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Adeptus Ridiculous

Adeptus Ridiculous

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Ferrus Manus, (literally "Hand of Iron") the Gorgon, was one of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor before the Great Crusade. He led the Iron Hands Space Marine Legion. During his time on the world of Medusa Manus's hands became encased in a hard metallic substance, and he became known for his iron resolve and disdain for weakness.

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@cambabamba4159 Жыл бұрын
I can't BELIEVE you didn't talk about Fulgrim regretting his decision to kill Ferrus, making dozens of clones to prove that he could've talked Ferrus into turning traitor, and EVERY SINGLE FERRUS CLONE telling him to get bent. My favorite bit of Ferrus lore.
@alisutherland1103 Жыл бұрын
I think they touched on it in the fulcrum episode.
@The_Bird_Bird_Harder Жыл бұрын
​@@alisutherland1103 Believe they did.
@Phe0niz Жыл бұрын
Imperfect was a criminally underrated story in the 'fuck Fulgrim figuratively' collection.
@95keat Жыл бұрын
Rejecting every reasonable well thought out argument presented before you because it doesn't fit with what you already believe. Certified sigma behavior.
@strykerwaller3784 Жыл бұрын
@@95keat characterizing Chaos and especially Slaanesh as a “reasonable well thought out argument” is a reach Michael Jordan from Space Jam couldn’t pull off.
@adherentofladycolumbia725 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus and his sons are probably one of the WORST examples of GWs management. It's not because of what they've done to Ferrus, but what they've NOT DONE. This is a Primarch that Horus KNEW, while still sane, was a key to victory, if the traitors had Ferrus, game over. While he is brutish, he is in the way every human who is frustrated and wants to better them selves is brutish. Becoming laser focused on the tasks at hand, for a goal that seems so far. Ferrus wanted more for his son's and for them to develop on their own, not just by the bionics. In an odd way, from what little lore the Iron Hands have, they are the most mature of Space Marines in many ways. The first to lose their gene father, the first to continue on without him, the first to form their identity with technology and almost rejection on their humanity, but above all, the first to realize it was their CHARACTER that defined them, not the augmentation. While they have successor chapters, all are welcome to the Iron Council, and work with one another. In many ways, they have achieved much of what their father wanted for them, and that is, sadly, never praised.
@B1gCh33sy Жыл бұрын
I do hope that if someone takes up a new Ferrus project they don't lean into the foreshadowing as much as other stories have. We get it, he dies, just show us Ferrus ripping motherfuckers in half.
@xvbd6067 Жыл бұрын
100% man, when you said they achieved what their father wanted on their own, I like to think FM would be very proud of his sons
@AdamDayXCOM Жыл бұрын
Don't tell me how he died, tell me how Ferrus LIVED. This mad lad who drowned a Necron machine construct in magma with his bare hands. Who had one of the most successful efforts of the Great Crusade. Who forged weapons and brotherhood in unexpected ways. Yes he died, we all die, but not all of us live.
@VictorIV0310 Жыл бұрын
And he threw (iron) hands with the Emperor before joining him on the Great Crusade!
@TheVegeta67 Жыл бұрын
GW should do some kind of "Legends of the Crusade" or "Crusade Battles" to show characters like Ferrus at their peak during the Great Crusade.
@aarovit4257 Жыл бұрын
This episode is making me so mad. Not because of any Ferris Manus slander or if I think the Iron hands were misrepresented. But the sheer fact it took them like 5 minutes to remember if Spartans were Greek or Roman while Shy is going “Haha Ultramarines your being forgotten for being Greek” but the Ultramarines are literally THE Space Romans! I can’t believe Shy taking the L with that one
@twicedeadmage Жыл бұрын
Extremely rare Shy L
@TheUnholyHandGrenade Жыл бұрын
Epic Shy L, laugh at this user
@DarkHunter047 Жыл бұрын
In fairness, The Romans were totally riping off the greeks and, in way, became greeks later in the Byzantine empire.
@milkwalkerjones633 Жыл бұрын
@@DarkHunter047 The Romans took all the Greek ideas and for the most part made them a lot better. Lore accurate I should say.
@vegladex Жыл бұрын
SO frustrating, yeah. Also wanted to mention that if Perturabo and the Iron Warriors are "Not-Spartan Greek" then that probably makes them *Athenian* , which they also failed ot think of!
@Ayem339 Жыл бұрын
One wishes Ferrus and the Iron Hands would get the Chris Wraight treatment that Jaghatai and the White Scars got. They really need more attention and love.
@uberfeel Жыл бұрын
Vulkan: My legions will be named after the apex predator of my home world. Perturabo: My legions name will reflect our character of strength and unwavering metal. Ferrus Manus: 🦾
@venerablebrothergoriate5844 Жыл бұрын
“Character of strength” Yeah, a petty little manchild who had his head so far up his own ass, he’d kill anyone that spoke out against the Zhukov tactics he used, throwing his sons into every woodchipper in the galaxy and being a gigantic drain on imperial resources. A dude so completely and utterly convinced of his own superiority, that he thought he deserved as much praise as Dorn or Sanguinius, for willingly getting his sons killed in the dozens of thousands due to his tactical ineptitude, with nothing but the stability of his geneseed able to help the legion rebuild after every battle. And his legion turn into Game of Thrones level backstabbing scumbags, taking advantage of these meatgrinder situations constantly trying to get each other killed if it means even a chance at promotion lol 😂
@consolescrub4031 Жыл бұрын
Could be worse. Gulliman really just named his after his sector, I don't know the reasoning behind Magnus's, the Luna Wolves will be suing the Space Wolves for breach of copyright and the alpha legion just chose their name to mess with everyone which is incredibly on brand. Edit: My comments appear to be shifting with some shenanigans. Hopefully this ends up below the comment about incredible legion names.
@TheOnlyRealIRONicMAN Жыл бұрын
The Thousand Sons were named this way because at the start of the Great Crusade, there were exactly 1000 of them. Only afterwards was their Legion brought up to full strengh. Then, they were again reduced to just about 1000 due to the Flesh Change and after the burning of Prospero there were only about 1000 left (1242, to be exact).
@consolescrub4031 Жыл бұрын
@@TheOnlyRealIRONicMAN I see. Kind of funny that their legion was basically at chapter strength a lot of the time. I had assumed it was symbolic but some of the names are really on the nose (looking at you Raven Guard)
@BaltoSaber Жыл бұрын
For someone with so little lore, Ferrus has one of the best burns over Lorgar in the whole lore: "One wonders if you're capable of creating anything worthwile at all"
@Overlord99762 Жыл бұрын
@evillaughinthebackground5732 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ, that's an Exterminatus lmao
@13emstr Жыл бұрын
He said after Lorgar saved his ass, so it was more like Ferrus was whining about Lorgar's mild critisism after being saved.
@BaltoSaber Жыл бұрын
@@13emstr i think you remember It wrong, this is an answer to Lorgar when he asked if Ferrus only know how to create weapons. His ass deserved to get roasted
@13emstr Жыл бұрын
@@BaltoSaber Like I said, mild critisism which was responded with whining.
@tedculbertson6320 Жыл бұрын
One small detail is that he isn't a total idiot about his obsession with strength. During the war with the Diasporex, he spent a while chasing them around the star system, but their ships kept evading him. Eventually he calls together his commanders and asks them why they're failing. Instead of just being like "Rargh, we need to be stronger!" they say that they can't do it alone and they need reinforcements. Ferrus agrees and says that it's weakness not to acknowledge your own limitations.
@12ratsinatrenchcoat Жыл бұрын
"If fighting is all there is, if we may never pause to reflect on what such devotion to strength is doing to us, then our compulsion will only grow. Already I see the madness that path leads to, and so I shall excise the silver from my hands. In doing so I shall weaken myself and my sons, but nonetheless it must be done. The hands are strong, and have created great things, but they are not mine."
@jagnestormskull3178 Жыл бұрын
There was a tech-priest who theorized that the reason for new Iron Hands getting so many cybernetic augmentations even though they're not upgrades to an Astartes is "daddy love me" syndrome.
@venerablebrothergoriate5844 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus never even used a forge hammer to forge. He just punched the metal to shape. Fun fact, the Iron Hands were like, 95% responsible for the technological improvement of Terminator armor among many other Astartes armaments. The Iron Hands basically field-tested everything for the Mechanicum during the great crusade. They were also 99% responsible for the drafting of legion tactical doctrines for the deployment of terminators and Astartes combined arms warfare. When it comes to tanks, dreadnoughts and terminators, if it weren’t for the Iron Hands, the great crusade would’ve been far longer and more costly. All the other legions were taking pages out of Ferrus Manus’s playbook when it came to their tech.
@qigonglungz Жыл бұрын
GW is tripping! They could release several books on Ferrus Manus... They could make the tale about a remembrancer (equipped with some expensive augmentation) or a Magos that goes to Medusa and studies Manus' Lore... I mean it's a DEATH PLANET, plenty of stories to tell... We could even learn more about the Necrons... The Remembrancer has a Space Marine, Custodes, or Castellan bodyguard (maybe a Jokaro sidekick?) assigned to him, and they go on adventures and simultaneously tell Manus' tale while building their own lore. Kinda like a 40K Gotrex and Felix series... kill three birds in one stone, give us Manus lore, Necron Lore, and create a new IP.... I'd buy it... shht for the right price I'd write it...
@Nomadith Жыл бұрын
My favourite quote in perhaps all of the Horus Heresy comes from The First Heretic, shortly before Ferrus died: "They are not my hands. This fact is forgotten by my brothers -- inexplicably, it has always seemed to me. The hands are strong, to be sure, and have created great things for us all, but they are not mine. And that counts for something. They forget that the silver on my arms comes from a beast that I vanquished. It is the mark of a great evil that I ended, and yet it persists within me...I would struggle to remove it now...I will not remove the silver from my flesh because I have learned to depend on it. The fault is with my mind. I rely on the augmentation given to me by my metal gauntlets, so much so that the flesh beneath them is now little more than a distant memory...A day will come when I will strip it from me, lest I lose the power to master myself forever. Already my Legion's warriors replace their shield hands with metal in my honour, and so they too are learning to doubt the natural strength of their bodies. They must be weaned off this practice before it becomes a mania for them. Hatred of what is natural, of what is human, is the first and greatest of the corruptions. So I record it here: when the time comes, I will strip my hands of their unnatural silver. I will instruct my Legion to recant their distrust of the flesh. I will turn them away from the gifts of the machine and bid them relearn the mysteries of flesh, bone and blood. When my father's Crusade is over, this shall be my sacred task. When the fighting is done, I shall cure my Legion and myself. For if fighting is all there is, if we may never pause to reflect on what such devotion to strength is doing to us, then our compulsion will only grow." And it's the only one that makes me cry. Ferrus had so much planned, but he was cut low by GW and then Fulgrim. Everyone loved him or at least respected him, his Grim Resolve was like his hands.
@Nightmare_52 Жыл бұрын
honestly, ferrus as little care as the writers have for him is actually one of my favourite primarchs
@Medicae131 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus' main problem is they knew form the get go he was going to die before the Heresy even really started, and they could have done something really interesting with that. Like lean into what a logical/strategic powerhouse he was and that the loyalists really took a massive blow in losing him, but instead it's likey the were scarred people would like him and... be emotionally invested in him.
@LegoM12 Жыл бұрын
Kinda wished Bricky had talked about that moment when Ferrus is with the Emperor and they are discussing Vulkan, pretty cool moment in the lore, plus since there isn’t that much lore about him might as well. Also it’s interesting how in the lore both traitors and loyalists thought that Ferrus would have made an incredible asset for the war, like Horus literally said that with him he would have taken terra already during the siege.
@henrypaleveda7760 Жыл бұрын
arguably, if he had less primarchs but still had their legions, he would have taken terra. Perty, and morty were needed, but angron was a great batteringram too.
@zxcasf Жыл бұрын
A fun thing with Ferrus actually takes place after his death. Fulgrim, believing that he wasn't fully in his right mind when he killed Ferrus, thinks he could have convinced him if he were free of demonic possession. To this end he has Fabius Bile clone Ferrus Manus with his full memory, albeit gradually drip fed to him. Fulgrim then tries to convince clone Ferrus, clone Ferrus isn't convinced, and then they fight with Ferrus nearly killing Fulgrim each time but always narrowly losing. Fulgrim concludes that the reason for each clone's failure is that they're not the real Ferrus, as in his mind he would be able to convince the real Ferrus. Killing Ferrus is one of the few things that seems to emotionally wound Fulgrim, yet ironically he compulsively continues to kill them for making the same choice that the real Ferrus did. In fact Ferrus' staunch refusal to join him, even in an utterly hopeless situation that essentially guarantees his death is probably the most accurate aspect of his many cloned incarnations, and Fulgrim's refusal to accept this truth is an ironic form of self imposed torture.
@jakemarzano2298 Жыл бұрын
Robute Guillimen considered Ferrus the most important of his Dauntless Few, the group of primarchs with which he could defeat any challenge no matter the odds. When he heard he had died it effected him the most.
@korstmahler Жыл бұрын
I hope you talk about that time a surviving group of Iron hands escaped Istvaan with a single metal arm and some armour and built the rest of a replacement Ferrus out of bionics to give them orders. What's creepier? It sort of could. It moved it's fingers slightly too, implying the Necrodermis itself or possibly a fragment-of-the-fragment of the Dragon that Ferrus fought was retaking the 'body' built for it. I believe Vulkan took one look at it. He went "That is not my brother" and smashed it to pieces. In light of this, and the source of Ferrus's arms, is it any wonder that the 'Machine God' still smiles on the Iron Hands to this day?
@warhammerguy Жыл бұрын
There is one throw away line about ferrus that adds to his badassness. There is a point when Horus is seething over the fact that all the primarchs that decided to followed him was the "damaged ones". When someone then asked him who out of all the loyalist primarchs he wished had followed him instead he answered "Ferrus Manus, he knew war. If He had been on our side we would have already won this war".
@SumDude129 Жыл бұрын
17:17 The mercy is weakness bit reminded me of a part in a HH book when Horsus says 2 brothers at his equal in War. Gman and Ferrus. Ferrus specifically because he destroys his foes completely. Kinda hard to fight a second battle when everyone is dead 😂
@ObakeOnna 8 ай бұрын
"My natural strength!" said Ferrus Manus, a literal test tube baby crafted by the greatest scientific minds in Terran history using technology so advanced it would never again be mastered, weaved together with the arcane powers of the Immaterium by an immortal gestalt of a whole host of ancient psykers.
@chipman1589 Жыл бұрын
I fucking love ferrus even with the little that we’ve been given. I hope we get a good bit more down the line and they do him justice. Also there was a scene where emps and malcy boy were playing chess (regicide) where the emperor eluded to fixing ferrus
@KhaosAdmiral Жыл бұрын
I still find it funny that Ferrus's first action upon meeting the emperor was to say "You, Me, Mano a Mano let's go"
@Anastasia_Clouds Жыл бұрын
"Why didn't Fulgrim slay Ferrus with the blade he made UWU" - well fudge because he couldn't even slay him with Laer blade, the demon in the blade did it itself. Had Fulgrim taken other weapon with him that day Ferrus might have met a different fate entirely. And yes, "his own primarch book" does give some essential info. Especially on the fact why is he the merciless bastard and why did he actually want to become Warmaster. Because he thought others were doing the shitty job with the Crusade! Slay more, slay faster, and it will end sooner, and more people will live in the Golden age his father has promised, that's freaking why. Ferrus isn't a coldblooded sociopath, he's trying to be effective to the point of being merciless (Kurze walked quite the same path until his conditioning and his mental illness took better of him). And even then he fails to be unemotional. The whole point of Iron Hands is that they TRY to be as logical and effective as machines but are too hot-blooded to ever reach that point, and that's good! I don't even like Iron Hands that much lol.
@garrettkirchoff1573 Жыл бұрын
If I'm not mistaken, there was a blurb of when Vulkan was testing out his legion/tactics with the Emperor watching. Ferrus and his legion were kind of the backup/standby to help. Ferrus had made a quip about Vulkan. It's not much, but it exists somewhere.
@mr.potato2223 Жыл бұрын
"The flesh is weak but the deeds remain"
@edim108 Жыл бұрын
The more you know about Ferrus and the Iron Hands the more you want go have more! GW is sleeping on a GOLD MINE with the Iron Hands lore! Ferrus was in a lot of ways brash and brutish, maybe even bullheaded, but in a way that is understandable for someone who constantly wants to improve, to be better, to strive for more. He wanted better for his sons. He wanted them to grow in character, to become more skilled, to persist and constantly improve, to strive for greater things. He was the strict father that is harsh on his sons because he knows they can do better, bc he wants them to do better, to be better. And in broad view, he succeeded. The Iron Hands emerged out of the Heresy and their gene father's early death arguably stronger than they were before. They persist thanks to the lessons Ferrus taught them and the character he helped forge. They certainly aren't exactly what he envisioned them to be, but they didn't disappoint him either. Even after suffering tremendous losses in the drop site massacre, even after loosing their Primarch and most of the senior members of the legion, they fight on still. Iron Hands are definitely one of my favorite legions and the way GW has been treating them makes me sad, bc there is so much untapped potential in them...
@Myomer104 Жыл бұрын
As you guys mentioned in the Fulgrim episode, the reason why Fulgrim wasn't using Ferrus' sword at the Drop Site Massacre was because Ferrus had broken it during their "negotiations have broken down" moment.
@BR-bn1mz Жыл бұрын
I think they’re far less ‘purge the weak’ as in kill them and more ‘purge the weak’ within yourself with cybernetics, training and self mutilation. They don’t get high on their strength and perfection (like the EC), but rather it depresses some of them as they never feel perfect and good enough. In his own opinion, no one, not him and his student Vulkan, not his co-tank-creater Guilliman, not Sanguinius and Horus, nor Lorgar and Magnus, none of them were as close to eachother as Ferrus and Fulgrim, and their united need to be perfect and better, and, when the Iron Hands failed their Primarch and eachother, they saw themselves as weak and went even further into the self mutilation and self hatred that Ferrus never wanted to encourage Also they were considered urban masters, not because they were particularly the best, but because they never hesitated due to potential civilian casualties
@eduardodiaz9942 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus Manus is up there with Corvus Corax as the less subtly named Primarch of the bunch.
@antonakesson Жыл бұрын
And Angron is more subtle?
@eduardodiaz9942 Жыл бұрын
​@@antonakesson Yep, at least they changed the word anger a bit. Ferrus Manus literally means Iron Hand in Latin and Corvus Corax is the scientific name of the common raven.
@leopedroza4461 Жыл бұрын
I love the Iron Hands and Ferrus Manus, but GW really didn't try with Ferrus's Lore.
@cncmne7404 Жыл бұрын
Um , there was the Gaardinal thing tho , an only instance where he gets some form of character development. Like he wanted to be Warmaster but is bad at diplomacy so he tried doing it but failed and started to doubt himself ,since he as a mentor to some primarchs expected himself to be the best. Eventually he said fuck this diplomacy and Warmaster crap , and decided that he should be the best primarch there can be , but the best Ferrus he can be. Which gave him some peace of mind and purpose which many primarchs dont have.
@austinwalsh5007 Жыл бұрын
You wrong, read more book. I'm partly kidding but Ferrus is pretty neat but you have to scour through all the short stories of the heresy and the salamanders books cause his interactions with Vulcan do give a bit more insight to who he is as a character. Like the not liking his legions self mutilation, originally it was his idea to do that or he at least gave his blessing, but later after several grueling campaigns and a particular fight against Eldar where the used magic to just turn of the iron hands bionics and a bunch of "weak" fleshy guardsmen had to step up and pretty much save the day, if I recall correctly it's after that fight when Ferrus is talking with Vulcan that he says he wants to remove the metal from his hands and get his legion to stop relying so heavily upon bionics. There is lore on Ferrus, not as much as many other primarch but most of his stories are mainly just him having prolonged cameos in other characters stories but the story I mentioned above (can't remember the title, it's later in the heresy series) we do get probably the only real Ferrus pov scenes, we see his battle field command post and how it works, we get to see his thoughts as he goes through a tunnel full of cabal bullshit, its a lot of fun, I recommend it especially for new comers and iron hands fans. Other than that, good podcast as always can't wait to hear about my boy, the man, the myth, the legend, Ssss SADRAK MEDUSAN!
@Jormyyy Жыл бұрын
Hearing that DK has a *Hazbin Hotel* playmat (for his desk) is honestly kinda awesome. I knew he had good taste! Mostly
@wetzel4806 Жыл бұрын
In regards to the "all primarchs return" bit dk mentioned, I know in old lore there was a bit where the IHands gathered some meaty bits and one of ferrus' arms and was gonna try some kinda techno/necromancy thing. I believe one of the iron fathers destroyed it calling it slander. If I HAD to propose and idea on return, I got 2: either his necrodermis response him as a T1000 knock off, or he as a daemon primarch(saint?) Of the emperor is bound to some kinda tech: Daemon Engine Primarch, kinda like perty.
@andrewgolubiewski3463 Жыл бұрын
I think an important part of the psychology of Ferus Manus going into istvan 5 is his insecurities about how his loyal brothers would think of him that Fulgrim thought he could turn him. He believed that they would question his loyalty, that Fulgrim had a reason to think he would have turned. He was insistant on leading the charge to punish the traitors to prove that he was loyal. It does say as much in the books. I just can't be assed to look up exactly where. It wasn't an additional thing either, happened between Fulgrim trying to turn him and Fulgrim killing him.
@LichKingg23 Жыл бұрын
Ok guys, this is my favorite Primarch and legion and you were right, I'm a ad mech fan first. You could have told about the clones and the talk Horus had to Ferrus head too. The moment he met Vulkan. Well you did your best.
@nextdandude1542 Жыл бұрын
As an Iron hands fan and tabletop player, I'm just happy that my favorite legion is included.
@edwardaugustus9680 Жыл бұрын
Finally Best Primarch (this is the hill I die on) gets an episode.
@mr.oddball. 7 ай бұрын
If, as a one off, one and only one primarch was to return from the dead, I would want it to be Ferrus Manus. The guy kinda deserves it because of just how little attention has been paid to him. It would be interesting to see him react to the state of 40k, as he goes from fighting and being betrayed at the drop site to the hell that is the 41st millennium.
@ИльяЛунев-к6д Жыл бұрын
In "Lesson of Iron", Ferus Manus found 40k ship of Iron Hands, got shocked by how they were, swore that he will save them from that fate, and specifically because of it, Iron Hands went that way, that they did. Self-fulfiling prophecy
@ИльяЛунев-к6д Жыл бұрын
That was time anomaly, also, there were a lot of corpses of IH on board and either daemons or tyranids that killed them
@HalfTangible Жыл бұрын
46:21 The book doesn't tell you much about Ferrus. The one and only detail that I found kinda interesting was that Ferrus knew the Emperor was going to pick a Warmaster, that it wouldn't be him, and that he'd resigned himself to that. Like IIRC his exact words were "And I will accept whoever it is." He tells Fulgrim this near the end of the book. Also, we get a reason that the two of them are friends: both of them are ultimately striving for perfection in all things. Fulgrim does it with style, Ferrus just wants it *done*, but both are striving to be the best they can be and they found kinship in that. But yeah now that Shy's said that, you *do* get more insight into the Emperor's Children than the friggen Primarch the book is named after.
@davidmanning316 Жыл бұрын
Little thing on his silver hands. The reason they are so powerful isn't strength. It's that he can cold form metal with them. He basically sculpts metal
@MrPenfold666 Жыл бұрын
In the Ferrus Manus book he berates a master of the ultramarines for being an idiot not only for getting nuked but for letting a whole battlegroup of titans got nuked and destroyed
@24fretsoffury Жыл бұрын
What’s really neat I found during “Fulgrim” was that Ferrus molded and formed metal without blacksmith tools, he literally manhandled the raw metal. Even not needing a forge to heat it up, his hands would do that for him. His hands were actually scary as shit, and during the Fulgrim/Ferrus fight, he used them to break and melt enemy weapons. Catching them, and ruining them almost instantly.
@andrewwestfall65 Жыл бұрын
Manus will come back as a metal slime as the necrodermis absorbed the rest of him and decided now to make itself known
@patrickmitchell9068 Жыл бұрын
I really like how ferris story is through myth, it makes the primach feel like giants. There powers truly at a level of gods compare too us mortal
@autobotskyflame6287 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, both Guiliman and Horus believed he'd of been a vital asset to their causes.
@devingendron2287 Жыл бұрын
43:05: He's trying to screw possessed Fulgrim's head back on straight.
@ArclightLeopard Жыл бұрын
19:32 Ferrus Manus be like, “Who up playing with they worm and gettin that Necrodussy…?”
@haroldtaylor6830 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus Manus should come back as just his head piloting a super dreadnought. The Iron Everything
@_NutcasE_ Жыл бұрын
Something worth mentioning would have been that the headless flaming figure emperor summons is called the tenth son.
@555tork Жыл бұрын
There is a good short story about Ferrus' early life written by David Guymer called "Canticle". I don't know if the ebook can be bought separately but it is in the collection titled Scions of the Emperor.
@hunter5822 Жыл бұрын
14:02 I’d imagine it’s cause that planets tectonic plates are thin or something. It’s why everything shook like it was on a water bed.
@hunter5822 Жыл бұрын
Oh man I’m ordering that kick ass mariviglia print the moment I get home. I want that beautiful piece up on my wall for sure!
@proudsaiyanprince2651 Жыл бұрын
Kinda weird to honor one of the most horrific and depraved events in the series in one’s home but you do you. Lol
@cjgray8825 Жыл бұрын
48:53 as a lover of all things Emperor’s Children I can tell you I insult the Iron Hands by forgetting about them. Their greatest hour was when their father died to mine.
@joshua41175 Жыл бұрын
Its kinda funny how ferrus manus is literally just a high functioning psychopath.
@steweygrrr Жыл бұрын
Super Ackshully/Expand On What Was Said Time! Bricky left out the bit where the surviving Iron Hands had a bit of a mental breakdown and sort of made a mechanical doll of Ferrus to replace him. That did not go over very well with others... Feeling the guilt of killing Ferrus and certain that he could have brought him over to their side, Fulgrim ordered Chief Apothecary Fabius to clone Ferrus which he succeeded in doing. However every attempt Fulgrim made to convince the Ferrus clone ended with Fulgrim killing it and having another made. He did this dozens of times before it eventually sunk in that he would never betray the Emperor.
@BarokaiRein Жыл бұрын
If you're not Ultramarines, Dark Angels or Blood Angels, chances are GW just kinda forgot about your chapter and primarch. Those 3 are definitely the protagonists.
@thatotherguy8138 Жыл бұрын
It's sad to say that one could make an argument that Ferrus is the Fridged Primarch - ie: he exists only to contribute to Fulgrim's character development.
@StabbyTheSkaven Жыл бұрын
now that i know what his hands are and how little the people responsible for those hands care if a head is missing, i could honestly see a resurection of ferrus, either due to the necrodermus in his hands just doing its thing or a deliberate act by the necrons (trazin would probably love the idea that) i know they just did the lion and its pretty far fetched but its a definite possibility
@jagnestormskull3178 Жыл бұрын
Bricky got the quote, let's go!
@epiccthulu Жыл бұрын
Ferrus Manus’ hands being made of necrodermis is the source of my homebrew tyranids eating necrons
@FishMcFish420 Жыл бұрын
Coming from someone whose first WH40K novel was the Ferrus Manus novel... It was a rough introduction ahaha, I already knew a lot of lore before it but damn. The book can be summarized with, "this is why Ferrus Manus wasn't picked as warmaster." You could argue the Mortarion book is the same, but the Morty book just went so hard.
@robbybeckmeyer828 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus "The Fridged" Manus
@venerablebrothergoriate5844 Жыл бұрын
And that bit at the end? Yeah. Ferrus would either tell such a remembrancer to either write a book about Sanguinius or Fulgrim, or, if Ferrus was feeling particularly generous that day, he’d basically just let the remembrancer write some shit about his legion’s tech that would basically amount to a Warhammer version of “Modern Marvels.”
@Kristian.B.Kristiansen Жыл бұрын
You can find more on Ferrus, if you try hard enough. His position as 4th found His relationship with Vulkan His roll as the "solid one" You can find more.
@Evelynlouise17 Жыл бұрын
You can hear the lack of enthusiasm in Brickys voice as he talks about Ferrus in this episode. I get him being the least favorite of the primarchs, but there's so much more they could have easily touched on.
@CrayonosaurusRex Жыл бұрын
I viewed Perturabo and Ferrus as a reference to two of the eras of Ancient Greece...Perty being the refined, philosophical, interconected and "developed" of the Hellenic era (Athens, Sparta, and Plato/Socrates) while Ferrus was the older Mycenaean era (Achilles, Hercules, King Minos and the Trojan War), where family/tribal bond, pure strength and apathetic power mattered more than insights and refined strategies...I am almost willing to bet that besides some of the personality traits, they could've been interchangeable with each other
@greedygreen8269 Жыл бұрын
If he comes back i hope it will be as a Necron as a consequence of not cutting those arms out
@doom1609 Жыл бұрын
Iron Hands are so interesting to me, especially their potential. GW just doesn’t seem to care about him and he deserves better. The lore he has should get further explored and I love the theories about Medusa’s connections with the Men of Iron as well, which goes into the true origin of his hands.
@mu7es Жыл бұрын
I picture the sound effect of iron hands dying is just the metal pipe
@magentaman7639 Жыл бұрын
It’s alright, DK. I got a Stolas mousepad. 5:26
@Rev_Boneman Жыл бұрын
I mean, I think part of the tragedy of the Ferrous Vs. Fulgrim thing is that Fulgrim never wanted to kill Ferrous - there was still the possibility, albiet ever slight, that in his moment of lucidity and realization after besting Ferrous that he could have redeemed himself if it weren't for the Laer Blade quite literally forcing his hand. It is not Fulgrim who killed Ferrous, but Fulgrim's corruption - the weakness he allowed unto himself - that killed Ferrous. Killing him with the Flame Blade would somewhat diminish that imo
@thelonewolfronstringer6266 Жыл бұрын
I'm so pumped DK got the quote
@jarl_winter Жыл бұрын
The best version of Ferrus Manus is ghost head Ferrus Manus. “You are weeeeeeeeak Vulkan”
@eichler721 Жыл бұрын
If i could only pick one Legion to crusade in the Great Crusade it would be the Dark Angels as they had the best gear and ships cause they where the Emperor's purge force. If i had to pick 3 to work together it would be Iron Hands for vehicles and heavy support, White Scars for Scouting and fast assault, and the Blood Angels for shock assault infantry. I could also switch the Raven Guard for the White Scars for spec ops if needed and they scout well also.
@AxolotlInMC Жыл бұрын
Yes, as a giant AdMech simp, I do consider choosing Iron Hands as my loyalist Astartes in the future, simply because of my craving of the strength and certainty of steel. It may also not be surprising that I have grown fond of the thought of buying and painting some Iron Warriors and daemon engines first.
@GoldenShadowKnight Жыл бұрын
perfect timing on this I literally just started collecting warhammer and I am building Iron hands couldn't have timed this better
@kevinfennel9030 Ай бұрын
Ferrus Manus and Fulgrim the Phoenician…or as I nicknamed them: Coldus Handsus and Full-Grip the Funboi
@brandonbeck6117 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus Manus is definitely one of the Primarchs of all time.
@mattb683 Жыл бұрын
6:30 -marine NCOs 😅
@clonerwesker Жыл бұрын
While Ferris and Fulgrim were fighting they did infact use the weapons they made, however partway through the battle Ferris destroyed Fulgrims weapon so he had to resort to the Slaanesh Daemon blade which ultimately struck the final blow
@donaldduck7707 Жыл бұрын
1:23 Not the Fart reverb Drumroll tho 😭
@discountdisco2273 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes Ferrus "I definitely don't have a hands fetish" Manus! I'm sure nothing bad will happen to his neck...
@koezan Жыл бұрын
I NEED that picture as a displate!
@dolos4301 Жыл бұрын
"The artist wishes to remain anonymous" Yeah, no, with art like that, I don't think they'd get a break from messages about commisions
@JHadders98 Жыл бұрын
the amber king has a fantastic video on ferrus manus if you're craving more btw
@thegreatpumpkin4564 Жыл бұрын
Ferrus Manus has that reality distortion field about him that made you forget everything about him. You ask yourself what Ferrus was all about and what made him cool and you just draw a blank. I mean, the guy had a Flamer and a Plasma Gun on his backpack in addition to that gigantic two-handed hammer of his. That's the same level of friggin' sick as Perturabos' combi-bolter gauntlets.
@Notbatman374 Жыл бұрын
I really want vashtorr to fuse ferrus' warp entity/soul into like a titan to make the ultimate helbrute. Use the primarch to turn and reforge the iron hands. Let the iron hands turn chaos undivided. Then bring back clone fulgrim and give him an all primaris loyalist chapter
@matthiasbinz770 Жыл бұрын
remember: the heresy would have been won if the iron hands have turned, also: Ferus could be revived potentially in the same way as Jagatai.
@korstmahler Жыл бұрын
'Ironic' that the Primarch of self reliance and survival of the fittest is incapable of using his own strength unaugmented and hasn't since he killed the Necron snake. He can't remove the arm silver because it's replaced his arms.
@bullethail3875 Жыл бұрын
Knowing DK it's the cherry bomb valentine's day mousepad
@theonewholives5414 10 ай бұрын
Feel free to fact check this. Could be wrong, but if I remember correctly. The Spartans would literally Soon as the baby opened its eyes, they Would just dump a whole jar of wine over the baby's head. And if it went blind, they would throw it off a cliff because it did not have the God's blessing.
@Blawley124 Жыл бұрын
If they bought him back I'd say the necrodermis rebuilds his head
@AceTaxiaGaming Жыл бұрын
Just watched the Ork video from Bricky Ep2, now I got this... Good day
@davidtrainor9569 Жыл бұрын
Ferris could come back as a response to a rising Necron threat OR if the hints from Vashtorr and the Votann are right, a return of an Abominable Intelligence faction.
@Ben-sn9cw Жыл бұрын
I heard tcg playmat and immediately took my first trip to orchid8. Might grab something else cause why not ;)
@JettMann8 11 ай бұрын
If they jadnt gotten shafted, TTS would have given us absolutely amazing lore for Ferrus
@jamestheubet9438 Жыл бұрын
Cawl shoud randomly resurrect Ferrous, as a heretical machine, so. That he may finally be The Primarch of the Men of Iron... Hands...
@williamwalsh4743 Жыл бұрын
the Artwork is breathtaking. Especially as Fulgrim has been my favorite HH novel so far!! ( im on book 20)
@icefire1729 Жыл бұрын
If this was bigger so i could use it as a big desk pad i would buy it straight away. Also if you could make a Night Lord/ Kurze one then that would be epic. anyway it looks amazing, let the artist know what an amazing job they did and keep up the good work, love the videos.
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