Acta Pilate: Pilate's Report to Caesar of the Crucifixion of Jesus

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Lovin TheLight

Lovin TheLight

10 жыл бұрын

Originally documented by the historian Valleus, this report was collected by Mahan in his 1913 publication, Archko Volume. It is Pilate's official report to Tiberius Caesar recounting his actions before and during the arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The details of the aftermath in Jerusalem are full of the humanity of the reporter, with Pilate almost admitting, "Truly, this was the Son of God.".
The Archko Volume is available for download in the pubic domain at

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@4eprojectsconsulting203 3 жыл бұрын
Great video , thank you ! People must realise this ... religion might have twisted things but religion is a man made thing and therefor twisted as man .. God Elohim does not have a religion .. He longs for a personal relationship with each one of us as He created us , we severed the original connection because of our free will and sin (that cannot be changed - everything is our choice but there are consequences "free will " as it was designed .. salvation , redemption is our choice too and the only way we can save ourselves and only then truth is revealed .. Truth - there can be only one truth otherwise its not truth .. May each one of you find it before you die :) BTW - i dont belong to any church , denomination or religious group (Cancel my subscription !) ..But i have accepted the gift of salvation my father/creator has given through the blood of Jesus Christ .. Everything remains a choice and in this case i know it was my best choice in life ..
@LovinTheLight 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I agree 100 percent. You may be the first one in all this time that gets the point. Keep up the search for Truth friend!
@4eprojectsconsulting203 3 жыл бұрын
@kenwebster5053 3 жыл бұрын
It seems this apocryphal book is also known as the Gospel of Nicodemus, claimed to have been copied into Hebrew by Nicodemus (contemporary with Jesus and mentioned in the gospels). However that copy does not seem to exist now. The oldest verifiable source appears to date from the 4th century. This is not an unusual circumstance with ancient records, nor does that prove anything, so you have to come to your own conclusion. Personally, I'd like to think this account true but I am not convinced Pilots report would be couched like this though to be fair, I am not sure what I'd expect either. For what it's worth, I am convinced that Yeshua (Jesus) is the messiah. Once I prayed that if I believe enough to ask, would He reveal something of himself to me so that I may believe more and so on. Well He did and since then I have seen and experienced some miraculous things, even healings. Not every time I pray but sometimes there is healing. I know too that healing must eventually fail, for the body must die else there can be no resurrection. So, it's kind of a hard thing to give yourself to. It seems to me, healing is given for faith, not to make life easier.
@kenwebster5053 3 жыл бұрын
@Beeblebrox One Hmm, Well, though you did not comment on anything I wrote, I'll give it a go. You see people as isolated individuals responsible for themselves alone. But this is not reality. You are a product of your forebears, parenting, socialisation, education etc. Even your body is composed of elements created in and ejected from supernova. So, what exactly is it about you that you think is entirely your creation? No, everything about you comes from somewhere else, you are a product of inheritances. The scriptures present a viewpoint based on hereditary. An inheritance and a birthright passed through the male line. This is presented in both physical and spiritual terms. Adam and Eve were told that if they ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die. The rest of the story clearly indicated they did not physically die in that day. They did not physically die immediately. However, the story has strong allegorical spiritual symbolism so it should not be read as purely mundamne literal text. Also the bible story is obviously a brief synopsis. There is a non canonical text that closely matches it and gives much more detail though it's provenance is not sure. Books 1&2 Adam and Eve come from an Egyption scribe. I am taking a risk using this but it's a quick way to explain. We go not know where this story originated but all that is Genesis the same in those books, they just have more detail. They refer to Adam and Eve having a "bright nature" before the fall but lost this as a result of it. The rood words used, would lead a scolar to strongly suspect that this refers to their spirits having died at the fall while they lived on physically. This is very consistent with biblical teaching though not explicitly stated. So it appears that the inheritance became dead in Spirit. leading to physical death. The way this is put is as a natural consequence of a fallen (dead spirit) state. It should be noted that in modern language we refer to the human spirit but in biblical terms we really mean the biblical concept of soul. The spirit is what connects us with Gods Spirit but as our spirit is dead from birth, that connection is broken. It isn't the fault of babies, it's just how it is now due to this fallen inheritance. The problem with the English word "sin" is that it is both a noun and a verb. That is, as a noun it simply refers to this fallen state that we all inherit. It's an inheritance of death and of course, as the spirit connection is broken, we commit sins (verb). These are simply a consequence of the fallen state. So, itls pretty dumb to play the blame game when we all have the exact same problem and it seems normal to us because we don't know any different existence than this. There is However a thread of a promised messianic redemption through scripture. Along come Jesus fulfilling all the messianic prophesies and preaching redemption and spiritual rebirth through Him alone. Paul detail this in Romans 8, saying that when we acknowledge Jesus and ask, The Holy spirit will come ad dwell within up and bring our dead spirit to life, renewing our minds, enabling us to set our minds on the things of God and though the body dies, the spirit lives and if the spirit lives, it will make the body alive again. This is referring of course to resurrection into eternal life and it is only then that this process is completed. Obviously, while the old body lives, there is a struggle between the old and the new nature. So don't go expecting anyone to be perfect, that just isn't the case, nor is it upheld in scripture, believers are simple encouraged to strive for that which is good. The picture painted here is a new creation, a new type of human being. The bible uses what is known as types, which is a pattern upon which what follows is based. So, the 1st Adam sinned and his spirit died and his inheritance became death so that all his descendent inherit death. In Romans 8, Jesus is presented as the 2nd Adam whose inheritance is the Spirit of life. The 2 Adams are structurally different creatures. One being alive in Spirit and on not. That is why the 2nd Adam is referred to as a new creation. It should be noted that there is nothing deserving in any of this. Sin is just the default existence for everyone. No one is deserving, no one merits salvation. No one can earn this by doing good. No amount of striving or doing a good can ever bring your spirit to life. It is entirely a work of God, a gift given in love through great suffering, anguish and sacrifice. The proof presented for the life in this inheritance is Jesus death and resurrection. Now, you can believe that didn't happen and die like everyone else or you can believe that it did and do something about it. It's your choice.
@pawepolubiec2172 3 жыл бұрын
"Religion may have twisted things" well if Bible doesn't lie then it can't cuz Jesus said church wont be taken over by devil
@KaraMcCarthy-yw4zv 9 ай бұрын
Now I know why pilot said I wash my hands of this. I had no idea he actually knew Christ before he was presented to him for crucifixion. That he actually offered him protection, and warned him of the uprising. This is a beautiful letter that Pilate wrote. What touches my heart the most is that he was in awe of our our Lord, when Jesus came to see him. Was actually tongue-tied, and didn’t know how to address him. This is a powerful Roman we’re talking about. It just proves that Christ is the son of God and touched so many people, and so many beautiful ways. And the way pilot described Christ. How beautiful he is. What do you expect? He is the son of our living God. My Lord and Savior. Praise Him!
@bullwinklejmoos 3 ай бұрын
It’s been proven to be fake. There is no documentation whatsoever from Pilate. There is very little known about him other than he was a cruel administrator and was recalled. After that there is nothing. Nada about him. Anything else you read about him is fake. There are even stories that say his wife had a dream about Jesus. Fake. We don’t even know if he was married.
@mwendiadennis6638 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't contradict the gospels , what an authentic letter! God preserves such factual information for this generation full of scoffers and stiff necked
@HistoryandReviews 2 жыл бұрын
The gospels contradict eachother
@antonfarquar8799 3 жыл бұрын
breath taking - I had heard of this letter 40 years ago but could never find the text. Thank You !!!!
@mtdouthit1291 4 ай бұрын
Get out of here. This is a 19th century forgery, and it’s a Google click away.
@SisterWomen 4 жыл бұрын
Listened to this several times. I'm always overcome when the narrator begins to cry during his death. This may be my very favorite narration.
@mayjornales8685 3 жыл бұрын
SAME! I thought I was the only one who felt how her voice shook on that part as I was also in tears for just imagining all that's going on at that time through the account/report from Pilate. HIStory is REAL, HE is the reason why everything that's been hidden are now surfacing. Thank you Lord Jesus, truly, YOU are the FIRST & the LAST! Amen.
@scarolinispicks4073 Ай бұрын
@@mayjornales8685 SAME! I could never watch or listen to anything about it without my entire body shaking and weeping uncontrollably. I recall my sibling poking fun at me when we were kids saying it's just a movie, but I was already saying but this really happened to him.
@606hillbillyracer3 4 жыл бұрын
I love this. My mom had a Greek book that had this in it. The book has been misplaced and sadly has not been found yet. Ever so often my mom would talk about this letter and the importance of it. I had never had the chance to read it until now. We (my mom and I) was talking about this letter a few days ago. She remembered the title of it and searched it up online. When she located it she sent to me the link. I read and thought someone has to have a video on youtube of this letter. So here I am. I have listened to you reading it a few time now and I have read it myself. I enjoyed your reading of this letter very much and wanted to say thank you for the video.
@carolbell8008 2 жыл бұрын
Hi HR., you sound like a good man and son, I love this report! Very glad you and your mom have found it again! Blessings to you both.
@irishgrl 3 ай бұрын
Tell your mother it can be found online AND on Amazon
@markmather9223 3 жыл бұрын
I love poetic story on the life of Jesus. He asked God, Father forgive them, for they no not what they do. He is my savior. This I know is true. Your reading of this story is appreciated. Thank you.
@dominicpardo4783 3 жыл бұрын
You do realize that this is a complete fantasy and has been debunked by scholars?
@HistoryandReviews 2 жыл бұрын
That verse is a forgery just like this
@hoosierhyperwatch5884 Жыл бұрын
​@@HistoryandReviews, can you prove that? Your ingnorance is astounding. You actually have an angry vibe throughout these threads. I wonder why that is....🤔🤔🤔
@ronwwjd2038 6 жыл бұрын
As a christian we are always to pray for discernment, and look out for disception. In less than 30 mins. Of research on this i found a book called Letters of Pontius Pilate, edited by W.P. Crozier in 1928. It is listed under fiction. You would likely find a copy in the congressional library. As interesting as this letter is i think it warrents more research before accepting it as a factual historical document. Love you brothers:)
@dysfunctional_vet 3 жыл бұрын
i posted just above yours, that i had read the dispatch that pilate sent. thanks for posting this. so that i don't rewrite it, you can read what i wrote and do what ever you want, with that. i know a lot about the time of the gospels and then when John had the revelation of Jesus Christ and the copies that followed, i'm cautious.....alway cautious
@fredwood8158 3 жыл бұрын
This does appear to be a creation of propaganda, everything from Jesus' appearance to his magical powers and the many references to the coming change of Rome to Christian Rome. From the way it is written i suspect a late nineteenth or early twentieth century forgery. It makes a good story to indoctrinate the willing.
@jdaywork2693 2 жыл бұрын
I agree... I will say that this sounds probable. The answers Jesus gives this leader seem to fall in line with what he would probably say based on the Bible. And what of the context of the time this is supposed to come from further makes it sound like it could be authentic. But at the end of the day, I'd pretty much want a time machine to confirm that this event took place.
@mwendiadennis6638 2 жыл бұрын
@@jdaywork2693 The letter has been there in Constantinople
@mwendiadennis6638 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds authentic, no one can make such a fraud.
@itsjustrenee1320 6 жыл бұрын
It's always the rich & powerful so threatened by Jesus & His people.
@carlpen850 5 жыл бұрын
@ Psalm83 Jacob... the evils of our times are bone heads like you...
@joecubbable 5 жыл бұрын
Wisdom Indeed
@julianciahaconsulting8663 5 жыл бұрын
"His people" ?? seems to me that for the last 1700 years that the rich and powerful in Europe and the Americas were "His people"....
@Ken_Scaletta 5 жыл бұрын
@Psalm83 Jacob Jesus never said anything about homoseuality. He did say to give everything yo have to the poor and that rich people can't go to heaven. he aid not to judge people. He said that divorced people can't get remarried. He said not to lend money at interest or try to build up wealth on Earth. Right wing evangelicals ignore everything Jesus actually did teach. Hating gay people is not Christianity.
@theresawilliams4296 4 жыл бұрын
@Psalm83 Jacob So anyone who doesn't fit your sexual orientation is "evil". The only thing evil today is religion and people like yourself who practice that outdated crap. What people do in their sexual lives or behind closed doors has nothing to do with you or your stupid religion. I'm not gay nor religious, but I believe everyone has right to live their life they want to live it without being persecuted or judged by self righteous morons like you and your kind. Doesn't your religion say and teach to love everyone, but all you people do is hate. No wonder no one likes religion or religious people like you anymore, you bring it on yourselves by your self righteous crap and persecution of others that believe the same fairytales that you believe in.
@ccs819 3 жыл бұрын
I've been told about this 25 years ago by my mail man. He went to the Vatican on vacation and sad this letter was written in Latin and sealed in a glass case.
@romainreuter9604 4 жыл бұрын
Blessed be He wo comes in the name of the Lord.
@souljah4yeshua414 Жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏼💯
@carolbell8008 3 жыл бұрын
This is very beautiful and well read. The person who has translated this from latin did a good job. How wonderful, to hear a report written by Pilot who actually met our LORD. How lovely He sounds, absolutely genuine.n
@HistoryandReviews 2 жыл бұрын
@hoosierhyperwatch5884 Жыл бұрын
​@@HistoryandReviews why yes. Yes you are.
@bullwinklejmoos 3 ай бұрын
@@hoosierhyperwatch5884There is NO documentation existing from Pilate to anyone in Rome. This whole thing is fake.
@user-px2mj2zn7x 3 ай бұрын
​@@bullwinklejmoosprove it. Do you really think that man wasn't required to report to his superior?
@bullwinklejmoos 3 ай бұрын
@@user-px2mj2zn7x Report, most probably but it would be something like “I had 20 executed for insurrection “. But there are NO records, reports to be found. Pilate had complete authority and control over the area he was sent to govern.
@ninikluz8422 6 жыл бұрын
Neither the British Museum or the Library of Congress have this letter.
@gabrielle7680 2 ай бұрын
Yes because its a fraud and its very well known.
@Herod4 3 жыл бұрын
The ' Gospel ' of Pontius Pilate....nice to hear it from the horses mouth....could not control my feelings when Joseph of Arimathea came on the scene....If Judas is forgiven so to can be Pontius his physical description of my Lord....This Gospel of Pilate is fantastic reading and has answered many questions like the story of graves opening and people seeing many saints resurrected and going into the city ... same seen by the person guarding the grave and gave his account here...Please print this letter from Pilate .....Lord Jesus Christ my love...Reign dear lord ..Love you.
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
It's not a real story
@christianalbert5191 2 жыл бұрын
Judas was not forgiven. It speaks in acts and in Psalms and Jesus himself said that Judas was headed for destruction book of John. Judas bought a field with the money he betrayed Jesus for and fell headfirst where his belly split open there spilling his intestines and it was then called the 'field of blood' if you're thinking of the other Judas son of James they re two different people. FYI
@josephhernandez2337 10 ай бұрын
@@lrcavalli290 you are a bot, stfu
@byronscherer5098 3 ай бұрын
Judas in the word is called the son of perdition. He is not forgiven per the word in the book of Acts. This vid is full of fake news
@susanh.4733 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing this report from Pilate to Caesar concerning Jesus.
@bullwinklejmoos 3 ай бұрын
It’s fake. There is NO report from Pilate to anyone in Rome.
@Dr.Pepper001 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of scoffers still doubt that Jesus was a historical figure.
@justabill5780 3 жыл бұрын
Show us one contemporaneous account that he WAS a historical figure. Much less a man-god.
@AV84USA 3 жыл бұрын
Dwight, scoffing at this “historic document” is not scoffing at Jesus. In fact, if you truly believe in Jesus, these types of deceptive stories should infuriate you, because they are so easy to debunk.
@AV84USA 3 жыл бұрын
@J H what I wrote was pretty clear.
@justabill5780 3 жыл бұрын
@J H : Neither were contemporaries of Jesus. We have no eyewitness or first-hand accounts of Jesus or his life. NONE.
@colcarle.durhamsr.1933 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video. I've heard Biblical archaeologist E. Raymond Capt talk about this report; but seeing it and hearing you read it; just brings it to life.
@peterguzman5550 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the clarification on what you observed, it was very informative and I can only imagine what took place on the Day Jesus rose from the dead,, ive heard Angel's sing and I know it gives one hope when there is none, I live by faith, a man whom is proud to be a follower of Jesus christ of Nazareth, i would like to read more about what transpired when Jesus walked the Earth 🌎, praise God Almighty. Amen
@HistoryandReviews 2 жыл бұрын
Youve never heard angels
@carolbell8008 2 жыл бұрын
@ H and R., You don’t know that, if he said that he has, I believe him.
@hoosierhyperwatch5884 Жыл бұрын
​@@HistoryandReviews, what do YOU know? Who are you to tell anyone what they have or haven't seen or heard?
@iamh2ok9 6 жыл бұрын
Hallelujah! Thank You Lord Jesus!
@angelpabon7667 6 жыл бұрын
I knew there was an account! A day before His Resurrection and I find this! Jesus is my Lord.
@HistoryandReviews 2 жыл бұрын
@PsyCygnet 6 жыл бұрын
Wow....thank you so much for uploading and sharing this. Thank you. 🙏
@1889michaelcraig 3 жыл бұрын
I really felt this. Please do more of these. You definitely get a new subscription from me.
@secondstarllc 6 жыл бұрын
This is incredible...thanks for posting!
@Nastyfinger1444 5 жыл бұрын
I will say this; non-believers will do everything in their power to prove that this not authentic.
@sledgecorp 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Sorry that we let evidence get in the way of just believing any old thing. Sorry that's too much for you.
@daniele7989 5 жыл бұрын
Andrew get a grip, Do you really think Pilate, a roman would suspect the empire would fall, know exactly why it would fall, and then tell the guy in charge in passing as if it didn't matter? It's apocrypha. Its a lovely read and I wish it were true since Pilate is such a complicated character thanks to what we know from history and what we know of the gospels but this letter just isn't true
@Nastyfinger1444 5 жыл бұрын
I do not repeat myself.
@sledgecorp 5 жыл бұрын
@@Nastyfinger1444 what are you talkin about? Nobody said anything about repeating yourself.
@nicksklavos 4 жыл бұрын
Andrew Patrick It is really great to start researching how your religion was made up. It’s a little hard to except but in the end you will be revealed and happy to know the truth.
@hermieaguila7092 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this letter of Pontius Pilate. Jesus is really from God and He is God itself.
@mikeilkenhons8896 3 жыл бұрын
This is only one example from the Archko Volume... the Library of Rome has important writings that are off limits to us.
@tonysalas6471 3 жыл бұрын
There's only one name given among men under heaven whereby we must be saved , Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Praise be unto Thee my lord and savior !
@antonmatthaus4340 3 жыл бұрын
@em7lycan 6 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian, I love the Bible and I am somewhat familiar with 1st Century narration and I can definitely say that this is not a 1st Century account. The way of describing events and things is that of a modern methods of composition.
@em7lycan 6 жыл бұрын
Steve L Please read my comment above properly. I said this is not a 1st Century account. In other words I know it's fake
@em7lycan 6 жыл бұрын
Steve L Maybe you have been reading wrong information. Leading scholars, even atheists like Berth Erman, have concluded that Jesus is a historical figure and his existence is more certain than Plato or Aristotle or Gengis Khan not to mention that according to their findings and conclusion was that Jesus was indeed crucified under the order of Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea. So please, you have been getting your information from less credible sources.
@salarteaga9483 6 жыл бұрын
You're funny. Are you really not aware that there is not a single shred of FACTUAL evidence, just hearsay stories many years later written down? I don't give a sht what Bart Ehrman said because that's his fcking OPINION you moron. Stop trying to cite respected scholars that have disproven Christianity as your sources like their comments are statements of fact.
@em7lycan 6 жыл бұрын
Steve L "Not a single shred of factual evidence"? Well, maybe you need to take a look with Pontius Pilate limestone found in 1961, or of Philistine cemetery unearthed in Ashkelon, or of King Hezekiah's reforms and desecration of pagan temples found in Lachish as described in the Bible, or of Biblical Assyrian King Sennacherib's palace discovered in Mosul Iraq after destruction of Prophet Jonah's tomb, and many countless others supporting the Biblical story. For those who choose not to believe these evidences are foolishness even when they see it with their own eyes or being shoved right under their noses. But for those who choose to believe it the power of God and faith is being certain of what you hope for.
@salarteaga9483 6 жыл бұрын
HAHAHAHA. You're citing a tiny handful of passages that happen to be validated by other non-biblical sources as proof for your fcking train wreck of a text? And wtf does the Pontius Pilate limestone(even if it's true) have to do with proving that the New Testament is true?? And what "countless" others?? MOST of the other books are not considered credible ORIGINAL sources of historic information because most of them are either plagiarized or exaggerated, like when it lists all the cities that Joshua conquered, yet.....most of those cities listed were factually proven to be untouched by conflict by archaeologists. Then there's the Flood myth ripoff, the Psalms were plagiarized, the savior story, etc.....
@azure4real 5 жыл бұрын
This is what I have been looking for.Thank you.
@leenorris2106 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. God bless you and your work.
@NZCombatTV 6 жыл бұрын
"Acta Pilate" Also known as "The Gospel of Nicodemus". This work has been evaluated by Church scholars as being written no earlier that 375 CE, as the likes of Eusebius and other church fathers in the fourth century were unaware of its existence until approx 379 CE. On investigation it was noted that much of it's contents has been plagiarized from various Gospels and other known writing. They confirm that Pilate was not the author of this work or any part of it. Regarding the comments about red or blond hair. A person can only be born with ginger/red/blond hair if both partners carry the gene. you can go back generations without partners coming together that carry the gene, but when they do there is a possibility a child can be born with blonded hair of which there are 6 shades from blonde to dark red. The evolution of blonded hair is dated to approx 11,000 years ago originating in the colder climates of Northern Europe around the age age. People that have blonde hair are the only humans that can produce their own vitamin "D". The problem with knowing this is that if Jesus is descended from David and David is descended from Abraham who is descended from Adam and Eve, at what point did any of their ancestors come from Northern Europe "Scandinavia"
@crusaderchatilon.4510 4 жыл бұрын
I think you are too prejudiced or daft? to know that Jesus had nothing to do with David or even Mary. Jesus was not human that He would inherit any character from Mary. To talk of David here shows you don't end grasp who or what is being discussed.
@Msunbird02 4 жыл бұрын
"Church scholars" or your sources are incorrect because "Acts of Pilate/Gospel of Nicodemus" was cited by famous historians, St Justin Martyr (100-165 AD) and Tertullian of Carthage (155-220 AD) in their own writings. Since Eusebius and other church fathers in the fourth century were unaware of its existence until approx 379 AD, that only means that they didn't bother doing their homework properly ... going by the earlier lifetimes of Tertullian and St Martyr. Given that they were both very famous in their own lifetimes, it seems unlikely that both would stake their livelihoods and professional reputations on an alleged forgery. ===> Bear in mind that the Catholic church went on to canonize one of those men to sainthood! Why would the Vatican do that if St Justin Martyr based some of his writings on a "fake" document??? *The answer to your question about who is descended from Adam and Eve with blonde hair, is NOAH.* The apocryphal _Book of Enoch,_ describes Noah as follows - _And HIS BODY WAS WHITE as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the _*_HAIR OF HIS HEAD AND HIS LONG LOCKS WERE WHITE AS WOOL,_*_ and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun_ If this doesn't sound like a white-skinned blue-eyed blonde, I don't know what does. ===> We know that Noah wasn't an albino because God specifically chose him and his family to repopulate the Earth after the Flood because He thought Noah's and "his generations" had "perfect" genes (Genesis 6:8-9 kjv). (Albinism is a genetic disorder, inherited from at least one parent, and causes significant physical and intellectual disabilities in adversely affected children.) If afflicted, God wouldn't have chosen Noah since his generations would be 'imperfect' and unsuitable to eventually produce His "perfect" Son, Jesus. The “Generations of Adam” has Noah listed among the tenth generation to be born from Adam and Eve, as descendants of Seth. *The Bible is silent about where Noah and his family came from* but the general view seems to be that he built the ark in the region of Ur of the Chaldeans, Mesopotamia (same area where Abraham was born).
@Msunbird02 4 жыл бұрын
@@crusaderchatilon.4510 You've obviously never read a Bible, have you? Firstly, Jesus was completely human: - "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, *born of a woman, born under the Law."* (Galatians 4.4) - God created Eve so that Adam had a perfectly made partner to enable them to 'go forth and multiply' *together.* God abided by His own Law of Creation in requiring attributes from a woman to form HALF of the gene complement of Christ because Mary was "without sin". Secondly, a human baby Jesus needed to ingest nourishment and physical protection from a human mother in order to develop inside the womb and be born in the normal human fashion. If he was divine on Earth, he wouldn't have needed food and water to survive. - While suspended on the Cross, He actually said, "I thirst". If he was divine here, he wouldn't have felt a human need to ask for water, when dying (John 19:28 kjv). Finally, *Jesus **_IS_** a direct descendant of David, as were both of his 'parents' (Joseph & Mary). Jesus is legitimate royalty. Through adoptive father, Joseph, He is a legal descendant of King David; through Mary, Jesus is royalty by blood. Prophets predict that Jesus *- who was born into the House of David -* will return to reign as the promised Messiah and sit on David's throne in Israel (Isaiah 9:6-7).
@NZCombatTV 4 жыл бұрын
@@Msunbird02 Ref Gospel of Nicodemus. The oldest sections of the book appear first in Greek. The text contains multiple parts, which are uneven in style and would seem to be by different hands. According to the Acts of Pilate, the original version was preserved in the praetorium at Jerusalem. The question of the original language is debated. Beyond Greek, the versions in Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Georgian, Slavonic, and other languages have survived. The prevailing view is that the Christian Acts of Pilate were first devised and published as a counter blast to the pagan Acts. It can be shown, that the work behind the Christian Acts of Pilate must have originated very early. "The first part of the book, containing the story of the Passion and Resurrection, is not earlier than the fourth century. Its object in the main is to furnish irrefutable testimony to the resurrection. Attempts have been made to show that it is of early date-that it is, for instance, the writing which Justin Martyr meant when in his Apology he referred his heathen readers to the ’Acts’ of Christ’s trial preserved among the archives of Rome. The truth of that matter is that he simply assumed that such records must exist. False ’acts’ of the trial were written in the Pagan interest under Maximin, and introduced into schools early in the fourth century. It is imagined by some that our book was a counterblast to these. The account of the Descent into Hell (Part II) is an addition to the Act. It does not appear in any Oriental version, and the Greek copies are rare. It is in Latin that it has chiefly flourished, and has been the parent of versions in every European language. Once again the Christian apologists slit of hand to create an alternate reality. As all ready stated the Church it's self has already confirmed this.
@Msunbird02 4 жыл бұрын
@@NZCombatTV Again, none of those factors proves that the document is a fake/forgery. I think that's the sanitized version and skullduggery might have been employed. If we apply some deductive logic, we could ask the following questions: - 1. If none of the described events happened, as your argument suggests, could there have been a salient need or justification to invent such a "gospel"? - I don't think so, particularly since St Justin lived in the time when the disciple John was still alive. ["Before Jesus died, he entrusted his mother Mary to 'the beloved disciple' (John 19:26-27), who is most widely believed to be John. When Mary died, John allegedly went to Ephesus, where he wrote his three epistles. From there, he was exiled to the island of Patmos for preaching the gospel, where he received a vision from Christ and wrote the _Book of Revelation._ Eventually, he made it back to Ephesus and died an ordinary death sometime *after* 98 AD. John established the Christian community there and St Paul helped him develop it (Acts 19:1)."] *St Justin actually lived in Ephesus for a time.* Had John lived long enough to debunk the account during his own lifetime, he could have done so directly to St Justin himself. If John died before Justin arrived in Ephesus, it seems likely that enough surviving residents familiar with related stories would be able to confirm or deny events as reported in the notable lives of their recent eye-witness residents, Mary (mother of Christ), as well as apostles John and Paul. 2. Could mistrust of the work by early Church fathers be rooted in the Roman usurpation of Christ's church (from Jerusalem) in the interests of setting themselves up as the all-powerful controlling authority, as the Vatican asserts today? - It's very possible, if not probable, imho. After Christ's death and until 325 AD, the church was a disorganized rabble that squabbled constantly over all sorts of issues which eventually forced Constantine to call the First Nicaean Council in 325 AD. *That time frame conveniently spans the lifetimes of both St Justin and Tertullian.* - _Perhaps too coincidentally,_ St Justin's death by beheading sometime between 162 and 168, was brought about at the hands of a rival philosopher, Crescens the Cynic, who habitually attacked Church fathers and with whom Justin had disagreed. I'm not usually into conspiracy theories but I suspect there could be more to this connection and that discounting the AOP is tied to the trial and beheading of St Justin Martyr after he'd cited it in his own writings. Elevating him to sainthood after supposedly defending an allegedly fraudulent work just doesn't add up to me. Basically, I don't buy the official spin put out by the Roman Catholic church about the non-authenticity of the Acts o Pilate/Gospel of Nicodemus.
@carolbell8008 2 жыл бұрын
You read this true report in a wonderful manner, and I appreciate it very much, I think about it often and am drawn here to enjoy hearing it read. Thanks for your wonderful channel. What is sad is that He got none of the mercy provided in the law, and Herod and the high priest wiggled out of any responsibility for His execution which they knew about in advance most likely. I like Pilot and his wife.
@TheWhyisthatso 3 жыл бұрын
Those of us who were there, KNOW it is true. We can feel it in our spirit. And we are here now, in this day and age to WITNESS this TRUTH.
@ardalla535 3 жыл бұрын
Good for you. I have faith that giant sandworms on Mars are planning an invasion of Earth. I feel it in my spirit.
@TheWhyisthatso 3 жыл бұрын
@@ardalla535 ...Good, let me know how that works out for you, when worms (maggots) eat your flesh when your body rots into oblivion.
@onlyhis5870 Жыл бұрын
“Those of us who were there!” ?? I’m sorry am I missing something? 🤷🏻‍♀️😳
@arnoldusrichard3888 3 жыл бұрын
Many people are being blessed now by hearing this Pilate report thank you & Thank you Jesus Lord God most High yrs a
@wendellpeters5083 3 жыл бұрын
I can see Pilate would feel this way. Jesus bless us all, amen.
@gerardtrigo380 3 жыл бұрын
It is not Genuine.
@wendellpeters5083 3 жыл бұрын
@@gerardtrigo380 When did you become genuine?
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
It's fiction
@vatcity 3 жыл бұрын
Wow this amazing. Thank you I’m going to check it out as soon as I have time
@LovinTheLight 3 жыл бұрын
Most commenters only care about the hair color statement. It frustrates me.
@happywinnings537 7 жыл бұрын
ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE!!! Thanks for sharing!
@norbertmongeonsr5354 6 жыл бұрын
@Itsatz0 6 жыл бұрын
You believe Batman is Lord too! Batman was also born on easter, however Batman was born in Argentina. Springtime is in October in Argentina so we celebrate Easter in October.
@Man777Alive 5 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian and this looks suspect to me. Not that I need any validation for my faith anyway...
@greybone777 3 жыл бұрын
Read the Archko Volumes
@dougtibbetts857 3 жыл бұрын
The author was convicted on charges of plagiarism and falsehood in 1800’s
@angarcm23 3 жыл бұрын
@@greybone777 this does go along with Scriptures. Regardless of what governments think of it. And it’s The Lord and Savior Yeshua we’re talking about here. Of course they’re going to try their best to put this down. They shall be deceived because of their own wickedness.
@angarcm23 3 жыл бұрын
Only Jesus can help... and He is coming soon.
@joepublic5469 3 жыл бұрын
This wasn't the only account and they all match. It's called history in Greece.
@Apocryphile1970 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making these wonderful videos! Keep 'em coming! I bought this book back in the 90s and read it myself. It was very interesting to say the least. :)
@LovinTheLight 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks! You've worked so hard for so long to put out what has been hidden. As I always say, flood gates opened in my head the night I found your channel ( I could barely speak for three days). I can't wait to see what I'm led to do next.
@apollosdestruction2245 5 жыл бұрын
i listen to both of you thank you, GOD BLESS.
@carldalton9331 5 жыл бұрын
UNFORGIVABLE LIE 2. MARY MAGDALENA THE WIFE OF JESUS The Gospel of Philip From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The Gospel of Philip As for Wisdom who is called "the barren", she is the mother [of the] angels. And the companion of the [...] Mary Magdalene. [... loved] her more than [all] the disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her [...]. The rest of [the disciples...] They said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The Saviour answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in the darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness. ********* Two thousand years ago within the Jewish community in Judea, It would have been totally impossible for Jesus to have kissed a woman in public unless it was his Mother or a female relative, or his wife, without causing public outrage and a scandal. All females who courted first had to obtain the approval of their parents and if given permission, they would have to be accompanied by a female chaperone. And even given this, Jesus would not have been allowed to Kiss Mary until they were both officially betrothed to each other. The very fact that Mary was able to be (safely) alone among a large group of males (Twelve Disciples) was because she was married to Jesus, and the same would have applied to any of the Disciples wives. The mother of Jesus the Virgin Mary and his sister Mary of the Royal House of David, and Mary Magdalene attended the Crucifixion of Jesus together. The Virgin Mary and Mary would not have allowed any other woman (And more especially as the miscreant low-life Pope Gregory proposed a prostitute) but the wife of Jesus to attend the Crucifixion of Jesus with them. For more information concerning the religious and Royal Heritage of Mary Magdalene and concerning the relationship between Jesus and Mary, refer to Bloodline Of The Holy Grail and The Magdalene Legacy by Lawrence Gardner. As to Pope Gregory the so-called Great, it was not very bright of him to call the wife of Jesus a whore (*Or Anyone Else*) and not so great, where he has been and is now permanently and eternally residing. Continued as a reply to this comment
@carldalton9331 5 жыл бұрын
4. THE BIRTH OF JESUS The Royal Lineage Of Jesus Reference: The Time Chart History Of The World, Fourth Edition, Third Millennium Press. PATRIARCH ABRAHAM…Isaac _Jacob - Isaac - Pha’zara -Esrom - Aram - Aminadab -Na as son - Sal’mon - Bo oz - O bed - Jesse… KING DAVID…Solomon - Robo om - Abi a - Asa - Jos ar mat - Jo ram - O zi - Jo a tha - A Chaz -E z eki az - Manas ses - Amor - Jo si as - Jech o ni as - Sa la thi ec - Zo rob - Bel abi ud - Eli a kim - Sadoc - A chim - El Ii ud - E Lea zar - Mathan - Jacob…JOSEPH - JESUS. Census of Quirinius From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Census of Quirinius was a census of Judea taken by Publius Sulpicius Quirinius, Roman governor of Syria, upon the imposition of direct Roman rule in 6 CE.[1]The Gospel of Luke uses it as the narrative means to establish the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-5), but places it within the reign of Herod the Great, who died 10 years earlier.[2][3][4] No satisfactory explanation of the contradiction seems possible on the basis of present knowledge,[5] and most scholars think that the author of the gospel made a mistake.[6] There was no census carried out by King Herod because he had already been dead for ten years. And as to the story of his supposedly having commanded (from his grave) the death of every new-born boy in Judea, this was simply a new take on the previous story of the birth of Moses and the same command being given by the Pharaoh in Egypt. Which was just as fictitious, as the population of the Jews at the time so heavily outnumbered the Egyptians, that if any such command had been given it would have caused all hell to break loose. Jesus was not a carpenter’s son; he was an Essene Jew of the Nazarene Sect and a direct descendant of King David and a newly born of the Royal House of David. Which is why Mary and Joseph went back to Bethlehem the Royal City of King David (As per the Hymn “Once In Royal David’s City”) for his royal birth to take place and be celebrated. As such, and being of the Royal House of David it is ridiculous that his royal birth could or would have been allowed to take place in a stable. The birth of Jesus as with any other royal family would have to have taken place within the household of a member of the Royal family. Which is why given his royal birth and dependent upon the reference source, three Wise Men, Magi, or Kings travelled great distances from their homelands, to bring a wealth of gifts (Frankincense Gold and Myrrh) to celebrate the birth of a new prince into the Royal Household of David. Continued as a reply to this comment
@williamdean4101 6 жыл бұрын
Not once in any reading either within the Gospel or out of it have I read of any private audience between Pontius and the Master.
@PsychicIsaacs 6 жыл бұрын
Apostle John says that if all the works of Jesus Christ were written, he supposed not all the books on earth could contain them! He might have met with him without any of his disciples knowing about it!
@AayDeeOfficial 4 жыл бұрын
If I am not mistaken .. The Bible does mention of Jesus not being with the disciples at some point for a little period of time and later joining the disciples ... One of the time when Jesus is seen walking on the water...
@cheryldeboissiere7824 2 жыл бұрын
Very good, this is entirely a work of fiction with its blond Christ & antisemitic statements. I hold in reserve what collapses it complete.
@platzhirsch4275 4 жыл бұрын
God uses who he pleases as his humble wittneses on earth, most the unsuspected. Pilate witnessed Jesus and the great occurrences at his death, which indeed impressed many. He definitely heard the celestial reports of the resurrection too and this must have altogether touched his heart. But as anything concerning the truth, it will be widely denied.
@robinthomas4213 6 жыл бұрын
This was a very moving account. I felt so close. I am so glad to have found this and I am grateful to you.
@mrsbrownandhercat 5 жыл бұрын
It's fraudulent, fake and fantasy.
@PostApostolicChurch 9 жыл бұрын
Wow, you read very well with perfect diction and pronunciation. Thanks for this video!
@LovinTheLight 9 жыл бұрын
Post-Apostolic Church Thanks you. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I only wish I spoke this way in conversation.
@tineeldridge8302 5 жыл бұрын
wow! that pilate was quite the communicator. good writing skills. enjoyed this very much. thanks!
@maryah8642 7 жыл бұрын
My God the Christ, he is so sweet and kind
@mrsbrownandhercat 5 жыл бұрын
And so fictitious.
@ratacataviousbrown4702 5 жыл бұрын
@@mrsbrownandhercat I will take the word of cardiologists, on the frontlines of life and death situations, resucitating patients in and out of death, screaming they are seeing hell fire and demons and for the doctor to please not let them die. Yes, the word of cardiologists along with other medical personnel and the patients word themselves over your atheist opinion of what you THINK any day of the week. Next!!!
@ellocoexcalibur 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! Wonderful!
@diane1246 11 ай бұрын
Never too late!! And He comes where you are, as you are with instant forgiveness every time. He loves us so much! It is for this purpose He came to earth and was sacrificed.
@carolbell8008 3 жыл бұрын
This is so beautiful and wonderful. Jesus is The Light of the world and The King of Kings. Bless His holy Name.
@mamat7013 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know why it couldn't be authentic. I choose to believe. :)
@julianciahaconsulting8663 5 жыл бұрын
@nicksklavos 3 жыл бұрын
The Catholic Encyclopedia scholars agree in assigning the resulting work to the middle of the fourth century AD.
@torgenxblazterzoid 3 жыл бұрын
@@nicksklavos Even if true, that doesn't reveal the dating of the original letter. As someone earlier has said "if this is a fake, it's a fake which reveals a remarkable knowledge of the workings of the Roman state and the Roman military of the time". Only time, and eternity, will tell us the truth about the dilemma of Pilate or the authenticity of this letter.
@cbgranger11 3 жыл бұрын
Matthew 27:17 parallels this account of the events that transpired. As far as this letter goes, dont know of its origin or validity.
@justabill5780 3 жыл бұрын
Look up a textual criticism of the book. It is definitely a forgery dating to the 4th century.
@dmfour 3 жыл бұрын
Whether this is true or not, it doesn't change what I believe. My faith is all I need as proof, If you know than you know what I mean.
@justabill5780 3 жыл бұрын
Faith is dishonest and unreliable. ANYTHING can be believed based on faith. It has nothing to do with reality.
@patcola7335 3 жыл бұрын
@@justabill5780 Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 People who only see this world are blinded by the deceiver himself Satan. Jesus used parables to explain the kingdom. Using the physical things of life to explain spiritual realities. What we see in everyday life is not eternal. It's temporal. Ask the LORD to reveal himself to you from an honest heart and he will.
@justabill5780 3 жыл бұрын
@@patcola7335 : No. Faith is a dishonest interpretation of the world based on what you want to be true, not where the facts lead. It's nothing more than wishful, magical thinking. There isn't ANYTHING which can't be believed based on faith. Thus making it unreliable and prone to not only deception by others, but also self-deception. I used to be a believer. However, when I began to see the horrors endorsed by the god of the bible, the factual errors, the logical inconsistencies, the internal contradictions and the historical errors, I took a closer look and realized it was all made up.
@patcola7335 3 жыл бұрын
@@justabill5780 If you were truly born of the spirit then I don't see how you could of walked away. I always believed we didn't come around by random chance, that there was a creator but I didn't know who he was. I came to Christ by faith and I was freed from the things that had me enslaved. I didn't see the spiritual before that. It is something man can't do on his own. We are all dead spiritually the bible says. God must make us alive again and restore us to fellowship with him. The things to this day I am set free from didn't come from my own effort or "wishful" thinking but by the power of Christ's shed blood for my sin. That is how I know. I believe what Jesus said about having faith in him and his finished work. You either believe Jesus is who he says he is or you don't. Thankfully he revealed to me he is real. To God be the glory !
@justabill5780 3 жыл бұрын
You either didn't read, or you didn't understand what I last posted. But here is the pertinent section which you ignored and failed to address: " However, when I began to see the horrors endorsed by the god of the bible, the factual errors, the logical inconsistencies, the internal contradictions and the historical errors, I took a closer look and realized it was all made up."
@miketierney7510 Жыл бұрын
I grew up Catholic and many times during my upbringing it seemed while hearing accounts of that day I was almost transported back in time as if I witnessed the whole thing. The Prophets in their recorded predictions foretold of His arrival. It happened just as they said it would. Jesus Himself was very aware of who He was and of His fate. It's recorded accurately in the Bible. I am a true believer that Jesus was the Son of God. And nobody can convince me otherwise. I wish this Easter they would place this video on every MSM news network. It would be an eye opener for all to see how the creator God of humanity came to a fallen planet to redeem it even at the cost of His life. Truly the greatest story ever told. Praise God forever!
@linzearth 6 жыл бұрын
Oh Dr Richard Carrier, where for art thou? Forgive them for they know not of what they do!
@platoman214 8 жыл бұрын
This is not the style of writing one finds among the Romans.
@TheSmithDorian 7 жыл бұрын
I know. It reads much more like modern writing than 1st century AD.
@ven.lamanamgyal5269 7 жыл бұрын
BS''D WELL SAID! Also, aside from 'common country-simple horse-sense', smelling a dead rat in the barn: the neurolinguistic & sociolinguistic behavioural neuroscience based arrays of VALID 'working-hypotheses' per Noam CHOMSKY et alia. SPEAK VOLUMES against this being NON-Authentic! However pretty sentimentalist & evocative it maybe it is not by any conceivable stretch of imagination's "rubber-band" an Authentic MSS-TEXTA, of the period of Pilate, nor Any Classical [NON neo-Latinist]. Again CHOMSKY, who would for his own reasons have a quiet Field Day w/this in his calm-cool-NEVER-argumentative: simply Educationally reasoned presentation Inclusive of the principles of linguistic determinism & linguistic relativity also holding sway as they do, to define the working-phenomenology of HOW the structure of a Language IS affected BY its speakers' World-View/Zeitgeist and/or Cognitive Continuity; that is like mirrors reflecting both ways one hypothesis reflects the other in a resonant pattern. ONE example of which Many follow: that of the Sapir/Whorf Hypothesis, a MAIN Principle often defined to include two RESONANT versions. A 'strong version' POSITING that language DETERMINES thought, hence the sub-titular descriptor of: linguistic determinism and the SUB-TEXTUAL linguistic relativity praxis-theoretic THAT: linguistic categories limit and determine cognitive categories. And, the 'weak version' SUGGESTING that linguistic categories and usage influence thought and decisions; in fact both thee find their way into BEHAVIOURAL NEUROSCIENCE as Givens within the adroit and robust Field of Complex Systems Neural Nuclei 'interactions' - whereby with certain 'analytical diagnostics' such as PET-scanning the areas of the Brain [i.e. - q.v. BROCA' s Brain etc.dealing w/Language and the central sub-structures linking as they do formally Many other organic sub-stations in terms of Neural Function as relates to the Manifestation of Language based Cognition - ******* ******* IN FACT 'if' You Should Even TRY to, let us say, [REVERSE-ENGINEER] this spurious MSS; that is back-translate the English we 'find' it in here into Classical [NON!-Neo] LATIN: you will find it VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do so! THERE ARE VERY PERTINENT & GERMANE REASONS FOR THIS! Granted as Listed CATEGORICALLY Above -> q.v. Vide Supra, ...they MUST needs be 'teased out' of the 'gemisch' of the Bigger-Picture - still it is ALL set out right there before you in a an Orderly Way at least per the constraints of Modern Academic Criticisms The 'Thoughts' put into Words; More esp. the 'concepts' expressed in terms of various S_V_O/S_O_V/etc 'LOGIC-GATE', verbal-arrangements, AS WELL AS the use of a GREAT Variety of WORDS NOT only of Frequency NIL in Actual Count amongst similar MSS of the time; that is HARDLY EVER FOUND. {I'd Like VERY Much to put NEVER: but am Wary of making an assertion - that errs in the same way but on a different theme as does this utterly FAUX OPUS! - A Forgery Pure & Simple and not even a Very good one -that Lack of expertise is what tends one to suggest it is of the 1900-early to 1920 circa 'tranche' of British-English//Amero-English at best! - Words/both as Modes of Expression and as Demonstrated 'word-arrangements' form Semantic Fields that JAR HARSHLY with the Actualities of then-Contemporary Romanesque NON neo-LATIN found; EVEN if you SEARCH HARD for ANY other similar compendium of contemporary [to THAT time Latin writing Archive - and they do exist; a capable B-Band user with a plausible search engine could find a 'screen-full' of substantial examples RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! But as touching Genuine Documents/TEXTAE/MSS - the 'logical train & timbre', the TONE & STYLE are NOT Those of ANY ~50 A.D. [approx.] MSS-TEXT or Document - in the 1st most apparent to a school-child 'case' it is WAY TOO 'VERBOSE & DESCRIPTIVE' for Any Roman of that time. Simply NOT the way they WROTE, THOUGHT, OR SPOKE! ! - or speaking of Any KNOWN Writer: they simply did NOT Write like this, nor Think like this you can tell for example when a Greek of the Koine-period tries to write in Hebrew he still 'thinks' like the Greek he is Linear- quasi-logical etc the same Pejorative Argument applies in fact since it falls in the simplest of experiential criticisms -- When the Woman’s Voice 'breaks' w/Emotion - sentiment ...tearful no doubt! All the same - it is simply her GRATUITOUS & SENTIMENTAL 'Emotional Personality Display' LET IT REMAIN ON~RECORD! -> NO LATIN SPEAKER OF THE 1st Cent Wrote much less Thought like this: not in LATIN [for it is barely capable of expression of things in this Manner of Sentimental Soliloquy] nor any other extant LANGUAGE- rather the 'tone-style' // usage and Emotionally-Sentimentally REPLETE VERBOSE description filled to OVER-flow/NON-Latinate descriptors more reminiscent of an Anglo-American of the early penultimate fin-d'siecle of about 1900-to-1920. Having failed on the most GROSS Inspection; Why shall we waste time & Energy on any further more ultra-structural inspection! *** Doc S. Prof. Emeritus LONDON KIS'LEV 09/5, 777
@sarahcutter37 7 жыл бұрын
Jesus wasn't blond he was Jewish descended from king David he spoke Arabic and he must have. Been dark skinned as he traveled for three yrs preaching and spent 6weeks in the open desert fasting which is why we make sacrifices for the six weeks of lent .
@thegeartracker 7 жыл бұрын
Because you have a PHD in dead languages.....LOL
@KeithDavey2014 5 жыл бұрын
exactly. Even a novice study of real historical documents of that period would make this VERY clear.
@Tony_Rojas 6 жыл бұрын
There are many details that qualify this as edited by a modern person. Why would Valleus be more "afraid" of Jesus than the whole Roman Army, if by his own account Jesus was a miracle worker who did good works for people, specially the poor? From the beginning Pilate hints at what will happen to the Roman Empire, as if narrated by someone who knows that this is why Rome fell. He also hints at "antisemitism" calling the High Priest deceitful. If by his religion he was forbidden to eat with the new Roman Governor, he should have informed him of such. Nowhere in the Gospels Jesus shows to be more "friend of the Romans than of the Jews" and he describes Jesus as a celestially Blond and his listeners as Brown skinned and black bearded... This type of racial profiling is more fitting to the post Victorian and pre Nazi era. He portrays the Jews as evil and rebellious, and Jesus as the founder of a New Religion that might "supplant" the Roman one, when the opposite is true: Jesus preached Judaism and accused the Pharisees of not observing it properly. Spain wasn't called Spain in Roman times, it was Hispania, and the only time in History where Spaniards were "fearless" was around the Renaissance, after defeating the Moors and conquering American Indians. Also, only after the Renaissance is that we see "numerous painters, who have given form and figure to all the gods and heroes." Pilate should have known that Socrates didn't write anything, however to the Victorian European "Socrates and Plato" were a must read if you wanted to be considered educated.
@PsychicIsaacs 6 жыл бұрын
Pilate's wife suffered many things in a dream. It is conceivable she saw the Fall of Rome. And Antisemitism is not new. It was certainly around in Roman Times, and before, going all the way back to Egypt and Babylon.
@jimratter5561 5 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian and believe the Bible account, but this comes across to me as being faked. It has no ring of truth to it.
@jefferyboring4410 5 жыл бұрын
If u enjoy proofreading this you should watch the new Noah movie it’s got ppl believing all sorts of ridiculousness
@garytorresani8846 Жыл бұрын
Pilate was one of the most brutal governors in the empire, so brutal that he lost his job. Pilate would not have considered Jesus as anything more than a seditious person. His offense was that he was called the king of the Jews and that was the crime for which he was crucified. Romans also believed that if you offended one god, you offended them all. That’s why they allowed the nations they conquered to maintain their spiritual beliefs as not to offend the gods. Jesus was crucified to show the Jews rebelled, this would be their fate. The last thing Pilate wanted was an insurrection during Passover. Eventually, Rome got fed up with the Jews and destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD causing the great dispersion of Jews and early Christians. Jesus as a blonde. This is a ridiculous presumption and shows the whole thing was fabricated as a Christian apologetic fiction. Nothing more!
@bullwinklejmoos 3 ай бұрын
@@PsychicIsaacsBS. There is NO record of his wife. We don’t even know if he was married. We only know he was a rather brutal administrator who was recalled to Rome and that is it. We know absolutely nothing after.
@WilliamHendershott 29 күн бұрын
As a Christian, I am shook to my core after hearing this testimony. The words of God Almighty manifested in human flesh in the man Jesus of Nazareth- to Pilate- the one who would be in authority in Roman rule to sentence Jesus to crucifixion, is jaw dropping. The way this narrarates a parallel testimony from a gentile perspective only strengthens my faith in Christ. Pilate was in awe of Jesus and his words were one of someone who was heartbroken overseeing this blood bath perpetuated by the Jewish authorities. Don't you just love how Jesus is confirmed to speak against injustice and those corrupted by wealth and power. This has changed me and has made me appreciate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a way I didn't imagine.
@garylee12345 5 жыл бұрын
Wow. That was awesome. Thank you for exposing these records ! My faith in Jesus Christ is as strong as ever b4 in my life. Amen to Jesus. Thank you my Lord and SAVIOR
@thewaytruthandlife 3 жыл бұрын
WOW I am in total awe I never knew this survived the ages of time or that there even was a report about Jesus from Pilate....
@justabill5780 3 жыл бұрын
Because there wasn't. This is a 4th century forgery.
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
It's not real
@mwendiadennis6638 2 жыл бұрын
It has been there , found in a mosque in Constantinople
@juliedurden9479 2 жыл бұрын
@@justabill5780 am glad to finally see someone saying this.
@user-px2mj2zn7x 3 ай бұрын
​@@lrcavalli290prove it
@oldmanpatriot1490 3 жыл бұрын
This is the first time i have ever listened to this. Absolutely fascinating I listened to it twice... Every knee will bow and every mouth will confess Jesus is The Christ. I cant wait to go home.
@garybrown585 9 ай бұрын
Praying for us all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 ❤my Savior 1 Corinthians 15
@lovethewaylivetheway8055 6 жыл бұрын
Nice read thank you very much!
@stahlschlacht4754 3 жыл бұрын
"Either the author of nature is suffering or the universe is falling apart"
@randallsuba8409 3 жыл бұрын
Blessed be the Father for giving us our savior thank you Father thank you Jesus
@doktorenko 2 жыл бұрын
I ignore this letter's accuracy in sum, but the report by Dionysius the Aeropagite I know is exact. The first time I read it was two years ago, and now curiosity enticed me to rewatch it after many readings meanwhile. Thanks for this! It doesn't stand as an authoritative writing, but still holds a personal significance which can only be expounded by my first coming to know it soon after my conversion to Christ.
@LovinTheLight 2 жыл бұрын
I do not necessarily believe it is "authentic" as far as author or time muself but do think that whoever wrote it had a great deal of spiritual insight and perhaps access to some lesser lnown kniwledge or accounts of the time.
@jacquelineherrbach6730 3 ай бұрын
This letter made every hair on my body shiver as I feel as if being there, wept and joy of Resurrection. I had never heard of Pilate letter to Caesar - his description is quite powerful - Everyone needs to hear this !! Choose Everlasting Life, Choose Jesus Christ Gift of Salvation !!
@squeeksqueeken7110 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you ! had no idea such writings existed ! are there anymore ?
@LovinTheLight 6 жыл бұрын
Llama Tango There is a link in the description box to the volume (Archo Volume)this comes from. I found the collection quite interesting. I was recently told there are journals of Pontius Pilate which can be found online. I have not had time to look them up yet but look forward to looking into that soon.
@nicksklavos 3 жыл бұрын
The Catholic Encyclopedia scholars agree in assigning the resulting work to the middle of the fourth century AD.
@44hawk28 3 жыл бұрын
Of course they do. Most of the creation of the Catholic church was done in the late 3rd and 4th century. After those who knew the truth had been done away with and much of the truth have been hidden. However this document reveals several truths don't exist at the time that the Roman presence in Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus was very small. They didn't add troops until after they had the troops to send their. And the pretorium as well as the troops living quarters were all on what is now the Dome of the Rock. As the temple did not exist on the Dome of the Rock because that was outside of the city of David and the temple was inside the city of David. Mr. Church were talking about it reveals truths that we know now that have been hidden for centuries.
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
@@44hawk28 this document is not history... it's just a fictional story
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
@@rogercrom1600 sure... lot's...for starters,it wasn't even known about until the 1800's,and the person who was supposed to have found it was convicted of fraud
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
@@rogercrom1600 mistake... it's actually a fourth century writing...I was referring to something else earlier
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
@@rogercrom1600 the writings themselves are in fact a mixture of different church traditions,from different churches,and in some cases,it even borrowed from different religions
@Truth-is-King 8 ай бұрын
Jesus is amazing and I love hearing this historical document from the ruler of the time.
@rustybrown475 6 жыл бұрын
Love your Truth. We are Blessed because we live in the Great Mystery of Jesus Christ. Blessings
@Zknwlf Жыл бұрын
Well, I'm back for about the last 7 yrs around Lent/Easter to listen to you read this. I really love this story and am astonished nobody has made a movie or written a book from Pilate's perspective. I mean, Ben Hur is a tale of the Christ. I love how you get emotional at the exact point of the story I do. I don't care if this is fictitious or not, it's a terrific story and we know for a fact Pilate had some 'splainin' to do to Caesar. Happy Easter '23!
@NaturalBornKelli 11 ай бұрын
This is _not fiction._ This is *Truth.* This beautiful document, this *real* artifact, has been preserved nearly 2,000 years by the Grace of God. God is Merciful. This is *Truth.* The _only_ people who wish you to think otherwise are those who _hate_ Him, who are still cursed because they spilled His Blood. The land there is still cursed for His Blood that was spilled then. Please, seek Truth, you will understand and God shall make everything which you should know very clear to you if you truly want to know Truth. He does not disappoint. This document, or artifact, was translated from Latin to English.
@NaturalBornKelli 11 ай бұрын
Because of the TYRANNY here, you must seek TRUTH elsewhere.
@NaturalBornKelli 11 ай бұрын
Please sort comments by "Newest" and scroll through the comments posted before yours, as I give directions on how and where Truth can be found. Please, seek Truth, Beloved of God. This is my mission, to send His Dearly Beloved to where you can find His Truth.
@ShroudedinLove 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that with us. I did not even know it existed. 💖🙏🏼
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
That's because it really doesn't
@ShroudedinLove 2 жыл бұрын
@@lrcavalli290 if you are saying that it is fake, what proof do you have?
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
@@ShroudedinLove for starters,it wasn't known about until the fourth century,and everyone agrees that is when it was written
@ShroudedinLove 2 жыл бұрын
@@lrcavalli290 lol, that’s not proof, it could have been copied from the original.
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
@@ShroudedinLove none of the early christian fathers knew,or even mentioned it, until the fourth you were saying?
@3554ELM 7 жыл бұрын
Historical records. Oh! Sweet Jesus I love you. Have mercy.
@fabianasensio1168 7 жыл бұрын
awesome! thank you
@MelA-ly7sv 6 жыл бұрын
When something appears too good to be true... it probably is!
@jperez7893 5 жыл бұрын
as far as the text is concerned, there doesn't seem to be any doctrinal error contained in the acta pilatus
@freeranger1677 4 жыл бұрын
J Perez - Oh really? Yeshua (Jesus) did not preach a new law as described in this document, if he did he would have been a false prophet.
@ATinyPillow 3 жыл бұрын
Freeranger : Actually he did in a way. Understanding that the law of Moses had been turned into a lie (Jeremiah 8:8) in that sacrifices and burnt offerings (eating animal flesh) had never been commanded by God at Mt Sinai (Jeremiah 7:22) , the Messiah was indeed teaching the truth which was at odds with the pharisees/Sadducees/scribes corrupted version of the law of Moses. In this respect, to the Jews etc it would appear that the Messiah was indeed teaching a "new" law when in fact he was only teaching the true law of Moses that the scribes had corrupted. The Messiah came to restore all things, and restoring the truth of the law given to Moses by God is the foremost thing he came to restore and reveal the truth of the law to the people of Israel which in turn revealed the hypocrisy and lies of the pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes because he revealed to the people of Israel how these evil men had corrupted the holy law of God given to Moses at Sinai and they were leading the people of Israel to sin against God and his holy law by teaching their corrupted version of the law of Moses which caused the people to unknowingly sin by eating the flesh of the innocent creatures created by God. As a result, the pharisees etc were afraid that the people, on knowing the truth, would rise up against them so they plotted and sought to kill the Nazarene to silence him, and they did by hanging him upon a tree because they feared him and his teachings so much due to the fact that his teachings threatened their lofty positions over the people of Israel. Truth be known, many of Yeshua's true teachings have been purposely edited or kept out of our mainstream bibles altogether. If folks would simply pay more heed to the prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Hosea writings they might grasp the truth of the scribe's corruption done to the law of Moses. Some of Yeshua's true teachings can be read in the Essene Humane Gospel of the Christ and can very easily be cross referenced with the various prophet's writings as mentioned above which will prove the validity of Yeshua's true teachings found preserved by the Essenes who are the same people responsible for us having a gospel at all today. They are also the same people who buried what we refer to as the Dead Sea Scrolls which have been discovered in these latter days fulfilling scripture - "all things hidden shall be brought to light". In closing, as I explained above, to the Jews it would indeed be teaching a "new" law that the Jews were unaccustomed to and all because they believed the corruption that the scribes had done to the law of Moses on which they had based their lives unawares that Yeshua was simply teaching the truth of the law and restoring the holy law of God to the people of Israel. And for that, he was put to death. .
@deltadawn9512 6 жыл бұрын
TY, very interesting
@annmarielane6353 6 жыл бұрын
I used to always think of Jesus as this Paranormal mystical being and when I recently started to see him as a Human man with human emotions my empathy with him was overwhelming and I cried for hours as to his suffering and this has made me love him more than ever!he died for us ,he suffered for us and I am as guilty for this as if I were one of his torturers who crucified him I just hope it is not too late for his forgiveness.xx
@Don-dz5wr 3 жыл бұрын
No... it is not too late for forgiveness : 2 Corinthians 6:2 King James Version 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
@Rockland19621947 10 жыл бұрын
Another person to listen to...Awesome...I have read this but just to listen to someone read it to me....:)
@LovinTheLight 10 жыл бұрын
Something about listening frees the mind up to "hear" on a whole other level. I really enjoy it,too, including some of your Aramaic translations.
@byronscherer4986 5 жыл бұрын
I think this of of Constantine's time. Pilate was not a loving peace seeking Roman. This is revisionist history which is happening among many people's history.
@MuzikNPoetry Ай бұрын
It’s so awesome how history proves the Bible 🙏🏼
@TheRjb2010 2 жыл бұрын
Praise be to Jesus Christ, first born from the dead. Destroyer of death and restorer of life. Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, have mercy on us for the sins that we have committed. Bless our days and our nights. You cured the sick, raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and to the mute, they sing praises to you. The unclean spirit was made pure, and the leper was made clean. You gave us the words of salvation and perfection. And then, you gave your life for us. Thank you always, my Lord and My God. Amen
@jenniferronneng4724 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you .
@natwillz7721 7 жыл бұрын
Amen, this is powerful.
@spacemunky8164 5 жыл бұрын
no matter your beliefs this is beautifully written and spoken
@spacemunky8164 5 жыл бұрын
who wrote this ?
@foxiefair123 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! Thank you!
@michaelnapper4565 3 жыл бұрын
I would love if this were real, but I just can't find myself to believe it. To think that Pilate would speak in these ways to the Ceasar. I just don't see that happening. A fascinating story, but that's all, I think.
@11001001110100 3 жыл бұрын
Pilate most likely never met Ceasar, and most likely never communicated with him even indirectly. That's like expecting an irrelevant congressperson to meet with the president just because they're a congressperson.
@carolbell8008 3 жыл бұрын
Pilot had to write regular reports to Ceasar and this is a report.
@lrcavalli290 2 жыл бұрын
It's a work of fiction...a Nice story...but still?...just a story
@mwendiadennis6638 2 жыл бұрын
It is real
@Trigger730 5 жыл бұрын
Whether authentic or fake, it does not change anything. I do have to believe that Pilate was probably confronted by the truth when Jesus was handed over to him or shortly after.
@carolbell8008 2 жыл бұрын
♥️ This is very very beautiful.
@lisarichards5835 6 ай бұрын
This was beautiful... I have seen HIM. HE'S hair and skin is not dark... HIS eyes are blueish colored. HE lives!!!
@makwabid69 6 жыл бұрын
@JavaRatusso 6 жыл бұрын
As a believer I wish to believe this account is true. Since it is a historical document, it will certainly be scrutinized for accuracy... As it should be! As for me, I welcome a document that supports my belief. Yet, I am not qualified to judge. So sad it is to see those who would proclaim it be a fake or false account while being as unqualified as I.
@moorek1967 6 жыл бұрын
+David Allen You don't have to be an expert to know the word "painter" is not accurate for the first century Romans. They were sculptors and laid tile frescoes.
@besacb9694 6 жыл бұрын
Classical writers such as Horace and Cicero referred to the famous 'pictor' Apelles. One could definitely be a 'painter' (pictor) in those times.
@arnoldusrichard3888 2 жыл бұрын
Lovely heartfelt reading
@doctortimepmd4887 3 жыл бұрын
interesting transition thanks
@KoyMoneyBoy 4 жыл бұрын
It’s funny how a letter from Pilot is considered fake because it gives his view on Jesus, if you ask me, it’s very convincing that there are people that Jesus impacted other than his disciples, impacted so much that people (like pilot) even had to tell somebody lol, the more proof there is about Jesus, the more people wanna deny, but keep denying, because at the end when Jesus comes back, all will confess, he is lord, so have your worldly fun now, cause when it’s over, fire from the heavens shall burn it all
@raylovelace8588 4 жыл бұрын
Dream on. That it seems to have been written long after the death of Pilate, its content is irrelevant.
@victoriapapesh6892 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful 😍 Thank you... Yeshua Ben David had reddish blonde hair blue eyes... King David had red hair...
@44hawk28 5 жыл бұрын
David is described as having red skin, the ancient Hebrew word for that color is Adhomi, a reddish-brown that in English is best exemplified as Jasper. The same color as Adam and Solomon and several others in the lineage of Christ. Perhaps he had reddish brown hair but that is not evident within the scriptures.
@mh7008 4 жыл бұрын
@@44hawk28 You don't seem to understand English, David had fair (light) and ruddy (rosy red) complexion , only Europeans have fair and ruddy complexions.
@44hawk28 4 жыл бұрын
@@mh7008 nowhere does it say he had a fair complexion. It talks about him having a fair way about him, implying how he dealt with himself and others.. And you cannot have a fair complexion and be ruddy. And when you look up your Strong's Concordance, you'll find that the original word that was translated into the English word ruddy describes a brownish-red similar to Jasper. So I suggest you go back and hit the books again. You're going to depend on the King James Bible which is at least five translations away from the original?
@mh7008 4 жыл бұрын
@@44hawk28 more clues required along with history of nations ""Were the descendants of Isaac never called after his name? "And God said unto Abraham. Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad [Ishmael -- Abraham's first-born son], and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah has said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; because in ISAAC shall thy seed be called" (Genesis 21:12). Notice also that this same statement is repeated twice in the New Testament. See Romans 9:7 and Hebrews 11:18. Why did YEHOVAH God solemnly declare in three different places in the Bible that Abraham's seed would be called after the name of Isaac if he did not mean exactly what He said? Where (and how) in history were the progeny of Abraham and Isaac ever called after the name of ISAAC? The names "Saxon," "Saksun," "Sakaisuna," and "sons of Sacae" all definitely refer to the "sons of Isaac." The "I" Has Been Dropped It is quite common in some languages to drop the initial syllable from a word. Dr. Schrader points out that "the Assyrians dropped the 'i' when they spoke of an lsraelite." Also, it was quite common to sometimes add a new final syllable to a name. "Ahab is called by Shalmanassar II A-HA-AB-BU SIR-'-LAI, i.e. "Ahab of Israel" in an inscription discovered on the banks of the Tigris. This is undoubtedly what has happened in regard to the Isaac-sons (Sax­ons). The "i" has been dropped and the basic part of the word "sak" or "sac" has been retained. "Son" simply means son of. So the word "Saxons" means "sons of (I)SAC" or "sons of Isaac. Later, we shall see quotations from reliable historical sources proving that "Saxon" derives from "sons of Sac" or "sons of Sak" (meaning "sons of Isaac"). In the days of the Judges, the Ephraimites could not sound the "h" in the word "Shibboleth." During a struggle between Israelitish factions, the inability of the Ephraimites to pronounce the "h" cost many of them their lives. Speaking of fugitive Ephraimites we read: "Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand" (Judges 12:6). Many Hebrew-speaking Jews have difficulty pronouncing their "h's" to this day. Why do we all say "Semitic'' instead of ''Shemitic''? Is it not because the "h" has been dropped in this word? It is quite common among many of the people of the British Isles even today, to drop an initial letter in some words. This is especially true of the letter "h", which is often dropped by many English-speaking people who live in Great Britain. "Where did I 'ang me 'at?", a Welsh friend of mine once asked. And a British plumber told me one day, that it was "air" which had stopped up my drain. He had to repeat himself several times before I realized that he meant "hair" instead of "air." The Anglo-Saxons Descendants of Shem Before we pursue further the derivation of the word "Sacae," we will consider historical evidence proving that the Anglo-Saxon peoples have descended from Shem. We have already noted that Lysons made this confession: "I confess that but for the universal tradition which assigns our [the British] descent to Japhet, I should have been rather inclined to attribute to the British Celts a Semitic origin, both on account of the relics of worship which we find in Britain, and also on account of the language..." (Our British Ancestors, p. 18). Lysons then shows that there are literally thousands of words in the English language which come from the Hebrew language (ibid., p. 21 ff.). He says:
@mh7008 4 жыл бұрын
@@44hawk28 ""The Bible gives a clear and definitive origin of the nations that allegedly does not accord with what modern Science is asserting. When we examine the scientific record against the historical evidence and the known movement of tribes, we find that the Bible and Science can be in accord. The problem lies in the grossly elongated mathematical models that the evolutionists have constructed based on false assumptions. The Noah gene pool Noah was understood to be pure in his generations. The Bible also maintains that the people in the Ark were all the family of Noah. Thus, to properly account for the genetic diversity, Noah must have maintained the capacity to throw genetically distinct offspring, and this offspring had the characteristics of the line from which it came, but not the entire sequence that Noah had originally. Canaan was a son of Ham and a number of sub-tribes were spared and joined Israel in some cases by subterfuge. The Ethiopian conversions were also of significance and so we have ample explanation for the E3b lineages at 25% of the Ashkenazim. The Amorites and the Southern Hittites also entered and bred with Israel. There are also significant levels of E3b in Syria, Turkey and among the Greeks at up to 30%. The Greeks are up to 30% Haplogroup J or known Semites also with up to 20% Hg I as well, which is also a prevalent Haplogroup among both known Semites and Europeans. We will deal with these aspects later.
@jazzed2b 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@deborahjesic4804 4 ай бұрын
Amazing video!! I had no ideal how brilliant Pilate was! Also I believe he was saved as many say he was not! Thank You for this! It strengthens the faith of the believer, and encourages the ones that don't!
@bullwinklejmoos 3 ай бұрын
This is fake. There is no documentation whatsoever from Pilate to anyone in Rome. All we know is that he was recalled and that is it. Nothing else. Nada. Anything you read to the contrary is BS.
@camilletriboulet-hall4901 5 жыл бұрын
@julianciahaconsulting8663 5 жыл бұрын
""indisputable historical document""??? sorry to pop your bubble but it very much has been disputed and concluded to be a fake...
@Igaluit 6 жыл бұрын
@jazzmaan707 6 жыл бұрын
That is a very modern translation. I would like to read it as written, and translated word for word from the writings in Latin, also known as scriptura continua or scripta continua. Latin used a style of writing without spaces, or other marks between the words or sentences. The Latin form also lacks punctuation, diacriticals, or distinguished letter case. Since it was Pilate's Report to Caesar, it would have to be written in original Latin and without modern punctuation, which had not been invented yet, right? I'll need more verification before I believe this is an authentic historical document.
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