ATLANTIS WAS REAL!!? | Overly Sarcastic Productions

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@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 9 ай бұрын
Also the blob fish doesn’t always look like that. It becomes a blop because the surface pressure isn’t enough to support it.
@mecalico4647 9 ай бұрын
Yeah the photo isn't fake, but it's of a dead and bloated one.
@Asexual_Individual 9 ай бұрын
I saw a post about the blob fish that said to imagine an alien civilisation finding the body of a human floating out in space, their body distorted from being blown out and airlock or something, then basing their view of what humans look like based on that de-pressurised corpse.
@Plaugus_Screenz 9 ай бұрын
​@@Asexual_Individualthen they make merch based on it because they find it ugly cute
@Serpentking789 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, the image of a blobfish most folks are familiar with is just the result of explosive decompression. They look more like normal fish while still alive in the habitat they're adapted to survive in. Honestly, the plight of the blobfish is like if some extraterrestrials found the corpse of a human that died in the vacuum of space, believed *that's* what all humans look like when we're alive, and started calling us "the ugliest aliens" and then made toys for their children based on our catastrophically defiled cadavers.
@antonymash9586 9 ай бұрын
It is estimated that 1/2 of the population of what would become the British islands were killed in the Doggerland tsunami. By percentage if not by raw numbers, it is perhaps the single biggest disaster we have ever suffered.
@CommissarMitch 9 ай бұрын
Honestly that make a lot of sense. The land would have a lot of rivers and what is today Britainia would be the Highlands where few lived.
@antonymash9586 9 ай бұрын
@@CommissarMitch And a good portion of it frozen for most if not all the year. Also, even today, most people live by the coast.
@drizzmatec 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like a good source for a ubiquitous flood myth.
@antonymash9586 8 ай бұрын
@@drizzmatec We reckon that one came from the drowning of the Persian Gulf rather than Doggerland.
@caiocbcn 9 ай бұрын
Plato: Don't be corrupted by decadence and luxury like Atlantis. Be like Athens! Socrates: Yeah, I don't think we are talking about the same Athens here, buddy.
@SomeRandomDutchGuy1 9 ай бұрын
Umm Airier? There never was a Dreamworks Atlantis movie. That was a Disney movie. Similarly in the way people think Anastasia was a Disney movie, but wasn't
@ninjabluefyre3815 2 ай бұрын
I think he's confusing it with El Dorado, but they are only both lost cities.
@hakairyu1 9 ай бұрын
A lot of Athenian thinkers from this period, particularly Plato and Xenophon, were massive Spartaboos. Sparta was in reality pretty much hell on Earth for anyone who wasn't part of the ever dwindling Spartan noble class, but these guys were nobility so it all looked good to them. Even Socrates' corrupting the youth charge comes from some of his students' involvement in a plot to overthrow the Athenian democracy for an oligarchy. And here Plato's pretty much one-to-one copying Sparta's alleged defeat of Persia (considering Sparta got curbstomped), with Atlantis as the Persia stand-in. Aside from Nile floods and Doggerland, Atlantis' sinking could also be compared to the massive floods from melting glaciers (which are probably why so many disparate civilizations have a flood myth), as Plato's 9500 BC somehow lines up perfectly with the end of the last glacial period. An idea I once toyed around with was basically Iceland but bigger (following the underwater mountain chain Iceland is part of), a pocket of green kept warm by geothermal activity and surrounded by literal walls of ice, with a flourishing and advanced civiliation unleashed upon the Earth as an invading force when the ice melted before their continent went under. Season 3 of GX is maybe the best yu-gi-oh content out there, it's just unfortunate that Season 2 is likely the worst.
@FubukiTheIcyKing 8 ай бұрын
Oh God annoying fanboys are eternal!
@Mare_Man 9 ай бұрын
11:49 Fun fact, Anatolia is supposedly where the Emperor of Mankind came from
@Ilikecatsismychannelname 9 ай бұрын
Blue has not covered Atlantis specifically, but he HAS covered: Plato - who invented it, the Minoan civilization and the Bronze Age collapse - which may have inspired parts of Plato's Atlantis, the ENTIRE history of the Roman Empire including the Byzantine continuation - which people sometimes combine with Atlantis in fiction because relevant cultural references, and the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt - which goes so hard on inbreeding as to make Blue gag in video. The last is also one of his older videos and, while he is currently re-covering a lot of the material of those old videos to make new ones with better research and detail at the moment, probably won't ever be touched on again.
@PhantomObserver 9 ай бұрын
About the name localization thing: I think this is where Tolkien got the idea (alluded to in his intro to the collected Lord of the Rings) that the names of the hobbits (Meriadoc, Peregrine, etc.) were translations of the original text that Bilbo, Frodo and Samwise wrote out.
@samrevlej9331 9 ай бұрын
Or you know, other inspirations. Plato wasn't the only one who pulled this off.
@hakairyu1 9 ай бұрын
@@samrevlej9331 It wouldn't be the first thing Tolkien took from Plato though, considering a ring that grants invisibility is literally in the first chapter of the Republic (it was a discussion about whether acting ethically was still better if you had impunity, as the ring would let you get away with anything).
@lessonslearned2569 9 ай бұрын
That was very common in ancient times, so much so that Cervantes mocked it the intro to Don Quijote.
@samrevlej9331 6 ай бұрын
@@hakairyu1 I'll give you the Ring of Gyges inspiration, but as @lessonslearned2569 said, the pretend translation framing was a very common thing throughout early and late Modern European literature. You could argue Plato started the tradition, considering he's probably one of the oldest attestations of the practice, but it was a trope in itself by the time Tolkien got to writing LOTR.
@hakairyu1 6 ай бұрын
Oh for sure@@samrevlej9331
@beefarren 9 ай бұрын
11:49 - Anatolia is the name of the peninsula where modern-day Turkey now sits. It's the bit of the Middle East that makes up the other side of the Aegean Sea. Because it was smack in the middle of the busiest part of the Bronze Age world, being basically equidistant from Greece, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, it was super important for that time frame. Troy, for example, was in Anatolia.
@calebgoodman3028 9 ай бұрын
When I hear Atlantis, my mind goes to the Ecco the Dolphin series. Now I have to process the fact a time travelling dolphin fighting aliens is relevant to Atlantean pop culture...
@weldonwin 9 ай бұрын
Giger-esque Aliens no less
@deamon002 9 ай бұрын
Over here on the Dutch coast there's an artificial sandbank called the Sand Engine. The idea is that the sand will gradually get spread out by wind, waves and tide, replenishing the beach and dunes so the country stays protected from storms without us having to go in with heavy machinery and dump more sand every five years or so. However, since the sand used to make the thing (about 21.5 million cubic meters of it) was dredged up from the sea floor where Doggerland used to be, people are finding all sorts of prehistoric artifacts as well as fossilized remains of animals like the woolly rhinoceros, simply by taking a walk on the beach.
@Airier 9 ай бұрын
😯 So that's how they get brought up.
@anzaca1 9 ай бұрын
11:57 Anatolia is the area where modern Turkey is.
@Thelifeofbudder 9 ай бұрын
If you're interested in more shit about modern perspectives of Atlantis, then *Atun Shei Films* video "How a Civil War-Era Politician Invented Atlantis" is a really great dive into the topic. A lot of dark shit is actually involved in it, along with being just bizarre. Would highly suggest whether as a reaction or personal recreation.
@InquisitorXarius 9 ай бұрын
0:13 Disney not Dreamworks, also really good film concept. Real shame that it was Rickey Rat’s Company who made it.
@oldeskul 9 ай бұрын
The modern concept of Atlantis comes from a former Confederate politician. His work went on to inspire the pseudo-historical book about the Aryan people that the fan club of the guy who ruined the Charlie Chaplin mustache for everyone held to be "true history".
@jackthorton10 5 ай бұрын
So in a sense it rose and fell like Atlantis…. full circle :)
@quixoticraven4242 9 ай бұрын
Blue has a series called History Makers and one that he did a video on was Plato so not really about Atlantis but more about the guy who made it all up. The rest of the videos in that series are great too, you should definitely look into them.
@nelleneulmer5385 9 ай бұрын
29:45 those are literally lyrics to the song “War” from the movie “Agent Cody Banks Destination London”. 😂😂 P.S I absolutely LOVED the scene in that movie when this song plays. Edit: and that version of the song too.😊😊
@TheArcSet 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. Out of the blue, a couple of weeks ago, auto-play somehow pushed into one of those crazy conspiracy fake archology videos, which from the title seemed to be talking about Atlantis being secretly found in the Antarctic. Makes me worry what the AI thinks of me. Another reason not to shorts scroll.
@xenodragon6564 9 ай бұрын
in antient times : "ok you want to KNOW if my sources is TRUE..... ok bring me the towns necromancer and meat me at the graveyard, What no i would NEVER try to silence you to push my own head cannon no YOU dont need to worry about anything TRUST ME " @Airier
@Airier 9 ай бұрын
Hmm. Seems trustworthy. 😁
@AHorrorFanatic 9 ай бұрын
Seems legit.
@amjthe_paleosquare9399 9 ай бұрын
33:14 You mean the cenotes. Caves and tunnels made of underground rivers that connect to the sea. Really popular to swim in, really pretty, full of clear water on the top, good for cave exploration because yes, some tunnels are dead end, extremely saline, and perfect for fossil preservation. The ocean itself is just a slightly bay-like gigantic chunk of the Atlantic with wind and water currents; so no stale super saline water there. I want to check out Doggerland, and swim in another cenote.
@makinapacal 9 ай бұрын
Plato`s original plan for the place of his Atlantis vs. Athens story was tgo have it has the mid dialogue in a planned three dialogues long work. The first one the Timaeus gives an account of the creation of the world, some speculation about the Human Soul and a very brief summary of the Atlantis vs. Athens story. The focus of this dialogue was about the Soul and creation of the World. The main presenter of ideas etc., in this dialogue is Timaeus hence the dialogues name. The second dialogue named Critias after te main presenter of ideas in the dialogue is about, ancient Athens, Atlantis and the events leading up to war and the fall and destruction of Atlantis. Plato apparently only half finished it has stops very suddenly. The last dialogue was apparently to be presented by Hermocrates, (Also the dialogue would be named after him.), and his dialogue was too be about the recovery of Human society and civilization after the utter disaster caused by the destruction of Atlantis, which affected most of th world. Plato apparently never even started this dialogue. Instead Plato stopped abd instead wrote his last dialogue The Laws. (Socrates is not in this dialogue.) In the Timaeus and Critias Socrates although present contribes virtually nothing to the presentation of ideas etc., in those dialogues. Instead this dialogues are presented has more or less a sequel to The Republic of Plato, dialogue in order to elucidate and give concrete examples of the ramifications of the ideas of The Republic. The three presenters are interesting. Timaeus was an intellectual from Locri in Italy and an occassional politician. Critias could be one of two people Critias the Elder, of whom we know just about nothing except he was Plato`s great grandfather, or Critias the Younger, a relative of Plato, best known for writing plays of which some fragments have survived, along with some philosophical works of which we have fragments. He is best known for being one of the infamous Thirty Tyrants, who were placed in power by Sparta after Athens lost the Peloponnesian War and proceeded in a rule lasting less than two years to mass murder thousands of Athenians in a reign of terror, before they were overthrown. Critias was killed in battle by pro-Democracy forces while overthrowing the Oligarchy. Critias was characterized has the most bloodthirsty of the bunch. This Critias appears indisputibly in one other dialogue of Plato in a positive vein. If you take the date that Plato gives for the dialogue seriously then Critias the Elder would be very old, (likely in his late 80s at least and probably in his 90s.), and there is no indication that Critias is old in the dialogue. If you think it is the other Critias then he would be absurdly young. Of course this requires that we take the date for the dialogue seriously. I am of the opinion that Plato meant Critias the Younger, after all this is a Critias Plato actually knew for real and apparently liked. Hermocrates was a politician, soldier from Syracuse in Sicily. He was one of the important leaders of Syracusean resistence against the Athenian Sicilian expedition, (415-413 BCE), which ended in utter disaster for Athens. Part of a anti-imperialism message it seems. It also of interest that these dialogues were placed by Plato during the festival of Apaturia where is was customary to tell edifying but false tales. The Apaturia was often called the feast of deception. One of Plato`s defining intellectual traits was his hatred of Athenian Democracy the very fact that Plato elided Critias involvement in atricities, (Critias was one of Socrates`student.), is significant. Instead he whitewashes him. PLato`s dialogues are replent with contempt and hatred of Athenian Democracy. The very fact "common" people were involved at all in government infuriated him. But then he came from a family of wealthy Oligarchic sympathizers - so no real surprise. The only document we have from Plato, the 7th letter, that condemns Critias and the Thirty Tyrants, is almost certainly a forgery written much later, and even so it doesn't begin to match Plato's contempt for Athenian Democracy. Plato never tired of seeing the judicial murder of Socrates has damning Athenian Democracy for all time. (He has had up to the present day a great number of adherents to this view.) About Critias and other murderous Oligarchs, ( I wont' go into here about the various attempts by Oligarchs to over throw Athenian Democracy), he maintained, it appears silence. Plato disliked, intensely change, and desired a changeless, Oligarchic, "pure" society characterized by thought control, isolation, and repression. So he some extent modeled his ideal society on Sparta. with its stifling intellectual life, (Virtually nonexistent), military virtues, paranoia and brutal hierarchy. (The treatment of th Helots didn't bother him.) In his ideal society Plato would have been lucky to end up in prison and not killed. In his final dialogue The Laws Plato has his Nocturnal Council violently supress alternative views and bizzarely indirectly puts Socrates to death! These planned dialogues were designed, originally by Plato to illustrate some of his ideas, one of them was a celebration of the repressive "ideal" society outlined in The Republic, and developed in the second best society in The Laws. Three books about the Atlantis mythos. Atlantis: The Making of Myth, Phyllis Young Forsyth, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, 1980. Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme in History Science, and Literature, L. Sprague de Camp, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1970. The Atlantis Syndrome, Paul Jordan, Sutton Pub., 2001.
@Dusxio 9 ай бұрын
The worse part of Doggerland... is the name just sounds unimpressive XD
@weldonwin 9 ай бұрын
It's also the sight of the Dogger Bank Outrage, when in 1904, a Russian Imperial Navy fleet, opened fire on a British fishing fleet, because (And I Sh@t you not), they mistook them for Japanese Torpedo Boats... and then proceeded to waste most of their ammo, because they couldn't hit anything, shelled one of their own ships and nearly started a war with the British Empire, who's Home-fleet alone, outnumbered the ENTIRE Russian navy.
@gokbay3057 9 ай бұрын
32:40 Fear of the Sea rather than of water in general.
@Dusxio 9 ай бұрын
32:11 Yep, that's Stargate Atlantis. She's a beautiful ship. And weirdly, rich in naquadah, which is often reddish-yellow coloured when powered... XD
@Theturtleowl 7 ай бұрын
Somewhere during the war Atlantis started: "Atlas... are we the baddies?"
@mr.dominguez4546 9 ай бұрын
Good vid sir, have you ever heard of all the Pharaonic dynasty and their "divine marriage's", ancient Egypt is pretty crazy.
@weldonwin 9 ай бұрын
To be fair to the Hapsburgs, that was less about "Keeping the bloodline pure" and more about consolidation of power. They knew that inbreeding was a thing, but deemed assembling and maintaining the biggest Empire, to be more important than their children suffering from crippling physical deformities as a result of catastrophic congenital defects.
@khylerbane4523 8 ай бұрын
Fun fact, the Altantian invasion is actually more historically accurate than Atlantis itself. One of the biggest factors of the Bronze Age collapse was an invasion of the Mediterranean region that includes Mycenaean Greece, ancient Egypt, Crete, and I think Anatolia by a group known only as the “Sea People”. Because they came from the sea. However, who *exactly* these “Sea People” were we have no idea as detailed records of them or their identity don’t exist. Also Anatolia, also known as Asia-minor, is modern day Turkey. Primarily, it’s (usually in reference to) the eastern part where places like Troy, Istanbul, and parts of Persia are. Though most of modern day Turkey is Anatolia.
@InquisitorXarius 9 ай бұрын
If by Atlantis you mean Syracuse then yes it did exist and unlike Plato’s Atlantis it beat Athen’s ass when Alcibiades told Athens to invade fricking Syracuse.
@masqueraid988 9 ай бұрын
Did you know yugioh fill actually did a pretty decent season about oricaulcuma.
@haileyweston7290 9 ай бұрын
That place in the sand is called the eye of the Sahara its in West africa
@AWest-en5ee 9 ай бұрын
Archaeologically speaking, the best match we have for Atlantic is Thera (Santorini). A lot of the things Plato wrote about Atlantic fits well with it, such as a central and outer part, being advanced (for its time, the Minoans had multi-story buildings an sewers), being wealthy (the Minoans did a lot of trading), a cult centered on bulls, and of course, the destruction from an explosive eruption with pyroclastic flows that may have caused mud shoals for a time, and probably caused tsunamis that ravaged the rest of the Minoan civilization on Crete. The resulting collapse of the Minoan civilization would likely have been recorded by the Egyptians, and if Solon heard about it...well, remember that the Thera eruption happened over a thousand years before. It's unlikely that Plato would have gone "Oh, wait...that's the Minoans, not Atlantis." There was a really good movie recreation of the last days before the eruption, but I cannot remember what it was called...anyway, yep. My money is on Thera being the inspiration for Atlantis.
@thejestor9378 9 ай бұрын
The timeline would add up, as they were a civilization that started in the neolithic era and survived until the collapse during the bronze age.
@AWest-en5ee 9 ай бұрын
@@thejestor9378 Yeah, it was an interesting to wonder where they would have gone if they didn't get wiped out.
@thejestor9378 9 ай бұрын
@@AWest-en5ee they saw the rise and fall of multiple other civilizations.. that history and reputation they may have had at the time of the bronze age and what the Egyptians probably transcribed about them may have been where the myths of a great ancient civilization came from.
@AWest-en5ee 9 ай бұрын
@@thejestor9378 Just so, that is what I suspect also...
@Shadowgun453 9 ай бұрын
@1:20 I think it's Tumb Raider
@lessonslearned2569 9 ай бұрын
Plato and it was Disney's Atlantis.
@hollowbrinethehollowfiedsu6365 9 ай бұрын
Clearly Atlantis was America all along. Hence why the fountain of youth is also here
@anyathepanther7977 9 ай бұрын
37:16 Wow, i can actually see where Vineta could have been! (Vineta is the German Version of Atlantis. Same Story, but Christian.)
@trolldrool 9 ай бұрын
Imagine making something up to make a point only for nobody to get the point because your world building was too good.
@anzhel4747 9 ай бұрын
To be fair, the habitation of Athens 3000 bc is probably just "Hey there's a person here!", the city and culture itself was created much much later. If I were to make a very stupid comparison it's like saying Washington DC was a thing 9000 bc because native americans were in the area. This is not to say red was wrong, but I believe the way you seemed to have interpreted it was.. bad. Great video as always!
@Theturtleowl 7 ай бұрын
Doggerland fascinates me. It was the only time in history where the Netherlands had the high ground.
@Airier 7 ай бұрын
Joking aside, I completely agree. This is fascinating. I wish red or blue did another vid on Doggerland.
@Theturtleowl 7 ай бұрын
@@Airier I would love it too if they did a video, but maybe in the future. If you are interested in Doggerland, there are some videos about on KZbin that are informative, like the one from History with Kayleigh, who shows images from museums and a lot of discoveries from Doggerland. Hope it is interesting/helpful to you.
@PhantomObserver 9 ай бұрын
I am so looking forward to when you react to Red’s essay on solar eclipses.
@CommissarMitch 9 ай бұрын
The fact Athens existed around 3000 BCE means very little. Genoa is the oldest settlement we know of in Europe when it comes to proof of settlements and that city is not special.
@CommissarMitch 9 ай бұрын
Another example. My home town have had people living here at least since the Viking Age, but it does not make it special in any regard.
@Justic_ 9 ай бұрын
Atlantis definitely is... a topic. I'm honestly not too sure how to feel about it myself, on one hand Reds points about Plato making stuff up, referencing another historical event that happened closer both in location and time and having a bunch of other elements in the story that are verifyably false are completely valid... but on the other hand, I feel there have to be at least some half-truths to this story... deeper than the reference to that sunken Greek island Red talked about, although thinking about it, I might just be feeling a bit of "sunk cost fallacy", since people have been believing in Atlantis for about 2000 years now... Anyways, the most convincing theory of where "Atlantis" was located is that desert structure you paused at, a structure in the western Sahara that appearently fits the dimensions Plato gave for the city relatively well, and even the geographic surroundings match quite well with mountains around it. What conspiracy theorists are saying is that, appearently if you calculate sea-levels and elevation-levels, this part of Africa supposedly was more of an island-archipelago at some point, before being completely submerged and then eventually reemerging... and for what its worth it does look like a giant flood might've run across the area on satelite footage, although I'm unsure if that couldn't just be centuries and millenia of erosion through desert winds. On the other hand, there are of course also supposed findings that northern Africa was appearently a lot more fertile, if not even covered mostly in rainforests, until even around the time the Sphinx was built, but I haven't done by far enough research into this to really know if any of this is verified. The main problem though would be the timeframe Plato proposed, since that time would be a good thousand years even before the first cultures we've been aware of so far, Mesopotamia, Indus River Civ, Egypt, all of them, but since we consider them "first", obviously that'd seem impossible. Although stuff like that is by far not as set in stone as it seems of course, we dig up older signs of civilization all the time, like just recently I remember reading about "the first fortification in human history" that was appearently recently dug up somewhere in Russia, a fortified settlement from a time when we thought people didn't settle down yet, as they would've been hunters and gatherers. Basically what we think to know about human history is a fata morgana of an oasis that'll have dried up by the time we get there. AS FOR ATLANTIS IN FATE, as everything Greek in Fate, a quite... unique take? I guess? Again, tied to the specifics of Greek gods in Fate, it seems like in Fate Atlantis was an artificial continent created by the Greek gods that was destroyed in proper human history by the entire events or the aftereffects of the White Titan throwing hands with a bunch of pantheons 14k years ago... while the story of Atlantis is set 11k years ago. The Atlantis CHAPTER however is set in a timeline where Zeus managed to avoid all of that, but Atlantis still got destroyed by a dispute between the gods that ended up halving the Olympians, so the remnants of Atlantis are an archipelago serving as an exile for the people that sided with the wrong gods, while the others got to hang on the flying city of Olympus... oh yeah and Atlantis is literally also the only thing left on the surface of the world in that timeline, typical Fate-stuff with different layers to the observable world and such. Anyways, the Atlantis-part of Lostbelt 5 is generally considered to be one of the best stories in FGO until that point, so generally one of the best stories in FGO not written by Nasu, which means we might see it get adapted in form of an anime at some point, at which point it might be worth checking out.
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 9 ай бұрын
You're right, sorta. The Sahara had been a desert for 500ish years when the Sphinx was built. The issue with associating Atlantis with any structures in the Sahara is that the Ocean Levels were actually _LOWER_ when it was green, not higher. Also, it Falls into the same trap a lot of people saying "Plato, the man known to completely make up civilizations for his poems, was being 100% literal with everything about Atlantis. Except where it was located."
@L_______ 9 ай бұрын
i do believe that the story of atlantis is based on real events but where several events mostly unrelated are pushed into one by the time of plato with some added by plato for his story the invasion that the greek was prob the seapeople "invasion" although who knows what the reality is
@geraldgrenier8132 9 ай бұрын
Red left out an important historical inspiration, Look up the Broze Age Collapse and the invasion of the Seapeopke
@Bezaliel13 9 ай бұрын
I oddly feel compelled to watch Krapopolis.
@nelleneulmer5385 8 ай бұрын
33:15 that was in the movie “the Meg”, except it was near Thailand I believe. Another movie you should watch, it’s like “Jaws” but a thousand times bigger and with epic action because any movie Jason Statham is in has epic action. P.S yes I love that movie.
@Vincent-ni8fn 9 ай бұрын
Out of curiosity, when do you think you’ll start throwing in reactions to Red’s Trope Talks? I think you’d really enjoy them.
@andrewdiaz3529 9 ай бұрын
30:30 Yes, that was Yu-Gi-Oh; Some of those Arcs were wild
@ImaginatorJoren 9 ай бұрын
Compare Atlantis to the real world phenomenon called the Richat Structure. Impeccable similarities. Oh you paused right at it on 28:11. Not a crater, that’s it. Ask the locals about that location’s history.
@Beamer1969 9 ай бұрын
I have no-one who watches OSP in my friend group so I love getting a second point of view
@Airier 9 ай бұрын
That's basically my reason for doing these kind of videos. 😁
@samiamtheman7379 6 ай бұрын
16:18 That's not actually why many royals were inbred. While some had the "blood purity" thing, royals often married into each other's families to secure alliances. This led to the different families often being related to each other, and tragedy ensued.
@saber1epee0 2 ай бұрын
His Audience was contemporary Athens. He wanted to make the point "We should be more like Sparta or we will destroy ourselves" but everyone at the time hated Sparta.... So he makes up a totally-not-athens that behaved how he saw Athens behaving... And claims that totally-athens-not-sparta were the heroes that beat them.
@CGomm-le7gv 9 ай бұрын
Two channels you may enjoy magic the Noah and pongsifu watch his diablo 4 video because of his wife reaction to his character name
@IONATVS 9 ай бұрын
Anatolia is the peninsula that makes up the mainland of modern Turkey.
@bartoszkosmowski7149 9 ай бұрын
28:33 that was olympus moss, the highest mountain in solar system
@Kingjder02 9 ай бұрын
Eeyup Troy was real. And then some archeological enthusiast blow it up with dynamite. I should have said AMATEUR "archeologist".
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 9 ай бұрын
Lol, Yellowstone isn't as powerful as you think, my friend. Yellowstone has gone off _twice,_ the first one being the largest, and the North American continent is still here. The entire Continent _could_ be covered in Ash, but thats a far cry from it "Atomizing" a chunk of the Continent.
@alexjewett7455 9 ай бұрын
Blue's got a point. Water kinda sucks. Especially when there's a lot of it.
@oldxyz7741 9 ай бұрын
Did he watch the video wen Amaterasu went on break?
@jkosch 9 ай бұрын
27:11 the Yellowstone supervolcano did erupt several times in the past. The region has been active for more than 16 million years with at least a dozen super eruption in that time. But none was within historical times, with the last three classified as super eruptions 2.1 million, 1.3 million, and approximately 640,000 years ago. The continent and life on it is still there. However, human civilization would be very challenged by such an eruption and immediately following such an eruption civilization as we know it would not be able to exist in North America. The land would still be there and nature bounce back within decades.
@robd9413 4 ай бұрын
So some of the surviving people of (possible) Atlantis (eventually) left what remained of their homeland to go bother a bunch of people across the sea using more advanced technology than the locals had at the time. Wait for it.....wait for it....he'll get there..... ;-)
@Airier 4 ай бұрын
I almost wish KZbin would let me insert meme responses because the old Batman Beyond image with the guy saying "do you know how little that narrows it down" would fit perfectly right now. 😁
@robd9413 4 ай бұрын
@@Airier True, from the humble origins of the (almost) UK's doggerbank to, well, bothering most of the world's locals, from America to Australia and pretty much everywhere inbetween. How far they came. As someone said, "the British Empire was founded on the principle 'we went where they couldn't stop us and left when they could'. "😅
@Rainears129 9 ай бұрын
I think I'm one of the few people who disliked the Atlantis season of Yugioh, at least in this comment section. Of the filler seasons, I actually liked the one with Noah more (I haven't watched Abridge's take on the Atlantis season yet though, it's hard trying to get myself to watch it). I just like Yugi interacting with the Pharaoh, their dynamic is what really got me interested in Yugioh, though I did like the final season as well, which has less interactions between the two. It was interesting to learn where the names for the dragons came from though.
@GoliathPyroson 9 ай бұрын
GX was the YuGiOh of my childhood! Love Jaden
@josephschrock8862 9 ай бұрын
My I suggest the video "Yellowstone wouldn't explode (sorry)" by Soup Emporium. After watching it, it upsets me when people talk about Yellowstone exploding.
@ShahroozSmith 9 ай бұрын
So.. the story of Atlantis might be a fanfic retelling of what might have happened in the Dark Ages.. Blue goes into much further detail about this in another video that talks about the Greek Dark Ages.. but this video might give a more cultural perspective of what might have happened instead of a historical account. Whereas Blue tries to piece it together.. The underlying theory was that Atlantis was probably one of the older greek kingdoms, i.e. Krete and was a booming thriving civilization until the Dark Ages.. with the likely cause being pirates or trade routes becoming more hostile where Krete becomes a shell of its former self. You have to remember that in Mycenaean Greece worshipped Poseidon as the head god instead of Zeus but in the Dark Ages, all the gods got shuffled around. At least, that's what I've heard and this is all just speculation. The dots are there, but we don't know where to trace the lines to get the full picture.
@geoshark12 4 ай бұрын
13:12 this is actually done today with names
@jannegrey593 9 ай бұрын
eh.... no it wasn't. At least not what people imagined as Atlantis.
@ReinaSaurus 9 ай бұрын
its just vulcans, seismic activity, earthquakes and islands. ever heard of hawaii, thera, or iceland?
@snorpenbass4196 9 ай бұрын
Quick summary: No. Longer summary: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Were there civilizations before the Hellene one? YES. None of them were Atlantis. No, not even Thera.
@neogokiMK00 9 ай бұрын
Yu-Gi-Oh filler for Red, is FGO for YOU. I am German and I never heard of Doggerland before today. I guess its a low-profile topic.
@Historyfrek4ever 9 ай бұрын
Plato/Socrates was an eugenist and an elitist but not a chauvinist. Huzzah? (Does any one know if he said anything about races? I haven’t ran into anything from him about that.)
@SagittariusAyy 6 ай бұрын
>Conflating YGO GX with filler *No, no, he has a point*
@mister_dadstersays_hi7372 9 ай бұрын
Day 32 of asking Airier for ENA reaction (I don't know man, sea people)
@InquisitorXarius 9 ай бұрын
Good Morning Airier
@lessonslearned2569 9 ай бұрын
Central America is part of the North American plate so it is not a seperate continent.
@ImaginatorJoren 9 ай бұрын
Aquaman 1 is pretty good but I refuse to watch the sequel
@ragewireloki6213 9 ай бұрын
F*** I’m late. Hope ya still see this. day 2 of asking Airier to watch SSTWL. Watch Design first. Its by Liam Vickers.
@FubukiTheIcyKing 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like it was a story about why inventing stuff is good, but just don't get full of yourself. In modern terms don't do a BioShock.
@Kayta-Linda 9 ай бұрын
Wow. Well, screw you too. GX is really great. (Did you watch the dub or something? 😕)
@Airier 9 ай бұрын
The dub when it aired on cartoon Network years ago. Guessing the original lines were better?
@NicoBabyman1 9 ай бұрын
Sure the dub may had it’s flaws, but you can’t deny that the opening theme song for that version slaps 😎 and I will throw hands 🥊 if you say otherwise.
@gokbay3057 9 ай бұрын
The dub might have been stupid but it was enjoyable (if you are in the target audience age range that is).
@Kayta-Linda 9 ай бұрын
@@NicoBabyman1 I have no idea. Never seen that.
@lop90ful1 9 ай бұрын
I think its a bit predful to say we discoverd everything on the surface or well underwater consdering we are constantly disvoering new stuff and islands, who knows maybe the "atlantis" sunk so low it is now buried in sand under water. Red can be a bit full of herself at times. But yea point is i dont really doubt there are countless lost civilizations in the sea and oceans
@MySerpentine 9 ай бұрын
That Disney Atlantis cartoon was the dumbest thing ever LOL
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