A Very Boring FFXIV Mentorship Video

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Misshapen Chair

Misshapen Chair

3 жыл бұрын

I'm sleeping just thinking about this video.

Пікірлер: 823
@diegobrandomtg 2 жыл бұрын
“Be an exemplar for player etiquette” During my first palace of the dead run I said “Hey first run anything I should know?” and the Mentor in the party typed “Swings massive erection” in emote chat and said nothing else.
@tuxness Жыл бұрын
What. The. Actual. Heck.
@nque7655 Жыл бұрын
Based and Mentor pilled
@oil3 3 жыл бұрын
Changing the crown into a watering can has been the best fix I've seen for mentors. Fits better thematically with helping Sprouts grow too.
@dantelundell9386 3 жыл бұрын
It wouldn't make a difference. Shiny icon? Me likey me want. Could be a golden pile of dirt and I'd still want it, as having something next to your name is aesthetically pleasing.
@Uwawa96 3 жыл бұрын
Just change it into a dog turt ... it would accurately represent the qualities of the person and the intended effect of a fertilizer! And yes ofc i know what i am talking about , i have the darn crown myself!
@m0fn668 3 жыл бұрын
give icons for other things like a crown for beating extreme / savage content or the watering can for mentor (i like the idea) and a few others - so that its not exclusive to mentorship - that way the entitled kids can get their damn icon without leaving a bad taste for spreouts encountering "those mentors" ... i feel bad for the mentors that actually want to help but have to fight agaisnt this crap reputation
@dantelundell9386 3 жыл бұрын
@@m0fn668 This is unironically a good solution
@jovenc4508 3 жыл бұрын
@@dantelundell9386 That's literally the only reason my friend pursued the mentor crown.
@XUIW 3 жыл бұрын
“Why anyone want to become a mentor in the first place?” Mount... it’s only for the 2,000 dungeon run mentor mount!
@m0fn668 3 жыл бұрын
I wanted to be a mentor back when it got added because I actually wanted to help people get better at the game... especially new players - since I've seen a lot of sprouts struggling with basic things or dungeon mechanics and such... even wiping back in alexander was due to nobody wanted to take the time to explain a thing, and I wanted to change that for them :( now mentors are all viewed as egoistic elitist that don't give 2 shts about anyone else and it truely disheartens me seeng that... but then again content has been progressively more easy since mentors got added and nobody really needs any explaination anymore anyways for stuff like dungeons so I guess nobody really cares ._. been over a year since I last wiped in a normal dungeon or trial even though nobody really knows what's going on and everyone eats every mechanic there is without any real difference to the outcome - so what`s a mentor even supposed to teach you these days?
@xivblackheart2656 3 жыл бұрын
This hurts how true it is... (about the mount)
@shara5985 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah,I dont have it on unless I'm farming mentor roulette cause its mandatory. I want that sweet sweet mount
@rinkukitakato2833 3 жыл бұрын
I want the monocle TvT
@Nem_FFXIV 2 жыл бұрын
Only 3% of the playerbase has that mount so no.
@brandonforrester7342 3 жыл бұрын
I could seriously ask 20 sprouts, "do you know what novice network is?" I guarantee you all 20 would say wtf is a novice network.
@SolPhantasmagoria 3 жыл бұрын
If plants are speaking to you, perhaps you need to lay off the Gysahl Greens.
@squ33 3 жыл бұрын
@dasdagger 3 жыл бұрын
I've fully played through to the end and patches twice and am doing it on a second alt to be on the same data center as a friend (skipping cutscenes this time around)... This is the first time I've seen the words novice network
@spriddlez 3 жыл бұрын
Can confirm. Level 41 player who started in Aug 2020 and I finally googled what the crown meant and learned you had to be invited into some sort of exclusive channel and was like "ew no"
@abdyorozco7640 3 жыл бұрын
Bruh I was well into shadowbringers before I even heard there was a novice network but I’m glad I never was taken into it sounds like the worst part of the game
@elduardo2496 3 жыл бұрын
7:48 Fellow players, don't use ACT in normal dungeons/trials. Not just because it's illegal, but because you will realize you're doing 50% of the party damage. And you are the healer.
@KatotsuSama 3 жыл бұрын
But I do this all the time! I'm not disillusioned...at all... ;.;
@Uwawa96 3 жыл бұрын
Doing 50% more Damage then the entire party as a white mage is the only way i can drown my sorrow about them removing stance dancing back in Stormblood ... no i have not recovered D:
@MrYogscastBiggestFan 3 жыл бұрын
Don't wound me like this.
@bophadesknutz7798 3 жыл бұрын
Yea I turn off ACT every time I'm in casual content for the sole purpose of softening the pain and realization that I am doing as much damage as my dps as a tank.
@squ33 3 жыл бұрын
As long as the content gets cleared does it matter who deals the most damage? Though I agree the DPS classes should probably be dealing more than a tank or healer class. Is it like a time is money thing? I have noticed that a lot of people playing FF14 are way better at time management then I've ever been. But I do find it a little funny to play a game but only find it enjoyable if it's content is beaten as quickly or as efficiently as possible. Though with how much MMOs have to offer I guess it makes sense to want to clear quickly just so you can go experience as much of the content as possible... Idk I've been playing the game on and off for awhile and I've come to realize that the high end content isn't something I will probably ever be able to get into because of just how good you need to be in order to even clear half a boss fight. Especially since I main Black Mage on a PS4. I love Black Mage but I really don't think it was made for high end content. Especially since I hear most parties that run with a Black Mage have to design their strategy around the Mage to even make it work.
@SoggyHellcat 3 жыл бұрын
I recently got mentor because I geniunely wanted to help people more, and while my personal experience has been mostly good, the video is very on point. Novice Network is usually a cesspool filled with mentors who either feel the to post their exotic PF macros, or general ASCII spam. There are the rare times at night where that isn't the case and people do help out, but it's usually just a damn shame, which really demotivated me from the whole thing. I started doing something different instead, and decided to just start making friends with sprouts that want to be helped. I'm currently helping two out (one's in post-stormblood now, the other in post-HW), and they're both having a blast and are so thankful for the guidance. And honestly, that stuff gives you the best feelings in the world. I even give them little presents when they hit certain milestones in the story (like getting them highlander barding for their chocobo when they reach heavensward) It's just a shame the symbol is still a crown. Make it a watering can as many others have said, then all the status symbol freaks can turn theirs off and leave the people who want to help to their devices. Your video is on point in every way. Loved it!
@ExiledDiclonius 3 жыл бұрын
You forgot about mentors using network only to recruit ppl to their FC's XD. Generally on my server NN could get rid of Mentors at all since 90% of times when someone gives advice or help another player its another Sprout or returning player and not mentor.
@ocruz9797 3 жыл бұрын
Just a bunch of virgins or adults who won’t grow up complaining about who’s right, or talkin about sexual stuff. A sad bunch
@Uwawa96 3 жыл бұрын
I am that one retard who keeps the crown even when i return after many months of not being subbed .... sure my rotation is rusty and i probably eat some AOE's in alliance raids after that time ... but to be honest the cases i take on as a watered down crafting mentor are mainly just new players who are nervous about their first dungeon. It really does not take much to take them on their hand and give them some encouraging words on how to get used to play their class. No ... a healer does not have to DPS from the second they pick up the class , but it is good to encourage them to "deal some damage once they feel comfortable"
@squ33 3 жыл бұрын
A watering can makes way more sense XD
@ikeaira8701 3 жыл бұрын
agreed, and I do this very same thing on my server. It's amazing watching peeps grow in the game and fills you with so much joy! I don't even wear my Mentor crown out and about, cause if I was gonna help people, I don't need a damn crown to do just that. Plus I don't wanna be roped in with the burger king bois when I choose to let people be people :P Edit: Also on my Server NN is just a FC recruitment place or a place for players to debate what jobs they love & hate. Every once in awhile a player will ask a question, and 98% of the time it does get answered with-in seconds. (I'm on Jenova - Aether DC)
@haziqtheunique 3 жыл бұрын
Mentors having Heated Gamer Moments in the Novice Network. You hate to see it.
@rinnnnnnnnnnrin 3 жыл бұрын
Tis why we kick said people from novice network
@SolPhantasmagoria 3 жыл бұрын
@@rinnnnnnnnnnrin Followed by a tell a few seconds later _"Enjoy your report."_ Okay mate, I shall. To this day, there has been no issue.
@zeehero7280 3 жыл бұрын
my old server had a good NN, but I dont even ever participate in the one on my server now. its a good server still, its just the NN here is the opposite.
@mukulvdhiman 3 жыл бұрын
@@zeehero7280 yeah omega has a really nice NN
@takaomi1925 3 жыл бұрын
WeskAlber saved me with his 1-80 videos because i had no idea how to play my class and the other guides just said some endgame stuff and openers. Thats true golden Crown material.
@takaomi1925 3 жыл бұрын
But yours helped me better with the endgame stuff and got me into FF so you need both types of content
@CFjimmy 3 жыл бұрын
@@takaomi1925 As a new player these two are favorite FF14 content creators. I can actually understand what they're talking without needing a billion hours play time lol
@Castersvarog 3 жыл бұрын
I love his videos, the fact that he’s one of the few people who goes over the lower levels and their rotations are covered has probably been the biggest reason I was willing to stick around and level up more jobs for 2.x. Found a new favourite job because of it.
@voiceofdreams762 2 жыл бұрын
WeskAlber is so underrated
@kingjayded4752 2 жыл бұрын
Right? He's like the only one. Why do all these other ff14 youtubers lead off with endgame shenanigans when im just new and want to learn about a class/job early on?
@Kapowbam 3 жыл бұрын
As a normie that randomly was eligible to get the burger king crown...i hide it for good reason
@DJOMiY 3 жыл бұрын
I've been rollin' out the mentor mount grind for about the last year or so, and it's been a journey of epic proportions testing every bit of faith I've had in humanity since starting to play this game. I'm certainly no amazing player at the game, still working on clearing that last current savage floor, but I have a general idea of how to hit buttons in the right order for most classes and can offer advice when I see something terribly wrong. I've never left a duty I've queued into on mentor roulette unless it was vote abandoned by another party member. And this video basically hits everything I've seen in my journey thus far: 1) Overly toxic mentors of all skill levels (from not doing things correctly themselves to a burger king crown + legend title combo meal) who would rather talk down to new players than give anything resembling advice. Recent example being one of those combo meals actively dressing down a player in Lakshmi normal for not figuring out the Vril mechanic. This didn't impede the clear in the slightest, but apparently they felt it was necessary. 2) The video-aforementioned toxic casual who will either violently reject advice given to them or violently reject advice given to others on their behalf. My favorite example being me explaining Shiva EX mechanics and using macros to call out things like sword, staff, bow, and thin ice in party chat, and being called out by a sprout who said I was taking the game too seriously and should stop trying. 3) The peak of mentor roulette, the healer with 0 dps. Usually long past the point where a healer would be uncomfortable taking gcds to hit DoTs or their spammable damage spell. This hits especially different when I see this happen in Shadowbringers duties like Titania normal or Malikah's Well. Honestly I agree pretty wholeheartedly with everything said in this video at around 1,300 / 2000 roulettes completed. Trying to help folks in this game can just be absolutely exhausting, and while I don't think my crown is from burger king, it certainly has been dinged, dented, and battle-scarred long past the point of shining solid gold XD
@rinnnnnnnnnnrin 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a mentor in primal famfrit,i cannot stand any behavior that would piss off or otherwise discourage new players from playing anymore
@disphone6485 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly if I were you and I had somebody in mentor Shiva Ex who said "you're taking the game way too seriously please stop." I would have retorted with "I guess that means we shouldn't take clearing this encounter seriously either. Guess you get your win or we time out, see what happens first."
@TacSmash 3 жыл бұрын
At a few hundred Mentor Roulettes, and a liking to be helpful, I will say I understand and leave with you this: /fistbump
@ceciliaphantom2932 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I relate to this a bit. There were days i struggled and would pull my hair out or get salty and I would walk away from mentor roulettes and just take a break. I can understand why on some occasion I was not a good mentor or helpful person. On the other side of the fence though I had one instance that really rubbed me the wrong way doing mentor roulette. I do not remember which one it was, but it was a very heavy easy wipe mechanics. (May have been Ramuh Extreme or Titan Extreme Synced). All new people and they were struggling super hard on phase 1 so I asked if anyone watched a video or need a few moments to relax and look something up or have questions on diagrams. Two sprouts yelled at me saying they wanted to blind prog the fight and experience as it would've been on day one release. Sure we can do that and continued to pull as they tried to figure the fight out themselves. After the 3rd wipe I got called out again saying I was awful mentor because I wasn't commanding them on how to do mechanics or progressing the fight. I am sorry but what???? You can not have it both ways. I am here to help you not carry you. I think that is one thing that urked me the most is I would get groups that wouldn't even try to prepare but then expect a mentor to take 30 mins of typing to explain the mechanics for every class and job in the instance. Also if you want to blind progress a fight that is fine but do not go after a mentor. Its a lot of stress and management to coordinate a fight of 7 very clueless players. Sorry for the long rant.
@2Syndras1Cup 3 жыл бұрын
The first point is straight up bannable, surprises me that players still have the balls to do that.
@randomdude8544 3 жыл бұрын
Should be a "rank your mentor" system like yelp stars and you can request/recruit mentors that are currently available.
@robertoneto3897 2 жыл бұрын
This could lead to some abuse, for instance: I'm a mentor and I decide to give (unsolicited) advice to a sprout that is learning the game; it is genuinely helpful (and correct) information, however, another person in the party doesn't agree with me giving out the advice (since the sprout didn't ask for it) and decides to rate me with 1 star. Not saying this would be a common scenario, but I imagine it would be a thing, so mentors would get even more scared of giving advice since they could be wrongfully rated for trying to help.
@randomdude8544 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertoneto3897 In my mind you would only ever be rated by people that request help but your score would be visible at all times, so if you are giving advice while "not on the clock" they can still see if you are a trusted source of information.
@robertoneto3897 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomdude8544 Oh I see, in that case it probably would be fine
@catch.22 2 жыл бұрын
Yo how do you carry that huge brain
@weberman173 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomdude8544 but how would you even Make sure that only someone who "you gave advice to" would be rated?
@IgjapoCR97 3 жыл бұрын
Oh so mentors going into that roulette is how I managed to get a garuda EX pub when I was a babby player that didn't know any better. Surprisingly it was a really smooth fight, no wipes.
@UltaFlame 3 жыл бұрын
The dream
@xLittlebigQuebecx 3 жыл бұрын
when chair says the fights are synced, they are to whatever best ilvl relative to level (unless it's a dungeon, then ilvl sync may be different) that is to say : Garuda EX, as the very first EX of ARR , has the lowest ilvl requirement of the bunch, and therefore it's extremly easy to accidently ilvl cheese it I would know because I got Garuda EX in mentor roulette once too
@zeehero7280 3 жыл бұрын
Welcome to real mentors who do their job. mentors are far from all bad, no matter what some jaded people will claim. the system is just flawed to encourage those who dont want to mentor to become "mentors"
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing you weren't a tank. A lot of baby tanks going in there don't even know what adds are, what provoke is, etc. Makes the add phase impossible when they keep tethering and become invincible....
@IgjapoCR97 3 жыл бұрын
@@trustytrest That'd be correct, I was a bard at the time. I'm a DRK main nowadays but I don't think I got into tanking until like halfway into heavensward, if not later.
@MrSwaggington 3 жыл бұрын
I learned about pvp macros and good bindings from one guy in the Sargatanas in the NN, he wasn't even a mentor. Then one day I came to thank the guy, but got kicked by some other guy. Janyd, if you're reading this, you're a terrible mentor and I don't like you.
@Schaly 2 жыл бұрын
11:07 I literally had one of these in my mentor roulette yesterday. I backfilled healer on the first boss of Sunken Temple of Qarn, and we fought the boss and the tank didn't have their tank stance on. We were dying left and right and eventually wiped. When I kindly asked them to put it on and explained why it was necessary, I was met with immediate hostility. his dude went off. Eventually told me that he "would leave if I opened my mouth again" and eventually left, locking himself out of the duty finder, rightly so. Needless to say some of the things they said were abusive and they were promptly blacklisted and reported after the instance. Now this is true, that if you never give advice, you rarely find these types. That being said, I don't give unsolicited advice unless the problem is literally affecting everyone's experience. IE: The lack of stance mentioned above. I also don't think that this should deter people from giving advice or trying to help. If it comes from a place of genuinely trying to help, then good on you. Keep fighting the good fight.
@Ruruchuu 2 жыл бұрын
Dafuck, I just forgot yesterday to put on my tank stance, my support told me before I start pulling and I was so thankful. Mistakes happen, no reason to be a little bitch about it. I apologized 10 times and everyone just patted me.
@atomheart7907 Жыл бұрын
Some people are so used to being insulted and kicked for mistakes *ahem* WoW) they assume any advice is an attack
@ZyferTV 3 жыл бұрын
I'd love for it to be switched to a Watering can or something like that, because you are there to help them sprouts grow, and once you remove the crown it might help remove some of the "status" that a little crown can provide making it less cool but for those who enjoy helping others it will still be worth it.
@ZyferTV 3 жыл бұрын
I've realized there is a few people suggesting this XD I think we are onto something here XD
@SuperHexer123 3 жыл бұрын
If anything me and my friends use that crown as the "watch out for them" symbol because 8 times out of 10 they have 0 idea of what to do in fights. Hell, I actually have a recent tale from a few days ago, showing off the "exemplary help" of a mentor. A friend and I were running sycarus to complete the first light farm of the zodiac (I know tam tara is faster, we were also farming moogle tomes and ShB relics). In said run, another alliance had a member with text macros, to give some small tips in the fight to help new players doing the raid for the first time. Eventually, some dancer with the crown calls this guy out and tells him to "get some sunlight"...no joke. The paragon of help, told some random trying to be a helpful player.....to stop helping people. Needless to say everyone was calling this guy out, and to top it off he was constantly dying....to sycarus...my friend constantly refused to raise him, saying it wasnt worth the mp lol.
@jimmorrison4ever529 2 жыл бұрын
@Diddz 10 ай бұрын
if it was legal ( game's TOS) to use a custom icon for mentors, i would put the trollface
@TheArkAngelDS 3 жыл бұрын
Feels good to wake up and hear "Greetings, travelers." On the day of fanfest 2021
@Gareon155 3 жыл бұрын
As a mentor I agree with everything you said except for the fact that I enjoy getting pounded by titan EX in duty finder
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
I had a Titan EX where only us two healers and the PLD were mentors. Every other player got landslided/sumo stomped off the platform, and the three of us still burned him down from 40% onwards. It was great.
@Kurenai.Senpai 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a mentor, and I have been for years, but I quickly learned to stay away from NN and to also read the room before I give advice. Perception is reality, and if someone takes some advice you gave them wrong way, Mentors, or anyone rather, pay for it. I once gave basic advice to a Samurai in a dungeon who stood upfront with me during boss fights the entire time. I told him to stand behind the boss (I was tanking but normally I heal) where he can't get cleaved, and where he can also get his bonus for his positionals. He took this advice (I said it nicely and with a smile) the wrong way, and he and his two buddies (the other dps and healer) tried to sabotage me and get me killed the rest of the dungeon. They did not succeed. To any mentors out there, I'd say to heed this advice. The Mentor system may be fucked as far as the guidelines go, but you can still do plenty of good as long as you use your judgement correctly.
@meatshield6027 Жыл бұрын
You can only help those who look for it. I totally understand how it feels to give someone a little nudge to help them play better, only to have them explode at you like you insulted their mother...but sadly most of the bad players who stay silent are people who aren't looking for your help.
@TenshizakiN008 3 жыл бұрын
This video has seen my pain ever since the system was created. The abuse of name glamour, the people who purposefully give horrid advice, and those who oppose mentors openly when the mentor is actually trying to help. It's like staring into an abyss that refuses to stare back because I don't pay its sub.
@TomBaito 3 жыл бұрын
In Primal's Famfrit server where I am, I remember a mentor in NN kicking someone for relaying a Hunt Train and then tried to justify it as "spam" when the entire NN called them out. Mentors in here are wild.
@ShadeofDespair2468 3 жыл бұрын
Lamia is worse. I have an alt there and asked to be in NN and 2 Mentors said you dont wanna be there
@bophadesknutz7798 3 жыл бұрын
@@ShadeofDespair2468 NN is cancer everywhere.
@JBLZFTW 3 жыл бұрын
@@bophadesknutz7798 primal is a different breed though
@baragon84 3 жыл бұрын
On leviathan there was a group of mentors who got visibly angry when i told a sprout that arms length should be used as a defensive when playing as a tank they had no idea it slowed the attack speed of mobs and refused to listen when i tried to explain it to them.
@dadkwashere 2 жыл бұрын
Primal's mentors definitely have something going on. Doing something that is viable like kiting when tank is down to give healer time to raise and then they respond "stop moving, I we can't hit the mob" Well you're not the one with full aggro, and the tank is going to get ip once that raise cast is complete, relax.
@Salt_Mage 3 жыл бұрын
Giving advice is such a grab bag it’s not even funny. The worst part is that it’s generally not a sprout that refuses to learn, it’s that some other genius goes off on me for daring to subject this poor sprout to toxic elitism.
@suckemfuckem7777 3 жыл бұрын
i just started playing half a year ago and i love this game, but goddamn people are so thin skinned.
@chelsthegameruiner8669 3 жыл бұрын
I actually remember having a group in a Shadowbringers dungeon where two players were super excited to see each other. It wasn't until after the dungeon ended that I saw that one of them had mentored the other player in the past which would explain the excitement. It was honestly the most adorable experience I've had in the game
@vaan_ 3 жыл бұрын
Getting dancers in delubrum (level 80 content) who go nuclear when asked not to dance with the healer who is not even using an essence it quintessential FFXIV. Don't think there's any other multiplayer game out there where people take actual pride in being bad and will fight tooth and nail for it.
@ryno4ever433 3 жыл бұрын
@@vaan_ Have you played World of Warcraft?
@vaan_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@ryno4ever433 I haven't, don't have time for it. But I know that if someone acts that stubborningly dumb in it they can get mocked and kicked without possible GM repercussion, unlike XIV where apparently the bad's time is worth more than the time of those who know their basic job notions at endgame.
@squ33 3 жыл бұрын
I don't usually type in chat cause I play on PS4. Trying to type while in a fight makes me useless.
@ovum 3 жыл бұрын
Just got the Burger King crown days ago and an actual BK came into Novice Network saying "I just want the crown" Bruh
@operationenderslime 3 жыл бұрын
Do you not kick people for that?
@ovum 3 жыл бұрын
@@operationenderslime Someone else probably would've.
@belphegor_dev 2 ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with just wanting the crown
@Jaxos050 3 жыл бұрын
i'm a mentor who explicitly says nothing unless someone asks a direct question, just because i got jaded and cynical after all the "you don't pay my sub" types who spam cure 1 and Coerthan Torrent on bosses.
@neopabo 2 жыл бұрын
But... White mage is supposed to spam cure 1... (Although they also should be attacking in between)
@neopabo 2 жыл бұрын
@@CthulhuInACan Clearly you're not playing challenging content
@neopabo 2 жыл бұрын
@@CthulhuInACan Try that on minimum item level raids and you won't get very far
@neopabo 2 жыл бұрын
@@CthulhuInACan If you're just running dungeons you'll never need more than cure 1 anyways, so that doesn't make sense either. Its all situational
@PaziPazzo 2 жыл бұрын
@@neopabo I thought the general consensus is to attack and cure inbetween those damage spells and Cure 1 for the most parts have been made obsolete, you have a lot of tools that do better job than just Cure 1, attacking more just means your party is less likely going to die from enrage too
@NeonFraction 3 жыл бұрын
As a mentor, I tried to help a new person in a super friendly non-aggressive way, and they BLEW TF UP. I was legitimately upset about it for a long time. ‘Did I come off wrong? What did I do??’ Turns out, yeah, some people are just hair trigger defensive about any feedback at all. In the end I realized the reason I became a mentor was because novice network is the whole reason I stayed in the game in the first place as a sprout. Zalera NN is great and friendly (mostly) and fifty people thanking you is worth putting up with 1 person who doesn’t understand why someone would want to help others in the first place.
@Nuller_Manden 3 жыл бұрын
Some people just can't take criticism/feedback and simply explode in their own ways though you should also keep in mind that you probably don't know them and thus don't know what they might be struggling with personally of course that doesn't excuse their behaviour but I myself have mental health issues which will stay with me forever but I at least try to explain it to people and never using as excuses because I'm better then that but sometimes people don't believe it
@chelsthegameruiner8669 3 жыл бұрын
Oh I welcome all types of advice. I'm not the "you don't pay my sub" type of person. I remember being told about cooldowns as a tank and so I asked what those skills were. The players told me and I IMMEDIATELY put those skills on my hotbar. The other classes I play though we're sadly self-taught like Samurai and Ninja (though it shows I learn very quickly, a skill I carried over from my raiding years in Destiny 1).
@zeehero7280 3 жыл бұрын
That is an uncommon occurence though. it happens yes and when it does it sucks and you remember it forever. when a community is mostly very good, the bad is more noticeable. you dont see people making these complaints all the time in WoW because they live in the cesspool 24/7. here we notice.
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
I've played in multiple data centers and it seems like Americans are the worst about freaking out over feedback. Might be a cultural thing? European DCs can be salty over other things but usually not over feedback.
@Nuller_Manden 3 жыл бұрын
@@trustytrest You can't really generalize such things by culture considering there's a lot and I mean A LOT of factors to contribute to the development of the individual human being not just something as stupid as culture like are you living under a rock or something?
@mugen3603 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a trade mentor. Took the crown off because confused sprouts were constantly asking me about dungeon mechanics. I'm like, "listen, I'll give you some tinctures and a plate of smoked chicken afterwards, k? Now leave me alone. I don't even know what expansion this dungeon belongs to." 😭
@KjPOPsicle 2 жыл бұрын
The reason I wear my battle mentor is so that sprouts can feel comfortable asking me for guidance or assistance. I naturally like to help people and I am fairly patient. I have been doing this before getting the tag as well, felt like it would have helped to have it on. Also, I had THE ABSOLUTE WORSE experiences with mentors when I was a sprout. They were terribly impatient and instead of offering advice on improving anything, they threw insults at my ignorance (I was only playing for like 2 weeks). That, or they use it as an opportunity to spit out how good they are at the game. So I try my best to be the opposite of that and provide aid only when asked. I had never understood why people wore mentor tags but didn't want to help or had the patience to help. I honestly in my innocence thought wearing a mentor tag meant you wanted to help others. But I swiftly found out the hard way that people use it as bragging rights which makes no sense since literally, anyone playing the game for a year can get this with little to no effort. I got this naturally from leveling all my battle classes and just playing the game daily. I wish there was a way to filter out those who genuinely want to mentor from people who want bragging rights or even just a trophy. On a further side note, now that people seem to be hating players who wear a mentor tag, I feel so scared to even wear it. I don't like confrontations, I just want to help people, but it feels a bit different if people look at you and expect you to be a god and not a normal human being playing the game.
@karasutsuki1733 Жыл бұрын
I can relate to everything u said so well
@rjhick1 2 ай бұрын
This is why I want to get the Mentor DOL/DOH tag. I'm a mentor.. but for crafting lol
@Zachpi 3 жыл бұрын
2 things go in chat "o/" at the start of a dungeon and "gg" at the end if one person avoided having their brain leak out of their ears
@OnyxaeDrac 2 жыл бұрын
Having to do synced extreme trials as a mentor was... rough to say the least. I would ask everyone if they had watched a guide and usually 2-4 people would say no, so they had no clue what they were getting into. So I tried to walk them through mechanics if they refused to watch a guide. Usually once we could vote abandon the run would end there, which was nice but sad that the sprout couldn't do the trial. However there is one extreme that has been burned into my retinas that everyone refused to leave from; Nidhogg EX. We ran the timer out. We got far but afterwards I offered to the sprout that if he really wanted to clear it I could gather some of my friends to help him (and some people in that roulette also wanted to help out and joined the PF). We got the clear for that sprout, wish ya well HW sprout buddy.
@Renegade262626 3 жыл бұрын
The best day for Commend farming is tuesday: people have their weekly challenge log reset and will commend for the XP boost.
@ExiledDiclonius 3 жыл бұрын
Day does not matter. If you want fast commends. Queue to arr hard trials as healer or tank. Wait till everyone leaves. you will end up with 2-4 commends per run most of the time. Each run takes not more than 5 minutes. And queue times shouldnt take more than 1 minute
@yuukarnstein 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a mentor, i used to give tips about bosses in high end dungeons and raids, until someone reported me after a Eden Titan, because i was telling them the mechanics after our first wipe. the GM who gave me my first warning, told me that its better to run a dungeon silent, so i have been doing it since.
@tiduswhiteblade8535 3 жыл бұрын
Damn.....that's some shit. A GM telling you to just be quiet in a social game. That really cuts deep.
@KatotsuSama 3 жыл бұрын
This is why I usually ask if people want tips before explaining
@Uwawa96 3 жыл бұрын
I mean ... i can respect if someone wants to do the fight blind, but they should say that beforehand instead of shadow reporting.
@Sugar-bz5np 3 жыл бұрын
There is definitely more to this story lol. You don't just get a ban for calling mechanics
@yuukarnstein 3 жыл бұрын
@@Sugar-bz5np I didn't get ban, i got my first Warning, here the thing, we got some informaiton that the gm team in FFXIV doesnt work for Square, its all a 3rd party doing the job, they do exacly what they are told to do, they don't even care to see the report and investigate, recently we got alot of bans/warning for people doing ads in the party finder for their rp venture, while people selling gil or savage/ultimate cleans don't.
@TFB100 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I started doing mentor roulettes ages ago to help and give advice (also because an actual random roulette/insta queue as DPS is awesome) and didn't give a shit about the mount, but I realized pretty quickly that people go ballistic when I actually try to do what I signed up for and give advice. You are 100% correct and ANY advice is generally seen as an attack, like you just spat on their mothers grave or something. I'm approaching 2k mentor roulettes and around the 500-700 mark I just stopped caring as much. It's easy to say "most mentors are just in it for the mount" and "if you dont want to help stop being a mentor" but teaching is a two way street and you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped (which is probably 95%+ of players in my duties). I've had great interactions, amazing even, I met some of my best friends on this game because they were receptive to my advice in a random mentor roulette and we queued together afterwards for more stuff. I helped a brand new tank clear some random ARR dungeon and now he's off farming savage in a static and still thanks me for all the fundamentals and advice and such I helped him with over a year later. But the few good interactions doesn't matter because the VAST majority in almost 2000 runs has been overwhelmingly negative. Most people in this game do not want or care to be helped, so I can't blame other mentors for just sitting back and just doing roulettes for the mount and never giving advice. It's the worst when you play with someone who's queued with a friend and they both attack you for daring to say that thunder 4 shouldn't be used in single target and to use thunder 3 instead. If you do mentor roulettes you are basically signing up to play with the worst of the worst players and also potentially get shit on for having a crown (which while rare, it actually does happen and I've had to report more than a few people for it), especially if you have "join duties in progress" ticked. Also, the general negative attitude towards mentors being drooling idiots and to never listen to them doesn't help at all either. I think a lot of the mentor hate just stems from confirmation bias. When you see someone without a crown performing badly (which happens CONSTANTLY) you don't register it because they don't have a crown, but as soon as someone with a crown performs badly it's easy to say "well well well another mentor playing like a retard why am I not surprised" then proceed to generalize the entire mentor population. Because of the hate, more and more good mentors end up hiding their crowns out of shame and the bad ones keep them on which just creates a self fulfilling prophecy. One thing I disagree with though is the part about extremes. I actually don't think they're that bad because of the crazy item level scaling (and echo), you can cheese most mechanics because of it and fights end up being really easy if people are even slightly coordinated. If you explain the fight in a clear and concise way (and people actually listen) things usually go pretty well. Maximum item level makes DF extremes a joke, even the infamous Ramuh EX isn't hard if people actually do as they're told or watch a guide beforehand. It can be pretty annoying to corral a group of rowdy sprouts though and it's honestly a skill in itself but I really don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. I definitely would prefer an extreme over another boring ass Matoya run where no one actually needs help. I don't blame other mentors for leaving though, but I don't have a problem with extremes personally. One more thing is that people who are "good" at the game are not necessarily good teachers. Having ultimate clears or something doesn't make you automatically good at explaining things. Some of the best players I've met have really sucked at teaching newer players, despite being excellent at playing. Anyways I think I'm rambling too much. I could go on forever about this but I think this is a good video and sheds a light on mentor roulette that I barely see people talk about. Personally I think mentor roulette should be renamed to "Fill Roulette" because that's what it actually is, in that queue you are just a filler and no one cares about what you have to say.
@TFB100 3 жыл бұрын
Speak of the devil, not even 24 hours later I get insulted for having a crown. Someone asked what the sword and crown next to my name meant in a Ramuh Extreme run just now and the other sprouts took pot shots at me saying "the crown means terrible player" and other rude things. I was willing to pull and teach the fight (I even have a macro prepared) but I just get randomly attacked for no reason. I just left the run.
@karasutsuki1733 Жыл бұрын
I also thought that the videos point in extremes was a bit overshot and agree much more to what u said bout it. At this point, an EX fight here and there in the rolo is quite refreshing, im right now like 10dungeons without interactions in a row and its ass xD Many people say that mentors shouldnt be held accountable for remembering all the mechs in every fight, but some do and can explain well enough to teach if listened to, suddenly even the worst Extremes become doable
@junsoo3735 3 жыл бұрын
I only give advice to monk players since it's the only job I can dps well with and would like to see more monks to suffer with
@PurpleAppleDrink 2 жыл бұрын
Monk alone weak Together strong
@duckerino5691 2 жыл бұрын
@@PurpleAppleDrink 6 monk gigachad
@jamainenisa8781 2 жыл бұрын
I was leveling PUG and I had a monk in the party.. I noticed he wasn’t using positionals. So I asked him why. He told me he’ll play how he wants too. That’s when I realised it’s best to keep your mouth shut jaja
@mosh.4245 3 жыл бұрын
The mentor rolo comment hit home for me, I loved doing mentor roulette and helping sprouts through content. but one day I got Ramuh ex. with 6 sprouts who queued through df. (I've never done Ramuh synced ffs.) so I explained the situation and manged to heard them to use to PF so they were able clear it unsynced. TL:DR remove the EX content from mentor rolo, because helping sprouts is so fun.
@hagedw3797 3 жыл бұрын
Hard agree on that, only reason I refuse to do mentor roulette.
@omensoffate 3 жыл бұрын
It’s sad you are a mentor and never did it sync. That is the issue with the mentor system
@Elidan1012 3 жыл бұрын
@@omensoffate Why? Having done EX content doesn't make you more qualified either. If there are people that love to introduce new players to the game that seems awesome and beneficial. Not all mentors needs to be high end gamers.
@familiarstranger2080 3 жыл бұрын
@@omensoffate This... maybe the qualifications for getting a golden crown should at the very least include having completed every single Extreme trial synced.
@sifridcrew4168 3 жыл бұрын
@@omensoffate So to become a mentor today you need to complete 6 years old extremes synced ? what ? I would understand completing current expac extremes to become one but c'mon, no one should HAVE TO clear an outdated content sync'd it doesn't make any sense. Even if you want to complete it as a "challenge" in DF it doesn't make sense because the game syncs you to the highest ilvl from the expac the extreme is from, making the extreme a joke in most cases for the DPS check. If you want a challenge or like what I love to hear "Do it like how it was at the time", you go on PF and you set the minimum ilvl settings. And before saying "how do I get people for that ?" there are discords made for that.
@kwmcintosh42 3 жыл бұрын
Back when I was still a sprout, my world server's novice network was 30% mentors providing helpful answers to questions, and 70% shitposting when no one needed any help. Honestly the only reason I'd ever go for mentor would be to be able to hang out in that chat again.
@petrus9067 2 жыл бұрын
Why is it bad to socialize in a mmo
@Shyverin 3 жыл бұрын
The siren novice network is a shitshow. I came back a few weeks ago and in my time as a returner, I don’t think I ever saw 1 piece of actual advice being given out. It was literally another FC chat for mentors with no friends online to make small talk. It was like the same 5 mentors over the whole time I was in it.
@zeehero7280 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds about right. I mostly like people on siren, but the NN is literally every toxic player in the server condensed.
@ApolloHawke 3 жыл бұрын
I don't see how mentors talking to each other is a problem lol. If the NN is dead and they aren't drowning out sprouts looking for help then I'd say it's fine. Actually, if some sprouts see that there's people talking in it then they may be inclined to ask than the alternative of throwing their voice into the void of a dead chat. Sprouts asking for help/advice should absolutely take TOP PRIORITY but it's also a social network so that mentors and sprouts can form relationships. Be it mentor/mentor, sprout/sprout and of course mentor/sprout.
@TheMCmace 2 жыл бұрын
@@ApolloHawke exactly^^ As a sprout i even enjoy when people talk in the NN together^^ If someone asks then it instantly get answered and if there is no question then they smalltalk.. But tbh i think there should a normal chat in the game anyway
@garbagebandit5934 3 жыл бұрын
I unlocked the ability to become a Trade Mentor a while back, and I've been sitting on it for months, because I don't know how or why I even have the option. I unlocked most of the requirements accidentally just by levelling my crafters through Ishgardian Restoration. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, (I literally levelled them to make glams and self-repair) so I'll be damned if I'm expected to give meaningful advice on crafting rotations or macros.
@theguigui1112 3 жыл бұрын
fair points no question. migth as well point it out at the beginning... yes i am a mentor. for me tho everything has a bit of background, when i started the game, i had no one to teach me or help me at all. i was alone and refused to join a fc due to anxiety... the same anxiety that stoped me from asking things. however the game told me early about mentors and that they are supposed to help new peeps, and i was like okay, if they are meant to help then i am not realy bothering them rigth? wich was okay for my shy ass. after a while i have gotten better and even could start giving advise, and got to know a small group that were all newcomers that were quite similar to me, so i kinda acted as a mentor for them, just like how i would have wanted. this made ne grow both as a player and as a human. it was around 1.5 years after starting were i could leave my anxiety behind and i tought to myself what if there are more people out there like myself, afraid of asking for help... thats why i decided to pick up the crown to symbolise that it is okay to ask me for help, i am here for you if you need me. tho only few players contacted me it is for every single one of them that i have it. i am awarw of the low reputation of mentors, i have encountered quite a few bad examples, but that wont stop me from beeing the person i wanted to have when i started. and that small group i mer? rhey have their own fc now, and yes i still act aw their mentor even tho they are up to date with the story, especialy for ex or savage content. but the points you put up are valid bone the less, tho i belive it should be reworked. for players like me and those that are afraid to speak. yes every decent player can help, but if the person is afraid to ask it is of no use.
@Alexnaru1010 3 жыл бұрын
God I remember this feeling. Trying to help someone run something and getting the, "You don't pay for my subscription. Don't tell me how to play."
@YukiA816 3 жыл бұрын
Happened to me once too so I told them we know you don’t pay your own sub either so if you want to play a single player game go do that, but this is an mmo where you have to work together
@SolPhantasmagoria 3 жыл бұрын
_"Arms Length is a fantastic cooldown to use for mobs, the slow effect it puts on enemies effectively halves the damage!"_
@zeehero7280 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah when I figured that out tanking became way easier lol. was a long time ago by now but I make sure to tell this to all the newer tanks who are learning.
@N00bKefka 2 жыл бұрын
Omg! Thank you so much for posting this video. You said exactly the same issue I raise out on why this mentor system is flawed. I also want to mention that if you are actually progging high end content, you are not actually getting commendations since we do it via pf and we can't commend each other in the same party.
@Longlius 3 жыл бұрын
Just got my burger king crown last week and I can already feel my IQ slipping
@chelsthegameruiner8669 3 жыл бұрын
I remember clutching for my group of randoms in the Rak'Tika dungeon where the healer and tank both died. So, I ressed the tank while the other DPS distracted the boss, I then proceeded to heal the tank as best I could and had him use provoke. I then ressed the healer (who was a dick to me sadly) and we eventually beat the boss. No commendations for the clutch or even a "thank you/good job". I would've been 100% fine with at least a "good job, Summoner, you saved our asses from a wipe."
@trustytrest 3 жыл бұрын
Just throwing this out there: SMN healing doesn't scale with level and is basically useless at higher levels. You'd be better off just trying to res the healer immediately (or res the healer first since they'd be able to swiffcasr res the tank)
@YukiA816 3 жыл бұрын
As a main healer I’d comm you for even raising anyone, it’s frustrating how many will not use it when it’s needed and would rather wipe than actually raise a downed healer. Sorry they were a dick to you but if it means anything you did a good job
@RubyArch 3 жыл бұрын
The burger king crown should had been a watering can, I've said this since day 1!
@zeehero7280 3 жыл бұрын
A grad hat would work too, or an apple, like GW2.
@davood123 2 жыл бұрын
People would still chase it
@MegamanCraft 3 жыл бұрын
yeah i’ve been a proud mentor (the rare kind) that likes going around helping teach others how to improve and help make castrum macros to share around on pastebin or what not and use them in fights to help everyone progress and i’ll admit i get a lot of fair share of people giving my macros and advice shit because “you don’t pay my sub” it eventually gets to you. I see why it gets to a lot of people. I don’t see why it hasn’t gotten through to me yet. But at this point i get that so often i’ll just usually respond with “through taxes we technically all pay your sub” and move on I don’t really see the crown as a way to be egotistical, but rather a way for people to notice me with it and be able to ask questions to help. And sure because their rep is ruined i barely get that, but there are still few people who will genuinely approach me and ask me for advice, or say nice things like “see this is a mentor deserving of their crown” and it really hits me how often a majority of the mentors are looked down upon. And like i get it, i’ve been sererily harassed and assaulted by a mentor and every report i sent to a GM was ignored just because it’s not an easy report to resolve or whatever, which is really kind of stupid. But it is what it is i suppose. Point still stands though is if you get advice from one prepare to not bash them, and if you are the one giving advice deliver it calming and prepare on how to react and move on if you get bashed for speaking in a non toxic manner
@saintlysix7223 3 жыл бұрын
Got invited into faeries NN a monthish ago and so far its actually pretty decent. Sure half the time its just a simple global chat with random convos but so far everyone has been pretty nice with general advice and help when we have questions and a lot of the mentors are self aware about the shitty stigma a lot of mentors get and act quite the opposite of em, and even have talked about their own horror stories with other crazy ass mentors. At least for me the NN has been a mostly positive experience but man do i hear some wild stories of some NN’s
@knowwhoiamyet 3 жыл бұрын
It's honestly depressing how often I see things like a SAM just spamming the third hit in their combo string. Not doing the combo. Just the third hit. It's soul crushing when ~60% of the time they have a mentor crown that isn't the Trade Mentor crown.
@jamainenisa8781 2 жыл бұрын
What do you mean ? Just spamming kasha?. Surely no one is that dumb too not use 98% of there combo
@ParagonKootra 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamainenisa8781 I hate to say it but yes freestyle samurai's do exist
@petrus9067 2 жыл бұрын
Literally never seen that. But maybe i just son dont notice
@meatshield6027 Жыл бұрын
Yo you can do that instead of doing the crazy rotation stuff? Hell yeah baby I'm a sam main now.
@KatotsuSama 3 жыл бұрын
Remember how Mentorship and the Novice Network wasn't added until mid-HW? But yeah, this sums up the issues with the mentor system very well. You did miss a point though: lots of people become mentors to have a global chat in the Novice Network. It's the ONLY global chat in the game, which is why it's so often used for anything BUT advice.
@karasutsuki1733 Жыл бұрын
this tbh, im seeing a novice get taught how to rush tradecraft mentor just so that they can stay in NN, which contributes to the problem of having more mentors with 0 clue bout the game
@hallo-mt5tx 8 ай бұрын
when i was a returning player, i thought "lets check out novice network" it was pointless shitposting and random arguments about things that have nothing to do with the game just totally worthless
@rjhick1 2 ай бұрын
@@hallo-mt5tx Same it was usually just cringe talk about FF games and spam. I would ask a question and most of the time I was ignored and just had to google and find the answer myself.
@ignisx3791 3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha love the video dude. Also... Me: Dislikes most, if not all, mentors Also me: Wants to be a Mentor to be a better example in the hopes I do not also become corrupted. Wish me luck
@Hatfright 3 жыл бұрын
Good luck, bud. I tried that, but got tired of getting hate for simply existing in DF. Perhaps your attempt will be more successful.
@ryno4ever433 3 жыл бұрын
Why do you dislike mentors? I feel like it's not that serious. Imo, the way you should look at mentors is "oh if I have a question about the game, MAYBE this guy can answer it and he has expressed willingness to by turning on mentor mode". That's it. What's to hate about it?
@PaziPazzo 2 жыл бұрын
@@ryno4ever433 a LOT of mentors have far less patience for people messing up, and sometimes give out bad advices that someone has to correct them for (like mixing up towers for stacks in places like the Chrysalis). These mentors most likely won’t accept the fact that they’re wrong, and lash out on people because they believe they know the game better than everyone else. Or mentors who say “they’re just trying to enjoy the game” to shut down other people’s advice for some reason, when your party wipe 3 times to the same boss. Unlocking the crown is also far easier than unlocking mentor roulette, so the quality of a mentor can fluctuate a LOT. There are numerous examples of people meeting bad mentors, and thus a stigma towards mentors is born. (And apparently it’s worse outside of JP data centers as far as I’m aware?)
@Pers0n97 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact about mentor systems : It's always flawed from the start simply because it doesn't do anything to attract qualified players but rather people that seek some form of social status (and rarely these two things intersect, since actually qualified players already got their social status trough their own actions and don't need an artificial one to feel validated).
@ArseneGray 2 жыл бұрын
Mentor system does not need to attract qualified players but actually altruistic players with a strict sense of principles which paralells the ToS and are qualified on "top". Just being qualified is not a solution.
@Gloomdrake 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArseneGray part of the problem is prolly that there are rewards for being a mentor
@Riku-Leela 3 жыл бұрын
The real fix is to remove/move the mentor mount, I get that it's an incentive to get people to be mentors, but that doesn't mean they're gunna mentor lol
@karasutsuki1733 Жыл бұрын
not that many people even do the mount compared to how many mentors there r, i dont think the mount is the issue, its the requirements its locked behind, which is basically none at all for neither of the kinds
@Theheartslove 3 жыл бұрын
The last time I gave unsolicited advice was when I was tanking Sastasha for a friend who I got to play the Trial about a week ago. It was me telling the spout conjurer that he needed to heal me so I didn't die after I died twice on trash doing single pack pulls. Forgive me, but I wanted to do the dungeon and get it over with. Not sure what if I want to heal or tank going forward when I do the low level dungeons with my friend for his MSQ. Great content as always.
@extrathicc78 3 жыл бұрын
100 IQ: mentor status for status 200 IQ: mentor status to actually help people 300 IQ: mentor status for the XP boost to level a group of your friends alts 5000 IQ: mentor status to get the mentor roulette Mount
@Spyhermit 3 жыл бұрын
*googles mentor roulette mount.* *reads Hydeus' Blog.* *closes all pages and pretends he never saw this.*
@psyonicpanda 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I had a lot of good experiences in the Novice Network when I first started playing the game. I don't think mentors help a lot but I found that having someone to answer my questions no matter where I was, or what I was doing, was very nice.
@spriddlez 3 жыл бұрын
So I'm playing the free trial... I was level 41 before I even knew that I had to be invited by a mentor into a novice network - I just thought the crown meant "Feel free to personally ask me annoying questions" (which is hard when you can't whisper as a Trial player so I never bothered and just googled any questions I had). I only found out because I decided to google what the crown actually meant ... two trials and 7 dungeons into the game. They never explain the notice/mentor system at all to novices so even if the mentors themselves were good and vetted they don't actually teach new people how to access the tool.
@natem7097 3 жыл бұрын
The worst part of ACT is when a player thinks they’re the best in an instance. And you look up at the meter and you can’t tell them otherwise because it’s against TOS, and they could report you.
@PIVfirestarkproducon 2 жыл бұрын
When you're failing the enrage DPS check because the WHM has posted literally 0 damage but you can't tell them that
@selearth3123 2 жыл бұрын
I think the worst part about it is people who also use meters, but to compare themselves to others instead of bettering their own gameplay.
@natem7097 2 жыл бұрын
@@selearth3123 mentor alert
@camelboop 3 жыл бұрын
me waiting for that arms length on shifting sky 🤡🤡
@hanyan__ 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly from my experience in novice network, most bad advices come from trade mentors. Trade mentor is basically Sprout Deluxe™ as sprouts that are about to lose NN just grind out trade mentor status to stay there....
@karasutsuki1733 Жыл бұрын
so much yes xD Usually if I see a mentor fk up, 80% of the time its a crafting one
@Bupernox Жыл бұрын
In my limited experience there are only two kinds of mentors: the silent one who does everything near perfectly, and the one who struggles so much with the basic concept of their job that you begin to wonder if they used railroad spikes to nail that stupid crown to their head.
@KevinMCable 3 жыл бұрын
So, I noticed you used a picture of a big buff dude in a speedo... I really hope this wasn't a call-out about Speedo Nudist of Zalera because he's honestly a really cool guy and I know I sound like a meme right now but I think he's like one of the only good apples XD
@bsgaming8864 3 жыл бұрын
i mean the joke was that Arnold Schwarzenegger is both a celebrity and a political figure but now i just want to see a screenshot of speedo nudist
@SynKVoice 3 жыл бұрын
There are a handful of mentors in Faerie’s NN who argue that they don’t ever have to be helpful because being a mentor is a volunteer position.
@ExiledDiclonius 3 жыл бұрын
They are kind of right. They didnt sign any contract requiring them to be helpfull, and are not getting any benefits from it unless you include roulette rewards.
@SynKVoice 3 жыл бұрын
@@ExiledDiclonius they should leave NN and turn off the crown. You shouldn’t get an “I volunteered” sticker if all you did at the homeless shelter was complain about the homeless.
@Amalvipls 3 жыл бұрын
God, I love so much the dry humor please, never, fucking ever do an ending sequence, the sudden cuts are one of the most hilarious things
@Winterlulz 3 жыл бұрын
Yo! I just did a Duty that I hadn't done before, the sand dune place with the Chimera for the last boss. The group had 3 new sprouts, including myself, and a mentor. The mentor didn't say anything the whole dungeon and the sprout tank explained everything to us, including the Chimera boss.
@thanatos2980 Жыл бұрын
Gilgamesh could have been an exception to the rule but the NN helped me multiple times throughout my leveling process. I recently leveled my crafters and picked up the crafting mentor to go back to the NN cause of how helpful it was either directly or indirectly
@MaestroKytes 2 жыл бұрын
As a flower who opted for Novice Network, most of the chat in my server is friends who know each other talking about anything and everything, rarely ever used for questions/advice. It's like a FC chat for those without an FC.
@JBLZFTW 3 жыл бұрын
My only experience with a mentor I ever had, was shortly after starting the game, me and my friends learned about the extreme ponies, and decided we wanted one of our own, we queued into shiva ex, only barely over level 50, and synced, and the tank we got screamed at us in all caps for even thinking about running it. They have no info like "run it unsynced when you're higher level" or anything useful, it was just insults, slurs and general rudeness, they then sat there, refusing to leave so we had to do all our attempts with other newbies with 1 tank as they criticized literally everything, after about 3 wipes they left telling us all to quit
@rustyjones7908 2 жыл бұрын
Had a few mentors in my previous FC. Generally if I said anything I was ordered to stop doing it and "go do MSQ". They were not happy I switched from Paladin to Dark Knight. They were even less happy when they found out I was doing my class quests when available.
@raverecage Жыл бұрын
The thing I like about NN as a new player is that this makes a dedicated channel to talk to hundreds of people for location of something or basic questions. For rotation guide or battles I just use wiki or yt.
@DjGameKing 3 жыл бұрын
10:04 - 10:08 about how the proper channel to queue for Extreme (and also Savage) content is PF and not DF. Actually an interesting point of discussion, since you are right: NA and EU rarely if ever queue for Extremes (and especially not Savages) through Duty Finder. However, JP does. For them, the PF is for practice runs. Getting to understand the fight and stuff like that. After your done with that and/or have cleared once, you go into Duty Finder and queue up for the Extreme fight (or Savage fight) that you want to run. This is where mentor roulette would actually work in JP, where it doesn't for NA and EU. It also helps that in JP, they actually actively use macros for fight strats, something EU and NA could learn from.
@jovenc4508 3 жыл бұрын
How do you play with all the spell effects? I had to turn mine down to half just to see what the Hells was going on.
@GTaichou 3 жыл бұрын
I'm fresh into month three as a new player. I assume everyone is kind (and they usually are), until I see a crown - then I wait to see which side of the personality bell curve the coinflip has placed in my party. A fun anecdote; I received comms from my team in MSQ Meridianum for calling out a BK Crown for bitching about the team not doing mechanics when he was standing around doing nothing himself (my teammate and I were doing it all). BK Crown rage quit the team.
@Samtehcool Ай бұрын
Not a mentor, but I came across someone learning Sage during a run of Holminster Switch. As I was in their position not too long ago, I gave them some small pieces of advice on the job, which they were grateful for. It made me feel like what a mentor should be, instead of what their reputation currently is. I would like to purposefully be able to help more people actively, but I fear that trying to attain mentor is going to do more harm than good in that aspect.
@vLily 3 жыл бұрын
instructions on the contract unclear, accidentally harassed bard in limsa
@tarastargaze3833 3 жыл бұрын
Man, this makes me worried that I'm so close to getting that mentor crown already. I don't want to be seen as one of *them*.
@Miingno 3 жыл бұрын
I am a mentor and I totally agree with you! There should be absolutely no benefits for being a mentor. No achievements, no extra rewards from a unique roulette. And no, I do not yet have the mount and I still think these rewards should disappear right now.
@MilanOodiah 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I came back to the game a few months ago after a long break and still had my crown from like a year ago (Tank main). I legit never put it on and just ask people if they need advice if they seem to be struggling
@XxCrazyKookyxX 3 жыл бұрын
As a new player to the game. The melding of spell speed is what I was told to do by a mentor in the Novice Network, and, to be honest I still don't know what is does.
@pineapple4473 3 жыл бұрын
Spell speed basically to speeds up your spell casting time. If you play BLM it is highly recommended to meld spell speed but if you play other casting job you don't need to meld it
@wild_wyoming6392 Жыл бұрын
I think the worst thing is the mount grind for mentor roullette. It seems to make people more concerned with farming roulettes as quick as possible and not actually be nice/decent mentors and people being patient with learners. Some of the worst experiences I've ever had was from "mentors" who acted like sprouts were wasting their time.
@sirflimflam 3 жыл бұрын
I am a relatively new player. I played for like 2 months when reborn launched and stopped, but started up again last month sometime, finally dedicating some time to leveling a WHM. I remember getting a mentor in some random dungeon roulette who started talking mad shit to me about my use of Cure 1 in some level 60 dungeon as I was leveling. At the time I was kind of blown away. I get that's a meta at the end game that "rank 1 is pointless" but while leveling in those low dungeons I'm just wasting mana for no reason if I cure 2 everyone. At the time cure 1 was still healing like half an entire health bar. lol
@KawarrenD 3 жыл бұрын
I once lead a Ramuh Ex with 7 sprouts, it was painful but it was my most proud achievement. While not a mentor anymore, because I received cancer from mentors and non mentors alike for existing.
@masonmori8669 2 жыл бұрын
Every time I hear people talk abt the sprouts who get super mad at receiving advice, I remember when I was a sprout, I was like that for at least the first few months I played the game, there was full on warfare in those party chats whenever someone gave me advice, I was 12, though. I feel bad for any and all players who interacted with me in game while I was still a middle schooler, quickly grew out of that attitude. Funnily enough, I was also a mentor for a bit, I was around 12-13 years old when I wore the burger king crown. So at this point, when I see mentors or sprouts like that I can't help but assume they are middle schoolers.
@oszaszi 2 жыл бұрын
My experience with mentors: - joining in duty roulette and leaving cause they dont like the duty they are put in - giving half hearted advices not actually explaining things and then getting angry at you a moment when you dont understand what they say for the first time - streamers who spam UwU... I only met 1 mentor so far that was actually helpful, who explained to me on how to do raids unsynced and actually helped me with one duty completion. I still dont get why people want to be mentors, is there like a mount you get for it? Or what is the benefit?
@Silversky1113 3 жыл бұрын
Although I'm not an experienced player (i've only been playing steadily for about a year with gaps in between) I always try to help whenever i can. I remember having mentors in a fc i was in once, and when newbies would ask for help some would respond with "oh idk lol" instead of trying to help. Despite my lack of experience, i was able to better help them than the mentors themselves. And yeah i overheard some of them saying they only got mentorship because they wanted the little crown. Despite the novice network being a thing, i feel they should definitely add a training dojo of some sort to the game where players can go in solo or in groups and practice different boss mechanics or whatever. It'd be nice to have in-game guides to some of the dungeons and raids too. I'm a visual person so I learn better by seeing and doing it, but i hate feeling like i'm holding the party back or them wiping because of me.
@zartheitalian5376 2 жыл бұрын
Had an encounter where i asked normally and nicely if the summoner could use devotion at the start of boss fights or some pulls in the dungeon since its part of smn and helps everyone only to get marked as a toxic elitist by, what i can only assume, their whm friend and kicked from the party. That was a weird expert roulette i tell you.
@Crawver 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly this is why I only wear the crafter mentor crown, even though I have 3k+ comms with nearly every class at 80. I will give advice, but only when it's asked for, or when we hit wipe level issues and it gives me a little bit of standing, but people don't look at me with expectations to begin with. Plus I also just really like crafting.
@nicholaslongaker7065 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, our one, true, misshapen mentor. You should do end game mechanics videos. Would enjoy watching
@injustice4647 3 жыл бұрын
I can't agree more on the advice part. It's stunning how people get mad receiving any advices with the classic "Ehhh bro you don't pay my sub don't tell me how to play"
@Alexnaru1010 3 жыл бұрын
Yeeeeeeeess I hated this!
@DP9k 3 жыл бұрын
as a newer australian player who's been in the novice network for a while i've not actually had the pleasure of actually speaking to anyone else through novice network, the only exception being when i used it for information where the odin fate had spawned once. mostly because i've been playing on jp servers so the novice network is usually all taken up by things i can hardly read beyond a few occasional words, it also makes learning mechanics in dungeons or teaching mechanics to other players really difficult with my still very basic japanese language skills, but i guess this would be a result of not yet having OCN servers to play on, though how ocn servers will look language wise isnt super clear at the moment and depends on where the SEA community moves afterwards
@GoodMorningHikers 2 жыл бұрын
started a raid i've never done for the first time. the boss starting doing a mechanic I'd never seen before. before I panicked I saw a mentor confidently running to the side of the arena, so I followed. the mentor and I were the only two that died. all I could do is laugh, and say "of all the people on my screen, why did I follow the mentor" hindsight 20/20
@theoldmanofthemountain7514 Жыл бұрын
Today i went to a leveling roulette and got a Sprout (DPS) and a Mentor (Healer) in Sunken Temple. The sprout at the begining asked "How do you change the cinematics to not repeat once you have seen it?" and the mentor ignored her. I stopped a moment and checked to give an answer, less than a minute. Instead to wait, the tank continued and got every mob until the boss and we got wiped because i reached them late, at least in words of the mentor. "It's your fault DPS (Me) because you were behind."... Not that nicer mind you. So, me and the sprout objected because i was helping with that fast question, we had just begun the dungeon so there was NO reason to act like that. And if that was the only thing i wouldn't be writing this. But you know who is the first boss in Sunken Temple. The demon with Doom. Sprout didn't ask, but neither the Mentor tried to explain anything or to help. We begin, everything goes fine but surprise, is the first time for the Sprout and she dies. So... What is the action of the Mentor in this case? A) Resurect and explain the mechanic. B) Resurect and later explain and try to be helpful C) Resurect and ignore the sprout. D) Ignore the sprout. Well, the answer is F of Fucked up way to act. Not only the Mentor didn't resurect the Sprout. Not only didn't explained anything on how to do the boss fine. The mentor. Began. To laugh. At the corpse of the Sprout. In the middle of the battle. No help. No resurect. No nothing. I sheathed my weapon and let the boss wipe us and left the dungeon. Being a Mentor is something that has to be done to help others. I get not every mentor is like this. I understand there are people doing memes and such, in fact, this is my first time seeing a thing like this. But oh god... I hope they put a way to point at the really bad mentors. Some people don't deserve neither the position nor it's rewards.
@kuronanestimare 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who legitimately wanted to help players (namely, sprouts and people who are in-progress and just lost their healer or whatever class I'm playing as) learning I have to clear ALL Extreme and Savage content thoroughly killed any investment I had, and eventually I turned off the crown because I just was not going to put in the effort to learn literally every fight in the game. I would be more than happy to Mentor Roulette in my time off if Extremes and Savages were removed from Mentor Roulette and I could help people who actually needed it, but I'm not going to get invested into queueing for something only to end up in an hour-long struggle to explain boss mechanics to sprouts who will likely see this fight once and proceed to not play again until whatever the expansion's level cap is and come back to grind books or stamps.
@recliff 3 жыл бұрын
Crafting Mentor here, I actually love to help
@omensoffate 3 жыл бұрын
Omg a crafting mentor woweeeeee
@Chainsawnicorn 3 жыл бұрын
My old FC had crowned mentors who would constantly complain about getting sprout "traps" on roulette. Bugged the shit out of me.
@CIOTECHSFX 3 жыл бұрын
Well like the video mentions mentor roulette has high end content which takes time to prepare for and fight-specific mechanical execution, which is a lot to expect out of casual players and many are, simply put, not prepared or experienced enough. So sprout trap is an accurate term. It does not however excuse mentors bashing sprouts who don't know any better. The only real solution to this problem lies in the devs hands and they don't seem interested in changing it.
@storageheater 3 жыл бұрын
I joined a "chill" FC where half the time there'd be new players being excited about stuff only to be instantly told it was the worst dungeon by someone who'd played for years and I'm just like... you can stop playing you know? Please, it's making you sad and weird, maybe try WoW for a bit
@cheesemuffin8129 3 жыл бұрын
@@CIOTECHSFX "mentor roulette has high end content which takes time to prepare for and fight-specific mechanical execution, which is a lot to expect out of casual players and many are, simply put, not prepared or experienced enough." Then they shouldnt queue for it
@MintyArisato 3 жыл бұрын
@@CIOTECHSFX If you're not up for it then don't be a mentor. Simple as that.
@MishiMIshaniz 3 жыл бұрын
...so when do I use Form Shift?
@kage8725 3 жыл бұрын
"practice makes permanent" i think Vesemir said that in the Witcher 3
@Cyphafrost 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit I saw a seat of sacrifice extreme in party finder last night with that exact description.
@Lassi117 3 жыл бұрын
to become a mentor you need to clear extremes so it kinda makes sense you'd get queued up to extremes since you have cleared them. they should make a requirment where you have to clear them synched to become a mentor since most people just do them unsynched.
@ladwarcoffee Жыл бұрын
You do not have to clear extremes to become a mentor. To have access to the mentor roulette you need to clear past expansions extremes.
@karasutsuki1733 Жыл бұрын
​@@ladwarcoffee its what they meant
@ladwarcoffee Жыл бұрын
@@karasutsuki1733 there's no way to see they meant something they didn't say. And they clearly didn't care. Why are you bringing it up?
@cameronharvey4746 2 жыл бұрын
i feel like all this game needs to revolve around is if you have the information, I.E you have completed whatever boss you are doing many times, then share your info if people need help. that’s the end of it. i’ve been playing for a couple years and i always try to help people through CLL cause it’s a pain in the ass.
@cyphi474 Жыл бұрын
I have played my Alt recently, from very beginning to the Endwalker end where my sprout status wore off and all that time i didnt get single invitation to Novice channel.
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