'I Used To Be A TERF'
14 күн бұрын
'I’m Actually A Lesbian' | r/LGBallT
Are The Transphobes Okay? (No)
28 күн бұрын
Reacting to LGBTQ TikToks
The Homophobes Are Not Okay
A Very Exciting Announcement
A Transphobic Nice Guy
Ай бұрын
Reacting To Transphobic TikToks
Why Men Shouldn’t Write Women
Like A Girl | Pointlessly Gendered
Is My Transition Over?
2 ай бұрын
@HanneMary 18 сағат бұрын
On conversion therapy there’s a podcast called dear Alana. It’s so sad but important to know the harm the church does to young queer people.
@thatpantransguy 18 сағат бұрын
It might be lack of sleep or philosophical clarity, but I just had this genuine epiphany about The Bible and the Christianity I was raised in. All my life I was taught that the King James Version (KJV or NKJV) is the only true version of the translated scriptures from their original languages. However, that version was written in 1611 during the reign of King James I of England. At that time there was such a propaganda about religious and political rights because of the Church of England. There’s no way the KJV wasn’t influenced by that! Not to mention The Bible as we have today was canonically accepted by most early Christians as a compromise, but 100s of books and texts were left out if no one could agree to add it. Bart Ehrman has written several interesting historical books discussing how Christianity has evolved and opinions have changed over the last couple thousand years. Christians really can’t make up their minds about what to believe except who to hate on 😂 I still consider myself a “Believer” but don’t align with the way I was raised and taught. Religion is so complicated.
@nobodyshekatonchires7981 18 сағат бұрын
As a non religious person, i dont understand why they would rather believe a book and hurt people than mind their own business
@beantorrez5104 18 сағат бұрын
27:10 the way this person is talking about homosexuality being demonic is wild. These religious people would rather believe in a warlock putting demonic spirits in kids rather than kids being born queer. The mental gymnastics! I also feel like blaming it on sexual trauma puts a lot of blame on the survivor of such trauma, which is disgusting. By the way, how many heterosexual people have sexual trauma and havent "turned queer"? What the hell is her argument even.
@rubinrobo2265 18 сағат бұрын
5:50 I think he is more going for a "I dont personally think its correct (Which is not cool) BUT that doesnt stop me from liking those people. Just because you disagree with someone that does not mean you should hate them." Its probably the best form of homophobia you can find. Its basically like saying I dont think smoking is correct but I will not stop anyone from smoking and it wont stop me from being friends with them.
@archiefromuno 19 сағат бұрын
19:48 the guy with the mic is a parody, he goes around conservtive spaces and basically pretends to be one of them to get them to show what they think, so even thought there are child beauty pagents he is pretending his daughter is in one to kind of show how the republicans are fine with young children being in beauty contests that may sexualize them but hate gay, trans and drag places that have any sort of children allowed.
@ninjawizard 19 сағат бұрын
Theres no hate like christen love
@mayaolson841 19 сағат бұрын
As a french, croissant-eating gay, I’m highly offended by the simile used at the beginning 😤😤 croissants are top tier. Homophobia is the equivalent of a flat-earther 😌
@Cr3Ek_l0v3R 19 сағат бұрын
"Dysphoreos" 😶
@Pa5an1 19 сағат бұрын
The "practicing homosexual" is so stupid. And as an asexual it's slightly confusing. So if I don't sleep with people, am I a practicing asexual even though I don't practice anything?
@archiefromuno 19 сағат бұрын
A lot of these can be summed up as "ain't no hate like Christian love"
@BliffleSplick 19 сағат бұрын
"Sexual trauma is a gateway for demons [but when it happens in our church it's something the kid needs to repent]" the hypocrisy is just infuriating.
@Tahoe95 19 сағат бұрын
Why are you talking so fast.
@eline6731 19 сағат бұрын
Sadly there are also a lot of gay Christians who have been taught and believe themselves that their sexuality is wrong and have "voluntarily" chosen to stay single their whole lives, because "as long as you don't practise it you're not sinning". Not to mention the ones that have gone through the horrors of conversion therapy. There are even examples of people that went through conversion therapy that have gone on to promote it and were claiming to be turned straight. It causes horrible, repressed, unhappy people. Imagine the folks around you saying things like "oh but I still love you, because I love my neighbor", while simultaneously being responsible for such awful things. I come from a religious household, so a lot of these clips hit close to home. 😢
@ladymeow1226 19 сағат бұрын
If the mans daughter was tripped up over a girl in a rainbow bathing suit...sounds a bit queer! N y was she dancing 'on a pole'? 😂
@jansilverthorn777 19 сағат бұрын
Blessed to be Canadian. 🇨🇦 The official stance, since the 1960’s; “the government of the nation has NO BUSINESS in the bedrooms of the nation.” This, in turn, has set the tone of “it’s none of my business.” Only those conditioned by religion tend to be somewhat intolerant, but seldom vicious.
@vasilyevs 19 сағат бұрын
i love your commentary on the "lgbt+ identities are wrong/sinful/something i don't support, but i still love you" rhetoric. my family is super religious and very anti-lgbt, so i heard that a lot in my youth, and it's so foolish.
@TheybyBaby 19 сағат бұрын
NGL... "Maybe Dick" made me lol. 🤦
@draechaeli 19 сағат бұрын
I had a friend when we were both living as expats in a country that isn’t up on LGBTQ+ness. So there was no chance for pride or a wedding. She was Christen and didn’t drink and the conversation happened at an expats’ dinner where I was drinking and honestly she could have meant the drinking and nothing LGBTQ + in relation to me. The conversation pretty much went “my church believes that x, y, z are sins and if you commit these and don’t repent you’ll go to hell. “ and I asked “So you think I’m going to hell?” And she said “yes” And like I said there was no pride so I don’t know if she’d have been unsupportive of anything more than drinking but after that conversation I visited her and slept on her sofa etc. She’d been a person who I would say is supportive of you as a person but is inwardly sad you’re going to hell, and she’d never say that sort of crap on the internet.
@tdsollog 19 сағат бұрын
When bigots say “Love the sinner, hate the sin.”…. I say “Love the believer, hate the belief.” Shuts down the conversation quickly. (I’m an ally, BTW)
@andiklein4949 19 сағат бұрын
Jk forever💚
@BoredArtoast 19 сағат бұрын
27:30 I’m just imagining some demonic apparition climbing out of this dude going “SLAYYY QUEEN” I cannot-
@shanwild1096 19 сағат бұрын
"The gay demon had a a voice" Hhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 😂
@stylis666 19 сағат бұрын
Loving is a thing you do, just like respecting. If someone says they love and respect you but not support your identity or your attraction to someone, that's not loving or respectful. Loving means to support and encourage people's curiosity and development, and that includes falling in love with someone and being who someone is, even if you think that the relationship or identity are mistakes or "sins" (that are made up and aren't a thing). In other words: they're lying liars who lie that they love and respect. If you know someone like that, by all means, if you can, break off all contact - everyone deserves better than being lied to by people who pretend to have your interests at heart and discourage you from pursuing them and from living your life as you want and feel good with. You cant change their views anyway, so there's no use to wait around for it. Let them change their views without you.
@stylis666 20 сағат бұрын
5:30 "What do you mean with support?" And what do you mean with participate in? 🤣 I mean, now I'm just picturing this dude cheerleading at an orgy 🤣 Tutu, pom pom, nad everything 🤣
@palasiksivain 20 сағат бұрын
love is not a lifestyle. if you think being in a relationship is somehow related to a lifestyle, i got bad news for you.
@leylanibunni 20 сағат бұрын
roguelite with hot character art and a romancing thingy... That's about it, I'm guessing (added timestamp) 4:10
@RizzMonkee 20 сағат бұрын
Things Homophobic people need to hear: 1. The bible was first written on fragile paper, meaning that it would easilly break apart. Not everything about what was written there was true, who knows, maybe even nothing was true!
@jonj1163 20 сағат бұрын
This Jammie channel is the most low IQ analysis of LGBTQ issues I've ever seen. Whether you are for or against, geez man, you're not saying anything.. No offense. Nothing philosophical or psychological or linguistic given. And I've watched a few of your vids at this point. I hope you grow in your analysis dude.
@indiastorm9586 20 сағат бұрын
The bathroom excuse is a bit dumb to me. Like if you guys really cared about the safety of our daughters, our wives, our aunts, our girlfriends etc, already make it so that American bathroom stall doors don't have a giant gap. Make it so that there are no gaps in a bathroom stall whatsoever. And just like @Idkpleasejustletmechangeit has mentioned somewhere in the comments, somebody who has malicious intent won't be stopped by a sign at the door.
@nicolehoff8956 20 сағат бұрын
Love you, love your vids. I had and Argument. With one of my cousins when I was about ten years old maybe eleven and he was younger than that but but I decided to look up a list of sins there is a list of over 600 sins do you know where homosexuality is on that list? In the six hundreds in-between not wearing mixed fabric and not Is wearing any form of jewelry (yes crosses count as Jewelry).
@poprocket2342 20 сағат бұрын
I think people with bigoted views feel like they can tell themselves they aren't bigoted because they're not being actively hateful because that's the only form of bigotry that gets down and labelled as bigotry in media. These kinds of micro aggressions are never depicted or if they are they're depicted as normal.
@thegrimpaipear 20 сағат бұрын
I'll be honest, using Christianity as an excuse is WEAK My grandma grew up heavily Catholic and is the most progressive person I know.
@insomniaclover4095 20 сағат бұрын
unlike croissants, homophobia doesn't taste good
@fienbaeyens5962 20 сағат бұрын
The comment you made about asking people what they would think of a trans prime minister nowadays was very interesting as someone from Belgium right now. We just had elections and the leader of one of the "7 big parties" is a trans woman. This means that if her party had been (one of the) biggest partie(s) there was a real chance she could become prime minister. There have actually been some articles in the news about how it is quite shocking there is not more transphobia about her. There is some from the far right of course, but very limited. People disagree with the party positions but she is a popular politician who is deemed very capable. The far right party has said things like how trans people don't/shouldn't exist, but never attacking her specifically.
@georgeblackwell8674 20 сағат бұрын
So can I ask?Have you had the operation and do you have to push one of your Bullbags , in order for you to get an erection.
@MsChipmonkey 20 сағат бұрын
Regardless of anything, it's a bookmark! Not a lesbian porn magazine, not a sex toy, a bloody bookmark. It's not even a lesbian thing! Why on earth would you not give it to her!
@godzil42 20 сағат бұрын
"Giving my live to X" really irk me....
@hollyrussell6599 20 сағат бұрын
I will never understand why some people are so certain that being lgbtq+ is bad. If you're not hurting anyone, there's no problem. Someone being in love with someone that is the same sex, transitioning, etc, isn't hurting anyone. Just let people be themselves and live their life in the way that is right for them ffs
@tmmaster6904 20 сағат бұрын
you make a mistake multiple times in this video where you assume, in good faith, that when christians say they love someone, they mean real love and not christian love, which is actually a very particular brand of hate
@3thenet 20 сағат бұрын
18:44 this meme should be called the Egg of Cisyphus
@Donolohe 20 сағат бұрын
The Bible is clear about shrimps, size of your balcony and mixed fabrics, so maybe go around fixing those in your life and then let's do a group chat about veneration of saints and opulence of churches and how it relates to false idolatry, and then, when we achieve a consensus about all of that, we'll see about fixing some other people lives.
@MsChipmonkey 20 сағат бұрын
I am a former Mumsnetter. I pretty much left Mumsnet because of Terfs. I actually believe that the radicalisation of Mumsnet was started by one person, not Posie Parker, this was long before her time, but a person who came in with what appeared to be feminist arguments. How you radicalise a group of people is to tell them THEIR rights are being stripped by another group of people. It's similar to the far right blaming immigrants for lack of housing. Some of my Mumsnet friends have trans kids and that rhetoric was very hurtful to them but their former friends were too far down the rabbit hole to be supportive. They say "trans ideology" is a cult buf they can't seem to see that they're the ones in the cult
@drucilla56 20 сағат бұрын
The phobes are always so confused.
@I_CONTAIN_MILK 20 сағат бұрын
As someone who lives in the US South, many people are homophobic but mainly because they don’t understand; not the Bible. I came out to some “homophobic” friends and they had no problem- some do. Some people want to say homophobic to “follow god” or they say they aren’t yet they’ve bullied me my whole life for not being cishet and white.
@kayasia8916 20 сағат бұрын
can i get that 1 all encompassing surgery tho? pref for free.
@Hazbindemondragon 20 сағат бұрын
The 'my daughter isn't gay' person, treats gayness like Christians treat their idea of purity, thinking 'one action thats not inline with the rules, they no longer are' that's like saying if you get a speeding ticket you're not a law abiding citizen now. Although I do wonder why she says kissing her girlfriend is weird. Is she ok? That's not normal even with experimenting, I'd check if she was joking or if she's in a unhealthy relationship, you don't want her view of lesbianism to be negative because of her experimenting. It could just be kissing isn't her thing but just ask what she means by it 'feels weird'
@Angelatic2014 21 сағат бұрын
22:19 😤😮‍💨 The use of "It's." That's making you feel bad. Case and point, you're too worked up over this. You're proving the point you stood against, dummy.
@Angelatic2014 21 сағат бұрын
18:38 Respect to "the_lady_j_" She is very right. If one is seriously getting worked up around being misgendered, you need to see someone abt that rather than going online and displaying this sorry excuse of a vulnerability post.
@Angelatic2014 21 сағат бұрын
16:41 And JK Rowling is right.