American goes Shopping in Polish Supermarkets

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@kamikadzegga9188 5 ай бұрын
Zabka does not sell gas, it's just a convenience store. The closest to Zabka in America would be 7/11, from selling ready to go meals, to making hot fast-food like hotdogs, fries, wraps. They also have fully automated stores called "Żabka nano" where you scan the code from your app, walk in, and it will automaticly scan products that you put into your basket. When you're done you just walk out since it will auto charge you for all of the items you bought. They also have other services in the normal stores like a mail point so you can send/receive mail, tax paying point, phone repair etc.
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@kamikadzegga9188 WOW 🤯
@darek4488 29 күн бұрын
@@kamikadzegga9188 I recently discovered that in żabka you can send a wire transfer and pay with cash for it.
@stefanb4375 5 ай бұрын
The average income in 2023 was 21.000 € in Poland, so maybe cheap is only a thing from your perspective.
@marekbarycz4397 5 ай бұрын
"Average" Means 70% of population has wayyy less.
@cpt.flamer7184 5 ай бұрын
@@marekbarycz4397 yeah, the median is 4200 pln netto, so it's about 12 000 € a year, so half the people earn less than than. The average salary is much higher than the median but it really distort the reality, most Poles don't earn even close to the average...
@mk3082 5 ай бұрын
@@cpt.flamer7184 not 12,000 euro 1,200 euro :D
@mk3082 5 ай бұрын
@@cpt.flamer7184 I wuld ike 12 000 euro :D
@mk3082 5 ай бұрын
ahahahah buul shit
@Mybrickbuildingadventure 6 ай бұрын
No, the Zabka has no gas. It is really more a small convenience store that is for local residence to buy the item they forgot in the Supermarket.
@bognagruba7653 5 ай бұрын
And for tourists on every street in every old town ;)
@weed0509 5 ай бұрын
Yep, and you can shop in sundays also (usually you can't shop in sundays)
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@Mybrickbuildingadventure ha !
@0plp0 5 ай бұрын
1:33 Prince Pole the most popular Wafers in Poland and Iceland, coming from Poland. Goralki is a brand from Slovakia, where it is called Horalki = Highlanders.
@videosforeveryone66 2 ай бұрын
I like Roshen wafers, the ones from Ukraine, they're very tasty to me but I'm trying to avoid any sweets.
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@0plp0 Love Prince Polo !!!! When I was a child, we used to walk on GROJECKA STREET and there was a place called WEDEL.
@smiechuwarte-qt8pn 5 ай бұрын
What people call full fat milk 3.2% from the supermarket is milk with water after the cream has been removed. Normal full fat milk from a cow is 4.8 - 4.9% . I will also tell you a secret about Polish families. If a family has three children, they are entitled to a large family card. This card allows you to buy cheaper tickets for public transport, discounts on car fuel and a 10% discount on food purchases in the supermarket. There are many more discounts that I don't remember, but I often go shopping with my brother who has this card.
@garbage2882 5 ай бұрын
the ticket discount is massive, I pay 90zł/month for transport, while a friend that has a large family can pay 100zł/year
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@smiechuwarte-qt8pn no kidding?
@aleksanderdomanski222 5 ай бұрын
EU does great work forcing food / water standards. That's why even cheapest stuff is at least OK. Plus tap water is drinkable (not unhealthy) without any filters.
@walterweiss7124 5 ай бұрын
except fruit ,shitty standards
@berth2647 6 ай бұрын
The food has EU standards... the meat cant be bad ... but of course there are different qualities in meat ... like a 5 dollar steak or a 500 dollar kobe steak ... but even the cheap meat is good.
@smorersandzi332 5 ай бұрын
No processed food is good or healthy
@TheRezro 5 ай бұрын
Thing what many people not realize is that bread is straight baked in most of the markets. It is literally fresh!
@pawelwrzesinski7954 5 ай бұрын
Rather de-freezed, its already pre-baked earlier.
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@TheRezro I 💕 Polish 🍞. Yummy
@weed0509 5 ай бұрын
About bread in biedronka/lidl: usually if you want good quality bread then you need to go to local bakery. Then I like to buy bread in Lidl.
@walterweiss7124 5 ай бұрын
there were some scandals concerning bread quality in Lidl in germany, some 10-15y ago
@jerzy7118 5 ай бұрын
in the USA food is highly processed and confectionery products have a lot of sugar compared to Polish baked goods. That is why in Poland there are not as many overweight people as you see in the USA and in Poland people walk a lot and even if you consume more calories you will get rid of it by walking and walking around the city and not like in America you drive everywhere. An American who moved to Poland with his wife got used to walking a lot and when he came back to America to visit his family cars stopped and offered him a lift thinking that his car had broken down. These are small everyday shops, not gas stations, there are also large supermarkets. Food in Poland is definitely healthier than in the USA and bread is not the same bread as in America what you call bread is called in Poland bread for toast. I don't know if you have eaten fresh real country bread made from sourdough - that taste and that smell
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@jerzy7118 absolutely true
@joannacieplak3107 5 ай бұрын
Żabka, to nie supermarket, to sieć malutkich i średniej wielkości sklepików osiedlowych. Ich fenomen polega na tym, że w niedzielę i święta, kiedy inne sklepy są zamknięte, oni mają otwarte. Nie ma tam jakiegoś super asortymentu, ale jak w niedzielę zabraknie ci chleba, bo np.: odwiedzi cię rodzinka, to zawsze jest szansa, że jak nie w jednej, to w drugiej kupisz.
@maciekapocaliptic 5 ай бұрын
It is always the ratio of income to costs. For us it's not cheap at all. For someone who lives here and, for example, has an American pension, living in Poland can actually be considered cheap.
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@maciekapocaliptic Ha ! Something to consider!!! I have Americans pension for UCLA, social security, my dead husband social security, 401K ,nice savings. If I sale the house, I may have a nice retirement in , let say, SZKLARSKA POREBA. YES ! I WILL THINK ABOUT THAT
@weed0509 5 ай бұрын
Some stores have designated area with employees to cut meat, chease. Products are usually cheaper than one is biedronka and not bad in quality.
@aleksanderdomanski222 5 ай бұрын
Little hint. Multiply everything by x2 or x3 to see how much it costs for Poles. Cos we earn way less than Americans.
@TheFifthHorseman_ 4 ай бұрын
1:01: You can approximate the USD price by dividing the PLN price by 4. 2:11: No gas, just convenience stores, think 7/11. Polish society is much less car-dependent than USA, in part because of how accessible public transit is, so gas stations are few and far between. 11:04: We do have vegetables - super common in soups (duh), while in meals it's usual to have a veggie-based side side
@szymonpietrzak7777 4 ай бұрын
01:39 Góralki are not Polish brand but Slovak and they're originally called Horalky. It shows how similar are both languages btw
@wrobelsparrow 5 ай бұрын
We’ve got at least 5-6 types of cream alone - from sweet and runny to extra sour and thick.
@darek4488 5 ай бұрын
Polish milk compared to US milk is a completely different thing. US cows are fed hormones and antibiotics daily, while Polish cows just eat grass and that's it.
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@darek4488 that's absolutely true
@omer-x2j2z 5 ай бұрын
The text under the word Biedronka at the sign above the entrance says: "every day low prices".
@videosforeveryone66 2 ай бұрын
Sounds similar to the Profi motto we have in Romania.
@paulinagabrys8874 5 ай бұрын
Ten materiał udowadnia jak gówniana jest jakość żywności w USA. Mam wrażenie że chipsy i cola na rynki państw UE byłyby zakwalifikowane w USA jako zdrowa żywność. I nie, u nas w Polsce nie jest tanio. A na pewno nie jest tanio dla Polaków. Polskie statystyki już dawno powninny podawać dominantę zarobków a nie średnią, której prawie nikt w tym kraju nie zarabia. Żabka i dyskonty zabijają niezależne sklepy i to jest w moich oczach jedna z tragedii polskiego handlu. I typowy przykład późnego kapitalizmu, który chce z nas zrobić bezmózgich konsumentów takich jak w USA. Co do cen warzyw, owoców i mięsa my w Polsce gotujemy posiłki dla siebie i swoich rodzin. Wy Amerykanie jesteście tak leniwi że nawet po kawę instant musicie jechać autem do Starbucksa. Jakby podgrzanie wody było niczym lądowanie na księżycu.
@MrBalrogos 5 ай бұрын
Panie u nas to cziperki zdrowe w porownaniu z cziperkami z US :D
@abram6282 28 күн бұрын
Food prices usually follow income of that country, you say it's very cheap, I from Czechia say it's little bit cheaper for Poles tho it may still be kinda expensive. Fun fact, what does not follow income and far worse usually gets more expensive is electronics, cars... if income is taken into account imagine that you would have to pay 4500 USD instead of 999 USD for a phone (prices in EU tend to be higher, you have much much higher tax 20+% for example and then the income difference) while the food, rent and so on is still the same price.
@jerzyblinowski5177 5 ай бұрын
1:44 "Góralki" wafers are a Czech production - not Polish. 8:49 Very often, bread in supermarkets is baked from ready-made raw dough. Thanks to this, the smell of baked bread wafts through the shop, which makes people hungry and they buy more food. Such an oven pays for itself quite quickly. Bread baked in a supermarket is of low quality and, for example, dries up after a few hours of purchase, so that if bought in the evening, it probably won't last until morning. For comparison, the same type of bread from a professional bakery will not dry out even if kept on the surface for several days. I am not talking about bread with chemical "improvers" (which remains "fresh" even for several years), but about the kind produced using flour, water, yeast, and possibly herbs, seeds, pumpkin, onion, and other natural flavorings. 12:49 The minimum net salary (after paying: taxes, mandatory insurance contribution for medical expenses, childbirth and rehabilitation, mandatory contribution for pension insurance and in the event of loss of income due to disability, illness or childbirth) is approx. PLN 3,000 per month. Average net salary approx. PLN 6,000 per month.
@MrBalrogos 5 ай бұрын
Unfortunetley Poland become expensive we earn 4 times less and we have same prices for example as in Netherlands.
@trevorlsheppard7906 5 ай бұрын
Hello,that isn't a cloud you see, it's caused by the sun reflecting on the camera lens , a bit like being dazzled ❤❤.
@Yazu-Farm_Symulator 5 ай бұрын
Zabka to sieć sklepów otwartych codziennie. Nie jest najtaniej, ale też nie jest zbyt drogo, po prostu jeśli czegoś brakuje, to Zabka zaprasza. In general, Poles do shopping in large chain stores that have goods from Polish manufacturers but not only and the most popular store for shopping is the "Leviatan" chain or in any major city "PSS Spolem" stores in Poland or in smaller cities the chain of stores "GS"
@MyFaithShines 5 ай бұрын
Its not cheap when u have $800 per month
@Tomikchomik1 5 ай бұрын
For you is cheap, for us Poles its not. Imagine earn 3k $ month, and pay 7$ per L of gass, 8$ for bread, 12$ for 2L of Coca Cola, etc. People who live in Town in Poland, can spend 80-90% of monthly payment on bills.
@garbage2882 5 ай бұрын
gdzie masz 2l coli za 50zł
@Tomikchomik1 5 ай бұрын
@@garbage2882 Kretynie czytaj ze zrozumieniem. Przedstawiłem przykładową sytuację, jak "nasze ceny" wyglądałyby u nich, żeby pokazać, że dla nas wcale nie jest tak tanio.
@ezb4 5 ай бұрын
@@Tomikchomik1 tylko u nich właśnie tak jest, że te 3000$ to teraz jest mało na życie. Tanie są u nich produkty wysokoprzetworzone. Ludzie ze stanów patrzą, że u nas takie "normalne" jedzenie jest tanie. Tam idziesz na drobne zakupy spożywcze, kupisz jakiś badziew i bez 100$ nie masz po co wchodzić do sklepu. Jak patrzę ile u nas ludzie pakują w biedronkach do koszyków (szczególnie przed wolnymi dniami), to się zastanawiam gdzie są ci biedni ludzie.
@catlover0160 5 ай бұрын
That wasn’t a cloud, it was lens flare!! 😍🇬🇧
@marekwojnarowski2804 5 ай бұрын
usually we go for meat to local shop. so we do know, meat is fresh and good. At grocery storys it is not so proof
@toomasargel8503 Ай бұрын
US säläry is 4000 until 15.000 USD / month , Polskä (O Poländ säläry 900 USD until 2.000 USD äb äveräge. )
@ninaelsbethgustavsen2131 5 ай бұрын
If you're lactose intolerant, try soy milk, goats milk, or look for "lactose free" milk. The latter is sweeter than ordinary milk. Love from Oslo 👩‍🦳🇳🇴
@mif4731 5 ай бұрын
That wasnt a cloud, it was a Sun lense flare
@bognagruba7653 5 ай бұрын
Hello, Amy. I'm waiting for 'First Time You Realized America Really Messed You Up | Part 6 | TikTok' :)
@TheZone0 5 ай бұрын
Now biedronka is popular in Us😊
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@TheZone0 when I was a young art student at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, I usually stopped in the evening in Biedronka on GROJECKA STREET. Was in the 70. I used to order RUSKIE, SLONSKIE, LENIWE and mountain of potatoes
@thedutchhuman 5 ай бұрын
It's really time for you and Charlie to come this way, although I understand that the financial picture is the most important. As the man already points out how chemical the cheese and milk are in the USA, and you also have problems with the milk... that says enough, I think. I still don't understand why the average American stands up, friends politics I think.
@toomasargel8503 Ай бұрын
1 usd 0 = 3.90 zlot = if kg = 4.99 plz then it 1.28 USD / kg or 0.61 USD / lbs.
@szczepionzabijaka8476 Ай бұрын
Check Kefir or Maślanka 😜
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@@szczepionzabijaka8476 pamietam, pamietam z dziecinswa. KEFIR or MASLANKA was the best on KACA
@Hope_On_The_Stage 5 ай бұрын
It's not that cheap from our perspective. It is affordable but with how much we pay for bills and rent it's not that great. 4-5 years ago I would pay maybe 100-150zl for groceries he did.
@supreme3376 5 ай бұрын
1$-4 Zlote
@mk3082 5 ай бұрын
look at the minimum wage in US and Poland and then decide 200 zl ore 100 dolars are ok
@quigonjinn3567 5 ай бұрын
7:31 That's why i have a e-bike with mid motor, you do something 4 ur body without getting rekked. Just don't by chinese hub motor e-bike they are trash. "Gaint" AKA bigges quality bike brand from Taiwan BTW. E-bike are fun & are good 4 the environment & ur health.
@theonijkerk3012 6 ай бұрын
200 Zloty is about 50 euro
@krystiangrzegorek8165 5 ай бұрын
@arek9804 5 ай бұрын
not a cloud, its lens flare
@skandalsky66 4 ай бұрын
It was cheap. The last 8 years of our national socialist government have seen a 100% increase in the prices of food, services and private healthcare.
@cathyharris-cz5tu 5 ай бұрын
And why our prices in los Angeles are so high ? Who is really paying this bills for the war and huge military loans???? " Oh how cheap it is!!!!! Paradise! Paradise! So cheap!!!!". Well there's my advice buy as much as you can and eat all shopping card at once. Poland is just a buffer zone for our military,and taxpayers r paying for all this.
@leno_o17 Ай бұрын
You think Polish taxpayers don't pay for this? XD maybe it's considered cheap for you, for us it's actually expensive.
@cathyharris-cz5tu Ай бұрын
@leno_o17 😩💔
@przemaser2 5 ай бұрын
Biedronka is cheapest
@pim1234 5 ай бұрын
Most American products aren't allowed in Europe, too processed !
@KilgoreTrout977 5 ай бұрын
you don't think ahead. From your perspective, cheap
@xaredx7431 5 ай бұрын
not that cheap when you earn in PLN
@mempamal44 5 ай бұрын
Joan of Arc savior of kingdom of France of thecajun cutthroat channel please.Thanks
@antyanantyan3619 5 ай бұрын
Po pierwsze Biedronka nie jest POLSKIM super marketem jest tylko w POLSCE.
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