Alexa Nikolas: The Dark Side of Online Activism

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Alexa Nicholas is a former child star who now operates as an online activist. Today we're talking about the issues with her platform/organization IN MY OPINION. A note is that her merch site has been updated so some of the stuff I talk about is no longer there but the commentary is still valid so I left it in.

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@Lildeadthing420 3 ай бұрын
Really good and level video. Idk if this was made after the news broke but Lori Beth denburg from All That came out about Dan. But yes he's still not the same degree of predator as Brian Peck and it feels like alexa exaggerates how she presents certain things (whether it's about her or not) to gain more attention and profit
@Lildeadthing420 3 ай бұрын
Also glad to find u after seeing ophie dokie's videos!
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
I filmed it before, but I also had no idea even now! Thank you so much for commenting this, I’m going to pin your comment so other people can see. I think my criticism of Alexa’s conspiratorial reporting is still valid but what I said about Dan not having any Brian Peck-esque allegations other than Jennette McCurdy was obvi not true.
@dobbyselenaourworld9398 3 ай бұрын
But you don’t know that. Maybe what he did to Amanda was worse but she’s scared to come out?
@rubeng96 3 ай бұрын
Lori Beth said she only came out against Dan to make it easier for OTHERS to come out. This tells me she suspects Dan of worse. I genuinely don’t get this whole downplaying of Dan that’s going on
@Lildeadthing420 3 ай бұрын
@rubeng96 not downplaying. Just acknowledging what we actually know so far.
@nowyousieme 3 ай бұрын
literally started fist pumping when you brought up that yes, she as a survivor doesn't owe anyone anything, but as a public figure presenting as an advocate of survivors, she absolutely does!! she hides behind her own survivorship whenever people criticize her activism, and the two are not the same!!!
@BlooLynx 3 ай бұрын
It's nice to hear your take on this. It's upsetting and horrible what happened to Alexa, but I totally agree things aren't just black and white. There's a lot of issues with how Alexa speaks and runs things, especially with her choosing not to have others on her podcast to speak up for themself and trying to theorize their thoughts and feelings.
@TrollinNolin95 Ай бұрын
It’s not upsetting at all When you realize she doubts male victims all the time.
@bydivadream 3 ай бұрын
It's such a let down to acknowledge that Eat Predators is essentially "The Alexa Nikolas Fund for Alexa Nikolas" where the primary goal is for Alexa to finally reach the level of sympathy, adoration, attention and validation she felt to have deserved during Zoey 101 in 2005. Protests can be very effective for all the reasons mentioned in this video, but if the end result always benefits Alexa's image as a philanthropist and her bank account, isn't Alexa herself the philanthropic cause?
@Bls-of1ld 2 ай бұрын
And she's back like nothing happened
@TheNinjapancake14 3 ай бұрын
I’ve had mixed thoughts about Alexa Nikolas, and you mention a lot of those nuanced points in this well put together video. While I think what she’s doing is very brave and important, things get messy when money is involved. My friend works with a nonprofit and just recently, someone with a high position was exposed for mishandling money in a major way. Even though this was one individual, it tarnished the reputation of the whole group. There are certain international advocacy groups that I no longer align with because I am for the cause, the movement, but not the people behind the organization. You said it best, not every charity is the same, some ARE scammy. I think the people organizing deserve compensation for their efforts, but it should be more organized, and transparent. This comment is hella long but finding and finding local groups in your area and paying attention to local elections can generate more sustainable change that is just as impactful.
@rubeng96 3 ай бұрын
I also think it’s important to remember that Alexa’s stalker (for some strange reason) was being followed on Twitter by a friend of Dan who designed websites for a few Nick shows. I get the problem with conspiracy theories in todays world, but I wouldn’t call her a conspiracy theorist. These words can also be incredibly damaging to survivors, especially given the gravity of the situation. Drake himself said he wondered if he would make it out of this alive. I don’t blame her for being scared, and I don’t expect her to respond to it perfectly either.
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
Yes I did see that, the whole stalker situation is very scary. I didn’t mention it because I wasn’t sure if that would be giving the stalker more power. I think your point is really interesting and sheds light on her POV, but I still think it’s unhelpful for her to speculate about such serious things on her large platform. There are enough actual allegations to talk about.
@rubeng96 3 ай бұрын
@@thesquareruth that’s definitely fair. I don’t know what it feels like to make a choice that might save my life, but I imagine there’s a lot of tension and impulsivity involved. I don’t know that she was necessarily trying to be helpful to US in that moment, I think she was just hoping to protect herself thru exposure, and frankly I don’t blame her. The fact that Dan keeps referring to this as a “hit job” makes me incredibly uncomfortable, and I have no connection to the man. I can’t imagine how that would make possible victims feel, let alone having a stalker situation on top of it all.
@eddierascalhaskell4954 3 ай бұрын
Its such a soap opera whenever Alexa is in the equation...yeesh.
@rubeng96 3 ай бұрын
@@eddierascalhaskell4954 probably because this isn’t just entertainment for some of us 🤷‍♂️
@eddierascalhaskell4954 3 ай бұрын
Maybe some of yas should stop taking the lot of this so seriously if it doesnt directly effect your every day. The drama is just too much. Yeesh.
@lastilnovista 3 ай бұрын
@aleleeramos 3 ай бұрын
Then difference in Alexa and Allyson’s content, is Allyson took her money and got a great education. She is organized, thoughtful, well informed and incredibly well spoken. Alexa has moments of this as well. But sometimes goes off on tangents and it comes off as just directionless. She has a great starting point, but she needs to flesh this out and get people on board that can help her organize her thoughts and ideas with this project. I’ve interacted with her before, and she was a little rude, and all I did was point out some logical fallacy in her statement, I got attacked for a while. - regardless, I’m so glad they are both doing the work and trying to change the environment for everyone in the entertainment industry. Which seems to trickle to other industries as well.
@bydivadream 3 ай бұрын
This video is so, so fantastic... a month ago, I felt like I had woken up from under a spell after a live where Alexa was platforming Angelique Bates for the first time. Alexa added that although she knew Angelique had spoken out many years before she had, she hadn't paid attention to her until that very day.After playing videos of Angelique detailing the horrific abuse she experienced as the sole black female cast member on the show.... Alexa immediately declared that she and Angelique had "similar experiences" and followed with inserting herself into Angelique's story. (Alexa added that although she knew Angelique had spoken out many years before she had, she hadn't paid attention to Angelique until that very moment.)
@emaeco6602 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I think it was around that time that I stopped watching too because she also mixed in calling out the producers of quiet on set for not inviting her to the premiere which was weird to me because she didn’t really feel that way in the beginning but because of the press she didn’t get she felt slighted
@NewhamMatt 3 ай бұрын
@@emaeco6602 That was her last video before the channel went dark, and I'm kind of disregarding that at the moment, because given her community post afterwards, I'm wondering if the stress she was under led her to lash out in a way that was very counter-productive. Whenever she starts uploading again, we'll see if she continues down that path or walks it back.
@Bls-of1ld 2 ай бұрын
She's back smh
@Bls-of1ld 2 ай бұрын
​@@NewhamMattshe is back pretending like nothing happened
@candiceolson1723 3 ай бұрын
I have been on the edge of my seat waiting for this vid! Edit: My close childhood cousin was homeschooled and it also messed with his ability to process what is criticism vs what is bullying never have been around peers who weren't his sibling-classmates or friend-cousins. I think there's something crucial about developing next to children you have no stakes with so you learn what is projection, lashing, bullying, and what is true hard to hear criticism. She seems to still be in homeschool mode since her first time interacting with peers seems to be on Zoey101, and it very clearly scarred her. I think everything you said is true, and my interjection is that it's her homeschool heart. They truly are some of the most outrageously nice people in the world, who don't quite have the social footing to make it come across natural/don't understand societal boundaries that never existed at home school. Most mundane things outside the home were always bright and shiny to my cousin, so Zoey101 must've been a pile of shimmering diamond in her eye which ended up hurting her gravely. I see where her missteps come from, but frankly I have no advice to fix it as it occurred during a developmental stage so therapy and self-reflection on her end is about it.
@twilightsquire 3 ай бұрын
I did always wonder if the homeschooling could have been a large part of her early issues with her cast mates, I remember her once saying she'd talk politics with Sean Flynn and I thought it was a tad odd or at least quite different to be chatting politics at the age of 12 gave me the impression she perhaps couldn't relate to the other kids as much which left her ostracised even more. I honestly think therapy could be good for her it sounds like she needs to unpack things in a healthier way then she has been doing, especially with how toxic social media can be.
@TwilightSagaCullen 3 ай бұрын
Her being homeschooled doesn't necessarily mean anything. People often think homeschooled kids turn out weird or act different because they don't attend a public school around other kids. (although it does depend on how your parents raised you). But I don't believe that was the underlying issue going on set.
@laurenhollenbaugh5448 3 ай бұрын
You had me until you said “ therapy is provided by health insurance.” No it’s not actually. Your parents must have really good insurance because I pay $135 per session.
@laurenhollenbaugh5448 3 ай бұрын
A very privileged opinion 😅
@shellybelly7784 3 ай бұрын
Same, No way she said that
@ClementineDaydream 3 ай бұрын
yeah, it very much depends on what insurance plans people have... but it is often provided. My insurance covers my therapy and I don't have a hugely extensive plan... I have insurance thru It may be also that you're not a primary member, since it sounds like you're still on your parent's plan.
@angelsunlight 3 ай бұрын
@rippedshoes911 3 ай бұрын
pretty sure there are therapy options covered by medi cal in california
@patri6kd3mps3y8 3 ай бұрын
Can we talk about how Alexa did Kesha dirty? In 2022 Kesha was supposed to go on a cruise tour in Antarctica with diplo as one of the supporting acts and Alexa made several videos about Kesha and tweets, etc because diplo is one of her abusers and when Kesha canceled the tour, that she paid for out of pocket btw bc her old record label sucks, Alexa just deleted everything and didn’t say anything or thank Kesha
@lucasouza3628 3 ай бұрын
i actually remember her thanking kesha for standing on the right side. and then she deleted the posts.
@KissyAdair 3 ай бұрын
​@@lucasouza3628Okay, but then she deleted everything. And do we KNOW Diplo abused her, or are people just taking her word for it?
@lucasouza3628 3 ай бұрын
@@KissyAdair she deleted everything because she doesnt agree with those videos anymore, she has changed her mind about it. and about diplo...i dont think she ever said he abused her, diplo has faced multiple abuse allegations and she tries to bring light to these allegations because people dont talk about.
@LodisVlogs Ай бұрын
Kesha always gets done dirty dude :/ I’m over it
@Niiiiiiiila 15 күн бұрын
I really appreciate your nuanced and balanced take on Alexa Nikolas and EP. I was one of the founding members who left voluntarily, and I have not spoken out publicly. I plan to make a video soon sharing my perspective to fill in the blanks and correct a lot of the glossed over mistruths Alexa has gotten increasingly good at telling. It’s taken me a while to have the courage to speak, as this was an incredibly abusive and traumatic time in my life I’ve wanted to move away from. But survivors who keep getting harmed by Alexa, reach out to me for help, and I feel compelled to speak and share in the way I am capable. Thanks again for taking the time to make this video.
@rachelmccoolhelton9606 3 ай бұрын
I started listening to Alexa after she was on Solan’s channel. She was a little outrageous but I tolerated it because she was giving legitimate criticism to the child acting world. Anyways….something shifted and I didn’t feel right about her in my spirit, couldn’t put my finger on it though. Then she deleted her Drake Bell episode and didn’t “stand on business” which showed she could be bought. I fully believe that Drake Bell is guilty and there’s proof for that. You can be a victim and perpetrator at the same time. She spews things like she has proof but doesn’t show her proof. I think she does care about exposing the industry and I don’t think she came into yt for the money or exposer, but now she’s got eyes on her and wants to keep it that way even if it means slandering people or making shit way bigger than it should be.
@aleleeramos 3 ай бұрын
Exactly my experience with her content, and feelings about her.
@itsbritney1270 3 ай бұрын
I feel like she is fighting between making whats right and what feels right, which is validating her innes childhood that wanted to be friends with everyone and was outcasted.
@KissyAdair 3 ай бұрын
Sloan is problematic himself. He puts out misinformation and rumors as if they're facts. He doesn't even tell his audience when something is a rumor. He just states it as fact. I quit watching him a long time ago. I don't like him. Dustin Dailey put out a great video about it. I was so happy I wasn't the only one who looked at Sloan a little funny.
@itsbritney1270 3 ай бұрын
@@KissyAdair What I started noticing is that he is bias and sexist. He always bashes women in his videos, regardless of what I think about them he is very mysoginistic and it puts me off. Like when he speaks about Jlo and how difficult she must be to live with and such when talking about Ben's alcoholism, and other examples, it's really awful and I no longer watch him that often
@rachelmccoolhelton9606 3 ай бұрын
@@KissyAdair I agree with him being problematic, I’ve backed off watching him recently. I use to be a huge fan.
@belikeher429 3 ай бұрын
“When we give money to one thing, we can no longer give [that] money to another thing” - yess this is a great point about being deliberate with where you put your money!
@primrose97 3 ай бұрын
Something about Alexa Nikolas always rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t want to say she’s lying but may be misremembering things since it was such a long time ago. Also, people change throughout the years. I would never call out my middle school bullies on a public platform because they might be a completely different person now as an adult. Did she even try to contact them privately to get closure? No, she took it to the public for her fans to harass and bully them. The same exact thing she was accusing her co-stars of doing to her.
@summerchild_ 3 ай бұрын
I WOULD call out my bullies on a public platform. I'm living with the consequences of their actions, why shouldn't they?
@Lilothestitch 3 ай бұрын
I have an issue with that statement cause that sounds like a level of victim blaming.
@nightwing1984 3 ай бұрын
​@@LilothestitchGet a job, then you wouldnt be so worried.
@primrose97 3 ай бұрын
@@Lilothestitch How? I know your itching for an argument by the way you gave your opinion with no context.
@primrose97 3 ай бұрын
@@Lilothestitch also, you’ve made many responses to comments on this channel defending Alexa. Over 5 I could count.
@coltonjohnson9739 3 ай бұрын
I read something really good about this - instead of “Believe all Victims,” perhaps it would be better to say “Take all Victim Accusations seriously.” This is because, 1, rarely, there can be false accusations or exaggerations, and 2, abusers often use the DARVO strategies of denying, attacking, reversing and acting the victim and calling the actual victim the offender. A man very close to me did this to a woman very close to me- accused her of many things. Turns out, he was the abusive one, proven with evidence in court. I think the desire to believe all victims is a very noble one, and the right spirit to take in matters like this- we want to make sure we protect victims! It’s just that, without nuance and canny and careful evaluation, our good intentions can be used against the true victims. That man took the offensive by alleging verbal abuse first. But he had admitted to having raped her in private texts, which were only found much later. Anyways, great video! Sorry if this is too heavy.
@coltonjohnson9739 3 ай бұрын
Idk how to edit my comment, but, to be clear, I don’t think Alexa is an abuser, this topic just reminded me of that situation with my family. I hate abuse and want it to be fought and pushed back as much as possible.
@knitwitchpgh 3 ай бұрын
I honestly think thats a much healthier phrase.
@kimberleywilliams7802 3 ай бұрын
I need to save that one.
@JesusIsKing48 3 ай бұрын
false accusations are actually very common
@ct6852 3 ай бұрын
Ugh I've seen that DARVO crap up close. It's enraging.
@taylorruthardt3749 3 ай бұрын
I really appreciate the insight from this video!!! Definitely thought it was weird that she was always centering herself in the eat predators movement. It seems like she’s in a state of spiral with constantly recounting her own stories. I hope she eventually heals and can get some peace. Thank you for all your research on this topic!
@Dave102693 3 ай бұрын
@kevinrudy 3 ай бұрын
That is WILD to associate with Megyn Kelly. She has supported and said so so so many awful things about so many people.
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
At that point I was fully convinced she'd lost the plot. Like in what world did she not know what Megyn Kelly stood for? Why would she agree to that interview?
@eddierascalhaskell4954 3 ай бұрын
Alexa was talking to anyone who'd give her a stage to speak on. Its part desperation and other part just trying to keep herself out there to be noticed. It didnt matter whether the interviewer was reputable or not, just more airtime and exposure for Alexa.
She’s always been sketchy to me bc I remember the days when it was being said online that Alexa was the one who leaked the Vanessa Hudgens nude pics back in the day. Which also ties into the Drake Bell thing bc Vanessa was dating Drake right before the leak and during the time she was friends with Alexa (before Zac) and it was said that those pics were meant for him
Oh shit, you actually mentioned it 😂
@RinaIsForever 3 ай бұрын
shes sus low key i stopped her believing her feel like she just doing everything for $$ like we understand the things you and others go through but like why is everything going into her pocket usually organizations and stuff like that that she's doing donate to charities like why is she making merch and trying to exploit other peoples trauma like it's just weird?
@keeferkifflom360 3 ай бұрын
This video is definition of facts. You earned a subscriber. Alexa has a victim complex.
@Lilothestitch 3 ай бұрын
She does not have a victim complex.
@keeferkifflom360 3 ай бұрын
@@Lilothestitchshe does. I have been bullied physically and emotionally. Alexa definitely has a complex,no one is obligated to apologize or validate you. Healing comes from YOU not the outside world. Until she focuses on her own healing..that’s the day she’ll truly be set free from the shackles of her past.
@Lilothestitch 3 ай бұрын
@@keeferkifflom360 I’m sorry you were bullied but Alexa doesn’t play the victim or cry fake tears.
@nightwing1984 3 ай бұрын
​@@LilothestitchNo, she just uses you to make excuses for her in the comment section like the good lapdog you are.
@Eric_1991 2 ай бұрын
​@@Lilothestitchno, she just capitalizes on it
@SuperSonicWarrior93 3 ай бұрын
I especially can’t stand how Alexa Nikolas tries to paint Victoria Justice as the bad guy, just because of a fallout they had a long time ago, over some simple ass boy. Like, get over it, Alexa. And besides, Victoria has been through enough slander and bullying from Ariana Grande’s toxic fanbase. Falsely accusing her of being "jealous", just because she said "I think we all sing". Smh. Victoria Justice is one of the sweetest, kindhearted individuals in Hollywood, and she does NOT deserve anymore slander against her.
@user-iu2zr8vj7g 3 ай бұрын
How is any of that Alexa's fault? I like both Alexa and Victoria, but Alexa has a right to express how she felt back when she first met Victoria. I fully agree that the whole "boy" thing is really dumb and shouldn't be part of the conversation... but the part that Alexa mainly emphasises is that she was glad she finally had a friend and then Victoria started participating in the bullying too... it is to express how lonely she felt on set. Victoria could have been a bully to Alexa AND she could ALSO be a victim to everything you mentioned. And yes that's in the past and I'm glad Victoria has grown, but that doesn't make things go away. Bullying can affect someone for life, it's not something you just "get over". If there's anything we can take away from this video is that nothing is completely black and white... so just because Victoria went through stuff too doesn't mean she's exempt from criticism. That goes for Alexa as well (which is why I agree with this video's criticisims). PS: I agree that people were too harsh on Victoria about that whole "I think we all sing" thing... especially since Ariana is so coddled by Nickelodeon (just like Jennette McCurdy's book expressed), psh...
@KissyAdair 3 ай бұрын
​@@user-iu2zr8vj7gHow is it Alexa's fault? She paints Victoria as this awful person because of some drama they had as very young teens. No, it's not her fault about Ariana's fanbase bullying her, that's not what this girl was saying. She was saying Victoria has also dealt with bullying and shit.
@user-iu2zr8vj7g 3 ай бұрын
@@KissyAdair Did you even read my comment? OP is pretty much saying: Victoria has also gone through so much stuff so Alexa should "get over it". To that and to you I say: 1) Alexa has never said Victoria is an "awful person" she is just telling her story, it is her right. Victoria is also in her right to tell hers. 2) Bullying is not just "petty drama", the whole boy thing IS petty drama and Alexa should not mention it (although she doesn't really mention it often)... but if Victoria participated in the bullying, even if she was a teenager, she STILL did something wrong. I cannot believe I have to say this in 2024 when so many kids and teens have been deeply affected by bullying to the point of suicide. Even if the bullies are also young, that doesn't mean they are completely innocent. To Victoria that could just be something petty and insignificant she did as a child, but to Alexa that could have affected her deeply. 3) As I said, it's not black and white... Victoria could have bullied Alexa AND been bullied herself by others. Again, just because she went through bullying too doesn't make her exempt from criticism. Implying that just because she went through bullying too no one should call out her past actions is stupid... no one would be criticised if that was the case. I am critical of Victoria's actions and also support her as a victim, same thing with Alexa. As I said, I like and support them both. They are beautiful, talented and strong... but I can also acknowledge their mistakes.
@Delena00 3 ай бұрын
But the people she claims were bullies don’t have a known track record for being bullies, meanwhile Alexa does. Even her ex-followers and co-workers from Eat Predators say that she was an aggressor. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
@user-iu2zr8vj7g 3 ай бұрын
@@Delena00 LMAO okay now THAT is not making sense. Jamie Lynn doesn't have a track of being a bully? That girl is disowned by her own sister. And about the rest, I give them the benefit of the doubt, they perhaps felt pressured to fit in because as teens we can act stupid and follow what the most popular person does out of approval (especially since she is Britney Spears' little sister, who wouldn't want to be friends with her as a child?), all of them were quite young and it was their first "big break", they most likely grew out of that (as most people do) and of course they never did anything to anyone else in subsequent roles. What they did was still wrong and Alexa is in her right to call that out if it affected her that deeply, but again, it's not black and white... that doesn't make them horrible people now. We all make mistakes and bad decisions, especially when we're young. Also, with what you're implying, am I supposed to believe that the youngest kid of the main cast bullied a bunch of teens older than her, one of whomst had a lot of power and is known to be a terrible person? Also while working with a confirmed child abuser (Dan) who has been called out several times and who is known to create and even encourage toxic environments? Both Alexa and Victoria (and several others of course) were victims. The topic here was criticising Alexa's activism and actions (and of course she should be criticised) not outright denying she was a victim and claiming that she's lying. I'm pretty sure being abused and groomed has affected how she acts (which doesn't justify her actions at all), but it doesn't negate what she lived through either. There are no perfect victims, this applies to everyone.
@longlivebeans 3 ай бұрын
It’s especially hard to take Alexa’s advocacy work seriously in 2024, a year where we’ve witnessed a global network of student activists bring a once VERY untouchable subject (Palestine/Israel) to the forefront of mainstream discussion. These kids are organized, have a clear message, a list of demands & are getting shit done. They’re taking ass beatings in the streets & I’m supposed to be wowed by a couple signs at a Diplo concert? Girl get it together.
@alc4ever24 3 ай бұрын
They are very organized at their antisemitism, yes. I'm terrified that these "activists" are supporting a place that harbors terrorists and uses children as human shields. I'm terrified that these activists don't support women's choice of wearing a hijab in schools. I'm terrified that these kids are priviledged and may possibly run the country someday. Terrifying.
@camdecay 3 ай бұрын
alexa just seems like a bitter person. i think she had a hard time in hollywood no doubt, but shes just so disorganized and emotional its hard to take her seriously as an activist. i understand why she is that way, i’d be the same way, but i would deal with my trauma before starting an organization. i also think its so interesting how no one heard her name for years til she started with this. also shes so unforgiving unless its britney spears, someone with a big name.
@camdecay 3 ай бұрын
i don’t think shes just doing this all for clout either. i have no doubt whatsoever her time at nick was terrible. i just think she really needs to work through things on her own before venturing into something like this.
@lucasouza3628 3 ай бұрын
what you mean that its interesting how do you know shes unforgiving... she literaly even forgave drake bell and shes willing to forgive people, people just didnt apologize...
@user-dl8rt4rt6u 3 ай бұрын
She forgave Britney Spears because Britney actually owned up to her actions and apologized to her.
@Delena00 3 ай бұрын
@@user-dl8rt4rt6uBritney apologized to spite her sister. Britney and JL are not on good terms.
@jilliankyla2983 17 күн бұрын
@@lucasouza3628 but Drakes mistakes are not hers to forgive, thats for his victims and his victims only. If someone forgave Dan or her ex husband on her behalf there would be an 8th month long Instagram rampage.
@kathk94 3 ай бұрын
you made so many accurate points about alexa & her hypocrisy. There's also her beef with the Ned's cast, even though I don't particularly care about them either. As someone who was also bullied for years as a child & teen, I know that my bullies aren't the same people now as adults as they were when they were younger. I'm not constantly seeking apologies from them either, I can only move on on my own. I do wish more famous people called her out on her hypocrisy, the money, the attention she seeks etc.
@caughtupinawave3501 3 ай бұрын
What I think is more egregious in the situation is how she kept trying to insinuate that Dan Schneider was somehow worse than Brian Peck, someone who actually raped a child, and tried to call out Drake for saying that Dan actually helped during the court process, by helping his mother write an impact for court. To me, that was when it became clear that revenge was at the forefront. That, and when she called out Matthew Underwood for that email, if you notice in the video where she reads it onscreen, there’s a giant redacted portion, that she herself blurred out, that starts with Matthew saying he wouldn’t discredit survivors because… it was very clearly him baring the fact that he was assaulted. Well before he posted it on Instagram, meaning Alexa knew and chose to continue with this smear campaign. Do I agree with Matthew’s “there were no sexual innuendos” stuff? Absolutely not, we all know what Dan was doing, but to put private correspondence out on the internet and send hate his way , after claiming that bullying ruined your life, is horribly toxic and hypocritical. Not to mention her saying she was upset not to be included in the Zoey 101 reboot when she’s done nothing but steadily disparage the cast, is ridiculous, especially with her saying she wants an open dialogue, when it later came out she had blocked Jack Salvatore aka Mark Delfigalo from Zoey 101 years ago along with the rest of the cast who she wasn’t even following. Then she admits Sean Flynn reached out to her to apologize for her hurt feelings regarding the reboot, she blamed him for not calling her personally or contacting her beforehand. There are comments and tweets showing that she reached out to the boys , including Dan several times throughout the years and Chris was openly positive/ friendly to her, but now the narrative changed to EVERYONE bullying her outside of the fighting between her, Jamie, Kristen and her tiff with Victoria, to the point she claims Erin Sanders purposely punched her on camera.
@SAMEntalhealth 3 ай бұрын
@ct6852 3 ай бұрын
I do think the insidiousness of mental/emotional abuse can just as bad, if not worse, as a physical event. I didn't fully understand the allegations against Dan, but I do believe it was significant for the people that worked under him. But yeah the Brian Peck stuff was more obviously criminal.
@jilliankyla2983 17 күн бұрын
whats crazy is if you go back on her twitter shed was publicly friends with Kristen till at least 2011? it leaves a big hole in her story...
@ct6852 17 күн бұрын
@@jilliankyla2983 I do believe the whole situation was probably complicated. And because Dan was so powerful at the network those friendships were always going to be tenuous and confusing. But the older she gets, fact is she may just have to let it all go a bit. It was a long time ago. She and Dan may both very well be different people at this point. She did the work to get her story out and that's fantastic and important. But it can't go on forever. She's free now.
@bazalmorani6557 3 ай бұрын
I am also so glad you mentioned the whole Amanda Bynes thing it is so weird everyone things they can assume what happened to her and stuff with her not saying it herself...if she was (which I hope not) she is the ONLY one who has the right to bring it up if and when she is ready. Traumatizing someone that wasn't traumatized or retraumatizing them is also not ok
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
exactly 👏🏼 it feels almost like people want what happened to their favorite child stars to be horrible. it’s twisted
@janessaflorian 3 ай бұрын
It's nice to hear someone else who agrees. I was into Alexa's content for a little while but had to stop watching. As a survivor myself I totally agree with the opinion that you have to move on from your trauma at some point. It's weird that she is so dedicated to getting an apology from her bullies but doesn't demand one from her abuser.
@jilliankyla2983 17 күн бұрын
Her ex isnt famous enough that it would be worth it to demand public apologies from, but just today guess whos bandwagon shes back on after his song got put in the high controversy new Blake Lively movie...
@katiebailey3439 3 ай бұрын
I do think there are workplaces where that should provide free therapy-like organizations where the job itself traumatizes you. Jobs like healthcare, veterinary work, police work, firefighters and such. Those jobs take an emotional toll daily on the employees.
@talkingheights 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for making this video. I think the majority of people wanted to support her in the beginning, but she really showed her true colors (whether she sees it for it is or not). My issue with her is that she takes money from people for the same things she has bashed other people for, as well as lacking consistency in what she claims she stands for, along with being shameless about double standards. The fat shaming comments on reddit thing was when I realized she really doesn’t practice what she preaches.
@wolfman100hits 2 ай бұрын
Im trying to remember this right, but apparently Alexa may have not started eat predators that it was this other people that invited her on. They had disagreements how to go forward with the company and Alexa locked them out of their accounts and took over. Theres a video on twitter with one of them telling the story.
@eddierascalhaskell4954 2 ай бұрын
She and her husband usurped the "movement".
@meidson12 3 ай бұрын
Also, thank you for a level-headed yet poignant commentary. You nailed it. The fact that she never has guests also confused me. I clicked many videos thinking the victims were in them.
@nightwing1984 2 ай бұрын
She never has guests because she burned a lot of bridges, lies, and people just don't deal with her on a certain level.
@viceb7 2 ай бұрын
So glad it wasn't just me thinking Alexa was off base in all this
@jakestroll6518 3 ай бұрын
Alexa is not a reliable narrator. Some of how claims may be true but others are coloured by her emotional dysregulation and attention seeking. She’s a bad activist precisely because you can tell you’re often getting a distorted story.
@jakestroll6518 3 ай бұрын
….Especially regarding her fellow child actors.
@KissyAdair 3 ай бұрын
Imagine expecting to be invited to a reunion for a show you talked major shit about. 😅
@mehmeh-oo3pf 3 ай бұрын
she was not invited because over the years, she would make rude remarks about jamie lynn on social media, and on her instagram, there is a 2018 post making fun of Britney Spears' 2006 era (it's still up and was before the reunion). And JL stayed silent about all this until she wrote a memoir when Alexa has been publicly baiting JL for years even before Alexa's livestream. . As the main character on the show, I can understand why she did not include Alexa.
@nightwing1984 3 ай бұрын
Thats pretty much what the OP was saying...🤨
@ratgirl1997 3 ай бұрын
this is so GREAT!!!!
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
aw yay glad you enjoyed it! ☺️
@JASONCIRONE-kp4xr 3 ай бұрын
have u notice she hasnt been on her youtube channel latley for about a month
@NewhamMatt 3 ай бұрын
She's given an explanation on her community tab. It's pretty wild and does fit with the story she shared a while back. It would also explain why her last video seemed so weirdly combative, especially toward a lot of people she'd supported and who had supported her.
@eddierascalhaskell4954 3 ай бұрын
@anxietyisms 2 ай бұрын
alexa is a bully. she keeps boasting about trying to stop predators... not realizing she's a predator herself, being a bully.
@sqrlgrl 2 ай бұрын
I think Alexa would be THRILLED if she heard that Dan SA'd someone. Which is so sick
@SAMEntalhealth 2 ай бұрын
I have said exactly what you said before, right here how you said she would be thrilled if it happened that's what I was saying when I tried to tell people that she was hoping something indirectly bad happened to different people just so her theories could have some truth behind them she's nuts😅😅
@NoFirstNoLastName 3 ай бұрын
I feel that certain comments in this video were not it, such as the talk about insurance, which had a lot of errors, BUT I do feel Alexa has lost her way when it came to her original motivations for why she spoke up. Unfortunately this happens so often. A movement with initial integrity loses sight when money starts to play a bigger role.
@viceb7 2 ай бұрын
What errors about insurance?
@SamanthaCarlson 3 ай бұрын
Really good video I’ve watched a few videos about Alexa & her content and yours is the first to not tiptoe around the truth and put everything into a real world perspective. No doubt Alexa has been deeply hurt by people and the industry but her obsession with certain people makes her come off a bit unhinged at times. She also seems to have a hard time admitting any time that she’s maybe gone overboard or spoke about something when she wasn’t the most informed about it. Again, great video. Really appreciate hearing your perspective!
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
Aw thank you! I really appreciate the feedback
@KissyAdair 3 ай бұрын
Im a victim of csa, so please don't take this wrong. But - Does everyone Alexa meets abuse her? She just seems like one of those people who make herself the perpetual victim, and they have more than one "abuser", and it just seems like the girl can't leave the house without being victimized.
@Lilothestitch 3 ай бұрын
Alexa never abused anyone
@TrollinNolin95 Ай бұрын
@@Lilothestitchshe’s never been abused either
@FabiolaRVela 3 ай бұрын
I used to be subbed and watch her videos but I did notice a lot of the things mentioned here. What made me start to seriously side eye her and unsub is the fact that recently she got called out for some of her stances on Drake Bell, and it seems like she ran away. People have been critical of her and it seems like she just hid her head in the ground. I get that she claims she was being harassed, but I can’t pretend that those optics don’t look great imo. It’s a shame, imo she has her heart in the right spot I think, but I agree that she could do better. What got me was the fact that she admittedly made a video about Drake bell allegations without fact checking , and then she took it down with the excuse of “I fact checked and I was misinformed” which is great! but it’s like why didn’t she fact check that info to begin with? It’s very serious stuff, and sadly the fact that she just went with that info makes her stance seem unreliable imo. I learned a few things here, good video !
@TwilightSagaCullen 3 ай бұрын
I agree! I used to watch her but it started to annoy me when she'd ramble about stupid things from the past that really mean nothing now. And speaking with a, I know this happened, when it wasn't really her story to tell. Now she just blacked out and went dark on every platform.
@natalierose1072 3 ай бұрын
When trauma, failed fame and narcissism collide
@wholesomerodent 3 ай бұрын
Completly agree, I was pretty interested in her content... then the trauma dumping -- gossiping and the annoying censoring of bad words turned me off. It's like, if you want to spread awareness of these topics its hard to understand it when every word is "blah beep ... ab*se... *assa*ult... ETCEDERA..." Same thing with Christy Carlson. I am also a survivor, but to have to constantly talk about trauma w/o any real advocacy or substance just feels ick, reliving it over and over again.
@nightwing1984 2 ай бұрын
In some ways Christy might even be worse than Alexa because shes such a narcissist about her issues.
@hillwill960 3 ай бұрын
THANK YOU! Omg you discussing Alexa’s constant desire for apologies from her coworkers in her teenage years is the most annoying thing to me. She frequently mentions how Moze from Neds Declassified LIKED and IG post calling Alexa a washed up child actor or something and how she wants an apology for that. You’re a grown woman supposedly here to highlight abuse in Hollywood and you’re pressed about a LIKE?!?? Please be for real. It’s hard to take her seriously anymore. I agree with people who say her need for validation is getting in her own way.
@lmnlstes 3 ай бұрын
I mean it’s true though, he doesn’t owe her an apology at all.
@alyssavb42 3 ай бұрын
Omg thank you for putting everything I’ve ever thought into words. I was afraid I was going to be clicking on a video made by one her butt kissing fans. This was a very well made video. Thank you!
@rebeccassweetmusic4632 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad this is being talked about. I used to subscribe to Alexa and initially appreciated her sharing information about the industry and how they protect predators. I also appreciated (and still do) her always sharing her story and experience and being the one to open up about the fact that survivors of abuse aren't perfect angels. However, ever since the Drake Bell thing, I couldn't support her anymore because while yes, little child Drake was taken advantage of and r--ped by a grown adult, adult Drake became a predator himself, and HIS victims deserved to be treated with the same respect that Alexa does with other victims including Drake. After she took down her video critiquing him and his behavior, she seemingly was almost 100% supporting him, in my opinion. She also seems to take things very personally, even though they are valid critiques. I understand that surviving abuse can make you an easily sensitized person, but many things don't unnecessarily need an emotional reaction. I have no ill will against her, and I do respect what she does, but she needs to make sure she actually stands by her word and listens to ALL survivors because her not listening to Drake's survivors seems a bit hypocritical, in my opinion. Drake's case is a very sticky situation and proves to me that if you were abused as a child, you could quickly become an abuser as an adult. Michael Jackson is another case in which I would easily say the same thing.
@SAMEntalhealth 3 ай бұрын
You cannot say Drake became a predator when that girl lied about him like the entire time, I would think at this point people would finally get it but if you're still going with the narrative that Drake is guilty? Then that is absolutely absurd, I would love to hear your explanation as to how he is a predator himself because I washed the court case I listen to every single detail the way you're supposed to not with a biased perspective with a narrative and all that crap, like I listened to it word for word law for law, I don't know how people still think he's guilty but he didn't meet up with the girl, she says messages certain messages were sent back and forth and they investigated they find everything, none of that was found so that's out of the box, and then her own aunt's friend comes out and says that night she says she was in the room with Drake I was out in the hallway with her while her aunt was in there getting an autograph, so she lied about that, and then coincidentally her and her aunt have problems the day that the court session comes? No, none of that made any sense at all
@SAMEntalhealth 3 ай бұрын
And if you're going to use his ex-girlfriend's as an example? No, LOL there was no proof no evidence know anything Drake is innocent and will always be until or if he actually breaks that, especially Sydney g, lied on him too hard to the point where it was just self-destructive to herself
@nightwing1984 3 ай бұрын
Is your dealer not serving your side of town anymore? Jesus, you're annoying as f.
@katiemoore6537 2 ай бұрын
This was wonderfully worded, I agree
@trader8880 3 ай бұрын
alexa gonna cry in the car after this one. On a serious note, this video is well-made. Valid criticisms w/o any detection of underlying shade
@TrollinNolin95 Ай бұрын
All she does is cry. She’s such a nutcase
@meidson12 3 ай бұрын
I started binging her videos and it started to become uncomfortable with how she makes a spectacle out of every single thing she's analyzing but most of the times doesn't even know about the people she's talking about. It's not good work at all, and she's being very compensated for it. Yet, her videos are addicting... because they are entertaining. That's the major issue: she claims to be this big savior but does nothing... except for exploiting other people's trauma for content. What also started making me uncomfortable is the amount of times she centers every conversation on herself to the point that it's embarrassing. She often expresses being hurt that she was left out of things, like the last episode of Quiet On Set and not gaining enough attention as other victims did. This "I'm hurt that I wasn't invited" narrative seems to be a theme ever since Zoey 101 up until the last episode of Quiet On Set. Also having her podcast episode with another creator deleted or something... It all seems very self-centered and money driven. It may have started from a genuine desire for change but it turned into making content to profit, especially after Jennette McCurdy's book success.
@lookdownimthere 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate this so much, I started watching some of her videos bc I had been watching some of the “Podco” podcasts and saw that she was calling them out, I wanted to see if there was anything valid so I could stop watching if these people had done anything I didn’t want to support! What I found after a few videos was that Christy may have made some bad choices, but these hour long videos where Alexa would just, make fun of people who had clearly hurt her feelings. I found that irritating, but it concerned me more to then see how many viewers and commenters were just blinding agreeing with and following her, and attacking any comment that disagreed. I also thought her calling on people to speak out, not knowing if that person had also been affected or abused themselves, was really short sighted and harmful. I do have sympathy for her, but I think maybe she needs to focus on her own healing while supporting other organizations before she tries to run her own. Thanks for the very thoughtful points made in this video, it was insightful and a bit validating of the concerns I already had.
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
Your comment totally nailed it. I don’t think she’s a “bad person” by any means, but she has a pretty powerful platform and it’s not properly utilized. She definitely has some personal healing to do. Glad you liked the video!
@strawberrycelia 3 ай бұрын
Thank god someone smarter than me is giving voice to my thoughts about her.
@meidson12 2 күн бұрын
thank you for showing me the light 3 months before everything went down 🙌🏼
@jac6837 Ай бұрын
I been thinking all this for months ever since I found out all the drama . Thank for voicing similar thoughts !
@CaSa420 3 ай бұрын
Alexa just doesn’t know how to NOT be annoying about something important.
@ophie-dokie 3 ай бұрын
I'm so happy to see more conversations about this!!!! I just started, I'll comment again when I finish! but a subscriber of both of us let me know you gave me a shoutout, thank you so much
@ophie-dokie 3 ай бұрын
yeah this is fantastic, totally agree with your analysis so far and with giving Alexa a bit of credit in terms of being one of the current loudest voices in the spaces. Obviously i also have feelings about that being the case lol but I do think there's still some degree of good being done but also yeah. She's doing it in a way that doesn't have a clear point.
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
@ophie-dokie omg thank you for taking the time to watch! I absolutely love your content, currently working through the new swoop video ☺️
@baybabe95 Күн бұрын
I agree with you about almost everything in this video, including the fact that the Sickolodeon shirts were inappropriate. But as a California resident who is in therapy for my childhood trauma “therapy is provided through your health insurance” is misleading at best.
@NewhamMatt 3 ай бұрын
I agree about a lot of things you say about Alexa. Something that you don't mention that I think impacts the context is that she has been stalked by an Eat Predators member in the past, and her most recent activity on the Eat Predators channel is a community post saying that this individual, in violation of his restraining order, was again threatening her and her family, including through past members of Eat Predators who had become estranged from Alexa. Her most recent video (regarding her actions with the Drake Bell accusations) is particularly rambling, confused and vindictive, and I'm left wondering if Alexa was really in the best place to be making that video at the time. I honestly hope that she and her family are safe and that she gets the help and support she needs. I hope the same for other survivors, regardless of whether that's through Eat Predators or any other channel.
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
I didn’t feel comfortable talking about her stalker, it didn’t feel appropriate since it’s something that’s currently ongoing and obviously serious. If I were her I wouldn’t want people to do that. I think what you said definitely holds merit though.
@NewhamMatt 3 ай бұрын
@thesquareruth That's fair. Someone's trauma can often become fodder for "drama KZbin", and this is someone's real life, not a soap opera.
@lmnlstes 3 ай бұрын
How about the staff of EP she did wrong and screwed over? Or the survivor who had cancer and Alexa stole money from? Do they not deserve a voice? I doubt that Alexa has a stalker, if she did she wouldn’t be posting on instagram and posting her children!!!
@Delena00 3 ай бұрын
That man was never stalking her. She made the most ludicrous, exaggerated claims against him, all because he stood up for himself when he saw her for who she really was and exposed her as an attention-seeker and manipulator. She didn’t like that he had a platform to do those things, hence the RO to stop him.
@lmnlstes 3 ай бұрын
@@Delena00 that part
@bazalmorani6557 3 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you covered this...I remember getting on her channel and being excited that someone was advocating for survivors but then found a lot of things she said harmful or triggering and was confused. She kept talking about Amber Heard as a victim even though in court it was proven that she was the abuser but she kept talking trash about Dept its soo odd to me for someone to justify harassment and bullying when they say they're against it. I had to stop watching her because I started feeling gaslit as a survivor
@meidson12 3 ай бұрын
You won me over in one video! 10/10. I watched a lot of her content but the more I watched the discomfort grew, and you pointed them out perfectly.
@clytemnestra 3 ай бұрын
I tried watching some of her content but found her really immature and off putting.
@itscarolinemary 3 сағат бұрын
You should do an updated video on your thoughts around what's going on with EP.
@KissyAdair 3 ай бұрын
19:50 i think it's a little messed up to go after people and their careers based off of only allegations. And Alexa can accuse Diplo, but once the tour or concert with Kesha was cancelled, Alexa deleted all of her posts about it. Whether or not she's telling the truth, it makes people suspicious of her.
@bunny_god 2 ай бұрын
i’m glad this conversation has been opened up. although i agree with alexa for the most part i just don’t understand her execution, i don’t see much if a defined goal or how exactly that goal is going to be met. it kinda just seems like a big vent session most of the time
@jonlima9897 3 ай бұрын
I really loved the way you express your opinion! I had to stay til the end of the vid! Thanks a lot!
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
Aw thank you!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it
@lowjayP 19 күн бұрын
I appreciate that you were able to put my thoughts into such a coherent and poise way. I followed alexa for two months (including the beginning of ("quiet on the set") and by the end of that I had weird vibes that I could not describe. I'm harsh, and she comes off as someone who peaked in high school and carried this on and on and on and on. I fell into the sentiment of advocation for victims ( I being an abu$e survivor) and it ended up being her own echo chamber of raising her up to a status that she felt like she was owed. That is why there is no direction to her cause. Look at the mamamax situation. Of course everyone will be on your side to being an advocate against CP and PDF files. She saddled up on a high horse that is slightly linked to herself and rode into the sunset. In the end, sandcastles fall when high tide comes in.
@paris_light 3 ай бұрын
I think you might be ahead of the curve with this video; "the downfall of Eat Predators", she (Alexa/Eat Predators youtube channel) hasn't uploaded anything for like a month. She usually uploads twice a week.
@finchborat 3 ай бұрын
I guess it was more than just a stalker situation.
@ribbetribbet 3 ай бұрын
I am glad I’m not the only one that felt like it was a little sus. I believe she is likely traumatized from the things she went through and I don’t know her past what she shared online, but something about the vibe makes me wonder if it’s hard making your whole thing about trauma especially in a somewhat “revengeful” for lack of better word sort of way. (Also I think Alyson stoner’s pronouns are they/them!)
@CherryBlush313 3 ай бұрын
No need to be nervous! This video was great and I loved the short. I found it hilarious her fans bully other people who don't fully agree with her. They're all hypocrites. I also want to say her behavior when it comes to any criticism is immediately "I'm being bullied." It's very much like another social media influencer, E. Cooney, in which she gets people wanting her to do better and be well in life in which she immediately takes offense and thinks it's being a "hater." Not everyone is out to get you because they speak their opinion, maybe these people get so defensive because the truth hurts.
@williamtheautisticguy1996 24 күн бұрын
It was SLO4N who convinced me to never EVER watch a sitcom again from DAN SCHNEIDER THE FOOT FETISH FREAK!
@camdecay 3 ай бұрын
oh thank god someone speaking about her finally
@DisabledDoll 3 ай бұрын
20:08 the point is warning ppl who they shouldn’t be alone with. That’s why she covers whatever predator ends up on her desk in my opinion
@grunge4000 3 ай бұрын
Great video! You made a lot of good points that I think needed to be said. I used to watch her stuff a bit and something seemed off. She seemed to hold onto a lot of hate. Keep up with these awesome videos!
@Bannaana 3 сағат бұрын
This is so well done, thank you
@Mary1337 3 ай бұрын
Would love some images of the people you're talking about in the video
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
I usually use photos and video clips but I was worried about getting falsely claimed so that's why I'm doing Stone Age style reporting for this one lmao
@Mary1337 3 ай бұрын
@@thesquareruth Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know, your video just popped up in my recommendations 😊 thanks for covering this though!
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely no worries! Hope you enjoyed the video :)
@j.huckvale 3 ай бұрын
I’m so glad someone finally made a video about this…
@katherinedonovan974 3 ай бұрын
I want to support her advocacy and want to support SA survivors. I don't want any predators in the entertainment industry to harm anymore kids. But I don't want Eat Predators to turn out to be awful and repeating history of greed like some companies. I don't want her to be on a self-destructive path.
@lmnlstes 3 ай бұрын
Try not to be parasocial about this.
@katherinedonovan974 3 ай бұрын
@@lmnlstes I'll try not to but it's hard because I want to be like "they're famous but they're human" but also some of them are too far gone.
@SAMEntalhealth 3 ай бұрын
Ridiculous Nikolas 😅😅😅😅 I'm embarrassed she's half Greek like me 😅😅 how she did Matt underwood was REALLY disturbing! She is to blame for him getting all those hate messages😢
@hoperenee_ 2 ай бұрын
I have supported Alexa in speaking out about her experiences in the industry and with her abusive marriage (and I hope she can heal from everything she has been through) and trying to help others get justice. However, Alexa has rubbed me the wrong way in the past and now. For example, I feel like she’s very biased (I know everyone has bias and there’s no such thing as being unbiased. But I mean she’s biased in terms that she gatekeeps being a survivor and picks and chooses). She is hypocritical for using herself as an example of a survivor and saying that she helps survivors and calls out predators, yet refuses to platform any of Drake Bell’s victims. And she supports the wrong people and refuses to listen to criticism. She follows and supports Amber Heard. She called Johnny Depp an abuser and believes that Amber Heard was the real victim. And even if Johnny Depp may not see the stuff that Alexa posted about him in the past, other people who have been in a relationship with someone who is narcissistic and/or emotionally and/or physically abusive will (especially male victims of this abuse). And after Quiet on Set when she deleted her video on Drake Bell and then in a video where she supposedly addressed (if you wanna call it that) the Drake Bell allegations, she said she wasn’t going to make a Drake Bell video because as a survivor, she doesn’t owe anyone anything. And yes, as a survivor, she doesn’t owe anyone anything. But with a platform like hers, she needs to hold certain people accountable. She needs to have a more nuanced perspective that two things can be true at the same time. Drake Bell was abused by Brian Peck, but later on, he became a perpetrator
@SAMEntalhealth 3 ай бұрын
She says dan took photos of her while they were in private but of course at first it was she didn't have any experiences and then all of a sudden she has them maybe she's been getting mental health but maybe she's getting sued by Schneider I really don't know but it's a little sketchy that her KZbin content is not being changed and others that change their content or titles of their videos with Dan bashing, they started retreating after his lawsuit came out but she didn't, I think Dan caught her or his lawyer caught her and now she can't change her content because Dan has it as evidence will his lawyer does that's my theory for why she hasn't been on KZbin and quite some time and we all know nothing could shut her up😅
@sqrlgrl 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who had all these thoughts about Alexa! Sorry, but she is the bully
@robertjones9595 2 ай бұрын
At some point with activists it becomes more about trying to settle personal scores and trying to profit off activism
@letterlily 3 ай бұрын
I hope someone said it but Cory Feldman is an extremely nuanced topic and not knowing what DECADE he was popular in shows like,... ignorance. this goes way way deeper and I don't doubt Feldman has allegations and they may be true. look into the two Coreys. look into river phoenix. you're right, but it goes EVEN FURTHER than you know. and that makes what Alexis (and many others) is doing even shittier and muddling a story that goes back to the beginning of Hollywood.
@eddierascalhaskell4954 3 ай бұрын
Corey Feldman set Corey Haim up with his abusers. Thats just for starters.
@easy_daisy_education Күн бұрын
Perfect analysis, thank you! ❤ L
@artbyrourke 3 ай бұрын
👏 👏 👏 Been waiting for something like this, and you piece everything together so well!
@sqrlgrl 2 ай бұрын
nothing but truth here
@kkrb1212 24 күн бұрын
Yessss thank you!!
@sqrlgrl 2 ай бұрын
Alexa reminds me of a cult leader 😕
@SAMEntalhealth 2 ай бұрын
😅😅😅 the female Jim Jones😅😅😅
@Beast_1996 11 күн бұрын
I met Victoria Justice a few times in the last 15 years or so Last time I met her 2 years ago at an event her and her sister were attending she is literally the nicest person I’ve ever met Most celebrities don’t do this, but she took the time to talk to us for a good solid five minutes I’m not kidding lol If she was a diva back then it’s clear she grew out of it cause she’s still the same person from when I first met her And if she was putting up an act she wouldn’t have spent 5 minutes with us and spoiler alert, we were the ones that ended the conversation lol she was somewhat of a chatter 😍 but we didn’t want to take up too much of her time since she was with her sister and friends The fact Alexa still talks about what she may have done when she was 12 and the fact their beef was over a stupid boy is just ridiculous Support her for coming out but it seems she has beef with not just her former costars but ALL of Hollywood just anyone that is famous And just a sidenote note of my encounters with Victoria Justice were paid meet and greets 😏
@FacebookQueen 3 ай бұрын
I found this while wondering where Alexa has been lately. It seems she has been quiet since her last video addressing the Drake Bell video. I understand what she’s been through with bullying, middle school was the worst for me. I do enjoy listening to her videos but sometimes they seem a bit off. I don’t know
@thesquareruth 3 ай бұрын
Check her community tab, she states why she’s taking time off right now.
@FacebookQueen 3 ай бұрын
@@thesquareruththank you I will check it out
@Delena00 3 ай бұрын
@@thesquareruthThat’s what she claims, but she had another video scheduled that she ended up canceling. I think it’s convenient that she quietly dipped and suddenly has money to travel when she’s facing legal trouble. (She previously said she didn’t even have money for therapy.)
@eddierascalhaskell4954 3 ай бұрын
Its lawsuit season. She chooses now to go radio silent.
@maximusprime3459 3 ай бұрын
Well done.👏
@tijanaself897 Күн бұрын
its not the fact that shes just a hypocrite its that she feels so self righteous despite being one and how clearly this is all just about her and not actual victims
@TheCandela15 3 ай бұрын
This is a really good video with very much detail. I also have mixed feelings about Alexa, it's really brave what she's doing but the rhetoric is really strange sometimes. A good example would be her calling Victoria Justice a bully, acting like ahe knows her, after only knowing her for a couple of years in their teenage years. I mean, you're an adult now, it's time to let it go.
@emaeco6602 3 ай бұрын
Dang I wonder what you have to say about Gaza and student encampment movement.
@kait.5437 3 ай бұрын
I think part of the point of protesting in front of Diplo is to inform people going to concerts of his allegations and discourage them from supporting him financially.
@marseillesulfur2592 3 ай бұрын
i kinda don’t know how to feel about alexa’s affinity for bringing up the whole bullying thing repeatedly. on one hand, i totally agree that you cannot possibly judge an adult for how they behaved at the age of TWELVE. however, on the other hand, i do think it is within someone’s right to discuss their past bullying. it’s traumatic & can follow people for the rest of their lives. one could have the logic of “if it follows the victim for the rest of their life, why not the perpetrator?”. i say all this as someone who was basically a bully in my adolescence. i would never want someone to see that as who i am today, ive apologized to most of the people i wronged during that time & i am ashamed, but i wouldn’t find it totally unfair if someone still held that period of time against me. it happened, it hurt, i can’t change that. howeverrrr i guess there’s a big difference when someone is a public figure & namedropping you in their videos & demanding an apology from you. it’s a little unhinged. i suppose there’s a middle ground that can support both of my opinions at once… talk about the childhood bullying all you’d like, but don’t name names. it’s really childish to just put someone on blast for something they did when they were 12. their age didn’t even end in “teen” yet!! it’s crazy 😭 im 22 now so i’d totally understand if people still held how i acted at 15 against me coz idk.. 7 years is not THAT long. but 12 vs 32 is really crazy anyways, this is one of my maddening commenting quirks: i type a far-too-long comment as if anything is that serious. (very few things are that serious to me, i just type fast & think a little too much.) i loved this video, found it very well spoken & put words to a more quiet opinion ive had about alexa since discovering her channel. love when youtube puts smaller creators on my homepage. subscribed!✌️
@Honeysuckle33 3 ай бұрын
Glad I found you. Great job!
@taylorkorn6842 19 күн бұрын
Has Alexa covered this on any of her lives? Because lord knows she loves to watch videos on what people are saying about her
@DisabledDoll 3 ай бұрын
Isn’t something going on with her stalker rn?
@lmnlstes 3 ай бұрын
@NewhamMatt 3 ай бұрын
That's what she's claimed on her channel. She goes into some detail on her community tab (and into insane detail in some of her past livestreams), but I'm left wondering if her last video - which makes up quite a bit of this expose - was as erratic as it was because of this.
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