American Reacts The Complete History of Italy

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@markmuller7962 2 ай бұрын
A lot happened in Italy before Rome tho 😅
@russko118 2 ай бұрын
not much important stuff to dedicated in a limited time video
@thedude9014 2 ай бұрын
@@russko118 uhmmm you 'd be surprised
@giacomopace 2 ай бұрын
​@@russko118are the Etruscans not much important?
@russko118 2 ай бұрын
@@giacomopace he said there were the etruscans, so yes no more than a frase needed. especially with a mithology start like that. samnites and celts of the Po valley were important too, but do they deserve space in a video that goes from mitology to ww2? no
@giacomopace 2 ай бұрын
@@russko118 I was not commenting the video, but replying to your comment
@conigliostressato 2 ай бұрын
31:31 the Communist Party was *not* expelled. The Communist were integral part of the italian Resistance. After the war they were part of the Committee to write the Constitution. The Communist Party has been the second biggest party in Italy from 1947 to 1989, when it changed name. The party that was banned it’s obviously the fascist party.
@Lele86259 2 ай бұрын
Yes, you're right. But, you know... from the perspective of an American who has been taught all his life that fascism and communism are pretty much the same thing except for the different color shirts, I can expect that. Even in the case of a person who is obviously cultured and doing his best to become an individual aware of the world he lives in. I mean... it's harder than we might think to break free from biases like that. Just as it can be for a non-American in relation to American history and culture. (and just to clarify, I think you did well to bring this to attention)
@conigliostressato 2 ай бұрын
@ if someone decide to produce a video about history, i expect them to get basic facts right.
@donatoegizii2084 2 ай бұрын
And that was a tragedy for my beautiful country..
@conigliostressato 2 ай бұрын
@@donatoegizii2084 what?
@robertotrabalzi7346 2 ай бұрын
@@Lele86259 The similarity between the Communist and Fascism is a legend invented by the English/ American with propaganda purposes
@barrankobama4840 2 ай бұрын
The "combined effort of British, French and Italian soldiers" is a very interesting phrasing for describing a battle where French and British contributed for less than 10% of the menpower.
@riccardomallardo7779 2 ай бұрын
1.020.000 italians, 60.000 british, 40.000 french, 20.0000 czechoslovakians and 3.000 americans. In the meantime there were 25.000 italians fighting the germans on the french front
@leominerva3494 2 ай бұрын
40 minuti per la storia d'Italia? Allora per gli Usa basterebbero 2 minuti scarsi!
@bellavecc2570 2 ай бұрын
uno short
@marziamira7895 2 ай бұрын
Di cui i primi 12 sono solo mitologia, l’ha presa veramente larga direi!! 😂
@Emanuele246gi 2 ай бұрын
Ma ora che c'entra fare commenti simili solo perché a reagirci è un americano? Boh, maturità tipica italiana
@russiamerda Ай бұрын
Classico commento dell’Italiano medio. Basta fare la prova del 9: sei laureato? No, sicuramente. 😊
@mckappe 3 күн бұрын
@russiamerda In questi anni è stato dimostrato che una laurea non rende una persona intelligente o sveglia o anche solo istruita.
@MondoRockGP 2 ай бұрын
MORAL of this video is that in the Mediterranean was born the civilization that still lives today in many aspects. Italy is today the reality that contains the highest amount of culture, art, music, architectural and natural beauties.
@russiamerda Ай бұрын
Ma per carità. Basta con questa stupidaggine fascista sull’Italia caput mundi. Solo i non laureati, gli ignoranti e i fascisti credono ancora a questa balla.
@marcomarco6430 2 ай бұрын
3000? Wrong. There are drawings on stones in northern Italy dated 36000 years ago, one of UNESCO heritage site
@antoniettadilorenzo9064 2 ай бұрын
Le incisioni rupestri della Val Camonica, PATRIMONIO MONDIALE UNESCO. La maggior concentrazione di ARTE RUPESTRE NEL MONDO. Si trova nelle Alpi Centrali Orientali dell 'Italia Settentrionale, Provincia di Bergamo e Brescia, nella Regione Lombardia ( capoluogo Milano). Chiamata anche" LA Valle dei Segni "
@Kenshiroit 2 ай бұрын
That's prehistory....
@feldmarescialloduda 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@Kenshiroit3000 years is not prehistory, jesus Christ… is education illegal in US ?
@Kenshiroit 2 ай бұрын
@feldmarescialloduda hello I was referring to 36000 years not the 3000. The education is bad in America but apparently not only in the States.
@feldmarescialloduda 2 ай бұрын
@@Kenshiroit my bad, i expect always the worse by the comment section
@Raphillon 2 ай бұрын
The Roman-Greek religion merging is always so oversimplified. It makes you think that Romans just took Greek gods and gave Roman names... Just because. The truth is that obviously Romans had gods, mitology, rites since the very day of the foundation, way before meeting with greeks, so Jupiter, Juno, Minerva etc. were latin gods since before Rome itself existed. However both Romans and Greeks come from Indo-European tribes, so, while the religion evolved and changed in time and God names become very different, the archetypes were very similar, with a God of the sky and tempests at the top place and so on. So when Romans did meet Greeks they found their gods to be similar. However the matter is complex. Take for example Juppiter-Jovis VS Zeus-Dios. while at the nominative the names are different, at the genitive they actually share the same indo-european root: IOV-DIO with latin dropping the initial "D" and Greek dropping the final "V" (Because it was not part of Greek classical alphabet). It's a complex and fascinating history.. Very often oversimplified.
@Ermagron Ай бұрын
it should be oversimplified but they do it in the wrong way, aka roman used the syncretism to integrate any pop into the empire so the tool used made everything look similar to today standard since we dont even know the specific rites they used.
@billhaverchuck3745 2 ай бұрын
I still have to find a video about the history of Italy that references the Years of Lead. It's incredible how such an important and dark chapter in Italian history is so rarely mentioned.
@conigliostressato 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, there’s only some stuff about Gladio, but it’s never really good. But there is a pretty good video from a podcast about the Ustica plane crash.
@antoniettadilorenzo9064 2 ай бұрын
Scocciante. Noioso. Tetro. Parliamo dj cose belle,importanti. Parliamo di una Storia di un popolo , della sua Civiltà, delle vite buone che ha apportato alla Storia Umana. Chi ignorante la Storia,il Passato è condannato a ripetete errori. È un programma divulgativo, d'istruzione, non propaganda politica, di un periodo terribile del mio Paese (sono Italiana, ed ero ragazza), che non voglio ricordare... E poi la Storia di una Nazione si fa gradualmente, per cronologia , non scegliendo a caso un qualsiasi periodo storico a casaccio!!!...
@antoniettadilorenzo9064 2 ай бұрын
E. C. Cose buone che ha apportato
@billhaverchuck3745 2 ай бұрын
@@antoniettadilorenzo9064 Perdonami, ma non è così che si racconta la storia, saltando capitoli importanti "perché brutti". La guerra è un capitolo tragico, eppure viene menzionata sempre, proprio perché è fondamentale parlarne per comprendere il contesto storico. Dato che si tratta di un video divulgativo rivolto a un pubblico internazionale, è essenziale raccontare tutti gli eventi significativi. Non ha senso fare un video sulla storia d'Italia e fermarsi ogni volta alla Seconda guerra mondiale (questo, addirittura, si ferma qualche secolo prima), ignorando momenti cruciali come il boom economico del dopoguerra, gli Anni di piombo, il Maxiprocesso contro Cosa Nostra, Tangentopoli e altri eventi che hanno profondamente segnato il paese.
@strikedn 2 ай бұрын
@@antoniettadilorenzo9064 Quindi la storia si fa solo se sono cose belle? Mai sentita una mostruosità del genere.
@marcio-xe8zr 2 ай бұрын
More than Marco Polo americans should know about Amerigo Vespucci, the name America itself comes from him
@thinkerian 2 ай бұрын
7:15 Roman, Greek, Nordic/Germanic and Slavic gods are all from the same Indo-European roots. For example Zeus/Jupiter/Thor/Perun is the same god that mostly has the same attributes in all mythologies.
@antoniettadilorenzo9064 2 ай бұрын
Sì ,vero.
@micade2518 2 ай бұрын
The EU is not "a counterpart" of the European Coal and Steel Community; it's the latter that morphed into the EEC, then into the EU: "The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was a European organization created after World War II to integrate Europe's coal and steel industries into a single common market based on the principle of supranationalism which would be governed by the creation of a High Authority which would be made up of appointed representatives from the member states who would not represent their national interest, but would take and make decisions in the general interests of the Community as a whole. It was formally established in 1951 by the Treaty of Paris, signed by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany and was generally seen as the first step in the process of European integration following the end of the Second World War in Europe. The organization's subsequent enlargement of both members and duties ultimately led to the creation of the European Union." Source: Wikipedia
@vincenzopiras9765 2 ай бұрын
Look, this video is really too lack of information and explaination. Even if he wanted to be informative, there is less information than what we study in elementary school. First of all the video speaks very little and too quickly about pre-Roman Italy. First of all, in Italy there were three population groups. A first indigenous, non-Indo-European, which would have formed the Etruscan culture (which was not united in a state but was divided into many independent cities). The second group that arrived in the 13th century and created the Latin people, together with other peoples such as the Venetians (here the English creates confusion, but I am not talking about the inhabitants of Venice that did not exist and that takes its name from them) and the Sicilians. The third group arrived in the 12th century and formed the Umbrians, the Sabines and above all the Samnites. During the seventh century the Greeks settled in southern Italy founding cities such as Syracuse, Naples and Taranto. At a certain point the Etruscan cities came into conflict with the Greeks for control of the Tyrrhenian Sea. After a battle in Campania the Etruscans declined giving way to Rome. In the early centuries Rome faced great challenges and was even sacked by the Gauls, but they recovered and expanded in Italy, finding the Samnites the most hostile and difficult people. With the expansion towards the south the Greek city states in Italy felt threatened and repeatedly called upon adventurers from the Greek world (who were abundant after the conquests of Alexander the Great and the subsequent collapse after his death), the last and most famous of whom was Pyrrhus. After the defeat of the adventurer and the subjugation of the entire peninsula the Romans came into conflict with Carthage. From here more or less what you say up to the period of the civil wars is correct, which however needs a moment of explanation. Because of the conquests and the accumulation of wealth, a whole series of powerful figures emerged who clashed for power. Julius Caesar arrives only after half a century or more of political instability and the clash between Marius and Sulla. Initially, Caesar and Pompey ruled together with Crassus, and only after the latter's death did the balance break. Furthermore, it was not Caesar who killed him, but Ptolemy, Pharaoh of Egypt, hoping to gain his favor (in reality more his regents than him, since he was a young boy). Then more or less everything goes well until the crisis of the third century. Here the tetrarchy completely skipped, with its attempt to give stability to the empire (it is on this occasion that the residences of the emperors begin to change). Then with Constantine the residence becomes Byzantium, which will be renamed Constantinople. Well, he skipped practically the entire Middle Ages, he skipped the entire modern age, he said little or nothing about unification, he focused a bit more on fascism but even there it was quite superficial and then he didn't say anything about what happened after the Second World War. The more I think about it, the more this video (not yours, the one you watched) seems poorly made to me. If it were me, I would have removed the first mythological part (also because there he said a lot of nonsense) and then I would have added a lot more things. Even staying on the most superficial level, to make a slightly more complete and comprehensible speech it would take at least half an hour. Damn, he skipped the Investiture Controversy, the birth of the Comuni (a particulary form of city governament precursor of many systems still used today throughout the occidental world) and Frederick II. These are things they teach us in elementary school, he can't skip them if he want do the history of Italy.
@businessasusual9077 2 ай бұрын
I applaud your effort to integrate the REALLY poor depiction of the rich and complex Italy’s history as portrayed in the video above…. As you say he skipped a whole lot of incredible “ inventions” coming from all sorts of places in Italy, like Florence or Venice, regarding finance like the banks and credit system. Monte dei Paschi di Siena is the most ancient bank in the world, as far as I know…. He didn’t even touch the subject of the expansion of arts during the Rinascimento ( Renaissance) and the influence it had on the whole of Europe…,, and I’ll leave it here…
@marziamira7895 2 ай бұрын
True, he skipped very important matters, but it took 12 minutes to talk about the mythology behind the foundation of Rome 😂. This is how Americans do things at school, they don’t study in deep. They study American history throughout all their schools years (and you may think that they know it well when they graduate from high school but most of the time this is not the case) and European history is a subject that you can choose not to do. I’ve been living here for 13 years and I have a 11 year old daughter who’s in 6th grade, I’m so sick of this school system.
@vincenzopiras9765 2 ай бұрын
@marziamira7895 I would even agree if the video was two hours long.
@lucafioravanti8287 2 ай бұрын
The Battle between Hannibal and the Romans that you mean was the battle of Cannae, was fought in Puglia
@dd-sv9fh 2 ай бұрын
one of the reason why the roman had a lot of god is because when they conquest a new territori they try to assimilate the popolation, using the god and the culture of that popolation, this is a reason why the roman phanteon is very similar to the greek one
@pasolo2324 2 ай бұрын
my people "the Piceni" is part of the Sabine people ,they migrate to the Adriatic coast during the "sacred springtime" following a woodpecker (in latin "picus") and this bird is still in our regional flag ,Pompeo Magnus was a Piceno from a town called Cingoli ,the ancient name of my town was Truentum from the name of the river ,now is called San Benedetto del Tronto ,and the road from Roma to my town is the most ancient road in Italy ,the Via Salaria
@antoniodettoli2845 2 ай бұрын
eh , ma come glielo spieghi a gente che a malapena conosce i greci e i romani ? Siamo già fortunati che ha nominato gli Etruschi.
@pasolo2324 2 ай бұрын
@antoniodettoli2845 aldifuori dell'Italia non insegnano la storia come da noi ,hanno un rancore che dura da millenni ,e ,neanche criticano la loro storia ,classico esempio e' Napoleone per i francesi ,uno dei piu' grandi criminali della storia ,responsabile della morte di milioni di persone e del furto sistematico di opere d'arte ,mentre per gli inglesi Francis Drake ,un pirata ,o ,per gli spagnoli Hernan Cortes ,responsabile della morte di migliaia di centro sud americani ,tutti i precedenti nomi non compirono massacri in nome dello Stato ,ma per arricchimento proprio e delle loro famiglie (cosa differente da Giulio Cesare che si' fece massacri ,ma tutto il popolo gallico ne beneficio' ,dato che impose il "sistema" romano del quale beneficiano tutt'oggi)
@patriziasforza8484 2 ай бұрын
Anche io sono marchigianaaa
@MartinaValla 2 ай бұрын
It's always funny how important Columbus is in the US (and yeah, I know it's not funny the reason why he is, the lynching etc.) while we in Italy yeah, learn about him but don't care that much overall, both cause he was convinced he got to India (I mean...) and he actually worked for Spain.
@Magnjolya 2 ай бұрын
as an italian i was so confused i thought it was normal to have 300+years of history??
@francoo.m. 2 ай бұрын
Connor you don't have to say sorry and feel guilty if you pause the video. It's a pleasure to see a young man interested in history! PS. I have a video for you to react to but don't know where to send it to you
@alanhogg9939 2 ай бұрын
Italy is one of the oldest countries in Europe. This is so smart. Lying in bed in cold England learning a lesson. Thank you. My tea's gone cold, I don't know why I - got out of bed at all. Her brother, Rollo started Massive Attack. Exstremely important Bristol band. Pompey is the slang name for Portsmouth. Every day's a school day :-)
@williambranch4283 2 ай бұрын
The prehistoric gods were proto-indo-european.
@sbadigliodallanoia3963 2 ай бұрын
3:51 Yup, that's the exact reason why Mercury, the planet is called like the god.
@saveborg1091 2 ай бұрын
Yes, mercury being the fastest planet was the inspiration.
@Ikit1Claw 2 ай бұрын
11:43 Rema, of course. The disagreement was about Remus not respecting the pomerium - as Romulus was marking limits of new city, Remus was jumping over it, for which Romulus killed him. Pomerium remained important factor in roman life, separating rome proper and its laws, from land belonging to rome (ager) and its laws. 17:00 you are very wrong, Pompey was killed in Egypt during civil war
@umbaradum 2 ай бұрын
@antoniettadilorenzo9064 2 ай бұрын
Egli approdo' , dopo la sconfitta a Farsalo, in Egitto, per chiedere asilo politico. Come scese a terra per parlare al giovanissimo Faraone Tolomeo XIII Lagide, cooregnante d 'Egitto con la sorella Cleopatra VII ( la famosa Cleopatra), fu ammazzato dalle guardie religiose egizie , per ordine del potente ministro Potino, che sperava nell'appoggio politico di Cesare. vincitore di Pompeo, nella lotta fratricida tra Tolomeo e Cleopatra, che si era rifugiata in Siria. Quando fu mostrata la testa mozza di Pompeo , trasportata in un cestino, come regalo gradito...a Cesare, questi scoppiò a piangere ( era stato suo grande amico ed era il genero della sua amata figlia , un tempo). Non gradi' affatto ...e si mise dalla parte di Cleopatra , aiutandola a sconfiggere il fratello nella battaglia del Nilo. Qui Tolomeo trovò la morte. Nella Divina Commedia, XXXIII Canto dell' Inferno Dante pone nella Tolomea ( zona del fiume infernale del Cocito) i TRADITORI DEGLI OSPITI che sono puniti lì.
@antoniettadilorenzo9064 2 ай бұрын
Che pasticcio,incompleto, inesatto...Ora me ne accorgo , dopo averlo ascoltato interamente... Consiglio vivamente l' autore di rileggere la Storia italiana attentamente, e di rifare tutto da capo. ESATTO. Con tutti i periodi storici , Medioevo, Rinascimento, Eta' Moderna , fino ai giorni nostri. compreso il i sviluppo delle arti, economia, la nascita del sistema finanziario etc., etc., etc.
@donatoegizii2084 2 ай бұрын
The land in the centre of Italy, by the Adriatic coast, was not Umbria, it wa the Picaenum, land of another osco-umbrians people, the piceni!
@donatoegizii2084 2 ай бұрын
La battaglia di Canne! In the Marvellous Puglia!
@markmuller7962 2 ай бұрын
You're correct, casualties includes the wounded in military terms
@primategaberocco 2 ай бұрын
The story of Italy is more complex and amazing than this. Just saying. 👍
@lucazeppegno8256 2 ай бұрын
You should remember that Augustus was, in fact, adopted by Caesar, probably exactly for the reason that he saw great qualities in him.
@williambranch4283 2 ай бұрын
The Sybilline books are the Latin prophecies. The Aeneid was post-facto.
@markmuller7962 2 ай бұрын
I personally enjoy the commentary at the end of videos! So if you'll ever include them I'll definitely watch it!
@umbaradum 2 ай бұрын
@marcobenedettim.b.3041 Ай бұрын
The best country in the world
@txtstoryofmylife 2 ай бұрын
Complete history of Italy and it doesn’t even tells you the unification of Italy into an actual Nation in 1861
@steava 2 ай бұрын
Italy is a planet on a planet. this times too. food, fashion, cars... and yes, crimes too, cammora, ndrangheta, mafia... the roman empire... the greatest ever. in good and worse. CEZAR=KAISER=(KAI)ZAR. yes, the Kremlin believe they are the 3° Rome.
@williambranch4283 2 ай бұрын
Pompey started as a boy general under Sulla. Octavian was a boy general under Anthony. Sulla died, then Pompey, then Caesar, then Anthony.
@bigmikem1578 2 ай бұрын
Causalities include Wounded but you can be wounded and Not be a casualty also.
@manweoettam 2 ай бұрын
The mythological part of the video is full of errors, but so it's also the historical part.
@SPQR_70 2 ай бұрын
History of Italy in 42 minutes? Ok, so I suppose history of USA will take 2 seconds...
@russiamerda Ай бұрын
Dipende. Gli USA hanno prodotto in trecento anni il triplo della letteratura italiana di ottocento anni. Oltre che avere inventato la modernità. Noi abbiamo poco da dire a livello tecnologico, scientifico, letterario, ti consiglio di andare a scuola.
@donatoegizii2084 2 ай бұрын
You have to learn the real Italian hystory and the huge Italian culture! We Have more then 3000 years of hystory on behind us, and an American can’t understand it, without learn on the book and live the real life! An above all, don’t base your knowdlege on the stereotypes from the Anglo-Saxon world…
@russiamerda Ай бұрын
Io ti consiglierei di studiare la cultura anglosassone e quella Americana. Noi ce lo sogniamo il ‘700 inglese o l’ottocento romantico. Non avremo mai un Milton o uno Shakespeare, abbiamo perso la nostra capacità artistica col vedutismo nel ‘700. Poi nulla di rilevante a livello mondiale. Quindi è ora che esci dall’orticello di casa e inizi a pensare ad altre culture oltre a quella limitante italiana, fascio.
@donatoegizii2084 2 ай бұрын
Saturn, or better Saturno was NOT imported! I was one of the most important lati deity, with Giove(Jupiter) and Giano. Minerva was a deity worshipped by etruscans! You can’t speak about ancient history, and Italian history above all!
@DD123EE 2 ай бұрын
Consider the geography of Turkey, a lot of Mountains , instead Russia was flat and easier to enter into
@franchescofranchi 2 ай бұрын
7:44 the video is inaccurate, vergil would have had , at the very least, a positive view of octavian, as the Aenied delines the mythical origins of the gens Iulia, of which Octavian is a part of
@williambranch4283 2 ай бұрын
Republic Day parade from the Colosseum to the Forum ;-) "Italian Women's Troops ★ Military parade in Rome"
@donatoegizii2084 2 ай бұрын
Colombo? Not Galileo Galilei? Leonardo Da Vinci? Michelangelo? Donatello ? Raffaello? Caravaggio?
@Eirajw Ай бұрын
Dante😭 All those marvelous literate that made Italian literary culture
@NightLunaLia 2 ай бұрын
Everything that happened before??? No? Etruscans?? And all the rest?? ....
@DeltaItalia80 2 ай бұрын
@Bramfly 2 ай бұрын
No, much much longer history than only that.
@francoo.m. 2 ай бұрын
Sì ok ma dovrebbe durare un anno il video..
@jamok5922 2 ай бұрын
The battle you couldn't remember with Hannibal Is Canna or Canne .
@lucabastianello9830 2 ай бұрын
And there is still a lot of previous story before Rome. Moreover story of Rome is super condensed. There were not enough troops to move to turkey
@gianmarcoricchieri9866 2 ай бұрын s a battle..😁😁😁
@mastroh4414 2 ай бұрын
15:52 battle of cannae
@littlemouse7066 10 күн бұрын
It seems many people think Italian history starts with ancient Rome but it's not true there were many local different populations and civilizations in Italy centuries before Rome was founded and each of them had its culture and its language the romans defeated them and inglobated them in roman culture. So modern italians are from different descents they are not all litterally only descendants of the romans. Sorry but you can't understand anything about a country from a short video which inevitably contains semplifications and inaccuracies.
@annaesposito541 2 ай бұрын
Such a superficial work!He jumped over so many things!
@TommyzCrazy 5 күн бұрын
bro basically skipped the renascence
@D4d0-o3o 2 ай бұрын
15:44 was the Battle of Cannae, one of the worst moment of Roman History
@LorenzoGiannetti 2 ай бұрын
Going through Turkey? Yeah, a piece of cake,.
@markmuller7962 2 ай бұрын
3:40 That's a really cool guess, I will ask ChatGPT 😄
@TTM_Giurgintanu 2 ай бұрын
3:20 yes they did
@Raikas 2 ай бұрын
15:32 battaglia di cannae
@andykg7103 2 ай бұрын
@mcjibbin you should watch something on the indo European sky father
@alex-ff1mp 2 ай бұрын
Good question about Thor. This version of a "hammer and sky good" is a new version of an old indo-european god. Same old indo-european god is the source inspiration of other gods in Greek/Roman (other indo-european included) mythologies. As you notice one god is reinterpreted in each culture. In modern Christianity (and also in the related religions) the same gods are also reinterpreted as Saints (Saint Medard, Saint Ilie, but others too).
@sandrapiani9054 2 ай бұрын
È’ uno scherzo?? 😂😂😂🙋🏻‍♀️🇮🇹
@rec.6296 2 ай бұрын
History for elementary school 😅
@claudiavictoria3929 2 ай бұрын
I doubt you learnt anything watching this video. You already knew everything. You're ready for the dufficult stuff now 😊
@gdhi3443 2 ай бұрын
Cool bro
@egascosmic414 2 ай бұрын
Please react to HistoryMarche battle of uhud
@publicminx 2 ай бұрын
Germany could have taken Moscow, but other things were more relevant. All this 'never reached Moscow' thing' is from idiots who too much believe into mystic symbolisms.
@Ermagron Ай бұрын
a lot in this video is wrong, only the modern fuse greek and roman pantheon togheter, and this is due roman integration and syncretism even after 2k years later ahah The minerva goddes is likely very ancient in italy in some form in norther italy, and greek pantheon totaly lack a superior god above jupiter called gianus a 2 faced god that controlled time or look onto time itself. Also there is no gicantomakia ( is this evern wrote correct?) but more likeli a urbemakia, roman dosent care of universe they only cared about the city gods didnt live on olimpus they lived around them and with them.
@sese8976 Ай бұрын
@Fine_Times 2 ай бұрын
Italy as a nation Is younger than the USA
@katakkio 2 ай бұрын
Let's not talk nonsense and look at history. By the 2nd century BC, Rome had extended its influence over the entire Italian peninsula, from Cisalpine Gaul to the Straits of Messina. This process culminated in the granting of Roman citizenship to the inhabitants of the various Italian regions, transforming Italy into a unified political entity under Roman rule
@Fine_Times 2 ай бұрын
@katakkio was not know as Italy. Italy was formed After Garibaldi... Reflect.
@kille-4B 2 ай бұрын
As far as I know, Caesar was, at the time, not a name but a title. To my understanding there have been several Caesars in Rome, Julius just happends to be the best known.
@Eirajw Ай бұрын
Nope, his name was Julius Caesar, is only after him that every emperor starts to be called Caesar (Actually after Caesar Octavian later named Augustus). He was part of the gens Julia ( the family Julia) so Julius is his family name, Caesar is his “first name”.
@macrone3443 2 ай бұрын
Friend, I advise you to stop watching these horrible videos and read some books by Prof. Brizzi, Professor of Roman History at the University of Bologna. In my opinion, he is the best teacher to understand the History of the civilization that invented Western civilization, namely Rome. If you don't want to read his books you can also find many videos of his lessons on the internet.
@russiamerda Ай бұрын
Il professor Brizzi… Ma chi c lo conosce, come se esistesse un solo cogl*ione in Italia capace di periodizzare la Storia Romana…
@StorelliEnzo 2 ай бұрын
Scarso questo video...
@joaquindiaz7818 2 ай бұрын
Columbus was a jew from valencia spain ,thats what the genetic analisis said ,
@fabriziopastorino3792 2 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no it was Chinese, my neighbor's grandmother told me
@stefaniabosi4183 2 ай бұрын
Columbus was from Genoa. Period.
@stefaniabosi4183 2 ай бұрын
@@fabriziopastorino3792 Sono anni che ci provano a farlo sembrare spagnolo.... :D
@fabriziopastorino3792 2 ай бұрын
@@stefaniabosi4183 sono fondalmente dei frustrati, lo stesso studio è una verità rivelata
@matteozerbini6139 2 ай бұрын
Just do something instead trying to steal italian history
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