As a Texan that owns a ranch in NE Texas please heed his warning. You do NOT want wild hogs in your state!
@curiousnomadic9 ай бұрын
WE don't want them. We already have a deer problem.
@mike7gerald9 ай бұрын
@@curiousnomadicDeer are native species and belong here. Those big boars will eat baby deer and everything else.
@curiousnomadic9 ай бұрын
@@mike7gerald What's your point?
@mike7gerald9 ай бұрын
@@curiousnomadic@curiousnomadic My point is that deer evolved into our ecosystem and are part of its balance, so they do not cause damage, whereas the wild boar didn't evolve into our ecosystem and puts it out of balance, thereby causing more harm.
@curiousnomadic9 ай бұрын
@@mike7gerald Deer cause a lot of damage. Both existed.
@wademills16169 ай бұрын
Don’t call shoot. Calling a government agency is not going to do anything
@kristy93379 ай бұрын
It doesn't take a neighborhood to remove a bad 🍎🙂
@ReRe-kr1ht9 ай бұрын
They're probably the culprits to all of this.
@AndyFromBeaverton9 ай бұрын
Turdeau is taking away Canadian guns. I'm sure he'll be going after bows and arrows next.
@AstanaxKnight9 ай бұрын
So the guy telling the people to not shoot is trusting Canada to stop the threat. Right...
@john-o1g9p9 ай бұрын
heck, canadians are even banned from using tactical spray to stop an attack. ''no joke'' google it. @@AndyFromBeaverton
@samsurleau10 ай бұрын
"You just can't BBQ your way out of a wild hog problem." 😂 I need that on a T-shirt.
@hellomyfriends974010 ай бұрын
That was a bar
@bluelava42829 ай бұрын
I thought that too
@iakazul9 ай бұрын
Sounds like a barbeque challenge lol.
@samsurleau9 ай бұрын
@@iakazul I want an invite to your All You Can Eat Wild Hog BBQ party. 😉
@bluelava42829 ай бұрын
Ready for some Tasty Chops w/Mashed potatoes 🥔 🐷 sweet…..@@iakazul
@troyclayton9 ай бұрын
There is a reason "going hog wild" has been a saying for well over 100 years.
@jovialthinker9 ай бұрын
Pig headed too 🐷
@bombardier3qtrlbpsi9 ай бұрын
@sjordan70859 ай бұрын
Many a true word is spoken in jest. Old English proverb.
@nancyrhoads56099 ай бұрын
The hog babies might even be trainable or perhaps the not so old ones. WE all have wild streaks! And we manage to get trained!
@pdrphil81599 ай бұрын
Im a Texan and I live in Hill Country northwest of Austin... After a weekend with my son fishing at a state park , we headed home ... In Texas , even state highways have posted speeds of 70 to 75 mph... I mention this because on our way home we rounded a curve & hit a large hog at about 70 mph. There was over $7000 in damage . The entire front clip was destroyed along with the radiator , condensor and radiator support . The headlites alone cost $2000 . Many states have signs warning of high deer traffic on the road . In Texas , its hogs more than deer that ckncern me.
@rjay70199 ай бұрын
😮 wow I have seen them along the highway and wondered what the truck that hit it looked like 😮 We have them and I'm scared of them. We had 4 babies that showed up and they grow quick.
@maddhatter35649 ай бұрын
Another side "benefit" of wild hogs, In west Texas the rattlesnakes no longer rattle because the wild pigs eat them. Wild pigs seem immune to their venom (plus that thick skin.)
@shyodu29 ай бұрын
On 79 in Round Rock too.
@rjay70199 ай бұрын
@@maddhatter3564 have you ever wondered why nothing eats them? I mean the vultures won't touch them.
@shyodu29 ай бұрын
@@maddhatter3564 the ac repair man had to pull 2 rattle snakes out of the ac unit outside. And Scorpions are bad in my area too. And we're heading into Blue Bonnets season.
@cyberslacker51509 ай бұрын
In separate news Governor Abbott has starting to bus wild hogs to Chicago, New York and Minnesota.
@ms.pugsley9 ай бұрын
😂 it'll feed the Muslims 😅
@horsepoorwilson9 ай бұрын
what about DC?
@dic25049 ай бұрын
@abbyynorman28749 ай бұрын
@@horsepoorwilsonDC is already a cesspool
@cattastroficka1969 ай бұрын
@healthisachoice59679 ай бұрын
Wild pigs killed a Home Care lady who arrive at a country home before daylight. She did not see the pigs and she never made it to the front door. The old couple saw her car in drive way wondering why she was late and saw her chewed up body.
@HollyMoore-wo2mh9 ай бұрын
I just brought that one up. It must have been horrendous to see.
@paulheydarian12819 ай бұрын
That sounds like a 1970s horror flick.
@Autisticbanmeforbeingdifferent9 ай бұрын
@HollyMoore-wo2mh9 ай бұрын
@@Autisticbanmeforbeingdifferent(sigh) google it.
@krischambers90219 ай бұрын
@jdsr74239 ай бұрын
Feral hogs have also been known to kill folks in their own rural driveways and yards
@jameshickok23499 ай бұрын
Yes, right up there with coyotes and pit bulls.
@deepwood49 ай бұрын
If they were serious they would have no closed season and no bag limits.
@theminister11549 ай бұрын
You just described Texas. Any day, any number of hogs on private land.
@BrettShadow9 ай бұрын
^ Yep... and no lic. required. ... and we STILL can't keep up.
@deepwood49 ай бұрын
@@theminister1154 I was talking about Minnesota.
@binderfan4369 ай бұрын
And no hog hunting paid hunts.
@theminister11549 ай бұрын
that'll probably happen if you get invaded, but since it's MN it will happen way too late because of all teh squawking of dumb birds in the capital@@binderfan436 . skwawk squwawk squeeeeeeewaaaaak
@markab50199 ай бұрын
They are already in Wisconsin. The DNR caught a guy with a semi trailer full of feral hogs. He let them out for hunting and the DNR let him do it because they said there was nothing illegal about it. Who’s to blame for this one?
@sswwooppee9 ай бұрын
Sounds like BS. There’s definitely laws against free grazing livestock in WI.
@howardvenze99569 ай бұрын
It's illegal in Wisconsin to release feral hogs. Some guy was charged in 2008 for releasing hogs. The witness for this was not the DNR. The witness was found to be not credible.
@zxyatiywariii810 ай бұрын
They'd attack dogs too!
@hellomyfriends974010 ай бұрын
They attack anything
@lineset77659 ай бұрын
Toddlers and small children!
@armageddonready40719 ай бұрын
They EAT EVERYTHING, including YOU
@_DEFCON19 ай бұрын
Not the puppies!!!!
@Mike.The.Jeweler9 ай бұрын
@@lineset7765 woah woah now, we gotta leave some of those for the pit bulls
@BotsWeekendCovers9 ай бұрын
Its funny to think back to the early 90's when I lived in San Antonio TX. My buddy and I fished Choke Canyon back then all the time and the hogs were as thick as mud all over the banks. I called the Game Warden one day and asked if we could go bow hunt them. Man I got screamed at over the phone from him that I better not and if I did and he caught me I would be in jail the rest of my life. ROFLMAO. I knew how bad it was then and now look. Hope you are happy Mr. Warden.
@LeeYang071339 ай бұрын
Mr. Warden wanted the hogs to himself!
@Madmun3579 ай бұрын
No, not everybody in Texas is hunting them. These ranchers and farmers say hogs are a problem, but they charge a pretty penny to "let" you hunt them.
@DemPilafian9 ай бұрын
That's fine. I don't see a contradiction.
@msa45489 ай бұрын
Same thing in Georgia, I'm not interested in paying to help reduce the population.
@ryandavids11299 ай бұрын
Exactly!!!! Glad someone else sees it. It's not a big enough problem where ranchers will let you hunt then without throwing good money to them.
@DemPilafian9 ай бұрын
@@ryandavids1129 That's like saying inflation isn't a big enough problem where stores are deciding to lower prices to fix it.
@BrettShadow9 ай бұрын
They only charge what morons from DFW are willing to pay.... Some people even come from the other side of the border from Houston and pay for hunts too
@davidkermes3769 ай бұрын
wanna see some REAL hog damage? check out hawaii's farmland. i recently saw a newscast of a field the hogs had gotten to on one of the islands. it looked like people had a demolition derby with plows. not a square foot of ground untouched. not a shred of green above ground.
@dylanr84819 ай бұрын
Sort of reminds me of how Indians come to Canada. Gas stations and subdivisions.
@maddhatter35649 ай бұрын
we see that a lot in west Texas.
@FLsheepdog19 ай бұрын
Isn't that where their Hog Queen lives? Roseanne Barr. 🤣🤣🤣
@fishnchips81329 ай бұрын
@@dylanr8481 & I see it in the 'colonialisation' of other people's countries.
@captaincapitalism2649 ай бұрын
@@fishnchips8132 Yep, colonization by wild hogs.
@candyland909 ай бұрын
My brother accidentally hit a wild hog many years ago in Pearland, Texas. It totaled his car! I honestly didn't know we had a wild hog problem in Texas until my brother had his accident.
@SouthernBuggy-of8xb9 ай бұрын
I live in San Antonio and was coming out of Planet Fitness one night and encountered a feral hog. I walked over to my car and there was a very large one eating food near a dumpster behind Pizza Hut. He stopped and stared me down as if he was ready to charge at me. Luckily he didn't. These things get pretty large and have very intimidating looking tusks.
@manofaction18079 ай бұрын
"You just can't BBQ your way out of a wild hog problem." I'll take that bet!
9 ай бұрын
What goes in one end of a hog has to come out the other end.
@craptainofsea8 ай бұрын
So you think you can?
@abbyynorman28749 ай бұрын
Y’all get why hunting needs to remain? Keep proper balance
@jds62069 ай бұрын
A guy I knew who lived in Albany Georgia told me folks DO hunt them and LOVE eating wild hog, because in that part of Georgia the hogs eat a lot of Pecans…..
@EverettBaland9 ай бұрын
Hey from Texas. Here's an example in the DFW Metromess, I mean Metroplex. The City of Irving alone has captured hundreds of them. And yes they're hunted all over, where you can do it.
@matortiz232210 ай бұрын
Currently MN is more worried about banning and forcing registration on certain firearms in the state than encouraging the residents to manage pests should we even bother mentioning the WOLF problem!!!!!!
@TRuth.T10 ай бұрын
They decimated the deer, sadly...
@subcomandantemarcos366610 ай бұрын
These wolves will have a food source, and then further multiply with a sustainable food source 🙄 need to open up a wolf/coyote season. Never been up to hunt in MN, but read all about the struggles with the wolf issue. ✌🏾from TX
@Jeff-sl8xz10 ай бұрын
@@subcomandantemarcos3666hunted Minnesota All of my life we have some big bodied deer would love to hunt hogs in Texas I looked into it a couple of years ago and I won't pay to help get rid of the problem and that's what I ran across they wanted me to pay for getting rid of their problem ain't going to happen
@dbcooper69210 ай бұрын
Out here in communist California, you have to go threw a background check just to buy amo. Minnesota is turning into another CA., good luck with that!!
@silentmajority836510 ай бұрын
Or the diversity problem lol
@vickypeterson76889 ай бұрын
I dont know if hog is on the wolf menu but I've seen plenty of videos of black bear taking hogs...Mn has plenty of black bear to help out
@wisenber9 ай бұрын
I've seen a large boar chase an adult black bear then go back to snacking on a yellow jacket nest.
@victormiranda91639 ай бұрын
Grizzly bears can do in boars... a clash of titans to be sure.
@tastyfrzz19 ай бұрын
Have a few cinnamon bears around that might be hungry for pork.
@wisenber9 ай бұрын
@@tastyfrzz1 Sadly, predators will only stabilize a population not eliminate it.
@victormiranda91639 ай бұрын
@@tastyfrzz1 Cool, didn't know there were such creatures. boar get pretty big.
@maegpye9 ай бұрын
While doing genealogy research, I came across the term "hog reeve" which was a Colonial New England term for a person charged with the prevention or appraising of damages by stray swine.
@CoalCreekCroft9 ай бұрын
Fantastic. Word guy myself.
@sjordan70859 ай бұрын
That's very interesting, thank you for sharing!
@theseukonnen12009 ай бұрын
Related term to "Shire reeve," which is the origin of the word "sherriff"
@missdemeanor352410 ай бұрын
OH PLEASE. As if wild hogs are the worst invaders from TX.
@jlv3x9 ай бұрын
One harvests farmland while the other destroys crops which results in higher local pricing. If you own farmland you would see this as a completely different problem.
@TimeSurfer2069 ай бұрын
You're right, the Texans themselves are.
@jjgreen52069 ай бұрын
Exactly. Non story
@jaygee5539 ай бұрын
@downinla40769 ай бұрын
Did you even comprehend the video or even know basic US geography? The hogs that are threatening Minneosate are from CANADA, which shares a border with Minnesota. Texas doesn't border Minnesota, it's in the south bordering MEXICO. They went to Texas to see the damage that a large feral hog population does to farmland and learn lessons from it.
@raphlvlogs2719 ай бұрын
the fast growth rate and generalist habit of pigs was why they became domesticated in the first place
@jamesbondero61709 ай бұрын
I've been to some bars in Minnesota. You already got some wild pigs there! 😜
@AllanHunter-c2l9 ай бұрын
You are very correct there
@FrontUW9 ай бұрын
Minnesota gals love their hot dish.
@deneseburrell9 ай бұрын
The farther North ya go, the uglier the women are~
@StoneE49 ай бұрын
Those were Cheeseheads who wandered in from the state to the east.
@steverich15189 ай бұрын
@@StoneE4no they were from Minnesota. It’s ok no need to get upset
@thomastessin16639 ай бұрын
These feral swine can carry over twenty different pathogens. Canada must take care of this feral problem if they expect to keep exporting any domestic pork products to the USA period. Call your lawmakers now.
@lookingthroughice78439 ай бұрын
Wake up dumby the wild pig problem didn't come from Canada, it's an American problem. Look at the map and see where the wild pig/bore problem is, its in the southern part of the States. Not even close to the Canadian border. You people are so dumb listening to your fake news.
@chrisrosenthal12109 ай бұрын
Actually it's more than 30 viral and bacterial diseases and nearly 40 different types of parasites - all transmittable to to humans, commercial livestock, other wild game and pets
@specag319 ай бұрын
hmm, nah, Canada is a lost cause for any EFFECTIVE government. Your libs are WEF 2030 Plan zombies and your so called Conservatives are as feckless and worthless as ours in the U.S. Trump? That bag of gas could have prevented the you know and you know and didn't. His supporters will say "Oh, he didn't understand Washington D.C., or trusted the wrong people." So, what the heck was he doing running for President? Humans are headed for the new Dark Ages, we've passed the point of no return, get used to it. What's ahead? "Hunger Games." We are the WORST GENERATION for being fat and lazy and letting this happen.
@JTMAR3799 ай бұрын
Oh is that why people keep eating them funny how that works
@ethimself50649 ай бұрын
Did you know that the largest Pork produced in the USA is literally owned by China(CCP) Great DOC in this tube by PBS By the way Canada imports almost all of its Pork from the USA
@mengkhang103710 ай бұрын
They obviously have not seen the asain market. If you unrestricted the harvest. They'll probably endanger or put them to near extinction.
@lsrlsr75249 ай бұрын
Should be no Restrictions they are an invasive animal. It wouldn't matter if they went into extinction.
@cecileroy5579 ай бұрын
@@lsrlsr7524 Exactly!!
@grbenway9 ай бұрын
Well that would be a good thing. the hogs (feral) out there are hybrids and not a native species.
@bozimmerman9 ай бұрын
Harvesting wild hogs is 100% unrestricted in Texas for decades now, and we still have a problem. I would suggest that schools allow hunting clubs like we had before the 1970s, and get more people out there working on the problem.
@grbenway9 ай бұрын
Or ranchers could start letting people hunt the hogs without trying r@pe the hunters for money. are we supposed to give a crap when they are actively trying to keep it around?@@bozimmerman
@dfsfsdfd9 ай бұрын
4:00 That map doesn't show them all. We have them here in Michigan in the white areas near the thumb.
@alfredgonzalez38829 ай бұрын
All that potential meat, is it not possible to use that meat responsibly? Soup kitchens, animal sanctuaries, the polar bears, zoos, am I missing something here? Does not anyone else see the ways we could use all this meat and hides, etc..?
@sunizbliss9 ай бұрын
@jamesrogalski20859 ай бұрын
Prisons... Oh thats right, those are emptying out!!
9 ай бұрын
We could all be wearing wild hog overcoats in winter.
@jemezname22599 ай бұрын
My sister has a small Texas ranch. She says the meat is inedible except for very young ones.
@TheRealDuBTeK9 ай бұрын
"sanctuaries" are scams, usually a 501C nonprofit entity, many get shut down for fraud and theft of funds, the rest just fleece money from people with soft feelings
@shovelhead819 ай бұрын
I don't know much about wild hogs but my question is: Do they taste like regular pigs? Does their bacon taste the same? What about the deceases we are told that they have? If their eating farm crops , then what sickness would they carry. Are they safe to eat?
@user-pn9db8sm5w9 ай бұрын
Good questions.
@chrisrosenthal12109 ай бұрын
@@user-pn9db8sm5w "Do they taste like regular pigs?" Yes and no. Any wild animal has a diet that is not controlled. What an animal eats directly affects the taste of the meat. While hogs are mostly herbivores, they will eat just about anything they come across including decaying animals, rotten acorns etc. The level of gameyness in the meat can vary quite a bit from region to region and from one individual hog to the next. Also older boar hogs are full of testosterone that drastically affects the wild taste of the meat. I personally have killed large boars where the meat stank so bad, you couldn't stand to be in the same room with it if you tried to cook it. Now on a younger sow, the meat can be excellent. I personally prefer a sow 80 pounds or less if I'm planning on processing it. "Does their bacon taste the same?" No, in fact it's almost impossible to get a decent cut of bacon from a wild hog. Wild hogs don't have the amount of fat that a commercially raised hog does. Commercial hogs are raised to be fat so you get cuts like bacon. A wild hog pork belly is normally way to thin to cure, slice and make bacon. It's best just toss it in with other trimmings for sausage. Even other cuts from wild hogs must be cooked a little different that the pork cuts you'd get in a grocery store or from a butcher. The fat content just isn't there, so you have to adjust the way you cook it to prevent it from drying out. It is more like cooking venison than pork. If done properly though, it can make for great table fare. I prefer to smoke the shoulders, cut the loins into chops, a few roasts and the rest goes to sausage. As far as diseases, they can carry around 30 known disease and around 40 different parasites. The biggest danger is to other commercial livestock. They can spread infectious diseases in domestic animals, such as classical swine fever, brucellosis and trichinellosis, and in humans, diseases such as hepatitis E, tuberculosis, leptospirosis and trichinellosis to name a few. They are safe to eat if properly handled and cooked to a temperature that kills the diseases and parasites. The bigger risk to humans is handling the raw meat and disease transferring to you through a cut. Wear gloves if it worries you and cook it thoroughly.
@theminister11549 ай бұрын
Judging from other responses under the video they're not super-safe to eat.
@wolfmantroy66019 ай бұрын
The wild hogs I harvested on the Big Island were eating fruit. Mostly papaya. They were excellent table fare. The couple I got from high on the mountain where there wasn't as much food were not near as tasty. I caught them with snares.
@chrisrosenthal12109 ай бұрын
@@theminister1154 They actually are if you cook the meat thoroughly. It's no different than any other meat. I wouldn't recommend eating raw chicken either lol I've seen people get food poisoning from fast food places, can't say I've ever heard of anyone getting sick from a wild hog. Still there is a remote chance, so use normal precautions as you would with any other food.
@mgentles39 ай бұрын
The worst? My only walking trail (in The Big Thicket here in East Texas) is rife with wild hogs and there's no hunting allowed because the land is leased by the federal government as a preserve. This is supposed to be a recreational area for hiking and camping, and I thought it was wonderful for walking my dog...until I saw two sows with litters of at least nine shoats each, one litter slightly older than the other, along with the boar who just happened to be zeroed in on me and my dog. His head was lowered and he was beginning to paw the ground. Luckily, he wasn't as aggressive as he wanted me to think (or wasn't particularly hungry) because one shout sent them down the trail. The thing is, though they don't mention it here, hogs are omnivores. They dearly love to eat dogs and aren't above a little human meat on the side. An aggressive boar or a sow with piglets is dangerous. I didn't see tusks on the ones in the pens in this video, but I guarantee you ours have tusks, not to mention deadly teeth. Guns are not allowed on this trail, so I let the hogs have it.
@timway68399 ай бұрын
There's a story in nz about a farmer having his horse disembowled from under him. Late 40's.
@garyhope29 ай бұрын
No guns allowed on Fed property? But getting attacked and killed by a wild hog is? Jail or a fine is better than being killed by a wild hog. Nobody has to know that you're carrying a weapon. Just don't tell them. We all have a right to self defense. Heck with the Gubs..
@charleslangley60369 ай бұрын
In Texas, you can carry on that trail. You just can’t carry into a federal building. You’d be foolish not to carry on that trail. Otherwise, don’t hike it.
@mgentles39 ай бұрын
@@charleslangley6036The land is leased to the FEDERAL government and their rules for preserves apply. I was so happy to learn that Texas never ceded an inch of land to the Feds when entering the union (except for the mandatory military installations) but was devastated to find 100 year leases granted in the 20th century. It's moot anyway, since it would take a shotgun slug to bring down a hog with my lack of expertise and I'm an old woman. It's all I can do to walk a mile in cool weather. More like ten feet in summer. The weight of a shotgun to boot is beyond me. Still pretty good with a rifle, but never owned one that would kill a hog without a perfect shot.
@bluracer7669 ай бұрын
Worst thing I have in Phoenix are javelina that's bad enough but these things are way worse.
@James2259 ай бұрын
Don't worry. They're trying to ban almost all semi automatic firearms so you won't be able to hunt them either when they become a problem here in MN. Thank Walz
@two_tier_gary_rumain9 ай бұрын
Herd them into Minneapolis. The Zoomalis will love them.
@00046129 ай бұрын
@@two_tier_gary_rumainor St Cloud or Fairbult or Cottage Grove or….
@JimJWalker9 ай бұрын
Yet, our president says there is no reason anyone should own an AR-15 or a suppressor. Just ask a Texas farmer.
@frankcastle52949 ай бұрын
"Our President" is a complete buffoon and crooked as hell. Know how I know? I live on the Delaware border.
@smackaroo41599 ай бұрын
The only folks who support heavy gun control are folks who have never been afraid and who can’t imagine how fragile their world is. Their decisions affect hunters to hikers to people just living normal suburban lives, and HOGS are even an issue! I used to despise guns, now I am afraid of a future without them.
@wreckitjax9 ай бұрын
Somehow we lived hundreds of years without AR-15s but now we need them? Sure Billy Bob.
@JimJWalker9 ай бұрын
@@wreckitjax Somehow we lived hundreds of years without billions of dollars of feral hog damage to our food supply. Yes, we need them hunted and kept in check, silly Karen.
@JimJWalker9 ай бұрын
@tjax If you were a farmer with your families living planted in a field are you honestly telling me you would NOT want the best tool to defend your families income? Sure City Slicker! Go code something....
@martybeckman51789 ай бұрын
@Lee-hs4pv9 ай бұрын
That do nothing Rangers are at it again
@jameswatson411010 ай бұрын
If you don’t have them it’s just a matter of time before you do
@sjordan70859 ай бұрын
Sounds like Covid!
@dennacommons17969 ай бұрын
We are here from the government and we’re here to help. Depend solely on us or go to prison. Edit spelling
@mikeknowles80179 ай бұрын
When you monetize something you get more of it. When you tax something you get less of it. Texas land owners charge a lot of money to go hunt hogs on their land. If it was a problem they would pay people to hunt them. Start taxing landowners for allowing wild hogs to exist on their property and and charging for hunting and they would quickly vanish. Follow the money.
@Vernbubba10 ай бұрын
Our current DNR commissioner will welcome them. Minnesota is screwed
@grbmajor66459 ай бұрын
If only the hogs could vote, they would open the border to them.
@jenniferrush82319 ай бұрын
Umm they are here in mn… we just had 5 come through my parents property in deerwood MN… on video…
@richardcranium35799 ай бұрын
@dennisdanich71908 ай бұрын
So when you called how long did it take them to get there
@Charmcity1999 ай бұрын
This is no way to speak about Canadian police. “I don’t want feral swine in our state”, not cool.
@jlunde43649 ай бұрын
I will gladly participate in the removal. I will also gladly donate them to the urban homeless shelters where those folks can learn how to properly clean, process and cook the food given to them. No more tax dollars wasted on the ebt candy store
@tricopimp9 ай бұрын
Not sure where you’re located but doing that might be illegal. Not saying it’s a good law or that the government has any authority to make it but they will try to imprison or shoot you if you don’t comply.
@grantkruse18129 ай бұрын
If that "pork" poisons those woefull homeless types, you are prepared to defend yourself in court...
@BestMods16810 ай бұрын
Problem was engineered.
@edwardvahlin5699 ай бұрын
just like the illegal aliens problem
@billy560819 ай бұрын
I agree, along with the reintroduction of wolves and mountain lions.
@donarthiazi24439 ай бұрын
@@billy56081 At least those species are where they always were until they were hunted out.
@billm20789 ай бұрын
I want to see grizzly bears reintroduced to LA and San Francisco. @@donarthiazi2443
@tuckerbugeater9 ай бұрын
easier to poison the well than to dig it
@savagesavant49649 ай бұрын
The greatest "invader" from Texas aren't hogs
@dhansel48359 ай бұрын
Yes, down here in Texas we have them by the millions. I call them survival food. When everything go to heck in a hand basket we can survive on pork chops, bacon and sausage.
@Jbroker4049 ай бұрын
This is why I don't understand how some countries with lots of rural farmland and similar problems can outright ban guns. They are a necessary tool for nature.
@jeg54389 ай бұрын
Last I checked it cost $650 to hunt hogs in Texas. Land owners won't let people hunt for free.
@KILLKING1109 ай бұрын
You can't have every Bubba running wild on private property especially the poor ones that can only afford a 22 short rifle that's not only a recipe for bs lawsuits but also could actually get someone killed by friendly fire.
@mikerilling27459 ай бұрын
No closed season No bag limit Let’s go people
@maddhatter35649 ай бұрын
since hunting them got attention nationwide the ranchers who used to pay you to hunt them now charge.
@seane66169 ай бұрын
@@guyfaux5010Because you cant hunt on a lot of federal land, so they always have a lot of land o reproduce
@seane66169 ай бұрын
@@guyfaux5010 Hogs can live well in the federal parks/land too....and if they are protected there, they can keep spreading out. It could very well be the issue, couldnt it?
@seane66169 ай бұрын
@@guyfaux5010 So you cant even understand how hogs can reproduce in the safe areas and then keep invading the non safe areas from there? You have a potatoe for a brain
@dsloop39079 ай бұрын
Hannah Barron can show you how to remove them.
@larsharris9 ай бұрын
My nephew went to college in TX hog hunts, and seeing automated traps. Thing is they are dangerous if they are cornered, feel trapped.
@BrettShadow9 ай бұрын
They are dangerous PERIOD! I live in East Texas. A woman not too far from me was killed going to her car one morning at dawn. She unknowingly walked between a sow and her piglets. People think cute little pink pigs with spider stenographers.... These things can push 400lbs and have giant razor sharp cutters (tusks) up to 8" long or more
@CoalCreekCroft9 ай бұрын
Consider that true for any animal. Corner an opossum ... or even a freak'n ferret or mountain cottontail and you'll see some last-ditch fight. Rattlers too, I guess. Though I appreciate the snake's warning and tendency to flee; but seem to randomly decide they're cornered even if not. sigh. add disclaimer they still could have gotten me 9 out of 10 times that I had no clue.
@CoalCreekCroft9 ай бұрын
@@BrettShadow I live in remote Montana with enough out there to carry a sidearm at least. Plenty of bear encounters, etc. This boar thing is like another planet. Brings back all the childhood trauma and fear from Old Yeller ... if they were out here, it would change EVERYTHING (like higher firepower). A big chill was a documentary that showed, as I recall, escaped domestic pigs will turn wild, begin growing tusks, etc., within weeks. Respect. Suddenly all my grizzly, lion and wolf stories have become laughable.
@BrettShadow9 ай бұрын
@CoalCreekCroft So that brings up another unexpected side effect of the pigs... Rattlesnakes have stopped rattling. Not ALL of them but in certain areas and growing. What does that have to do with pigs? Pigs EAT snakes. So their warning rattles turned into dinner bells. It's truly amazing how quickly nature adapts and evolves. To quote one of the elite intellectual minds and top tier scientist in all of human history... "Life...uhh... finds a way" -Dr. Ian Malcolm
@BrettShadow9 ай бұрын
@CoalCreekCroft without considering the frequency of encounter, I think I would still rather face off with a big pig than a small grizzly. I know people who have been hit by pigs... a bunch of times... I don't feel like there are many people out there that say the same about Grizzlies... Probably because they can't say it... because they're dead... Because of the grizzly
@louskunt97989 ай бұрын
That was some excellent reporting.
@ozranch94799 ай бұрын
Don't shoot, report. That's a dumb statement. What he is saying is to let the government take care of this. That doesn't give anybody confidence. He should say shoot and report.
@abrakadabrah30319 ай бұрын
What about warnings about child abduction, pedophiles, extortion, scammers, sex trafficking... Real threat...
@TimeSurfer2069 ай бұрын
Go to a Pig Farm, and ask the farmer to let you into the pen so you can lie down with the pigs. "Not a real threat..." Wild pigs are smart, cunning, and always hungry.
@beckyd7129 ай бұрын
That is a Human "Pig" problem
@MinnesotaBeekeeper9 ай бұрын
@@TimeSurfer206 "Not a real threat..." Making up a quote there.
@MinnesotaBeekeeper9 ай бұрын
State media propaganda by omission.
@TimeSurfer2069 ай бұрын
@@MinnesotaBeekeeper It's called "Paraphrasing," darling, and since you wear a Red Hat... It does not surprise me at all that the big word confoozled you.
@CoalCreekCroft9 ай бұрын
I've faced grizzlies, wolves, coyotes; followed by a mountain lion once by tracks and carry a sidearm in warm season due to rattlesnakes. But wild boars freak me out as much as alligators (thanks, Old Yeller). Yet I say build up those wild boars at the border in Texas along with stocking the Rio Grande with gators. They ain't political, work for free and would be damn more effective.
@werwsere58849 ай бұрын
The state of Texas does have a bounty program for feral hogs, of $5.00. Looks like the bounty should be substantially raised, say to about $50.00 per pig. 10,000 pigs would b e$500,000, a small price to pay for stopping millions of $$$ in damage.
9 ай бұрын
Sounds like a bounty for illegal immigrants.
@joeg54149 ай бұрын
I'm in Colorado. They seem to have done pretty good getting rid of the few we had. Climate probably isn't that good for them in most of the state. Southeast part of Colorado though has to be careful.
@johnmead84379 ай бұрын
It's not difficult if you want to and people are cooperative, and the habitat accessible. Texans?? Well the interview showed pigs being fostered by texas Guides, a serious pest themselves. And then there are the recreational hunters. Pigs doing fine, thanks, plenty of allies.
@chrisrosenthal12109 ай бұрын
@@johnmead8437 Wild hogs are strictly regulated in Texas now. We have licensed holding facilities where they are slaughtered and processed for overseas markets that have more lenient meat standards than our FDA. Only boars can be sold to licensed high fence hunting operations. These hunting operations have strict guidelines on fencing and record keeping is required on every hog they take in. Sows can only be transferred to a facility for slaughter. Every single boar must be documented, and marked by ear tag or electronic tracking. If any marked captive hogs are found to have escaped, you will pay fines and probably lose the license. If you're caught transporting them to anywhere other than a licensed holding facility, you face some pretty hefty fines.
@johnmead84379 ай бұрын
@@chrisrosenthal1210 Very informative thanks. In NZ a few decades ago the wild game meat market, open to any supplier, got wild pig numbers very low in accessible locations, unless landowners impeded hunters access (keeping them or themselves/their mates, or livestock issues). Since that market ceased due to risk of contaminated export meat the population exploded and hunters not only filed to control numbers, they liberated pigs into new areas. Videos on YT will show them catching and releasing sows. Only about 10% of hunters were competent. Similar issues will likley affect the US.
@chrisrosenthal12109 ай бұрын
@@johnmead8437 Yes they have. That is one of the reasons behind the regulations on transporting them. A few decades ago, hogs weren't as widespread as they are now. A lot of hunters were trapping them and releasing them into new areas. I'm not sure about other states, but Texas has really cracked down on that in the last decade. Back then it was pretty common to sell them to the nearest ranch for people that hunted them. But like I said, the only places that can legally hold hogs for hunting now are required to mark and inventory every single boar. They have strict fencing requirements and get heavy fines or loss of the license if any escape. As usual, out government figured out a way to reduce the profit in yet another small business model. People used to pay as much as a dollar a pound for a nice trophy boar. Now I think it's more like 30 cents a pound. It's not worth the hassle, so no one does it anymore.
@maddhatter35649 ай бұрын
@@chrisrosenthal1210 not in west Texas, i looked into it.
@johnryman-f3c9 ай бұрын
Knowing Minnesota it will be a huge problem before anything is done
@1anthonybrowning9 ай бұрын
I'm from East Texas. Minnesota, you do not want these critters in your state. There were no exaggerations in this video. If anything, the problem is worse than you could comprehend as you are not exposed to them yet. I know a lady who stepped out her door, saw a bunch of hogs close to her house. She reached right in the door for a shotgun. Seven shots, seven hogs. She doesn't eat them, but here father does. She loaded them up and took to her dad, who processed them and filled his freezer.
9 ай бұрын
How could you eat something full of shotgun pellets?
@MsMuffetsTuffet9 ай бұрын
Very carefully!!😆😅
@trieger509 ай бұрын
Why do those hogs look so much like Fani Willis?
@Falconlibrary9 ай бұрын
Don't be insulting. Hogs have feelings, ya know.
@bobmatley9 ай бұрын
@@Falconlibrary A lot smarter than Fanni as well.
@christopherarner83229 ай бұрын
@stevenryle57099 ай бұрын
They are good eating. We've got plenty here in West-central Florida.
@VincentHaugen9 ай бұрын
I left MN years ago to get away from the politics and weather. Settled in Al. We have a feral hog problem and I harvest a couple every year here on the farm. Meat is ok, but much leaner than commercial farm raised pork. Old hogs are usually not really that good to eat. Very strong and gamey. It's a shame the idiots in St. Paul have gone so far left and are doing their best to disarm the law abiding while promoting the criminals in the state. Still have family in both nw MN and down near the Iowa border. They would happily hunt the hogs if they can but aren't happy with the restrictions being pushed on law abiding sportsmen and firearms owners. Best do what you can to keep this from getting out of hand because you don't want the problems we have down here in the south with the feral/wild hogs. They are extremely destructive and tend to be nocturnal. Best weapon I've found is an AR-10 with a good thermal imaging device or infrared scope. Second choice, would be a Springfield M1A .308 or an M1 Garand with some type of thermal scope. Feral hogs are tough animals and move faster than you might think. Been treed several times by them while hunting. And yes they can and will kill dogs or human if frightened, angry or cornered.
@farmgirlrebel13338 ай бұрын
notice how the MN DNR was "don't take matters into your own hand, report, don't shoot"....yeah, we will be overrun with hogs with that attitude for sure. I'm in southern MN, I think most people would shoot and not bother reporting.
@CabinGRL9 ай бұрын
I grew up eating wild pig sausage from my grandparents Timber farms in AL and GA. We plant chufa for ours they love it and makes the meat sweet.
@elena-lc4uk9 ай бұрын
But they say they have diseases
@CabinGRL9 ай бұрын
@@elena-lc4uk My father was a PhD Biologist / Wetlands Ecologist if the wild hogs had “diseases” we wouldn’t have been eating them. The wild hogs in Texas now may have diseases but they aren’t endemic it’s man-made. Maybe Bill Gates new project to infect all hog populations feral and domestic to further reduce food options.
@coldspring6249 ай бұрын
what a load. this gig was played out in Michigan years ago.
@cherylholub31009 ай бұрын
This is the truth.
@thomasanderson28709 ай бұрын
Pigs in michigan?🤔🙄🤣 RIGHT... They told us to beware of DANGEROUS CLOWNS 🤡 a few years ago too!🤥
@txdba9 ай бұрын
Hog control is another valid reason for the ATF to stop regulating suppressors.
@vdx88889 ай бұрын
They used to infiltrate the club scene in England because every Thursday night at "RAF Mildenhall" club was "Hog Call". LMAO
@farmgirlrebel13338 ай бұрын
Oh no you didn't?!? LOL, I was at the "Heath" and remember those "Hog Calls" vividly.
@hoibsh219 ай бұрын
I'd rather have wild hogs than wild migrants.
@J5713310 ай бұрын
New food source for the wolves. deer and moose are at historic lows.
@mikeekim2429 ай бұрын
One against several wolves maybe, but a herd of wild pig is another story.
@TimeSurfer2069 ай бұрын
Darling, the wolves are smart enough to run from the pigs. YOU, on the other hand... Seem to be drastically underestimating the strength, hunger, and hunting abilities of an 800 pound Sow with Piglets to feed.
@Terra-t3b9 ай бұрын
If you are reporting it they are all ready here
@scubaseppy10 ай бұрын
You will never ever stop this in MN.
@scubaseppy10 ай бұрын
@XP-nt9iy way too much woods and cover. It's inevitable. Let's hope our new-age DNR can help mitigate this.
@comeoutofthedark891010 ай бұрын
@XP-nt9iy Because MN will never allow the mass killing of them by civilians. Or by the time they do, it will be too late.
@deekang624410 ай бұрын
@@comeoutofthedark8910Sure they will
@justincase283010 ай бұрын
Mn will give these hogs subsidized rooting rights and sanctuary disignated areas to raise their litters.
@PsychoThirteen10 ай бұрын
@@justincase2830 Exactly! Sounds like you're reading Timmay's thoughts. Probably give them voting rights too.
@337369 ай бұрын
As long as you have people hunting them for profit, they will always be a problem. You can have farm farm farm and then a hunting ranch and that’s the problem.
@jimjones92399 ай бұрын
Huh? What are you smoking dude?
@maforever41449 ай бұрын
Live in GA, just had 2 in my backyard, during the day, in the open. Many people willing to help get rid of them. About 3 miles from me, woman took picture of 3 adults and 11 babies. Yep, it is going to be a problem.
@rockymtn12919 ай бұрын
Well, there’s justification for having high capacity firearms right there.
@GreggRoberts9 ай бұрын
I just bought my first thermal scope and would be interested if there is a bounty and I can get land owner's permission. It would need to be a DNR (not MDNR) sanctioned bounty though.
@trapperbobpatriot82889 ай бұрын
The greedy land owners will charge you to fix their problems with pigs
@bobby2pistolz8549 ай бұрын
not at all, here in texas farmers will PAY, and i mean pay GOOD, some people charge per pig. Some people charge by the day. We look out for eachother down here. Come see for yourself my friend@@trapperbobpatriot8288
@martybiff23249 ай бұрын
There already here in Minnesota. Have trail cam pics from 3 days ago east of lake Bronson state park.
@donnaemeryde9 ай бұрын
Mechanic at rpm sports has spotted them as well.
@justmusic24199 ай бұрын
When is open season in Minnesota? I volunteer 🙋♂️
@artawhirler9 ай бұрын
We don't even have any yet.
@texomajohn29169 ай бұрын
You will never stop them
@aztec01129 ай бұрын
"Don't shoot, report" - Thanks government official! We know how well that works!
@CatFarmAgriculture9 ай бұрын
Their patience and perseverance in tracking down elusive prey are truly commendable.
@gwenthennis58939 ай бұрын
We are already seeing them in Montana. Up near the border.
@Buckwheat20809 ай бұрын
So how do we have a food shortage with all this good food running around
@kristy93379 ай бұрын
We have a shortage of people who have actually experienced hunger.
@myblacklab710 ай бұрын
If there was a food shortage in Texas, I bet those wild hogs wouldn't last a month - Texans would totally BBQ their way out of their wild hog problem. It's amazing that we live with such abundance that we think it's a problem when there is too much delicious food wandering around.
@lineset77659 ай бұрын
They carry disease so be careful.
@texan2u9 ай бұрын
Come on down and "Get at It"..they're reproducing every day !
@WVgrl599 ай бұрын
I don't know it has to be a female and then you have to worry about parasites. A male would be too gamey.
@ProfessionalDefenestrater9 ай бұрын
I'm a Texan, that's a weird statement. There are also a lot of horses, dogs, pigeons, and guys named Daniel, but we don't eat that here...
@myblacklab79 ай бұрын
@@texan2u The problem is that I love bacon, but I also think pigs are cute. :/ Still, if it's for the good of Texas, I suppose I will seriously consider your call to arms, and god help those poor, tasty swine, if I answer the call. I guess I'll have to open a food truck too. All for the cause.
@DavidVanHelden19 ай бұрын
WAIT !!!... We have a big wild pig problem on the streets of seattle these days.... Aurora avenue.... They should do something about that....
@bach279 ай бұрын
These things suck. Torn my families farm to shreds. I've seen some monsters too. Oh, unless you're a good cook they taste horrible.
@hardtackbeans97909 ай бұрын
Spreading disease on spinach in California (5 died nationwide) to humans being attacked. They are a big problem. Apparently here in Texas it is partly overstated. Some farmers even lease out part of their land for paid hunts. I offered to do professional eradication & almost no one in the area even contacted me. I'm not saying the wild hog problem is blown out of proportion. It isn't. But land owners are finding ways to deal with it & most aren't that concerned.
@rnupnorthbrrrsm61239 ай бұрын
They must not be, otherwise we would see them begging people to come hunt for free.
@inharmonywithearth99829 ай бұрын
They've stocked hogs for hunting for decades. Some still do it but its becoming illegal in many states.
@saltzmann19 ай бұрын
What's for dinner pork pork and more pork. They should help Supply the soup kitchens. The pork would be an excellent addition to the menu of the day.
@DareToBeDeviant9 ай бұрын
The property damage is something I'll never understand. Why are these gross things just digging in the dirt of open fields? I think the (invasive) iguanas over in Florida do the same thing. Only difference is they crap way more than hogs and it's infected with diseases that can get in the water supply. I've been watching people eliminate rogue animals for near a decade and just don't get it. Here in Indiana we have coyotes, wild turkeys, and deer. Only damage done is by the damn deer with antlers who feel compelled to rub their heads against growing trees and destroying them. Other than that, they're just... there. No lawns are torn up. If anything, they're tearing each other up sometimes. Never thought turkeys could have so much beef with each other. I saw 5 of them in my folks' backyard one morning and 3 were fighting to the death near the bird bath.
@casienwhey9 ай бұрын
If there are wild populations within 40 miles of Minnesota, you will never keep them out. They will either move into the state or irresponsible people will release them there. Once you import a non-native animal into a new area, inevitably some will escape or be released.
@kellychamberlain60939 ай бұрын
Treat it like free food.
@Querencia77799 ай бұрын
Wild pigs could feed the starving. Wild pigs could employ the homeless, AND fill the kettles in all soup kitchens.
@jnf12709 ай бұрын
if the pigs are 40 miles away they're in Manitoba not Saskatchewan
@shawnsanders218210 ай бұрын
@gailhall62839 ай бұрын
Where are the homeless suppose to cook it at? They do not have a stove.
@user-pn9db8sm5w9 ай бұрын
@@gailhall6283 -- Set up public barbecues in their areas, give the processed meat to shelters and senior centers.
@chrisrosenthal12109 ай бұрын
Sounds like a great idea, but the FDA won't approve them for human consumption because of the amount of disease and parasites they carry. You can't hold them near or process them in the same places as commercial livestock because of contamination or possible disease transfer. Here in Texas we do have holding facilities that butcher them and send the meat to other countries with less stringent food requirements. They also live in remote and hard to access areas which makes it non profitable to harvest and process them with any regularity. Anything raised for human consumption is highly regulated in regards to disease and parasite control. You just can't do that with wild game.
@gailhall62839 ай бұрын
@@chrisrosenthal1210 Thanks Chris, that all makes sense. That sounds like the voice of experience talking.
@user-pn9db8sm5w9 ай бұрын
@@chrisrosenthal1210 - Thanks for the explanation, makes perfect sense now.
@elw61509 ай бұрын
Exactly what everyone is screaming about the illegal invasion at the borders! They will repopulate, overcome every city, it's a big threat, big safety issue!
@gregoryfuzi474510 ай бұрын
Like the way he thinks barbecue!
@jeorgedavid32399 ай бұрын
@wdaniel99 ай бұрын
Unfortunately it’s a matter of time. Same here in Montana.
@steveperry35729 ай бұрын
A female sow can have a litter of ten and have litters again in no time. Not counting the sows that she has.
@savagesavant49649 ай бұрын
"Dont shoot - Report" .....thats some of the dumbest sh*t I've ever heard.
@chinookvalley9 ай бұрын
Let's look at this from Nature's point of view. There aren't too many pigs, there are too many people taking over wildlife's habitat. Here in Colorado we used to have elk, deer, pronghorn, birds, fox, and other wildlife EVERYWHERE, but because so many houses, malls, highways, bridges, and other human endeavors are taking over what used to be prime habitat, the numbers of wildlife are shrinking to nothing. Do we really want to continue making our planet void of Nature's splendor?
@invalidaccount23159 ай бұрын
yup we need to drill all that oil and to build miles of parking lots, nature can deal.
@sanniepstein48359 ай бұрын
We controlled our breeding for generations and the only reward was that the treasonous govt opened the border. So stop harassing ppl for being alive.
9 ай бұрын
They are invasive species. Nature didn't put them here, people did.
@hiljaloomis11569 ай бұрын
Just give them a cell phone, some money, some food, housing and they'll become productive members of our wildlife society.
@larryb33329 ай бұрын
And probably vote Democrat!!
@michaelsteven10909 ай бұрын
As an animal lover, I gotta say, they are highly destructive..Just ask anybody in Florida.