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@januszlepionko Жыл бұрын
Check history of General Władysław Franciszek Jabłonowski, who was called Murzynek (it is diminutive form of Murzyn). Check who, when, and why named Poles “White Negroes of Europe”. Only after that we can start talking about racism in Poland vs. racism elsewhere.
@yakeosicki8965 Жыл бұрын
For many centuries, the word 'Murzyn' didn't have a negative meaning, it was a neutral word derived from Latin origins. It has become a word with political connotations. I started using the word black but my parents don't accept it because for them the word black is offensive. It's like pointing a finger at someone, which is inelegant. The poem 'Murzynek Bambo' tells the story that all children (implicitly all people) in the world are the same, although they differ in appearance. The activist girls thought it was a racist poem. What's funny. One final note. These girls have achieved a lot individually in the country. They were born here. The group began to invent actions that border on ridiculous. These activities are often cut off from the historical and cultural context. First of all, Poland wasn't a colonial country, there was never a large emigration from African countries here. Is there racism in Poland? Yes, but this is a marginal phenomenon. Why do Poles in small towns and villages look at black people? Because they see such people for the first time in their lives outside of television, etc. I recommend you the YT channel: André Traveler
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
Fun fact. Recent research revealed that Poland is actually least racist country in Europe. Though it is true that after end of forced isolation by Soviets, in the 90's people did in fact behave weirdly. As many people did see people of color for the first time. What lead to the stereotype.
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with racism in most cases. People overthink racism anyway
@w89715 Жыл бұрын
@@kurrwa Co
@japimacho Жыл бұрын
@@TheRezro How do black people behave when they see a white person for the first time? Same. Just pure human curiosity. In relation to things, objects that we see for the first time or we see very rarely. This curiosity is even more realized in relation to other people. Unfortunately, in recent times certain circles have started to add some sick ideology to it.
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
@@w89715 Ruski
@thomasturski2837 Жыл бұрын
Well, for a Pole the word "murzyn" is not an offensive word, it describes a person with black skin, it is a UNIVERSAL word, because it can describe both a blackskin person from Africa, a free Afro-American or a black slave working in a cotton field - it all depends on the context in which it is used. The problem is that the Polish-English dictionary provides all meanings of this word, including the N-word separated by a comma, and does not explain the contextuality of this word. And if a non-Polish person looks into the dictionary, the only thing that catches his eye is the translation as N-word and he remembers only that meaning. Explaining to such a person, that in Polish "murzyn" does not mean an insult is ineffective. And now activists, 'fighters' for political correctness, have become involved in the matter and they will teach Poles Polish, how to understand their own language. And Poles, if they want to insult a black person, have some much 'better' words or expressions than the neutral and universal 'murzyn' , which word, to the consolation of activists, is becoming a bit archaic and used less and less often.
@mark-howgh Жыл бұрын
I grew up in communist times, before TV. I first saw a black man when I was 13. In my opinion, "Murzyn" (black man) is not a derogatory word, unlike the term "czarny" (black) or "czarnuch" (nig gers).
@madmax_diablo Жыл бұрын
Murzyn means Mauretanian, and is a very old word. It cannot have a negative meaning because there has never been slavery in Poland. Poland did not exploit any colony. There has never been systemic racism, because according to the Polish constitution, everyone is equal, whether they are pink, green or blue.
@pythagorasnine Жыл бұрын
And for these reasons the Poles must not put up with the lies and distortions insinuating non-existent racism or ascribing false meaning to the perfectly neutral word Murzyn Anyone who creates offensive connotations like this and desperately tries to stir racial tension where there isn't any must be either disregarded by any rational and decent people or taken to court for slander (falsely accusing anyone of racism is as illegal as racism in UK and I hope that's the case in PL as well, with its quite stringent slider laws).
@charko4191 Жыл бұрын
well said my friend
@kikixchannel Жыл бұрын
There was no systemic racism in Poland even before Poland formally existed as this country. Poland was always welcoming to anyone that didn't cause problems. Why were the most Jewish victims of World War II in Poland? Simple. Because Poland was the MOST WELCOMING country to them, so they were simply happy to move to it and settle in before the war. That resulting in the most victims is only natural. When will more people die in a closed room where you detonate explosives. If there are ten people there or if there are fifty? The latter obviously. It's really annoying how one of the most tolerant countries in the world history is suddenly being slandered for idiotic political reasons of racism, which on a large scale was never a problem here (and on a small scale happens in every single country in the world, even minuscule ones like Vatican!).
@paulinagabrys8874 Жыл бұрын
Było w Polsce niewolnictwo ale wobec białych. Bo pańszczyzna chłopów nie jest niczym innym jak niewolnictwem. Praktycznie każdy Polak jest potomkiem zniewolonych przez szlachtę chłopów
@madmax_diablo Жыл бұрын
@@paulinagabrys8874 nie porównywał bym tego do sytuacji na plantacjach brazylijskich czy do koszmaru, jaki zrobili Belgowie w Kongo.
@skullharvester Жыл бұрын
The term "czarnuch" is pointing to the skin color and is the equivalent of the "nigger" word in polish. The term "murzyn" is not racist in any way. Sometimes we say "pracować jak murzyn" - work like a black man, to express the hard work in bad conditions in correspondence to slave labor of black people. Racism is present in Poland but racists are not taken seriously-racism is perceived by most as a mental disability to understand that skin color is irrelevant. It's your actions, your sense of honor that speaks volumes.
@wdowa82 Жыл бұрын
,, Murzynek Bambo"is one of the best poems in Polish history. It's about friendship and how much white children love Bambo. It's insane that somebody would be against this poem. And word,, murzyn" always was neutral. It's like looking for problems when there is no.
@T0ffik1 Жыл бұрын
I like it how all the activists who started the campaign arent from Poland and dont know Polish, yet they try to dictate what is offensice and what not. To make things straight, there was no fierce debate, or any debate about that in Poland. It was few not to bright women who tried to get famous upon trampling Polish culture and they achieved nothing rly. Murzyn is actually a 100% neutral term (as its term for person from Mauretania), as calling someone black is offensive just like calling someone white or yellow. In Poland calling out someone by his color is considered very rude as it is treated on equal with pointing fingers. If she actually lived in Poland she would knew it. Just like the classical poem that is actually quite positive poem. There was no voting or anything that claimed Murzyn is derogatory, and only 1 university currently claims and made w text about it, and ppl didnt even treat that seriously (or other bigger universities). Still the council for writing and speach claims you should use Murzyn instead of black as is a derogatory term. Yes you can use murzyn in a slightly derogatory conotation, but tbh you can use all terms in such a way in Polish language (as it is way more complicated then English). Also when i hear the wards "equality and representation" then i dont know what this activist means... As pay's are equall and there is no discrimination by color, as Poland was always a country of mixed cultures and races (but mostly white and some asians), and if we want to have race representation then we would have to CUT DOWN on all the western avertisements and co that have black ppl in it to basicly 0. As black ppl are not even 0,0001% (yes there are only 2800 black ppl) of Polands population. So black ppl are actually OVERREPRESENTED. So she is just trying to make black ppl have it harder in Poland i guess. Another fact is, there was no in Poland any blm, ad 2800 ppl for a scale of 38-40milions are not even registred - just staying with the facts. This activist promotes typical US idiocy and lack of education and luckly these things dont work in middle EU. Such activists arent generally welcomed in our country and are made jokes of. Another fact, Władyswał Franciszek Jabłoński was a mulat (word used in Poland for half black half white mixed person) also a fully neutral term. So you dont call him black or white but mulat. Calling him black would be a derogatory term and also giving him false race traits (she rly should try to stick to facts). There is a reason why she had turned off comments, as there were shit loads of ppl correcting her so called "half truth's" as i dont want to call it straight by what it is.
@Pigraider268 Жыл бұрын
"Murzyn" became "derogatory term", because Gen Z wanted to have their own "N-word" in Polish
@kalinkamylove Жыл бұрын
Bardzo dobra odpowiedz ale co oni o tym wiedza jak większość skończyła edukacjena szkole podstawowej 😂😂😂
@HenryyHill Жыл бұрын
Dobrze gada, polać mu, widać ze narobił sie przy tym komentarzu jak murzyn.
@dariuskucz928 Жыл бұрын
I'm polish and never Murzyn was offensive. People make it offensive what I dont like at all.
@tomekville7 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is not offensive !!! is the way speaker and speakers intention is using and how is using that word in sentence.
@miwoj Жыл бұрын
apparently word _"Murzyn"_ came from old latin word _"Maurus",_ which got twisted over the ages, that simply meant "man from northern Africa". it's just a word for a black man commonly used for hundreds of years, nothing racist or offensive about it.
@koziole12 Жыл бұрын
Nie jest to dla Ciebie obraźliwe gdyż nie jesteś Murzyn i tak zostałeś wychowany, więc nie widzisz w tym nic złego tym bardziej, że nie czujesz presji, winy, że My Polacy mieliśmy plantacje w swoim kraju z osobami o innej karnacji pracującymi na naszą korzyść, lub kolonii w innych częściach świata. Szczerze, gdyby Madagaskar był nasz było by zajebiście.
@Bzhydack Жыл бұрын
Sometimes "Murzyn" can be ofensive. There is for exaple saing "być daleko za Murzynami" - "being so far behind Murzyns (Negrs)" when something is so primitive or ineficient that is considered unimaginable in developed country.
@Asgarden Жыл бұрын
@@koziole12chyba miało być "nie mieliśmy"?
@KukusPique Жыл бұрын
"Murzynek Bambo" is a poem about silly boy from Africa, that behaves exacly the same as children of every other etnicity. It is showing a "stereotype" of a child, silly, goofy, careless and happy, so in my opinion is absolutely opposite to racist. Especially that word "murzyn" was always neutral, meaning a person of dark skin (African roots, as I remember the word has developed from "Mauretanian") no metter of skintone (light brown to very dark), social status, country of origin or wealth. It's kind of funny that those activist want to be called "Czarne" (what is just name of color Black in Polish), especially that Polish equivalent of the N-word is "Czarnuch", and it's a statement that the only noticible thing about that person is their skin color and their personality is not importent, what Polish people find offensive because as a Nation we don't really care about person apearance, skin color, personal preference or religion, in Poland personality and integrity is most valued.
@maurycyzych3129 Жыл бұрын
They are overreacting. The word murzyn is not offensive in polish language.
@hubertus3794 Жыл бұрын
Właśnie. Murzyn to określenie na rasę, a nie wyzwisko. Jak byś wyzwał takiego "potomka afrykańskich gentlemanów" od "asfaltów" albo "czarnuchów" to już trochę inna para kaloszy
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
Murzynek mambo co w Afryce mieszkał 🤣🤣🤣 people are brain washed and stupid. Manipulated by propaganda
@Wilderness-Autorka10 ай бұрын
It is often used as an insult though
@woytzekbron7635 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is very old Polish word for africans, it's derived from Mawr and has the same root as Mauretania, it has not negative conotation
@pawejabonka5095 Жыл бұрын
At least it used to, a few years ago the Council of Polish Language announced that the word Murzyn is no longer neutral and should be avoided from now on. That's due to our woke generation being extremely politically correct
@woytzekbron7635 Жыл бұрын
@@pawejabonka5095 taaa, dlatego teraz sie mowi biali inaczej
@jkar4727 Жыл бұрын
I mean, you'd think, but there are several sayings that use the word to point to a negative. I haven't so far found a positive one that would balance it out and make it possible to defend that statement. But maybe you know some positive sayings with the word that I didn't think of?
@woytzekbron7635 Жыл бұрын
@@jkar4727 easy, my wife said many times that she is happy that our daughter has "murzynskie usta" after her father (which is me ofc) which means african like lips, and it is complement. Murzynek which is diminutive of Murzyn has only positive meaning in Polish, ask any Pole, I am sure will confirm. From the other side, in Polish literature or proverbs, you can find negative connection with practically every nation or race name, we are not going to change language because of that, only thing we can do is fight with stereotypes. Some people said is better to use word "czarny" - black instead of murzyn, for my Polish ear czarny sound really rude, Murzyn is the name without connection to the colour of the skin in its root. It really pissing me off such a forcible searching for things to cancel.
@jkar4727 Жыл бұрын
@@woytzekbron7635 honestly, the problem with you and I is - I presume - neither of us are black, so neither of us had a situation when someone would attack us for being black using this word in a quite pejorative manner. Which is something black people experience. The people who changed the meaning of the word from neutral are not the black people but the racists. So I guess they are the ones we should get pissed off at for hijacking a perfectly good word and turning it into a slur. The problem with someone hijacking a neutral word is afterwards you can never know if the person talking to you is being neutral, or trying to be racist and feel smug about the fact you don't understand that they are. Which makes for a pretty hostile environment, when you never know if you are amongst friends or not. Also, denial is not gonna help combat that. If we pretend like this is not happening there is no way we can fight with the stereotypes or indeed hijacking of words by people who do it. In the end the point is whether or not you want to make sure anyone can feel safe and accepted here. If you feel like you are more important - that is your prerogative. I feel like other people are important too, and if I can make their day a bit better, I will, especially if it is simply by not making them feel uneasy with my choice of words.
@sylwiatime Жыл бұрын
Personally I think that the word "Murzyn" is OK, while the word "Czarny" (lit. Black) proposed as an alternative is much more problematic. It's just a calque from English but in Poland it refers either to Satan or to the Catholic clergy in a derogatory way. Historically, it was also used in an offensive way towards serfs who were like slaves (they weren't Black though). So it's like replacing a neutral word with an offensive one. The Black people I know have no problem with the word Murzyn and use it themselves. However, the five ladies said it offends them and the Polish people just agreed to change the word because no one wants to be mean and use a language they find offensive.
@Marta-ir8kc Жыл бұрын
In Poland we also have a cake called " murzynek " which does not mean that we feast on racism. It's good that they didn't dig up Alternatywy 4, because we wouldn't be able to explain it :)
@paulinagabrys8874 Жыл бұрын
Jak nie dałoby się wytłumaczyć? Znajdź w latach 80-tych za PRL wśród czarnoskórych studentów, ludzi potrafiących grać. To samo w Zmiennikach. Byli studenci z Wietnamu, od biedy mogliby grać Tajów ale czy znaliby polski na tyle by zrozumieć i dobrze zagrać w serialu komediowym?
@jaceknowak2217 Жыл бұрын
Word "Murzyn" is NOT offensive. It just mean black person. It's polonised latin word "Maurus" ("Moors"). Activists usually are not educated and acts like copy-paste american activists
@OksanaWasniewska Жыл бұрын
Word murzyn has never been derogatory and it's not like word at N:(
@jankowalski6338 Жыл бұрын
Let them be victims they looooooove it
@user-tk4gr9zo7t Жыл бұрын
@@jankowalski6338 Gross. You don’t need to be so regressive and extra like that.
@jankowalski6338 Жыл бұрын
@@user-tk4gr9zo7tso why do they complain about the neutral word? Hmmmmm?
@MariolaTrompka Жыл бұрын
It can offensive: "byc czyims Murzynem", "sto lat za Murzynami". And if it offends someone, you shouldn't use it. Sadly, most Poles have mentalność księciunia: "Nikt mi nie ma prawa mówić co mam robić, usiądę na krzesełku i się zesram"
@ireneusz-u9i Жыл бұрын
Poles can use this word because they have permission from the ruler of Haiti. The ruler of Haiti said that Poles are the blacks of Europe.
@Mamciorek Жыл бұрын
Ludzie szukają problemów tam gdzie ich nie ma przez to powstaje niezgodna i nienawiść . Słowa Murzynek czy Murzyn do tej pory nie znaczyły dla Polaków nic złego . Prawdą jest że do każdego słowa można się przyczepić jak się tylko zechce . Życzę wszystkim Zgody Miłości i Pokoju ❤
@wojtekpolak413 Жыл бұрын
Racism is a problem all over the world, it is a very complicated topic, but let the facts speak for themselves, here are the research results from a few days ago: On Wednesday, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published the results of research conducted in several member states on racism against black people. In Germany, 76 percent respondents declared that they had been discriminated against in the last five years due to skin color, origin or religion. In Austria this figure was 72%. In Poland - 20 percent On average, across all 13 EU countries where the study was conducted, 45 percent respondents declared that they had experienced discrimination, with the lowest percentage of such responses in Poland (20%), Sweden (25%) and Portugal (26%). So we invite you to Poland, you will really feel safe here like nowhere else in Europe :)
@jankowalski6338 Жыл бұрын
so Polish people are not racist because they don't know many murzyns.
@wojtekpolak413 Жыл бұрын
@@jankowalski6338 Don't talk nonsense, just come to Poland and get to know it. Simply.
@jankowalski6338 Жыл бұрын
@@wojtekpolak413 Don't talk nonsense. PiS let too many murzyns in, too dangerous.
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
So how many people are racist toward white ? What about hate against Christianity? Racism in eu coming from massive population not originated from Europe.
@ArkadiuszKurnicki Жыл бұрын
In the original video, everything is perfect, amazing story 6.20 min, really interesting information. The next 4 minutes are prolitical correctness straight from the USA, we don't need it in Poland :( we don't have such a problem (and we HATE this topic - I see that women have disabled comments under the original video). We have a different culture and a different history. We, WHITE people, from Poland, we were slaves in history, Tatars, Turks, Russians, Germans - these are the nations that oppressed us - our part of Europe has a different history.
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
Mongols raided polish lands regularly too
@pan_pifpaf Жыл бұрын
I am 42 years old and I never thought that murzyn is offensive. I still think it is rude to say "black" about someone 😀 (pointing out their skin color) But if polish-african homies don't want to call them murzyn I will adjust my language.
@magorzatabanasiak5787 Жыл бұрын
a ja nie mam zamiaru dostosowywać. Mam dość tych zmian w moim rodzimym języku, bo komuś się wydaje że wie lepiej. Murzyn jest dla mnie słowem neutralnym i takim pozostanie, czarny ma wydźwięk pejoratywny i też tak zostanie. Obraźliwe dla ludzi o czarnym kolorze skóry jest raczej słowo "czarnuch" to słowo jest już epitetem, przekleństwem. Co do słowa czarny lub czarna mafia jest to określenie księży katolickich którzy mają coraz niższe notowania szczególnie wśród młodszego pokolenia.
@dariadi82605 ай бұрын
Ja tego też nie rozumiem, szczególnie że w języku polskim to oznacza pośrednio Maurów... Wybitnych wojowników 😅
@krzychutyb Жыл бұрын
The word Murzyn comes from the Latin word Maurus
@kpwlek Жыл бұрын
Murzyn had never negative meaning in Poland, and I think the word has Latin origin.. And that book this is opposite it tells you respect and love to all ppl doesn't matter what race religion etc...11:41 and dude you are American who happened to be black... Same as they are americvans who happen to be white, brown or from Asia... Thsi is why your society is so divided as always have to use a skin color to define yourself... You are all Americans... Respect and be respected buddy..
@Bl4ckSer4ph Жыл бұрын
@darthetraveler it's the sign of the modern, woke, times... a story on how five (!) black women forced almost 40 millions Polish people to stop using a word which never was offensive to begin with... if they would protest against "czarnuch", that would be at least understandable (even if i doubt, they were ever called that way), as it could be translated to the (in)famous "n-word"... btw, could somebody at last explain to me, why the n-word is racist when used by white to black, but it's perfectly OK when used in black to black relationship? isn't it just hypocritical?
@messmeg7582 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is neutral. Czarny (black) can be little ofensive. Czarnuch (black-uch) it is N Word in Polish. Are you real insist on Czarny calling.... If I will be black in Poland I will want be calling murzyn (mauritanian). It is like for White calling caucasian.
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
Czarny is not racist lmao czar I h sound offensive but isn’t lmao it’s only vulgar way
@messmeg7582 Жыл бұрын
@@kurrwa where I write czarny is racist? I write CAN BE OFFENSIVE. It can be not but it can. .... And for sure czarn-uch is racist.... Not just OFFENSIVE.
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
@@messmeg7582 is bialas racist?
@kikixchannel Жыл бұрын
@@kurrwa Yes. Białas is very much racist.
@TheFifthHorseman_ Жыл бұрын
@@kurrwa Yep.
@ireneusz-u9i Жыл бұрын
Poem by Julian Tuwim - bambo Bambo, a black man, lives in Africa, This guy of ours has black skin. He studies hard all morning From his negro first reading. And when he comes home from school, He causes mischief and mischief - that's his job. Until my mother shouts: "Bambo, you rascal!" And Bambo puffs up his black face. Mom says, "Drink some milk" And he runs away to his mother's tree. Mom says, "Come take a bath," And he is afraid that he will turn white. But the mother loves her son. Because this black guy is a good boy. It's a pity that Bambo is black and cheerful he doesn't go to school with us.
@jutrzenka7503 Жыл бұрын
I liked this poem. This always made me feel there are kids just like us (who doesn like to drink milk nor being washed everyday) but different skin colour...
@justynadzt7728 Жыл бұрын
To tłumaczenie jest tragiczne, nie ma sensu.
@marshad82 Жыл бұрын
*Always* leave translations of poems to poets, and to poems readers fluent in targeted language. Better (although far from perfect) translation is available on wikipedia.
@kikixchannel Жыл бұрын
@@marshad82 Yes. The one on Wikipedia does a better job of representing the meaning of the poem (although hardly can be called a poem itself). But the most horrible parts about it is how it STILL is written that Bambo is scared of turning white through washing (while it should be 'and he's afraid he will whiten', which is a completely different thing!) and the last part "It’s sad that black, cheerful Bambo doesn’t go with us to our school". The way this is written suggests that Bambo is a 'sad entity', as in pitiful. It should be 'It's sad that the black and cheerful Bambo". An entirely different meaning considering the differences in the way that language is structured.
@damian_ski Жыл бұрын
In my view afro-polish is way more offensive as it segregates afro- from any other "normal polish". Murzyn is just an additional description as blonde, ginger and so on. Someone badly tried to find a polish equivalent of an 'n' word, used murzyn, in lack of anything better. This is proper ill will. Murzyn is not offensive, never was and it's not pejorative now. There is nothing wrong with "Murzynek Bambo". To the contrary, it shows how regardless of cultural differences, nor skin colour, kids are all the same.
@twisters999 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is a neutral word for me. I never thought it could be offensive. Actually this word comes from a Maur-Maurzyn-Murzyn.
@CharmingDhl Жыл бұрын
I would say that one of the most known black people in Poland(especially for the older generation) is Emmanuel Olisadebe, who wasn't mentioned, who played in Polish football/soccer national team around 20 years ago.
@sgebert Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised they didn't bring up Sara James in the end. She's a Polish-Nigerian on her way to world-wide fame. As per the word "murzyn" - there is no similarities with the N word. Originally it was absolutely neutral, and it is mostly because of the book mentioned in the story that it became an issue, as a diminitive "murzynek" became used, which literally means "little black man" and obviously is no longer neutral. So while saying murzyn doesnt mean any ill intentions, it can be taken as such, which is why the word "czarny" - "black" is used more and more often. Currently there are about a hundred fifty thousand black people living in Poland, but its fast growing. And the important part is that more and more of them are not immigrants, but indeed Poles. Nothing combats racism better in Poland than the mindfuck it produces to rasists to see a black person, who's as Polish as they are.
@goq9757 Жыл бұрын
In September 1939, after Germany attacked Poland, the Kingdom of Tonga was one of the first countries to declare war on Germany. That's not all, as part of a public fundraising campaign, the society of Tonga bought three Spitfire fighters for Poland. The Kingdom of Tonga is a tiny country located in the South Pacific, part of Polynesia. The population of Tonga is approximately 106,000 people. The island is over sixteen thousand kilometers away from Poland. We wrześniu 1939 roku po ataku Niemiec na Polskę, Królestwo Tonga było jednym z pierwszych państw, które wypowiedziało wojnę Niemcom. To nie wszystko, w ramach publicznej zbiórki pieniędzy społeczeństwo Tonga kupiło dla Polski trzy myśliwce Spitfire. Królestwo Tonga jest malutkim krajem leżącym na południowym Pacyfiku, stanowiącym część Polinezji. Ludność Tonga to około 106 000 mieszkańców. Wyspa oddalona jest od Polski o ponad szesnaście tysięcy kilometrów.
@pathfinderpolska Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is like black origin from Africa, not Australia, not India or papua but exactly Africa. It’s normal world like „Muzungu” in Africa is neutral name of all white men
@jankowalski6338 Жыл бұрын
6:04 and his monument was destroyed during BLM riots. Weird way to show gratitude. And Agboola lied he never fought in Warsaw uprising
@Neexienous Жыл бұрын
I'm Polish 🇵🇱 I've never heard about any protest/strike like that like: "Don't call me, Murzyn." Plus this is a cute words for us because we have even a cake called: "Murzynek." It's like looking for racism like from nothing. We are even the most safest country. Everything what she said I've heard for the first time. Seriously. Thw truth is if we wanted be bad or racistic wr could just say: "You look like a poop." But we don't do that because not everyone is racistic. In Poland lives maaaaany black people and no one have a problem with that.
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
You are white that’s why you are oppressive and racist 🤣 left mentality don’t listing crazy people
@koziole12 Жыл бұрын
Murzynek jako ciasto jest uroczę, lecz jak byś mnie tak nazwała na ulicy to było by kolejne negatywne wspomnienie w moim 29 letnim umyśle Polaka.
@steras81pl Жыл бұрын
@@koziole12 no wlasnie biali Polacy bronia tego slowa bo uwazamy je bardziej jako nazwe rasy, jak latynosi , romowie, azjaci, czy mulaci. My jestesmy poprostu biali. I to jest chyba troche smutne. Wiekszosc z nas nie ma intecji obrazania kogo kolwiek mowiac to slowo (bynajmniej mam taka nadzieje) Kiedy widze na ulicy piekna czarna kobiete, to mysle sobie ''ale sliczna murzynka" a nie "ale sliczna czarna, albo ciemnoskóra laska" bo to drugie brzmi dla mnie gorzej (choc moze nie powinno) Z drogiej strony nigdy nie bylem jedynym przedstawicielem swojej rasy w miescie i nie musialem sluchac przez cale zycie tego slowa w moim kierunku. Zapewne czułbym sie, moze nie tyle obrazany, co nieakceptowany przez spoleczenstwo ktore wyraznie różni sie ode mnie. Dlatego nigdy nie powiedzialem czegos takiego do czarnego czlowieka ktorego dobrze nie znam, a nawet tych co znam nie nazywam w ten sposob . Jako w miare inteligentny czlowiek zawsze zwracam sie z szacunkiem do drugiej osoby. Oczywiscie używam tego slowa jak kazdy Polak ,jednak nie wyobrazam sobie sytuacji w ktorej mialbym zwrocic sie do kogos bezposrednio w ten sposob. Wiec jezeli ktos w przeszlosci sie tak do ciebie zwracał lub bedzie to robil w przyszlosci, to znaczy ze jest to jakis prostak i debil i nie powinienes sie czyms takim przejmowac w ogole. Dla mnie jest to troche nie pojete ze trzeba ludzi edukowac w tym zakresie w 21wieku.
@Neexienous Жыл бұрын
@@koziole12 Masz problem. Dla nas to jest urocze. Nie podoba się to wypad z Polski.
@Neexienous Жыл бұрын
Żałosne. Bronicie czegoś co dla nas jest normalne. Kiedy mówimy Murzyn to znaczy słodki/a, uroczy/a. Macie problemy z dupy.
@polakmaly8536 Жыл бұрын
Kościuszko fought to defend African Americans. During the George Floyd protests, on the night of May 31, 2020, the monument was destroyed by them. Why?
@wincentywiewiorczak4114 Жыл бұрын
Czytaliście w Pustyni i w Puszczy? Kto tam zajmował się łapaniem i handlem niewolników?
@Bzhydack Жыл бұрын
Video focused on anti-racism activists, while Poland have statisticaly one of the lowest rates of racism behaviors in Europe, far below France, Germany or UK.
@aleksanderlisowski4702 Жыл бұрын
What a bunch of rubbish. 1. "murzyn" isn't a racial slur despite leftist trying to convince us that it is. Less than few people knows the origin of the word. 2. Most of the black people mentioned in the article were either portrayed or photographed. We also had bear in our army (seriously, it's a fact) , should be consider talking about beat history in Poland? Lastly - most of those people were met by polish people (albo abroad), they were not born in Poland so bluntly speaking they are not a part of our history, they just happened to met or work with Poles. This is how uneducated people creates history. Theory goes first, later just adjust the facts.
@matyy_. Жыл бұрын
I mean for educational purpose i can tell you that the nword in polish would be "czarnuch" and the word murzyn doesnt have 1 to 1 translation and isnt threated like something offensive but due to activism it was started threated like that but main reason why its so like different and doesnt have translation is because its verrry old and for example we call Germany - Niemcy which literally means "NO people" or "people who say no" its just a way that polish works and i know Germany is a nation and all but i just wanted to show some example that not all words are 1to1 translatable
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
We should add that community of black people in Poland, consider word Murzyn as correct and any claims for any racist connotations as bizarre.
@katarzynakwasniewska8783 Жыл бұрын
Chce tu podkreślić dwie rzeczy. Po pierwsze - na początku filmu wspomniano o "African-Polish People". Nie ma czegoś takiego. Jeżeli jesteś Polakiem, to znaczy masz paszport polski i polskie obywatelstwo - to jesteś po prostu Polakiem. Możesz być nawet latającym, fioletowym ślimakiem z Alfa Centauri, ale jesteś Polakiem, koniec, kropka, nie jesteśmy w USA. Po drugie: określenie "Murzyn" jest tak samo obraźliwe jak "rude włosy", "kurdupel" (dotyczy niskich osób, zwłaszcza mężczyzn), "okularnik" (osoba nosząca okulary) etc. Jeżeli jesteś idiotą albo po prostu nie lubisz JEDNEJ, konkretnej osoby to w złości powiesz jej cokolwiek, co dotyczy jej wyglądu, ubioru, wyznania, płci i tak dalej. Samo określenie "Murzyn" nie jest ani rasistowskie, ani obraźliwe. To po prostu określenie osoby o pewnych cechach zewnętrznych. To wszystko. Mamy w Polsce ciasto "Murzynek" które absolutnie kocham, bo to czekolada z czekoladą i dodatkiem czekolady i nigdy nie słyszałam, żeby jakiś Polak chciał te nazwę zmienić albo odmówił jedzenia XD Nie zgadzam się na przenoszenie rasistowskiego bagna kulturowego z USA do Polski. Wiadomo, że w każdym miejscu na świecie są różni idioci. "Żyd" czy "gej" to też nie są obraźliwe słowa ale niektórzy próbują je takimi uczynić. Nie pozwólmy na to. Pozdrawiam z Polski :)
@justynaa1386 Жыл бұрын
"Murzyn" is offensive in the same way as Eskimosi
@jutrzenka7503 Жыл бұрын
You don't know Kościuszko? Check him.
@reggae1rabbit Жыл бұрын
Co za bzdura! Murzyn wcale nie jest negatywnie nacechowane wręcz ma nawet zdrobnienie czyli Murzynek. Jest to równoznaczne z określeniem z języka angielskiego "black people" czy "Afro(Nacionality)". Jest wiele inwektyw w języku polskim gdzie można kogoś obrazić w ten czy inny sposób (heh język polski jest w to zaskakująco bogaty). Według mnie jest już to swego rodzaju nadwrażliwość. Jeśli tą dziewczynkę prześladowano w szkole czy na podwórku w ten sposób jest mi przykro jednak jest to sprawa do rozwiązania przez rodziców i pedagogów w szkole lub ewentualnie zmienienie szkoły lub zaproszenie do bardziej rozgarniętej klasy. Sam wiem po sobie że polska szkoła nie wybacza choć od czasów gdy ja w szkole podstawowej byłem minęło już 20lat lecz mam kontakt z oświatą bo zdarza mi się wspomagać zajęcia techniczne jak informatyka i mechatronika gdy dzieciaki wychodzą poza zakres materiału który oferuje im nauczyciel który jest z resztą moim kuzynem więc robię to w czynie społecznym. Dobra zakończmy tą demagogię nad słowem murzynek. I na następny materiał znaleźć informacje o zamorskich koloniach Polski w Afryce i Ameryce Środkowej. ;) Miłego poszukiwania informacji i usiłowania przetłumaczenia tego na język angielski. :D Jak potrzebujesz wsparcia daj komentarz :D
@Herejza Жыл бұрын
born and rised in Poland and murzyn was never an offensive word. Litterly it feels like you call white caucasian, offensiven dont think so.
@marcinsmierzynski9383 Жыл бұрын
5:07 I recommend Tadeusz Kościuszko: The Polish Engineer of the American Revolution Tadeusz Kosciuszko: Engineer of the Revolution THE MONUMENT OF TADEUSZ KOŚCIUSZKO DESTROYED Dlaczego Afroamerykanie zniszczyli pomnik Tadeusza Kościuszki pod Białym Domem?
@sebkingking3355 Жыл бұрын
By the way. Why she turned off comments on her video? I'll tell you. So no one can relate to bullshit she put on this video.
@MMM0777 Жыл бұрын
It’s nothing negative about the word! Just now everyone can get offended about anything! And that’s negative!
@magorzatagatnicka6110 Жыл бұрын
Heh, , Moja babcia jak pierwszy raz zobaczyła murzyna w obozie koncentracyjnym ,niemieckim, .Wystraszyła się . Z jej opowiadań ,pomyślała że diabeł przyszedł. Ale potem wyszło tak że wszyscy byli uwięzieni przez potwora. I jak i opowiadała- wszyscy jesteśmy na tej ziemi- kto ma nam mówić gdzie i jak żyć. Widzisz, byliśmy razem, bici, torturowani, poniżani. Nikt nie miał już siły . Nie ma narodowości, rasy, płci, w obliczu terroru .
@007arek Жыл бұрын
Ciekawe, bo z opowiadań obozowych ludzie często się dzielili na grupy, i nawet w obliczu terroru ktoś z twojego miasta był bliższy niż z innego.
@MM-pn3bx Жыл бұрын
I’m a fun of IZU. I think he’s from Gdańsk, Poland. Any anti discriminatory trainings especially in the workplace are great. It seems that Poland had a very healthy reaction to the mentioned in the video anti-discrimination initiative. I also know that murzynek, Murzyn had never negative connotations unlike the word black that is freely used in the US which goes to show you that there are cultural differences.
@romansemka9880 Жыл бұрын
@thomassklorz1737 Жыл бұрын
Zaczyna sie od slowa , a na czym sie skonczy ? Czy nasze wnuki benda sie kiedys uczyly , ze Chrobry byl czarny ?
@sebkingking3355 Жыл бұрын
Word "Murzyn" never had pejorative connotations. It's coming from word "Maur" in English "Moors" , which is name of people who live in Maghreb region. Problem is that people who coming to Poland trying to teach us our own language and telling us what means what. All this activst mentioned in video is just lefties, looking for attention people. Black history in Poland speaks for itself. Every Murzyn who trying to find racist where is not there only working against. P.S. Just to let you know that Slavic people was slaves way before black people. Already in Middle ages so we don't think that you can use exclusively the slavery argument. Even word slave coming from Slavic tribes.
@Shinobito1 Жыл бұрын
This whole 'Murzyn' debate is quite frankly ridiculous. I can see no pejorative meaning in this word, especially when there is polish equivalent of the N-word - 'czarnuch'. What is more embarassing, during said debate about the word 'Murzyn', the only person that opposed the idea that this word was in any way demeaning, was black. Also, August Brown was a part of minor press incident, when he parted ways with his wife. Wife went to a local newspaper to publish the story and the absolute legend of a journalist described it somewhat along the lines: 'We thusly inform, that Mr. and Mrs. Brown parted ways. With this we don't want to sacrifice any more place on our pages to this story and strongly urge Mr. and Mrs. Brown to settle their marriage dispute between themselves'. What a refreshing change of pace from nowadays trend of publically discussing personal lives of anyone remotely famous.
@PR_nick Жыл бұрын
Changing the word Murzyn (source "Murza" - ottoman officer) , which is neutral, to a stupid and racist word referring to skin color would be a collapse of morality. It would be as stupid and blasphemous and profane as the BLM inscriptions on the American monument to the defender of the rights of colored minorities Polish-AMerican General Kosciuszko.
@wincentywiewiorczak4114 Жыл бұрын
Jest nawet nazwisko "Murzyn"
@rawa5457 Жыл бұрын
Mamy wójta o tym nazwisku. :)
@miroslawturski Жыл бұрын
It is funny to hear black history of Poland, which seems to be distinctively positive. Instead of mention of slavery and exploitation just examples of equal treatment. Yet, some itiots dare to import foreign guilt to our country. Clearly they did not even care to go through the child ryme which in very last verse reads "what a shame that Bambo black and joyful does not attend our school". If somebody calls that racist, well I am happy to live in the country where it is the worst thing you can find.
@justynakrol73 Жыл бұрын
Activists in Poland sometimes seem not to understand that social problems in PL does not just mirror ones in America. It's not that there is no racism in Poland, of course there is, but it has a different scale, grounds and history than racism in America. It's just not comparable. 'Murzyn' might not be the most favourable world for the black community in PL, and that's fine if they felt that it's offending them, they were right to start the debate. But until this issue was raised and presented as if people were using this word with racist intent, there has never been any wider debate or misunderstanding whether 'murzyn' is an offensive word or not. It was considered neutral and used as such. Of course, if somebody wants to offend you, even calling you a sweetheart can do the work.
@charko4191 Жыл бұрын
that is some bulshit Black people have equality and rights and there is no rasicm on systematic level maybe some drunk people looking for a fight or that weird uncle you see once in a blue moon (situations and people you will find in every corner of the world).Do we offend people by lack of minarorities NEWS FLASH we are in eastern Europe first of all second we had relocation policies and holcaust and lastly we were under the iron curtain) People really do be acting as If it's 19 century No you are not a victim please stop pushing weird American politics on other countries we are not England France or Germany . I do admit calling somone a murzyn has negative conotations(it's just kinda dated and that is probably why) but calling someone black sounds bad to us too usually If I have to decribe someone as black I just say darkskinned. Besides that it was fun to see your reaction and I also learned some new things since I didn't hear of most of these people.
@marcind7627 Жыл бұрын
I know "murzyn" from literature, that world never had negative meaning. Activist can put everything in different way. They grow on it.
@jeremikorybutwisniowiecki8333 Жыл бұрын
My friend if you have any respect for Poland. Please stop what you doing, it’s not BLACK HISTORY Poland it’s not American it’s Polish history not black polish history. We don’t divide people for race
@AlekSander-yx8fv Жыл бұрын
I am not racist. I hate everyone equally 😉
@robertpawlowski4548 Жыл бұрын
I’m proud to say that if you look at black history in Poland you will see black excellence, not black tragedy
@marzenanikiel4288 Жыл бұрын
The Polish word "murzyn" is completely neutral. It comes from the Latin word Maur. Moors - today inhabitants of: Mauritania, parts of Algeria and Morocco, while in the Middle Ages, for almost eight centuries, peoples (mostly Berbers with a small admixture of Arabs) inhabiting large parts of the Iberian Peninsula, exerting a huge influence on the culture and architecture of today's Spain and Portugal. The name given by the Romans to the people of Mauritania, later a Roman province, inhabited primarily by Berbers. According to some authors, the name Moors comes from the small Numidian tribal kingdom of Maure existing in the third century BC. in today's Morocco. "The Greeks called them Moriscos," wrote Strabo, "and the Romans called them Moors." Today, everyone wants to feel hurt and offended. This leads to cancel culture. It's a very old, completely non-degrading term.
@obserwator1766 Жыл бұрын
Acrobatics, mainly various pirouettes, performed on a rope held in the teeth are an old, classic circus "number". I saw him a few times.
@saintbart7408 Жыл бұрын
Location of Gdansk showed during movie is moved hell of the way to the east but it’s small detail. Nice pice of Polish history. Word „Murzyn” is not offensive at all.
@maciejbrodecki96676 ай бұрын
"Murzyn" was never meant to be offensive. There is equivalent of n-word in Polish language but it's not this word. "Murzyn" comes from "moor" which was used to describe North Africans who invaded current spain and some Mediterrean islands for example Sicily. I think it's an overreaction.
@marek7641 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn has no negative connotations but woke black polish girls wanted to be like in USA so they made up something to be be offended with.
@mariusz8265 Жыл бұрын
Większość co wiesz o Polsce to steorotypy dla prawdziwego Polaka nie ma znaczenia kolor skury,oglądah mniej tv czytaj wiecej ksiąrzek historycznych
@jarosawmasowski3170 Жыл бұрын
The word "murzyn" is not offensive. It's a very old word based on "murzyc" - to get dirty. It wasn't introduced to describe black people but people that get dirty. Since Poland never had colonialism history,never seen a black person(free or slave) when it finally happened people simply called them murzyn to simply describe them. To put it into another perspective. We call Germans "Niemcy" which originally comes from "Niemy/niemowa" ( can't speak). Why? Because when 1st polish people met germans they spoke different languages that polish didn't know so they thought that they can't speak.Again ,nothing offensive. The left-wing organisations that are based on using black community emotions like blm, lgbt and so long,are actually harming black people by trying to overwrite definitions,traditions and forcing to change /re-write history. Trying to ban lectures/books that are part of our culture and tradition,expecting to be treated better than others just creates a bad blood.
@0plp0 Жыл бұрын
God, what mistakes on the maps. Gdańsk is shown somewhere deep inside, not by the sea, and Cazal is shown on a small island instead of north of Port-au-prince. The translation of the N-word in Polish is Czarnuch and Murzyn is a neutral phrase.
@robertbrozewicz8003 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Murzyn or Negro is derogatory. It is like saying woman is derogatory. .If you really are free you use the language you are comfortable with. It is your heart and eyes which tell the truth. The West is the most racist because does not use the terms but looks and behaves the way that you know you are from different peoples and they do not accept you. Being different ( a little) can be an advatage. When I was in different country I was happy to be different because it was easier to make contact with people. They were interested who I was and where from. ... Anyway.. In Poland there are only Polish people. There are no foreigners here. When I was at primary school I was wondering why some girls were darker or lighter and I usually preferred a bit darker. More interesting...Although recently I met a blong light woman and she was interesting too. So, anybody can be good for you at times..
@tomaszniewiadomski8201 Жыл бұрын
Poland and Poles have never had colonies like other European countries, we have not been on the maps of the world for 123 years, we have gone through 3 partitions of the Polish and I think we have rebellion against oppression and persecution in our blood. We were colonized, murdered. Our story is very interesting but also sad. I've never found the word murzyn offensive, but in this world it is what it is. Good material. But there were more Polish Afro-American heroes, for example in the Warsaw Uprising
@adapienkowska2605 Жыл бұрын
They missed some earlier examples.
@hyperhumana Жыл бұрын
"it's the polish BlackLivesMatter?" That is what it is.
@yvettechodek8501 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn pochodzi prawdopodobnie od wyrazu Maur. Na każdą narodowość mamy obraźliwe nazwy na Niemców i Rosjan szczegolnie😂ale Murzyn nigdy nie było obraźliwe. Uczyliśmy się w sxkole wierszyka o urwisie małym Murzynku Bambo. Każdy lubił tego urwisa i każdy pamięta ten wierszyk i miło wspomina. Polacy nigdy nie byli rasistami każda nacja znalazla u nas dom jak potrzebowała. Nigdy nie byliśmy kolonizatorami i zawsze stawaliśmy po stronie ciemiezonych nawet jak Napoleon Bonaparte wysłał wojska polskie do walki przeciwko innym przeszli na drugą stronę i zaczęli pomagać ciemiezonym. Męstwo nie ma koloru skóry, Polacy cenią wolność, która często im odbierane i dlatego staną zawsze w obronie ciemiezonych. Wystarczy czuć się Polakiem, dbać o kraj w którym się mieszka i stanąć w jego obronie gdy zajdzie potrzeba.
@Maximoepl Жыл бұрын
Legally speaking all Polish people are black. Thanks to Haiti.
@tom0poland Жыл бұрын
To be honest "Murzyn" or "Murzynka" (the latter for women) is not offensive. It is just an old-fashioned word.
@albertohernandea2573 Жыл бұрын
There are no bad African origin citizens in Poland.
@EyeScreamPL Жыл бұрын
As a pure white, Poland born Polish guy I must say: I'd love to have a black man (or woman) as my friend. NO! Not just for showing off how Am I "progressive" or antiracist, but just to learn from him/her! I'd love to get to know him/her, where's he/she from, about their origins, culture, language, and so on! Maybe one day... To my fellow Polish viewers of this comment: No, I'm not leftist, multi-culti, anti-Polish scumbag, I'm just a right wing, Polish patriot guy...
@bogdanwalewiadro5717 Жыл бұрын
Idk why people protect the word murzyn so much it has a bad connotation and besides the cake ,,murzynek" i dont even see uses for this word.
@007arek Жыл бұрын
Don't mention about Olisadebe or the greatest knight Zawisza Czarny is a crime.
@grzegorzmaciagowski7012 ай бұрын
Słowo murzyn jest całkowicie neutralne i nie ma nic wspólnego z rasizmem. Powstało ono z resztą kilkaset lat temu.
@goq9757 Жыл бұрын
Skoro kutasie słowo murzyn dla ciebie jest neutralne, tym bardziej możesz używać innych słów, np takich, które powstały po upadku niewolnictwa. Słowo murzyn nie eskalowało do tego poziomu co w Stanach, gdzie niewolnictwo kiedyś było normą, ale nasiąknęło tym samym znaczeniem co n-word (które tak jak słowo murzyn powstało jako neutralne). Kiedyś słowo kutas oznaczało ozdobę szlacheckiego pasa, a ty jak odebrałeś moje określenie że jesteś kutas? Ja tylko porównałem cię do ŁADNEJ OZDOBY. Będę tak na ciebie mówił bo mam prawo mówić jak chcę, a to ty źle to odbierasz KUTASIE. Żartowałem, może nie jesteś kutasem, nie znam cię 😅 pozdrawiam 👋🏼
@Tirnon Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is offensive like "polack" is offensive in USA. Do we have change name of the country and nation?
@konraddeutry719 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is not offensive. Murzyn is like caucasian it relates to place (Mauretania) and not skin color so how can it be racist. Shady activists looking for fame and financing tried to spread this BS propaganda but to no avail.
Murzyn is understand as someone who work hard for chep price or no sallary ,poles offen call themselfs Murzynem. But its not offensive word. U must know that we are nation that was always ispirational for they treatment of human rights. Thats why i angry at feminist in poland that are fighting for equal rights even so they had there as first in the world and every nation had here good treatment.
@dariadi82605 ай бұрын
Nieprawda! W języku polskim to miłe słowo. Albo co najmniej neutralne....
@ScortchedYFronts7 ай бұрын
Why didnt you move to Africa?
@MrGamesRPG Жыл бұрын
I wish there was laughing reaction on yt
@doujinmusic417310 ай бұрын
@dzikuz991 Жыл бұрын
I think 'murzyn' is 50/50 situation, some people think of it as a cute way to describe dark skinned race and some use it thinking of primitive tribes from Africa, I'd personally avoid it if Afropolish people don't want it.
@konraddeutry719 Жыл бұрын
Murzyn is the equivalent of caucasian. It refers to african origins and not specifically skin color as we know there are all grades and hues of color. So technically its more neutral. BTW calling by skin color black or white most Polish people consider stupid and in fact racist.
@czoper77 Жыл бұрын
Afropolacy/polki są super, uwielbiam ich🥰
@arqu6874 Жыл бұрын
to że dla was murzyn nie jest obrazliwe slowo, to nie ma nic do znaczenia jesli osoby czarne uwazaja je teraz za obrazliwe. Znaczenie słów się zmienia z czasem.
@007arek Жыл бұрын
Pamiętaj, że te znaczenia zazwyczaj zmieniają się naturalnie zgodnie z wolą większości, a nie kilku osób które krzyczą w mediach.
@arqu6874 Жыл бұрын
@@007arek wciąż nie jesteś na miejscu osoby, której to słowo obowiązuje więc nie mamy racji w decyzji czy to słowo jest obraźliwe czy nie.
@007arek Жыл бұрын
@@arqu6874 To nie ma znaczenia. To nie jednostki ustalają normy, a większość. Jak ktoś obraża się przez obowiązujące normy społecznie, to powinien zmienić środowisko.
@---Vector Жыл бұрын
Ogon chce merdać psem.
@konraddeutry719 Жыл бұрын
No i tu się mylisz bo język się utrwala poprzez usus większości przez dłuższy czas, i grupa jakichś aktywistów szukających rozgłosu i powodu do zadymy tego nie zmieni. Mówienie że murzyn, odpowiednik słowa "kaukaski" określający miejsce a nie właśnie kolor skóry jak czarny jest obrazliwe jest debilizmem. A co z murzynami którzy mają brązowy kolor skóry? Będziesz ich nazywał czarny? A nazywanie kogoś "biały" po kolorze skóry to nie rasizm? Weźcie sobie wsadzcie w dupe wasza rasistowska obsesję. Mi babcia opowiadała o murzynku bambo bajki i historyjki i było to tylko pozytywne do tego stopnia że jako dziecko miałem sentyment do Afryki. Wasz wewnętrzny rasizm jest waszym problemem nie epatujcie nim innych.
@grzegorzg3929 Жыл бұрын
I never think "murzyn" is offensive... its just a black person... i will call more murzyn than czarny refers to my friend
@rrrado1 Жыл бұрын
It's not equivalent to n-word at all. It's way less offensive and it's not used in Polish language to offend black people. It's actually used mostly by white people who don't want to offend black people at all, because they don't know that this word is not preffered by black people. There was public discussion if it was bad or neutral and there is no discussion about english "n-word", obviously. It's more about sharing infromation to the people there than some cultural changes in my opinion.
@adams.93819 ай бұрын
Murzyn isn't offensive in itself, but people have started using it in an offensive context, so it's just not used like it used to be. But whats next???? Black ??? Orvell 1984....