All Korean kingdoms explained in less than 5 minutes ( Over 2,000 years of Korean history)

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All Korean kingdoms explained in less than 5 minutes ( Over 2000 years of Korean history)
Epimetheus on Patreon
/ epimetheus1776
A brief history of Korea, history of korea, history of Korean kingdoms, korea three kingdoms period, Korean history, south korea history, korea, history, Gojosen, Korean dynasties, documentary, 2018, korea history crash course, ancient korea history, ancient korea, Korean history summarized, Over 2000 years of Korean history, goguryeo, ancient koea, Goguryeo histoy, Korea three kingdoms documentary, admiral yi, japan korea, korean kings,

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@alanah3339 6 жыл бұрын
*watches this to understand historical kdramas*
@anarionpiano 5 жыл бұрын
I'm here for Scarlet Heart Ryeo
@ma.melviaobani8327 5 жыл бұрын
@@anarionpiano same just finished it this morning 12:30 am
@anarionpiano 5 жыл бұрын
@@ma.melviaobani8327 That was me too... the best time to cry, no?
@user-jd4mi4vw1i 5 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, Japanese history education is terrible. One Japanese are distorting history. But no one believe him...
@junggiebeom5261 5 жыл бұрын
@junkim2789 6 жыл бұрын
Approved by Korean. This is very concise but quite good enough. Of course, in order to explain the unique feature of each kingdoms and periods, it would require longer and more through video, but for a short video, this is pretty good.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Jun님, 제목에도 5천년이 아니고 2천년이라고 적어놨고 중국 한족이 지금의 북한땅을 침략했다는 것도 사실이 아니고 틀린 점이 많아요. 중국이 한국역사를 동북공정하고 미국의 역사교과서에 한국을 축소해서 기록해놓은 것 알고계시죠? 그래서 미국학생들은 한국과 중국의 역사에대해서 잘못 배우기 때문에 우리가 제대로 알려줘야 해요. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@junkim2789 9 ай бұрын
@@user-gw2xu7ey8u you do know that the word 'Korea' itself originates from Goguryoe, right? Btw you spelled it wrong
@junkim2789 9 ай бұрын
@user-gw2xu7ey8u and where do you think Goryeo got that name from? Again you spelled it wrong.
@junkim2789 9 ай бұрын
@user-gw2xu7ey8u spelling does matter because they have a meaning. Of course you wouldnt care because you didnt actually study the history of each country. Goryeo was solidly recognized by every surrounding countries as a successor of Goguryeo. In several key points of its history, whole country's fate depended on its rightful successor status of Goguryeo. Of course you wouldnt even know such events because you must be just a Chinese who read government propaganda. You dont have any knowledge of those countries but just repeat after your country. The same your country keeps saying Tibet and Uyghur belong to China, which is just bullshit. When will China ever stop its greed?
@billgao764 9 ай бұрын
@@junkim2789 when you can't debate you started talking about propaganda lol...that's called western hypocrisy. As if all Chinese are brainwashed by CCP and only western democratic countries have a say on what is true. Think twice before accusing someone being brainwashed and then you will realize who is actually believing the propoganda. I don't care about 高句丽 or 高丽, whichever is the original because I do not have knowledge on the issue. But the way you started calling out Chinese propaganda instead of debating the actual fact makes you a clown.
@avengerwidow9 6 жыл бұрын
Now I don't have to go through several Wikipedia tabs of Korean history. Thank you very much for this video!
@user-uu5um4fy1r 4 жыл бұрын
朝鮮半島で水車や着物を染めた 技術はありません。
@user-uu5um4fy1r 4 жыл бұрын
豊臣秀吉の朝鮮出兵は文禄・慶長の役(ぶんろく・けいちょうのえき)といい1592年から1598年の間2度にわたって出兵が行われました。この歴史は秀吉の征服欲で語られることが多く、そのほかの説では武士の雇用救済とか、弟の秀長が死去したため狂ったとか、そんなことが言われていたと思います。  1549年、フランシスコ・ザビエルが来日しました。表向きはキリスト教の伝道でした。裏では「黄金の国ジパング」掠奪が狙いでした。ザビエルはローマ法王の僧兵であり、同時にポルトガルの東方植民地における軍隊と官吏とに対する命令の全権を持っていたのです。スペイン・ポルトガルはキリスト教宣教師たちが尖兵となって潜入し、工作を行い、軍隊を引き入れ、人民殺戮、財宝収奪を行い、植民地占領を行っていました。日本にもその魔の手が伸びてきたわけです。  豊臣秀吉は当初はキリスト教を禁止しておらず、交流を深めていました。日本に潜入した宣教師は対日諜報員、対日工作員として、日本の内情を探り、日本は武勇の国なので武力による侵略は無理だと判断します。 イエズス会、ドン・ロドリゴとフランシスコ会、フライ・ルイス・ソテロらが、スペイン国王に送った上書 「殿下(スペイン国王)を日本の君主とすることは望ましい。しかし、日本には住民が多く、城郭も堅固であるため、軍隊の力による侵入は無理であるから、福音を宣伝する方策をもって日本の国民が殿下に悦びいさんで臣事するように仕向けるほかなし」  そして今度は日本と手をとって明国を攻めようという動きになります。しかし、日本とスペインの同盟は不調となり、スペインが明を侵略するとそれは日本にとっての脅威となるため、先に日本が占領してしまおうと秀吉は考えました。それで朝鮮半島経由で明を攻めることになったわけです。  1594年4月マニラ総督宛に秀吉が書状を送っており、その書状は残っています。内容はほとんど恫喝であり、既に朝鮮を占領したぞ、マニラに攻めることもできるぞ、スペイン国王に日本と友好関係を結ぶように進言しろ、というものです。  1596年、貨物を満載したサン・フェリーペ号という船が、逆風を受けて土佐の浦戸に漂着するという事件が起きており、このときにスペイン大帝国が宣教師を送り込んで侵略を行う手口が秀吉に報告されています。サン・フェリーペ号の水先案内人が秀吉の五奉行の一人増田長盛に世界地図を見せて、「スペイン国王は、まず宣教師を派遣し、キリシタンが増えると、次は軍隊を送り、信者に内応させて、その伝道地の国土を征服するから、世界中にわたって領土を占領できたのだ」と述べています。  同年、秀吉はキリシタンら26人を逮捕し、長崎に送致しました。長崎のイエズス会は好機到来と悦び、イエスの十字架になぞらえて見せ物にしようと企み、奉行に願い出て、長崎で処刑するよう画策しました。間違いなく天国往きできるという磔刑にして栄光に輝く姿を印象づけようとしたのです。  そして1598年に秀吉が死去。スペイン大帝国も1588年に無敵艦隊の敗北という大事件がおきた後であり、イギリスやオランダに押されてきている頃ですので、日本とスペイン大帝国が抗争に至ることはありませんでした。  このように朝鮮出兵が秀吉個人の野心とか発狂、耄碌だというのは世界史視点がスッポリ抜け落ちた突飛な話しであり、キリシタン「迫害」などとんでもない話であり、侵略者から日本を守るための行為だったのです。
@user-uu5um4fy1r 4 жыл бұрын
@@catherina7792 那又怎样 我想听听未来
@asgayaajigeeyuui7152 4 жыл бұрын
​@S.K. _ ok 50 cent bot
@katleon9331 3 жыл бұрын
@S.K. _ goryeo was going through civil wars so YES it was tired. Can you Chinese people stop getting involved with history? Seriously you guys are as good as japan for making up fake history. And your country sucks
@resistance-is-growing7632 5 жыл бұрын
Im from Iran🇮🇷 and i have watched a Korean serial about Jomung the founder of Goguryeo! It's amazing and i suggest you all to watch it! It's almost the best serial that i have ever watched! Respect from Iran/Persia🇮🇷 Rest in Peace Jomung The founder of Gogureyo and his father General Hae Mo So and all the good people that were with him! ✌
I'm from Armenia il love jumong and hmosua i love goguryeo
@Reneclemant 4 жыл бұрын
Respect Persia and Armenia from Goguryo. ^^
@@Reneclemant thank you 👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤
@peterpark8486 4 жыл бұрын
Bro iran means god or sun in old gojosun dynasty. I recently founded out that. And i heard that iranian also thinks iran means god. And sila had a good relationship of trading with persia trading gold and iron technology.
@asgayaajigeeyuui7152 4 жыл бұрын
Korea and Persia did have commercial ties during the Unified Shilla period (668-935)
@dickbison 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the informative video, Korean history sounds fascinating. Greetings from Poland.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here, Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@GoBillyKorean 6 жыл бұрын
Nice! Finally another video on Korean history. There needs to be more of these.
@ToyotomiHideyoshiGre 6 жыл бұрын
When the Qing dynasty replaced the Ming dynasty, it forced the Korean dynasty to perform the courtesy of "nine kowtows" to strengthen the relationship under the vassal system.
@twofortydrifter 6 жыл бұрын
Wow. Too bad you're not in charge or you could be the one with millions of virgins.
@jxw32 6 жыл бұрын
because Korea automatically becomes a vassal, you only conquer the unwilling, not the willing.
@user-xp5ny8ye4x 6 жыл бұрын
It is clear that Goguryeo is a Korean history, both racially and culturally. In the famous Chinese history books, Han Jie-jie is described as going to a foreign colony instead of the integration of Chinese territory. Also, Han Chinese culture was agriculture based, whereas Goguryeo started as a nomadic tribe. The Chinese now claim that Goguryeo is their history because Goguryeo's territory is now part of their territory after the Northern nomadic Empire conquered China. In fact, what the Chinese do to ethnic minorities is not a part of the Chinese Dynasty. On the contrary, the biggest reason for the Westerners ' view is that the Chinese easily punished their neighbors is tribute. At that time, tribute was not a concept of protection that was presented to the subject but rather a gift for friendship between countries. If relations deteriorated, no tribute would be paid, and if a nation was a nation of some size, the Chinese emperor would have to send a corresponding gift. The Huns paid tribute to the Chinese emperor in his heyday and received many times as many gifts as protection costs. The Chinese were not the absolute rulers of the East like Rome.
@jxw32 6 жыл бұрын
you seem to forget Goguryeo in fact is not racially or culturally close to modern day Korean. Modern day Korean is peninsular Silla stock, while most of Goguryeo is continental Asian like the Han and Manchu. In fact, Silla Korean treated Goguryeo as an enemy and constantly had war with them. Most Korean today are simply people who got conquered by northern continental tribes or Northern Chinese, and then these Korean subsequently claim they are the same people as those who conquered them. Most of Korean have no relationship with the continent, most of Korean are peninsular stock whose ancestor never set their foot on the continent, the 1% who have continental genes are the northern Chinese who went down and conquered these peninsular Asian. On the topic of vassal and paying tribute, there are countries who simply paying tribute, and there are countries who paid tribute AND were vassal of China, and korea is one of them, who paid tribute and was at the same time a vassal.
@Jules-zd7or 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this very informative video. I love watching Korean period dramas but this is such an enlightenment about what I have been watching all these years. More videos to come.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@loonytricky 2 жыл бұрын
That was quick but interesting. Good job!
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@reubena7854 6 жыл бұрын
The illustrations and maps you use are brilliant!
@EpimetheusHistory 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I make all my maps...I can never find ones I like for my videos, on google I started drawing my own :)
@reubena7854 6 жыл бұрын
Epimetheus you are totally right that most history maps online are shit
@j.m2781 6 жыл бұрын
You realize that Gojoseon was far bigger than the area you depicted in your video? This is completely wrong, also han commanderies never reached was is today Korean peninsula.
@TT-fg8vz 6 жыл бұрын
Epimetheus 4:08 Communist China?? Lol, are u serious? The USSR was that power that stayed behind the creation of North Korea, building it political system, infrastructure and even the founder of Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Il-sung was living, educated and raised in soviet Russia. Even Chinese soldiers at that time participated in war only because of Soviet Union's order, in order not to fight with Americans openly. Wtf!? U ain't even mentioned dat even through it takes only a few seconds in the end.
@user-pl2zv3nu5w 6 жыл бұрын
@ejnaragathe8070 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great info, awesome video.
@stayrospaparunas3062 5 жыл бұрын
Silla kingdom lived 1000 years..thats a good for a dynasty to keep so much time in power
@fhdebosdl1812 Ай бұрын
@CYSYS8993 5 жыл бұрын
Why can't we have an Assassin's Creed game set in Korea?
@smallboto 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah and even Japan too
@jang1463 5 жыл бұрын
Makes perfect sense since Korean independence activists cut off their left ring finers in order to pledge a blood oath to defeat Japanese imperialism Ahn Jung Geun (Assassin) assassinated Ito Hirobumi (Japanese Templar) Colonial Korea would be such a great setting.
@zero-cq5lk 5 жыл бұрын
They are making a wild West version of it.
@mybloodyvalentine2316 5 жыл бұрын
@CYSYS8993 5 жыл бұрын
@john son I'm more in the favor of around the lines of Kundo: Age of the Rampant.
@mattheweppley 6 жыл бұрын
Congrats, you did an awesome job! I'm an American teaching English here in South Korea, but haven't had time to delve into Korean history yet - just Korean language so far. Really enjoyed your video. :-)
@EpimetheusHistory 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome man! Glad you found my video :)
@gns3077 6 жыл бұрын
where is indian princess
@classictutor 5 жыл бұрын
@@gns3077 I think she came during Kaya period. Don't quote me on it because this is my memory.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for y'all. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@bongsunhwa 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for Korean history. Balhae dynasty was built Goguryo refugees and Manjurians. They called themselves as 'Goguryan' on diplomatic official documents with Japanese at that time. It shows they insisted they were descendants of Gogurye. In fact, they were worried about diplomatic confrontation against China, so they set name of their nation as 'Balhae', not 'Gogurye'. After collapse of Balhae, the son of king of Balhae went to Gorye dynasty. He became a refugee and senior government officials in Gorye dynasty.
@bongsunhwa 6 жыл бұрын
Daisy Wong Yes, so Chinese are an enemy for 1000 years for Korean people, Japanese are an enemy for 100 years.
@bongsunhwa 6 жыл бұрын
Daisy Wong It is just your opinion. We never forget Sui invaded Gogurye and was defeated by Gogurye. We never forget Chinese interference in Korean war because you helped Kim invade south Korean government. We never forget your rude and arrogant behaviors around SSAD. China would be divided and separated, I convinced with that 100%. Because you made all neighbors as an enemy. Not only Korean, but also Japan, India, Taiwan, Vietnam, Mongolia and even Australia, all hate you. When you start war with whomever, it is your last day. Do not forget it.
@bongsunhwa 6 жыл бұрын
Daisy Wong You mean these kind of pride Chinese history??
@bongsunhwa 6 жыл бұрын
Roger Wang 🤣🤣🤣 Hahaha, Chinese fantasy is always great. Real life is not Kungfu like in your ugly films. 😂😂 Have you ever heard a word '蒙古 初夜權'?? All Chinese girls should loose their virgin by Mongolian. If Chinese girl reject it, not only she or her family, but her villege were burned and all people were killed. It was just one of the Mongolian rights to Chinese. Psychological victory is 100% up to you. You could be proud of slave's history, also. But you should not forget historical facts, how much Chinese were discriminated at that time.
@bongsunhwa 6 жыл бұрын
Roger Wang For foreigners, visiting China is tragedy or horrible movie. All over the world worried about Beijing olympic in 2022. How could you live in that kinds of circumstances?? Are you human-being?? Everyone is disgusting on you, Chinese.
@user-vo6tt3iu1j 2 жыл бұрын
Goguryeo is the history of Korea. You can just know seeing their name and language. 1. Goguryeo(Goryeo) -> Korea. 2. Chinese: I drink water. Korean: I water drink. Ancient Goguryeo language: I water drink. That's easy.
@kimchipho5474 5 жыл бұрын
Great video. I was actually quite surprised by how good your korean pronunciation was in the video.
@whitehorizon2225 6 жыл бұрын
Holy crap, Ancient Korean history is seriously epic and underrated, thanks for shedding light on this!
@khudaidadkhan1178 6 жыл бұрын
when your country aint powerful or didnt went down in flames in a valiant last stand, it's hard to be remembered. Especially, when the only significant and stereotypical korean things that are known is kpop, kim jong un and the previous communist madmen.
@austinkonrad 6 жыл бұрын
No people know about the more recent despots of South Korea as well, like Syngman Rhee, Park Chung-hee, Chang Myon, and Chun Doo-hwan.
@fabnobody8316 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry never heard of them.
@jacklim5940 6 жыл бұрын
Korean are really good at make fake history, just what they did to their face (plastic surgery)
@user-xx7ec7zl2k 6 жыл бұрын
A Study on the History and Development of Northeast China's Change Zone, which was promoted by China in 2002 to make all of the histories developed within the Chinese frontier. The Northeast Project stands for Dongyeongsangnyeong-gu Construction (Donghaejangnyeong-gu). In Korean, it is a systematic research project on the history and phenomena of Northeast Asian countries. In short, it is a research project that aims to incorporate all of China's historical developments within its borders into Chinese history. China decided to carry out research on its Northeast Project in June 2001 and officially started the Northeast Project on February 18 the following year after eight months of preparation. The study was carried out by DongbeI Samsung, including China's leading academic institution, the Social Sciences Institute, Jirinseong Fortress, Liaoning and Henan provinces. It has been five years since 2006, but the distortion of history for that purpose is still ongoing. The ultimate goal is to make the history of the Korean Peninsula, including China's strategic regions such as Goguryeo and Balhae, into Chinese history to prevent territorial conflicts that could occur if the peninsula was unified. Research is largely divided into basic and applied studies. Major research tasks include studying the history of Northeast Asian countries, studying the history of the ancient Korean people, studying the history of Goguryeo, research on the relations between China and the Korean Peninsula, and stabilizing the situation and changes in China's northeastern provinces. Gojoseon, Koguryo, Balhae, and Balhae are among the provinces that belonged to the northeastern region of ancient China, but they are now working on the premise that North Korean and South Korean scholars are distorting these facts and provoking chaos. But these three countries are the very essence of Korean history, and Goguryeo and Balhae are the countries that simultaneously took Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula as their territory. For this reason, Korea also started the Goguryeo Research Foundation under the Ministry of Education in March 2004 to systematically deal with China's historical distortions, and in September 2006, the Northeast Asian History Foundation was launched to absorb the history distortion.Dong-dong Project (Doosan Encyclopedia)
@philRminiatures 5 жыл бұрын
Glad to see this kind of vid, I have to admit that I know very little about the history of this region, and that's once again informative and very interesting to follow...Great job!👍
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@exposingproxystalkingorgan4164 2 жыл бұрын
I like the compact briefing style of this video. It gets to the main points without a 45-60 minute long documentary.
@simianto9957 2 жыл бұрын
It's like an injection of data and info
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese scholars. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@dhrubajyoti14 5 жыл бұрын
Really helpful to understand the korean history and concept of the three kingdoms. I love all those Korean movies and dramas based on historical genre 😍 greetings from india 🇮🇳 ❤️ 🇰🇷
@user-uu5um4fy1r 4 жыл бұрын
As the back story of the Korean War, Lee Seung-bong and the North generals soon conducted the war and commanded the scene. Abandoned and ran away. The North general went to the north, Lee goes south. Just panicked that each of them told the subordinates later While trying. Lee finds US military commander away from Seoul I was told, "Turn back to Seoul now!" It impossible! But I was beaten by the US Army Colonel Go south. I appealed to MacArthur in Tokyo to escape to Japan! MacArthur does not forgive and stays enraged when his subordinates are fighting for death. But if you do n’t want to go to Tokyo again, I fled to Shimane or Tottori The U.S. military commanded that he couldn't be trusted that he had an unintelligible attitude. Stripped! This is the reason behind the approval of the US military command on the current Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, the North general Kim Il Sung, when the US military approached Pyongyang, Escape and be dragged down from a train on the Middle Morning border to the Communist Party commander, 3 shots Banta! Don't run away, you're tricked. Kim Il Sung was crying, I forgave forgiveness and appealed, and the Chinese army did the rest! Sign here! Kim Il Sung nodded with crying while crying. Sign a signature to give up command. Only the People's Liberation Army is on the Korean Peninsula. If you are not there, the Koreans will be deceived silently. American and Russian materials are available. How a Korean Poor patriotism! It is an event that you understand whether you have relied on other powers rather than your own.
@user-ce9cm4wk1s 4 жыл бұрын
Love you India❤️❤️ Thank you so much, always!
@user-tl1ix8mu8y 3 жыл бұрын
India and South Korea are friends! 😁
@Airman56 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-uu5um4fy1r I legit can't understand a word you said please stop using Google translate
@moclykim8220 2 жыл бұрын
The northern part of the great wall is not Chinese land.It was dominated by Mongolian and Manchurian ,Koreans.Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall of China to prevent so-called Northern Orang Cae.Since then, China was conquered by the Kim Dynasty and Mongolia.also the Manchurians conquered China and ruled for 300 years (1616~1912). Manchuria Wonryugo(滿洲源流考) compiled during Qing Dynasty, also identifies that 金(kim) Dynasty is originated from the surname of the king of Silla (korea) 대금(大金, 여진어:  /amba-an antʃu-un/[1], 1115년 1월 28일 ~ 1234년) 金=Kim=korean family name "The Gojoseon(ancient korea) civilization that appeared 5,000 years ago was the third ancient civilization in the world after the Mesopotamian civilization (5500 years ago) and the Egyptian civilization (5100 years ago). The Gojoseon civilization was 1500 years ahead of the Hwangha(china) civilization.
@mintol762 6 жыл бұрын
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here, Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@user-yz9pf5bx4j 6 жыл бұрын
8. Byeoljubujeon is a representative Korean traditional epic. The story comes from the words of an Koguryo man who came to Pyongyang to see Yeongaesomun Gate and helped save his life during a crisis. Byeoljubujeon seems to have been a popular story in Goguryeo (probably in Silla), and since then Byeoljubujeon has been considered a Korean epic literature and passed down to Korea during the Joseon Dynasty. On top of this, it seems that Koguryo also affected Korean Chinese literature. The splendid Chinese poems, such as " HanjI, " " Hwangjo, " and " Jungmun, " and " Jungmun " of Yeosu, are considered the most timely pieces of Korean poetry today. Koreans ' outstanding Chinese characters from the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties were also inherited by the people of Goguryeo. I think the people of Goguryeo were very literary people. The Goguryeo people's imagination of the stars and celestial bodies in the mural, as well as the many epic literary works they leave behind by word of mouth, has been dogged by the remarkable language sense and scientific imagination of the Korean people.
@AbdulrazackOmari 9 ай бұрын
Who is the best player in Korean language
@rutabega306 3 жыл бұрын
Very informative! Also, your hard work on the pronunciations really shows!
@BreakAge 4 жыл бұрын
Koreans are good at keeping important details of their history. But in my country, Spaniards burned it all. Leaving us very blind of our past.
@028lang2 4 жыл бұрын
Korean history is written in Chinese, so koreans need to read ancient Chinese books to find their own history
@user-fl9zh5nv6q 4 жыл бұрын
Yes but only about last 1,000 years. The past of than , it's very not clear because mongolians burned it all :(
@028lang2 4 жыл бұрын
@David Kim Isn't your Korean name written in Chinese characters? What big tail Wolf.
@user-ir2gt4jl2h 4 жыл бұрын
@David Kim 오오 순우리말 이름
@user-hw4rm2lb8g 4 жыл бұрын
028 lang Is the logic that Americans are European now?
@user-dv7dy2tk7v 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, that's amazing. You introduced me Korean history exactly. Thank you very much as a descendant of Goguryeo.
@davidlee9803 2 жыл бұрын
Wow a goguryeo descendant. Hello fellow Korean, I'm also Korean but my family is from baekje.
@aleaiactaest8354 6 жыл бұрын
Very impressive. Kudos!
@user-pq4bn4yx1t 5 жыл бұрын
Korean history goguryeo... korea original name goguryeo-goryeo-Corea(Korea)
@moclykim8220 2 жыл бұрын
The northern part of the great wall is not Chinese land.It was dominated by Mongolian and Manchurian ,Koreans.Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall of China to prevent so-called Northern Orang Cae.Since then, China was conquered by the Kim Dynasty and Mongolia.also the Manchurians conquered China and ruled for 300 years (1616~1912). Manchuria Wonryugo(滿洲源流考) compiled during Qing Dynasty, also identifies that 金(kim) Dynasty is originated from the surname of the king of Silla (korea) 대금(大金, 여진어:  /amba-an antʃu-un/[1], 1115년 1월 28일 ~ 1234년) 金=Kim=korean family name "The Gojoseon(ancient korea) civilization that appeared 5,000 years ago was the third ancient civilization in the world after the Mesopotamian civilization (5500 years ago) and the Egyptian civilization (5100 years ago). The Gojoseon civilization was 1500 years ahead of the Hwangha(china) civilization.
@barbiebarbie1813 Жыл бұрын
@@moclykim8220 Goguryeo is a local regime established by the northern Chinese. The Founder of Goguryeo, JUMONG(朱蒙) Is Actually Chinese Pronunciation. Goguryeo was a northern Han area (and different government opinions, like the relationship between Taiwan and Hong Kong today) in the Tang Dynasty's governance regime. Baekje, SILLA is also the place of power governance in China. These are regional regimes created by the Han people in the north. (Obviously prove this from a lot of historical data and unearthed cultural relics).The original Korean indigenous people at the southernmost tip of the Korean are slaves. They were convened and became slaves. Baekje, Silla, Goryeo, Li Dynasty (It is ancient Chinese territory and jurisdiction). The founder and the royal noble members of the royal family are Chinese. They are wearing Han officials' clothing and using Chinese characters. Civilians and slaves are indigenous Koreans at the southern end of the peninsula. In ancient , Koreans were called "white clothes nation". Their traditional clothes were pure white and no patterns (because no dyes and dyeing technology), and adult women's clothing exposed nipples (the Korean think of being glorious and beautiful). Korean women have always used their heads to move anything (like African indigenous people). The ancient Koreans have always insisted on wearing white clothes * The Chinese ruler of the Han regime on the peninsula (Baekje king, Silla king, Goryeo king, Joseon li king ).They don't like Korean traditions that Koreans wear white. Because this is in Chinese culture, it means that they will wear pure white clothes at the family funeral ceremony. Therefore, pure white clothes are not auspicious. Starting from Goryeo King in the second half of the 13th century, To many kings of the Joseon Li Dynasty : Taizu太祖, Taizong大宗, Sejong世宗, Yan Shanjun燕山君, Renzong仁宗, Xianzong顯宗, Su Zong肅宗 ........They all command and prohibit all Koreans wear white clothes. The Korean people resist. In the end, it is invalid. But Koreans think that they insist on wearing white clothes and adult women to show their nipples. It is the most obvious traditional Korean culture in their national costumes. This can clearly determine the identity of the Chinese and Koreans. Contrary to the traditional culture of Korean people. When the traditional Chinese culture represents the funeral ceremony of the family, it will only wear pure white clothes without patterns. Pure white clothes without patterns in ancient China were taboos. Representing family members of the family died. Goryeo's founding king-Wang Jian (王建). Wang Jian (王建) is very obviously the immigrants or descendants of the Han people (whether the culture of clothes is the Han culture), this possibility is quite high. Because Wang Jian is the descendant of the Chinese (Han), the regime he has established follows the abbreviation of the ancient country Goguryeo, as the new national name Goryeo. The Korean at the southern end of the peninsula were called as workers and slaves (wearing pure white clothes and women to show nipples). Later, they became the civilians of Goryeo . The history of the Korean nation is the history of slave. They have never sovereignty.
@Airman56 3 ай бұрын
​@@barbiebarbie1813Do those 50 cents pay well?
@kingdomtheory4287 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the information on this great video
@eliasfrahat7074 6 жыл бұрын
Impressive fast and informative great job as usual :)
@usaisraelukaresourceofallp8650 6 жыл бұрын
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@se3939 6 жыл бұрын
You got another sub. 👍🏻
@trex1448 5 жыл бұрын
Good job with pronunciation. The best in most youtube videos on Korean history dare I say!
@karlsimon6277 5 жыл бұрын
Man feel free to do more videos expounding on this! It’s awesome!
@Sokolov789 6 жыл бұрын
Great Video, Korea certainly has a very interesting history. Hope to see this format for many other nations.
@moclykim8220 2 жыл бұрын
The northern part of the great wall is not Chinese land.It was dominated by Mongolian and Manchurian ,Koreans.Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall of China to prevent so-called Northern Orang Cae.Since then, China was conquered by the Kim Dynasty and Mongolia.also the Manchurians conquered China and ruled for 300 years (1616~1912). Manchuria Wonryugo(滿洲源流考) compiled during Qing Dynasty, also identifies that 金(kim) Dynasty is originated from the surname of the king of Silla (korea) 대금(大金, 여진어:  /amba-an antʃu-un/[1], 1115년 1월 28일 ~ 1234년) 金=Kim=korean family name "The Gojoseon(ancient korea) civilization that appeared 5,000 years ago was the third ancient civilization in the world after the Mesopotamian civilization (5500 years ago) and the Egyptian civilization (5100 years ago). The Gojoseon civilization was 1500 years ahead of the Hwangha(china) civilization.
@SammyCee23 6 жыл бұрын
As a Korean American who knows nothing about Korean history, thank you for this video. I'm subscribed.
@KBKim-jt6uj 5 жыл бұрын
Fake is Japan not Korea. Your government said sex slaves and Nanking massacre wasn't exist LOL
@user-qh3hv3fv9w 5 жыл бұрын
@Yusuke Shimomura your pic wow
@xiongnu6373 5 жыл бұрын
@cobalt2257 5 жыл бұрын
Finally, I'm not the only one :D (half tho)
@xiongnu6373 5 жыл бұрын
Your guys known nothing about your korean history? You guys must be those korean childrens who got adopted and whitewashed...😏
@user-wm9pe5ld2r 5 жыл бұрын
So informative and helpful..woww
@dinger_cat 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you that you put buyeo in korea history!! I am korean and your video is very well accurate! Thank you for making this video!
@jwyoo123 6 жыл бұрын
Quick, accurate and intuitive. Well done sir.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@hashanah5557 6 жыл бұрын
That was awesome , thanks!
@18nomah 3 жыл бұрын
What an amazing presentation in such a short time. Will you please make a longer more detailed video please?
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here, Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@Xavyer13 3 жыл бұрын
Great content!
@user-tj5me4ru9u 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video
@user-yz9pf5bx4j 6 жыл бұрын
2. korean Many traces of Koguryo remain in the Korean language. Although the Koguryo investigation is currently inconsistent with the Korean language rhetoric, it is undeniable that the language was greatly influenced by the language. According to a survey by Im Byung-joon in 2000, 50 out of the more than 70 Goguryeo vocabulary words currently remain are associated with modern Korean. This level of relevance would prove that the Korean language was directly and strongly influenced by the Goguryeo language. Considering this fact, it is not fair to argue that Koguryo is directly related to Japanese and has less to Korean. The Korean language is obviously a continuation of the Koguryo language.
@bulouvusonawalowalo1711 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I watch lots of korean historical drama, so this was a big help.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@bulouvusonawalowalo1711 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for the explanation, great respect for your knowledge.
@justanotherfangirl6360 5 жыл бұрын
Preparing for a presentation about Korea Thanks for the introduction ☺️
@koreanpeninsula8315 6 жыл бұрын
You did good job. Fast accurate job!!!!!!!!!! Probably best video on Korea History.
@himekou_ 6 жыл бұрын
This is fantastic work, please do a history of The Philippines next when you have time!
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@HeavyMetalRuinedMyLife1971a 4 жыл бұрын
Your vids are well condensed and to the point 😎
@Ellianu 5 жыл бұрын
Great work, thanks!
@user-yz9pf5bx4j 6 жыл бұрын
11. No traditional Japanese history writer has described Koguryo as his country's history. The three ancient Korean history books, " Samguksagi, " " Jewanggi, " and " Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms, " describes Koguryo as a clear part of Korean history. The fact that he describes Goguryeo as a historical fact that can not be denied in Korean history, and the logic that " Koguryo, " which was created in the late 20C in China, is clearly explained by the Chinese history. It seems that the proof of the accident does not completely deny that Koguryo is not a Korean history in China. For instance, the Chinese language edition of Wikipedia reveals Koguryo as a part of Joseon's history.
@aniotang642 5 жыл бұрын
Gokuryo is not Chinese histroy or Korean history, its just Gokuryo history, its land was occupied by China and Korean. China Tang and Korean Silla together beat Gokuryo~
@leohoo6460 2 жыл бұрын
Goguryeo(高句麗) civilization is based on the Han dynasty. The country uses Chinese characters, conforms to Chinese custom, and wears Chinese clothes. The founder of Goguryeo is the offspring of the Yello Emperor of China. The Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Goguryeo is located in Jilin, China. Today, Goguryeo is shared by three countries, China (65%), North Korea (25%), and Russia (10%). Goguryeo enslaved Silla, the ancestor of South Korea. Claiming Goguryeo is a 100% South Korean unique culture -- calling the enemy of your ancestor as your daddy.
@user-tg7pb6ep7i 2 жыл бұрын
@@leohoo6460 你这是什么意思?你上次不是说你不会忘记天安门而且必定找回民主主义吗 中国国家主席习近平对暗杀计划顺利进行吗? 上次说要为香港示威加油的是什么? ​ 赞成维吾尔族人独立,欢迎啊 ​ 看你用韩语说怀念刘晓波,你是好人啊 ​ 你用韩文问过"想知道西藏人民是怎么被共产党镇压的吗?" ​ 在这里见到"法轮功"修炼者,真高兴。 对下一个集结地应该很清楚吧? ​ 天安门相关活动进展顺利 ​ 我们的秘密协会知道,看过这篇文章的所有同志都是以中国政权垮台为目标的同志 如果我们保持耐心,中国政权将崩溃。 亲爱的 小心被当局逮住 / 工作一结束手机就销毁
@user-ww9hp9fo5n Жыл бұрын
@@leohoo6460 In Goguryeo the Chinese were the lower classes What are you talking about? Is there any academic community that accepts China's claims? Europe?? USA?? lol
@thethreeedgedsword7253 6 жыл бұрын
Oh man...OOOOOOH MAN!!! I found another history channel to binge on:)
@EpimetheusHistory 6 жыл бұрын
:D Glad you found my channel :)
@thethreeedgedsword7253 6 жыл бұрын
You don't even know, I've already got a bunch downloaded. I listen to them while I work, major motor functions get the job done, while my brain is absorbing. You've got a great layout, succinct, and you don't use the robot voice lol. Your stuff is right up my alley, I've been working on making a single timeline with ever major human event on it.
@thethreeedgedsword7253 6 жыл бұрын
Epimetheus I'm very happy too. This is brilliant education material. I hope you're proud of your work...I wish I had the computer savvy and editing skills, and time lol.
@Flying_Kyle 4 жыл бұрын
You did an outstanding job in pronunciation. way to go!
@janetdascalos6963 3 жыл бұрын
Very helpful and informative. Thank you.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here, Janet. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@Mayowreck 6 жыл бұрын
I am a new subbie. Loving everything so far!!!
@EpimetheusHistory 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@ValdezJu 6 жыл бұрын
Another outstanding video! ★★★★★
@sampuatisamuel9785 2 жыл бұрын
Really interesting stuff
@aarya18 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video! Currently I’ve been exploring Gongju and Buyeo areas and I needed to understand the historical context. Most people only think Seoul palaces as the only important piece of history, there’s so much more! This country is so rich in culture and history.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@user-nt8nu7wc5o 11 ай бұрын
@spsumoor2810 6 жыл бұрын
Like the way you teaching...👍 good going sir.
@onibashu 6 жыл бұрын
Holy shit dude thank you so much i was secretly hoping you would post a history about my country. All the work you put in these videos are great man thanks for incredible videos you make.
@EpimetheusHistory 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome man!-So happy you liked it :)
@alex-h. 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly I didn't expect a foreigner to describe Korean history with such detail and accuracy. Kudos to you and your channel!
@bradmiller9993 2 жыл бұрын
Great presentation. Thank you.
@slimlim6022 6 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video and I’ve learned a lot about my own country. I found nothing wrong with this video. Not a single thing to nitpick about. Great video and keep it coming.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@efafe4972 Жыл бұрын
@@SOK-ks3it calm down. history is history why do you feel the need to spam this shit on every comment to feel like korea was such a great military power. read some unbiased history based on primary sources
@eavyeavy2864 11 ай бұрын
@@efafe4972 3:09 if ally did it call it empire/ Commonwealth Else call it fascist
@eavyeavy2864 11 ай бұрын
@@efafe4972 unbiased 🤣
@efafe4972 11 ай бұрын
@@eavyeavy2864 r u good bro? what are u on about? r u also in agreement with the spam commenter that Korea was actually a great military power that asserted its dominance over all of Asia throughout history when archeological evidence and historical texts would disagree?
@kagoon0709 6 жыл бұрын
Really well done. Many thanks from Korea no less!
@EpimetheusHistory 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I am glad you liked it. Greetings from CA, USA! :)
@user-dn9it3sz8t 5 жыл бұрын
잘만들었네요. 잘보고가요^^
@taen_y Жыл бұрын
Nice video, I enjoyed it:) Pronunciation was also good for the most part, something that could be helpful is that Korean words usually stress the first syllable, e.g. GOguryeo. And a small correction, the Korean transciption for "Gojoseon" is '고조선', not '조선'/"Joseon", which is a completely different kingdom/period. Also "Yeowang" (여왕) just means "Queen" in Korean, so the name would be e.g. "Seondeok" not "Seondeokyeowang":)
@ChickenDelivering 6 жыл бұрын
@user-tm8rp2qq7l 6 жыл бұрын
Linksliberalismus ㅋ
@user-gf8rq5ss1p 6 жыл бұрын
김재현 뭐야 이 가독성 떨어지는 말은
@user-gf8rq5ss1p 6 жыл бұрын
토 토 아하!
@user-kd3rs3tm8p 6 жыл бұрын
자자 싸우지 마시고 중립적으로 조정하자면 학계에서는 단군 조선이 존재하되 우리가 고딩때 배운 단군 고조선 연도 보다 더 늦게 건국 되었을거라고 추정하고 있습니다 그리고 제가 알기론 오히려 기자조선이 허구라고 들었습니다 그렇기 때문에 학교에서 기자조선은 배우지 않습니다
@carthagecity5424 6 жыл бұрын
HoiNam Superior Southern Chinese He is not a historian, idiot. the dumb who makes the wall in mexico.
@cleango3824 2 жыл бұрын
goguryeo = goryeo = korea
@anahitaazadeh3449 2 жыл бұрын
"korea" is "hanguk" in Korean
@lololol6614 2 жыл бұрын
@@anahitaazadeh3449 ahhh the origin is from corea which was a name called by arabics back in 1300s goryeo dynasty. And it is not goguryeo in historical records, its two goryeos in different time period. 1st goryeo was around goryeo baekje shinla 2nd was around 1000s
@Zephyriia Жыл бұрын
rlly makes u change ur perspective about the vastness yet shortness of history and how everything came down tumultuously into contemporary history
@JM-uh8pj 5 жыл бұрын
Nice vid
@user-yz9pf5bx4j 6 жыл бұрын
6. Hae seo Mask dance Dancing such as Bongsan Talchum, which has been handed down in and around Hwanghae Province in Korea, is known to have originated from mask dance. Bongsanthal was created about 200 years ago, but the Yeongwon can even guess at Goguryeo, a long time ago. Bongsan Talchum's dance table is very similar to a dance by a Koguryo man who dances with a Korean man drawn in the Great Tomb of King Mu on his wrist. The only dance left in Korean dance is the dance tool, which is a very unique dance tool only in Korea. Either way, the Korean people's slow-for-three traditional dance routines may be considered relevant to the dances of the Koguryo people.
@eavyeavy2864 11 ай бұрын
irrelevant to vid
@gravedigger7763 4 жыл бұрын
Me: I'm Japanese and love Korea. No one: No Living Soul: *Toyotomi: I'm* *invading* *Korea.* history is cruel to me
@user-qh3hv3fv9w 4 жыл бұрын
@asgayaajigeeyuui7152 4 жыл бұрын
@z z nah Japan is cool, just Hideyoshi was a bit delusional. Korea and Japan have had such close contact for so long (going back into prehistory), arguably even more than either has had with China. A lot of cultural and even linguistic similarity because of this.
@user-rn3rx1lo7w 4 жыл бұрын
Temir Karakhan Uuli didnt arabs kill each other as well? infact they are doing it until today and Korea, Japan are not one country u stupid
@user-ce9cm4wk1s 4 жыл бұрын
z z I love Japan too😭😭 I hope we can get along together someday...🥺🙏🏽🙏🏽
@nigelmccure6640 4 жыл бұрын
I have massive respect for you brother you are definitely the only Japanese person who regenerates their curl history with other countries so I just actually want to thank you for respecting other countries that your Country made some very stupid decisions
@ilovetotri23 Жыл бұрын
Jeepers that was fast! Thanks for the video!
@silverhand2151 Жыл бұрын
One feature I would like is a visual timeline that is left on the screen and filled in as we progress that shows the range of each major timeperiod or dynasty. Great content
@CrazyRevy 4 жыл бұрын
I actually didn't know alot of this so was nice quick thing to get me more up to date and I've gone off own my own to learn more. Thank you for this honestly as weird as it is I love learning about history of other countries as weird as it is
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@barbiebarbie1813 Жыл бұрын
Goguryeo is a local regime established by the northern Chinese. The Founder of Goguryeo, JUMONG(朱蒙) Is Actually Chinese Pronunciation. Goguryeo was a northern Han area (and different government opinions, like the relationship between Taiwan and Hong Kong today) in the Tang Dynasty's governance regime. Baekje, SILLA is also the place of power governance in China. These are regional regimes created by the Han people in the north. (Obviously prove this from a lot of historical data and unearthed cultural relics).The original Korean indigenous people at the southernmost tip of the Korean are slaves. They were convened and became slaves. Baekje, Silla, Goryeo, Li Dynasty (It is ancient Chinese territory and jurisdiction). The founder and the royal noble members of the royal family are Chinese. They are wearing Han officials' clothing and using Chinese characters. Civilians and slaves are indigenous Koreans at the southern end of the peninsula. In ancient , Koreans were called "white clothes nation". Their traditional clothes were pure white and no patterns (because no dyes and dyeing technology), and adult women's clothing exposed nipples (the Korean think of being glorious and beautiful). Korean women have always used their heads to move anything (like African indigenous people). The ancient Koreans have always insisted on wearing white clothes * The Chinese ruler of the Han regime on the peninsula (Baekje king, Silla king, Goryeo king, Joseon li king ).They don't like Korean traditions that Koreans wear white. Because this is in Chinese culture, it means that they will wear pure white clothes at the family funeral ceremony. Therefore, pure white clothes are not auspicious. Starting from Goryeo King in the second half of the 13th century, To many kings of the Joseon Li Dynasty : Taizu太祖, Taizong大宗, Sejong世宗, Yan Shanjun燕山君, Renzong仁宗, Xianzong顯宗, Su Zong肅宗 ........They all command and prohibit all Koreans wear white clothes. The Korean people resist. In the end, it is invalid. But Koreans think that they insist on wearing white clothes and adult women to show their nipples. It is the most obvious traditional Korean culture in their national costumes. This can clearly determine the identity of the Chinese and Koreans. Contrary to the traditional culture of Korean people. When the traditional Chinese culture represents the funeral ceremony of the family, it will only wear pure white clothes without patterns. Pure white clothes without patterns in ancient China were taboos. Representing family members of the family died. Goryeo's founding king-Wang Jian (王建). Wang Jian (王建) is very obviously the immigrants or descendants of the Han people (whether the culture of clothes is the Han culture), this possibility is quite high. Because Wang Jian is the descendant of the Chinese (Han), the regime he has established follows the abbreviation of the ancient country Goguryeo, as the new national name Goryeo. The Korean at the southern end of the peninsula were called as workers and slaves (wearing pure white clothes and women to show nipples). Later, they became the civilians of Goryeo . The history of the Korean nation is the history of slave. They have never sovereignty.
@barbiebarbie1813 Жыл бұрын
1910. Japan has swallowed Korea. The Japanese believe that some of the low -level Korean traditional culture and primitive (women expose their nipples and transport things on their heads) are very primitive and backward. The Japanese banned Korean women from exposing the nipples (the traditional Korean costume. Hanbok). The Korean people strongly resisted. Koreans believe that this is a traditional culture of Korea. They insist on retention. In the Korean capital city. As long as the Japanese see those Korean women who show their nipples, they will give them penalties and slaps. After that, the Korean capital city gradually reduces Korean women's nipples. They cover the nipples with a piece of cloth. (But in the place where there are fewer Japanese soldiers. Korean women still maintain the traditional culture that exposes nipples). Until 1950, Westerners were still taking photos in Korea. A photo of Korean women showing nipples on the street (traditional Korean clothing). In 1970, this kind of Korean traditional culture disappeared completely. The real Korean traditional costumes are pure white (the Korean people have been known as the "white nation" since ancient times), and women's clothes are exposed (the Korean people show their nipples to represent the beauty). This reflects the ancient Korean people and thoughts.
@yupark414 6 жыл бұрын
GoJoseon/Great Joseon(고조선, 古朝鮮) = Kokuryeo/Goguryeo(고구려, 高句麗) = Balhae(발해, 渤海) = Baekje(백제, 百濟) = Silla(신라, 新羅) = Gaya(가야, 加耶) = Koryeo/Goryeo(고려, 高麗) = Joseon(조선, 朝鮮) → *KOREA*
@busyhoneybee4517 6 жыл бұрын
Gojoseon is Old joseon not Great Joseon
@busyhoneybee4517 6 жыл бұрын
AGHa-eunhachi, Of course Balhae is not todays Korea. 1000years ago Korea was not existed yet but Balhae people was ancestory of nowadays Korean. Goguryeo people = Balhae people were definitely not todays Chinese as well.
@busyhoneybee4517 6 жыл бұрын
AGHa-eunhachi, same area different era. Goguryeo ocuupied the area.I said ancestory of today Korea. I don't say they are Koreans. At that time China was not existed too.
@busyhoneybee4517 6 жыл бұрын
Aisin, Are you insisting 1000 years ago China existed? Goguryeo & Balhae were ancestor of todays Korean. Are you chinese? Your country has fabricated history education. You are brainwashed if you got chinese education.
@busyhoneybee4517 6 жыл бұрын
너 조선족이지? 중국의 소수민족. 한국사가 발해를 연구하고 밝혀내었는데 조선레짐은 뭐야? 이름이 이상한거보니 몽골인이겠네.
@paulcho4185 5 жыл бұрын
Nicely done!
@minseokjeong8394 5 жыл бұрын
Good one, good job
@la_void9750 4 жыл бұрын
I love Korea I hope I visit there someday, love from 🇺🇸🇲🇽.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@JtheKproduction 6 жыл бұрын
Korean history nerd-approved. Fast but accurate. Good job!
@icarus5694 6 жыл бұрын
중국이라는 말은 동이족들의 세계관으로 세종의 훈민정음 혜례본에도 나온다. "나랏말싸미 듕귁과 달아~"의 듕귁은 조정 즉 중앙정부라는 말로 양반 계급 이상의 한자와 일반백성이 쓰던 가림토,이두,향약 등의 기호문자와 다르다는 말로, 일반백성은 뜻글자인 한자어보다 순우리말을 쓰고 있었다는 뜻임 '중국'명칭은 고대부터 지금까지 조선 조정 외에는 사용한 문헌이 없으며 손문의 '중화인민공화국'에서 사용되기 시작한다 대륙을 차이나로 부른 것은 겨우 15년만에 망한 진시황의 '진'나라에서 유래된 명칭이다 진시왕이 모든 선비들을 죽이고 분서갱유한 근본원인은 '한자'가 동이족 문자여서 말살한 거다 한자의 기원인 갑골문자는 동이족 특권층인 제사장들의 제사문자였고, 그보다 더 오래된 골각문자도 동이족 문자라고 차이나 학자들도 인정했고, 요.순 도 동이족이 발원한 나라고 팔조금법도 동이족의 법체계였고, 고대 대륙의 동북부는 고조선, 부여는 물론, 후에 대륙남부가 백제의 12담로중 한 곳이어서 지금도 '백제허'라는 마을이 있다 또 차이나가 은폐하려고 나무를 심은 중부 산시 성의 시안 시의 반경 100킬로미터 이내의 진천 평원에는 이집트 피라미드보다 더 큰 고조선의 거대피라미드 군집이 있으며, 고구려 장수왕(광개포대왕 아들) 피라미드는 길림성 지안현에 있다 대륙역사를 보면 대부분 동이족인 원.금.청등에 장기적으로 지배당한 역사이며 청의 시조는 신라의 김행이며 청의 마지막 황제 이름도 愛新覺羅 傅儀, 즉 겨례(신라를 사랑하는 金씨) 부의다 차이나의 각종 역사기록 문헌에서도 고대 대륙을 지배했던 민족은 동이족 이었다는 기록들이 속속들이 발견되고 있다 일본은 백제가 망하면서 담로였던 열도로 4백만이 이주했고, 신라와 고구려와 발해가 망하면서 중부 북부로 건너가서 다이묘를 이루고 세력다툼을 하고, 원시채집문화던 오끼나와는 삼별초가 건너가 비로소 성을 쌓고 도자기를 굽기 시작했다 백제의 12담로는 동남아 각지에 있어 아직도 인도네시아에도 유사한 문화가 많이 남이 있다. 사실 제갈공명과 공자도 동이족이며, 러시아 부리야트부터 사하공화국과 사할린도 동이족들이고, 알류우산 열도의 아막낙 섬에서 온돌이 발견되고 아메리카와 중남미 원주민의 말과 놀이문화와 음악과 복식의 유사성을 보면 동이족들이 이주해 간 것으로 고고학계는 보고 있다
@user-cp7lj4xj7w 6 жыл бұрын
Gojoseon, the first kingdom started BC 2333
@JtheKproduction 6 жыл бұрын
jxw32 jeez keep it civil
@kkndkknd 6 жыл бұрын
Goguryoe shares no cultural or racial relationship with modern Korean. Goguryoe is merely a kingdom that originates from North Eastern Asia, not Korean peninsula. The only relationship with Korean is Goguryoe occupied large territory of Korean peninsula, and got extinguish by Korean and Chinese. Even till today, Korean is still a puppet country of US and China, I can understand Korean are pretty frustrated about their dim past, but please respect the history before stealing someone else's as your own.
@kkndkknd 6 жыл бұрын
Get independent first, and then you are at the position to call others "poor" :)
@dynamicpunk7570 5 жыл бұрын
That was fast and very informative 👍
@EpimetheusHistory 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@neurofiedyamato8763 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the quick overlook just what I needed to connect various piece of Asian history.
@shooby117 6 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear Admiral Yi Sun Sin getting a mention.The most respectable korean in history!
@hangzhao8060 5 жыл бұрын
Why do you call 李舜臣 Yi Sun-sin and call 李明博 Lee Myung-bak, they have the same surname
@taiundoo8435 5 жыл бұрын
@@hangzhao8060 both are super off from the actual original pronounciation. Writing foreign words in english often butchers the actual sound. The 'e' sound like the one used for 'elastic'' is much closer.
@hangzhao8060 5 жыл бұрын
@James Cho Yeah Roaminizing is silly, especially using Romanizing sound system
@hangzhao8060 5 жыл бұрын
@@taiundoo8435Thank you, so a lot of information is lost in translation
@moclykim8220 2 жыл бұрын
The northern part of the great wall is not Chinese land.It was dominated by Mongolian and Manchurian ,Koreans.Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall of China to prevent so-called Northern Orang Cae.Since then, China was conquered by the Kim Dynasty and Mongolia.also the Manchurians conquered China and ruled for 300 years (1616~1912). Manchuria Wonryugo(滿洲源流考) compiled during Qing Dynasty, also identifies that 金(kim) Dynasty is originated from the surname of the king of Silla (korea) 대금(大金, 여진어:  /amba-an antʃu-un/[1], 1115년 1월 28일 ~ 1234년) 金=Kim=korean family name "The Gojoseon(ancient korea) civilization that appeared 5,000 years ago was the third ancient civilization in the world after the Mesopotamian civilization (5500 years ago) and the Egyptian civilization (5100 years ago). The Gojoseon civilization was 1500 years ahead of the Hwangha(china) civilization.
@GermanEonni 6 жыл бұрын
Great one! Good job on the pronunciations! :) Thanks a lot for this great video
@EpimetheusHistory 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I am glad you liked it :D
@user-pv3cn7xo1i 5 жыл бұрын
um no, silla is actually pronounced sin-la.
@cloudperson890 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-hw4br9nd4p oh stfu
@djson1 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but I just couldn't get past the way 고조선 was pronounced.
@Randomstupidthings 5 жыл бұрын
, 💕
@Macktsflix 5 жыл бұрын
Actually i was searching for this info ty for the video..
@LuluAllam3 4 жыл бұрын
I really interested in the history of Korea thanks for this video!
@sunthlower4812 5 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry you've had to endure all the weird comments! This is a great video ^_^
@Larsanator 6 жыл бұрын
I've always been a lover of Korea. Their History is a gripping read. Well done.
@moclykim8220 2 жыл бұрын
The northern part of the great wall is not Chinese land.It was dominated by Mongolian and Manchurian ,Koreans.Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall of China to prevent so-called Northern Orang Cae.Since then, China was conquered by the Kim Dynasty and Mongolia.also the Manchurians conquered China and ruled for 300 years (1616~1912). Manchuria Wonryugo(滿洲源流考) compiled during Qing Dynasty, also identifies that 金(kim) Dynasty is originated from the surname of the king of Silla (korea) 대금(大金, 여진어:  /amba-an antʃu-un/[1], 1115년 1월 28일 ~ 1234년) 金=Kim=korean family name "The Gojoseon(ancient korea) civilization that appeared 5,000 years ago was the third ancient civilization in the world after the Mesopotamian civilization (5500 years ago) and the Egyptian civilization (5100 years ago). The Gojoseon civilization was 1500 years ahead of the Hwangha(china) civilization
@cherilynke7455 2 жыл бұрын
@@moclykim8220 wrong
@hillbollen5851 2 жыл бұрын
@@moclykim8220 fake history
@dtcao6476 2 жыл бұрын
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for y'all. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@user-gv3yh2lq7o 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for marking Gojoseon, Goguryeo and Bohai as Korean history.
@rucyjw 2 жыл бұрын
A sad reality where we have to be thankful for someone telling the truth....
@rucyjw 2 жыл бұрын
and it would be better for you to write Balhae, not Bohai.
@Thistledove 5 жыл бұрын
Good job. Again a great guide. My Korean T.V. drama's will make more sense now I hope.
@dhafin643 4 жыл бұрын
It’s all Japan’s fault that korea divided in the first place
@dhafin643 4 жыл бұрын
SwiftKill well yes but history can be a good alternate if the ussr didn’t invade north Korea and just pushed the Japanese troops there during the time they invaded Manchuria.
@zedz4397 4 жыл бұрын
Mostly because of the cold war.
@canond7537 4 жыл бұрын
@@zedz4397 Mostly because of the destabilization the Japanese emprie casued resulting in a power vaccum. That vaccum was filled by two western powers that split Korea up like some spoils of war. Japan's Great Co East Asian Sphere wasn't the Pan-Asian ideology that they sold to be, but more along the lines of Japanese superemacy. What do you think the cold war basically was? It was just two greedy superpowers setting former colonies up for proxy civil wars.
@zedz4397 4 жыл бұрын
@@canond7537 Yea if Korea was able to hold tight against Japan it probably wouldn't have splited
@makky6239 4 жыл бұрын
@@zedz4397 if wasn't a axis territory wouldn't be divided by the allies in the first place
@michaelsmusicinstruments9980 3 жыл бұрын
unbelievable that you managed to pack it all in 5 minutes. Big respect
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@efafe4972 Жыл бұрын
@@SOK-ks3it ​ @S. OK Koreans adopted chinese writing government farming and philosophy from the Chinese after the han empire defeated them. plenty of primary sources reflect this. pretty much all modern historians agree with this. calm down bro no one cares about what you have to say.
@efafe4972 Жыл бұрын
@@SOK-ks3it how do you care this much?
@tennas 5 жыл бұрын
Nice. Well documented.
@jasonmontehermoso8588 4 жыл бұрын
Good Job!
@malikwang1233 4 жыл бұрын
Hi,korean friends. I come from shandong,rencently I found that some of my ancestors may came from goguryeo. They were the Goguryeo warriors who crossed the sea to shandong peninsula(半岛)and built a Semi-independent country(平卢淄青镇) I feel that we have many connections with Korea and the history facts have been ignored by our textbooks.
@canond7537 4 жыл бұрын
It's cool for a Chinese person to admit something like this even though sino centrism is so prevelent in Chinese nationalism, especially today. Not gana lie, Korean history books tends to glorify some questionable things as well but I don't think we've ever laid heavily unjust claims to certain territories or history. No one in Korea genuinely belives Hanja was invented in Korea or that Confucius was Korean, so I hope a lot of Chinese people will believe that Goguryeo was in fact a Korean kingdom with a distinct seperate identity from China.
@user-qh3hv3fv9w 4 жыл бұрын
I'm korean but my ancestors are came from the Tang dynasty. Korean and Han Chinese has less genetic connection compared to Japanese and Mongolian(Manchurian), but if we saw individuals we have big connections.
@malikwang1233 4 жыл бұрын
@@user-qh3hv3fv9w Yes that's right. One more thing is that if we consider the Han people in China as a whole , the connection between Korean and Chinese is negligible. But if we divide China into different regions,shandong(my hometown) must be the region that has the closest connection with Korea. For example, former Korean 노태우's ancestor was from shandong, and many people like me have Gogurey and Silla ancestors.
@malikwang1233 4 жыл бұрын
@@canond7537 Chinese government invented this concept that gogurey is a Chinese kingdom to prove their sovereignty in Manchuria. In my view,Goguryeo is very similar to Liao(Khitan) Dynasty in Chinese history. If Liao is a Chinese dynasty then Gogurey is a Korean dynasty. But I can't say those things in Chinese forums. LoL
@malikwang1233 4 жыл бұрын
@말다음 Shandong is the place 南宫 originated, we have very close relationship with Korea in history!
@MINSUNG_B_2003 4 жыл бұрын
Im korean and im very impressed at your great pronounce and detail thx for the video but I wish the north and south korea had more explain:)!!!
@minhobang2626 3 жыл бұрын
haha indeed. Kim Min Sok if that's how you spell it in English version :)
@watermelon540 5 жыл бұрын
Simple and easy! Great! Love to you from Korea, afterthinker!
@jameskelman9856 5 жыл бұрын
Well done! Thanks!
@oskibila3938 6 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!! I watched one about China, because I study Chinese and Korean, and now you just made one about Korea hahahaha I study these languages on my own. I'm from Iruña/Pamplona. If you are looking for a challenge why not another about "The History of the Basque Country (or Navarre or however you want to call it)"? You a super neutral and accurate. That would be really interesting.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for you here. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@elenielenaki2991 4 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Greece you have a wonderful language and culture Koryo the 1st dan of taekwondo poomsae is about the invasion of the Mongols and it depicts the movements and the courage of the Goryeo dynasty that used to successfully defeat them
@minhobang2626 3 жыл бұрын
Nice, Greetings from a Joseon Heritage I approve my friend!
@kawosdhdos 3 жыл бұрын
Ayyy greeceeeee
@moclykim8220 2 жыл бұрын
The northern part of the great wall is not Chinese land.It was dominated by Mongolian and Manchurian ,Koreans.Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall of China to prevent so-called Northern Orang Cae.Since then, China was conquered by the Kim Dynasty and Mongolia.also the Manchurians conquered China and ruled for 300 years (1616~1912). Manchuria Wonryugo(滿洲源流考) compiled during Qing Dynasty, also identifies that 金(kim) Dynasty is originated from the surname of the king of Silla (korea) 대금(大金, 여진어:  /amba-an antʃu-un/[1], 1115년 1월 28일 ~ 1234년) 金=Kim=korean family name "The Gojoseon(ancient korea) civilization that appeared 5,000 years ago was the third ancient civilization in the world after the Mesopotamian civilization (5500 years ago) and the Egyptian civilization (5100 years ago). The Gojoseon civilization was 1500 years ahead of the Hwangha(china) civilization.
@SOK-ks3it 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, please allow me to drop some corrections regarding the vid for y'all. Corrections: 1. Korea has over 5000 years of history, not 2000. If you studied Korean history with US textbooks or Chinese textbooks or/and Chinese portal Baidu (which can change its words multiple times per day as wish), chances are you learned manipulated and inaccurate history of Korea by Chinese historians. 2. @0:18 Han empire never minimized Korean peninsula like that. In fact, in the ancient time, the very first dynasty of Korea, Goguryeo 고구려 (or Goguri 고구리), lasted more than seven hundred years while China changed the nation's names and administrations for thirty-six times. Not only the peninsula and some southern part of current Russia, but Korea also expanded its territories to the Eastside to middle of the mainland China as evident in many ancient books, as well as great deals of Korean historical legacy buried in such areas in China and Russia have been found. Crucial additions: China worked on US history textbooks to publish its own inaccurate theories on China and neighbor foreign nations' histories. In terms of Korean history part, China manipulated 3260 years of Korean history from BC 2333 - AD 927 to as if China was ruling current North Korea land, when in reality, the 38th parallel north line between the South and the North has been set only after the Korean war in 1953. Korea that has 5000 years of history was strong and independent enough to inherit one another through Goguri to Joseon dynasty. China's project all began in the late 1980s, when a Chinese male researcher studied Korean history in Seoul, getting warm welcome, help, and care from his Korean peer researchers. A few years later, he returned back home and in 1993 published his work. It turned out that his text read different from the historical evidences and facts; using the sources Korean scholars provided for him, the Chinese man twisted the interrelation between the two countries in China's favor presumably with a purpose... Now, Chinese researchers have been developing their problematic theories for four decades and to make the matter worse insists that many Korean traditions such as Kimchi and Hanbok are theirs. In 2022, a Korean scholar published a series of books which prove and pinpoint with legit proofs that why Chinese theories are incorrect and misleading. Should you be curious of more details, please do not hesitate to ask me - I'm open for any question. 1) 2-1) 2-2) 3-1) (-----> this Korean scholar explains China's manipulation on Korean history and its processes over four decades)
@barbiebarbie1813 Жыл бұрын
1910. Japan has swallowed Korea. The Japanese believe that some of the low -level Korean traditional culture and primitive (women expose their nipples and transport things on their heads) are very primitive and backward. The Japanese banned Korean women from exposing the nipples (the traditional Korean costume. Hanbok). The Korean people strongly resisted. Koreans believe that this is a traditional culture of Korea. They insist on retention. In the Korean capital city. As long as the Japanese see those Korean women who show their nipples, they will give them penalties and slaps. After that, the Korean capital city gradually reduces Korean women's nipples. They cover the nipples with a piece of cloth. (But in the place where there are fewer Japanese soldiers. Korean women still maintain the traditional culture that exposes nipples). Until 1950, Westerners were still taking photos in Korea. A photo of Korean women showing nipples on the street (traditional Korean clothing). In 1970, this kind of Korean traditional culture disappeared completely.
@annedevon8666 4 жыл бұрын
Good capsule history of this aspect of Korean history. Useful context for historical period dramas, films
@g3o5d 3 жыл бұрын
Very informative. Thank you.
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