A Holistic Approach To CRPS | Dr. Traci Patterson, CRPS Warrior | RSDSA

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@ElzaMusic 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Traci Patterson for giving me my life back! Elza, (CRPS survivor now in Remission!!!) 💫💜💫💜💫💜💫
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
You're very welcome! It was a pleasure to work with you.
@stephaniegreen6888 3 жыл бұрын
This is great for people who can afford it. I've had CRPS for 8+ years. Took 5 and half just to get diagnosed. I've been given 3 different tricyclics with no results. I just gave up going to doctors. I take C60 and use CBD. All I really want is use of my hand again, but allopathic medicine is a joke in the US. CRPS cost me my career and my being a musician. The only things that mattered to me....
@creativegirl9710 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the same. I've had nerve pain in my left foot since Oct 2015. It's been a living nightmare and seen so many Drs that have let me suffer. The orthopedic Dr I'm seeing now believes it's CRPS. He's tried everything, non-invasive, lots of injections for past year. I need relief now! So sick of the run around.
@stephaniegreen6888 2 жыл бұрын
@@creativegirl9710 I hear you. I saw so many docs just trying to get a diagnosis, I lost count. I had 3 surgeries I didn't need because they kept telling me I needed a knee replacement, but wouldn't do one til I got older. Turns out, my knee does not need to be replaced- I guess orthos don't know how to read an x-ray anymore? I finally got a tentative diagnosis, and had it confirmed. I then spent about another 2 years finding someone to treat this. As mentioned, they put me on 3 meds which did nothing, then said the only other option was to get a nerve block in my neck. But it might paralyze me.... I said no thanks and never went back. I have tingling and nerve pain throughout my entire body, my leg feels like jello at times, and my left hand is almost useless. One thing I definitely noticed is being around Wi-Fi, and EMF in general increases my symptoms. Stay away as much as possible. Hard wire your computer, turn off your Wi-Fi, and if you live in a state that allows smart meter opt- out, OPT OUT. Electrohypersensitivity is real and underdiagnosed. Unfortunately, it also is a syndrome that most doctors have never heard of. Magda Havas has a website with very good info. I have 2 boxes of research I printed out, and about 8 pages of websites from around the world on EMF and EMR. If that's something you'd like to research, reply back, and I can give you great research sites. Take lots of supplements- especially magnesium, but also B Complex, C, D, E, zinc, multi- vitamin, C60, CBD oil, fish oil, cinnamon. If you order The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies - I loaned it out, and I'm blanking on the author, but she cured her MS using an herbal formula. The book is on Amazon, I believe, but you might be able to get it cheaper if you just look up the book name. I paid $37. Also, try to cut sugar out of your diet, as it is HIGHLY inflammatory. Stay away from processed food and chemicals as much as possible. You can try alpha lipoic acid for the nerve pain. Mine is really severe and nothing has worked on that yet. Keep researching and I wish you all the best. I know how frustrating it is! Merry Christmas and a Brighter New Year, as well.
@creativegirl9710 2 жыл бұрын
@@stephaniegreen6888 so sorry to hear that. Luckily I haven't been talked into any surgeries. I've been in the alternative natural medicine circles mostly through all of this. My diet was addressed in 2013, believe me I've looked at it thoroughly. Supplements have not worked. I'm going to inject peptides all up and down my leg next. I've been following/reading about them for several years. Some Drs use them for nerve pain. I'll do it myself. I'm going to do the nerve block for my left leg. I trust that he'll do it right.
@stephaniegreen6888 2 жыл бұрын
@@creativegirl9710 I wish you all the best. CRPS presents in so many different ways, it isn't a one size fits all approach. I do hope that your treatments succeed!
@creativegirl9710 2 жыл бұрын
@@stephaniegreen6888 Thank you! Same to you. 🙏
@bearcat8817 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t see any reply’s to comments? Only 11 comments in 5- months? No responses? Just an inquiry....
@RSDSA 3 жыл бұрын
If you have any questions for Dr. Patterson, her website is advancedpathways.com.
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, our office does not monitor the RSDSA's KZbin channel or feed. We can be contacted at www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com | Info@HolisticCenteredTreatment.com Happy to set up a free consultation via telephone or Telehealth.
@braintrust4kids787 3 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with CRPS just a month ago. Only 2 months in, lots of treatment options for me thank goodness
@RSDSA 3 жыл бұрын
Getting an early diagnosis and treatment is key! We hope you find that treatment option that works best for you.
@lauravisel3126 2 жыл бұрын
Can I ask please what helped you?
@braintrust4kids787 2 жыл бұрын
@@lauravisel3126 its not cured. But, the pain is drastically improved . I got some spinal nerve blocks 4 of them at the Thousand oaks pain center with Dr. Harutinian near LA California. Dr. Harutinian disgnososed which nerve had the issue and ablated the nerve in January of this year. I will be going in for a ketamine infusion in a months time. I went from my foot swollen and blue with red blotches, unable to walk, muscle atrophy, pain constantly, burning, numbness. Icy feet, Muscle seizures and inability to move.... To.. 1st shot, Being able to put weight on the side of my foot, swelling gone down. Pain improved, foot no longer icy. 2nd shot, being able to put weight down and pain improved. Foot warmer. Swelling down. Contractions nonexistent. 3rd shot. Less pain. Foot back to looking normal, almost able to walk normal. 4th shot. No more improvement. At this point. We decided on Post tibial nerve ablation. This was entirely painless. And resulted in more movement and less muscle weakness/paralysis. I am going through physical therapy now. I am able to walk and go on hikes. I started off constantly in pain. And now I have very little pain.
@StormOracle 3 жыл бұрын
SOME HOLISTIC SUGGESTIONS FOR CRPS I’m sure you know about some of these already. Please share your suggestions below. Yesterday my medical team told me they are 90% sure I have CRPS. All the information Traci presented is exciting to me because I'm trained in a lot of them. FIRST: Work with Traci or someone like her to get the skills--these are lifelong skills and well worth the investment. Chiropractic, massage, and physical therapy are good too. IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD HER or OTHER PRACTITIONERS, here are some Body, Mind, Spirit suggestions: BODY - LEARN EFT. Lookup EFT or tapping on KZbin. WHY: This gets your body in energetic alignment by tapping on meridian points to release blockages that keep you from healing. There are ways to do EMDR yourself too. NOTE: It's better if you can learn from a practitioner. But again, if you can't afford it, these are options. - QI GONG OR TAI CHI. They are gentle--just do the moves you ‘can’ do. If you can't walk or stand-sit and do the movement as best you can. - HOT & COLD SHOWER THERAPY. This stimulates the vagus nerve. There are many ways to stimulate the vagus nerve, Hot & Cold shower therapy is simple. 2-3 min hot (as tolerated) and quickly turn it to Cold for 1-3 min. Let the cold hit the forehead and chest first. - CHANGE YOUR DIET. There are lots of books on anti-inflammatory diets. Remember, what may inflame you may be different than what inflames me-experiment. - EARTHING. Take off your shoes and connect with the earth starting at 5 -15 mins a day. Earthing grounds your energy and is an anti-inflammatory, along with so many other benefits. MIND - CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS. If you find yourself saying ‘I can’t’ on any of these suggestions, change that to, “I can’t do these right now, but what I can do is…” I know it’s hard to stay positive when you’re in pain but focus on what you ‘can do’ as much as possible. - JOURNAL. Get a journal with a cool cover that is meaningful to you. Mine says, “Reach for the Stars.” Daily, write down 3-5 things you are grateful for. If you need to bitch, moan, and complain, that’s awesome; do it in your journal. Why is it awesome? “Better out than in; it can slow the healing process. Just don’t get stuck in the bitch, moan, complain mode. Plus, this gives you a road map on what to work on. Example: “My forearm burns so frickin’ bad.” Then go through tapping using that pain point as your focus. Next, do the exercises you’ve learned for that area. - MEDITATION. Focus on the breath for 1 - 3 min. There are also apps for daily meditation. - AND FINALLY, LAUGH. Turn off the news and turn on I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, or Mash. “Stay on the light side until the bright side comes along.” SPIRIT CALL ON YOUR DIVINE DREAM TEAM. - PRAY. Pray, or if you prefer, have a conversation with the god of your understanding. Example: “God, Jesus, Creator, Universe, Divine, I AM; I hurt so much, and I know you don’t want that for me; I don’t want that for me either-on that, we agree. I am open to trying new ideas. Thank you for sending me the right people and guides to help me find the answers I need to heal my body. And so it is, and so it will be, Amen.” - MEET YOUR NEW GUARDIAN ANGEL. Your new Guardian Angel's name is 'KINTA'. Kinta means Laughter. Ask Kinta to be with you on your healing journey, making it as fun and light as possible. - CALL ON ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. Raphael is the healing angel. His color is green which is also the color of the Heart Chakra. Invite him to guide you to the answers you need. NOTE: You do not pray to Angels, they are Divine Helpers. Simply ask for what you need and thank them. - GET A GREEN BLANKET. Name it, "HOPE". Hope is your new Blankey-Keep yourself covered in Hope. These are just some ideas off the top of my head. This post gave me an opportunity to write out the beginnings of a plan. If you’ve never heard of some of these, do a little research. For those of you who have been dealing with this for a while, I have much to learn from you-thank you. What I know is the body is designed to heal. If we support each other, we can do this.
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the input. Yes, the majority of Holistic and Alternative treatments are not covered by insurance. Unfortunately, the majority of traditional treatments aren't working for most CRPS patients. Please reach out if we can answer any questions. Our company has transitioned from Advanced Pathways to Holistic Centered Treatment. www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com
@drpremlatasangwan435 3 жыл бұрын
Hello madam , where do you live.where is your clinic.how can we contact with you .Actualy my daughter 17 year old is suffering from CRPS since 9 month after getting sprain in left foot while doing jumping exercise .she is suffering from pain .
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
Our clinic is in Boise, Idaho. We can be reached at www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com | Info@HolisticCenteredTreatment.com
@dorenehendricks6627 3 жыл бұрын
I have had rsd for 17 years
@RSDSA 3 жыл бұрын
Sending you love, Dorene. Let us know how we can assist you.
@cristobalmanuelmoreno.llan2215 3 жыл бұрын
Me 10 years. I cant hold it more years
@deborahgallien3956 3 жыл бұрын
@@RSDSA I have had RSDS/CRPS for 34 years in overwhelming bedridden pain. can you help?
@annetteedel8110 3 жыл бұрын
I agree...why no response?
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
@@annetteedel8110 Unfortunately, we don't monitor the RSDSA's KZbin site. I would encourage you to contact us directly at - www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com | 844-994-0999
@cristobalmanuelmoreno.llan2215 3 жыл бұрын
What would you suggest for patient who cant walk, not a step.
@braintrust4kids787 3 жыл бұрын
Bottom of my foot has CRPS... I use the IWalk 2.0. amazing alternative to crutches. It gave me my independence back. I still use it when crps flairs uo
@bearcat8817 3 жыл бұрын
I have had Venipuncher RSD/CRPS11 For 20yrs., I want to get rid of all these Drugs if possible. If you can help, I would appreciate your guidance to a locally homeopathic doctor. Please contact me if you think you can help! I have already been open to anything but my Doctor isn’t one that does any search for root causes. If I had the knowledge maybe I can help him too.... He’s not a bad guy and I hope he would work with new approaches and help it be covered under my insurance 🤷🏼‍♀️ Am I too understand that insurance doesn’t cover any portion of homeopathic treatment cost? I’m located in Ohio. Thank you 🙏🏼
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
I would encourage you to contact our office for a free telephone or Telehealth consultation. 844-994-0999 | www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com
@martinmilczanowski8421 2 жыл бұрын
Dealing with it for 5 months ready to have my foot off. Any help
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
Martin, yes we can help. Please visit our website or contact us to set up a free telephone or Telehealth consultation. www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com | Info@HolisticCenteredTreatment.com | 844-994-0999
@teresaratliff3446 2 жыл бұрын
I was recently diagnosed with crps. I am unable to take pain medication because I am allergic to them. I am looking for ways to find relief that do not involve pain meds.
@marcusaurelius2242 2 жыл бұрын
Try the Spero Clinic.
@teresaratliff3446 2 жыл бұрын
@@marcusaurelius2242 thank you
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
Teresa - I would encourage you to set up a free telephone or Telehealth consultation. www.HolisticCenteredTreatment.com | Info@HolisticCenteredTreatment.com | 844-993-0999 Marcus mentioned Spero Clinic. There are many people going to Spero that aren't getting positive outcomes or getting worse. Unfortunately, you'll never hear from them. You will only hear about positive outcomes. Find a treatment that is right for you. Happy to discuss treatment options.
Жыл бұрын
Have a look at a supplement called agmatine sulfate
@DCarol-mf9cr 3 жыл бұрын
Went thru her program. The hypnosis approach did not help me at all. Really thought it would.
@bearcat8817 3 жыл бұрын
Did any of the program help. You comment is inadequate
@marcusaurelius2242 2 жыл бұрын
​@@bearcat8817 Why is it "inadequate?" The hypnosis is an integral part of her program. There is no CURE. Some people get lucky, but the disease is complex, and misunderstood. If you like, I can explain it to you?
@drpremlatasangwan435 3 жыл бұрын
Madam, how much does the treatment cost. Please share.
@sarikareddy9393 Жыл бұрын
Hello, looks like you are from India? I have CRPS aswell. Let me know if we can connect and help each other?
@DCarol-mf9cr 2 жыл бұрын
No. I was able to be hypnotized. I then went to Tennessee to work with the Hypnotist where Traci went into remission. Again, I did not see any benefit. I worked very hard, but for whatever reason was not successful. The Spero Clinic in Arkansas is the only place that has documented 84% success. I know many people, personally that did their program and went into remission. And I know that not everything works for everyone, but Spero understands that is a Neurological Disconnect and has a success rate that is impressive.
@tracipatterson2725 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you didn't have success with Ron in Tennessee. There isn't one clinic that has a 100% success rate. I'm glad you did have success at Spero Clinic. Unfortunately, not everyone does. I've spoken with and treated a lot of patients that went to Spero first and then came to Holistic Centered Treatment and had great outcomes with us.
@DCarol-mf9cr 2 жыл бұрын
To make it clear… I didn’t have success at Spero Clinic either. Spero does not get 84% remission as claimed. More like 20-25%.
@lulucarpenter8037 2 жыл бұрын
@@DCarol-mf9cr I didn't have success there either, only more trauma. They don't necessarily diagnose your underlying condition there. For me, it is a host of things, and stress fractures. While many of the people there are genuinely kind and caring, others are abusive. I tried to get my therapist to back off with multiple standing exercises, because I was getting worse. They got very ugly with me and then cancelled my treatments. This was after nearly 5 months and WELL over $60,000 spent. They called one night to collect the week's fees (thousands of dollars per week) and as soon as the payment went through, I was told that Dr. K sent a message that my treatments were cancelled. She never even spoke to me and wouldn't come to the phone when my husband called her. There are certain patients that get results, but it's unclear why most do not. I also am in touch with multiple people who thought they were better, but had all of their pain come back within weeks. No refunds, no sorries, no explanations. It's heartbreaking, really.
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