@@nothingstudent Du oder dein Boyfriend kann immer noch die Rente empfangen, obwohl ihr nicht mehr permanent in Deutschland lebt. Ihr habt schließlich ja während Zeit in Deutschland auch Beiträge regelmäßig eingezahlt, nicht wahr? Ich bin ein 留德华, der in Toronto lebt.
Wish you good luck, I moved back to Hong Kong after staying in France over 30 years as HK is safe. France was quite simple and safe 30 years ago but no more.
@Jer_Ch5 ай бұрын
英國差啲既區多數係城市都會咁 但還好英國有 castle law 真係入屋係可以用一切武力驅趕對方,重手左法官多數會判屋主贏 The Castle Doctrine is a law in the UK that gives people the right to use reasonable force to defend themselves and others from illegal entry or violent attacks in their homes. This includes the right to use deadly force, which is usually considered self-defense in a legal context. 而且英國既法官仲未左到另一個地步 (可能就快),之前有一單有司機見到路上有隨機持刀襲擊,個司機揸車一野撞死個犯最後都判無罪,因為幾廿支 cctv footage 影到個拖襲者既危險同司機臨危決定正確 但加拿大可以玩到係個差人係公開記者場合叫你擺條匙同車匙係外面叫個賊「你拎啦」咁樣玩法
I studied and worked in Canada for over 20 years before moving to California many years ago. Medical is extremely expensive in the US and we have the same issues here. It takes 3 months to get an appointment with my family doctor and many established doctors do not take new patients, only the new and inexperienced doctors do. As far as issues with the homeless and break-ins, they are not any better here, if not worse. Toronto is still my favorite place to live .
@akito01285 ай бұрын
I live in bay area in CA, but it doesn't take 3 months for appointments, it is quick if you pay for health insurance
@Ccwuhccwuh5 ай бұрын
@@akito0128 Yes, I also pay for health insurance but it is still taking me months to make an appointment in LA.. As a matter of fact, I called yesterday to make an appointment with a specialist and the next available appointment is Jan 2025!
@phil-vs8xl5 ай бұрын
@@Ccwuhccwuh What if you have a stroke?
@Ccwuhccwuh5 ай бұрын
@@phil-vs8xlThen you go to emergency.
@johnfu87grits925 ай бұрын
@@akito0128yes, it does not take 3 months for appointments if you have private insurance!
@Belle_is_here5 ай бұрын
世界沒有烏托邦,唔需要limit 自己,有機會有能力出去體驗下唔同地方生活, 多倫多、香港各有各好
@0butterflyfly5 ай бұрын
我20年前住紐約7年,回流過返香港,亦有短住荷蘭,而家住左溫哥華3年,住得幾舒服,只要唔去某d地區,仍然活係一個美好嘅小世界裏面,平時最多有黑熊/ Racoon break in 。溫哥華好多好野食。有家庭醫生,但無用,未病到死,醫生都係幫唔到你,去急症更恐怖,我而家有咩大小事都係睇中醫。住左3年都唔鍾意加拿大人嘅small talk ,但係你唔同佢small talk 又係無禮貌,人生就浪費左時間講廢話,但住加拿大大把時間比你浪費。做左教育界20年,係度第一份工繼續做小學老師,因為怕太辛苦,所以一開始只做part time ,最後捱左一年工都辭埋,兼且同另一半決定唔要小朋友,費時自己小朋友學壞,危害社會。加拿大人係咪nice? 我覺得只係表面友善,其他地方唔清楚,BC省出名d 人僞善,同我以前英國同事差唔多。的確人生唔同stage 需要唔同生活環境,以前後生會覺得加拿大悶,而家呢個stage 覺得都幾適合自己。最後,我以前都有扒龍舟,扒龍舟記得做好防曬😂
The only drawback, a big one, is that you will be officially, legally, discriminated by the government if you are NOT a Malay, in schooling, jobs, etc....
Love this video my friend. It made me laugh (buy coffee blow water vs ordering breakfast in HK) and then the ending made me tear up(I miss my family they are in Canada) and I’m in HK working… Either way quality vids as usual hope you can find a family doc soon
@carolcheung93645 ай бұрын
@KK-pv5bo5 ай бұрын
It appears that Dr Charlie Choi (Broadview Avenue, Toronto)is accepting new patients. It takes probably 25-35 minutes from North York to go there depending on which part of North York you live. Dr Elliott McMurchy of the same clinic also accepting new patients
@khanhtruong-hq9tv2 ай бұрын
@susannaho11445 ай бұрын
@verygood53775 ай бұрын
我以前在加拿大讀書。 我拿加拿大護照。 住在香港,因為我最鍾意香港。 現在都係。
@ChongPuiYungChristinaChong5 ай бұрын
@sodebby9245 ай бұрын
@BurntMount5 ай бұрын
@H.A.T.E_C.H.I.N.K_Lyncher_SB5 ай бұрын
@r1r605 ай бұрын
以前的香港一路慢慢消失 23年後直頭會完全滅亡,與其睇住佢一路變差 不如將香港最好的一面留在心中係海外保存。好似Nolan 講"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain " 留係香港既人 慢慢會變成自己當初討厭的 villain 咁不如早走早著
Love how you said about the thieves “Why don’t I put my wallet out and serve you a cup of tea” 😂😂!! I have to move back to T.O in 3 months from HK😢. Thanks for making this video so that I’ll know how to survive there. I’ll miss living here so much…
Legalised cannabis is the source of drug problem in Canada. Cannabis and gun are banned in Australia. This keep here safe.
@dickwong33955 ай бұрын
@CheungConnie-e3b5 ай бұрын
@@Ben-d7w cannabis and gun are also banned in Hong Kong. Salary in Hong Kong is higher than in Australia with more job opportunities. The real estate price is going down recently, it's the chance to grab one and come back.
@Ben-d7w5 ай бұрын
@@CheungConnie-e3b don't miss the chance. You should buy more property in HK now.
@Ben-d7w5 ай бұрын
@@CheungConnie-e3b enjoy big bay area and one ID, one currency in the near future. Should start in 2027.
@whoevergolf15 ай бұрын
I grew up in Canada, let me see if I can help you on your first problem. If you are a dog lover, keep multiple dogs and better yet, big and appear fierce dogs (I emphasize, "appear", they not necessary really fierce). Burglars always pick easier and avoid difficult targets, if they hear big fierce dogs barking when they approach, they will leave. Hope this helps man.
@ll6505 ай бұрын
They can offer poisonous food to your dog.
@philkhk5 ай бұрын
@@ll650 unless they really want stuff in your home, they rather find another house to break in than doing those extra works.
@gracech998835 ай бұрын
I'd rather move to a high rise condo . I like to travel and I can just lock up my door and be gone for a few weeks with less worries. 😅
@philkhk5 ай бұрын
@@gracech99883 if you leave your car at the underground parking, they can get stolen. Unless you always drive for trips. :)
@cancherie385 ай бұрын
@@philkhk住house一樣會被偷車,但住apartment 爆屋機會細好多.
@wawa52714 ай бұрын
@ngringo5 ай бұрын
JU SAN , Keep up your wonderful Canadain living ..thx for the updated , i lived in Toronto over 30 yrs, now go back toHK retire , NO DOUBT YOU FOUND GOOD AND BAD of Canada.
@davidho63305 ай бұрын
I live in Australia but go to Canada each year . I can see it is getting worse each year especially the problem you mentioned.
@AhJu5 ай бұрын
How’s it in Sydney?
@davidho63305 ай бұрын
@@AhJu the biggest challenge for young people is house price. It is so high that even with a decent job cannot afford a unit in Sydney. It was that reason I left HK 30 years ago. Government policy of high house price will eventually fail the society. It only makes gap between poor and rich bigger.
@amychan30024 ай бұрын
Sydney is safe. Private schools still maintain the standard. Not difficult to find GPs. No small talks needed ha ha. Housing for young ppl a problem but you are rich so should be ok.
我住屋太華Downtown的你講那些流浪漢/喪x問題呢邊可能仲更加嚴重, 離國會山莊不到一百米距離的Bank st 夾Spark st 長期都有不少無家可歸者在訓街, 國會山莊運河出口的一邊山波長期有佢地扎營, 總理如果打開會議室只窗可能都見到佢地, 冬天零下十幾度佢地照訓街, 隨處小便, take左野不時大聲叫, 半夜會突然爆英文法文粗口, 有時睡在較暖地鐵出風口上, 真系可鄰至極, 作為新移民來到這樣一個國家我真系心疼, 須然以前來過, 現在真系叫做重新認識
@cherrytreenest45485 ай бұрын
@dovemc64525 ай бұрын
你對"Family doctor "有confusion. 加拿大有walk in clinic, 有physician 當值,如果你身體有需要去做lab test or further examination , 他們一樣會寫紙讓你做test,亦會看情況refer patients 去看專科,只是他們不會幫你們做annual body test, 亦不會keep your health record. 他們是每次bill Ohip. 家庭醫生以前是年費制,一般是收年費(bill Ohip) , 但有上限,而且因是年費制,如果他們的病人去walk in clinic, 他們是會被ohip charge back, 再者多 administration work , 而且每個病人每年要annual test, 又要follow up 長期病patients ,所以年資久的醫生多數"quota full”.