The Great and Mighty Kevin | Hunter The Parenting Analysis

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@QosmicVoid 6 ай бұрын
[Awful Swedish accent] It's me - Back at it again! This time because I enjoyed your reaction to the Dee one, I figured I'd give my thoughts on anything I thought was interesting this time! 4:14 - Damnit, you're onto my tricks! 6:00 - You and I are of similar wavelengths, it seems 7:55 - Ah, the English language. How I loathe the concept. 9:00 - In your defence I also called him “Brok Slackjaw as opposed to “Blacklaw.” I just left it in because I thought it was funny 18:08 - You’re onto my tricks - Again! 31:04 - Yep, that place is real. I’ve been there. It’s nice. 42:18 - Oh this is my favourite - Yes, All Humans are sleepers, in theory capable of awakening and becoming mages. Because of this, the collective beliefs of Humanity coalesce into something called Paradox - Mage wants to fly, the Sleepers don’t think they can, and so Paradox smacks them across the face. 46:13 - HO BOY MY FAVOURITE PART 47:22 - HAH! Fair 48:08 - It is the broadest definition imaginable - It might have helped if I went a bit more in depth in fairness. In my mind I was thinking ‘Okay, people came for Kevin, not a thesis in how these societies operate down to the exact specifics and contradictions. I should go over this then get back to Kevin as quickly as possible’. That was my logic at least. Ain’t political theory fun? 1:01:05 - Ahkay, I think here specifically you misunderstood my logic - The point here was more that the terms were coming up at all, rather than me tying them into one specific ideology. The point was more that the scene was saying "this is politically charged - And you can tell this by the fact that political terminology keeps cropping up, and I don't think that this happened by sheer chance" 1:05:30 - Yeeep - Trust me, we do. And it's borderline impossible to come up with a shared definition. People tried to in my comments but none of them stand up to scrutiny. The closest I've found is to identify characteristics of a government, rather that the state of a society 1:11:30 - Okay the entire series of accountant jokes/hatred here made me laugh 1:14:19 - I would recommend Immortal Hounds, Ajin, or the SCP Foundations "The End of Death" storyline for stuff on this. 1:17:28 - Huh - I actually didn't notice that. Good eye, Airer 1:18:33 - Seconds before being immediately called out 1:23:00 - I'll take it! 1:26:55 - You have *no idea* how proud I am that I caught this moment 1:28:25 - Y'know what, this is a very fair criticism. I still stand by my take on the Sabbat, but perhaps in hindsight it would have helped had I gone more into the point to reinforce my belief. Maybe even referenced some thinkers like Umberto Eco to try to make to connection I was trying to make clearer. Live and learn I suppose. 1:30:49 - NO MY SHAME - This is how most of my videos end up going. "This should only be a short video - And now it's two hours long." This was a delight to watch, even if I didn't fully sell you on the thesis. I actually find these reactions to be incredibly informative - I won't lie, after the Dee video, and seeing your comments on my posts, half my editing process came down to "Okay, Airer is gonna react to this - What's the best way of presenting information and cracking jokes that will work on him" and that helped me a lot with how I wanted to present the information, so I actually do feel the need to thank you for helping the video come out the way it did. (Sorry about making your throat hurt and the inevitable clusterfest the comments here will end up becoming) I've got some ideas bouncing around in my head for another HTP Analysis, but like you said - Ideally I'd need a lot more info to work with, or time to figure out how I wanna tackle it. But for now, like last time, I'm supper happy and glad you decided to react to this!
@gokbay3057 6 ай бұрын
1:01:36 "It looks like fascism but isn't intended as fascism" Marckus literally called them Vampire Fascists, you can argue on the accuracy of the description but Alfa obviously intended that comparison else he could have used some other term (like Kitten calling them Vampire Supremacists and Pyotr responding with the Cainite Naturalist buzzword (literal "I am not a racist I am a race realist moment right there)). 1:17:36 Yes, but it is also a sword (if you remember Ape and Pyotr referred to themselves/the Sabbat as "the Sword of Caine").
@Lord-Regent-of-the-Imperium 6 ай бұрын
Actually explored mind control is horrific, and Im surprised necromancy gets a worse wrap than mind control
@nikoazure5235 6 ай бұрын
That's got to do with it being mind control +
@Historyfrek4ever 6 ай бұрын
Depending on spell and the type of necromancy that could just be desecration of bodies as they are puppeted, that's nothing compared to straight up mind control. Pretty sure that is one reason why jedi mind control is only a enforced succession, while sith get straight up mind dominance.
@drwasp9000 6 ай бұрын
Speaking as a DM for multiple systems the Big reason Necromancy is seen as a greater evil than Mind Control is the ability to defend against it. In both WoD with dominate or DnD with enchantment magic you are given a saving throw. However with Necromancy the dead do not get that chance.
@gokbay3057 6 ай бұрын
I guess people just have a gut reaction at "defiling" of graves/corpses which is what gives necromancy its bad rep even compared to mind control.
@thalesvinicius2571 5 ай бұрын
@@drwasp9000 unless soul manipulation and the dead are in a " I have no mouth, I must scream!!!" while their bodies move against their will. necromancy is puppetiring and flesh/bone molding. now imagine what a ill intentioned Enchanter wizard can damage in a city, when compared to a Necromancer. the former is using people as playthings the later is desecrating the dead.
@Brutalyte616 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, all humans are latent Mages, just like all humans are latent Imbued and latent Garou; becoming a werewolf used to be a purely genetic thing in older editions, but now people will just sporadically become werewolves with no family history of lycanthropy through the intervention of Gaia, Luna, and other forces, although having Garou blood in your family line can skew the odds if your storyteller chooses to run it that way and some Garou Tribes like the Silverfangs and the Red Talons do subscribe to the idea that being Kin is a big factor in whether or not someone becomes a Garou, but that's neither here nor there. All humans start as Sleepers regardless of what they become later in life, and Sleeper itself is the Mage word for regular humans, while the Mages themselves are referred to as the Awakened. Knowing about magic and the supernatural doesn't make you Awakened, because Awakening for a Mage is basically the moment where the slumbering fragment of divinity in a Sleeper starts waking up and not only do you attain true awareness of the fact that reality is subjective, but you also gain access to the ability to push back against reality and the Consensus and make reality your own. Knowing this information off-hand may help foster an Awakening, and many Mages try to cultuvate this perception of reality in Sleepers to help trigger an Awakening, but until the Awakening actually happens you don't TRULY grasp the concept no matter how well it's explained to you, much in the same way you can realize you're in a dream or having a nightmare but can't wake up of your own volition. This is why non-Mages can still use magic in a limited forms like Occam's solar sorcery or the Tremere's Blood Magic; they're working off bugs loopholes in the system that still work for one reason or another, rather than changing the system and thus reality itself, because reality is currently in beta and Mages are playtesters trying to see how much they can break the game before they get auto-banned for causing Paradox.
@Brutalyte616 6 ай бұрын
So bit of backstory about the Tremere. They DIDN'T become vampires to achieve immortality, or rather it wasn't that simple. Tremere was a Mage and a key figure in the Hermetic Order of the Council of Nine Traditions that formed the backbone of Mage society back in the day. He KNEW that vampirism would rob him and his followers of their Avatars and the ability to use True Magic, but he DIDN'T know that the means of immorality that had been offered by one of his disciples was actually vampirism, but more on that in a moment. Tremere was an accomplished Mage and he had been prolonging his life using magic, as you do. But then he ran into a problem; his magic stopped working and he couldn't figure out why or how to fix it, because the best explanation he could come up with was simply that the Consensus had shifted somehow and the House of Tremere's particular brand of magic, namely their spells of longevity, were basically rendered worthless. Faced with the existential dread of being reacquainted with the process of senescence, Tremere tasked his disciples to go out and find a new means to achieve immortality that wouldn't rob them of their magic, because Tremere had already dismissed vampirism as a solution that just wasn't worth it. Enter Goratrix, one of Tremere's disciples. They were of the mind that vampirism was the safest bet, as even if the Tremere lost their magic they'd have an eternity to get it back in the bodies of superhuman monsters. So, Goratrix concocted an elaborate ritual using vampire blood that would turn Tremere and his inner circle into vampires without the need for an actual vampire to give them the Embrace, but Goratrix neglected to tell Tremere what exactly the ritual was really going to do to them and Tremere, desperate after Goratrix was the only one that actually produced any kind of significant results, undertook the ritual without fully understanding it beyond reaffirming that Goratrix wasn't trying to betray him or his fellow Mages. Once they found out what Goratrix had done, Tremere's other disciples wanted to kill them on the spot, but Tremere, to his credit, said 'No, the damage has already been done, we need Goratrix's help to try and salvage this situation, and technically they succeeded in making us all immortal and its partly our fault for not realizing this was vampire related.' And that is the origin of Clan Tremere.
@vivian-alexandrarivers897 6 ай бұрын
So they didn't become vampires to achieve immortality, but they became vampires BECAUSE they were trying to achieve immortality? 'Becoming immortal' as a goal directly lead to 'Vampire Fuckery', so you can understand where the simplification is misleading.
@CountDVB 6 ай бұрын
They also killed the Three Eyed Vampires, aka the healers/stable ones, to do so.
@Brutalyte616 6 ай бұрын
@@CountDVB Well no. Tremere went after Saulot and Clan Salubri to boost their own Generations and make Tremere into a de facto Antediluvian, but they were already full-fledged vampires before that thanks to Goratrix's ritual.
@CountDVB 6 ай бұрын
@@Brutalyte616 Oh, okay! but poor Salubri… they did not deserve that.
@Brutalyte616 6 ай бұрын
@@CountDVB The Salubri? Most definitely not. They were a clan of healers pursuing Golconda, and while some have tried to paint that state of mind in a more sinister light, the Salubri as a whole were generally kind and altruistic idealists and pacifists. However, Saulot himself may have actually foresaw his Diablerie by Tremere, and there are hints that him he may have deliberately set things up so that Tremere would go after him the Salubri as part of his pursuit of further enlightenment beyond Golconda, as Saulot was slowly overpowering Tremere's mind and will for centuries before overtaking him in the Modern Nights and gaining full control over his body, with Tremere's soul managing to flee into the body of Goratrix and casting his soul out.
@Brutalyte616 6 ай бұрын
What makes Hunter: The Parenting so bleak is that it's taking place in World of Darkness, where there's at least a baker's dozen doomsday scenarios playing out at any given time, and that's JUST from Vampire: The Masquerade. For all the whacky cartoon bullshit we see in HtP, the world is irrevocably fucked, and the only thing brightening it up is the particular brand of upbeat madness that Big D and his family bring to the table, and even that is undermined by the horror of things like the fight with the Pyotr's pack in episode 1, the torture of said vampires in episode 2 and how they're humanized shortly before being killed, D reinforcing just how dangerous the world they live in is, Kevin talking about how his life and unlife have been ruined, Pyotr's rampage, Horse's prophecy, the conspiracy with the Lady Regent and whatever is going on at the 99p Store, that grandmother murdering her own family and Sire after being Embraced, and the murder mystery drama currently going down at the Arcanum's Great Yarmouth Chapter House. Hunter: The Parenting makes you forget just how horrible everything is once you leave the main story, but that doesn't mean things aren't still bleak, depressing and dark as sin. I mean just look at what happened at the end of Episode 4 and how quickly all the comedic levity left the room in favor of horror.
@nikoazure5235 6 ай бұрын
"That's just how this language works" Unfortunately that's how all Languages that are "living" work
@mystic_spider 6 ай бұрын
Pretty sure Big D is trying to lead Kevin onto the path of Golconda. Basically, vampire enlightenment. First offered to Cain by Gabriel. Where at the end of this spiritual journey a vampire is pretty much freed of the negative effects of being a vampire and _given the choice to stop being a vampire._ The requirement for starting Golconda's journey is learning about it, and maybe having a guide to make sure you don't fall off of it.
@Mastercheap 6 ай бұрын
46:15 Fascist and stupid are two things that have a LOT of overlap
@owenkasaboski6902 6 ай бұрын
35:50 The chains also are meant to represent Kevins chains to a life of the status quo, the life he wished to break free of and become something more. But in the end, he traded those chains for another kind.
@owenkasaboski6902 6 ай бұрын
Which is both the very real chain making the noise, and the metaphorical's of the blood bond, and becoming a vampire
@oliviernaud4373 6 ай бұрын
about the WOD feeling: it doesnt quite hit as hard as it should because of how advanced the presence Big D make the current HTP setting feel. Beginner hunters have to graps slowly how much the supernatural is surrounding them and how deep it goes. Once that process start, do they keep their job/go to school, do they remain in their neiborhood/social circle or abbandon those altogether. Do you keep you old identity and risk all of those ties to your pre-hunter life? If you get rid of all of those, how far out of society will you go? You still need an identity/adress/source of revenue. Big D and his family have probably faced all of those issues at some point, but because D is such a veteran hunters, he has a modus operandi that work and can be implemented without too much fuss. Kitten already own a property that is isolted enough to put A FREAKING MINEFIELD on their frontyard, i think his parents are dead and his social circle is aware enough about the supernatural to not need to outcast themselves. Vampires have to go through a very similar process overall, but they have a millenia old society to guide them along the wayand usually a sir to take charge if you mess up to badly. Hell, the better prepared sir start organizing the ground work of your future life years in advance. Also, said society will hunt you down with prejudice if you fail too much (and held your sir responsible for said faillure). A hunter who fail can just be classified as a madman who went ballistic and die in the following gunshot. Proof of vampire appearing live on CNN... ho that will require reality bending power on a larger scale that usual. As for the beast: it will eat at your humanity over time. You will need to move away from your family as to not endanger them. you will need to feed and kill in order just live just another day and over time you WILL NEVER CHANGE. You wont age ever, you will look exactly the same as the day you were embraced even century later (wich is really bothersome to explain to your family after a few decade). All of that and living in a society wich always have more monstrous member than you will chip away at you humanity and sanity over (a long?) time.
@ZedRen-s8g 6 ай бұрын
33:44 and 36:50 This. Kevin is sort of a more realistic Audience surrogate character. Someone you can see yourself in more than say, D, Kitten, Markus, etc. as they are very defined characters.
@Brutalyte616 6 ай бұрын
You underestimate how much of a dork I am to NOT relate to Markus.
@ZedRen-s8g 6 ай бұрын
@@Brutalyte616 Certainly. I can relate to some extent with some of Markus' personality and feelings, not quite all of him. Also I don't have outwardly dorky behavior, but have friends who do. Makes him endearing to me, because having friends kind of like him has made my life more enjoyable.
@piratehunter1 6 ай бұрын
They sold...soooooooo many plush kevins...sooo many!
@Airier 6 ай бұрын
Glad to hear it. 😁
@Historyfrek4ever 6 ай бұрын
Here’s a morbid theory: it’s believed that death evolved (or wasn’t lost) to ensure genetic and social progress and diversity.
@Thebravedie 6 ай бұрын
It's like a lasagna of insanity and depth, and damn is it delicious
@LightGlyphRasengan 6 ай бұрын
Just wanted to say fascists will almost never explicitly say theyre fascists, they more often than not dance around their political identity. Even when they dont think theyre being fascist, they will be doing things that are very clearly in line with fascist tendencies. FascistJapan, italy, germany, and even Spain were all different flavors of fascism, but they all followed most of Umberto eco's 13 points. I think you're 100% correct in saying that natural manipulation is a common thing that is also associated with fascism, but fascism is that, plus a ton of extra stuff about "ties to a motherland" or "glorious past empire", as well as the in group out group ideas are much more aligned with fascism, and unless we come up with other types of political ideas that follow similar but not quite the same ideas, then we gotta go with fascism. Always appreciate the conversation on one of my first and favorite influential content creators
@ninjabot3606 6 ай бұрын
If you are more interested in World of Darkness, i think you will like TheBurgerkrieg videos about the setting.
@user-ut5nx6hm9d 6 ай бұрын
So on that point about all humans being potential Mages, that's a fact in universe. Any human being in the setting, at any point, with the right impetus or trigger, could awaken and become a mage. Even without awakening humans in the setting warp reality, they just do it in groups over time. That's why sometimes holy ground like a church is actually supernaturally protected or why guys like Occam can use sorcery. That stuff is a path of least resistance carved into reality by the cumulative belief and practice of generations of normal people, the drop that adds up to a trickle to a stream that carves a canyon into existence. Guys like Occam are taking a paddleboat along those river rapids, vampires like the Tremere use a vitae powered motorboat, and Mages are the guys repeatedly jumping the walls of that canyon, containing the waterways the sorcerers below all have to navigate, in a rusty old convertible.
@HylianWolfMage55 6 ай бұрын
I'm sure you'll love QosmicVoid's analysis of Bullfrog from Captain Laserhawk. That's how I got introduced to QosmicVoid's analysis videos.
@borjor. 6 ай бұрын
man i love this video so much ive seen clips online of the show but this video made watch the series
@CGomm-le7gv 6 ай бұрын
You may like Pongsifu masquerade video is similar to jello's style game footage with custom animated scenes and talking over the game play
@oldeskul 6 ай бұрын
In the World of Darkness setting, every human has the chance for their true potential to awaken and become reality-warping individuals. The reason why the majority don't awaken is that we have forgotten we are simultaneously magical and spiritual beings. A lot of that has to do with the insane machinations of the Weaver constantly making webs and trying to force all of reality into an extremely regimented stasis.
@Ofxzh 6 ай бұрын
I was waiting for you to do this
@halfknight2310 5 ай бұрын
24:20 stockholm syndrome. when someone begins to feel connected to the person who took them hostage. (through manipulation typically).
@Merrsharr 5 ай бұрын
When I read the title I thought you had actually put your English major to good use and made an analysis yourself... but now, having seen QosmicVoid's original video, I can at least appreciate you reacting to quality content and spreading it to more people.
@matasblazauskas5859 6 ай бұрын
Hay Airier I have question. What is required too call a group(in a show) a fascist in you're opinion or what element in this was missing for sabbat to labeled as fascist?
@Airier 6 ай бұрын
Less that they are actively a movement are fascist, and more group who is fascist-like. In universe it makes sense because they would predate that entire political group. I usually prefer to categorize things in universe that way. Although IRL, I would not be surprised in the slightest if they were completely based on fascist as the starting point.
@TheAsylumCat 6 ай бұрын
​@@AmericanBrit9834 it's why the irl political space likes to use it so much as an argument, because fascist elements technically apply to a lot of things but aren't actually so. Hence the vibe measurement wich can be incredibly subjective and vulnerable to abuse. I've seen it applied to Nazis and Soviets both because both factions were authoritarians who believed themselves victims whilst using power like an industrial hammer.
@SoCHobbit 6 ай бұрын
​@@TheAsylumCati totally agree about it being overused, that and several other words are some badly overused that two people standing next to each other and saying them will actually believe it means very different things
@TheAsylumCat 6 ай бұрын
@jackstar7204 It's pretty much a spectrum, i think, but the word got abused due to its association with the aforementioned "funny German people" that people would (not so much now) react strongly to it use. Forewarning, I'm going to lampshade myself, not an expert. I know these are volatile subjects, and I'm trying to speak casually any third parties listening.
@TheAsylumCat 6 ай бұрын
@SoCHobbit The English language is rife for abuse. Arier gave a good example of how we changed the meaning of Otaku in the West by being consistently wrong about it.
@VooshSpokesman 6 ай бұрын
Love from a QosmicVoid and Vaush fan!
@Railgunner66 5 ай бұрын
I know im late but some possibly useful info for reference, Blood magics are, stronger than sorcery and situationally stronger than true magics, namely in their rituals. Blood magic also entirely lacks paradox whilst also retaining more creative freedom and raw power than sorcery.
@Mire-Drive 6 ай бұрын
17:05 The proper term is Nobledark not Grimbright
@gokbay3057 6 ай бұрын
Both those terms exist (for somewhat different things).
@vorpalmedia4300 6 ай бұрын
The best masks are partially true.
@SavingDead 6 ай бұрын
there is an animated sorta series called "The Vampair Series" made by Daria Cohen wich i would you to react to, it has nothing to do with this but it has some fun story and is not that long, since an episode is basically just an animated fan music video but still, the first animated music video is called "the night" you should react to, and it has alot of views since its pretty popular
@gokbay3057 6 ай бұрын
Oh, those are very fun. Thought Voltaire music... Daria obviously was able to upload them and they remained up without issue but I don't know if Airier could react to them without a copyright issue happening. It would probably be fine, but there is a risk.
@NeighborhoodScribe 5 ай бұрын
Analyze his theories, PLEASE!
@ShadowoftheMask Ай бұрын
I wouldn't say that its not intended as such by writers of setting because white wolf are very explicitly political in lot of the setting details. You can argue about execution though
@khylerbane4523 5 ай бұрын
53:18 Everything within the state, Nothing outside the state. -Benito Mussolini, founder of Fascism, when asked describe fascism. QosmicVoid, has a third video now. He even referrers to you in it.
@mrpulga8961 5 ай бұрын
If you want to know more about World of Darkness without necessarily jumping on the deep end, I cannot recommend enough a channel called Burguerkrieg. He is slowly but surely covering every major game in his channel. Prime real estate for some reactions.
@smokify2198 6 ай бұрын
hope part 3 of that roman video is coming
@monsunoguy19 6 ай бұрын
Day 2 of convincing Airier to try Kamen Rider
@Airier 6 ай бұрын
Ah heck no. I'm not making that mistake a 58th time. I know a hobby rabbit hole which is probably enjoy when I see one. Joking aside. While it looks interesting, it hasn't clocked with me yet.
@theemaleelanusman1299 6 ай бұрын
Heck, any of the major tokusatsu shows. Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Super sentai. I'd be interested.
@CelticPheonix101 6 ай бұрын
I like the distinction between D and Kevin regarding then”human rails against civilisation while vampire defends it” gag(?), because they’re coming to it from very different places; all of D’s arguments are coming from “this thing is bad because it makes people’s lives worse” - see him railing against landlords - or from a place of true belief in humanity’s potential, like the blender argument, that they’ve been around so long, and humanity is so inventive and creative, that they *must* be effective and cheap by now. Kevin, meanwhile, has a disdain for the status-quo in his parable - he directly calls it stagnant, and wanted nothing more than to escape it - and he has the same hatred of tyranny as D, but he misses his humanity so much that he’ll defend even the worst aspects of it, because anything would be better than where he is, unable to meaningfully engage with any of it - no matter how much he, as an accountant, might hate mankind. I just got to around 1:08:00 or so, started thinking, and all this came out, lol
@theironqueen2386 5 ай бұрын
you are confusing grim dark and bleakness
@T3nch1 6 ай бұрын
"I'm right, you're wrong, FK you" was *NOT* the reason for the Crusades. The Crusades were a response to 450 years of Muslim warfare that saw 3 of the 5 great Christian capitols stolen. Those capitols being Jerusalem, Constantinople and Carthage. Sabaton made 2 songs about the other 2 Christian capitols that weren't conquered; those songs being The Last Stand, about the Muslim invasion of the Vatican in 1527 and Winged Hussars about the Ottoman siege on Vienna in 1683. Just because the Crusades ended in the 1200s doesn't mean the Muslim invasion of Christian land did. Also the 2005 Ridley Scott film Kingdom of Heaven is all getting Jerusalem back from the Muslims after the siege of 1187.
@SoCHobbit 6 ай бұрын
Check your sources and do some research please... The 1527 sack of Rome that Sabaton sang about was done by mutinous troops of the Holy Roman Emperor, not muslims.
@SoCHobbit 6 ай бұрын
Also Kingdom of Heaven was Very fictionalized and about the defense and loss of Jerusalem to Saladdin and its not historically accurate besides the actual surrender of jerusalem.
@SoCHobbit 6 ай бұрын
While I agree that it was a massive overstatement about the crusades, please know more about what your referring too.
@Brutalyte616 6 ай бұрын
Well there's also the matter of the Church's policy of 'THAT SHIT MINE!' throughout much of the Crusades where the goal was more economic and material than a genuine religious endeavor. I mean the Pope still has to eat, so it's understandable, but still.
@gokbay3057 6 ай бұрын
Muslims never got close to Rome (they did get on Italy a few times but never got to Rome) and as Hobbit said the Last Stand is about German (Christian) troops sacking Rome. Also Crusades ending in 1200s? LMAO. Try 1400s. With the Crusade of Varna and Northern Crusades by the Teutonic Knights, Crusades against North Africa in 1390s, etc (one could also count the Reconquesta if one wanted, also the Holy Leagues against the Ottomans). Moreover some other basic factual mistakes in your comment, such as mentioning Carthage but not Alexandria or Antioch, 2/5 seats of the Pentarchy alongside Rome, Constantionple and Jerusalem. As well as holding Vienna on the same status as them for some reason (sure the Second Siege of Vienna by the Ottomans was a turning point in the wars between the Ottomans and European/Christian powers and Hapsburg Austria was one of the greatest Christian powers at the time but the city itself is not of any importance to Christianity as a whole (or even Catholicism in general) (unrelated, but was checking up Wikipedia to make sure I did not make a mistake on the Siege of Vienna but I discovered there were three sieges of Vienna in the 15th Century as a part of the Austro-Hungarian War. Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary, conquered Vienna through this war, thought Hapsburgs would take it back after his death. So funny how I came across a "stealing" of a "Christian capitol" by Christians while I was looking at a failed siege of the same city by Muslims. Much like failed Muslim sieges of Constantinople and the successful Christian sacking of Constantinople (thought admittedly Constantinople was later conquered by the Muslim Ottomans so there is that)). Also, if we define the Crusades as ending in 1200s as you did (Fall of Acre in 1291 I guess?) then Constantinople was not taken by Muslims in that time period. Under threat sure, but Fall of Constantinople is 1453 not before the Crusades (Thought of course, Constantinople first fell to Catholic Crusaders in 1204 with the 4th Crusade, rather than there being some liberation of the city from Muslims by Crusaders. The city got sacked and the so called "Latin Empire" got established, splintering the Eastern Roman Empire into several successor states, of whom Nicea would retake Constantinople in 1261). Also "capitols stolen". It is just war. Deal with it. Persia conquered the Levant, Alexander conquered the Levant, Rome conquered the Levant and North Africa, Muslims conquered Levant and North Africa, Catholics conquered Levant again with the Crusades and lost it later to Egypt and Mongols. Later Ottomans conquered Levant from the Mamelukes. Then much later Europeans colonized North Africa and occupied Levant after WW1. Christians were just fine with conquering each other without Muslims being involved, whatever Religious or Ethno-Racial rhetoric one might wish to talk about doesn't really make the Muslim-Christian Wars with whichever side being the aggressor this time any different. War is war.
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I beat Undertale blindfolded
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DEATH FLAGS AND TRAUMA | The Hunter The Parenting Theory
Human vs Jet Engine
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