alkaline water ...with lemon

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Angela Collier

Angela Collier

Күн бұрын

Alkaline Water with Lemon and Internet People Lie About Water
Drinking Alkaline Water is Dumb (@zDoggMd):
• Drinking Alkaline Wate...
Reaction of Magnesium and Water (@NCSS:M):
• Reaction of Magnesium ...
My water brand Can’t Trust a HO is on sale now! It’s just pure, clean, molecular oxygen! One of the most reactive chemicals of the known world! It will react you right to better health!
Link: / acollierastro

Пікірлер: 3 600
@acollierastro Жыл бұрын
Y'all I didn't know it was a ProZD sketch I thought it was a copypasta. Ha. Here is the link to the original: Performed better there as well.
@bangboom123 Жыл бұрын
It was still funny though.
@soganox Жыл бұрын
After this great explanation on all the water shenanigans it really fit so well.
@topg7490 Жыл бұрын
why did you say twitter is dead? twitter isnt dead
@burningchrome8622 Жыл бұрын
talk about the church of jesus christ of laterday saints next pleez or what ever u feel like
@ryanm21212 Жыл бұрын
I was like "I swear I've seen this bit already"
@FhtagnCthulhu Ай бұрын
If she used an organic lemon it all would have been fine. It's that chemical lemon's fault.
@bencooper2722 Ай бұрын
Lemichal if you will
@ChronicAndIronic Ай бұрын
5g vaccine lemons
@mcolville Жыл бұрын
There's something fundamentally wrong when people get mad at you for saying "you've been lied to," but they don't get mad at the person who lied to them.
@KillahMate Жыл бұрын
It's sad that the human brain works like that, but unfortunately it does. One of the many caveats to the notion that humans are rational beings.
@DoNotPushHere Жыл бұрын
@@KillahMate I bet it has its evolutionary advantage. Why would you trust new contradictory information instead of what you "know" already? The true fail is not wanting to see the facts, but the initial rejection seems pretty natural to me, and very sensible in most environments, or at least in those not involved with wicked minds setting traps to their peers
@candyh4284 Жыл бұрын
@@DoNotPushHere this is a good perspective that I'd bet is accurate to some degree. Rather than "we're easy to lie to and we dig in our heels w/rt information," I'd guess it's more of "we're incredibly good at lying and manipulating people."
@DoNotPushHere Жыл бұрын
@@candyh4284 sadly yes... At least, to each other. I was thinking of animal species baiting and deceiving one another, but not between individuals of the same species, as far as I know...
@pinec0ne Жыл бұрын
"Humans are not trust-seeking machines"
@bengrace8808 Жыл бұрын
I used to work front end retail, and we'd occasionally get in alkaline water. One time a child of a customer purchasing a bottle asked, "what's alkaline mean?" The parent responded, "more pure."
@PlatinumAltaria Жыл бұрын
Just tell them alkaline comes from Arabic and they'll stop drinking it... I wish this was a joke but it'd probably work on them.
@inerkatakan8161 9 ай бұрын
but we already have that its destillied water and you shouldn't exactly drink it in masses
@agnelomascarenhas8990 8 ай бұрын
Caustic knowledge 😂😂😂
@uwandaroberts9897 8 ай бұрын
drunk it everyday for the last 4 years. I rather drink distilled water than the shit that comes out the tap
@inerkatakan8161 8 ай бұрын
@@uwandaroberts9897 * laughs in getting alpine water straight out the tap *
@AdrianBoyko Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid, growing up in Canada, we were taught in school that pretty-much every advertisement is a scam and that the scams all fall into a small number of categories. The categories were described and our homework was to find an example of an ad in each category. The lesson really stuck with me my whole life.
@claudiaarjangi4914 Жыл бұрын
@AdrianBoyko Me too, in Australia 🇦🇺 .. Before we left year 6 ( 11- 12 yrs old ) our teacher did a whole lesson on questioning the motives of & not falling for ads , & don't hire-purchase etc 🧐.. 🤔Always thought it was sorta obvious though ( seeing people's motives etc )😁☮️🌏
@isaacdalziel5772 Жыл бұрын
I would love to know this info
@kaemincha Жыл бұрын
Your school taught you about scams and advertising? The US tries to avoid that as much as possible lol It would be WW3 if schools tried to implement that kind of curriculum (despite needing it desperately)
@halfstep44 Жыл бұрын
In the US we literally consume advertising in the classroom, and we do so completely uncritically. I love my country but there's an example of how we could improve
@AdrianBoyko Жыл бұрын
@@halfstep44 How is it consumed in the classroom?
@innovativeatavist159 Жыл бұрын
For a second I thought it was just going to be an hour of her saying "Alkaline water...with lemon." with varying levels of despair and exasperation. 😂
@private1177 Жыл бұрын
I want that. Would def watch 10h of that.
@oatmealeverymorning Жыл бұрын
It would make a good sticker, "this is my alkaline water...with lemon"
@coolsenjoyer Жыл бұрын
That would be perfect Patreon bonus content
@RaineInChaos Жыл бұрын
I did too, and was disappointed for a moment lol
@thetimebinder Жыл бұрын
Would have been a great short
@Markfr0mCanada 11 ай бұрын
The fact that pH is log absolutely needed to be specified. I recently worked with a couple guys who were trying to start a small business, pH mattered for the business, they didn't understand that it was logarithmic.
@Markfr0mCanada 11 ай бұрын
15:33 yeah, we were using those things. Admittedly the 13 and 14 are hard to tell apart because they're both dark purple, but the guys seemed to think it was linear, that by 12 they were most of the way there, would add a bit more, get impatient, call it good enough. It involved mushrooms, we had serious contamination issues any time anyone but me handled shit. Really annoying. So yes, people need to be told that it's logarithmic.
@lightmorrison5404 Ай бұрын
Soaking substrate in alkaline water? Can you explain more
@Markfr0mCanada Ай бұрын
@@lightmorrison5404 Sure, apparently mushroom spores don't mind a high PH, but things like mold do. It was a low energy, therefore cheap, way to sterilize the straw we were growing the mushrooms in. Any time I did the process using measures quantities based on calculation the system worked. Any time either the guy who was baked all the time did it or the guy who thought he could run a business by cutting a nickle here and a penny there did it we lost batches of product to mold contamination.
@Markfr0mCanada Ай бұрын
@@lightmorrison5404 Looks like my reply didn't post (unless it's being filtered for some reason). Anyways, typing this out again, apparently mushroom spores don't mind high PH, but contaminants like mold do, so it's a cheap way to sterilize the straw. When done with calculated and measured amounts it worked reliably. When done by someone impatient who is baked and thinks measuring things is boring, or when done by someone who is also impatient and thinks that business success is cutting a nickle here and a penny there, contamination happens and entire batches are lost.
@kayloiio Жыл бұрын
As a nurse, my heart was so sad for the man saying the water was helping his congestive heart failure. His congestive…heart failure. Which is a disease process that will fail to get off the excess fluids from your heart. These patients are on fluid restrictions! Alkaline water is NOT what you want, dear man 😩
@Yordleton Жыл бұрын
let's hope their shortness of breath was caused by cramps from not drinking enough water 🙃
@CheatOnlyDeath Жыл бұрын
It illustrates that there are real human costs for condoning this ignorance and exploitation of stupidity (intentional or not). We'll never know if this person's life was shortened or even ended from this. It's (not) fine. .. Thanks for commenting Kayla. Thanks for the in-depth thoughtful video Angela.
@eleSDSU Жыл бұрын
But is alkaline water with lemon, the lemon makes all the difference /j Charlatans who push this sort of panacea should be drawn and quartered.
@MichaelMarquez-m3b 8 ай бұрын
I remember when my father was dying of congestive heart failure I had to measure how much water he was allowed to drink.
@rmdodsonbills 2 ай бұрын
I take solace from the statement that the doctor thought the congestive heart failure diagnosis was incorrect and hope maybe he was just dehydrated. I don't have any reason to think that dehydration could be mistaken for congestive heart failure, though. Or maybe, there wasn't actually any guy behind that review at all and it was just an imposter paid to write fake reviews. But, yeah, if it's real... yikes.
@mikethepigeonwhisperer Жыл бұрын
I had a friend who asked me if I had any alkaline water, I was confused and told them I have some bicarbonate of soda and tap water, and they were free to mix them if they wanted. They got angry and I started googling my faux pas. I was shocked how much misinformation there was about basic chemistry. That friend stopped speaking to me, because I was "problematic" for understanding bench chemistry and claiming lemons were acidic. They went on to join an MLM.... I suspect there's a connection between people with a looser grip on facts and the desire to drink/sell alkaline water and put essential oils in their kids food....
@xBINARYGODx 5 ай бұрын
Well people into MLM have a strong cross over with people who abuse their kids, so that fits nicely. Or not so nicely, I suppose. At any rate, you dodged a bullet.
@williambenson1477 4 ай бұрын
i work in the medical is disturbing how many "professionals" will get very angry arguing things they are totally wrong about. physically demonstrating their errors to them in person has gotten me screamed and cussed at...even though i was demonstrating the correct way to use medical equipment (i am a trainer and biomedical tech).... i even pissed off a charge nurse once, trying to show her the flaws in her belief that evolution was a lie, the earth was only 4000 years old, and dinosaurs had never been real animals... she was a fundamentalist christian (cult). and she was in charge of treating patients with terminal illnesses.....
@ftircom 3 ай бұрын
Fun videos. I like your satire
@I-h4t3-4ll-0f-y0u Ай бұрын
"basic chemistry" lmao
@Oneiroclast Ай бұрын
This is just more evidence that their line of thinking is just "alkaline = natural = good, acid = artificial = bad."
@sadielappin8862 Жыл бұрын
I will say, from my understanding,, Liquid Death water is sold like that not because they're trying to seem better than tap water, but so people who don't want to drink alcohol at parties and concerts can look like they're holding a can of beer. It's kind of nice, imo, bc it's weird how much people push back when you say you don't want to have a drink at an Event.
@alexroselle Жыл бұрын
Wow, I never even thought about this, even as I’m someone who sometimes gets self-conscious drinking Liquid Death water when driving because it looks like a tall can of beer
@thepapschmearmd Жыл бұрын
That is the reason. Kind of sad though that someone has to drink water that looks like alcohol so they don’t get judged.
@PigeonLaughter01 Жыл бұрын
​@thepapschmearmd but now at the park I get judged! 😂
@rainbowraver666 Жыл бұрын
also the flavored ones are just really tasty tbh?? highly recommend the mango one 👀👀
@Mossy5150 Жыл бұрын
Bingo, this was an explicit part of their marketing and design, to have a club-friendly water that didn't make you look like a dork. ALSO, putting a large serving of water in a can with a small opening makes it more safe than a wide-mouth glass if you're worried about someone putting something in your drink, plus no glass/plastic because they're aluminum. Great example of a product designed entirely around form-factor.
@mshepard2264 Жыл бұрын
Also I love the baby formula rant. It is crazy that all the overpriced snake oil BS is always available but the stuff you actually really need to survive is de-prioritized by huge multinational corporations.
@MrJethroha Жыл бұрын
As someone who works for a package delivery company, there is nothing I hate more than companies that ship cases of bottled water. What an incredible waste of packaging, fuel, and effort. And there are some psychos who order like six cases at a time. My brother in christ, pipes were invented for a very specific purpose - to deliver liquids in an efficient and convenient manner. Please use them.
@thetimebinder Жыл бұрын
I did postmates. Bottled water is also a pain in the ass the carry and deliver. Big, heavy, not stable. A big heavy box is easy. A case of bottled water sucks.
@nitehawk86 Жыл бұрын
And even if you do need to get bottled water for whatever reason, get it locally ffs. Even buying from the grocery store allows them to use the economies of scale in their distribution network, instead of individual trucks dispatched to every house.
@nitehawk86 Жыл бұрын
@@thetimebinderAlso its cheap, so I suppose you didn't get paid well for it?
@thetimebinder Жыл бұрын
@@nitehawk86 We got paid by mileage, not weight. Picking up 96 bottles of water from Walmart and taking them up three flights of stairs 1/4 mile into a mega apartment complex in 110° F Phoenix heat isn't fun.
@something-from-elsewhere Жыл бұрын
Literally the only way I would ever get bottle water is as one of those big five gallon bottles for emergencies (And then I prolly jus. Buy the bottle and fill it at home lol)
@ramzikawa734 Жыл бұрын
I found out the fact with turmeric when I spilled a bunch on the floor one time and I used a cleaning solution to clean up. Everything turned an extreme red and I go “no way, is turmeric a pH indicator??” And then I shared it with all the people I love in my life and their reaction was 🦗🦗
@sammiller6631 Жыл бұрын
Only two?
@varunramakrishnan7676 Жыл бұрын
Only two people in his life @@sammiller6631
@walterkruse348 Жыл бұрын
For what it's worth, I think that's pretty cool.
@Crazy_Diamond_75 Жыл бұрын
I used to help clean the kitchen after dinner when I was in my teens, and my parents would often have a glass of wine with the meal. It's almost impossible never to spill any wine on the counter (usually a drop or two from the lip of the bottle will just make their way down onto the counter), and that is how I discovered that red wine is a pH indicator when I would clean it with 409. I later learned that it's the same chemical that you find in any red produce, like red cabbage, which we actually used in science class once.
@NoriMori1992 Жыл бұрын
Their reaction was grasshopper…?
@felixthehuman 9 ай бұрын
Oh man, when you were talking about the dude in Whole Foods, I couldn't help remember the time I was in the natural food store, and he came in crying that he had eaten everything right all these years and today he was diagnosed with cancer, and it just kind of hit me how all this talk about superfoods, etc was affecting people.
@萧沿沿 Жыл бұрын
Man, imagine if the STEM subject classes at school teach kids by debunking a grifter crank every new topic. Everybody would love science just to show off to their parents and grandparents.
@brewswillas6635 Жыл бұрын
I agree, but unfortunately if you show up the parents and grandparents too much, they'll just find a way to outlaw that school of thought.
@allenaxp6259 Жыл бұрын
@@brewswillas6635 Very true here in Florida. No independent thought, its against the law here.
@bulldozer8950 Жыл бұрын
“Ok so next semester you’re signed up for chem, and the semester after that you’re going to take science grifter debunking 101 sound good?”
@richardarriaga6271 Жыл бұрын
​@@allenaxp6259Also Texas. A city there closed the libraries and replaced them with discipline centers.
@brewswillas6635 Жыл бұрын
@@allenaxp6259 Wisconsin isn't much different, but our coats of willful ignorance are made of thicker material to protect us in the frozen tundra.
@piedpiper1172 Жыл бұрын
Shout out to the guy that spent 20 YEARS dehydrated and discovered his body feels better with three glasses of water a day. Too bad he thinks he needs to buy fancy water for the magical effects of being hydrated.
@notnullnotvoid Жыл бұрын
That one made me so sad, like it sounds like he's suffered apparently serious health consequences from spending literally his entire life chronically dehydrated because he refused to drink water for some reason, who knows why, and now that he's accidentally been tricked into drinking water he's experiencing something like normal health for the first time ever, but he doesn't realize that that's what's happened... I really, really hope he figures it out.
@AnarchoCatBoyEthan Жыл бұрын
super depressing he just ignored what seem like serious health problems with his heart.
@ivanvelkovsky4161 Жыл бұрын
Right? Still probably dehydrated but going from ~10% of recommended daily intake of fluids to >50% is a huge shift and I hope his health continues to improve... just yeah sucks that he thinks it's the fancy water and not just the effects of better hydration. Although well water can taste awful depending on the well, so slightly more understandable.
@Tasarran 3 ай бұрын
@@notnullnotvoid I never ever drink water, and I'm healthy as a horse. Every fluid you can drink has water in it, and your body is expert in separating substances.
@Rockzilla1122 Ай бұрын
​@@Tasarransoda isn't good for you.
@Ayshafr Жыл бұрын
I really felt the "chemistry brain vs physics brain" thing with H+ ions lol. Over the summer I was doing research on proton conducting oxides and H+ ions and protons were both used in the papers I read and even though I knew they were the same thing it scrambled my brain a little 😅
@cheek1726 Жыл бұрын
I once had an internship at an oil refinery where there was an alkaline water dispenser in the pantry, together with some pseudo-scientific poster from that manufacturer about how 'blood acidity' causes cancers, hypertension, etc. It's been 12 years, and i still think about the chemical engineers who would queue to fill take-home bottles everyday.
@seanbeadles7421 Жыл бұрын
To be fair we all drink tons more acid than bases
@samblackstone3400 Жыл бұрын
@@seanbeadles7421 If that acid is making it through the immense buffering capacity of your body fluids then you must be drinking gallons of soda a day. In my opinion the best advantage of this alkaline stuff is that it doesn’t destroy your teeth like acidic sodas do.
@cheek1726 Жыл бұрын
@@seanbeadles7421 how would dietary sources of acid cause health problems, when our blood is a buffer solution that can maintain blood pH by itself? Acidosis is a symptom of bigger health problems like a poor respiratory system, or renal failure, and these issues will land you in front of a doctor before you start realizing that your blood can dissolve steel.
@pahvi3 Жыл бұрын
​@@seanbeadles7421Unless it gives you heartburn or destroys your teeth it literally doesn't matter. It might even be good for you (you'll get fewer UTI's!
@pahvi3 Жыл бұрын
​@@samblackstone3400Many things can at least make your pee more acidic, but soda probably doesn't because the reason it's acidic is mostly CO2 which gets out pretty fast, neutralising the soda (except for coke, which has a lot of phosphoric acid)
@El_Rey_247 Жыл бұрын
I actually did a water taste test study as my science fair project in high school. I used like a dozen different brand (and tap water from the school), and served them in identical paper cups, which I randomized before serving. They definitely DO taste different. almost everyone could identify which one was the tap water, and quite a few correctly identified their brand of choice. Beyond that, the results were roughly U-shaped, plotting preference vs price. If I were to do another iteration, I would want to try to evaluate the impacts of familiarity and novelty. Personally, a number of the more expensive waters tasted bad, but I did observe some reactions like "that tastes fancy," as opposed to "I like this taste." But there is *definitely* a noticeable difference, which I would assume comes down to the filtration techniques and the specific minerals added for taste.
@tinabean713 Жыл бұрын
That sounds about right. It could also be due to naturally occurring minerals, at least in the case of spring water. I can't remember if it was America's Test Kitchen or Consumer Reports that reviewed bottled water many years back and reported that people thought Evian tasted rocky. It's my favorite, but I hardly ever buy it. The tap water where I live tastes a lot better than it used to, and if you buy a bottle of Nestle Pure Life around here, chances are it's from my town's municipal supply, which is super weird because we're known for chemical plants, refineries and pollution, not producing water you'd happily pay way too much for at the theater.
@Kardinull Жыл бұрын
​@@tinabean713it's Nestlé...
@jooot_6850 Жыл бұрын
Evian and Fiji water taste like mud.
@tinabean713 Жыл бұрын
@@jooot_6850 I hate 'mineral water', but I love still water that apparently lots of other people think tastes like rocks or mud. To each their own.
@Tondadrd Жыл бұрын
@@KravMagoo Haha I take this as a reference to the scandal: "Nestlé extracts millions of litres from their land, residents have no drinking water" Where the Nestlé CEO said: "Water is a human right" while forcing locals to pay for it.
@notgonatell3154 Жыл бұрын
39:09 "water does not have memory" boy do I have a system of medicine for you
@ittaiklein8541 6 ай бұрын
Not Gona Tell how homeopathy is one of the biggest piles of BS out there?! Not nice keeping it all to yourself. You Should let people know.
@OmniversalInsect 3 ай бұрын
@4801534501 Жыл бұрын
I was in the middle of having a stroke when my friend put this video on for me and it cured me completely. I've watched this video every day since and it's really given me more energy and fixed my chronic tendinitis!
@ihavenoson3384 Жыл бұрын
Wow that is a cool comment, man. Funny af
@azuredystopia3751 Жыл бұрын
​@@ihavenoson3384Maybe it will cure your anomic despair??
@Draliseth 9 ай бұрын
These are becoming increasingly tiresome.
@4801534501 9 ай бұрын
Well I made my comment like 20 minutes after the video came out so how bout you just take your sleepy ass to bed
@ROBERTGOTSCHALL-j8u 8 ай бұрын
I highly recommend a cup of alkaline water and watching this video before taking a dump.
@ailblentyn Жыл бұрын
Lots of people have the physics-brain/chemistry-brain problem. I was sharing some lovely sour lemonade with a SCIENTIST friend, and made the comment “Hmm. You can really taste those protons!” This upset him tremendously: “No. Surely protons are too small to detect with your tastebuds! That can’t be right!” etc.
@JulianSildenLanglo Жыл бұрын
That's a good one! I'll have to use it sometime.
@WaluigiisthekingASmith Жыл бұрын
Wait till they learn about solvated electrons.
@SnoFitzroy Жыл бұрын
"eating sour food is electrocuting myself," I say as I pry my third eye open with a crowbar
@petevenuti7355 Жыл бұрын
​@@WaluigiisthekingASmith spicy solvated electrons!!! Sounds painful...
@Matty002 Жыл бұрын
​@@SnoFitzroy it literally shocks our body into face spasms 😄
@killhour Жыл бұрын
I'm 'bout to watch someone spend an hour over-explaining a joke in _excruciating_ detail and I have no regrets.
@autarchex Жыл бұрын
username checks out
@adamnealis 11 ай бұрын
Did you have no regrets by the end of the hour?
@WagMaster42 10 ай бұрын
Explained the joke so hard that it's funny again
@aidanwarren4980 Жыл бұрын
You should do EMF protection devices next! I just got an ad for a company called “Conscious Copper”. For the low price of $88 plus shipping and tax, you can protect everything in a 500ft radius from spooky 5G fields using a 1.5 cm square of copper with a grid etched in one side. And their wearable necklace has quantum!
@lizzybeary 4 ай бұрын
Yes! Please!
@rmdodsonbills 2 ай бұрын
Sure, there's all the health benefits by somehow my wifi doesn't work in there! ;)
@cyndoherty563 Жыл бұрын
1:01 For a second I thought the whole video was going to be you saying "alkaline water... with lemon" and ngl I'd still watch it.
@Andlekin Жыл бұрын
FWIW, Liquid Death is largely meant for teetotalers like me to have something to drink while fitting in at parties and events. I went to a prog-metal concert a few weeks ago, and it was perfect. It absolutely does NOT need to be consumed on the regular.
@badger6728 Жыл бұрын
You’re not that important. Nobody gives a shit what you drink. If you really want to be sober you’ll behave sober, not have pretend drinks trying to fit in with drunk people. That’s not sobriety.
@whatabouttheearth Жыл бұрын
I'll stick to the real liquid death... whiskey
@thequarkchronicles2486 Жыл бұрын
I’m convinced a lot of these people are chronically dehydrated & just experiencing the health/energy effects of drinking a healthy amount of water for once
@randomassortmentofthings Жыл бұрын
Oh god. I remember this fad starting in 2017 when I worked as a cashier in walmart. Some woman told me she bought it as it helped reduce her body's internal acidity. She claimed lemons would do the same thing, which instantly shot up red flags and if I had the ability to I would've made fun of her. The worst part is she went to a 'nutritionist".
@heatherkuhn6559 Жыл бұрын
Oh this has been around long before 2017. I ran into this crap when I owned a New Age store and I don't think it was new then. The store closed in 2006.
@icannotchoose Жыл бұрын
I remember back in 2014 when a family member told me that even though lemon is acidic, it is "alkalizing". To this day, I have no idea what he meant. Edit: Nvm, she's talking about it in the video.
@nescius2 11 ай бұрын
@@icannotchoose damn, you edited the comment to mention that she mentioned it, could you also add a timestamp next time this happens to you? thanks!
@dmgroberts5471 2 ай бұрын
My sister in law got into this crap. I told her that no amount of alkaline water is going to change the PH of her blood - and that's good, because if it did, she'd die. Then she moved on to "deionized" water. She was just determined to fall for a water-based scam.
@Loanshark753 Ай бұрын
Nutritionist is not a protected title, dietitian is
@michaelh42 Жыл бұрын
This feels like a reverse Limmy sketch where Limmy is the one who gets the science and the other people don't "Lemons are alkaline! -But lemons are acidic. -Lemons have an alkaline effect! -But lemons are acidic."
@LordWaterBottle Жыл бұрын
But steel is heavier than feathers...
@azuredystopia3751 Жыл бұрын
​@@LordWaterBottleBut...feathers...lighter...(sense of quiet despair increases)...
@michaelscott993 9 ай бұрын
Long form, comedic science content and ProZD references 😂 This might be one of my new, favorite channels.
@nigeldepledge3790 Жыл бұрын
Another funny thing about the sale of "alkaline water" is that roughly half of the UK has naturally alkaline water, because the water passes through limestone before entering the reservoirs from which it gets processed into tap water. Basically, if your kettle or steam iron or whatever accumulates limescale, then you have alkaline tap water. I have no idea what proportion of the USA has naturally alkaline tap water.
@thistle_ish Жыл бұрын
i live in iowa where our bedrock is limestone, and this is what our DNR says: "The pH of Iowa surface waters generally ranges from 8.0 to 8.4." so at least one place over here also has alkaline water. the US is so big though that i could probably go to like, nebraska or something and they'd have a wildly different answer even though they're a neighboring state so it might not be the most accurate to talk about the US as a whole? idk i didn't pay attention in earth science 😿
@julianbrelsford Жыл бұрын
I think it's extremely common in the USA for.there to be various minerals in the water. Where I live an electric kettle will produce scale over time. I'm not sure what, but if you boil water for a thousand cups of tea in your kettle enough stuff will precipitate out, you'll have stuff that has a limestone-like appearance stuck to your kettle. I think this is true in most parts of the country.
@rich1051414 Жыл бұрын
We call it 'hard water', and it's very common and NOT desired.
@whatabouttheearth Жыл бұрын
​@@thistle_ish PH 8.5 in Rockaway Beach Missouri
@nagoranerides3150 11 ай бұрын
Yes. England in particular has a lot of hard water. However, its not bad for you; it's bad for your kettle and other water systems.
@dylangergutierrez Жыл бұрын
In terms of packaged water, I think Liquid Death fills an important niche. The idea is you have something in your hand that's kind of fun looking and seems vaguely like a beer, so if you're at a party or something, people don't feel the need to get an alcoholic drink into your hand
@littlemeg137 Жыл бұрын
At least the Liquid Death can is actually recyclable. Most plastic that ends up in the recycling waste stream either gets incinerated, resulting in air polution, or buried in landfills, where it will persist for many human lifetimes.
@plzletmebefrank Жыл бұрын
​@@littlemeg137True, though I am curious about all the printing on aluminum cans and how that affects their ability to be recycled... Also the manufacturing process. Idk, it's kinda funny where companies will conserve resources and where they will spend them.
@RetirededKat Жыл бұрын
​@@littlemeg137I've always found the idea that we, as humans, could have any actual lasting impact on a planet that existed for billions of years before we did, surviving multiple planet wide catastrophes, as a very subtle and short-sighted form of arrogance.
@katherineburke609 Жыл бұрын
​@@RetirededKatClimate denial under the guise of humility? Groundbreaking!!
@goateeguy11221122 Жыл бұрын
The impact we have on it only has to be as "lasting" as we are for it to be really really bad. I don't much care if the climate gets better in a few more billion years if right now we're having more wildfires, worse hurricanes, if species are being threatened...@@RetirededKat
@KristofskiKabuki Жыл бұрын
I have a condition called GERD, which is basically chronic heartburn, and I was spending a lot of time in GERD discussion groups right around the time when the whole alkaline diet thing was really big. As heartburn is caused by stomach acid and is often exacerbated by consuming acidic food/drink, a lot of people in the group were interested in it, but people kept getting confused by the lists of alkaline foods people pushing the diet put out cos it would include things like lemon and other citrus in the "alkaline" list. With a bit of reading into it it turns out that when they say "alkaline food" it's actually based on the idea that certain foods make the body more acidic or alkaline when they're digested and processed by it and has very little to do with it's acidity outside the body. But of course it's very unclear and confusing, which is why you get shit like this where people think putting lemon in alkaline water will make it more alkaline.
@azuredystopia3751 Жыл бұрын
I have this too and have seen recent tiktoks from 'nutritionists' recommending citrus fruits for this reason. I love oranges but my lower esophagus hates them.
@justinflor6997 9 ай бұрын
If the pH is higher than what's in your body, it's physically impossible for adding more hydrogen ions will make it less acidic. Does hydrogen undergo some nuclear reaction in your body that changes it from hydrogen to something else? I don't think so. Therefore more hydrogen means lower ph...
@KristofskiKabuki 9 ай бұрын
@@azuredystopia3751 There is a theory I've heard that GERD is actually caused by *low* stomach acidity, because food in the stomach begins to ferment which causes gas to form, and that pushes the valve at the top of the stomach open and lets stomach acid out, no idea if there's any truth to that but in my case it was cos I had a hiatus hernia
@ExcuseTheTea 8 ай бұрын
I was told by my doctor that loc stomach acid is initially the issue, as the esophageal valve relaxes when the acid amount lowers in the stomach. This allows small amounts of acid to splash up into the esophagus, causing erosion issues. Then antacids and low acid diets are necessary since there is a greater chance of erosion damage.
@sentheaS 4 ай бұрын
@fiercerodent Жыл бұрын
Love the deadpan delivery of sarcasm combined with genuine care and respect for the victims of quantum scams.
@nigeldepledge3790 Жыл бұрын
I'm only 15 minutes in so far, but wanted to share this before I forgot. I used to work in biotech. One of the things this involved was interviewing graduate job applicants. These were nearly all youngsters fresh out of university with some kind of life-science bachelor's degree. In technical interviews, a question that I found quite useful is "What is pH?". Over the course of a few years, I must have interviewed well over thirty candidates (we tended to conduct interviews roughly once a year, and I was only involved in interviews for the R&D department). Not one of the candidates could tell me that the number is just the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration. I find it astonishing that graduates with a life-science degree were never taught where the number comes from. The concept of pH is absolutely fundamental in many biochemical processes. Oh, also, back in my undergraduate days, we encountered both "protons" and "hydrogen ions" as pretty much interchangeable. But, technically, a hydrogen ion doesn't exist in aqueous solution. Instead, the local surplus proton exists as the H3O+ ion (that's effectively a water molecule plus a hydrogen ion, with the positive charge distributed among the three O-H bonds). One more thing: electronic pH meters are only finicky if you use them in certain types of solution. There's a commonly-used buffer known as Tris (short for tris-(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane), which can desensitise a pH electrode. Single-junction electrodes are especially susceptible to this effect; double-junction electrodes are nearly immune to it. Either way, giving your electrode a good soak in an acid such as 1 M HCl will recover its function.
@extrafreshhh Жыл бұрын
This just confirms my already existing bias that engineering majors are the superior STEM undergraduates lol.
@HansLemurson Жыл бұрын
"negative log" is a weird concept, so I just like to rephrase pH in my head to "The number of decimal points in the H+ concentration". 0.00001 Molar Acid? pH 5!
@nigeldepledge3790 Жыл бұрын
@HansLemurson - there comes a danger when dealing with acids that don't fully dissociate in aqueous solution. That method is fine with strong acids like HCl, which dissociates so nearly completely as to make no difference, so the concentration of H+ is the same as the concentration of acid. Weak acids such as citric acid, acetic acid, phosphoric acid and many others, though, do not fully dissociate in aqueous solution. To get the pH in these cases, you need to know the acid dissociation constant (pKa) and how to use the maths to get the pH. (It's the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.)
@HansLemurson Жыл бұрын
@@nigeldepledge3790 Yeah, I didn't want to overcomplicate my answer with weak dissociation and buffers, but I probably should have!
@RastusSoup Жыл бұрын
​@yyattttheir knowledge of the subject is worth evaluating, I would imagine. Presumably he would've voiced a preference for the candidates that passed his quiz.
@stevebadachmusic 11 ай бұрын
You sound like someone who understands the importance of being up-to-date on your boosters. It's so refreshing. Great video!
@nicolasolton 11 ай бұрын
@issecret1 2 ай бұрын
@notsam498 Жыл бұрын
This is like the kind of rants I get on personally. Which is nice because it isn't me ranting, it's some else. I find her disposition extremely relatable.
@Beastw1ck Жыл бұрын
I have literally ranted to my poor wife about this exact thing. This is a sublime moment for me.
@albudynski2408 Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite water scams, and it turns out that it's still around, is Penta Water. They no longer make the claims that started the scam. Now, it's just "pure" water but their original scam was that the H2O molecules were aligned into a 5 molecule arrangement in the shape of a pentagon, hence the "Penta" in its name. This alignment was beneficial to the body absorbing "penta water" and hence providing faster hydration than regular chaotic water. I corresponded with them for a while trying to get them to point to ANY research even remotely suggesting that LIQUID H2O can be arranged into any kind of organization like this. Then they started changing their marketing likely due to getting on some state DA's radar rather than my inquiries.
@irenemax3574 Жыл бұрын
Penta Water 😅 But also, wtf? Thanks for sharing, I hadn't heard about it.
@julianbrelsford Жыл бұрын
Not a scam because there wasn't anything for sale, but I saw 1 or 2 claiming online (maybe in youtube comments) that microwaving will change the DNA of your water in a bad way. No, no it won't. There is absolutely no way to change the DNA of water, whether it's distilled water or water has salts dissolved in it.
@antonc81 Жыл бұрын
The only reason it’s alkaline is because of other molecules (“impurities”) dissolved in the water. You can’t really make pure water alkaline. Chemist and KZbinr Myles Power did a good video on this.
@ADthehawk 11 ай бұрын
​@@antonc81 pure water is literally the definition of neutral pH. I mean not just an example.
@DESOUSAB 11 ай бұрын
This is hilarious. I was also corresponding with this company regarding their bogus claims.
@tranquility6358 Жыл бұрын
I sort of wasn't paying attention to the title, but when you went to town hammering "alkaline water with lemons" it finally hit me... I ended up holding my head in disbelief... 😂
@oddlyspecificmath Жыл бұрын
I came here _because_ of the title 😊 and was not disappointed when she really drove it home. +1
@IvoryValentine22 Жыл бұрын
I’m a professional hairstylist and in the simplest terms possible, yes understanding acids and bases is the foundation of basically all hair color (along with understanding color values). Most of the stylists I know still rely on some charts + rules of thumb + just working off a couple memorized formulations because the majority of us are NOT math people but I will say quite a few of my colleagues and I got a kick out of the whole “alkaline water with lemon” thing
@mxpants4884 Жыл бұрын
As someone who dyes my own hair a lot I'm curious how this comes up, beyond the different strengths of developer. (Because this sounds like you're referring to something beyond that.) I'm thinking maybe it matters for permanent dye? (I mostly bleach and then add rainbow colors, and with fairly short hair it limits the complexity, especially since Olaplex makes bleaching hair a lot more forgiving.)
@tbbk201 Жыл бұрын
You do know what "Rule of thumb" means, don't you?
@ccoonnor9953 Жыл бұрын
​@@tbbk201they used it right.
@notnullnotvoid Жыл бұрын
@@tbbk201 What in their comment could possible suggest that they don't know what the phrase "rule of thumb" means?
@sammiller6631 Жыл бұрын
@@tbbk201 I assume you've heard the false history about "Rule of thumb" because the Internet will choose a trashy story over anything less sensational and cling to it
@mtadd Жыл бұрын
I was walking through my company's cafeteria and saw Liquid Death sparkling water and thought of this video. You keep dropping hints in your videos about the climate crisis. You're such a gifted story teller and communicator. I think you'd be great at doing a deep dive into this topic, especially with the latest article from James Hansen et al. that just came out. I love all of your content. Keep on keeping on.
@paulojacobsilva3018 Жыл бұрын
I love your channel. (Disclosure, I have a PhD in chemistry and work in the field) I wanted to lose weight and improve my diet, so I asked an MD I trust for a serious dietician. She made a meal plan that made sense along with some strange propositions. Among them was the "alkaline diet". I didn't argue with the lady, I didn't see the point. But I was curious and looked for where the claim comes from. There is actually a fad of people arguing that certain foods, after digested, have alkaline, neutral or acidic metabolites (their pka). The more alkaline one's diet, the healthier it is. Insert black box between cause and consequence. It surprised me further that there is iffy research done on the topic. When I was taught physiology, the body does an incredible job at keeping a pH, keeping very tight concentrations of each ion using many systems, chief among them the urinary system. There are metabolic maps, etc. So I wanted to understand. What is the metabolite of lemon that can possibly have a high pka, hence be alkaline. Turns out this crowd uses an "ash test". They literally burn the foodstuff, add to water and measure the pH! That's it. This is not how a compound is digested (or simply flies by to be excreted) in the body. Because blood pH is carefully kept constant, this community checks the effect of certain diets on the pH of urine as a proxy and try to make the connection between the ash test, the alkaline/neutral/acidic foods the urine pH and the immensely complex black box that could be going on in the blood, organs, cells, etc etc. I'm getting old and I just brushed it away as more nonsense, from the "fats are bad" then "sugars are bad" and the endless lack of rigour and inconsequential dangerous decisions made in human nutrition that gave us so many problems. Well, I never saw the dietician again. Her diet plan made sense: cut the rubbish, eat real foods, etc. But I was so disappointed she followed the alkaline diet hypothesis, follows a master's degree on it in an accredited Nutritional Sciences Department, that I simply try to eat my veggies, cut on the high calorie stuff and exercise....
@GrantSR Жыл бұрын
😂 But.... The food pyramid! But... but.... 😊
@vlogerhood Жыл бұрын
Yeah, nutrition "science" is not. Everything they think and say is basically woo. And on top of that, all their research is paid for by companies that are selling this thing or that thing (mostly weight loss).
@DavidLoveMore Жыл бұрын
one of the ways pH of the blood is kept constant is by breathing. Another is by excretion through kidneys. Another is by demineralisation of bones. Another is by allowing pH of the body to increase, acidosis at that point you will feel pain, or if the pH changes in the amygdala anxiety or panic. If you are going to wait, like doctors are trained do for your blood pH to change before seeking remedy then, well then you have been warned.
@yaldabaoth2 Жыл бұрын
You don't need a dietician. If you are absolutely serious about it, do it yourself. Weigh your food (for things like meat, bread etc) if it doesn't say on the packaging, calculate your caloric intake, WRITE A FOOD DIARY, then compare with how many calories you burn per day. You can find calculation for that on the internet (if you have a PhD, you should be able to identify legit websites). Losing weight is as simple as burning more calories than you take in. That is all there is to it. Target about 90-95% of what you burn for your intake. WHAT you eat is mostly irrelevant, you will not run out of anything vital if you eat a normal mixed diet (some bread, some meat if you want, a fruit every 3-4 days, etc). However, your body is a bit stupid and burns easily accessed material first, meaning sugar and proteins, ie your muscles. That's why working out is an important part instead of simply starving (yes, there are diets that are essentially starving yourself, they dont work). Be disciplined for 14-21 days until your new routine turns into habit and you will never look back. Let me state again how important the diary part is. This is you controlling yourself. You don't need another person for it if you are honest with yourself.
@paulojacobsilva3018 Жыл бұрын
@@DavidLoveMore Sorry David, I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate. I taught biochemistry to medical students and we start with the main buffer in blood being the CO2 bicarbonate equilibrium - so, of course if one holds their breath, or more typically, if there is ischeamia, the pH will drop. I think the message I tried to write was how myself, as someone who pays his bills with research in chemistry and I have a strong foot in human physiology, was confronted with professionals using hypotheses not based on what we understand about homeostasis and metabolism.
@user-td3yi1mq7p Жыл бұрын
Love the tap water promotion. You can even make it alkaline and disgusting by mixing in baking soda, which does work decently as a quick remedy for heartburn.
@rakino4418 Жыл бұрын
Very quick - the bicarbonate just neutralizes your stomach acid pH - which your gastric lining quickly changes back. Get some omeprazole tablets - they inhibit the proton pumps in your gastric cells while they're avtive
@helenamcginty4920 Жыл бұрын
Hot water plus bicarb plus vinegar makes a lovely hissy bubbly mixture which may or may not be good for mopping ceramic floors after the dxxxn dog has piddled on it instead of walking outside via THE OPEN DOOR.
@squidward5110 Жыл бұрын
Mineral waters high in bicarbonate like gerolsteiner works great for my acid reflux and its delicious plus its only 2$ and you get a nice glass bottle
@rdizzy1 Жыл бұрын
@@squidward5110 Gerolsteiner is actually slightly acidic. Not very good for this purpose, just take a tums.
@squidward5110 Жыл бұрын
@rdizzy1 the human body isn't a beaker and there's more to acid reflux than neutralizing acid. Everyone with acid reflux knows this, im so tired of internet dweebs thinking theyre doctors because they just learned the ph scale. Maybe you'll learn about buffers next week and it'll make sense?
@PlatinumAltaria Жыл бұрын
Water tasting bad actually can have negative health effects, because it makes people drink less water. But like... the flavour of water is just whatever profile of minerals it has. Bottled water is just water from somewhere else with different minerals. The minerals themselves are in such tiny quantities that they're not going to affect your health, they just taste a bit different.
@AppoloniaK Жыл бұрын
Tap water in my city is pH 8.3 according to our water works. I don't know how much a cubic metre of water costs, but less than five dollars. Wellness tourists are welcome. Lemons are widely available
@nefariousyawn Жыл бұрын
Ditto. I tested it myself because apparently keeping an aquarium also means becoming an amateur water chemist.
@AppoloniaK Жыл бұрын
@@nefariousyawn your fish are probably unbelievably healthy and beautiful 🐙
@nefariousyawn Жыл бұрын
@@AppoloniaK but only because of the alkalinity, I'm sure!
@AppoloniaK Жыл бұрын
@@nefariousyawn but of course 😂
@seanbeadles7421 Жыл бұрын
Yup you got hard water which is actually fairly common to encounter Causes scale and lime buildup
@willjones8261 Жыл бұрын
I like to add a little sprinkle of non-GMO pink Himalayan salt to my alkaline water with lemon.
@sadface7457 Жыл бұрын
Electrolytes 😂
@glarynth Жыл бұрын
More genetically modified salt for me then
@critormiss6084 Жыл бұрын
Gotta love that organic salt
@dikaionetai 8 ай бұрын
I died inside with every amazon review you read, particularly those with health conditions who have been scammed into thinking expensive water is comparable to medical treatment. It's okay though, your new brand of water you advertise in the video description brought me back.
@plasticfrank Жыл бұрын
Please don't change. The lack of pretense, the lack of a practiced fake KZbin voice. This is what vlogs should be like. It's easier to take you seriously this way. Also, you win at sarcasm.
@talonthehand Жыл бұрын
A note on how popular bottled water is - until last year I ran the on-campus convenience stores for a US university. The biggest seller across all categories that we had were 20oz bottles of water (started as a coke campus, then became a pepsi campus, so it was true with both Dasani and Aquafina). We sold more 20oz bottles of water than all varieties and sizes of sodas combined. It was staggering.
@Tamacat388 Жыл бұрын
Its odd that having a thermos for water isnt that common. Coffee? Sure but it seems few people use them for water.
@FreeFireFull Жыл бұрын
I didn't think about it before, but using a thermos for cold water is genius. Just toss in a few ice cubes, and it will stay cold for a looong time
@jamescunningham8092 Жыл бұрын
@@Tamacat388 My girlfriend uses one of those giant metal cups with a straw. It’s not a thermos, but it’ll keep something cold for many hours.
@bartmoss Жыл бұрын
I work in the water industry in the UK, tap water which is normally almost pure (99.96%) costs around 16 pence per litre (20 cents per litre). I despair that people buy bottled water, especially as they usually say "well you can't trust the water from taps". But as you point out here, how does the average person know the regulations allow bottled water to far less pure than their tap water? I still despair. It may seem odd but this video really made me feel noticed.
@tornadostories Жыл бұрын
I got the joke from the thumbnail, and I'm still so happy to have watched the entire video. You are great. Thank you for showing the general public just how batshit crazy these claims are, in such a funny and educational way.
@gyrateful 11 ай бұрын
At work, we had a music festival. After they left us 3 pallets of canned and boxed water. "Music Water" Austin, TX city water-reverse osmosis, "Box Water" revs osmo, and "Liquid Death" shipped from Austrian Alps-unfiltered. The Liquid Death tasted best and has the best marketing, but they are all just water, like in the toilet.
@krautergarten4529 8 ай бұрын
Wait what 😂 ... u are right, they just bottle my austrian tap water (1,71€ per 1000l) and sell it for 3,5€ per l (3500€ per 1000l) ... lmao
@PhyllisLane-xj5uf 6 ай бұрын
​@@krautergarten4529Eh reverse osmosis ain't easy. And unless done at scale ain't cheap.
@shittysashimi5184 Жыл бұрын
you're currently my favourite person on youtube. idk when was the last time i enjoyed a creators work so much... it's such a breath of fresh air to have videos that are both informative but also fun and have a distinct personality, aren't stiff, i suppose. you're a pleasure to watch
@ila9063 Жыл бұрын
and the videos aren’t over edited either!
@NoriMori1992 Жыл бұрын
As someone who got the joke almost right away, I still stuck around to watch you stretch out the explanation over the next 13 minutes, and I must say I quite enjoyed it.
@schrodinger1374 Жыл бұрын
Knowing that the pH scale is logarithmic has finally made it make sense in my head. I never understood why you could drink lemon juice and be fine even though it’s so close to stuff like hydrochloric acid on the scale.
@NoriMori1992 Жыл бұрын
I think there's more to it than that - the way a chemical affects you (and anything) depends on a lot more than just its pH value - but that may be one reason.
@EvillAnime 11 ай бұрын
Hydrochloric acid is probably bad because it has chloride in it, not just for the pH Additionally it matters if you have a strong or weak acid
@jonathanhufford4518 11 ай бұрын
It’s not the chloride lol. Sodium chloride also has chloride in it. It’s better known as table salt. Also, acid strength is (simplified) an indication of the extent to which an acid dissolves in solution, i.e. directly proportional to the pH (negative log of concentration of hydronium ions) of an aqueous solution of a given concentration of an acid has.
@vadernation1233 11 ай бұрын
It might also have something to do with concentration. Hydrochloric acid is bad but diluted enough I think it wouldn’t harm you as much. Idk the concentration of citric acid in lemons but it could be (relatively) low compared to more dangerous concentrations of HCl. Could be wrong I’m just an autistic kid who likes to learn stuff about chemistry from time to time.
@ZeroPlayerGame 10 ай бұрын
@@vadernation1233 if you dilute an acid, the pH goes to neutral - pH is concentration of the stuff that makes acids acidic and attacks chemical bonds.
@gstlynx 3 ай бұрын
Your presence on KZbin is probably the best thing to arise out of the Covid-19 Panic.
@sonorasgirl Жыл бұрын
I do actually like essential oils for the smells, but it’s cause I like making my own perfume 😂. But honestly this kinda stuff is so cathartic. My parents and a…bad…ex believe all this and regularly try to rope me in, so it’s nice to have a kind but sassy channel to go to to remind me I’m not crazy
@stevengill1736 7 ай бұрын
Me too - I used to collect them for the same reason. Cheers...
@afowler13 Жыл бұрын
really enjoying this video so far! A minor complaint RE: transitional double-splash noise i do appreciate the Deep Bit Integration very much! however, something about the execution is quite jarring to me. i wouldn't normally leave such nit-picky feedback, but l'm enjoying the rest of the video So Much that the splash noise coming in like a wrecking ball is so tragic and pretty fixable (i think! i don't know how much spare energy you have to devote to fiddling with sound mixing.) anyway- thanks for sharing your research/knowledge in such an engaging, non-condescending way. looking forward to seeing more of your work ✨
@thomasnesmith5426 Жыл бұрын
Strongly agree about the proton versus hydrogen +1. Heck even Hydrogen +0 is just a proton and electron, but I still think "You are an element and elements are atoms and how dare you sell hydrogen short by not using it's name."
@oasntet Жыл бұрын
Steve Mould did a video on "what do protons taste like?" and it shouldn't have, but it kinda low-key blew my mind.
@ulgrimthemad 23 күн бұрын
Going to start my own trend of acidic water... with a dash of beetroot
@Sohexmetphospha Жыл бұрын
For added hilarity, basically all domestic tap water (in the US, no idea about international standards) is alkaline due to EPA guidelines. Mainly because keeping the water somewhat alkaline helps to reduce corrosion in the pipes. Where I am it's kept between 8.5 and 9 or so and it costs about .2 cents per gallon. Which is, uh, slightly cheaper than flow.
@jooot_6850 Жыл бұрын
Makes sense. Slightly acidic water and, say, old lead piping would not make a great combination.
@Pengochan Жыл бұрын
I loved the explanation of the physics vs. chemistry "brain". While I'm only equipped with a "physics brain" i see the difference between physicists and chemists, and it starts in school. In my experience physics is more about understanding concepts, and chemistry always seemed more like learning a language to me. When i much later learned to "translate" some chemistry to physics i saw that what my teacher then presented to me as some stuff you "just have to learn", like e.g. solubility ("multiply this with that and when it exceeds some number out of some table ..."), was actually quite easy to understand as a concept. Physicists often joke that Chemistry is just applied physics, but in reality until recent decades the physics of atoms, let alone molecules was just too complex to really apply that to anything more complex than a Hydrogen Molecule. So historically Chemistry is much more empirically based and thus taught than physics, and hence attracts different people, which seems strange considering how close both really are. Maybe there should be some lecture series "chemistry for physicists".
@oddlyspecificmath Жыл бұрын
Hm. The delineation of brains [note, edit] is not something I was hoping to see (I don't mean your comment; just in general). I'm of the opinion that after a (rather) significant amount of effort, abstractions fuse to cover multiple fields, so that the details are just something you have to do when you specialize (or, you hire that out). What people "call things" in their specialty is what gets me most of the time...with a nod towards an earlier video ("that's not how I'd say it") people are often talking about the same concepts with local refinements. This bridge across "brains" is, I think, the role filled by systems engineers. _[edit: I expected this to be further along than I can watch today, and it's more lightly put than I was concerned about; I'll leave this comment for people who (like I did) would otherwise learn about SE a bit late]_
@goclbert Жыл бұрын
You can take classes on and easily find lectures about physical chemistry, stochastic systems, solid state chemistry, quantum chemistry, etc. On your point about the empirical nature of chemistry, when both physicists and chemists are doing experiments, they care about empirical results just as much. Chemistry has more terminological baggage than physics, sure but that doesn't mean it isn't conceptual. Walk through an organic chemistry department and you'll be greeted with whiteboards working through organic reactions in much the same way you see whiteboards of differential equations in a physics department. The thought process feels very similar, the only difference is the specificity of transformations you are allowed to perform in organic chemistry as opposed to classic algebra.
@Pengochan Жыл бұрын
@@goclbert I was more thinking about how the subjects are presented in school, and that was also based mainly on how i perceived it, which is that physics is more like math, which may be unsurprising, given the number of chemical reactions even in inorganic chemistry, but i also believe that the different teaching attracts different people to the subjects, which in turn affects the teaching.
@oddlyspecificmath Жыл бұрын
@@goclbert Could you...elaborate more on what you mean by "the specificity of transformations"? If this is a bit of an ask, can you give me a research hint?
@terminalreset7659 Жыл бұрын
@@oddlyspecificmath Stuff like biochemical transformations. How biomolecules exchange energy, for one. There is a lot of math in calculating how and why electrons jump shells, and reactions with isomers. And then there's the whole bit with fission and fusion (rubbing shoulders with physics, maybe even a bit of petting there).
@hugmynutus 8 ай бұрын
I was there for the log vs. linear chart debates. It was the greatest "missing the entire point" twitter argument ever.
@pluralkumquat Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to hear someone speak out against alkaline water. I work at a grocery store and it hurts me that we stock it.
@rdizzy1 Жыл бұрын
The higher PH stuff can be ok if you have acid reflux issues, for a quick fix. Certainly tastes a lot better than mixing baking soda and water.
@hedgehog3180 6 ай бұрын
@@rdizzy1 You could probably also just add some calcium to the water and it should taste the same as bottled water.
@notsam498 Жыл бұрын
I once had a teammate in a class that worked in a water treatment plant here in Colorado. We were doing an engineering class where are team project was focused on drinkable water. They have something like 5 stages of treatment going on to ensure water quality, it's tested for heavy metals, hydrocarbons, bacteria levels and so on. They do so much work to deliver safe water in many municipalities. I appreciate that my tax paying dollars go to have drinkable clean water for all!
@ItsAsparageese Жыл бұрын
Also Coloradoan here, had a family friend who worked for the Bureau of Water Reclamation in Lakewood for a few decades. Yeah our tap water is better than much in the country, but it's still not ideal, iirc lack of removal of drug contamination was a big issue (e.g. drugs people unwisely flush etc) because it's so expensive
@kahlilbt Жыл бұрын
As a native Coloradan l8v8ng elsewhere in the states, I gotta say Colorado is the gold standard for drinking water lol. Here in Philly, I don't touch the stuff without a filter for several reasons, but mostly for taste. But I just run it through a Brita and it tastes fine.
@kevinbissinger Жыл бұрын
Its great that the water source is clean, it's the pipes that are the problem
@notsam498 Жыл бұрын
@@kevinbissinger elaborate
@hedgehog3180 6 ай бұрын
@@notsam498 A lot of the US has old lead pipes, this is the issue in Flint Michigan for example, they switched to a more corrosive source of water that started wearing down the old pipes and thus contaminating the water with lead.
@janedoe3043 Жыл бұрын
There is only one reason to drink alkaline water. To treat heartburn or reduce acid on your teeth immediately after drinking something slightly acidic. When it gets into your stomach it's not going to help. But lingering acid on teeth and esophagus would help. It's such a narrow path of helpfulness.
@AlBarathur Жыл бұрын
The word "alkaline" originated from the word ash in Arabic (I think). I think it will be difficult to find food, fruit, vegetable or meat, that is not alkaline after you reduce it to ashes.
@terminalreset7659 Жыл бұрын
Ashes are one of the ways that soap is made, using lye (sodium hydroxide). Thanks, "Fight Club!"
@hedgehog3180 6 ай бұрын
@@terminalreset7659 Soap is basically just made by combining a fat with an acid, depending on the acid and fat you use and their ratio you get different qualities like how easily the soap foams or whether it is liquid. Then you just add some colouring and perfumes to customize it. The structure of soap is also very similar to the phosphorlipids that cell membranes are made up.
@r0n4ld917 Ай бұрын
My physics brain can’t reconcile the H+ being the same as a Proton thing either, but it doesn’t really matter because when chemists say there’s “H+” in the water what they’re actually saying is that there’s a compound called hydronium in aqueous solution. Hydronium being H3O+, it’s just shorthand to say H+. Loved the video great work!
@DystopiaWithoutNeons Жыл бұрын
I can't wait for my family to ignore all the evidence in this 1h video I'm digesting right now. I should probably have some lemon and alkaline water to help
@bridgetown1966 Жыл бұрын
i saw the title of this video and just immediately DIED laughing like “oh man… she’s about to go off on lil gwynie over here…”
@kennethhymes9734 Жыл бұрын
Come on, people, let's get this channel to 100,000 subscribers. This is clearly the most broadly useful thing going in the indie science youtube arena, pace all the many many worthy practitioners. This has the stuff we need to get traction as informed people doing things out there.
@andresfontalvo17 Жыл бұрын
"this is for the people that go to a restaurant and ask what the name of the lamb was" absolutely and completely killed me. For weeks to come I will wake up to nightmares of this kind of people
@pauforcadellcampos4452 Жыл бұрын
The Acollierastro new vid day has arrived. Life is good.
@icneo9738 Ай бұрын
Idk why the water splash brings out a primal rage within me
@catsotorious Ай бұрын
@efkastner 11 ай бұрын
I’m sorry in advance. I haven’t read all the comments, I haven’t even finished the video. I’m SURE someone has already said what I’m about to, and it’s not to take anything away from this awesome video. I loved the explanation of pH and log scales (also, I was today years old when I learned milk is slightly acidic, for some reason I always thought it was basic!), but I think there’s a more direct route to explaining the joke: if you put enough lemon in your magic water to *taste* the lemon, then you’ve made it “pleasantly acidic”. I guess that’s how you know it’s working haha!
@cenattkemper Жыл бұрын
"I've slept on it, and it's fine. It's okay." -best influencer ever
@terminalreset7659 Жыл бұрын
As a person with a degree in chemistry, from an accredited school, and patents for chemical processes, I just want to say that you completely forgot about plasma water. And you were doing SO well! ; )
@jonathanbush6197 Жыл бұрын
Well so did Gwyneth :-)
@Deipnosophist_the_Gastronomer Жыл бұрын
Can I drink it with a spritz of lemon?
@johannbauer2863 Жыл бұрын
Also 10:27 is wrong, thats not how you make mustard gas, wth
@authomat6236 Жыл бұрын
@stonecoldscubasteveo4827 Жыл бұрын
@@johannbauer2863 They confused it with chlorine gas. It's understandable, most people aren't up on their WWI chemical weapon typology.
@mattmoreo8411 10 ай бұрын
My favorite backhanded insult is in Kurt Vonnegut's "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater", where Elliot Rosewater's father responds to a man 's stating "I know where I'm not wanted" with "I imagine you've had plenty of chances to learn". My new second favorite is "Why would you remember 25 minutes of 8th grade?".
@danc6882 Жыл бұрын
When I moved to SF for a doctoral nursing program... I remember going to the grocery store and seeing alkaline water. I was both entertained and horrified; its also hilarious that people think our kidneys will not absolutely balance out some barely alkaline intake and ensure homeostasis... can you imagine how careful we would need to be if eating mildly acidic/alkaline foods/fluids could actually impact our systemic acid-base balance... EDIT: I should learn to finish watching videos before I comment... I love these videos.
@comatose1818 Жыл бұрын
It's so refreshing(lol) for ppl to call Gwinneth Paltrough on her bs, when I saw the title of the video, I was like that Gwynneth isn't it? And felt every exasperated sigh in my soul, deffo earned a new sub, love the way you explain stuff
@thexosian Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love how angry the water splashing sound effect is. I can hear your frustration, and i share it
@bbittercoffee Жыл бұрын
I can not believe you made an entire hour of pure knowledge out of "I drink alkaline water with a bit of lemon in it" Everything about this is so funny
@HealingSwordsman 8 күн бұрын
The first plot is sooo much better lol it conveys the message
@graemebenson Жыл бұрын
🎶The best part of making plots Is choosing log or not🎶
@LimeyLassen Жыл бұрын
I'm quite fond of Log 2 myself
@elysium619 10 ай бұрын
"This water is for people who go to a restaurant and ask what the lamb's name was." F'n hilarious! She is among my favorite scientists. Two biggest takeaways: "I am a physicist. This is bullsh*t!," and, "It's just water!"
@Incred_Canemian Жыл бұрын
Who wants to buy my $200 crystalized water? [Gestures at fancy ice machine]
@iambiggus Жыл бұрын
If you also mention that you gave the water positive energy while it froze in a way that "makes the water 'happy' and balances harmoniously with your bodies natural energy" then Gwyneth will be on the phone to buy it. I wish I was joking.
@Deipnosophist_the_Gastronomer Жыл бұрын
It's not ice-9, is it?
@iambiggus Жыл бұрын
@@Deipnosophist_the_Gastronomer I mean, she promotes it as happy water, so ice-69 maybe?
@stanleysharkey3753 Жыл бұрын
The 42 minute mark is totally true and something I wish more people talked about, lol. I grew up without clean water in eastern KY, where we had to use purified water (usually we got huge jugs and filled them up at Walmart). The water where I'm at now (SoCal) is safe to drink, but I worry about the lead pipes in the old house I'm in now. Most of the people that can afford to buy bottled water don't actually need to buy it because they live in places with clean water + non-lead pipes. However, instead of worry about lead pipes or pollution from factories - a lot of people drink purified water because of the added fluoride or some shit.
@MrDmadness Жыл бұрын
You can test your water for lead very easily, and lead pipes don't = lead in water, the calcium and magnesium attract tithe pipe wall and shield the water from it fairly fast
@plankcaller 5 ай бұрын
i live in mexico so i literally cannot drink anything that isn't bottled water because our government doesn't give a crap and doesn't want to invest in drinkable water, it comes out as mud sometimes. and gives all our water to industries to the point our water supply is sometimes cut up to save up water but the only ones that don't have to do this saving water are industrial plants. feels like we're getting held ransom and forced to buy our own available water.
@philm94 Жыл бұрын
"it's hard to tell how my cells are doing" love it
@squireson 8 ай бұрын
I had an online statistics professor who made a point of coloring the y axis and marking the small ticks in bold when they used a log plot. It was ugly and it kind of irritated me .... _but_ ... I *never* mistook it for a linear plot. all those small ticks piiling up as they approached a large tick was a visual dead giveaway.
@sarcasticstartrek7719 Жыл бұрын
24:26 "She has a basic misunderstanding on how the human body" I really hope that was intentional >
@therealblue42 2 ай бұрын
I grew up out in the country in South Texas. The well water smelled like eggs. I drank that, so any water I get is good water.
@JP-JustSayin Жыл бұрын
It never fails ... at some point during one of these hour long videos there is some line that causes me, without warning, to burst in to hysterical laughter that threatens to suffocate me. In this video that moment came at 25:24 with the line "you can only have the one kind [of baby formula] ... because otherwise the baby has hives and a fever" ... that was it ... i probably have not laughed that hard in 5 years ... unless you are counting other acollierastro videos. ... so thanks acollierastro... i needed that. Full disclosure: im a parent, i know what happens when you "change brands" of baby formula. In real time i have empathy for people ... and i agree that capitalism sucks ... and i know that struggling parents and suffering children are not humane subjects for humor. but when the old saying says "some day we will look back on this and laugh"? ... well for me that day is today ... so please let me have this. 🙏
@S3l33ngrab Жыл бұрын
The 16oz of liquid per day review was wild.. The review says it's a 24 pack of 16oz/bottle. Before drinking the bottled water, they drank 16oz/day, now they drink 3 bottles per day, which means they tripled their water intake and now feel better. No wonder! Your body had no liquid to work with!
@raymondwhatley9954 2 ай бұрын
I lost it when I read the title of this video, loved it all the way through, and lost it again at the end with the ProZD reference. How did I not know about this channel before?
@BradRau Жыл бұрын
I was over at a friend's house and wanted some water. He did not let me drink it out of the tape. Instead, he put the water in a blender, with magnets on each side to 'demagnetize' the water. At least it was free.
@Endominius Жыл бұрын
Love that the friend "borrowed" some of their water, implying that it was eventually returned.
@borkabrak Жыл бұрын
Well, it is *possible*, although the use to which the "returned" water was put is a topic upon which I shall choose not to speculate.
@candyh4284 Жыл бұрын
all water returns eventually when ya think about it
@Ostrolphant 12 күн бұрын
Dying easter eggs with boiled purple cabbage is fun because you can get many different shades of red to blue by changing the amount of vinegar added to the solution.
@padremochismusical Жыл бұрын
2:32 This is a common problem in my field where whenever we have to do literature review for refractive indices of materials, if it comes from a chemistry journal i know for a fact it will usually be λ=589 nm so I have to dig until I find the rare physics letter which has actual dispersion information on materials
@Phoenixfox-og6el Жыл бұрын
i didn't realize this was an hour until 20 minutes in this is great
internet people lie about fluoride
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