Am I Really TRANS Though? | r/egg_irl

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3 ай бұрын

When you say something very trans and follow it up with 'still cis though'
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@moonbasket 3 ай бұрын
I learned the term "egg" from a transwoman who explained that it started in the trans femme community. The egg cracks and there's a chick inside. That's the original pun. 😊
@hippocraticloaf 3 ай бұрын
@nmanom12 3 ай бұрын
@stylis666 3 ай бұрын
I was simply told that an egg is someone who hasn't realised they're trans, and that made sense to me. An egg is masking what's inside and inhibiting freedom to be oneself. Once someone realises they might be or that they are trans, the egg cracks and starts showing more and more of the person inside, giving more and more freedom to move, until the shell/mask is dropped completely.
@SpookyZombiee 2 ай бұрын
I assume transmen would be dinosaur eggs then
@Lilian040210 2 ай бұрын
Oh. I always interpreted it as a shell that you come out of
Transphobic person: *blurts transphobic stuff* why do you even want to be a man Me: well you’re a guy, right? Imagine being a woman, you’d be uncomfortable, right? Transphobic person: no, I’d enjoy it, but everyone feels that way right Me: … Transp̷h̷o̷b̷i̷c̷ person: ..right..? Edit: Im getting bottom surgery soon ^^ I just wanted you guys to know that this WAS from personal experience, and in fact, I found out I was transmasc in quite the same way, except I wasn’t openly a bigot (when I was.) it just makes me feel SO understood that so many people are going through this same shit. And to anyone who comments and says anything about their experience, how they found out or any stuff like that; I want you to know I AM reading those and I wish you all the best of luck no matter how far you are in your life or transition or whatever you’re going through ^^
@freddiefishton 3 ай бұрын
Oh buddy, do I have news for you
@christinakohl6111 3 ай бұрын
*quiet cracking sounds *
@Asongbook 3 ай бұрын
Really no. There has never been a molecules of a wish to be male, i am a woman abd gid help you if you tell me a girl can't, because I'll just do it bigger, louder, and in a pinker dress.
@joshuanorman2 3 ай бұрын
crossing out "phobic" is a nice touch lol
@The1stPurpleCat 3 ай бұрын
My mom: [Says transphobic stuff to me because she knows I’m LGBT+, but not sure which letter.] Mom: And if I knew about transgenderism when I was a kid, I would have easily been indoctrinated. [describes being a tomboy… with some transmasc thoughts thrown in there like not wanting to be perceived as a girl or wanting a flat chest only cause it’s seen as feminine, and only forcing herself to be feminine cause it was “right”] Me: 🙂… Ok… _____________ My homophobic youth group leader (female) to the girls in youth group: I had two moms, but I always felt like I was missing something because I didn’t have a father figure. Me: ok. Her: Anyway, romantic and sxual attraction are just extensions of platonic feelings but you can choose to have them. Me, aroace: … no??? Her: And everyone knows women are visually attractive. All girls think girls are attractive. It’s normal. You just need to choose your attraction to guys over your attraction to girls. Me, who has never thought that about women: um… ma’am, I think you’re a bit confused… {of course, I did not say anything, because it wouldn’t have been safe to at the time}
@FrozEnbyWolf150 3 ай бұрын
Remember that egg doesn't mean you're trans, or that you aren't. It simply means you're questioning or exploring your gender. There's no pressure one way or another. Some will turn out to still be cis, though cis people who have gone through this exploration tend to make for the best trans allies.
@taliabutton1593 3 ай бұрын
But then if you turn out to be cis, you weren't an egg.
@Soken50 3 ай бұрын
​@@taliabutton1593 Yes you were, the egg isn't about the result, it's about the process. Cis people crack their egg too but they hatch the "expected" way so they don't question it much and it doesn't get much attention since it felt right from the start of the process.
@kayla8402 3 ай бұрын
The basic use is in retrospect, "wow I was such an egg", just means unknowingly in denial or repressed. Once you know you're trans, you've hatched, and then you go "oh I was egg". Or at least that's the original kind of use. People like the metaphor enough it just gets stretched WAY past it's real usability, to the point of "identifying" as an egg. If you want to say it's about questioning, I guess fair enough, but that clashes with a lot of how it's still used.
@xdani_thethinkingneko 3 ай бұрын
Heyyy that’s me!! I socially transitioned for three years. 15-17. I detransitioned at 17. I have borderline personality disorder, and it makes me pick up the traits of people around me. But that is a me thing,That is not the majority of people. I will always be the first person to try to amplify trans voices, and speak out against transphobia. I also tell people that a big reason why I didn’t make a mistake in transitioning physically, is because my parents allowed me to go to gender therapy which allows me to deal with all these issues. I will always advocate for people having access to treatment, and being respected. Makes me happy that you noted that. 🥰
@that_one_person5805 3 ай бұрын
​@@xdani_thethinkingnekoI love people coming to understand themselves more 🎉
@jooree7696 3 ай бұрын
Having eggs for dinner today. I cracked a while ago, but is it still cannibalism?
@ashanenbyrogue804 3 ай бұрын
I think you're safe from cannibalism for now, as long as you are no longer an egg.
@2percentth0t 3 ай бұрын
A cracked egg is still an egg…sooo I have some bad news for u 🥲
@ashanenbyrogue804 3 ай бұрын
​@@2percentth0thmm but they have evolved past the egg, does that mean no trans person can eat eggs because we've all cracked some time ago?
@Panguinolucy 3 ай бұрын
⁠yeah still cannibalism, also means Gaston is a horrible monster
@TheVoiceinTheDarkness 3 ай бұрын
@@Panguinolucy This is brilliant toke me a minue to get it?
@abigailkaterbergcolibaba 3 ай бұрын
"does Canada have bears?" Me, a Canadian, laughs incredulously We have so many bears we have a territory where the license plate is shaped like a polar bear 😂😂😂
@2percentth0t 3 ай бұрын
I’ve actually never heard someone ask that. Usually I see just people from the states thinking we have polar bears instead of vehicles 🤨 Jammi’s question makes a lot more sense 😅 -edit: spelling
@Idknlandwh123 3 ай бұрын
so it's russia #2?
@waydromeda 3 ай бұрын
​@@Idknlandwh123only naturewise tho the rest is pretty far away from each other
@ellisburton8733 3 ай бұрын
No bears in Wales..... Just rainnnnnn 🤿🎣
@jakethepillowsnake5302 3 ай бұрын
I initially misread this as "Does Canada have beers?" In either case, yes, many.
@Flaming_Pulsar 3 ай бұрын
Random thought: if gay trans femmes are called transbians, does that mean gay trans mascs would be called trays?
@avocado_pop 3 ай бұрын
yes we are food trays
@G-Forces 3 ай бұрын
As a transbian, I support this.
@RZDraws 3 ай бұрын
The stars were aligned for me specifically to be called a tray: ☆Trans ☆MLM ☆Has a degree as a baker ☆Has a love for puns Now whenever someone asks for a tray, I can just walk in and go "I hear my presence was requested?"
@Flaming_Pulsar 3 ай бұрын
@@RZDraws ha! I love it
@woodykrska9947 3 ай бұрын
@@RZDraws*the chosen one has arrived to fullfill the prophecy*
@emory5533 3 ай бұрын
When i first learned what a TERF was i felt so betrayed and i thought it was just because im a really good trans rights ally 🥚
@Sam..123 3 ай бұрын
Haha, so relatable. This was how my egg started cracking too.
@katanah3195 3 ай бұрын
This for me, but with transphobia in general. I was just like, I may not fully understand, but why the hell be mean to them and misgender on purpose, when being polite and using the terms and name they request costs me literally nothing? It does no good for anyone and just makes people upset? So, like, why not be nice? Being nice is free, transphobia takes effort, so just... be nice? Be civil? Be respectful? It doesn't cost a dime. Took me a long time to understand not every cis person who feels that way about transphobia feels it out of a belief that trans people are perfectly normal and everyone wishes they weren't their birth sex sometimes, trans people are just the ones brave enough to do something about it.
@minestar2247 3 ай бұрын
Well, its just a pretty interesting divide and conquer strategy, also with the tendency that the left is way more chaotic and disunited than the "keep things as they are" or "go back to the good old days" crowds
@plant_based_kitten_ 3 ай бұрын
what’s a TERF?
@MoodyMickey 3 ай бұрын
I think there was more than a few things that made me realize I'm nonbinary. But seeing transphobia and feeling personally hurt by it whenever I saw it was definitely one of them
@EmiSuess 3 ай бұрын
"I wish I was a cute lesbian" is something I said as a "straight" cis woman. Lol For me it was a very cis thought... Just... Also a closeted gay thought. 😅🌈 (Also if anyone needs to hear this- I'm married to a beautiful woman. I did realize my cute lesbian dreams and you can too! We love you ❤️)
@KittyMax97 3 ай бұрын
Best advice I ever got was “IF YOU THINK YOU MIGHT BE FAKING IT, YOU’RE NOT“ this goes for “am I just doing it because all my friends are trans?” (That was my dilemma) or “Do I just want to be different?” Etc. etc. faking it is a conscious choice. If you’re not sure if you’re faking it, you aren’t faking it.
@rowanrobbins 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this! It makes so much sense!
@nikitatavernitilitvynova 3 ай бұрын
Honestly the best follow up to your advice is this goes so well for people with mental disabilities/disorders too. A lot of us have been pushed away from these labels because we don't fit the standardized portrayal of such illnesses (like autsims and adhd in my case) that most of us feel like we're faking it because we don't have it as bad. The point is faking something would make you uncomfortable. Like for me I could dress super boyish but I could not pretend to be a guy for one second. I'm super feminine and bubbly. But on the other hand if someone asked me to stop pretending to be mentally disabled I couldn't. If someone asked me to not stim or to look in their eyes I'd be mad. Because I can't control these actions most of the time. It's not my fault. I'm guessing it's the same for trans people.
@SparkleLuna77 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. My child has just told me they’re a trans woman and she has trans friends so it did cross my mind. I 100% love my children and I will love them no matter what so I felt incredibly guilty when I was secretly upset when they told me, scared I was losing the child I’ve known for almost 18 years. It’s actually day 2 of me knowing and I am feeling better and I’m determined to help my daughter be the woman she tells me she is.
@msjkramey 3 ай бұрын
I feel like my bi card is going to get revoked because I haven't dated a girl since early high school
@Frogies_are_cool 3 ай бұрын
​@@msjkrameythe people you have dated does not determine your sexuallity. Sexuallity is who you're attracted to, not the people you're together with. You could call yourself bi even if you had never even held hands with a girl.
@hiwaga7399 3 ай бұрын
I'm afab genderfluid and I cut my hair into a "boy's" haircut a few months ago and normally i get clocked as a tomboy, but yesterday a lil boy called me "mister" and the euphoria is great y'all.
@playerrequiem4120 3 ай бұрын
I’m guessing you get bullied
@kaspianepps7946 3 ай бұрын
Early in the pandemic I was waiting outside a pharmacy and the small child next in line asked their parents "why is that man so short?". The parents were really apologetic, but I was really happy that the child perceived me as a man while I was wearing a mask. Also, being "misgendered" helped me realise I was trans, because I couldn't understand why people were so apologetic when they realised.
@hiwaga7399 3 ай бұрын
@@playerrequiem4120i was actually lol but for being autistic not for being nongenderconforming (i am, for reasons unknowable, conventionally attractive and have become a "fashion icon" in school. its really weird and i don't get why people think its so innovative to wear fun colors.)
@TrueWalker88 3 ай бұрын
Why don't you like being a girl? Do you not like them?
@wintergray1221 2 ай бұрын
@@kaspianepps7946 "Also, being 'misgendered' helped me realise I was trans" That was one of my clues, too. I'm NB agenderfluid and never understood why people seemed horrified or offended on my behalf for their own "mistake." It was always just "yeah okay whatever" to me.
@Layn75 3 ай бұрын
The "is it attraction or envy" thing was such a mess for me when I was a teen. Turns out I'm asexual. It was all 100% envy all along, but even harder to tell when you don't feel any attraction to compare it to.
@chesh1rek1tten 3 ай бұрын
As a gay trans man I can feel your struggle. It's so hard to figure both out at the same time.
@beesquestionmark 3 ай бұрын
That text convo with all the “yes” answers reminds me of the scene with Patrick denying it’s his wallet lmao 🤦🏻‍♂️
@DinosaurNick 3 ай бұрын
I was assigned a mistake at birth
@Stachelbeeerchen 3 ай бұрын
​@@DinosaurNickmake them regret saying that by being more awesome then they ever were or will be.
@Leena79 3 ай бұрын
For me, I think the point of cracking was understanding that most women actually enjoy calling themselves women, instead of feeling like an impostor. I still don't quite know where I fit in, but it's somewhere outside of the binary.
@rowanrobbins 3 ай бұрын
Me, too!!!🤗
@katanah3195 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, this. I didn't notice as a child, because "boy" and "girl" are both... not *correct* but *acceptable,* but I figured it out pretty quick as an adult because "woman" is so *wrong* and "man" is even worse.
@nitzanshu4695 3 ай бұрын
Same, women or men aren't incredibly wrong for me, but they also don't feel like they should? Its just feeling weird.
@haileybalmer9722 3 ай бұрын
Oh, look, it's my people! Isn't it comforting to know you're not the only one? I had a late night conversation with my best friend in middle school. I can't remember what I said, but she said "are you sure you're supposed to be a girl?" And I said "no, but I don't think I'm supposed to be a boy either." She paused for a second and said "that's ok. I'm pretty sure I'm both."
@user-jf3lo6ss2i 3 ай бұрын
As a woman in my mid 50's I've always felt a mixture of feminine and masculine, as do many of my friends because we grow up in a unique community where women are not expected to conform to gender stereotypes. I was very aware of girls and women being objectified, especially when my older sister hit puberty, so I was aware at about the age of 9 how girls and women are treated in society. My own personal view is that if we binned gender stereotypes then most people would feel a mixture of masculine and feminine.
@EvilPatata 3 ай бұрын
I see eggs as Digimon. You are one small and cute being at the beginning, crack that egg and you come out as a godly/furry/mecha/etc powerfull beast.
@FrozEnbyWolf150 3 ай бұрын
Digimon actually introduced me to the concept of gender as a social construct, specifically the iconic line spoken by Renamon in Digimon Tamers. Digital lifeforms and artificial general intelligence wouldn't need biological sexes, and their gender would depend on the social roles and relationships they take on. Different dubs of Digimon have interpreted the same character as feminine or masculine, and a particular digimon could be any gender despite having the same appearance, like the Piyomon in Savers being masculine while the one in Adventure is feminine. I personally interpreted them all as nonbinary by default. Except when it comes to their code.
@EvilPatata 3 ай бұрын
wow, digimon was part of my childhood but did not knew that. now im loving it even more @@FrozEnbyWolf150
@SupermewX300 3 ай бұрын
And you shouldn't worry if it takes time, a Digimon egg takes 5-7 transformations before it reaches its complete form.
@Tachii31 3 ай бұрын
Or sometimes the powerful beast is an attractive woman.
@skolljumper 3 ай бұрын
That Digimon also digivolve into different forms at different times appeals to me
@emilysmith2965 3 ай бұрын
I think the biggest thing about the egg metaphor is that you can’t smash an egg and expect that to work. It has to hatch by itself… even if you KNOW there’s a baby bird in there, you can’t get it out before IT IS TIME.
@electronics-girl 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely true, although I wish someone had incubated me better, or something. I was ready to hatch 25 years ago if I had been in the right environment, but I wasn't.
@piercedsiren 2 ай бұрын
Leave people time to discover themselves. I only discovered I was enby in my 20's. I have a sneaking suspicion that my friend (younger than me) is also trans but I can't tell them obviously. It's their choice. Maybe they're just a really passionate ally. (We've all been there)
@emilysmith2965 2 ай бұрын
@@electronics-girl yeah I relate to that
@lilharm 2 ай бұрын
*yeeesssssss* I’ve seen people trying to force others to crack, even though that’ll only kill the chick inside instead, you can help the egg by providing a safe place for it to hatch into, such as how a mother bird will keep its nest warm and safe
@vidyasreeram2587 Ай бұрын
My life has improved after encountering such an adorable metaphor
@PartikleVT 3 ай бұрын
My eggiest moment: "I wish I was trans so I could partake in this subreddit, their memes are so relatable"
@maxversLn 2 ай бұрын
I guess you can now!
@frenchfriar 3 ай бұрын
The one about getting chased by bears? I can't help but picture a bunch of burly, hairy gay guys. And the egg rolling up the hill? I suppose that would be Cis-iphus, instead of Sysiphus. Take care, all you sweet little eggs!
@hippocraticloaf 3 ай бұрын
Chased by bears is my kink now ❤️‍🔥
@montanalemaitre4451 3 ай бұрын
Love this comment so much ❤
@fionnaandcakecosplay 3 ай бұрын
I’m not an egg but thank you and you take care too!
@nincure 3 ай бұрын
I chose the name Luke when I transitioned, almost 18 years ago 😵😵‍💫 I told my dad in an email. His response was: "Luke, I am your father" 😂😂 I didn't pick the name because of Star Wars, but I thought that was a nice way of saying he accepted me. He was the first family support I had. It took my mom 4 years to start calling me Luke. My birth name was the same first initial, so she referred to me as "L." for 4 years after I started taking hormones. I don't know why it was such a surprise or big deal, when I was a child, everyone thought I was a little boy. Unfortunately she would "correct" them. And, I have a bit of perspective on the saying "I wish I was x" rather than "I am x". When I was a kid, I always told my mom I wanted to be a boy. I was born in '82, so there weren't really any therapists that said anything helpful to my mom. She took me to a few. The reason I didn't say "I *am* a boy" is because I knew I didn't have the same anatomy as a boy, so I couldn't claim to be one. My mom would always say, "well you only said you wanted to be a boy, not that you were one" it's like... Come on! 😂
@katanah3195 3 ай бұрын
Wanting to be a boy, is a pretty damn obvious symptom of... being a freakin boy. Your mum is a total idiot on this one. Sorry about that, mate. Mums are supposed to provide hugs, not hate. I'd say you could borrow mine but she's pretty overworked as is and I kinda need her.
@electronics-girl 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I can relate to that, in mirror image. I never said "I *am* a girl" because I knew anatomy, and I didn't know that sex and gender could be different.
@zoyonara 3 ай бұрын
Before you can say "I am a girl/boy" instead of "I want to be a girl/boy", you need to know that it is actually possible. Kinda like "you can't be what you can't see". Saying it's not a trans thing if you only want to be something else is awfully gatekeeping.
@electronics-girl 3 ай бұрын
@@zoyonaraYeah, I think somehow, deep down, I still don't believe it's possible that I can be a woman. So I keep looking for changes from HRT in the mirror, because if I *look* like a woman, then maybe I'll really believe it's possible.
@zoyonara 3 ай бұрын
@@electronics-girl It can be such a struggle when you've been told your entire life that the possible is impossible. But you're valid and beautiful and I wish you the best on your journey
@auldthymer 3 ай бұрын
The query: do I want to DATE him or do I want to be LIKE him also applies to us (cis) gay folk. I'm quite old and I still get caught in that quandry.
@stylis666 3 ай бұрын
Same for bisex. I didn't actually think about that until you mentioned it, but I do catch myself wondering that with someone I see every couple of weeks. But hey, you can do both :) I can be more sexy like him and enjoy how attractive he is.
@hiwaga7399 3 ай бұрын
14:01 fun fact! Another plural word for octopus is "octopodes", and that one is my favorite to say.
@emisformaker 3 ай бұрын
And is probably the most technically correct ones, since the root of the word is Greek, but the ending 'i' is Latin.
@acefeminist7259 3 ай бұрын
YES I literally came here to comment this! I love octopodes (both the word and the animals) so much 🐙
@therubestergaming 22 сағат бұрын
I did know that and it’s awesome! But… does that means the plural of platypus is platypodes?
@xerofelix7090 3 ай бұрын
I'm not an egg (anymore), but I'd probably be one of those raw eggs. Cause it's all gender fluid inside. 🤣
@katanah3195 3 ай бұрын
Somehow mine's gotten spilled... and my mum's mad at me for not somehow keeping it solid and that it got onto her nice carpets.
@dasilliestgoose 3 ай бұрын
this made me laugh so much I love genderfluid puns
@fightingfaerie 3 ай бұрын
I’m a scrambled egg. Gender is all mixed up in here lol.
@ashanenbyrogue804 3 ай бұрын
You helped me accept myself a few years ago and broke my egg!! I still love this subreddit thanks for covering it! Also yes as a Canadian I can confirm we have lots of bears.
@advanceringnewholder 3 ай бұрын
the animal kind or the human kind?
@barrylangille3523 3 ай бұрын
@@advanceringnewholder both.
@blue-raptor4017 3 ай бұрын
I can also confirm, we have bears… so many bears of both varieties, you merely must look for them
@Cupid_thekitty 3 ай бұрын
One of the best lesbiam relashionships is a leopard and a black panther couple thats been together for four years. They adopt abbandoned or orphaned cubs. ❤
@Montesama314 3 ай бұрын
"Jungle huntress lesbians come together and protect orphan child" sounds like a fun animated show premise.
@taliabutton1593 3 ай бұрын
Aww, that's cute!
@nikitatavernitilitvynova 3 ай бұрын
​@@Montesama314actually it could be a very Disney classic story. Two panther ladies saving all the cubs. But in true Disney fashion it would end with "And they were just friends"
@Montesama314 3 ай бұрын
@@nikitatavernitilitvynova Ah, doing a "Raya."
@stylis666 3 ай бұрын
@@nikitatavernitilitvynova Or just a short documentary. I haven't seen one with felines, but there was a huge uproar years ago surrounding two gay penguins adopting an orphaned chick. Religious and otherwise conservative people thought it shouldn't get much attention and it shouldn't be shown to children. Which had the adequate Barbara Streisand effect. Or at least I think it was an orphaned chick. Cishet penguins are known for stealing eggs if they can't produce one themselves 🤣They're quite awful 🤣Almost like people. But I don't think they steal hatched chicks.
@afreyjar_1989 3 ай бұрын
My egg cracked, then exploded, during the great mask and tp panic. Yeah, as a Canadian we definitely have bears in our country, the animals too, lol. I asked my mum as a child when I came home from school in grade primary "Was I supposed to be a girl?" When I was younger I was like, I love Sailor Moon and want to be a sailor scout, but I'm definitely still a boy. Then I was like, I use the girl characters in fighting games and RPGs because they have better moves. When told that I could be a ballerina as a child by my female cousin, I tucked my t-shirt bottom in through the top and danced my queer little heart out. It took me until I was in my 30s to finally accept it.
@Draconic_Whispers 3 ай бұрын
:3 bears are actually really good at swimming
@Stachelbeeerchen 3 ай бұрын
But would probably not have enough stamina to swim across an ocean.
@Draconic_Whispers 3 ай бұрын
@Stachelbeeerchen fair point, I guess it depends where the island would be, if it's in the middle of an ocean then you would probably be pretty safe from bears
@katanah3195 3 ай бұрын
Stop making me want bear hugs, damnit. (Wet bears are sooo damn cute, either dripping wet and in need of a wringing out, or that spiky wet fur they have after shaking like dogs.)
@CorwinFound 3 ай бұрын
Of course hairy gay men can swim. ;)
@kaderen8461 3 ай бұрын
"humans take 10 minutes to drown in water :3"
@jessicam3233 3 ай бұрын
Memes is how I realized A LOT of what I do is common ADHD behavior. I had looked into an ADHD diagnosis years before but it was a no. Memes got me into following ADHD content and I found out that girls/women often go undiagnosed bc many ppl and Dr's believe it to be a "boy thing." But I learned what to bring up as concerns and that it's ok to go to different doctors, so yay for memes ❤
@wingedyera 3 ай бұрын
I am actually one of the ancient ones (not really, 34) who first learned about trans people not on the Internet but in a transpositive article in my mom's feminist magazine
@slickandslaycious6579 3 ай бұрын
We finally meet! I’m also an ancient one (nonbinary)… Let us reminisce about the before days, away from the sights of these poor mortals 😊
@hippocraticloaf 3 ай бұрын
I 💗 your pfp. I've encountered your kin. Love them little guys.
@catsmom129 3 ай бұрын
I first learned about trans people from the Phil Donahue show (a US talk show) in the 80s & 90s. The show was huge at the time. Now I’m not sure how many people even know what I’m talking about.
@electronics-girl 3 ай бұрын
I'm more ancient (49) and I wish I had learned about trans people in a positive way, but I mostly learned through transphobic jokes and such, which just pushed me further into the closet and self-denial.
@wingedyera 3 ай бұрын
@@electronics-girl I am sorry to hear that. I was lucky to grow up in an open-minded progressive household. I'm a cis woman but I feel that had I expressed these sentiments my parents would have accepted them.
@CorwinFound 3 ай бұрын
Trans guy here. I was militant about _always_ playing a girl character my entire life. As a feminist and someone who felt guilty about not loving being a woman it honestly felt like a duty to play fem characters and represent chicks in gaming. Gender suppression pre-egg can be so weird.
@CiciChess 2 ай бұрын
For me I picked the girl character cuz a ton of pro gamers choose the female ones and I thought that was a badass thing to do lol
@audreydoyle5268 Ай бұрын
Damn, this is confusing me even more! I figured, you know, if I am trans, then the reason I always played girls in games was cause I'm autistic; rigid to the rules. Or because I was hiding behind my shell. Or because girl's outfits in games were always really pretty, and I sometimes say to myself: I'm a gay man in a chick's body, who appreciates feminine clothing and aesthetics. But nothing felt more euphoric for me as a kid than dressing like a "tomboy" and getting muddy, only to be hosed off, tousled in a towel and then monotropically build with Lego till dinner, to which I'd be reminded to act "like a lady" at the table cause I was a messy eater and I'd pout through the rest of the meal. Still can't tell, and dysphoria is really kicking my backside atm, but remembering the things that gave me euphoria as a kid kinda helps, like when my music teacher would call me Andre instead of Audrey. Thought it was strange, cause I never asked her to and it wasn't my first choice for a name, she just started calling me that. Also, I go back n forth on being a cis women's rep, enby rep, or trans guy's rep. Suppose it's easier that I don't play games online..
@Kayari 3 ай бұрын
My voice getting lower is literally the only perk of getting sick.
@hollischeblume6393 3 ай бұрын
usually when my voice gets low because of sickness, I intentionally don't take any meds to cure it until it gets so bad breathing becomes painful
@AzziyaisChronicallyOnline 3 ай бұрын
@@hollischeblume6393tbh I do the same, but my voice becomes even more fucked up because I use the opportunity to be able to reach lower notes in songs Very frequently
@yazzyari9746 3 ай бұрын
@levi_fynn 3 ай бұрын
As my way of coming out, I just told my good friends to call me levi all the time, even infront of people that dont know so now most people started using levi for me
@gone_mad-tryagainlater 3 ай бұрын
My transmasc cousin chose the same name as you
@WhyIsTheClosetDoorOpening 3 ай бұрын
@Milo-hp9fw 3 ай бұрын
In video games I would pick the girl character around my family because I didn't want to get teased, but on my own I would switch my character to a boy character. Unless it was MarioKart. I would FIGHT to get Yoshi.
@2percentth0t 3 ай бұрын
I would always play the girl character but make them lesbians whenever possible 😂😂 or play the boy just so I could court the ladies 🤣🤣
@okamiangles7121 3 ай бұрын
I like to play girl characters so I can court the boy characters but, otherwise I prefer playing boy characters in video games.
@okamiangles7121 3 ай бұрын
Yes, Yoshi is the best in Mario Kart!
@christinakohl6111 3 ай бұрын
Well if you were playing the n64 mario kart then there is only peach as a girl character so it wouldn't be that suspicious😂 i'm always bowser because i hate pink 😂
@maskedmallard537 3 ай бұрын
I submit to you the original Nintendo Super Mario 2 game. I choose the character that would best complete the current level. Luigi had a goofy high jump. Toadstool could dig really fast. The princess could float ridiculously far on a single jump. Can't remember Mario's power. Maybe he ran faster?
@DinosaurNick 3 ай бұрын
As an agender person, my egg journey was fascinating... Me: *Can't understand why girls want boobs* Me: *Blurts transphobic things about how there are only 2 genders* Me: *Identifies as cis* Me: *Feels weird about the word cis* Me: *Has dream that my chest is flat* Me: *Identifies as a demi girl... still girl, though* Me: *Tells people to call me she/they* Me: *Gets uncomfy when people only call me she/her* Me: *Gets instant euphoria when that one person calls me they/them* Me: *Discovers I don't identify with any gender* Me: *Is agender and goes by they/per/e* My family: Still a girl! Me: *Cuts out half my family so I can be happy*
@everfluctuating 3 ай бұрын
your family sucks but congrats for finding yourself!
@DinosaurNick 3 ай бұрын
@DinosaurNick 3 ай бұрын
Yes! Literally, I'm like dresses no, but skirts, maybe?; high heels, NO, makeup NO; nail polish, YES; lipstick, yesn't; long hair, maybe?; short hair, maybe?; cute accessories, yes! Pink not really;, blue omg YES, purses, meh, fanny packs and wallets, yes, piercings NO@@Nonotherethanks
@jessicam3233 3 ай бұрын
What is per and e? If you don't mind, I haven't seen that before.
@electronics-girl 3 ай бұрын
I want boobs because they're soft and squishy and fun and beautiful! Watching boobs grow is like watching paint dry, though. Progress is so slow!
@Mantixion 3 ай бұрын
I never got the whole egg thing. I was assigned gay at birth.
@Jroobelucios 3 ай бұрын
I was assigned a baby at birth 😔
@kirbjay 3 ай бұрын
@@Jroobelucios im sorry for your loss
@Idknlandwh123 3 ай бұрын
I was assigned body at birth 😢
@frick3417 3 ай бұрын
I was assigned a typo at birth
@S-cape-goat 3 ай бұрын
This reminds me of a very inappropriate joke
@loikira5841 3 ай бұрын
The very first crack in my egg was when I used a masculine word in front of my partner at the time, and he said I couldn't. He said he knew "people like that" and I was not one of them. I had no idea what he was tallking about. I didn't know transgender. I lived as an enby with my asigned body and name for a few years, but recently I chose to change my name and take medical steps. I still think about sending him a thank you message for cracking my egg, with my new passing, someday, just to piss him off.
@Pictreperfec 3 ай бұрын
I remember that when i was in 7th grade, i found out how to make a diy binder (it didnt use "binder" but it used two sports bras and a spaghetti strap undershirt), and my first thought was "oh wow! I can use this to cosplay as dudes!" And then proceeded to use it during most of the summer. I used it so much that i think my sister took one of them, so i couldn't do it anymore. A few years later, i found out about trans people, and my egg cracked, and now im an enby.
@EAC168 3 ай бұрын
The egg thing was very literal for me. Back before I realized I was trans (and very femme), I was dating a trans guy. One day, he told me, "I like how you perform your gender." At that moment, I felt the top of my aura crack like the top of an egg. It's like someone took a nail and tapped it with a hammer, and the top cracked like an egg would, and I felt my aura to be egg-shaped. I didn't know what to make of that experience and just shrugged and ignored it until years later when I was coming out as a trans man and heard the egg analogy. It made me wonder if it was a common enough experience that it was that way for others, too.
@montanalemaitre4451 3 ай бұрын
What an odd thing for him to say
@EAC168 3 ай бұрын
It was a compliment coming from the idea that all gender is a performance. I think it was the first time I really encountered that idea viscerally and not conceptually, which is what triggered the egg cracking. Suddenly, I saw that I had created a persona based on who society wanted me to be and not who I actually am but I did;t have the words for that awareness until years later.@@montanalemaitre4451
@I_Am_Dummy 3 ай бұрын
Idk about if I’m trans or not because sometimes I wanna be a boy and sometimes I wanna be a girl and I recently just looked in the mirror and told myself “I am all!”
@sassylittleprophet 3 ай бұрын
Have you ever heard of being genderfluid? You can feel like a boy on some days, a girl on others, and maybe even not like either at all, or like both. It kinda depends on the day. (Also I'm not actually genderfluid, so I could be getting the description a little off, but that's the gist of what I've read about it.)
@everfluctuating 3 ай бұрын
sounds like you might be bigender or genderfluid! whatever you identify with, just know that you dont have to be only one or the other ^^
@sophiejones3554 3 ай бұрын
And that is an excellent thing to be. You're not alone in this feeling at all. You might want to look up nonbinary identities, and see which common labels fit you the best so you can more easily connect to other people with similar experiences. But "I am all!" is certainly a good start. Just in time for Pride too!😊
@user-jf3lo6ss2i 3 ай бұрын
Everyone has those moments, especially girls in your teenage years and early 20's.
@playerrequiem4120 3 ай бұрын
Well whatever your chromosomes say that’s what you OBJECTIVELY are. It’s not debatable.
@NexusOfChaos 3 ай бұрын
in the first Splatoon game, octolings were the villains no questions asked. in the second Splatoon game it was revealed octolings were actually brainwashed and some managed to integrate into inkling society just fine without issue (tho hid they were octolings). in the third game inklings and octolings were very intermingled (tho still distinct) and there was no need to hide being an octoling; there were also gender neutral bathrooms (that can't even be reached in-game) revealed well before the game released and a bunch of ppl decided to absolutely despise the game as a result despite having always been able to change ur inkling's/octoling's gender
@wintergray1221 2 ай бұрын
I never knew anything about Splatoon and now I want to play it.
@firbolg 3 ай бұрын
That people think being trans is a choice or trend is insane. I've heard something similarly annoying from my former therapist that me being demisexual was just me being romantic and my choice. No it isn't! I really wish it was! Because I do have a libido and don't know what the hell am I supposed to do with it! 😂
@linden5165 3 ай бұрын
Here's a happy story - my egg cracked after 20+ years of being an "ally". I had spent so long feeling I didn't really fit any category to finally realise I can just live in and honour my fluidity. When I told my parents (who are in their 70s) they responded with - we've been waiting a long time for this and "well of course gender isn't as simple as some people say". They blew me away. 🌈🏳‍🌈💓 (Very thankful to all the trans and gender diverse people in my life who helped me finally see I was NOT having cis thoughts 😆)
@ArturGlass.C 3 ай бұрын
I think the problem with the question "Are you that gender" is that it can exclude non-binary people. In a strings of questions it makes sense but for me for example (transmasculine enby) that's actually the main reason I stayed an egg for some time. Because I knew I hated being a girl, I knew I wasn't a girl, I knew that if I was it certainly was a different one to what was normal. I knew I'd much rather be a boy and I'd even wanted to be one. But I wasn't one. And I still feel strange saying that. Like some times I will be able to say "as a man/male" and things like that but it's often for clarity's sake I'll feel those words about 80-90%. Granted if I said "as a woman/female" I feel those words -20% but still. It's another kind of weird to have dysphoria and to know something's wrong but to just have no idea what you are. I was in denial about being trans cuz I knew of the general binary concept and it just didn't feel like me. Now it kinda does because I have just so much in common with trans men the difference is really small but back then the same difference could feel monumental.
@DinosaurNick 3 ай бұрын
Exactly. I hate people asking me my gender. I'd prefer to be asked my pronouns. I'm transmasc/transneutral agender.
@maskedmallard537 3 ай бұрын
Yoooo, fellow transmasc agenders! What's up?
@Juskaey 3 ай бұрын
Struggled with this feeling for nearly 2 decades (since high school, turning 33 this year) until I also settled with transmasc/neutral agender. Complicating matters for me even more is that I have 2 kids and being "mommy" to them is the only label that feels right, but then I prefer "partner" over "wife." And while I'm not gonna throw a fit when she/her is used, I'm filled with elation when people actually use he/they. I've also yet to do any kind of real transitioning (just had baby #2, am BFing so it'll still be a while) and feel kind of like a fraud. I've quietly changed my pronouns on discord and facebook but I don't think anyone's really noticed.
@wednesdayaddamsghost 3 ай бұрын
@@DinosaurNickthis is the first time i’ve seen the word transneutral, i didn’t know it was a thing. I’m transmasc enby. Transneutral do makes sense because i don’t see myself binary trans though i don’t mind transman. I remember watching some ftm tiktok compilations on youtube, they said that i can redefine what masculinity means to me. That sorta helps me differentiate between cis and trans men. I’m still learning. I’m 29 so i kinda realized a bit later why all the times i think i daydreamed as a male and i have wrote rp as gay male ocs. I’ve always been an enby since 18 and probably before though i think i didn’t have much knowledge of transgender. I think i was already trans before i knew what trans really mean to me.
@ninaexmachina 3 ай бұрын
I was thinking that too. If you're asking someone in "still cis tho" mode gender-related questions, there's a good chance they're not gonna answer "are you [suspected gender]" with a yes
@EvilBlackCat 3 ай бұрын
On the topic of having issues with your assigned gender but not wanting to be the other gender: I'm cis female and the only daughter with two older brothers. When I was little we lived with my father for a while and he was very abusive and a huge misogynist. He made me very much ashamed of my gender to the point of wanting to be "like the boys". I hated dresses, played with boys toys, didn't cry because "boys don't cry". Lots of things. But at the same time I was absolutely terrified of being a boy. I would think, "What if God saw this and made me a boy?" and then I'd immediately pray (yeah I was raised Christian) to him to NOT do that. I had nightmares of suddenly waking up with boy parts. Because no matter what horrible view of my gender my father had given me I still WAS a girl. I had issues with my view of women until my 20s but I never wanted to be a man. No matter how much "easier" it might have been for me to be a boy it simply wasn't an option because it's not who I am. If I can feel that way about my assigned gender why can't someone else feel that way about a gender other than that which they were assigned? I don't get why transphobes don't get that but maybe it's because they never had reason to question it that deeply. Now as for me figuring out I'm bi.... lol.
@starscreamthecruel8026 3 ай бұрын
There was this horrid guy I used to know that actually told me I COULDNT identify as female(even though I am one and cis) because I wasnt obediant, submissive and compliant to his needs. For ages, I felt like my female side shut down whenever he was about and I wondered if this is what it feels like to be a Vulcan? Your emotions become closed off and you are cold and distant around people. I was like this for ages til I met a younger guy and suddenly it was like the dormant programming came back online at FULL volume. I was still female I just wasnt a stereotypical version of female. I learned female can be feral, dark and dangerous as well as pretty, quiet and obediant.The bad guy demanded, yes DEMANDED, that I ID as Non Binary so guys wouldnt think they had a chance with me when they had no chance but if I was female, then any guy should be able to sleep with me. I am Cis Gendered Aro/Ace, rare I know but we do exist and the problem was, I had ZERO attraction to this guy. Decades later, surviving an abusive relationship(the only one, I had the sense to opt out after that) and going through Chemo/Radical Radiotherapy to beat Inflammatory Breast Cancer(All clear now) I found I had ZERO sexual interest or attraction now for anyone instead of a low level(Thyroid this was your fault) because a little known side effect of Cancer treatment is it kills off your libido and makes you infertile. This guy then says, well if you arent interested in sex and you cant have kids, you arent female anymore, you're NB and its time you admitted it. SOD OFF! If my mindset shifts and one day I decide, I dont feel female anymore I might take on the TRIPLE AAA label, instead of the double AA that I currently have but it wont because I refused to sleep with a small minded, obsessive, possessive little prick like that guy. He's married now, has a kink mistress and is STILL after me. Funny, if you think I'm not female, I'm NB, why are you STILL chasing me? Aren't I the opposite of what you want? Is it my fault that my femaleness came out in a more primal version of itself and not in the ordered stereotypical way that society says we should be? (sorry for the rant)
@eyesofthecervino3366 2 ай бұрын
What a creep! Sorry you've had to go through that.
@robyns5977 3 ай бұрын
The Girl Who Pretended To Be A Boy is a really old story featured in the violet fairy book, and she actually does turn into a prince at the end. Also it's been speculated that Tolkien was loosely inspired by this story when he wrote Eoywyn pretending to be a man to join the other Rohirrim in the war.
@wintergray1221 2 ай бұрын
I saw a video about that recently! My ADHD brain can't remember who it was by.
@mossytoast_ 3 ай бұрын
24:23 no same, I’m nonbinary (transmasc) and constantly think “mm, I could grow some epic facial hair.”
@gone_mad-tryagainlater 3 ай бұрын
I got called a girl like three times today! I wasn't even girlmoding!
@davidmanning4759 3 ай бұрын
I hope it was a good thing and not that you were getting misgendered 💜
@gone_mad-tryagainlater 3 ай бұрын
@@davidmanning4759 don't worry it was a good thing
@davidmanning4759 3 ай бұрын
@@gone_mad-tryagainlater so glad to hear that 💜
@jhosioja 3 ай бұрын
The "is" vs "wants to be" thing I view more as an affirmation thing if and when you've figured yourself out. I feel it's a bit counter productive to trample on someone's choice of words when they're expressing their perception of their feelings, especially when it's early in the awakening. I certainly went from "I want to be" to "yup, I absolutely am", but not before a period of self doubt fueled by looking into forum threads where a non-zero amount of people said "you *know* when you're young, it doesn't just manifest later."
@audreydoyle5268 Ай бұрын
Yep, definitely in that sorta headspace: am I really trans or is this dysphoria a new thing... that only really started at puberty because trans guys always seem to be adamant about being a boy from the moment of speaking coherently?
@jhosioja Ай бұрын
@@audreydoyle5268 I was like 28 or 29 before I recognized it for what it was. In hindsight I can spot the signs being there earlier, but I sure as shit didn't know.
@heathermcfarland6317 3 ай бұрын
This is what I could find online: Blåhaj's first links to the trans community can be traced as far back as 2020 when one Reddit post shared a cartoon featuring the shark with the caption: "Blåhaj is an ally", due to the shark being the same colors as the trans flag.
@rinkuraku5251 3 ай бұрын
I had a really weird dream once where a demon prince came to Earth and accidentally turned me into a girl. There was a mad scientist who was trying to kidnap me and study how the demon prince transformed me. At one point, the mad scientist turned the women's toilet into some sort of weird scanner. The demon prince smashed it, and then kicked everyone out of the men's room so I could go to the bathroom. That wasn't the first time I had a dream with an entire narrative. Like to some extent that might have been my brain trying to cope with me being trans, but typing that out, the mad scientist sounds pretty trans too. Or at least trying to help trans people. If I ever dream a sequel, maybe I won't run, and just set down some rules for my volunteering for studies. I can help the dream trans people that way.
@marieugorek5917 3 ай бұрын
I legit printed off 30 pages of memes about ADHD and ASD and took them in when seeking diagnosis... Really, that plus the 7 page chart of how I demonstrated autistic traits at each phase of life probably should have been enough to diagnose ASD...
@wintergray1221 2 ай бұрын
If I ever have the money to see a therapist, I'm doing this.
@Skeleton-pk8fd 3 ай бұрын
Watching this channel is actually how my egg cracked. Thank you.
@kymberlys 3 ай бұрын
It's funny that you thought of Austin Powers, because there's actually a classic James Bond film called Octopussy…
@S4DC4T 3 ай бұрын
i thought this exact thing
@alicebthegachaweirdo8378 3 ай бұрын
I somehow almost forgot it was Wednesday today
@badace15 3 ай бұрын
Saaaame 😭
@mecen8 3 ай бұрын
Fr I keep on thinking it’s Thursday for some reason
@ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos 3 ай бұрын
It's Wednesday, my dudes 🐸
@Nuphgar 3 ай бұрын
Same lol
@S-cape-goat 3 ай бұрын
It was wensday today? I am so lost
@Echo_Monster_Art 3 ай бұрын
As a kid i always played the guy characters in games despite wanting to play as a girl cause i was scared of people would notice i was playing a girl and question me and i was reaaaaally scared of that for some reason 😂
@katyamcadams 3 ай бұрын
Tbh, same lol
@ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos 3 ай бұрын
@electronics-girl 3 ай бұрын
Yes, that was me, too. I always stayed away from pink or anything unmasculine, because I was terrified that people would think (correctly) that I wanted to be a girl.
@mapmoop451 2 ай бұрын
huh, i did the exact same thing, although my excuse now is that one of the genders has better voice acting/is the canon option i think im going to do this for the mass effect trilogy...
@electronics-girl 3 ай бұрын
Took me a minute to realize that "bears" meant the animal, not the people.
@audreydoyle5268 Ай бұрын
And in regards to the the current discourse: man or bear in the forest, it would still be an applicable choice. I would rather have bears chase me than phobic men. At least bears won't fetishise me.
@signalgirl3563 3 ай бұрын
The constant teetering back and forth in my mind between weather I feel like a girl or a guy is insane
@Lostflightwarriorcats 3 ай бұрын
As a trans guy, I always played a save file with the girl and boy character to see if the gameplay was any different
@Mads_L_M 3 ай бұрын
On the,”I’ve always wanted a second daughter” meme, I know a family that *had* a lot of boys (aka all amab). They didn’t make or adopt any new ones, but in the last couple years they discovered they actually have two daughters. For some reason the parents don’t seem as happy about it as they should have been.
@wintergray1221 2 ай бұрын
Ugh this is my stepdad. He's come around after several years, but initially he was not happy that my stepbrother is the son he's always wanted all along. My mom is almost hopeless, but she is making some glacially slow progress. I'm not out as NB yet either (personally I'm waiting until my mom stops using my brother's deadname all the time), so my stepdad actually only has one daughter out of three afab.
@RoseThePhoenix 3 ай бұрын
Polar bears, at least, are very strong swimmers.
@eyesofthecervino3366 2 ай бұрын
Gotta live on a dirigible.
@jazzybae1986 3 ай бұрын
Me at 17: I'm picking the girl because they're more nimble and can move faster Me now: 👧 Happy Trans girl
@Autistic_Goblin 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the Doctor Who clip - that bit pops into my head literally every time I hear the words "big red button"!
@kaistorm777 3 ай бұрын
My egg has been cracking the past few weeks i think, this vid drops today and Jamie's book releases the week of my birthday... Is this universe telling me something????
@GoobyGoober-ho1ls 3 ай бұрын
The cracking of the egg happened while watching this video omg. I just found out im agender while pondering if i was cis, because i didnt feel non binary, i felt kinda like "just me" or without gender. No joke im in actual tears thank you so much for being that final push i needed
@NomzNoodle 3 ай бұрын
I’m 28 and I just realized I’m trans last year. My egg cracking was very exciting and emotional, thank you for giving us freshly hatched lads some love ❤
@desmondlord7553 3 ай бұрын
What should have clued me in on being transmasc: the desire to be able to put on or take off my breasts as I please. (My egg cracked briefly but got taped back together until it burst open a few years later.) What should have clued me in on being genderqueer/agender/possibly intersex: really wanting to keep my "female" parts while also wanting "male" parts.
@MegaSteak757 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, the "parts" is whats got me questioning, family and not being sure keeps me where I am currently :/
@ZipplyZane 3 ай бұрын
Seems to me that wanting to be able to take them off and put them back on might also have been a clue for the latter.
@desmondlord7553 3 ай бұрын
@ZipplyZane oh yeah 😅 my therapist at the time knew long before I did, but still supported my decision to start testosterone and have top surgery, both of which have been a huge help with my body dysmorphia.
@leticiasoaresberwanger9319 3 ай бұрын
I'm trans non-binary and I feel the same! I like my breasts, but some days I just want them gone. I like them and don't want to get top surgery, so being able to just choose to have them on or off would be amazing. The same goes for woman clothes and some other stereotypical women things. I'd love to still wear them whenever I want, without being seen as a woman because of them.
@desmondlord7553 3 ай бұрын
@leticiasoaresberwanger9319 Binding (in healthy ways) would probably help, despite the extra layer if you live in a warm climate 😅 I've been wearing "feminine" clothing for a couple of years now and just take out any kind of "bra" padding, and got my ears pierced about a year ago. I still use the men's bathroom if there isn't a unisex option because I'd rather not get fully harassed by bigots, but I'm lucky enough to live in an area where the majority of people are tolerant, if not accepting.
@Toni-lo9ms 3 ай бұрын
That Gru meme about relating to trans memes was one of the first cracks in the egg, and my reposting egg irl memes cracked a friend's as well. He went from an ace guy to enby and now she's a happy lesbian.
@TruHeart0306 3 ай бұрын
When I was little I really wanted to be a boy (I am AFAB) and I remember telling my parents about that and they kinda didn’t know what to say but we had a long conversation about it and my personal feelings. Many years later a much self reflection? Idk if that’s the word. I have come to the conclusion that I am cis. But the reason I had those feelings was because most of the people I hung out with (this was like mid elementary school- early middle school) were boys and they weren’t always particularly nice about me being a girl. They would tell me I couldn’t have certain interests and the reason I was not socially confident was because I was a girl. (None of that is true) So those weren’t trans thoughts they were just “oh you’re being bullied” thoughts. I thought what they were saying was true because it wasn’t just coming from them. (my mom’s side of the family is VERY sexist. My mom is worlds better but still not perfect.) so I was like “I really wish I was a boy so that I could actually enjoy my interests and be more self confident!” But years of trying to figure that out and learning about the actual trans experience I have learned that I am indeed cis and those people in my life just really sucked lol! I think I can relate to the trans experience though. For years I really wanted to fit into everyone’s expectations for girls. But I had to realize they were wrong and I feel much more myself now! But I cannot imagine how scary it must be to go through that and realize that you actually are trans. As much as my family hates me for what I do (they think it’s my gay friends that made me this way LOL! I am also straight) it would be so much worse if I was trans. You guys are very strong for going through that and still having the courage to say “this is who I am take it or leave it”
@peaches65835 3 ай бұрын
Its the humour in memes that makes their content feel safe. Thats how ur meme videos cracked my egg. I wish I was sunny side up, but mostly feel scrambled :)
@hippocraticloaf 3 ай бұрын
Devilish wordplay! Sizzlin! ;^)
@tant_benny 3 ай бұрын
16:45 Hey! this was me who wrote to you for a "trans stories" (or similar) video, I wrote that I was in denial for a long time until I realised I have no incentive to "convince" myself I'm trans, but all of the incentives to do convince myself I'm cis!
@ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos 3 ай бұрын
Memes cracked my egg. I related to the feelings being expressed by traaaaaaaaaaaaans memes an inordinate amount, and realized that I needed to examine that fact more closely.
@Sam..123 3 ай бұрын
Ive had a few cis people tell me that they dont care about what pronounce and then use that as an excuse to continually missgender me. I feel like what they're actually saying is "unlike you 😏 I dont need to tell people my pronounce because I look like my gender" its so fucking hurtful. I like to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe they are actually truly trying to seem supportive and not being purposefully hurtful but please cis people stop saying this and start making an effort to respect peoples pronounce (trying doesn't meen getting it right every time but it does mean not rolling your eyes when youre being corrected)
@user-jf3lo6ss2i 3 ай бұрын
With your friends, yes, I would expect them to respect your wishes but you can't make the whole rest of the world adapt to your own personal view of how you see yourself because there are many people who think the whole pronouns and misgendering thing has gone too far.
@kaspianepps7946 3 ай бұрын
You can only say what your own pronouns are, not other people's (mistakes can happen but if it keeps happening after being corrected that's not OK). Personally I would use different pronouns for these people every time you see them (look up some "neopronouns") - either they're questioning their gender in which case you might help them figure it out, or they're bigots who don't actually want to be misgendered.
@Shantari 3 ай бұрын
11:14 If I remember the correct fairy tale here, the boy-princess was just "cursed" by the hermit into becoming a different sex. He thought he was turning the boy into a girl, but actually he gave a trans boy a more comfortable body. I've read two different fairy tales involving a princess turning into a man, one Hungarian (I think) and one Danish. In the Danish one there was a ceremony after he got married to another princess that gave him his preferred body and ability to impregnate his wife. I think. It's been a while since I've read either of these. But yeah, trans people are not new in this world.
@havocsTeacher 3 ай бұрын
you finding out about splatoon in this video is so funny to me lol I'm a trans dude and playing the male inkling when I was younger definitely contributed to the egg cracking for me 😅
@havocsTeacher 3 ай бұрын
adding to this: splatoon's fanbase is very lgbt heavy, almost everyone i know who plays it is trans or gay (or both!)
@S-cape-goat 3 ай бұрын
I didn't know what Splatoon is til right now and realised that alot of web comics I loved to reed was about squidling belig gay and trans😮.
@DeceptiveEgg 3 ай бұрын
Somewhat similar! Callie and Acht made me realize that I'm Pansexual lol
@qlowquest 2 ай бұрын
it was so unexpected but i love how much interest he took into it lol
@peirigill 3 ай бұрын
If you really want to sound sophisticated, use "octopodes." "Octopi" has become accepted but it's a Latin plural attached to a Greek root word. Pedantry is fun!
@MarioMamTess 3 ай бұрын
As a trans girl who has played a LOT of Splatoon, I loved the part of the video where Jammi just spent like a solid 2 minutes googling what Octolings and Splatoon was lol.
@NotUndeadYet 3 ай бұрын
just gonna put this out there: My favorite plural for octopus is octopodes. There are three accepted plural forms for octopus in English, you can use whichever you like best or mix and match as you see fit, and that's beautiful.
@Side_N0te 3 ай бұрын
Not Jammi discovering the most LGBT mainstream game.
@Blitz-.- 3 ай бұрын
exposing my most egg quote from high school "it would be super cool if i was a dude. Not that like i want to transition, but i think i'd enjoy my life more if i was just born a dude. But like in a cis way."
@sportsysports 3 ай бұрын
same broski ( i knew i was trans but denied it in 3rd grde)
@user-is8jw5lc6n 3 ай бұрын
The Cis have dogged me so much, to the point where I’m frozen in shame and on the edge of tipping myself over the cliff of despair. Your commentary is a counter-force to their ideology - that Cis-het-white should rule and I should not exist - you save me with ur mind and words. My hero. I will adore u forever ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@DinosaurNick 3 ай бұрын
you are valid and loved
@user-is8jw5lc6n 3 ай бұрын
@@DinosaurNick omg u are loved too ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐💐💐💐
@catsmom129 3 ай бұрын
Please keep existing. We need you here. 🥰
@ItRemindMeOfHome 3 ай бұрын
I love how no trans person understands how Blahaj became a meme but at the same time we all have one
@frannygrace2191 3 ай бұрын
"a poached egg". Hilarious! I'm an "older" cis woman and that's always what I've wanted to be but thank you for helping me understand other people and their struggles. And--I love your facial hair!
@catluvr2 3 ай бұрын
I got two pairs of opera gloves in the mail yesterday, and Jamie posts a video today. Life is good.
@petercaliver 3 ай бұрын
27:21 This is now the secret plot of Stardew Valley, and nothing is going to convince me otherwise.
@Nanbread-bw7nq 3 ай бұрын
mfw you realise easter is literally a trans allegory cos there's eggs everywhere and the theme is rebirth
@amethystmacleish2768 3 ай бұрын
The eternal struggle, do I fancy them, or do I want to be them
@jamesphillips2285 3 ай бұрын
1:30 Polar bears can swim. Better make sure it is a tropical island.
@Warblertownsend 3 ай бұрын
But will they be willing to swim there because of the curse? 🤔
@jamesphillips2285 3 ай бұрын
@@Warblertownsend They can die of exhaustion if they can't find an ice floe to rest on. Not sure how well they would do over-land in warm climates with their thick coat.
@ShinTriAce 3 ай бұрын
....I did relate to a trans meme, a few years ago now.... and now my egg is fully cracked
@Pendragon1400 3 ай бұрын
I literally figured out I'm transmasc 3 months ago and I love these 😂. Also this channel has been such a source of happiness for me ❤ thanks Jamie!!!
@EvilPatata 3 ай бұрын
Welcome to the club!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Wishing you a happy New gender 🫶
@ashanenbyrogue804 3 ай бұрын
Yesss welcome to the club
@CuteCube5 3 ай бұрын
I didn't expect a Doctor Who clip 😭😭😭😭😭 I love you Jammi
@frikilinux2 3 ай бұрын
My egg is basically held together by duct tape(A third trans? thing to not use duct tape for that). I love this type of video even if it puts presure on questioning my gender(If it can be called questioning and not trying to deny it as hard as humanily possible).
@deimmartillo1674 3 ай бұрын
I have a friend, current pronouns He/She. She is a biromantic asexual who endured homofobia from her mom and her dad was supportive but went away. She told me that the only reason why she won't change her body is because she doesn't like attention but would love to do it if she could without getting attention from anyone. She said: "I wish I was a trans boy to get testosterone. Because it changes your voice and I like that. And maybe I would also get rid of my breast but that's it." I asked her: "Why don't you identify as a trans man?" She just said it's hard and complicated. This got me so confused. Is my friend a trans man? Am I bad for still using only she? It's not like she ever complained.
@fghsgh 3 ай бұрын
I never felt comfortable saying i _was_ a girl, because i was raised to believe it was about genitalia first (lackluster socialisation early on, so i didn't know about social norm differences between boys and girls, i really just thought it was about genitalia). Saying "im a girl" literally didn't make sense to me. But i also didn't want to say i _wanted_ to be a girl, because then people would see me as a boy who wanted to become a girl, and they'd always see me as "actually secretly still a boy, just one who chose to become a girl". If the first one hadn't been an issue, i'd have come out when i was 6. If the second one hadn't been an issue, i'd have come out when i was 11. Instead i came out at 19. Not too upset about that though, because i know i wouldn't have been able to handle my parents or classmates at the time, and testosterone didn't do _too_ much damage, so everything is relatively fine. Oh also, using the word egg for trans people comes from "eggs hatch into chicks" and then it got expanded to non-transfems.
@zelrex4657 3 ай бұрын
My egg has been cracked for 9000 years yet I can't leave the egg because of annoying family.
@beardedbear9901 3 ай бұрын
Family can be the people you choose. I hope you reach a point where you can be a more authentic you around found family that support you.
@zelrex4657 3 ай бұрын
@@beardedbear9901 ✨ exactly. I'm currently trying to move out. It's sooooo difficult in this economy but I'm so close! And then I can go to school and find so many people and take all the hrt I want ✨✨✨
@level700giga8 3 ай бұрын
@DeceptiveEgg 3 ай бұрын
11:50 SPLATOON MENTION OMG OMG OMG (i am going to be completely honest, almost every person i have met through Splatoon was a part of the lgbt community. Including myself which is honestly kinda neat)
@clara_cross 3 ай бұрын
15:55 RE: "There is a difference between the phrasing of wanting and being." I mean... yeah... but it's not a difference that precludes being trans. For MANY years, I thought that I COULDN'T be trans because my experience with gender dysphoria had always been "I wish more than anything that I could be a girl". I had been led to believe that "real" transwomen have always VEHEMENTLY insisted from DAY ONE that they ARE a woman. And that that was the ONLY "real trans experience". But that wasn't my experience. But that didn't stop it from dominating almost every moment of my waking (and even sometimes my sleeping) life internally for literally decades until I finally found the courage and the freedom to go through with it. If you had asked me literally at ANY point in my life prior to, like, age 34, if I wanted to be a woman, I would've said yes, absolutely. But, if you'd asked me if I WAS a woman, I'd have said, "Uh, no. Absolutely not. Duh. Obviously." But I didn't understand that that's not how it works. I very much AM a woman. I'm four months on HRT right now and I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. Someone understanding that they WANT to be something doesn't necessarily mean that they understand that they CAN BE.
@theman5921 3 ай бұрын
This video gave me a bit of an existential crisis. I'm not trans (I'm gender fluid) but this kinda puts my mind in distress...
@wintergray1221 2 ай бұрын
Genderfluidity is under the trans umbrella because your gender doesn't always align with your AGAB, but of course you don't have to identify with that label if you don't want to. Personally, I do because of the aforementioned reason, and sometimes saying "I'm trans" is a simpler way to answer some people's questions.
@goose_w_cake 3 ай бұрын
Bears can most definitely swim
@predictablychaotic 3 ай бұрын
Oh, gosh, the beard one. I had that. And since I was working on a cosplay around the time I figured stuff out, I was drawing on a beard for said cosplay fairly regularly. The amount of gender euphoria that gave me, especially when people said it looked good, was AMAZING.
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