Active Attacks - Calm Defense

  Рет қаралды 16,139

Systema Vasiliev

Systema Vasiliev

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Пікірлер: 65
@lsporter88 8 ай бұрын
The Colonel is indeed a very kind and very expert Dancing Instructor (the Young Man was actually very good too). Wonderful Demonstration.
@baronq37 Жыл бұрын
This work is beautiful to watch if you have eyes to see.
@lsporter88 8 ай бұрын
Beautifully said.
@kravstema6287 2 жыл бұрын
Kid took a whooping
@soldier1stclass987 2 жыл бұрын
duh that dude really try to take down someone bigger than him
@Zefirdjian 2 ай бұрын
А если бы на месте юноши был МакГрегор?
@АлексМихайлов-е3ш 2 жыл бұрын
Зэ бест 🔥👍
@randyjohnson8366 2 жыл бұрын
Lol funny video
@Luci823 2 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see some sparring one time c’mon
@Voc0der 2 жыл бұрын
Next time choose a real MMA fighter, not a emo kid.
@SystemaVasiliev 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching. In Systema, the instructor does not usually choose a partner to demonstrate with, but works with whoever volunteers.
@Voc0der 2 жыл бұрын
@@SystemaVasiliev Ok but it made this video irrevelant. We never see instructor fighting real fighter, this video show nothing, this kid don't know how to fight.
@bangermccrusher 8 ай бұрын
@@Voc0der never a real fighter? search for Ryabko and kikuno
@user-tu5un8jc9v 5 ай бұрын
​@@Voc0deryou don't understand how it works, go watch mma like a child if you want to but don't spit on systema because you don't understand it
@Voc0der 5 ай бұрын
@@user-tu5un8jc9v i've learned Systema for 7 years. I know when it works, i know when it's fake.
@janlebensreform7778 2 жыл бұрын
@Killianwsh 2 жыл бұрын
This was sad and dumb. Surely you could come up with a competitor who doesn't just throw himself on the floor and weighs more than an anorexic little girl?
@corradodecesare 2 жыл бұрын
I had the privilege to work a couple of minutes with him, a few years ago. I'm a fit man of almost 90 kg and yes, I felt like an anorexic little girl.
@CuttingEdgeSystema 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe you?
@corradodecesare 2 жыл бұрын
@@CuttingEdgeSystema Yes, it's just me. You go there and make him fly, I'm sure.
@CuttingEdgeSystema 2 жыл бұрын
@@corradodecesare I was answering Killianwsh
@corradodecesare 2 жыл бұрын
@@CuttingEdgeSystema ok!
@Voc0der 2 жыл бұрын
I've learned Systema too. The problem with Systema, is what you learn at slow speed doesn't translate at all at full speed. In front of a real fighter, with a real spirit, Systema only is not enough. Please, show an instructor fighting a proper MMA fighter.
2 жыл бұрын
The Instructor of the System has training tools, and which one he will apply depends on his personal readiness, but also on the training of the group. Full contact can be done in the Systemа, but only when the exercisers are sufficiently prepared to prevent possible injuries in time ... Инструктор Системе има алате за вежбање, а које ће да примени зависи од његове личне спремности али и од увежбаности групе. Пун контакт се може радити у Системи, али тек кад су вежбачи довољно припремљени да на време спрече могуће повреде..
@Voc0der 2 жыл бұрын
@ I never saw Valdimir or Mikhail against real fighters. During all my Systema years, i've only saw instructors striking students. Students are easily impressed, and they will never strike at full power or real intention because they respect instructors... or they are afraid of them ! It's biased. But it's also the case with other martial arts, it's not only Systema. The relationship between students and instructors create problems. It's dangerous for instrutors because they forget what a real fight is, and it's dangerous for students, because they can beleive they are good.
2 жыл бұрын
@@Voc0der As for other instructors, I can't speak, but as for those with whom I worked (in Serbia), let's say that we went beyond the established framework that you mentioned. Otherwise, there are ways to bring the exerciser into a situation to react instinctively (and even emotionally with intention) and in controlled conditions. But it is already risky for the instructors because they can easily get into a situation to justify why something did not go as they imagined. As for Vladimir and Mikhail, although I have not had the opportunity to work with them, based on personal experiences from training and several top instructors of the System, I appreciate that, unlike many instructors, they are behind what they teach. Another thing is that demonstrations at seminars are often performed with people who have the wrong attitude about working with instructors ... When it comes to the fights of instructors with fighters from top sports, that is really an unrealistic expectation because they are completely different concepts of preparation for solving certain situations and possibilities of use within sports fight. Што се тиче других инструктора не могу да говорим али што се тиче оних са којима јесам радио (у Србији) рецимо да смо излазили из устаљених оквира које си поменуо. Иначе постоје начини како довести вежбча у ситуацију да реагује инстиктивно (па чак и емотивно са намером) и у контролисаним условима. Али је то већ ризично за инструкторе јер лако могу да дођу у ситуацију да се правдају зашто нешто није прошло онако како су замислили. Што се тиче Владимира и Рјапка, иако нисам имао прилике да радим са њима, на основу личних искустава са тренинга и неколико врхунских инструктора Системе, ценим да за разлику од многих инструктора они стоје иза оног што предају. Друга је ствар што се демонстрације на семинарима често изводе са лицима која имају погрешан став о раду са инструкторима... По питању борби инструктора са борцима из врхунског спорта, то је заиста нереално очекивање јер су у питању потпуно другачији концепти припреме за решавање одређених ситуација и могућности употребе у оквиру спортске борбе.
@Voc0der 2 жыл бұрын
@ "Another thing is that demonstrations at seminars are often performed with people who have the wrong attitude about working with instructors ..." Yes, but i also saw instructors having wrong attitude with students :) And i never saw an instructor like Vladimir or Mikhail against a good opponent. Always way weaker... they are not super heroes !
2 жыл бұрын
@@Voc0der Yes, you are right, the problem is that for the demonstration in front of a larger audience, the instructors choose the ones with whom they will successfully demonstrate the desired action. If he takes someone who will behave differently than necessary for the demonstration, he will not be able to properly show what he intends to do. In other methods of combat training, this is solved through a specific relationship that is built through the practice of separate techniques. The problem is that many who think they are more advanced practitioners mix sparring and demonstration of possibilities (demonstration), which is why they want to see the presentation of possibilities as sparring. Demonstrative work is not even close to sparring in any martial art! A special problem of the System's training is training through seminars, not through regular trainings, which results in deprivation of many hours of training, including free work (various types of sparring) during which real experience is gained to apply acquired knowledge and opportunities. At the same time, a good instructor of the System will pass the variant of free sparring through a given topic without the trainee himself being aware that he practically did free sparring. Да, у праву си, проблем је у томе што за демонстрацију пред већом публиком инструктори бирају оне са којима ће успешно демонстрирати жељену радњу. Уколико узме неког ко ће се понашати другачије него што је потребно за демонстрацију неће бити у могућности правилно показати оно што намерава. У другим методама обуке за борбу, то се решава кроз специфичан однос који се гради кориз вежбање засебних техника. Проблем је што многи који мисле да су напреднији вежбачи мешају спаринг и показивање могућности (демонстрацију) услед чега приказ могућности желе да гледају као спаринг. Ни у једној борилачкој вештини демонстративни рад није ни близу спарингу! Посебан проблем вежбања Системе јесте вежбање путем семинара, а не путем редовних тренинга услед чега долази до ускраћивања за многе сате вежбања између осталих и оног слободног рада (разних врста спаринга) током којег се стиче стварно искуство за примену стечених знања и могућности. Притом добар инструктор Системе ће провући варијанту слободног спаринга кроз неку задату тему а да сам вежбач неће ни бити свестан да је практично радио слободан спаринг.
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