echoing all the love coming your way, wordz. it’s really hard to tell the truth when others are lying to protect their interests. the liars will try to make you look dramatic and insubordinate (sound familiar?). it means a lot that at the center of your concerns are those five people who were being harassed, especially that one poet who had been routinely suppressed (despite being victimized). legally, it may help to focus on what you specifically are owed/can claim such as your lost wages + compensation for your hybrid show. start calculating dollar amounts for these things bc that’s all court cares about unfortunately. you’ll need capital for the spiritual fight you’re taking on. i’m glad that your giant has reawakened. much love
@bbhowie139 Жыл бұрын
also just gonna say bruja is/was probably ‘afraid’ of your ex bc from what i remember she’s either a lawyer or training to become one, right? liars don’t like lawyers since they fear people who might hold them accountable (which is why you’ve both been ‘banned’ from the space). so sorry for all the personal trauma you’ve been navigating too ❤