Fun detail for Lucas' track, Me And the Boys. The chorus includes the line, "the drummer plays a beat too long and the whole damn song starts to fall apart." If you pay attention while in Lucas' cabin, you'll see that the only instrument there is a drum pad. You missed a bunch of lore, but here's the basic run-down: Agent Rainbow was first developed 30 years prior to the game as a fear-based weapon to save lives during war. It was resurrected and being developed in Milton Haven (a small town with it's own harbor), but the strain their testing put on the overworked power station led to a blackout, leaving one of their own ships to run aground and contaminate the local water supply. This led to an increase in crime, violence, and anxiety throughout the town, not just among Desmond's patients. Rosemary James discovered that it could connect people subconsciously and realizing how dangerous that was, tried to stop the research, but was betrayed by a member of her team. She made contact with Lucas with the intent to turn over documentation, but she was taken and then eliminated, leaving Lucas to flee with, presumably, the documentation she'd brought to him. The game ends with Lucas rescuing Desmond from being eliminated, and the two going into hiding until they can blow the whistle on the whole operation.