Abraham: Inner Being and Old Souls

  Рет қаралды 112,530

Vortexy Joy

Vortexy Joy

Күн бұрын

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 5/7/03
For more Abraham teachings, visit www.abraham-hicks.com

Пікірлер: 42
@quantumuniverse5771 3 жыл бұрын
This early recordings are treasure🥰😇🙏
@artemis7093 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my! Esther's voice is different!! This was 8 years ago!! Woah!!!! I have been listening to Esther and Abraham in present day, and listening to younger Esther is like (!!!!!!)
@shareingmyheart 12 жыл бұрын
The end of this video clarified a number of things for me. Thank you for posting it. I could spend hours upon hours listening to Abraham. It distracts me but it is probably the most important "work" I could be doing! luv it!!!!!
@dblissful 3 жыл бұрын
1111 likes as I played this KZbin video. This is a good day in alignment and syncronicity. You are on the right path and you are appreciated. Thank you for this video.
@hollybrooker2018 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you soo much for all you ALL do!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ our God!! You are ALL AMAZING and LOVING!! God bless you all!!🙏😇💗
@TheOnlyWayIsVortex 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting these early recordings. The message is the same but it is clear that Esther keeps releasing resistance in relation to Abraham. Her voice is deeper and more relaxed these days when she allows Abraham. But the consistency of Abraham is the most congruent person I have ever heard speak. Wonderful and utterly lovable x
@emilynolin9739 7 жыл бұрын
Wow love the way you said that
@sizzla123 11 жыл бұрын
"time is only a function of focus"
@Anna17417 13 жыл бұрын
Loved, loved , loved this video !!!!! By the wai . I love Abrahams !!! Even better !!! Thanks so much !!!! Obrigada !!!
@ivettea6358 9 жыл бұрын
SO its SO incredible that I feel like this lecture was HOURS long!!! Thanks again for all the Wisdom!!! Im learning or remembering so much, Bliss Ivette
@gingerly5822 3 жыл бұрын
2:13 spiritual guide or guardian angel 👼🏻 Very helpful ✌🏼
@jollybutterworth7323 10 жыл бұрын
Only the saints are loving and spritely enough to improve the inner being without separating it from outside responsibilities. They are a real delight, and anyone would be crazy to think they're the enemy of anyone, even demons, who become satisfied and work like bees after being touched.
@jollybutterworth7323 10 жыл бұрын
...killer bees)
@liabw05 11 жыл бұрын
Wow exactly what I needed to hear! Thanh!
@3wands1215 12 жыл бұрын
this makes sense to me ! thanks.
@jen_wren_x 5 жыл бұрын
Namaste' 💫✨💜
@emilynolin9739 7 жыл бұрын
This one is so cool
@Anna17417 11 жыл бұрын
Of course ... "Obrigada" means thanks in portuguese ... I live in Brasil ... thanks for your question ... made me listen this video again ... so good !!!!
@aprilfontana6045 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@drugstorerecords 11 жыл бұрын
indeed! more sense than religion or atheism, that's for sure! ..& i'm yet to see any bombs dropped in the name of Abraham. true spirituality is harmless and harmonizing; false spirituality & bad religions create confusion & disharmony. if God exists & wants us to get the most out of its Creation, then these "alternative" concepts go a long way towards sustaining the healthy growth of our Souls. unlimited opportunities to fail in spectacular fashions at achieving perfection... until we succeed!
@devonseamoor 5 жыл бұрын
And still there's fallen angels, who lost the vibration of their heaven, willingly or unwillingly.
@zz-t8109 3 жыл бұрын
What?? Blablablablalaal
@quantumuniverse5771 3 жыл бұрын
Marian B of course there is fallen angels. You're an angel too! Do you feel "fallen" or AWARE of jour Inner Being/HigherSelf? That's the question you want to ask yourself, not about "fallen angels" outside of you!!! How about ONESS in this vibrational Universe? Are you part of oness/unity or separation? Much love and light 🥰😇🙏
@pascoesvale 3 жыл бұрын
We’re all fallen angels
@Ohsosofti 5 жыл бұрын
Omgher voice 😍
@felinefokus 4 жыл бұрын
Came 4 the old soul part I wanted 2 hear more on the old souls I've been called that since I can remember and I'm 29 now
@KatherineAlexandra 10 жыл бұрын
Genesis 1-3 gave clues that "IT" was not singular; they referred to themselves as "they", "us" the gods, not GOD.
@iila 2 жыл бұрын
@jaulloa21 11 жыл бұрын
Funny thing about this is people will use these teachings to boost their ego
@devonseamoor 5 жыл бұрын
Welcome to planet Earth : )
@susanbowman3865 5 жыл бұрын
Why has this recording been sped up??? Normally she speaks slower so it’s much easier to follow and absorb.
@devonseamoor 5 жыл бұрын
It's easy to slow the speed, I do that very often, for many people talk too fast.
@susanbowman3865 5 жыл бұрын
@Marian B. I’m a big fan of her so I listen to her a lot and this makes her sound like a cartoon character. So they steal her content then speed it up to hide that fact? Not sure but very bizarre!
@ArielleVicMaxim 4 жыл бұрын
Well this is an older recording I believe from the 80’s, so her voice, Esther’s was that of a much younger Esther, if you watched or listen to other recordings of the time she sounds the same as she does here, actually there’s actual footage of when her voice sounded more as it does in this one, look them up, so you can actually see is her actual voice
@MsConstrued1 11 жыл бұрын
what does obrigada mean, may i ask?
@susanbowman3865 5 жыл бұрын
MsConstrued1 it means thank you most often spelled obrigado. In Japanese origato
@oliviabayliss1365 10 жыл бұрын
Riiight - so we never existed before in past lifes (based on this timeframe created). we have no purpose, plan, goals, nothing to work towards - really - what absolutely BULLSHIT - ESTER - i hope you read this - you should do! - so if everyone is taught (from you) to create their own reality and to be happy then we will have a loving world right... Well, - have you taught this to African societies or underprivileged children around the world? -who have had no choice but to accept the reality created around them, which is a conditioning factor and i guarantee you- all of them want to be happy - probably are in their way with rising above all the poverty - but why is their poverty in the first place? - did this collective group of people decide to create that reality for themselves - hmmm i dont think so - what i believe is that "others" created it for them (history of slavery-to where we are today- control them, abused and used them - they could only survive if they accepted this because people TOOK OVER! - they are still trying to survive - my main question to you and all the followers is - why are we not helping towards this growth for them? -why is their still poverty? - all those privileged people can all help by standing up and demanding total world fairness in everything or all of you are "creating" an ignorant perception - only allowing the "good" "positive" emotions in - so that means you choose to ignore the world around you for those who are giving the opportunity to have basic necessities let alone the knowledge or abilities under constrictions created around them, know about any form of true knowledge on consciousness and true facts of life. I question WHY we STILL have these awful things happening around the world - if its as easy as 1,2,3 to think happy? - no matter what the experience we cannot "create"/"think" negative emotions - like anger towards those who are affected by poverty - whether they "created" it themselves" or someone/thing took over and created that reality for them. - the dont know how to say no because unless they all together do fight back they will always be there in that cycle - because ya'all are to busy caring and focusing on yourselves - and not allowed to FEEL upset, anger (towards them stuck in situation or those who imprisoned them cunningly), disapointment (it is this way or that forces created that condition for them- and do not provide satisfactory support enough for them to just live) or any hurt to witness others not even having what is needed to survive. Thats the true reality - and its all very well for us to create our reality by manifesting what we want to have in it but what if we were them - do you think some thoughts would change them? - no because if someone or group fights back they are killed for fighting them - but all they are doing is fighting for freedom - fighting to create a reality they want - not constricted to the set up poverty cycle on earth from the very forces who say they are in power to protect us. - how the fuck are they protecting them? WHOLE LOTS OF BULLSHIT twisting of the truth. QUESTION EVERYTHING - question why you are taught to be narrow minded and only focus on yourself and what you want, and to not feel those negative emotions - when sometimes they are ways of expressing what had been experienced by them (i.e seeing poverty, war, hatred, racism and and violence still taking place" you are allowed to feel these emotions just not hold the thought/feeling of fear because of this expressing of emotion for whatever reason. -question why you are taught to hone in on yourself and completely not worry about others because they created their reality to be they way - question why it is your caught up so much on yourself that who cares about whats going on around you its only about you. this is the underlying twisted bullshit put in to distract ya'all from helping others where it needed because you cant feel negative emotions which will be activated when you experience/witness something that is upsetting. Know this - on a spiritual level you are allowed to feel upset, sad, angry, disappointed - just dont let that create into underlying feelings of fear - use it to bring awareness and create a warrior fighter in you (who is more aware and conscious, therefore caring) in order to help create a better reality for ALL.
@brett66 9 жыл бұрын
You have to love yourself before you can help others. You can still focus on the positive while addressing other's suffering. How do you know that the people who subscribe to this philosophy aren't trying to help starving Africans? Suffering and fear are the underlying conditions of all humanity, regardless of the situation. Unfortunately, history HAS put some people in worse conditions, but we can all choose how we deal with it. Watch some documentaries about the Rwandan genocide: some of the most loving and forgiving individuals I've witnessed... Why? Because of what they choose to focus on. It may be a harder path for them but in time they CAN change their external world for the better.
@mrsmerily 9 жыл бұрын
+Olivia Bayliss we all feel now bad? how should it help anyone. But as you got me on bad vibe, how dare you pick only poor children in Africa. There are poor chirdren in China, in India, in USA, in Europe- why Africa? So are you racist? Are starving African child better then starving child in China, India, USA or Europe? Prefering one to another? Why? Feel now better, you got the vibe you wanted? Feel happy!
@oliviabayliss1365 9 жыл бұрын
+mrsmerily Hey it was was a representive culture, wideely publised so i made i vreferecne to them, then said" have you taught this to underprivileged children around the world? -who have had no choice but to accept the reality created around them, which is a conditioning factor and i guarantee you- all of them want to be happy - probably are in their way with rising above all the poverty - but why is their poverty in the first place? - did this collective group of people decide to create that reality for themselves - hmmm i dont think so - what i believe is that "others" created it for them (history of slavery-to where we are today- control them, abused and used them - they could only survive if they accepted this because people TOOK OVER! - they are still trying to survive - my main question to you and all the followers is - why are we not helping towards this growth for them? -why is their still poverty? - all those privileged people can all help by standing up and demanding total world fairness in everything or all of you are "creating" an ignorant perception - only allowing the "good" "positive" emotions in - so that means you choose to ignore the world around you for those who are giving the opportunity to have basic necessities let alone the knowledge or abilities under constrictions created around them, know about any form of true knowledge on consciousness and true facts of life"-the point is that i was trying to use them as a represenrtitive of ALL poverty stricken worlds, dictored socities that are essential still slaves today, those countires, cultures that are basically forced to do work for little because thats the only chchoice with was it available. My point was why are people all still living in a world of unequality and with so manpeople of all natiopns cultures and countires affected or effected but the actions of our people today - WHY do we still have poverty - why cant all of us understand this simple message and all help to share it with those who are suffering in this cruel unjust world we live in. If the bad guys those who dictate and take all the money why is it not all equal everywhere, with ALL people, from all socities, cultures. That was my point. i was pointing out reality - which is ALL people must learn this message to help each other and work towards a equal fair world where some people/places are taken advantage of and are stuck in the cycle - thats if only some of us wake up - and only some ghear this essential message and learn to be strong and be.
@mrsmerily 9 жыл бұрын
Olivia Bayliss there are poor people in all societies. So no argument there to pick on poor person over another. There are actually really rich people too in Africa- so no argument there either. And if you would be a bit better on this subject you would know, that person chooses their life before they born. Many of them choose the poor thinking and it is unfare for you to try to change their experience. Only thing you could to is change yours. If you do not believe in that stuff, it is okey. But then I dont understand why you felt the need to watch the video and comment. My advice to you, if you feel so bad about Africa, go and live there and teach children, give them education, give them knowledege and give them opputurnity to learn to respect women as a people. That is my advice to you.
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