Melekte lejeloch lejilajil ena lejelanfo neww. Bandawochim hone jawisawoch dr abiyen yemitelu yemeslachewal. Tesastachewal. Enesu seltan lay bimetu yesun chinqelat lemeteqem indemifelegu minim tiretare yelenyim. Ethiopian bezih fitnet indayasadig lemasqomnew. 4KILOM HONE DR ABIY lenya bicha inji lemanim mehone aychilim neww negeru. Dr abiy gin yenesu sedeb ena denfta NEDAJ hono hagerituan betam iyasadegat neww. Dr abiy yemechih
@HanamariamHana7 күн бұрын
Woyane radio tabeya sewodu bezu radio lemen angezalachewom yeradio feker😂😂😂😂
@bisrathabtemichael73757 күн бұрын
Deberetsion and his group should be put out of politics if Tigray in particular and Ethiopia in general are to get peace and security . They are fighting for power and money at the expense of Tigray people. The young population in particular want peace and prosperity not dying for such evil people. Wake up and stop TPLF WITH ITS LEADERS!!!