enrico1856 what Bernardo is saying is very close to Advaita Vedanta philosophy.
@enrico1856 3 ай бұрын
I have watched many lectures/talks among A. Watts B. Kastrup, and Swami sarvapriyananda. Ecc ecc and the ONE thing that stood out the most to me was that in Advaita Vedanta as Swami explains is that: ultimately all that exists is Brahman or Atman The One and only underlying reality through which everything is experied thus we don't even exist, it's all Brahman..on the other hand BK says : there is a world but its ALL MENTAL thus not as we see/perceive it. As a matter of fact, BK takes the example of dreaming and says that when we dream, the dreamer is Disassociated from everything else in the dream , unconsciously knowing he is creating everything in the dream. While Swami says the opposite: during a dream all those in the dream are NOT Disassociations in our Unconscious dream state but other forms of existing reality in our dream and THEY EXIST just as much as we do in our dream. Now this blows me away... that's a BOLD statement. He goes as far out to say that the waking world IS as much a dream as the dreaming world because it's ALL BRAHMAN and that there is NO difference. (That's far out man) the underlying truth/reality , again is Brahman according to swamis fiddle. I don't see how these 2 philosophies/theories / nonsense reasoning overlap. They simply don't. They are saying 2 different things, yet seem similar to the extent that neither know wtf their talking about. They're both speculating because NOTHING if what they claim can be proven. It's like me saying: there are pink unicorns on the Andromeda Galaxy, ni one xan diprive that lol. On the other hand Buddhism says to Not believe anything and to question everything, to believe ONLY through ones personal experience which makes much more sense to me because Buddhism is not telling you to believe in anything but to look within to find meaning and purpose in life which IS beautiful. It's not trying to sell you anything (snake oil bs) unlike these 2 guys are or religions etc. etc I guess everyone cherry picks their own theories. Truth of the matter is that: NO ONE KNOWS WHAT REALITY, TRUTH , MEANING OF LIFE AND DEATH ARE. This is all CHEAP TALK in my opinion. Neither phylosophers, metacognitive idealists, religions hindus, etc etc know the TRUTH. . They all Cherry pick what's most convenient to them. Well, they gotta make a living right😉
@integralsun 2 ай бұрын
What does it matter if our dashboard is representative or is correlative to what is transpiring so long as it’s adaptive. A full rendering wouldn’t be as it would be too much to processed by the machinery of our mind. Ramana Maharishi said nothing is happening at all.
@innerlight617 2 ай бұрын
@@integralsun Ultimately doesn't really matter. It is just human's mind natural functioning to investigate these things, it is made that way. Better investigate these matters than looking forward for the next house,car,more money in bank account ,enhance the ego etc..
@StefanSchoch 3 ай бұрын
What an amazing deep, ritch and open dialogue of two brillant thinkers. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas, thougths and insights. So inspiring to go ever deeper into my spiritual practice experientially AND exploring the analytical Idealism philosophy intellectually. This integration is so much needed (with regard to the 'Meta-Crisis' as Daniel Schmachtenberger calls it). 🙏
@datavismo 3 ай бұрын
“ Life / death informs God with the light of consciousness “ Jung’s great revelation about the book of Job’s deep and transcendent psychological meaning - makes me wonder if prayer/ meditation could not be a tiny “death” to “inform God” - I love these talks so much - thank you
@Thurnishaley6969 3 ай бұрын
Love Bernardo and Andrew is an excellent host with insightful questions. I hope this becomes a yearly program.
@NYNEO1 3 ай бұрын
There is nothing more fundamental than what we can't avoid assuming , even when we investigate . Be it Mahāmudrā , Buddhism , or Analytic Idealism. The emptiness of logic becomes very clear in this discussion.
@MattGray_Chelsoph 3 ай бұрын
Wow this is fantastic thank you so much Andrew for hosting a great conversation!!
@oliviergoethals4137 3 ай бұрын
What a great deep talk!
@beyshore_ 4 ай бұрын
today i got to hear bernardo kastrup say "farting and pooping" while deepening my thoughts on death
@TessCallahan 3 ай бұрын
Extraordinary interview! Bernardo Kastrup says true intuition has a certain "smell," an impersonal tone, non-acquiescent to our fantasies, beliefs, tendencies. It feels objective, external, given, unfabricated. What's the litmus test? What is the mechanism for discerning good smell from bad?
@yvanhoutteman1377 3 ай бұрын
Intuition cannot be understood in terms of 'mechanism', hence his use og the word 'smell'. Smell as a metaphor for 'that which catches you straight away' or 'direct knowledge'.
@CALCANEUS3535 3 ай бұрын
@@yvanhoutteman1377yes, I agree! Cog-sci describes 4 ways of knowing. Getting attuned with the “smell” requires going beyond propositional knowing.
@aynua.amazonas 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful questions, beautiful answers. Thank you.
@rubyslippers9140 4 ай бұрын
Adyashanti talked about being with the dying and being able to mentally follow their consciousness after the moment of death. He mentioned it once that I know of and then kind of avoided the topic. Much like his enlightenment experience of past life times. I he or someone like him would elaborate. Any thoughts by you guys are appreciated.
@raindogred 3 ай бұрын
you don't want to lie about that stufff...thats going too far...he probably thought that was the case.....noone living has those answers and anyone who says they do is a liar...whatever name was sounds like a conman and a liar, will have the answer one day....why worry anout it
@annachaos8010 4 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤❤
@woodcabinasmr5266 4 ай бұрын
What he say at 1:20:00 is an absolutely exact description of atman
@amartinakis 3 ай бұрын
I love this man
@grzegorz4636 4 ай бұрын
36:08 The very same Eye of Universe (The I) looking thru Alan Watts persōna is the very Eye of Mind at Large (The I) that looks thru Bernardo persōna. Great work Bernardo, keep on doing what you do!
@mikemarable4098 4 ай бұрын
I enjoy the energetic nature of BK’s willingness to get his theories out there and subject them to scrutiny. That said, he seems trapped by his certainty. When we have a theory or philosophy that we plant our flag in it can turn in to a self perpetuating inner narrative that lives off the corroborating evidence that we subjectively absorb as evidence for our prediction. What is true is his opening position, we don’t see reality as it is. All his books, interviews and lectures go on to describe how reality operates. That he does it under the cover of idealism doesn’t remove this conflicting position.
@sxsmith44 3 ай бұрын
Thanks God there are wonderful people like you around to remind him of the potential pitfalls that could seemingly go right over his head! Thanks again, JK.
@Mandibil 3 ай бұрын
Academics are so caught up in their abstractions that they confuse themselves out of any understanding
@leahlincoln7287 3 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh how much I love this video I can't say in words having recorded dream state for over 40 years is my only credential I think Consciousness is the habit of awareness I've decided the unconscious is the same only lacking details entirely as of today I've decided the unconscious is awareness without detail when I realized this I also realized this is not uncommon thank you both of you so good to hear some real real real real real real❤GEM❤
@slymaceo9124 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much❤
@joh8982 3 ай бұрын
A wonderful exchange. Thank you. This was easy to spend three hours (or more) listening to.
@juliannefetheryarn 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, it is truly a joy to listen to your discussion 🙏
@davetrevino4670 3 ай бұрын
Excellent guest and what an amazing discussion!
@hydrorix1 4 ай бұрын
An inference one can make regarding Idealism is that if everything is mental (I prefer to say Consciousness), then at some point we will achieve some control over our perceptions. Telekinesis obviously is not mind over matter, or of Consciousness affecting material objects without physical interaction. Telekinesis is Consciousness affecting the Perception In Consciousness of themselves and others who "witness" said affectation. This explains how "miracles" are made "manifest," such as changing water to wine, walking on water, feeding the multitudes, or resurrection from death. Consciousness is all that actually exists. Everything else is Perception In Consciousness. We are partitioned bits of a Consciousness Singularity experiencing Perception In Consciousness. Veridical NDEs are best evidence of our true nature as Consciousness experiencing Perception In Consciousness.
@OfficialGOD 4 ай бұрын
sweet, thanks Andrew!
@franswa529 3 ай бұрын
In the garden drinking a beer enjoying the discussion between you two!
@charliecheah4177 13 күн бұрын
Mind is a dream state with the body, keep dreaming.Spirit is reality without the body.
@peterkuhn78 3 ай бұрын
Bernardo draws a distinction between nothing and everything and says they are the same. What allows him to make this distinction and then to dissolve it ,is the light und of Consciousness!
@franswa529 2 ай бұрын
Bernardo, thank you!
@jbrink1789 17 күн бұрын
holistic interconnectedness and possibilities
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 3 ай бұрын
Great video. I have to say I, I was a Deist, the way it's defined in this video. I follow Analytic Idealism now. It's the most plausible structure of understanding present in the western world. I won't go into it. I wouldn't do it justice in a brief comment. It requires a line of thinking and understanding that is more subtle than can be understood in a single comment. If you're interested in it, go to essentia foundation and take the analytic idealism course. The philosopher Bernardo kastrup collected it into a single coherent worldview. It's worth looking into even though it takes a little time. Now back to what I was saying. I believe that universal consciousness that this world is played out in, occasionally manifests itself into reality. It's culture specific. In the Middle ages, it was Divine figures and other phenomena. In this world, it's UFOs and extra sensory perception. At their root is the same thing. I also believe that shin as it should understand in religion is the consequence of everything that a person that you could be at that moment. They couldn't be any different then they were. Free will exist inside of limited number of choices. It's useless to regret the past. We should attempt to change our behavior in the present.
@freeman669 4 ай бұрын
We are identified, with every Sense contact to be the subject or object ! When both are seen! there is only awareness 🌞
@Toxoplasmosic 4 ай бұрын
I only watch Kastrup videos where he breaks down in tears, can someone tell me if this is one of those
@human5715 3 ай бұрын
I've never seen him like that, when did that happen, do you know a video of this
@maddywilcox9012 4 ай бұрын
Yeahhhh baby... Bernardo is a total rock 🌟... Thanks for bringing him to us again... Stay well Bernardo.... You and yours... But kids don't miss the message we are all each and every one of us are that same rock star ⭐ time to shine....❤❤❤ Give Bernardo and all the other unseen realized ❤some support let the good of the whole must begin with the individual... Let that individual be YOU... So mote it be... Arwen ¡¡¡ 🎉🎉🎉 To Cern of not to decern 😂😂😂 sorry...😅
@zeroxox777 3 ай бұрын
No matter how far you think you have travelled, if you are travelling in words you haven't travelled anywhere real, actual. The real, the actual, is when you leave thought behind and take a journey of perception into consciousness itself, which is awareness and the various happenings in awareness, which constitute subtle layers of consciousness. Awareness of these layers becomes deeper, more subtle, and goes beyond the known. We are that beyond as well as the known. We are everything. We bleed into all things. This I know through perception. Don't waste your life in thought when you are the Universe. You are total consciousness. Everything is everything else. Everything flows through everything else. We are the things that moves all things through all things. We are the whole structure of consciousness including me.
@VitorSantos-ib5dn 4 ай бұрын
I have a lot of respect and admiration for Bernardo Kastrup's intelligence and work. BK Idealism is not a scientific hypothesis, it is a philosophical hypothesis, it is his personal belief, which I respect. But every metaphysical hypothesis that excludes that each one of us is an individual phenomenal consciousness, for me, will amount to the same thing. It's useless, negative, nihilistic, it doesn't help people give meaning to their lives. They don't give people hope for the future. Millions and millions of people and evidence say the opposite of these hypotheses, but the respective experiences are excluded by the same logic of scientism.
@sxsmith44 4 ай бұрын
There cannot be a scientific hypothesis for idealism. Idealism cannot be constrained by science. BK’s Idealism has given me meaning I never had before with a so called “personal consciousness”. You have badly misinterpreted analytic idealism. Everything you just said was wrong about it is precisely what’s wrong with your so-called personal consciousness. It’s all your projection! I’m not gonna waste my time debating you in comments! Please.. take your scientific hypothesis and go bother somebody else!
@VitorSantos-ib5dn 4 ай бұрын
@@sxsmith44 Thanks for the answer! For the same reason that BK says that there is no individual phenomenal consciousness (I'm talking about phenomenal consciousness in the sense used in the philosophy of mind, I'm not talking about the ego, I don't know other people's thoughts... My experience subjective is individual), I believe, that we are individual phenomenal consciousnesses. And that, for me, life only has meaning if there is life after life. Otherwise we would just be postponed corpses. BK, at another time, spoke as if he were universal phenomenal consciousness. He is even afraid to remember terrible experiences that other people went through after his death. If he were universal phenomenal consciousness, he should have a collective, not individual, experience. His knowledge in this regard, to me, is worth the same as mine. No one suffers my sufferings, I am the conscious being in my life. Being conscious is having the experience, as is the case with the experience of suffering. I'm sorry you don't like reading opinions that differ from yours. I'm not dogmatic. For me, there are no absolute, definitive and unquestionable certainties about anything. I respect your opinions and those of everyone else. And I like to hear the opinions of everyone who expresses them voluntarily and sincerely. Thank you for your attention.
@sxsmith44 4 ай бұрын
You are welcome.. Bye!
@moesypittounikos 3 ай бұрын
But the watcher of your dream you had last night is watching this wake state.​@@VitorSantos-ib5dn
@NondescriptMammal 3 ай бұрын
So, if reality is composed of "mental states" that are neither mine or yours, how do those mental states originate, and from what do they originate?
@christinescantlebury5455 3 ай бұрын
If all memory’s dissolve into the collective mind no wonder we keep having wars etc
@oliviergoethals4137 3 ай бұрын
2:56:00 the riddle is a self resolving paradox; the question has to do with the sum total of all experience which will always remain infinite less than what is known.
@HighCountryStudio 3 ай бұрын
Wonderful! So helpful to hear Eastern introspective insights compared to analytic idealism. Now I would very much like to hear a similar discussion of Whitehead’s process theology and analytic idealism. Can someone please make that happen? Or if it has happened, can someone please direct me to it.
@ivanadelass8438 3 ай бұрын
Why not consult Steiner about the memory.... and the etheric body in which they are kept and which dissolves some time after physical death (personal ether/memories goes back to the world ether, following the law of attraction)....
@ArlindoPhilosophicalArtist 3 ай бұрын
We are the eternal witness. Reality is a mental construct shared by many conscious observers. On my channel, I explain why metaphysical idealism should be the default position-not materialism, as such a view suffers from the hard problem of consciousness, which is an impasse, and physicalist metaphysics itself violates Occam's razor.
@Afghan_mystic 3 ай бұрын
Welcome on u tube platform !
@SeyboldReport 3 ай бұрын
Do not worry about death anxiety Bernardo; your content of consciousness will dissolve, and there will be all-pervasive consciousness without content.
@realcygnus 4 ай бұрын
@greensleeves7165 3 ай бұрын
I still find Bernardo's thesis about "mental states of nature out there" hard to get into focus. What states? What mind or minds does / do those states belong to? What are the actions of those minds? Without a sensible answer to that question, I think the objection "but if everything was mental, mind should be in causal control" does in fact have efficacy and force. So I am not quite convinced by his case here. Ok, so it is not "meta-cognitive" but I'm not sure first of all why meta-cognition should depend on vastness or simple size. Just because the 'mind' of nature might be bigger doesn't mean it shouldn't learn from us the very day that we learn, and then act upon it. If it can't do that, then I'm not sure in what sense our experiences feed back into it either. It still seems to me that if all were simply mind, then mind should indeed be able to cure disease, in principle, by something like inward contemplation (doesn't have to be egoic particularly). By an innate inner similarity of ontic action. Now if it CAN do that, it seems awfully inefficient and hard to access.
@billyranger2627 4 күн бұрын
Any time in London. U t welcome at my humble abode. 🙏🏾🔔☯️🦋🙏🏾
@NondescriptMammal 3 ай бұрын
He often presents his ideas as if they were proven facts, when they are only hypotheses. He presents himself as a scientist, but a scientist should not state hypotheses as facts, the scientist should properly and clearly qualify those ideas as hypothetical.
@gregbrown5020 3 ай бұрын
'Thinking to precisely on the event': negative capability is not something you do or not do. Telescopes look at the past in the external world, true, but metaphorically you will find yourself looking thru the telescope if you look far enough. The present can't be captured. Matter exists, so does the mind. How they interact is an eternal mystery. Are you an eternal mystery to yourself?
@jennycoffey1443 4 ай бұрын
Having found prophetic lucid dreaming in spiritual reality ,it's meaning being streamed to text ,and additional screen changes to diagnostic interface text streaming I researched backward through military exposure to this very truth. How can any understanding proceed without this change of an observer. The truth of singular plane and joined to communication and second entry access on spiritual plane is as radically different as looking and being the the truth in particle placement of science.
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 4 ай бұрын
If any 75 year old could be an acolyte l'm one. I look for holes in this world view, and find none. The only area unclear is "reassociation". I think he agrees with me on this. He will be spoken of in same breath as schopenhauer. 13:32
@Watchingthesim Ай бұрын
The apple blossome metaphor though 🤓
@clivejenkins4033 4 ай бұрын
What is the meaning of life? Why does it continue,
@juanitoviejo2121 4 ай бұрын
Three hours and not a timestamp to be found...
@jordanedgeley6601 4 ай бұрын
Perhaps he's busy. I'm very grateful for the discussion
@rickgrinds 3 ай бұрын
The entitlement laziness is outrageous.
@jennycoffey1443 4 ай бұрын
Disease has turned to attachment of brain mind at pain and suffering, radically defining the direction of mental disease by chronic situational injury or long term suffering.
@laisa. 3 ай бұрын
If we are neurotic apple blossoms then that is what nature does. To will to not be a neurotic apple blossom is like Bernardo said, impossible. If will could change the world I would will to be happy all the time. Nature seems to operate on it's own terms regardless, as he says. So this is an oxomoron in the talk, to me.
@adventurealchemy805 4 ай бұрын
Healing comes from within,but one needs to put some effort to reach gnosis or higher level of consciousness to heal himself or herself.
@innerlight617 3 ай бұрын
2.48.44: "we are like a violin and nature wants to play us. we have to allow ourselves to be played by nature or allow ourselves to be lived by nature,but what we do with our little desires, is we put a chewing gum on the cords and then they don't really resonate and everything becomes awful and dystonic because nature can't play the symphony it's trying to produce through us.." Putting chewing gum on the cords,it is also part of nature's activity.We are part of nature and not separate entities. we are cosmic events. Our belief that we are separate entities is a misconception. There is only a universal unfolding of which we are part.There is no individual entity .It is all a single movement of the totality.Of the one single indivisible field of subjectivity. All happens by itself, including the idea of being a doer. Why the unfolding is as it is we don't know.
@fpalisse 4 ай бұрын
Love Bernardo but I think he's wrong about disease. I think we are responsible for a lot of the diseases we carry evidenced by NDE reports, psychedelic reports, and even psychotherapy. I do IFS internal family systems and learned a neurological issue I had was due to grief which makes sense as it started shortly after someone I loved passed away and the symbol was my arms still reaching out for her. Cognitively I thought I got the issue due to falling on my arm during covid, but that was just the trigger.
@sideoutside 2 ай бұрын
As a psychedelic mystic, I would absolutely love to trip on like 6 grams of ape's with Bernardo and try to show him the gateway into the path. He's silently both crying out for it while vocally admitting defeat, it's still there for you Bernardo.. It's going to find you in the end. A and not A are one.
@mathewkolakwsk 3 ай бұрын
An observation: Bernardo (as an analytical idealist) uses the word “Nature” just like Christians use the word “God”, except, as far as I can tell, his version of Nature is limited, not supernatural (in the religious sense), needs us to learn for it (as we are part of Nature), and has no specific knowable goal or destiny besides existing and growing through consciousness and memory/experience. Our unique experiences and memories are a part of the mind of Nature (for now), and when we die, our unique/disassociated mind reunites with the larger Mind (or Consciousness) of Nature. As a hard-headed scientist, I want evidence of this greater Mind of Nature - it’s like walking through fog with much of philosophy because it isn’t clear like science can be… yes, I know science is made up models that update, but the so-called convenient fictions from science are relatively clear and testable. Science reveals how “Nature” predictably behaves… we know what water molecules are in terms of atoms, and electrolysis always ends up forming flammable Hydrogen and Oxygen. Science is repeatable, and is very young, but look at how much it has advanced in such a short amount of time - it seems to get us closer to reality and “truth”. So I look to science to clear the story up - but philosophy doesn’t require the scientific method? Does that invalidate much of it? And perhaps at a more fundamental level, are we like dogs trying to understand calculus? Is there any hope for figuring out what consciousness, time, Nature, or other realms/dimensions are?
@paulmint1858 Ай бұрын
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 3 ай бұрын
I think i see a crack, conceptual daylight between us. I think that the UTM may be learning. We are both speculating here. I'll speculate. Nature as an expression of UTM is evolving, learning evidenced by the evolution of us organic beings. We have increased in complexity to provide reflection back to it. Similarly, we have evolved sociologically and technologically providing the ability for 8 billion people to live on one small planet amplifying this reflection.
@FigmentHF 4 ай бұрын
I wish I was the kind of guy to read books. I wonder if these guys read their books, or it’s more like a cool backdrop. Books are great, I wish I wasn’t very lazy. At least I can listen :D
@jeancarrenpao 4 ай бұрын
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 3 ай бұрын
Bernardo, didn't Carl Jung intimate in Answer to Job that Job's suffering taught God the experience of suffering? Christ was God 's attempt to understand suffering more intimately. I am an analytic idealist. (When I say it that way it sounds like I bought into a cult!) It's my worldview now. I use God metaphorically. I mean, doesn't transpersonal consciousness learn in any way? I understand that it's not met cognitive, is it learning by its experiencing and creating the universe simultaneously?
@greensleeves7165 3 ай бұрын
I also remain a bit suspicious...in fact, significantly suspicious... of the idea that "life is all about nature; there is something enormous going on here". I'm not sure that life at large in any sense *really knows what it is doing at all*. So to the extent that there is something enormous going on, that could just be an enormity of in-the-moment raw impulse. And thus the kind of consciousness that we represent is a much more sophisticated possibility than that. We bring in the possibility of awareness and action being more than raw impulse. So it would be paradoxical then to abuse the very thing that brings this potential. I don't think it really makes much sense to say it brings this "to nature". Rather, nature brings this unique potential ONLY AS US (and other higher animals, arguably).
@rubyslippers9140 4 ай бұрын
Have you ever met someone whose ego drives matched their Daemons
@HicksYvette-l8e 11 сағат бұрын
Lewis Kenneth Young Thomas Martin Gary
@PMKehoe 2 ай бұрын
No one ask him about art - ever? Not that I have heard.
@RoyBurnell-o6n 11 күн бұрын
Young Kevin Martinez Anna Lee Jose
@SoyOtroTu 4 ай бұрын
THE QUESTION? Is not a question YOU make. It is a question THAT makes you with ITS creation: Are YOU another ME? Only those who REMEMBER their true nature can answer correctly -Yes! I'm Another YOU! Got It? 🤔 Like this if you got it and reply with the correct Answer: YES! I'M ANOTHER YOU!
@CottonSean-o3m 11 күн бұрын
Hernandez Cynthia Smith Jessica Jackson Sharon
@FitzGeraldBurgess-g6o 8 күн бұрын
Davis Larry Martinez Paul Williams William
@MalachiSpring-s1t 4 күн бұрын
Martinez Sandra White Sandra Lopez Larry
@stanblanch1 3 ай бұрын
Gave up due to poor sound quality
@beyshore_ 3 ай бұрын
check your devices. the audio is fine.
@gofai274 3 ай бұрын
Who will suffer 4.2.bn deaths from radiation? PArents will have to watch their kids dying most painful death there is (by radiation) unable to do anything... I hope i am not one it would be infinite suffering... I pray there is nothing after death even i am afraid. It is absurd - how could one endure this. Like 500 000 tortures in unit 731???????????????????
@BenRoderick-h3h 8 күн бұрын
White Gary Williams Ruth Garcia Patricia
@oliviergoethals4137 3 ай бұрын
50:15 🍎🐍=👽
@KevinMannix-sf5zk 3 ай бұрын
When are you all going to stop pretending the lower brain does not exist ? Over associating with the sound brain and its ability to divide is really silly The cortices do not change anything, they just imagine they do Your other brains are indulging in far more significant behaviour in regards to comprehending life
@tinkletink1403 3 ай бұрын
idealism is mumbo jumbo
@suzettedarrow8739 3 ай бұрын
Kastrup seems naive. There are easy, obvious objections to his view. For example, he says, "To experience the world as it is in itself you have to be the world." (@ ~ 6:20 . He offers no evidence or justification for that claim. How does he know that a requirement of experiencing the world as it in itself is being the world?
@joellakrall7445 3 ай бұрын
It’s so interesting to me that Bernardo likes to talk to this guy. I on the other hand find him irritating. Food for thought for me.
@Bob-qq4is 3 ай бұрын
Bernardo seems pointless, nothing to offer of any pragmatic value
@jennycoffey1443 4 ай бұрын
Also, I was disappointed not to find other social media links in the more..me u. fb, and other more ,and shorts and other social org contacts.
@BronteJoshua-i2o 5 күн бұрын
Robinson Ruth Allen Laura Hernandez Donald
Bernardo Kastrup | Allowing Nature To Work Through You
Dom Sniezka
Рет қаралды 70 М.
An idealist perspective on God and religion
Revisioning Religion
Рет қаралды 16 М.
哈莉奎因怎么变骷髅了#小丑 #shorts
Рет қаралды 50 МЛН
Christopher Wallis | Bernardo Kastrup Part 1: With Reality in Mind
Adventures in Awareness
Рет қаралды 17 М.
"Materialism Is Baloney" | An In-Depth Interview With Bernardo Kastrup
Michael Levin | Bernardo Kastrup #3: Evolution, Metacognition, Life & Death
Adventures in Awareness
Рет қаралды 28 М.
May Colloquium with Dr. Bernardo Kastrup
Society For UAP Studies
Рет қаралды 10 М.
Bernardo Kastrup - Part II - The Nature of Reality
Edge of Mind
Рет қаралды 9 М.
哈莉奎因怎么变骷髅了#小丑 #shorts
Рет қаралды 50 МЛН