Transcript of Advocacy Video Series: Part 5 by Rooted in Rights [Music] ALLEXA: Hi everyone, it's Allexa from Rooted in Rights, and I'm here for Part Five of the Advocacy Video Series! And I'm here to talk about scripting. So, step one in producing your advocacy video will be to write a script. If writing a script is not your style, that's fine, but here's what we recommend. When you're making an advocacy story, you want to take your personal narrative and you want to connect it to a larger issue. To get started on your script, we recommend answering four questions. Question one: Who are you? Write one to two sentences about who you are and a brief description. Visual description is great to include here. Question two is: What happened? What is the circumstance, the issue, the experience that you had that you're going to talk about. Part three is: What did you need? So you had this experience. What was missing from that experience? What did you need at that time? Question four - to answer - is: What are you asking for now? Who are you? What happened? What did you need? And what are you asking for now? A great place to start is to write one to two sentences answering each of these questions. Once you have those questions answered, you can decide if you want to expand them, if you're making a longer piece, or keep them nice and tight, if you're making a short video. Also consider your audience. Who are you looking to reach with this video? Are you talking to peers? Are you, maybe, talking to legislators? The audience that you have can impact the tone you want to use. Do you want to be more casual and informal because you're talking to peers? Or do you want to be a little more concise and specific, depending on your audience. At Rooted in Rights, we use a simple script template and that script template basically has three columns. That first column is your "Hosting." What are you going to say on camera? And that's going to be your one to two sentence answers from your scripts. That second column is "B-Roll," which we're going to talk about in the next part. Which is going to be visually, what are you showing? Are you showing the hosting, the talking to camera? Or are you going to use B-roll, or other shots, to support that hosting. The third column that we have is an "audio description" column, which we're going to be talking about later, Which is an accessibility feature to make sure you're describing the visual information that's in your B-Roll. In the next part, I'm going to break down that script template just a little bit more. So join me for that. End of transcript.