Abilities That Were DELETED From League Of Legends (6)

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@MyronZhang 5 ай бұрын
5:19 "Yet I don't recall ever seeing AP Tristana before, like ever." This man has clearly never watched the glory of Darkk Mane's glorious guide on how to play AP Tristana.
@Convicted_Melon 5 ай бұрын
Yeah there was a point in time she was more popular AP than AD. Same with Yi.
@NPCGetsFilthy 5 ай бұрын
Ahhhh I miss those days.
@dracotoy 5 ай бұрын
Ap mid trist was meta at one point
@DMG551 5 ай бұрын
Ap Tristana was one of my favorite things. She was basically just a burst mage with a jump and damn the damage you could do to people was insane
@Shan19918 5 ай бұрын
@@Convicted_Melonap yi q and w was insane fun on aram but im glad it’s gone
@level20art50 5 ай бұрын
Yes, infuse was point and click, and it could also originally be used on her. Meaning that as long as she didn't let her mana pool get low enough that she couldn't cast Infuse, she and her lane partner both had infinite health and mana.
@Dark_Lunari 5 ай бұрын
I think you missed the part of the ability description where it says that she can’t use Infuse on herself.
@micharoginski6038 5 ай бұрын
@@Dark_Lunari She used to be able to restore mana to herself but it was changed.
@Arethusa01 5 ай бұрын
"Energy can't neither be created nor destroyed. You can't give yourself your own energy resources, at no cost." -Frost Prime
@Dark_Lunari 5 ай бұрын
@@micharoginski6038 In the beta, before the game was officially released, yes. But that was changed long before the game launched because the spell Clarity, which restores mana to all nearby allies and is now only available in ARAM, was usable on Summoner’s Rift.
@level20art50 5 ай бұрын
@@Dark_Lunari No, I didn't. I was saying that originally, she could use it on herself. That line of text was added later. I'm looking for the patch right now, but I've found one reference to her targeting herself: V1.0.0.99: "Will now infuse half of the mana value to the target, and half of the value to Soraka when targeting an ally instead of giving the full value to the target. Soraka will get the full benefit of Infuse when she casts it on herself." V1.0.0.124 has another reference to self targeting: "No longer restores double mana when cast on herself." And finally, V1.0.0.134: "No longer restores mana to Soraka casts on allies. Can no longer be self cast."
@gallae 5 ай бұрын
seeing that clip of scarra on old swain laning against a midalee gave me temporal whiplash
@Destroyer2150 5 ай бұрын
Seeing Kiandymundi's Swain animation made me feel ancient. I'm surprised Vars of all peoplle remember him.
@uhmatcha1167 5 ай бұрын
good old days :(
@kayrius 5 ай бұрын
12:20 "i'm getting old, man", but i never saw anyone use the monstrous AP tristana that killed ppl with just 1 spell, neither a pentakill starfall soraka. 😂
@Deter872 5 ай бұрын
AP Trist and AP Yi were some of the most fun I had playing when I first started playing. Watching someone melt away with a Trist Meatball was hilarious and Yi Alpha striking a team to death and became basically invulnerable when he pressed his w. I also remember going Soraka Brand bot when Soraka still had her point and click silence/Give Mana. Old League was something else
@worldiefeard8396 5 ай бұрын
The problem with those units was that while it was fun to play them, being on the receiving end of them was arguably even worse than playing vs release Yuumi. Being 100-0d by point click abilities courtesy of DFG wasnt exactly the most fun experience.
@uhmatcha1167 5 ай бұрын
ap yi was nuts lmao
@Deter872 5 ай бұрын
@@worldiefeard8396 definitely don’t disagree with you. It’s was still funny to do though. It was also pretty cool to be able to build some champs either ap or ad. Now it just seems like your railroaded into one play style.
@inplane9970 5 ай бұрын
Ap Yi and Trist has to be one of the most miserable metas to exist. Next to Season 3-5 assassin meta and the Feral Flare meta. Just pure stat check damage with no counter play.
@COIN_a 5 ай бұрын
@@inplane9970 Dumbest part of ap yi was it was safe. You would just buy a dorans ring and accidentally chip your opponent out by cs'ing with your q
@HarpE-girl 5 ай бұрын
5:19 So AP Trist was actually being experimented on internally by Riot Norak this year. The intention was at specific AP thresholds when she E -> W'd onto someone or E-> R'd the amount of Stacks the W/R would grant would increase. This also accidentally hit live but was quickly patched.
@legendarysuperkaiju7986 5 ай бұрын
Morde’s unconventional sustain and defense was his best trait, and healing his teammates was gratifying af when you made a clutch game winning save.
@SpookSkellington 5 ай бұрын
Go jungle Morde, tell your mid to "come to wraith camp", heal them for half their HP level 2. Good times.
@SzambiarzXD 5 ай бұрын
@@SpookSkellingtonYou can heal midlaner from chickens as a Taric jg now
@henriquepacheco7473 5 ай бұрын
@@SzambiarzXD taric jg no joke feels like a sleeper op pick
@raidbossmorde3024 5 ай бұрын
Sucks seeing what became of him now. He was so much better back then despite the flaws in his kit
@bau9894 5 ай бұрын
man i want old morde to come back with 200 years magic slapped on top. please riot
@lukem8795 5 ай бұрын
I used to play old soraka back in the day. Riot said they changed her because her style of play was literally stand in the back and feed heals and mana restoration, and that was completely true. There was very little interaction between her and the enemy team. Remember, her old heal didn't cost health, so there was no drawback. What's less known was infuse worked ON YOURSELF, further disincentivising interaction with the enemy team. There were many times when I would actively choose to level up infuse over healing because it would essentially let your adc spam abilities with no drawback.
@inplane9970 5 ай бұрын
And when Soraka did interact with the enemy, Riot didn't like the fact that AoE Starcall was so good. This was the beginning of Riot's obsession with banning off-meta playstyles, with Sona being the biggest victim of the Enchanter rework.
@LeBronP 5 ай бұрын
@@inplane9970I think it was season 3 where I mained Soraka mid, since her starcall was auto lock immediately castable when in range, if you built Rylai’s, it was nearly impossible to get to or away from her and she could detect someone in stealth or brush just by her icon lighting up. She was very good lol
@Convicted_Melon 5 ай бұрын
Soraka was actually reworked mainly because of how oppressive her kit was midlane, believe it or not. Her Q was an auto target, multi target, MR shredding, auto-pushing poke tool on a VERY short cooldown. She had a very strong self heal that gave you armor for ganks (most junglers were physical damage). And her E was an instant targeted damaging silence. This made her SUPER annoying to any mage in mid and people hated ganking her because she could just silence one of her opponents at the press of a button.
@Heleghir 5 ай бұрын
combine that with rylais, and now its spammable AoE slow/mr shred/harass/waveclear and you could do nothing about it. If you couldnt allin her, she just instantly won at that point
@michaellancaster7092 5 ай бұрын
Yea super oppressive in bronze
@kermitthefrogsgreenmememac6453 4 ай бұрын
​@@michaellancaster7092 It was literally played mid and top in professional play :D
@soulsemblance3163 3 ай бұрын
​@michaellancaster7092 that account is only 11 years old he probably didn't play old league and are low elo
@Convicted_Melon 3 ай бұрын
@@michaellancaster7092 She was what every battlemage WISHES they could be. You literally could not avoid her damage and she could just decide to end the trade with the press of a button. She was played in high elo because of how reliable she was as an obnoxious wall that could ruin the opponent's laning phase.
@szczecin_ 5 ай бұрын
Ngl, but old Volibear q w and e were an awesome combo, loved to play him on Urf, the flipmaster
@zinnmann3883 5 ай бұрын
Sometimes I cry thinking about old Voli. They murdered my kid
@aaronparry2636 5 ай бұрын
Old voli was my man. Back in the day I was a solid mid-gold league skill level, but on voli? Felt like diamond 1.
@SkagulTV 5 ай бұрын
A fool and his head are easily parted! *snarl* And the roar and "face the storm" was so badass. But let's not kid ourselves he is better champion now, albeit not so fun
@Dex-of7ri 5 ай бұрын
Old Volibear was the best champion for me. That flip alone was pure bliss.
@DemonRaticate 5 ай бұрын
I just loved that his E was a counter to dashes. Even then, the game was devolving into mobility creep and finally having one if my mains counter that was fun. His URF build was also fun. Rageblade, Gunblade and other on hits alongside 1-2 bruiser items meant you shredded HP bars as they were in the air.
@PurerErzbengel 5 ай бұрын
1:03 wow, never expected to see myself in one of your videos. Had a good laugh :D Keep up your work. Personally I didn't like Zyra's old passive and I am more than happy that she got another passive in S6.
@sebastianmoore4875 3 ай бұрын
I feel like it wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't take so long to 'arm'. Like you'd sit in firing position for what felt like ages before it'd let you shoot, and because of that, everyone was already out of range
@xVibra 5 ай бұрын
AD Trist was strong because of just straight raw stats, and her W. Her safety early game made her one of the harder adc to shutdown. Most champions didn't have gap closers like they do now, so she was an extremely rare breed. Even Caitlyn didn't have that level of safety, range, or mobility. She has innate push that made it hard for enemies to keep waves to harass or dive under tower. Her passive giving her more range over other adc made her ridiculously strong late game at sieging and outpositioning other adc. Her Q being an attack speed steroid meant that she could potentially go more damage items before attack speed. Most importantly was the W reset on kill. This meant she could go in with her team at a moments notice, dive the adc(who was the most important target back then most times since mages couldn't push towers), and then get out or push the lead after it resets. AP Trist was an abomination that circumvented her late game power gating by just having ridiculously high AP ratios, one of which resets on kill. Old League was basically a game of stat sticks, and who could abuse stats the easiest.
@YuriNoel7 5 ай бұрын
If I recall correctly they took away Draven’s old passive due to how oppressive he was with it in lane. Basically no ADC would dare to trade with him as he’d auto win the trade due to his passive plus Q. Plus due to most adcs lacking innate sustain this passive would be enough to effectively force them out of lane very easily.
@thatmastergamer3657 5 ай бұрын
Makes sense. He already wins short trades pretty hard, I can see how it would be way easier with that passive to just basically guarantee win every trade for unless you hard miss play having 3 sources of damage (auto/Q/passive) in a single hit. I think it's a good thing to have the risk/reward passive on an early game champ like we have now.
@Lin_Nascimento 5 ай бұрын
"how oppressive he was with it in lane. Basically no ADC would dare to trade with him as he’d auto win the trade due to his passive plus Q", strange how you can say the exact same for Darius, just switch the word adc with toplaner, and 'was' with 'is'
@YuriNoel7 5 ай бұрын
@@Lin_Nascimento the difference with Darius is that most top laners can recover from a bad trade with him. Plus he’s melee while Draven is ranged meaning he gets to apply bleed way better and more consistent than Darius does.
@rike971 5 ай бұрын
​@@YuriNoel7 Also Darius doesn't have mobility so if the jungler ganks smartly so Darius can't heal with his Q and the toplaner follows, Darius will die unless he burns his Flash.
@gwingcommander 5 ай бұрын
I seem to remember Draven being a total menace in LCS at the time because of this very reason
@supaonyxian 5 ай бұрын
A huge part of ap tristana was the fact that she used to trigger e passive on any kill not just ones with autos. If you max’d w and had a little ap you could oneshot casters with one w and all of them would individually blow up and deal aoe dmg. It was a huge cheese she could do where if the enemy was in a wave of 5-6 casters she could w onto them and they were legitimately one shot
@UtubeSuchti 5 ай бұрын
AP Tristana was fun. Her E used to explode even if abilities killed the Target. So you would just wait for the enemy to be standing in a Minionwave and W in. Was nearly always a 1-Shot
@Diopside. 5 ай бұрын
Sure it was fun to you, but ultra unfairly unfun to player who plays against you.
@Cyrooooosempai 5 ай бұрын
​@@Diopside.Then champs like Talon, Zed, Qiyana, Lux, Orianna, etc Are broken and unfair just bcs they can oneshot u
@citrineconjurer 5 ай бұрын
@@Diopside. Just don't stand in the middle of minions. It was pretty easy to avoid, just funny if the opponent wasn't aware.
@NotSynu 5 ай бұрын
Old soraka was very stat checky because, she could heals herself in lane and heal her mana in lane with little to no counter. And as she poke you, she can wave clear with her W which was AOE. And you can't really trade back neither because she could heal herself before u can shut her down. Back when league didnt have a lot of one shot but rather short trade...
@gineprogaming69piedi 5 ай бұрын
Old Soraka top was a nightmare for these reasons, and also shredding MR with Q
@henriquepacheco7473 5 ай бұрын
Small correction, the waveclear was the Q. Old raka w was the heal already.
@tskgamerr8302 5 ай бұрын
A good way to look at Soraka with Infuse is that you were actually glad to have her in your team and in bot lane but playing against her was the biggest pain of your existence. The fact that she can cast both W and E on herself made her a subtank essentially. I remember playing her in top lane and that was actually quite fun. (reminds me of the old Taric top days) Also that Draven passive got put into Yun Tal so it essentially came back:)
@ScrimbIes 5 ай бұрын
An important thing to remember about old Soraka is that bot lane meta at the time revolved around spellcasting adc's. Graves, Ezreal, and Corki could basically spam their abilities all day long with a Soraka around, and never die since she also healed. It was frustrating, they could play as recklessly as they want and get away with it nearly all the time.
@nanashialfarr 5 ай бұрын
you could also heal minions with her W to help push too.
@MandalorianRaider 5 ай бұрын
Ahh, the Holy Trinity of Bot Lane.
@HappyGick 5 ай бұрын
​@@nanashialfarr what
@nanashialfarr 5 ай бұрын
@@HappyGick old mechanics, karma and janna could also shield minions. Funny enough, they left this mechanic for some time after her rework so you would often accidentaly heal a minion and lose hp.
@HappyGick 5 ай бұрын
@@nanashialfarr Well, that would make both champions very punishing for new players because they'd miss their healing/shielding and wouldn't know why But it would also be busted in pro environments. Imagine being able to totally control _when_ your minions die.
@Septemberus 5 ай бұрын
AP Trist is a monster in ARAM back then because you can rocket jump E and move back to neutral and slowly tick the enemies down with DoTs. Her E scaling is actually really high and with a few items going, she can assassinate any squishies at a safe range. You jump to a safe spot, E + R and move back. With High AP, Athenes and high CDR, you can endless snipe and harass at an incredible range. On top of everything, you can cast E mid flight during Rocket Jump. As for why she was super popular as an ADC is the old days, its because its because of her passive. She is the only one of two (the other being Kog) that can match/out range caitlyn in terms of range at late game. She is also one of the few adcs with an attack speed steriods back then with her Q. Her E also is a get out of jail card and R being the get away from me. Making her an incredibly safe pick
@shaedeymamlas5496 5 ай бұрын
Main stated reason for soraka rework was that she had too bad of a play pattern in neutral. She could heal way too much while not having to commit to anything/be in any risk, meaning she forced the enemy team to engage, no matter what. The Q and W rework are meant to force her to Q enemies before healing teammates (To put her at risk), and E iirc was frankly just removed due to silence being a mechanic they were in the process of slowly removing from the game as a whole at the time.
@dassd8393 5 ай бұрын
I can't wait to look back fondly on yuumi and k'sante And think "Wow. They were weak in retrospect"
@abarragan02 5 ай бұрын
I think Trist was very popular back in the day because games lasted longer and having a high mobility marksman with 650 range for a considerable portion of the game was worth it
@Bagel12321 5 ай бұрын
soraka used to be called the walking fountain because she was exactly that, the fountain but would walk with you in lane. just build philosophers stone and buy wards. i think she got reworked because she was too one dimensional and hard to balance. the old starcall was great wave clear and damage so you could go full AP soraka with lich bane in solo lane even though you basically didn't get a W or E ability and it would be really strong, mostly because nobody respected it.
@aaronparry2636 5 ай бұрын
Seasons 1, 2 and 3 were honestly great. They had an explicit anti power creep philosophy, which is why so many champions were so straightforward. While they weren't against adding new mechanics, they tried to make sure every mechanic was balancable (even if they got the numbers wrong). They didn't always succeed in balancing, but they preferred to nerf every problem champion and buff only the most extreme of underperformers
@kyuuujinnn9425 5 ай бұрын
This is nostalgia talking. Alot of things in older seasons have very bad counterplay mechanics.
@aaronparry2636 5 ай бұрын
@kyuuujinnn9425 oh I agree, that counterplay was pretty non-existent. I'm not saying it was a healthier game. I'm just saying the philosophy was quite different and it lead to some fun games.
@TheboyKimmy 5 ай бұрын
I miss these abilities. Danggg i started playing in season 2 and i completely forgot these abilities and passives on your vids existed. Its a sudden surge of nostalgia.
@AlryFireBlade 5 ай бұрын
Old Urgot. The Champ with a targeted Ability you don't had to see the enemy. Just know where he is and be in range :D
@fastfoodfrase6878 5 ай бұрын
Back in the old days on the newer twisted treeline, you could Swap positions with somebody finishing nexus, while you were standing in the fountain. It was the most filthy move ❤
@hongrp1304 5 ай бұрын
Old Morde play with Yorick is one of the most hilarious thing in the game. You feed the enemy ADC as hard as you can, prey that you assassin is fed and in teamfight you ult their ADC and boom ez 7v4 with dragon and you end the game 0/14/5.
@AlryFireBlade 5 ай бұрын
Swains old ultimate. The only ability you could run out of Mana in URF with. Explanation: You have Manacost in URF, but it refunds 100% of it after use. Swains Ult could reach costs that where higher then his Max Mana so it would deactivate.
@putin2012 5 ай бұрын
Maybe Kassadin with 0 mana items also, don't remember exactly...
@jansyrovatka4090 4 ай бұрын
@@putin2012 Dunno if it was always like this, but mana = HP in urf.
@ignacioperez5479 5 ай бұрын
The most important part of morde was his passive..being able to mitigate all the damage of a trade
@CompletelyRandomNick 5 ай бұрын
Adding to 3:35 Urgot Q with E was not only a point and click ability, it could even target enemies in fog! THE ONLY point and click ability for which you didn't need vision, if your prediction game was good you could land several Qs in a row without seeing enemy from far far away
@chillmadude 5 ай бұрын
6:19 as someone who was playing back then, it was a combination of her items were really good and she had some good base numbers on her abilities. like iirc her base attack range had to be nerfed from 550 to 525 or maybe even 500
@MR0KITTY 5 ай бұрын
3:30 Also notable, tho now irrelevant: The Q lock-on effect didn't need vision. If you hit E, you could blind-fire Q into bushes and it would lock on if your mouse was over them.
@AlryFireBlade 5 ай бұрын
I remember Zyras Passiv dealing less Damamge then KogMaws while it beeing a skillshot which makes it harder to hit specially because it took so long, that many champs already dashed out of range. Her old Passiv is something they thought it fits the Design of the character. But at the end it didn't work with her kit.
@kyarthnohktiss 5 ай бұрын
I remember Soraka mid being one of the strongest Yasuo counters back when he released because the majority of her damage bypassed his windwall
@metrux321 5 ай бұрын
As someone who played first season, went years without lol, then came back... Playing ashe vs trundle top was funny as heck, he'd never touch you and you could build AD and life steal to bulldoze the game, thouhg yi was... Kinda too much. Only CC could stop him, he'd kill everyone while healing and laughing.
@chumaktv5386 5 ай бұрын
Old voli just looked so goofy esp in his police skin, I miss that
@tunes5205 5 ай бұрын
I really loved Old voli and fiddle support was a favourite. All u need to do was throw a crow into enemy bot duo and watch it bounce more times than brand ult
@MegaNever2010 4 ай бұрын
Swains old ultimate also had the added benefit of a unique joke! "You're seriously asking a giant human bird... for a joke!?"
@Kaneiara 5 ай бұрын
watching this makes me miss season 2 to 5 those were the good times not forgetting the best league music ever made back then before jinx music was the old champion select draft in ranks
@MandalorianRaider 5 ай бұрын
I miss old Mord so much. Used to love rushing Will of the Ancients, casting his cone on a wave and seeing his whole health bar regenerate instantly.
@skyeblu3178 5 ай бұрын
I was bad at the game back then so I can’t speak to how meta AP Trist actually was, but I saw quite a lot of it back when DFG was a thing because her all-in combo had like a combined AP ratio of like 280%, couples with DFG it was basically a nearly unavoidable 100 to 0
@nihil_est_divinum 5 ай бұрын
Good taste in music - I recognized "The Void" in the Zyra's death passive segment. Love it. The Void · League of Legends · Purrple Cat Sessions: Diana
@sergyuphenom 5 ай бұрын
for me, the best ever ultimate was poppy's old one, you put it on a weak champ and you were immune to everything all the other 4 members did to you for 5 seconds. the only one who could damage you was the weak champ you placed your ulti on.
@Ridriel 4 ай бұрын
8:25 i always thought the logo was volibear wearing some sick headphones, dunno if you all see it as well
@noahzhellos8344 5 ай бұрын
One of the things that made me laugh every game was building Banner of Command and being a split pusher. Fun fact: both Soraka W and summoner Heal both worked on minions.
@johnvarner5536 5 ай бұрын
I used to main Soraka Mid back in her old form. She was an unkillable nightmare that shut down any mage or assassin that didn’t have a huge range difference from her. The moment you got RoA, it was done. Her E didn’t just have a 2.5 second silence, it also had no mana cost when used on enemies. Even when I had nothing, I still could shut my opponent down with that.
@GuardianGrarl 5 ай бұрын
"Expending all your mana too early forces you to recall" Me with Presence of Mind: You can expend all your mana ??
@galdorg4996 5 ай бұрын
If i recall well, there was this one game in season 2 or 3 worlds where some scuffed midlaner played Soraka mid, able to heal AND restore mana for himself. He demolished the game SO HARD that she got banned for the rest of the tournament
@colinjustice420 5 ай бұрын
People used to go ap Tristanna quite a bit back before her rework. It was a very fun build, but was never all that strong. The two issues were that you had to jump in, so in a team fight you are going to die before your DOT kills the target and you get your reset to jump out, and she had much longer cooldowns than normal mages. She had one of the best ability to kill a single person in the game, but after doing that she did not have much.
@Tamachii12 4 ай бұрын
Old Urgot was quite fun, if you managed to land an E on an enemy you couldn't see you could still shoot his Q even if they weren't visible
@TheOrange3Juice 5 ай бұрын
I couldn't remember what Soraka's old kit was until I watched this! Ah the nostalgia. What a weird kit she had. She wasn't able to spam heal. However she was able to spam Q which was a surprisingly good sustained + ramping damage on the whole enemy team, not to be overlooked.
@labranehit7687 5 ай бұрын
I loved old soraka, she used to completely shut down ad assassins in mid. Your heal would give you the armor to face tank their dps. Your silence would stop them and your raining of stars had such a low cd that with rialise you just perma slowed anyone that came close. Plus the dmg whas respectable.
@Caveoculus 5 ай бұрын
AP tristana was a menace, her E passive stacked so if you jumped on a wave, you'd deal X * passive AOE damage targets within range of it.
@arh9068 5 ай бұрын
Old soraka starcall was her best ability by far. If you built any type of AP you'd start hitting like a truck & it hit EVERYTHING in range
@SKdestroyer95 5 ай бұрын
OG Swain in ARAMs would eventually just be perma Raven form Just walk around the rift yelling "I was a human once"
@nathanmadox3364 5 ай бұрын
I remember getting steamrolled by vollis every time I faced one. Then I saw a KZbinr say “I need to wait out his passive” I’m like wtf and one google search later and I never lost lane to it again (until the rework haven’t figured the new one out)
@dennismatsson9995 5 ай бұрын
5:20 You've never seen AP trist? Bro back in S2-S4 me and my friends used to run it. It was SOOOOOO strong. one shot instantly with just ult
@ThPFreitas 5 ай бұрын
Soraka used to be able to spam her Q, so she would chip at the enemies health while keeping herself healthy. As for AP tristana, she jumps on you, uses E+R and you're dead.
@HopefulAgnostic 5 ай бұрын
Old Tristana was a very good ADC because her Q used to be 100% uptime with more attackspeed so she scaled insanely well on just pure dmg items like IE, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper etc. You only really went 2 AS items with Berserk boots and Phantom Dancer. She actually had insane AP scalings on her W, E and R but due to them all being decently long CD, having no waveclear when going AP and having to use W offensively for dmg it was never viable on pro-play or high elo.
@bainbonic 5 ай бұрын
I love videos like this because I remember a lot of these, but I stopped playing League for about five years and when I came back, they were all gone and changed. It's kinda weird having missed the more gradual changes to the champions or build ups to reworks.
@leolandleo 5 ай бұрын
RE: tristana. Back before every champion has 9 dashes, tristanas scaling range and long range jump set her apart from other adcs. who were fairly immobile. this meant she had a rough early game but became very safe and oppressive as the game went on, controlling a large part of the screen.
@NathanSimonGottemer 5 ай бұрын
I originally heard about Infuse from a video series by FrostPrime called How OP league used to be. Clickshot 3s silence that had mana scaling and was free to cast…yeah even when they made it so it could no longer be self-cast, it was so broken that it had a 100% presence (pick / ban) at season 3 NA champs. And it was only actually played one time - the rest was bans
@Pokemonmovemaster 5 ай бұрын
Before the Soraka rework, I think there was a significant number of player who ran her mid because of how strong Starcall and Infuse could be back then. I like to think a lot of the changes to her skills being highly telegraphed AoE skills were aimed at making sure that playstyle wasn't too powerful, though there are still a few Raka Mids in high ELO out there keeping the tradition.
@AvesSSB 5 ай бұрын
Old Tristana's R used to have like a 200-250% AP Ratio. It was a literal point and click one shot ability.
@dragonbane97x 5 ай бұрын
Old drain tank swain was one of the most fun things to play.
@belfastbelchan4039 5 ай бұрын
Voli's old Passive is now an item in Wild Rift lmfao called Mantle of the Twelfth Hour but much more powerful as not only it heals but also provides the user +50% Slow Resistance and +30% Move Speed. Pair it with Second Wind + Fundamentals and you will be virtually unkillable in 1v1, 1v2 and 1v3 even when enemy has Grievous Wounds.
@Aamodon1 5 ай бұрын
8:04 Yes, she got reworked because Starcall had zero counterplay, she could self-sustain herself and she could outpush most of the mages at that time by just maxing Starcall. It was a counterpick to a lot of popular champs at the time. I don't believe it ever got big in pro play, but it was an abusable pick in lower ranks. Season 3 and 4 had a really weird history where a lot of enchanters ended up becoming highly competitive in mid lane, and its a big reason as to why we now have healing and shield power increases rather than just straight AP ratios anymore.
@Jeser101 5 ай бұрын
I loved old Soraka and AP Trist!! They were some of my most played champs
@hunggf 5 ай бұрын
For the longest time , i always thought that Volibear helm was a headset
@Sm3xy_Waffle 5 ай бұрын
Comparing old league to pre-big bang Maplestory is actually so true
@Uratoh42 23 күн бұрын
Soraka got reworked because it was discovered she could go mid or top, build Ryalis and Crystal Scepter and then RAW TANK, and just walk into the enemy team, rending their MR to nothing and melt them all to death while they couldn't kill her due to having a spirit visage, her own armor buffed W, and absolutely unavoidable BS. you also couldn't easily gank her top or mid due to her W. Basically, it was discovered that despite seeming so 'completely harmless' she had incredible wave push and was largely gank proof so they beat her down so she couldnt lane alone anymore. I ran her Jungle sometimes and jokingly 'antiganked' lanes, wander in, heal the carry, give em more mana, then go steal enemy raptors.
@RagnarokMaster 5 ай бұрын
As many have stated, old Soraka was changed because she deincentivized her lane opponents from interacting with her. If a player built full AP, her Q would deal a huge amount of damage, her heal would be bonkers, and her infuse mana heal would function almost like Blue buff, not to mention the oppressive nature of Infuse's silence. Riot wanted to move Soraka away from being a laner and stat-checker into the more supportive role.
@LogiQCinema 5 ай бұрын
i remember playing the old soraka in mid, yes it was kinda troll but a lot of fun you just kill the minions with q spam and press your e on enemies off cooldown
@deanl4725 5 ай бұрын
The old soraka tank top with her q was insane
@viermixskraiztex2266 5 ай бұрын
6:36 I miss the Old Soraka + Clarity Spell... those were the good ol' days 🥲
@CloudEck-i9e 5 ай бұрын
So Soraka was a truly oppressive mid laner in s4 because of her old kit. She could give herself mana and hp, she had a no aim(not even point and click) waveclear spell on a very short cd that also reduced MR, and she had wish. She was NUTS if built full ap. 500 hp point and click shields and 700 hp teamwide heal and built in pen so her team would do more damage. It was nuts.
@delta_8870 5 ай бұрын
Honestly old mordekaiser was so close of greatness that I really hope they add a new necromancer champion that takes inspiration from him. Imagine some sort of mage or even marksman yoric who sends at you minions and gives them area damage, to later crown their summoned party with the drake or herald. Even if they need to be finetuned to be more in order with the rest of ult summons Im still surprised riot hasn't looked back at summoning the dragon as an ally.
@farconwill4708 5 ай бұрын
Watching this makes me realise just how far league has gone from just a dumbdown version of DoTA to a completely independent game
@kilroy203 5 ай бұрын
For Draven's Wicked Blades, I think you need to have context about why it was removed. It was just extremely oppressive, to the point that some players would start with a Thief Gloves, because the random crit on a boosted auto, with the bleed was enough to deal like, 50% HP of anyone at level 1. They never really managed to balanced the numbers and it always felt like it was either too strong and oppressive or just worthless, so eventually, they just decided to change it... I still miss dealing Sona 75% of her health at level 1 tho...
@johntolentino8827 4 ай бұрын
I remember running Blitz adc with a raka support giving me both HP and mana. HP because you were a melee in bot lane. Mana for grabs and mana shield passive.
@M0ONCommander 4 ай бұрын
ah, old swain was just a delight. everything about his rework just doesn't bring the same level of satisfaction. the sound of his old W, like, man. it really sounded like an ability you needed to avoid. a harrowing claw from the underworld coming to spell certain doom. point and click E and Q. easy thunderlords proc. laning with him was so easy. i still remember 6.13 when vlad and him dominated mid and top lane once they got spirit visage. those were the days.
@unboostyme 5 ай бұрын
What about "Abilities that never made it into the game", like the Viego Ruined King Passive, where he evolves bork over time. August talked about it lately. Its like a offspring of Abilities that were deleted
@tuesti7c 5 ай бұрын
Ah. I remember when people were mad that draven and darius could no longer be "bleed bros"
@ArcadianCatharsis 5 ай бұрын
GOD you just reminded me of playing Old urgot on adc, such old memories
@harikos4685 5 ай бұрын
Old Urgot was sooo good. he was actually my main offlane ADC. Noone knew how to play against him since he got such a low playrate and Urgot was my first Pentakill. His rework was actually one of the reasons i quit the game.
@IfYouNeedAnEdge 5 ай бұрын
AP Trist had a rennaissance during DFG meta in mid cause she could onetap anyone but she was kinda like a more all in leblanc with less tricks.
@Dzyntara 4 ай бұрын
I much prefer Zyra's new passive, but I will never forget the time I stole Baron with her old one. I was killed by a Lux over the Baron wall, threw in the passive shot and stole it. That's a moment that stays with you forever, especially now that the old passive is gone
@jakeschreiner9348 4 ай бұрын
I miss when the inhibitor and nexus turrets fired armor shredding beams so tanks couldn’t just ignore them
@Amyntheri 5 ай бұрын
My friend and I used to go Morde/Kennen bot while both rush double stacking Will of the Ancients since you could have the unique spell vamp aura for yourself and the WOTA aura from an ally. We would both get 6 before anyone else then just run down the enemy in lane and kill them every time with like 30% spell vamp total
@ThatDanmGuy 5 ай бұрын
(AD) Tristana was good back in the day because that's how all champs used to be designed - originally, Ability Power and Attack Damage were very literal stats. (Virtually) all abilities scaled exclusively with AP, and AD and AS were exclusively for your auto-attacks. Abilities that didn't deal magic damage were also rare. In the same way that Riot did not design for specific roles and expected each player to decide where to take each champ, it was also left up to each player to decide whether to lean into the AA-centric parts of kits or lean into the damage of their abilities, e.g. there were meta-viable AP vs. AD variants of champs like Sion, Shaco, Yi, Poppy, and yes, Tristana (the AP build was no meme in the DFG days and at some points she was more popular as an AP mid than an AD bot). It was an interesting time. As they shifted into more focused champion identities over the years, champs built with the old mentality would all become outdated and nearly all received meaningful reworks. There are still a few relics from this time in the game that haven't been fully resolved, particularly TF (though recent changes have given *some* use to his AAs for mage builds and his abilities for AD builds) and most notably Kennen's disjointed kit being primarily control-mage-ish but having an AS-steroid and an AD-scaling on-hit. So it didn't matter that her abilities were AP-scaling and dealt magic damage. What mattered to AD Tristana was that she had an excellent AS steroid, the best range in the game, a dash (EXTREMELY rare for ADCs back then and relatively rare even in general), and a knockback.
@TheDoctorOfThrills 5 ай бұрын
"I dont recall seeing AP Tristana" yeah well i fucking do. I was in the trenches getting my health melted like it was ignite on steroids and i could do nothing bc shes already pushed me away
@Racmaster00 5 ай бұрын
I used to only play trist midland with AP items. It was so fun to instantly pop the enemy adc with DFG and E + Ult
@94darkskate 5 ай бұрын
ap soraka was op ... her q would do lots of damage and she would heal everyone almost to full health... that point and click silence and giving mana to someone else was nuts... really fun to play bad really anoying to play against
@Mensch777 3 ай бұрын
Old Soraka used to be my comfort pick when I had bad games. I would run a rune page with only flat ap so I would start dishing out true damage with her q. Simpler times man
@GarnetDust24 5 ай бұрын
Old Soraka was okay as a support but we brought her to top and midlane which made them nerf her to the ground and then they eventually reworked her. I remember seeing Hai using her mid for c9. Made me a fan of him and c9 forever.
@0HeReTiX1 5 ай бұрын
I used to play a lot of ap Tristana back in a day and also after rework tried it it works too but the e overtime damage was a lot more satisfying back in a day
@dimondsi 5 ай бұрын
Oh I remember ap tristana she was a bit of a nightmare to deal with cuz she played like LeBlanc, all inning a target for huge damage then jumping out early, then late game her range and cooldowns were so big she could essentially keep her E up on someone 100% which coupd chunk tanks and force squishies to flee Good times
@dimondsi 5 ай бұрын
I also remember old raka. She was absolutely reworked for being op. Her old Q qas an aoe magic damage spam around her and at one point had MR shred up to 200 at 10 casts. That and the armor she granted, she could grind lanes and fights to a hault and even fight off attackers Theres a direct reason her heal costs HP instead of granting armor now a days Old 8nfuse was a part of that for sure, granting mana and the like. I think its more a side grade to equinox than better or worse
@Kiroto50 5 ай бұрын
7:14 those keybinds are as cursed as amumu
@thundergod4242 5 ай бұрын
I use to play ap tristana and she was actually really good,like your e poke was really strong with very little enemy can do about it due to range,especially at the time on mid,on top of that all you need is blasting wand at lvl 6 paired with ignite to 100 to 0 pretty much any mage or most assasins
@leonardoneves6232 5 ай бұрын
"Soraka restoring mana and health on demand would be broken nowadays" (remember yuumi exists)
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