Take Accountability For Your Actions - Simon Sinek BEST Motivational Video Ever!

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Alpha Leaders

Alpha Leaders

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@PinkYellowGreen2023 11 ай бұрын
Accountability is the ultimate grown up move that many never make. To acknowledge the role you played in a situation good or bad is to show empathy for yourself and others. It means to realize that the facade of always being right is just that - a facade. To so many Americans,being accountable for the way their actions effect others is a lesson never learned.
@jasontwinn6817 9 ай бұрын
as an inexperienced leader in a field I am very experienced in I always find Simon Sinek both informative and inspiring. I want to be good at being a leader but its not an easy task
@YuliaGrushevskaya-bi6he 10 ай бұрын
Every emotion has a right to exist never blame yourself encourage yourself love yourself❤ be independent of good opinion of other people be humble there are people who know much more then you.
@VK-Talks Жыл бұрын
So so inspiring Simon. Everytime I listen to you, I experience a connection with you... Your talks are personal and connect with the heart. ❤ God Bless You
@ElevateSportsMotivation 9 ай бұрын
Never give up, no matter how tough it gets. This video embodies that spirit!
@ResultsDrivenLeadership 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely crucial advice! Taking accountability for both successes and failures is key to genuine growth and leadership. Simon Sinek’s insights in this video will inspire you to embrace responsibility in all aspects of life. This empowering perspective for a deeper understanding of how accountability can change your approach to life and leadership!
@mkovacsagi 11 ай бұрын
Csak egy kiegészítés: az orvos neve, aki rájött a halálozások okára és a megoldásra, a fertőtlenítős kézmosásra, Semmelweis Ignác. Úgy éreztem, hogy magyar nőként és anyaként, magyar nyelven kell megosztanom ezt az információt. ❤ Thanks for the video Simon !!!
@emmanuelfabian4408 Жыл бұрын
Love Simon Sinek 🙏
@AlphaLeaders Жыл бұрын
@mausymarchel7016 7 ай бұрын
The great question is: never give up! Simple that!❤
@user-ko1ty4ir3f Жыл бұрын
Really like listening to Simon. The only time I haven't agreed with him was when he talked about cutting in line to get a bagel. I get the "go for what you want" mentality but cutting in front of people doesn't sit well with me.
@lorraine-y3l 9 ай бұрын
Or better still stop gaslighting yourself. Be compassionate to others and yourself ❤
@motivemystic 8 ай бұрын
Wow, this video really hit home for me. Taking accountability for our actions is such an important aspect of personal growth and success. It's not just about taking credit for the things we do right, but also acknowledging where we might have gone wrong and learning from it. Simon Sinek is such a motivational speaker, and this video has inspired me to always strive for self-improvement. Thank you for sharing this uplifting message!
@nashlychitondo3902 Жыл бұрын
Comparison exaggerates our insecurities 👌
@taniabrown5025 9 ай бұрын
Being ahead and behind is an interesting retesting seesaw view when you step back and watch it happen. Stepping in is all about timing. Relationship allows you to know when, where, why, and how.
@rSnGrimmjow 6 ай бұрын
Simon says - let's listen ❤
@jeronimotamayolopera4834 Жыл бұрын
@vinojavino1512 7 күн бұрын
fantastic 🎉
@Ralitera3 7 ай бұрын
OW OW!Thank you, Simon Sinek!
@eduardoaraujo2 Жыл бұрын
the best video I ever seen on youtube
@InnovaCity 7 ай бұрын
God bless you, my friends
@ShaneWenzel 11 ай бұрын
I work with an executive who refuses to acknowledge his errors. He doesn't avoid responsibility, but he makes an effort to deflect or avoid responsibility. What should one do?
@reginaponceperez.7989 10 ай бұрын
This felt like a personal attack, but knowing I've definitely made mistakes that I haven't admitted
@sjhaji Жыл бұрын
Quite impressive Sir.
@tuneshaedmondson4137 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video
@lifeguardonduty9438 Жыл бұрын
You are the reason people think am controversial😂😂..❤❤❤your hard work has not gone unnoticed 🎉. I owe you big time sir
@skratta 10 ай бұрын
I love the infinite game!
@darrenmason9781 11 ай бұрын
@sjhaji Жыл бұрын
Yes I am 💯 the trouble.
@siddharthkrishna7249 22 күн бұрын
Being emotional makes it almost impossible to take accountability because our minds backstab us most if not all the time. That's why growing up I was always burning with envy towards all the other guys who were less sensitive than I was.
@rashiddzambo7789 9 ай бұрын
Good inspiration
@jeronimotamayolopera4834 Жыл бұрын
@siddharthkrishna7249 8 ай бұрын
Me: wants to be accountable Emotions: Nah not happening buddy
@RobertGOrtega-eh9zl 9 ай бұрын
When any individual takes accountability for their actions does not mean you must take accountability for others, unless, you are the cause of another's decision, then it all has to do with ones mindset to either be right or wrong. Question might be what is right or wrong? Well, I'd day that if your actions or speech is causing others to violate the "LAW" or set rule that majority of humanity follow. Then your choice to do right or wrong is your solo decision to follow and you must be held accountable for your mistakes and not blame others for the short-comings of outcome.
@dairy1994 Жыл бұрын
sometimes u have to be real
@neinkalando2519 17 күн бұрын
How much of your youthful life would you sacrifice to achieve the success you want: the problem is many Gen Zers value youth much greater than personal individual success because of the cost of that success because of climate change & inflation
@rishiraj2548 Жыл бұрын
@AlphaLeaders Жыл бұрын
@AprilSunshine Жыл бұрын
It's so funny because that's exactly what i was thinking before he even said it "FREE BAGEL" 😂
@kevinjaramiello7455 Жыл бұрын
Long line 😊
@christopherreid3253 Жыл бұрын
​@@kevinjaramiello7455but... free bagel 😁
@QU35TIONZcc 6 ай бұрын
Great video but the music was really off putting. I'm sorry
@kimberleygaleano8044 6 ай бұрын
@NellLoo Ай бұрын
@chriskopeikin2702 3 ай бұрын
I agree But I don’t think it’s true when you say people cannot have it both ways, taking praise for good deeds and not being accountable for the bad, because people do that and what happens if they don’t? My former spouse has no sense of accountability but nobody punished her for it. She goes on without any sort of punishment for these things and it’s very difficult to deal with.
@SophiaAphrodite 7 ай бұрын
The problem with the bagel parable is Simon thought a free bagel was worth more than his time to get it. The other guy valued his time over the wait for a free bagel. That bagel is not free. It costs you the one thing you cannot get back. Your time. Corporations offer free bagels all the time while taking your time in exchange and convincing you it is worth the exchange of time. Its not. Simon is in the wrong in his own example.
@karanjanjoroge265 7 ай бұрын
In this case he saw free bagel,,he was focused on his goals,not minding of the things he should go through,,maybe you can look at this way,
@candysweet9284 7 ай бұрын
I think you’re missing his point, of course he’s spending his own time to get this free bagel, but so is he if he buys it. He will spend the time he worked to get the money to buy this bagel as well. We waste time on so many things and life goes away either way. But sometimes we have to make small sacrifices to get where we want to be.
@muhammadishmam 6 ай бұрын
That's another way to see the scenario and none is wrong. But, we should understand which worth more.
@marioortega8253 5 ай бұрын
@louisl1616 5 ай бұрын
As soon as you speak in definitives you lose your audience. You have attempted to turn the subjective into the objective. You can say that sometimes what is offered is not worth the effort. You cannot say what is offered is never worth the output. You can say sometimes his argument would not hold water you cannot say for each argument that it does not. Your way of writing tells us you have a high opinion of yourself and you don't consider others.
@sisayHabte-fe8jd 11 ай бұрын
all campne shaped desk for work and then am sorry
@lindajohnson4204 Жыл бұрын
We need to take responsibility for those things for which we are truly responsible. Of course, we should take responsibility for what we do wrong! In fact, we who are believers in Jesus Christ, have done this seriously, at least once, because we were convicted of our own sins, seeing that we needed to be forgiven. Salvation for our own sins is the core, the heart of the most important thing in our lives. But in our world, it generally does not end there. People who don't care about the truth, or even think truth exists, abound. And they tend to value the control of other people above any truth in their own inner man, but it can pay well in terms of pragmatic, worldly payoffs, which is all many of them value. Men and women of truth, they are not. Many of them take pride in how low they will stoop to benefit themselves materially. It is a mess, because that is the America we live in now. For years, the political right wing has believed it owns Christianity. If one objects, the McCarthy-ite solution of accusing the objector of being a Communist, or at least a dreaded liberal, is wmplyed against the objectir. But criticizing the Right is not really giving your blessings to the Left. It is obvious that much of what is labeled of the Left is really wocked, and should never be equuated with the righteouness of God. When you bring God down to that level, why would anyone believe in a God of pragmatic lies and corruption? But the same thing is just as true of the political Right, and its crooked relationship with evangelical Christianity. For years, probably decades, religious figures who were supposed to represent a cozy relationship of God with right-wing politics, would guest on radio shows (which some of them hosted), assuring Christians that our faith was just fine (although "don't be so heavenly minded you're no earthly good!"). This is one absolute scam that was perpetrated on the Bible, to gaslight poor Christians into being those who did not matter, even to God, if they could fool is into believing them. For years and years, these politico-religionists would cite one of their favorite passages in the Bible: when Jesus met the crippled man who sat at the pool of Bethesda, trying to get into the pool, when the angel supposedly disturbed the water, trying to be the first in the pool to claim the healing that the angel supposedly brought. Jesus asked the man a question about what he was doing, and the man said he couldn't get anyone to help him into the pool; as a disabled man, dragging himself to the edge, someone always beat him into the pool to get the healing! What the politico-false-friends of Christianity always said about this Bible verse: The crippled man was basically a welfare fraud, playing on the pity of people to get bybwithout having to work. Jesus could see through him, and knew he didn't want to be healed! So he decided to set a trap to prove what a fraud the man was. "Do you want to be healed?" Jesus asked, knowing all along that he did not. The man gave his explanation of being crippled and unable to get in the water, which Jesus knew was just subterfuge. Jesus commanded the man to take up his bed and walk, ruining yet another welfare scheme. The man did just that. Case closed; welfare cheat exposed. But this political spin "Jesus" must have been _surprised_ by how happy and grateful the man was to be healed at last. "Curses! Foiled again!" How dare these false friends of Christianity use a Bible record of an actual miracle of Jesus, done in God's love, in order to gaslight poor and crippled people that they do not want to be able to support themselves, and are in fact to blame for everything that happens to them! No, we are to blame for exactly what we are to blame for, but what is someone else's doing, is not a thing we can take credit for, and we should do our best not to allow ourselves to be bamboozled by that lying line of gaslighting. They don't just want us falsely gaslighted into the lie that we're to blame for everything, but they want it to hurt with intractable pain: a spear in our hearts that just never relents. And yet, it is based on at least a partial lie. Gaslighting is cruel. No one who has a godly heart for the truth would believe such a lie could be in the service of God..And sorry, politicos, but at a time when the economy has suffered the greatest transfer of wealth in world history, it is very unlikely that the poor are completely responsible for our own poverty. Some of it is due to our own mistakes and sins, but hardly all of it. Are there any drug addicts in poor neighborhoods? yes, and poor residents suffer the most from the crime and tragedy it brings. Many, if not most poor people are not involved, regardless of whether they have been users before. Are there any drug addicts-and drug profiteers-in rich neighborhoods? Of course there are. So is it just or true to accuse everyone who is suffering from the disparity of treatment, from being systematically impoverished, of just being "envious" and "bitter"? No, although poor people are also susceptible to those sins, we have to take responsibility for our own souls, too. But being on the bottom rung of recipients of a massive, cruel scam, hurts. Some things are our fault, but not everything. But a lot of blame goes to the psychopaths and sociopaths who will do this to so many people. As the extremely wealthy increase in power, they act as if they are gladly the depopulating Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and threaten to chip our brains to eradicate free thought, even all sincerity, forever. And that wickedness is on them; it is not poor people's fault at all. It is hardly a matter of poor people's "envy" and "bitterness". What is wrong with it goes far beyond that. So I just don't think we should accept the blame for everything, but should recognize dishonest gaslighting for what it is.
@kacythomas1327 8 ай бұрын
I'll be that then
@riyamanchanda3788 2 ай бұрын
was this not schemelweis?
@Nikhil_Dhand 8 ай бұрын
You use Simin Sinek Research
@dleblanc6883 Жыл бұрын
Just don't care enough about the bagel to wait in line. Life is about choices. Apple and Microsoft are only interested in eliminating the competition and making money.
@derekwhite2929 Жыл бұрын
We haven't left behind mysticism we've just replaced it with the new mysticism of science.
@CharleneCotton-fj7pn Жыл бұрын
Tell the state to be accountable for their actions and do it for the greater good of the community THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN was a good idea SC GOVERNOR IS STUPID
@marshal1808 10 ай бұрын
@gyanprakashraj4062 Жыл бұрын
@ChristopherMartin-ov8ep 8 ай бұрын
I say no
@anastasiakucera3839 7 ай бұрын
Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis discovered the cause of childbed fever? Or did he have to pick an American for his video 😅 talks too much about Microsoft and Apple, only in America I guess can't have a Dr or tech from anywhere else right 😂
@meaugust8104 11 ай бұрын
More I hear the motivator. More I found they talk more bullshit
@Trackstareman23 9 ай бұрын
Why the music? These music tracks cheapen these important words
@mahmut123456 8 ай бұрын
Yep. I turn off the videos which have such stupid music.
@chriszablocki2460 Жыл бұрын
Your generational leader is stranded somewhere in New Mexico? How could you possibly let that happen? Get real, guy. My words and actions in a vacuum effect no one.
@faridaaktar4544 11 ай бұрын
You are the problem
@user-pz2kf2wl1q Жыл бұрын
Mere ko tere se hate hai buri tarah mein tere ko grana karta ho..
@getsmartmedia444 9 ай бұрын
Subliminal is so overated 😂
@RobertGOrtega-eh9zl 9 ай бұрын
When any individual takes accountability for their actions does not mean you must take accountability for others, unless, you are the cause of another's decision, then it all has to do with ones mindset to either be right or wrong. Question might be what is right or wrong? Well, I'd day that if your actions or speech is causing others to violate the "LAW" or set rule that majority of humanity follow. Then your choice to do right or wrong is your solo decision to follow and you must be held accountable for your mistakes and not blame others for the short-comings of outcome.
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