Aircraft of the Month: Concorde

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Intrepid Museum

Intrepid Museum

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For the latest installment in our Aircraft of the Month series, we end the year with one of the most legendary aircraft in our collection, the Concorde. A joint project between the British and French governments, production on the Concorde began in 1962 after both countries signed the Anglo-French agreement. During its time in the sky, the Concorde made approximately 80,000 flights between British Airways and Air France. Learn more about this iconic aircraft alongside Senior Tour Guide Dylan Cupolo.
British Airways Concorde Flight Crew Cap. Collection of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. 00.2012.172.01

Пікірлер: 39
@supersonic1246 4 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU VERY MUCH , Intrepid and the Reporter for giving extraordinary and outstanding introduction to this unique machine which is the fastest commercial airliner of the world from JFK to Heathrow eastbound at 7th February 1996,, take off to landing in close to 2hrs and 53 minutes . And even did ROUND the WORLD trip october/november 2001 ! Very well spoken ,dealing with the production and selling affairs in the Sixties and Seventies . Thank you so much for giving her a permanent resting place and I'm glad you put her in AIRCRAFT of the month .. :) Deep Friendly Greetings from GERMANY to NEW YORK and INTREPID MUSEUM !! :) :)
@mawj09eas4 4 жыл бұрын
We saw the Concorde there in July for a visit!
@mindfield7 2 жыл бұрын
i used to love seeing it at the British Airways terminal back in the day if i was there. Such a beauty.
@touraneindanke 6 ай бұрын
Looking at her still moves me 🫶 I visited the one in Speyer (Germany) on a early and rainy Sunday morning. No other public on that moment😍🙏🏽 Unforgettable ❤️
@jetaddicted 2 жыл бұрын
Out of the twenty that were produced, I’ve had the chance to board six, one in which I flew, the two that are in le Bourget Museum, the fuselage part that is kept in Dugny, the one that stood at Athis Mons for years, the one at Aeroscopia Toulouse museum, and I hope I get to be in New York someday when the Intrepid example is opened to the public, it wasn’t, the last three times I came…
@djkbrown 5 жыл бұрын
Such an amazing aircraft
@andrewasiimwe6530 3 жыл бұрын
I am a Concorde fan for life. I hope to visit this museum one day. Thanks for the narration!
@Samuel-gc6js Жыл бұрын
Hey, are you guys ever going to shelter this beauty? It needs to be protected
@luminous5 5 жыл бұрын
I’m coming today yay even though I got a visit 3 times
@mikeg9 4 жыл бұрын
Great explanation of the concorde, thanks 👌
@michaelanderson7715 3 жыл бұрын
"Aircraft of the Month" - you misspelt 'all-time'
@Scott-hb1xn 3 жыл бұрын
I find it sad and ironic that the airplane which the PEOPLE OF NEW YORK fought SO HARD to keep out of NYC airports in the 1970s is now permanently located in that very same city. Given their hatred of this aircraft, I would have sent it to a museum elsewhere!
@qasimmir7117 2 жыл бұрын
No, not at all. New York deserve to have a Concorde exhibit. The people that were against it were few and far between, most people when Concorde came to New York loved it. JFK became the most Concorde populated airport in the world, and the JFK tower crews and staff loved its company. It was only a handful of people and a few government officials that were against it.
@stevenrosenstein7401 Жыл бұрын
Scott, there's a difference between a jet aircraft on static display, engines off, making no noise at all, and one that is on final approach not more than a few hundred feet above rooftops. I used to stand at the end of the JFK runway just to hear and feel the enormous power those engines could generate. Once it flew over I could get back in my car and drive off. The people whose houses were built long before the Concorde was a speck of carbon on a designer's vellum were not so lucky
@stuartlee6622 Жыл бұрын
Ugh! A democrat!!
@Jetlag003 3 жыл бұрын
I was on that flight in 96
@allgood6760 2 жыл бұрын
Wow!.. that is so cool! 👍✈️
@sealand000 3 жыл бұрын
Can you have the Concorde nose droop down in the display on the Intrepid? I think it would be cool!
@qasimmir7117 2 жыл бұрын
Need hydraulic pressure for that.
@thetreblerebel 3 жыл бұрын
Anytime you wanna mention a supersonic airplane, Chucks name is part of the story, of every story about a supersonic aircraft. Salute
@Someonesaidthis 3 жыл бұрын
October 2003, the year aviation went backwards..
@MikeKillian 5 жыл бұрын
Its misleading to make people think the entire interior is not hidden behind plexiglass
@RB747domme 4 жыл бұрын
Mike Killian what exactly does that mean? I flew on Concorde 5 x, and I didn't notice any plexiglass over the walls.. could you explain what you mean by the whole of the rear is covered in plexiglass? Sorry to ask, just a little confused that's all. Thanks!
@RB747domme 4 жыл бұрын
And just to add to my previous comment, why would you cover an aircraft in plexiglas? What purpose would that serve? Sure, the windows had plexiglas on the inside, which served many purposes, mainly to allow cool air to pass through the gap (as the external windows could reach 100·C) but other than there was no other plexiglas on the interior. So he said nothing misleading at all in this presentation.
@michaelanderson7715 3 жыл бұрын
@@RB747domme Are you joking or are you _really_ asking about plexiglass in-service ?
@jakfuki 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaelanderson7715 Everyone here is totally missing the point of the cockpit. He means that the plane (as a museum piece) has plexiglass surrounding the cockpit entrance and other areas to protect it from people touching stuff.
@michaelanderson7715 3 жыл бұрын
@@jakfuki "He means that the plane" - _who does_ ?
@doomybear7389 7 ай бұрын
It's so shame full to see how much care and love the Intrepid Concorde has been given in New York and the people in Heathrow London can't even get the Turtle Wax out and give Concorde G-BOAD a good wash and wax, even the Boeing Concorde is given more love, shame on you Heathrow, From a man in Bristol home of the British Concorde's.
@DarkShroom 4 жыл бұрын
pretty sure the cruising speed is not mach 2.0, it's more like mach 1.75 (mach 2 must be the top speed) according to the web it's 2158km/h which is approx 1.75 x the speed of sound.... you would get too much turbulence at mach 2.0
@vinaykumarvutukuru7279 4 жыл бұрын
DarkShroom no it is not. The cruising speed is Mach 2.02. EXACTLY 2.02 times the speed of sound. Also, there is no turbulence above fl485 or 48500 feet. Speed does not cause turbulence.
@RB747domme 4 жыл бұрын
It switched off the after burners at m1.7. After that, it continue to accelerate on dry thrust to mach 2.02. Don't forget the speed of sound changes with temperature and pressure.
@qasimmir7117 2 жыл бұрын
Completely wrong. Concorde flights were smooth especially at mach 2, and yes mach 2 was its cruising speed. Concorde’s true top speed is unknown because of the compressional heating.
@martasinka5483 3 жыл бұрын
there will again be a concorde super sonic plane which is new and safe is missing a lot i flew with it i love and everywhere i just went there. such a bird is not a place in the museum but in the air on the river several countries and should be developed! twenty 20% faster than the rifle bullet, he was the uncrowned queen for a quarter it cost £ 3 billion to build it took 15 years to build the machine Commissioning January 21, 1976 es wird wieder ein concorde supersonic flugzeug geben welches neu und sicher ist fehlt viel ich bin damit geflogen ich mag und überall wo ich gerade hingekommen bin. ein solcher Vogel ist nicht der richtige Ort im Museum, aber die Luft im Fluss vereint mehrere Länder und sollte entwickelt werden!20% schneller als die Gewehrkugel, er war die ungekrönte Königin für ein Viertel, der Bau kostete 3 Milliarden Pfund dauerte 15 Jahre, um die Maschine zu bauen Inbetriebnahme 21. Januar 1976 Снова будет суперзвуковой самолет Concorde, новый и безопасный, которого не хватает многого, я летал на нем, мне нравится, и везде, где я только что был. такой птице не место в музее, но воздух в реке объединяет несколько стран, и ее нужно развивать! На двадцать на 20% быстрее, чем пуля из винтовки, он был некоронованной королевой на четверть, на ее постройку ушло 3 миллиарда фунтов стерлингов На постройку машины ушло 15 лет. Введена в эксплуатацию 21 января 1976 г. der vil igen være et concorde super sonisk fly, som er nyt og sikkert mangler meget, jeg fløj med det, jeg kan lide og overalt gik jeg bare der. sådan en fugl er ikke stedet på museet, men luften i floden samler flere lande og bør udvikles! tyve 20% hurtigere end riffelkuglen, han var den ukronede dronning i en fjerdedel, det kostede 3 milliarder pund at bygge den tog 15 år at bygge maskinen i drift 21. januar 1976 θα υπάρχει ξανά ένα σούπερ ηχητικό αεροπλάνο Concorde το οποίο είναι καινούργιο και ασφαλές λείπει πολύ, πέταξα με αυτό που μου αρέσει και παντού πήγα εκεί. ένα τέτοιο πουλί δεν είναι το μέρος στο μουσείο, αλλά ο αέρας στο ποτάμι συγκεντρώνει αρκετές χώρες και πρέπει να αναπτυχθεί! είκοσι 20% γρηγορότερα από τη σφαίρα του τουφέκι, ήταν η μη στεφανωμένη βασίλισσα για ένα τέταρτο που κόστισε 3 δισεκατομμύρια λίρες για την κατασκευή του χρειάστηκαν 15 χρόνια για να κατασκευαστεί η μηχανή Ανατέθηκε στις 21 Ιανουαρίου 1976 Τ 新しくて安全なコンコルド超音速機が再びあります。私はそれを使って飛んだことがたくさんあり、どこにでも行きました。そのような鳥は博物館の場所ではありませんが、川の空気はいくつかの国を集めて開発する必要があります!ライフルの弾丸よりも20%速く、彼はそれを作るのに30億ポンドかかる4分の1の無冠の女王でした1976年1月21日に就役した機械の製造に15年かかりました 将再次有一架协和式超音速飞机,它是新的,安全的,我错过了很多,我喜欢和我刚去过的任何地方。这样的鸟不是博物馆里的地方而是河流中的空气汇集了几个国家,应该开发!20比步枪子弹快20%,他是四分之一的无冕女王,建造它耗资30亿英镑机器制造耗时 15 年 1976 年 1 月 21 日投入使用 Lesz megint concorde szúper szónikus repülögép ami új és biztosságos hiányzik sokat repültem vele szeretem és mindenhova csak azal mentem. ilyen madárnak nem a múzeumban a helye hananem a levegőben folyón össze több ország és fejleszteni kellene !Titanic is elsüllyedt 1912 április 15 dikén és lás csodát újból megépítik egy asztrál üzletember felyéböl pantat ki .így concordot se kelenne enyiben hagyni a felylesztését mikor kétszera gyorsabb volt hangnál húsz 20% kal gyorsabb a puskagolyónál ,negyedévenát volt a koronázatlan királynölye 3 miliárd font ba került a megépitése 15 évbe került a gép megépitése Szolgálatba állítás 1976. január 21. Üdvözlettel Hidegkuti János
@Samuel-gc6js Жыл бұрын
1:40 I believe an Air France pilot landed a Concorde so hard that he bent the airframe :/
@shelty3178 3 жыл бұрын
(Psst he doesn’t know Lufthansa had em to)
@jetaddicted 2 жыл бұрын
LH never flew the Concorde. They placed an order for three which they cancelled after a while.
@qasimmir7117 2 жыл бұрын
No they didn’t.
@rogermurray9058 2 жыл бұрын
CONCORD looks Like Hawk October 14,1947 75th Anniversary Chuck Yeager Braking Sround Barrier Bell X-1 ❤1962 60th Anniversary Robert White X-15 Mach 2
@sexoffendertrump 7 ай бұрын
It came back today and soon to become a migrant shelter
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