American reacts to: How I View the US After 15 years Living Abroad

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Ryan Wuzer

Ryan Wuzer

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@carlosalbuquerque5672 Күн бұрын
Americans do not travel because they are slaving 24/7 to the American mighty dollar. If you live to work, you don’t have time to travel, and also with just 2 to 3 weeks vacations, you don’t even have time to rest. Now I ask you is this a good way to live? Apparently for Americans the answer is yes, because the bubble is real. I always laugh when I hear the statement, we live in the freest country on earth. 🤣
@AdeboFunkyVoodoo Күн бұрын
@@carlosalbuquerque5672 it's practically Stockholm syndrome.
@mats7492 Күн бұрын
They dont even have a right to vacation days which is crazy
@sydneywellington_cazadora Күн бұрын
Matrix! (the first one)
@gloofisearch Күн бұрын
Spot on👍
@Badgersj Күн бұрын
A driver I know who worked for an American company in the UK was amazed at how frightened other American workers were, they tugged the forelock to their bosses at every opportunity, worked all hours. I reckon it's because of the power American bosses hold over their workers, they control their healthcare, whether or not they have holidays, and can sack them at a moment's notice.
@matthiashunstock4713 Күн бұрын
21:30 Let me cite the great Volker Pispers about capitalism: "buying things you don't need, from money you don't have, to impress people you don't like". Nothing to add there.
@MaryRaine929 23 сағат бұрын
Yup! This one lives rentfree in my head forever! 👍
@philipmccarthy6175 Күн бұрын
Healthcare should be a human right & not seen as a luxury.
@victoriaroberts7034 13 сағат бұрын
“Illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalised, but a misfortune the cost of which should be shared by the community - Nye Bevan
@Valfodr_jr Күн бұрын
Norwegian here. The differences between the US and the rest of the world are mindboggling, both when it comes to politicians and their main priorities, people's knowledge of both their own country but not least the world outside, and especially trust in their own governments. In Europe in general, we have greater trust in our governments and to a greater extent appreciate regulations that are in the best interest of all. We look more at society as a whole in our decisions than at the individual citizen. Politicians' main focus is not re-election but to improve society. Some succeed but some do not and are then effectively replaced in the next election. The best thing is that in our elections, those with the most votes win!!! Medicines and healthcare are not seen as something to be profited from either for doctors, pharmaceutical companies or hospitals, but as a human right. This is also why it is forbidden to advertise medicines on television and other media. The result is that we use fewer medicines and have fewer people who become addicted to, for example, OxyContin, which has created the insane opioid crisis that you people are struggling with today. We have also built our societies for people, not cars. This means that we have greater walkability in our cities, better public transport and less pollution per inhabitant than you. When we then add a social safety net that lies at the bottom of this that picks up those of our citizens who for one reason or another cannot fend for themselves, it goes without saying that our societies are immeasurably much better than the US, which in reality is reduced to the world's richest third world country!
@Esc3pticoSolitario Күн бұрын
Spaniard here. I could agree in everything that you said except for the "in Europe in general, we have greater trust in our politicians". I know you said "in general", but that here in Spain is not true at all. Not in our politicians, nor in the EU ones. We are, in general, as polarised as them
@Comradpetito Күн бұрын
Lmao maybe in rich Norway but in France germany spain politicians are corrupted and work for their own carreer. You live in a dream or you are a liar
@Comradpetito Күн бұрын
@@Esc3pticoSolitarioyes, is there a solution with Spain ?? In france we have National Rally with Marine Lepen, the french Meloni, but where are the patriots in spain ?? Oh they are forbidden because people are ashamed to be called franco nostalgics
@MC-Racing Күн бұрын
I think the trust in government is more a nordic thing ;-) heya Norge. greetings from a Dane
@Esc3pticoSolitario Күн бұрын
@@Comradpetito the patriots in Spain are all over the place. And they don't care to be called Franco nostalgics. They represent half of the voters, and the other half are "left". My point is that they trick us by making us more "anti-theotherside", whatever that might be, to divide us instead of trying to come together in a middle ground. Left and right might have had sense in the last century (and more in particular when that king of yours "invented it"), but not anymore. It's just a trick to make us mad, one against the other. And one of the reasons that the dictatorship era scar is not healed yet, it's precisely because that "side" has never apologized for it, it needs the votes of all the people from Fundación Francisco Franco, and they make campaign having that in mind. And a good deal of them actually miss those times. Alianza Popular, the political arm during the dictatorship, became Partido Popular as we know them. And then they point out Bildu for not asking forgiveness for the ETA times. I'm not a leftist, but the Spanish right wing is disgusting from birth. The left became shit year after year
@jahoonotes Күн бұрын
14:50 The best joke I heard someone said in Poland in the restaurant when American and local were talking. American asked with a big WTF "what? You don't have free water in restaurants?" and a local replied "what? You don't have a public health care in US?". American just smiled sadly and gave a thumb up 😂
@j.d.l._666 Күн бұрын
Yeah. I rather have to pay for water than for health care. Because water is way cheaper! And, at least in Germany, if you don't want to pay for water, you can ask a restaurant for tab water and this is (most of the times) for free.
@slake9727 Күн бұрын
The famous comedian W.C. Fields probably said it best: "Anything frogs swim in and fish make love in, I wouldn't dare drink!"
@mats7492 Күн бұрын
@@slake9727 Every drop of water on this planet has passed trough an urinary track! Think about that!
@StuckCrab Күн бұрын
@@slake9727 Who? Not a very good joke either, everyone on the planet drinks it in order to literally survive.
@bodybalanceU2 Күн бұрын
@@StuckCrab yeah without water we as a species are gone - its like saying "fuck the air we breathe people cough and splutter into it I ain't breathing anything people have coughed into"
@amandajb2024 Күн бұрын
I had a conversation with one American guy who had the opportunity to live and work in Switzerland. He chose to stay in the USA and struggle because of the ‘potential’ of his entrepreneurial ambitions. Apparently earning good money in a safe, beautiful and prosperous country like Switzerland doesn’t compare to the 1/1000 chance of becoming a successful business owner in the basket-case nation that the USA is. 🤦‍♀️ Reminds me of that saying ‘why socialism never caught on in the USA is because they are all temporarily embarrassed millionaires’.
@geoffpriestley7310 Күн бұрын
Millionaires in waiting
@AussieFossil Күн бұрын
Ryan, its not about "believing in America", it's about believing in humanity. and everyone's right to be treated fairly and equitably.
@suemoore984 17 сағат бұрын
It's a shame that this reviewer doesn't read our comments. If he would stop talking every few seconds, he, AND WE, might be able to follow what the speaker is saying.
@TimoLaine-pv5ph Күн бұрын
America's big problem is American Exceptionalism. An average american thinks US is so much better than anything in the world, that it doesn't need to be improved and has been thinking that way for decades. Meanwhile other democracies have passed the USA left and right. USA is the best place on the earth for a megacorporation but no longer for the average Joe.
@amandajb2024 Күн бұрын
@@TimoLaine-pv5ph I recently saw a New York Times interview with an older woman in NYC. She repeatedly said the NY subway system was ‘the best in the world’. I mean, it’s not bad but it’s nowhere near the best. Americans just run off at the mouth and talk with such confidence, and tend to speak with a tone of authority. Thankfully the rest of the world is not convinced, the only people they’re fooling is themselves.
@QuentinPlant Күн бұрын
@@amandajb2024 Nothing is ever perfect. Especially not something like a subway sytem, where so much has to work together: hardware, software, social engineering, planning, personnel...
@dasy2k1 Күн бұрын
In the UK it's illegal for prescription only drugs to be advertised to anyone other than medical professionals.... The only drug adverts you will see on TV etc are for over the counter medicines
@Marina45711 23 сағат бұрын
@@dasy2k1 It is the same in Germany. Advertising for prescription drugs is absurd and illegal!
@jmi5969 22 сағат бұрын
@@dasy2k1 OTC and "supplement" ads alone are more than enough for a human brain. I recall last time I watched television, a quarter of a century ago, the flood of pharma ads was sickening. Fortunately, by then broadband internet had already replaced TV for entertainment, and five years ago terrestrial TV in my country was shut down completely. Good riddance.
@jillst3005 Күн бұрын
Maternity leave was one of the reasons I went back to Europe. Affordable healthcare, childcare and school a few more
@phoenix-xu9xj Күн бұрын
But many countries are capitalist, but we don’t operate like the US. And where they’re not to like a healthcare systems , we are called communists 😂. Well, if that makes the national health service in the UK socialist, we are very very happy and grateful.
@sydneywellington_cazadora Күн бұрын
All countries in Europe are capitalist, each in a different way. But the United States turned its citizens into slaves. That's the difference!
@agromx224 Күн бұрын
i love being a socialist, if it means i won't go bankrupt if i have a small accident. i once got into a crash, a car was suddenly in front of my bike. i made it with minimal injuries, but i still spent a night in a hospital (which was like 300m apart from the accident, lol). didn't need to pay a single cent for it, even with MRI etc.
@sydneywellington_cazadora Күн бұрын
@@agromx224 - Socialism in Europe does not eliminate the fact that European countries operate within a capitalist framework. Most European nations have market economies that operate within a capitalist context, but they have integrated social welfare models that guarantee certain rights and services to their citizens, which gives them a balance that does not exist in the United States. This is the big lie: they are champions of freedom, labelling all of Europe as communist (even the monarchies!), but in reality they have enslaved their citizens.
@phoenix-xu9xj Күн бұрын
@@agromx224 me too 👍🏻
@geoffpriestley7310 Күн бұрын
​@@agromx224 don't forget the usa has a socialist police force, fire service, armed services, roads and parks
@klamin_original Күн бұрын
7:40 what makes it so hard for Americans to leave their country for longer trips are the lack of workers rights and job protection laws. As a German I have 30 days of paid vacation PLUS all the public holidays which we have plenty of. It’s no problem for me to go on a trip to Australia for three weeks and another two weeks to Greece plus another week hiking in Austria for example and I‘d still have some days left. Americans often can’t do that, their lack of laws prevents them from being able to explore the world like a European could.
@MrsStrawhatberry Күн бұрын
Germans have more vacation days than many other countries in Europe though, also more holidays and they work less hours per week. It’s even in Europe exceptional. Most people work 42h and have 4-5 weeks max. vacation. Still more than most of the Us but I have met a few Americans who had 4/5 weeks too. It really depends. Some Americans have traveled more than some Germans. They can easily afford it if they are middle class.
@ushiefreebird7470 Күн бұрын
Hi, been to an International ladies meeting in Nice yesterday evening. Quite amazing: all Americans there (about 70%) either live in France or are here to look how fast they can leave the US to move to Europe. All said the main reason was quality of life: real food, healthcare, maternity leave, work to live and not the other way round. One lady told me that in Europe governments want their people heathy and work towards this, while in the US the healthsystem is a business, therefore sick people are good business, therefore they keep people sick: bad food, stress, overwork, too much medication, etc I was quite shocked.
@StevenQ74 Күн бұрын
Adds for prescription medication are illegal in most of the world
@DanDownunda8888 Күн бұрын
I remember being in the US almost 40 years ago and there was an ad on tv showing a teenage boy being argumentative with his parents and the "solution" was to take him to the Doctor to get some pills to make him a nice, compliant child that wouldn't cause the parents any more problems. Decent parenting/vs pills. Hmmm.......
@almostyummymummy Күн бұрын
The only other country that allows it is NZ - for over the counter medications only (such as painkillers and such). But even then, regulated. Hopefully, they'll be not a thing at all in time.
@SatieSatie Күн бұрын
@@DanDownunda8888 That's wild.
@charginginprogresss Күн бұрын
Yeah all the ads about medication I get here in italy is for non prescription medications. Mostly anti diarrhea medication. Lots of 'em
@zebo-the-fat Күн бұрын
who would you trust for advice on medication, an actor in an ad or a doctor with years of training and experience?
@phoenix-xu9xj Күн бұрын
So refreshing to hear that man say breastfeeding. Usually Americans can’t bring themselves to say that, and they say nursing.
@Andy-ix2ox Күн бұрын
@SatieSatie Күн бұрын
@@phoenix-xu9xj No way 😳
@mats7492 Күн бұрын
THey cant even bring themselves to call a toilet a toilet and call it "restroom" or "bathroom".. its a fucking TOILET!
@cireenasimcox1081 Күн бұрын
That is just sick - breasts are not there to be sexual playthings. They are, as they are for all mammals, to ensure the that the various species survive & flourish. How utterly warped to ban even the name of one of natures miracles! And to live where the worst, most abhorrent & unacceptable world in one's entire vocabulary is the word for female genitalia. Way to teach women they are humanities playthings and to laud those women who nullify the the natural purpose of their breasts in order to appeal to men's sexual urges. What a distorted & gross value-system.
@phoenix-xu9xj Күн бұрын
@@SatieSatie it’s True. They can’t say toilet either like we do in the UK. Although we usually just say loo. Restroom is used. Which is just a euphemism really.
@AdeboFunkyVoodoo Күн бұрын
In most countries around the world medical adverts for anything more than over the counter products (Pepto bismol, Tylenol, Preparation H etc) are not just unusual, they are illegal!
@KKS-v4d Күн бұрын
I am Estonian and I live in Estonia. Watching the video, I was surprised that in America, parents can be at home with the child for such a short time when the child is born. In Estonia, when a child is born, it is possible to stay at home for 18 months, for which the state pays the mother or father the monthly salary he or she has earned so far (maximum amount - 4733 eur per month). Estonia also has an excellent level of health care, prices are reasonable and treatment is of high quality.
@bodybalanceU2 Күн бұрын
in australia all pathology and x-rays are free - that is part of the Australian medicare system
@t0nito 11 сағат бұрын
Same in Portugal, I had recent knee problems in which I had to have surgery, I had an x-ray, then a CT scan, physical therapy, then had an MRI scan since I wasn't improving and ultimately had to have a miniscus surgery. I didn't pay a penny.
@johankaewberg8162 Күн бұрын
You can *not* make ads for prescription medications. This is a universal no-no, with the US as the only exception.
@depressedutchman Күн бұрын
I've only even seen medication ads in the Netherlands about heyfever, for a stuffy nose, flue symptoms followed with a message that this won't fix anything just relief's and to go to a doctor if it doesn't go away
@Dr_KAP 15 сағат бұрын
The U.S. and New Zealand are the only two exceptions 😊 👍
@Mrharryprosser Күн бұрын
Europe is just a quick eight hour flight from the USA. You have no excuses for not visiting it. Australians do a right of passage into adulthood, or as a measure of adult achievement. The journey requires twenty four hours and two seperate flights. It’s considered part of a vital education to understand how lucky we are to live in Australia and the need to preserve and improve it.
@chronic2023 Күн бұрын
You are right but can you believe that a huge number of Americans who don't travel abroad still believe that they need visas to the EU (and many other countries when they don't) or that it's hard to get around without a car, or that no one speaks English?
@londo776 Күн бұрын
Typical American You Visit a country in Europe Not Europe, It's like saying I'm coming to the Americas Which we never do
@Mrharryprosser Күн бұрын
@@londo776 Europe is so small you can visit many countries in one episode, they are literally just a few hours apart. With a Euro Rail Pass it’s even easier. Australian think nothing of driving 6 to 8 hours for a week end holiday. Friends and family frequently visit multiple countries in Europe, after travelling 24 hours by air and half way around the world, why not?
@Moeftak Күн бұрын
@@Mrharryprosser Because that's not really visiting a country, that's just passing by. You won't get to know the country and it's people by just hoping from one tourist hotspot to the next one. As someone living in Europe it's indeed easy to just go and do a quick visit to the neighbouring countries, but you won't get to know any country or it's culture by just spending a day or 2 there and then move on to the next one on the list. And that's what plenty of tourists do, just do a bit of sightseeing, check the popular places and move to the next place - that's not visiting Europe, that's treating it like a themepark. I can hop on a train and be in Paris in no time, spend the day there and be home again before nighttime. That's a nice daytrip, but that's not getting to know France. First time I went to Vienna I spend a week there just stroling around, talking to locals in the pubs, enjoying the views during the day and social life in the evening, soaking up the local culture and getting to know people living there. First time in England same thing, about a week in London and then a roadtrip in England, sure I visited tourist hotspots but also visited places where people were surprised to see a foreign licence plate. Real travel is about more than just snap some pictures and visit some tourist traps.
@heatherfruin5050 21 сағат бұрын
It's very expensive for Australians to travel to European countries and the UK so the majority only can do superficial tourism just like most tourists coming to Australia only do the well known tourist spots on the eastern side of Australia and don't travel to Western Australia, South Australia or the Northern Territory. 😊
@JenniferRussell-qw2co Күн бұрын
You like that guy, Ryan, (bcos he is spot on), but I admire you. Okay, so you can't get out of the 'bubble' --- yet! but you are doing your best to bring the world in. The great thing is word gets around, and so you are opening the eyes of many. Keep up the good work 🙋‍♀️🇬🇧👍
@alangarde2928 Күн бұрын
I'm English, my wife is American. We both agree America is a great country but it could be even better. That's the problem with the push that 'America is the Best or #1', it ignores the lessons that can be learnt from other people doing things differently and it working.
@dargaard93 Күн бұрын
Just for the cost of medicines... In France, I buy Paracetamol (500 mg) about 1,68 € par box (less than 2 $)? And the price of insuline dose for my child is less than 8 € (which are 100% refunded by our national health insurance)... And in France, advertising for medicines is forbidden by law.
@sopcannon Күн бұрын
advertising for medicines is forbidden by law in the UK as well.
@Winona493 21 сағат бұрын
It has to be forbidden everywhere! It is deeeeeply unethical.
@axeman3d Күн бұрын
I feel sorry for my US friends. They are slaves to their jobs and are afraid to take time off to travel. They get so few holidays and are actively discouraged from taking them. I meet them in Mexico and we're there for 2 or 3 weeks and they're afraid to take 8 days off. They might lose their job, their money and their health insurance.
@framegote5152 23 сағат бұрын
In the Netherlands adds for medicines are illegal. I guess doctors get bulletins about the newest meds so they can make the right choise for their patients.
@desperadox7565 Күн бұрын
America *is* a great country and there are amazing people in the sane half of your population. The problem is the other half.
@thomasduerk583 10 сағат бұрын
Luckily the sane part is bigger and the hardcore problem population is roughly 34% to 40%
@Weizsaecker Күн бұрын
IMHO, one of the main problems for polarization in the USA is the two-party system: For dozens of policy areas with hundreds of conceivable options for action, I choose one of two parties, but apart from the two or three points that are important to me, I choose a whole rat tail of actions at the same time. This might have worked in the early 19th century, when fewer people lived in the United States than in the Atlanta area.
@echiko4932 Күн бұрын
The worst thing rn is that the parties are far-right and centre-right. It feels polarised because between the democrats and republicans is like 3 wildly different policies with no moderate answers: democracy, abortion and climate crisis.
@davidmalarkey1302 Күн бұрын
Far to many interruptions I know you reacting but let him finish his points then react.America is the only country in the world that puts a price on human life Americans value guns more than human life.
@Fujoshi13 Күн бұрын
22:23 What do you mean by that? China is an outstanding Country but yet again you would know if you would stop listening to your media. Search a little deeper about this amazing Country that is called China you'll see how much you will discover.
@Kris1964 Күн бұрын
Angela Merkel was indeed working in the interest og her country and Europe. She was highly respected even by her oponents
@Patrik6920 22 сағат бұрын
Im a sweden, and she definetly had an impact and made an lasting impression ... she was an amazing leader...
@corjp 22 сағат бұрын
@14.20 MRI machines in China allso come from the Netherlands and Germany as in ASML and Siemens. I used to work at Amsterdam airport in cargo division and we had a boatload of these scanners to China , Japan and Korea and they all came from ASML or Siemens on a 2 weekly bases.
@beldin2987 Күн бұрын
I'm 60 meanwhile, and from germany, and still wear some clothes that my mother bought me when i was around 16-20. Else yeah, i only bought new clothes when i upsolutely must because the old one were just too torn and had holes and stuff like that. Same with shoes, i have one pair that i just wear everyday until they fall apart. And maybe once every 8-10 years i need to buy a new pair. Thats it.
@emmafrench7219 Күн бұрын
@beldin2987. Gluten tag Germany. English here. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It's nothing to do with the money but a lot of my really, really old clothes are still very good condition and still fit me (I'm 62), so I only buy new clothes maybe for a special occasion or if they are ruined. Have a lovely rest of the day.✌ (I lived in Birkenfeld in South West West Rhineland - Palatinate for 4 years) I loved it.😊
@Yesser-Thistle73 Күн бұрын
@@emmafrench7219 Scot here, and I agree with you!
@catw4729 Күн бұрын
Ich auch. I have a top that my mother bought for me when I went into the sixth form fifty years ago (school uniforms were much more relaxed then). I also have dresses, which while not nearly as old, are at least twenty years old and still suit and fit me.
@Winona493 21 сағат бұрын
I am wearing shoes that I bought in my early 20s (I am 54). It is not because I am poor or broke or sth; it is because they are still okay and I want it like this!!!! I love them. They accompanied my life and made memories.
@jonson856 Күн бұрын
In Germany we occasionally get drug ads, but only for prescription free products. So, mostly its just stuff against headaches, or joint pain, coughing, common illnesses which we get every year.
@flo8517 Күн бұрын
It’s always that ad for old people to get “new energy” and a medication to help with constipation lmao it’s always the same
@j.d.l._666 Күн бұрын
10:00 in Germany we have sth called "Voluntary social year" or even the "gap year". Mostly students use this after graduating Gymnasium and befor going to Uni. I don't know exactly how it works but with some programms you can go to Africa or Asia and help there as a worker. Sometimes you can get your trip covered by the Organisation and help to build villages or help Reservation Rangers with their work or sth. Or even study abroad. There is ERASMUS for this, which can help you even fund to study one semester, sometimes even more semesters abroad in a country of your choosing (if this country is part of ERASMUS. So many (young) people often go abroad and experience the world befor joining the work force or going to study at Uni.
@chrisreinert9981 Күн бұрын
I am a dual citizen of both the US and Norway. In 1985 I began to look for work in Norway as a CAD operator. Sent out 50+ resumés and got an offer from one company so I married my girlfriend and moved to Norway. When asked why we moved to Norway we said we were Reagen refugees. While living here we have seen the decline of US politics and decline in what it meant to be middle class; have a home and car and can travel on vacation. Every time we visited the US it seemed worse off. Our visits included Seattle, Oregon, Alabama, Arizona and New York. In each visit we saw more homeless and "dangerous" parts of town. Four years ago we visited the US and my wife got seriously ill. She was driven to the hospital by ambulance. Once there we pointed out thar we were covered by Norwegian health care. A month after we got home we got a message from the health service that all bills in the US had been paid. Two years ago we visited a friend in Chile spent 2 weeks traveling through south Chile and Argentina and saw conditions similar to the US.
@QuentinPlant Күн бұрын
The time when we thought Reagan as president was the worst that could happen... We were summer children ;)
@enemde3025 Күн бұрын
According to Americans, there IS NO world outside of America !! Decent health care is a RIGHT, not something you HAVE to pay for !! Insulin is FREE in the UK. Because people NEED IT to survive !
@klarasee806 Күн бұрын
I honestly think that the amount of distrust in your government and politicians is quite unique to the USA. In Europe we do seem to trust our politicians more. Of course we criticize them, and there are these 3O% of the people everywhere who don’t trust anyone anyway and wish back the „good old times“, but I think most of us genuinely believe that our politicians want to do what‘s best for their country - and not for themselves.
@Desertflower725 Күн бұрын
A big part of the problem is that they’ve convinced too many people that the ultra rich did it themselves. It always makes me think of Jeff Bezos running around delivering all our packages overnight. He didn’t do it himself and the people who helped him get there deserve a life too.
@wendymacilree3228 Күн бұрын
The patient dictating to a Dr what drug they want is totally the wrong way round. Go to the Dr get a diagnosis and get the recommendations for the right medication
@AndreaHausberg-yt5qx Күн бұрын
When will we see the Ryan family travelling to Europe? ❤We'd all be so noesy to see that 😅
@fionagregory9147 Күн бұрын
@alexanderkupke920 20 сағат бұрын
I am always amazed hearing someone put it out that clearly, how the US idea of capitalism prevents certain standards the rest of the world have. In almost all other places, vacation days for recreation, health care, maternal leave and protection, education, certain rights for employees or people who rent a home all contribute to people being more healthy, more productive etc. as they do not have to worry on so many things as in the US (losing your job today and your apartement next week due to that, and better not get sick, which may cost you your job as well,...)
@t.a.k.palfrey3882 Күн бұрын
My family and I lived/worked/studied in US for ten years. We last did so in 1997. Returning for meetings and to meet friends today, it is a massively less pleasant place. Fear of everything rules today - child safety, immigrants, "other" types of lifestyle. You guys fear everything. If Trump wins, I'll never visit again.
@chronic2023 Күн бұрын
The scary part is that Trump actually has a good chance of winning again. 😢
@judithoberpaul509 Күн бұрын
That's what I told my friends in the USA when I was there recently. If Trump wins, that will be my last visit. I will not enter the country as an illegal immigrant. I have known the country for so many years, but Trump USA is out of the question for me.
@Dreyno Күн бұрын
First time round you could say people were tricked or naive or whatever. At this stage, any country where half the voters support a creature like him, I have zero interest in visiting.
@HughRodgers2919 Күн бұрын
As a limey 🍋‍🟩 Who's At the present moment is located in the U.S 🤔🧐😉👍I have to say the amount of medicine adverts I have seen is ridiculous! The best part is the bit about the side effects towards the end of the advert!! Perfect video keep up the good work!!
@steveknight878 Күн бұрын
Sadly, the rather dubious "My country, right or wrong" has become worse - "My party, right or wrong".
@bushputz Күн бұрын
Dear Leader, right or wrong.
@margaretbamford7176 19 сағат бұрын
How old is that? Sixty years or more? The motto of Alfred E Newman of Mad magazine.
@timglennon6814 23 сағат бұрын
It’s not the expenses of training that you Americans have to worry about, it’s the lack of holiday/vacation time that you have. You Americans need to start realising that if an employee takes a 2 weeks vacation that the company isn’t going to grind to a halt.
@markc2847 Күн бұрын
I think his point about the "bubble" is central. In the "American Bubble" it's easy to come to the conclusion that everything about your society is normal. That it is normal to die or go bankrupt if you are sick, that it is normal to have little or no workers benefits, to be able to be fired without notice or just reason. That it is normal to carry an assault rifle to go shopping, to have more guns than people. That it is normal to live under unregulated capitalism. And given that all that becomes "normal" it is easy to be persuaded that you live in the best, the most free and the successful society. Unless you look at other countries how will you ever know that by most standards these thing are definitely not normal and that there are indeed other countries with as much or more freedom, as good or better standards of living and most certainly a happier and more balanced life style.
@unfixablegop Күн бұрын
Price gauging is illegal the commodities like gasoline and water, but with medicine price gauging is the wisdom of the market in America.
@SiqueScarface Күн бұрын
10:45 Pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to run ads for prescription medicine in Austria, where I live. You will find ads for over-the-counter medicine though. This meant that pharmaceutical companies were advertising to the physicians instead. Pharmaceutical companies were offering trainings, which happened to be in some resort at a very nice beach, or on a cruise ship. You could get items for your office from the pharma companies. And if you prescribed enough of a medicine, you were entitled to "advanced training" in even nicer resorts in the Caribbean or on Hawaii and similar. Many countries were trying to counter this by requiring physicians instead prescribing generics or state explicitely why they went for a certain product.
@phoenix-xu9xj Күн бұрын
It’s wonderful, not having bollards at the side of the road. We get Enjoy the beautiful U.K. countryside.
@tonyjohnson1405 Күн бұрын
I came to see your sensible comments...As a nearly 70 year old bloke I have so far not had the need to take any medication... eat well, exercise, breathe fresh air..stay awe for consumerism... I buy everything except food socks and underpants from charity shops ( thrift) .. keep up the critical thinking and 🤞 the orange turd fades away..😊
@cleversonmarcelodeoliveira3246 Күн бұрын
❤ Really loved this react. Great job Ryan. Two things…. 13:36 “6-7 US dollars price of a Big Mac” in Spain Big Mac cost 4 US Dollars. And the X-Ray is free, because you need it and Health Care is not a business but a right. 😅
@Sophie.S.. Күн бұрын
Honestly, the most American thing I have ever heard - a car adaptor breast pump.
@MrDarkwing78 Күн бұрын
I remember the John Oliver piece on Australia’s Gun Control where he asked a politician what the main goal of politics was, and his first response wasn’t to serve the people, which it should be, it was to get re-elected. Number 2 is probably spot on. Quick joke from my childhood (re point 3)… How do you teach an American geography? Start a war.
@patrickn1000 Күн бұрын
The reality is it would be cheaper to pay for flights and accommodation to another country to get tests done that getting it done in the US.
@Dan340000 Күн бұрын
I am Danish and i have NEVER seen an add for a percription drug and i am pretty sure they are eligal here .. over the counter meds there are a few ads for like paracetamol and ibuprfin but i cant remember adds for any other meds
@SatieSatie Күн бұрын
Ryan, don't apologize for "interrupting" the video. Idk about the others, but I'm here specifically for _your_ reaction and opinions. I'm writing this because we seem to have a lot of rude visitors today. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@NietzzTube 11 сағат бұрын
To be fair, I want to hear his reactions but sometimes he restarts the vid and then cuts it off after one word to comment again a few times in a row and for me that can make what is said in the original video hard to follow, so I think it's nice and considerate he tries to not do it too often. :) (but maybe it's just me and my dysfunctional adhd-shortterm memory though ;))
@SatieSatie 8 сағат бұрын
@@NietzzTube Lol, I don't mind _because_ of my ADHD brain. I can see some ADHD in Ryan too. 😂
@NietzzTube 48 минут бұрын
@@SatieSatie hah, I see that too. Tbf I think I would be inclined to do the interruption-thing myself as well ;)
@ChokyoDK Күн бұрын
Drug stores in Denmark are kinda franchised out from the state. Because the state subsidized the prices of pharmaceuticals its way more efficient for them to then choose a pharmacist to run that specific drug store, but with heavily reduced prices and regulations in place. (Not the best explanation :) ) That really controls the prices and makes it fast for doctors to get you prescriptions and hospitals to get medicine. Also the fact that medicine is a commodity that people need to survive makes it highly unethical for profit. Aka the state should socialize medicine to make sure companies don't take every single penny that people have (Companies only driver is profit. And I mean ONLY).
@northnsouth6813 Күн бұрын
That's really sad about the plug-in breast pump and the lack of maternity leave. In the UK we have 52 weeks of maternity leave, which is made up of 26 weeks of ordinary maternity leave and 26 weeks of additional maternity leave: The minimum amount your employer has to pay you is 90% of your average weekly earnings before tax. You might get more depending on what's written into your contract. PS scans/x-rays/MRIs all FREE here on the NHS however we do pay for the NHS with our taxes but great system.
@stephenjones9746 23 сағат бұрын
The Healthcare issue is misunderstood by many Americans. It's not about quality or waiting times, it's about the concept that the public ARE the country and should be treated as such. Being milked for profit is beyond our imagination here in Europe and indeed the rest of the world. It's a symptom of disconnection between the people and those who should serve the people, not rule over them. Sorry to be rude, but this is why we laugh when Americans claim to live in the freest country on earth, yet have fewer freedoms than almost any other country. The media are complicit in keeping Americans ignorant about how the other 95% of the world organise their societies because the owners of the media don't want an enlightened population, they want slaves. By the way, love your channel, keep up the good work.
@gloofisearch Күн бұрын
Also, when it comes to travel and the American bubble. Flying from outside the US to the US is way cheaper than the other way around. This is encouraged, so the American public stays in America and spends the money there. Plus, they cannot see other cultures and get a different prospective of their country, which is what America wants. Stay in the bubble.
@provokedfob Күн бұрын
In Belgium (and i think Europe in general) big pharma IS allowed to put ads on tv. But only for unprescribed drugs. Like dafalgan (paracetamol)
@Mrharryprosser Күн бұрын
Travelling to foreign countries is scary as you need to trust the honesty of the system you’re visiting. Both the citizens and the legal system, as free from corruption as possible. You will be safe and treated with respect and honesty. Then there’s America, where half the country think that a lying cheating, no respect for human dignity or the law man should be it’s President. And that’s the example that’s promoting to its children. A country that would have Donald Trump as President is not on my travel agenda, along with Russia, North Korea, Syria, South Sudan, and Venezuela.
@MrTraindriver1970 Күн бұрын
I like your videos and content Ryan especially the Australian stuff, but please wait until a point is finished before commenting as it is too distracting and makes it hard to watch. Just my humble 2c
@DanDownunda8888 Күн бұрын
From what I've seen on various KZbin videos very few, hardly any, Americans can get time off work to travel overseas, much less travel around their own country. I've met Americans that were school teachers who were able to go to Europe or Australia because they have relatively long vacation times or Americans who have saved up enough money then quit their jobs to just leave and see the world. Not many though.
@rebeccat94 Күн бұрын
The country that rhymes with "Liner" (because for some reason I can't make a positive comment about "Liner" here; as it's instantly gone) is not at all how you have been led to perceive it Ryan. Watch more of this guy's videos to have your mind blown.
@ikke12345 Күн бұрын
It is indeed illegal in the EU for drug compagnies to have any add's for prescription drugs. And prescription drugs is to be read as any drug which would be effective .
@helengazzara8725 Күн бұрын
Msybe the US needs a multi party system. Nothing will ever change re health care, gun control, abortion rights, and the awful fact that you still have capital punishment., unless and until changes are made to the way the Government works.
@bognagruba7653 Күн бұрын
Of course they need it, but they will never get it. It would take a revolution and a new constitution.
@sharonmartin4036 11 сағат бұрын
The only politician, worldwide, that I have ever heard was loved by the majority of the population was South Africa's Nelson Mandela. He was unique.
@Sayitlikitiz101 Күн бұрын
Dear Ryan, I've been watching your reactions for some time and always found your frustrations at healthcare prices and services abroad funny. However, I really felt your frustration at the big mac priced Xray, I understand! I just want to send you a virtual hug and my wish for you and yours to be in good health always and never experience anything that may distress you financially or otherwise. 🍀🍀🍀🍀
@lillaspastie Күн бұрын
I'm French living in the UK and about French elections I have the choice between many parties on the 1st round and the 2 people who have the most votes are up for the 2nd round and only then we have the choice between 2 people. In the US your choice is so little, it does not show the spectrum of politics and ideas unfortunately. About opening oneself to the world I would start with learning foreign languages, that's a great free thing to do before travelling. I also agree with him about social security and medicines. Apparently "socialism" is a bad word or a curse, but it changed so much for France or the UK : we care for our people here and maybe we're less capitalist. Edit : shout out to your wife and to you too ❤❤
@iaing9028 Күн бұрын
Hi, I’m English & live in the UK, the political system in the US, only promotes this 2 party system where the party with the most votes takes all the electoral college votes for that whole state. There is absolutely no way a smaller party could get any political representatives with this system, we have some smaller parties who do manage to get some representation, our system is similar to the US system as we only have 1 of 2 parties forming Government, but the US system is much worse.
@lillaspastie Күн бұрын
@@iaing9028 that is a shame really, I voted for "The green party" at the mayor election this year, because neither labor nor Conservative were fine for me unfortunately And I see that in my city there are people from the green party among the labor people who have the majority. That's much better than great electors in the US
@Dreyno Күн бұрын
@@iaing9028The U.K. system is pretty much as bad. Watching the conniptions over the 2010 election and the news explaining what a coalition government was to the public amused me no end. It is very common or even the norm in most democracies. Allowing the more extreme elements to have some sort of elected representation can help stop those elements seizing a major party as has happened in both the U.K. and U.S. in recent years.
@lillaspastie Күн бұрын
@@Dreyno so true! in France for instance, recently the left side won the election (deputies, like the MPs in the UK) and the prime minister is from the right because the president didn't want to change his politics 🙄
@franktorejohansen7874 Күн бұрын
Its not just ads from Big Pharama, they have well known methods of influencing doctors to choose their products too
@livb6945 Күн бұрын
You've got it right Ryan - values matter, and you vote for the politicians promoting them. NOT the politician, your "side" or your "team". That's not democracy as it is intended
@leviquentin1134 Күн бұрын
in germany we also have medical ads but it's only non prescription medicine like ibuprofen or cough syrup. not the prescription medicine that you have to get from your doctors.
@Dreyno Күн бұрын
Think in no it’s an EU law. It’s the same here in Ireland. Over the counter cold medicine, indigestion treatments, vitamins etc. are the only type of adverts allowed. Thankfully.
@DimiKgianni19.. 3 сағат бұрын
Same in Greece, ads only for cough syrup and paracetamol
@theoteddy9665 Күн бұрын
soo, have you noticed that only americans say usa is best country, but also acknowledge their bubble? sounds like irony is not very well understood there😂
@grahvis Күн бұрын
The result of decades of propaganda, which also created the false idea that US citizens have freedoms those in no other country have.
@bognagruba7653 Күн бұрын
They don't say USA is the best country. They say America is the best country ;)
@djpon-374 Күн бұрын
#14:40 to compare: İn Türkiye, if you have insurance, you can walk-in to big ass hospital or you can call ambulance if you are in emergency, do whatever you need or whatever doctor said (including X-ray, MRa and surgery) and walk-out without paying any money. Also having insurance is very easy. İf you working, that means you already have insurance. Because your employer HAVE TO activate it.
@gwryan1 Күн бұрын
Great video once again. I'm in the UK, we rarelt get Medicines advertised on TV, if we do, it's usually seasonal. Hay fever around Summer, pain creams and sprays and so on. I've seen a lot of American TV and it shocks me how the advert advertise meds and side effects. They read like a Stephen King novel.
@phoenix-xu9xj Күн бұрын
Never Prescription drugs, though. It’s just so wrong.?
@gwryan1 Күн бұрын
@@phoenix-xu9xj UK Never advertises Prescription drugs. Besides painkillers such as Ibuprfen are sold for as little as £1, roughtly $1.30, depending on exchange rate
@duzzzz94 Күн бұрын
The European Union has forbidden prescription drug advertising. Like mentioned above there are the usual antihistamine ads in the spring, diarrhea med ads during the holiday season and over the counter flu meds around now but they are not that common, there are much more food, clothes, car etc. ads.
@Daydream_Singularity Күн бұрын
Australian here. I was also so surprised at the adverts for prescription medicines: so many, so long, crazy lists of possible side effects. The lists of side effects following the ad was so funny because it was every possible scenario that ever could happen. I don't know who would take it after that. We also don't have ads for prescription meds, only for cold and flu type over the counter meds.
@alananderson5731 Күн бұрын
You learn about the world from you tube,it cost about 400 USD to fly from new York to london round trip flight time aabout
@B-A-L Күн бұрын
What makes me laugh about American ads for medical products is that they spend half the ad telling you why you shouldn't use the product! I mean, come on, what other country has ads with warnings that the product could cause serious health concerns or even death?
@monicawanderley Күн бұрын
Even at this channel, the main vision about 'outside' is often just Europe, maybe Korea or China. There's a lot more than that to see around the world.
@klarasee806 Күн бұрын
I think that‘s mainly because this channel is about EUROPE from an American perspective and vice versa.
@Dr_KAP 15 сағат бұрын
He does have a full Australian channel to which he posts of every day. It’s called Ryan Was.
@6h483 Күн бұрын
My friends and i always watch American handegg on sunday an we laugh our asses off at those pharma commercial because nothing like this exists where we live
@gloofisearch Күн бұрын
I always wonder, "How the hell do they come up with these names for the products?". It is to funny.
@SiqueScarface Күн бұрын
10:00 Having more vacation days would also help with travelling the world.
@giajensen1689 Күн бұрын
Yes he is american. We have 480 parental leave days. Payed days, so dads also get the chance to connect to their children. Yes women breastfeed, but the baby needs just the mother in the beginning. When the child is closer to a year it’s a perfect time for the father to connect full time and develop a life long bond of their own with the child. The child has to see the dad as a capable caregiver before he becomes as important to them as the mother…. When the baby is born, the dad had 2 weeks of payed time to stay home and be there for the birth and connect with his new family member together with the new mum, who is also on payed leave (drawing from the above 480 days). These days can also be streached and used until the child is 8 years old. And ofcourse. The 480 days is per child. 🇸🇪
@rockrane1 23 сағат бұрын
It would be great if these videos of Ryan could also be seen by Americans, perhaps their mindset would broaden a bit. But after a long time following these, I've noticed that comments mostly come from Europe. More specifically about Central and Northern Europe. I wonder what the reason is🤔
@PollokPoochesDogWalking Күн бұрын
It's the number one thing I noticed when I go to America... Pharmaceutical adverts. I've never seen it anywhere else I've travelled. It's super weird and a little bit fascinating in a very morbid way.
@Callidus9 Күн бұрын
Love your videos man, much love from the UK :) The whole two party system seems crazy to me, even though in the UK really the only parties that win are Labour and Conservatives, there are many other parties to vote for based on your beliefs and policies.
@chronic2023 Күн бұрын
The US has more than two parties. On my ballot for this year's election, there were 4 parties with 4 candidates listed.
@Callidus9 Күн бұрын
@@chronic2023 Nice, thanks for letting me know, never heard of any parties in the US beyond the Republicans and Democrats. Always a good day when I learn something new :)
@FastDriver91 Күн бұрын
Did you change your mic? Your volume is a bit low, maybe you can check your mic/volume settings.
@rogerk6180 Күн бұрын
In the end there really can't be much of a middle if there are only two opposite sides that have as their main identity being different from the opposition. It is baked into a 2 party system. It is a feature, not a bug.... In a proportional system the vast bulk of the population is located in the middle of the spectrum. There many parties that can sit between the 2 extremes and can pick and choose the more reasonable standpoints from both sides or adopt milder versions of them. And it makes it easier to compromise and set longterm plans that the majority agrees with.
@MorpheusNS 21 сағат бұрын
It is not a feature. Your two big parties, once elected, do exactly the same things as an "opposite" one. As far as I can understand, voters of Republican party are generally more conservative, religious, and believe that the interests of big corporations are somehow good for all of the people because "they create jobs". Voters of Democrat party are usually more liberal, leaning more towards human rights, they are most of the time atheist or indifferent towards religion and pay more attention to well being of an individual then of any corporation. But at the end of the day, they both get disappointed. To both of those parties, the money they get from superpacs is more important than your life or rights. Maybe they are different in their "main identity", but they are essentially the same. And that is your problem. Superficially you get to choose, but the end result is always the same. You get screwed.
@TomKirkemo-l5c Күн бұрын
I'm Norwegian. I don't give a crap about how old or fashionable my stuff is. Every camera I own is over 10 years old, my computer is about 12. I have taped my glasses and drive an old Subau Forester. BUT, I have two fine huskeys, 8 chickens and a rooster. About 3 acres of land. I'm good. :)
@giajensen1689 Күн бұрын
14:00 In Sweden we pay a flat of about 20$, but that include all tests and doctors apointment a one time. So if the doctor orders a xray, a lot of blood and urin tests and then find that you need to be admitted to the hospital for two days and have intravenus antibiotica forinsentens, you pay for the food that you are given (but it’s just a small fee and you get breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, coffe, tea a sandwich and so on. You do not go hungry when at a hospital!). The fee is about 7$. If you have a cronic deseas you only pay the flat fee about 12 times then all medical care is free for the remaining part of 12 month since your first payment. So often the medical care can be for free for 6 month, before you need to start paying your flat fee. The same goes for medicine that your doctor prescribe for you. You pay up to a certain amount and then all your medicine for the rest of the year is for free….
@klarasee806 22 сағат бұрын
23:23 If you want democracy, you want your population to be critical of what you are doing. Because that‘s what democracy is all about. Sadly, the USA moves away from democracy more and more these days.
@nicolecrichton9654 Күн бұрын
Ryan you are spot on. Love your reactions ❤️❤️👍👍
@klarasee806 22 сағат бұрын
In marketing we say that we are not selling a product but rather a way of life, a sense of belonging, an image, an emotion, etc. People know that they do not need more products. So you have to make them believe that, in a bundle with this product, they are also getting exactly what they long for deep down inside.
@panayotiscanellopoulos8696 Күн бұрын
Cyrus Janssen has one of the most geopolitically analytic KZbin channels about world economics (and not only). Objective and clear. I'm glad Ryan that yoy "found" him.... never too late 🙂
@DalaiDrama-hp6oj 17 сағат бұрын
No he hasn't. Cyrus is a Chinese propagandist.
@Rezinarius Күн бұрын
Like I'm on type 2 diabetes meds in Finland, the brand pill I use is normally 155euros for 3months, but since we have lots of offbrand versions which are literally 100% same medicine, pharmacies are required to recommend us/me the other versions, so the offbrand version I use costs only like 35euros for the 3months, this is one of the more expensive diabetes meds here, the other ones are like.. 10bucks for 3months
@IvaJelinkova-x3q Күн бұрын
Those who don't travel don't know the world, and it's easy to tell them anything about the rest of the world.
@hulda4ever 17 сағат бұрын
I just went to America for the first time and I was terrified because of everything I've heard about it. Come to find out everyone was extremely nice and the animals and nature is so beautiful. And people talk to each country we avoid sometimes even talking to friends and family in public. But in America people smile to you and talk to you and it feels even more like home to me then Iceland. But I was raised by TV shows and films and youtube channels all from America and it kinda feels like America raised me. So I'm not too surprised I feel like home there!
@someguyanonymous5171 Күн бұрын
9:57 - Ryan - its not that expensive to travel. You can get cheap flights if you book a few months in advance. I got 5-700$ return tickts from Europe to Asia - 14 hour trips.. and south America must be dirt cheap for you. I recently spent a month in Colombia. 800$ return ticket from Zurich and total about 2500 for the trip because i got myself nice airbnbs instead of staying in cheap places. But you can do the same trip for probably 1000$ total from the US ifyou stay in budget places I spent once only 5000$ for a full 6 months in south east Asia. A day including the room, food, transport and drinks at under 20$, sometimes half or less. Dont claim its expensive cause it doesnt have to be.
@someguyanonymous5171 Күн бұрын
Ah just a few seconds later - thats the point. You guys rather spend money on stupid stuff like a new 1300$ iphone every single year, or fancy clothes or cars which are just things. Experiences like these travels will stay with you forever and change your mindset
@bognagruba7653 Күн бұрын
So taking his son out from daycare would make up for the cost ;) I don't know Ryan's situation apart from the fact that he lives in a family of 3.
@someguyanonymous5171 Күн бұрын
@@bognagruba7653 Well, no one forces people to get married and have kids way too young and then miss out on life. Its a choice. Like no one forces people to get mortgages to get houses at that age already and then be in massive debt and having to pay that off. Thats unfortunately the american lifestyle. Getting marrried way too young, becoming parents way too young, buying houses and expensive stuff they cant afford for status and then being in debt. Not that all of that applies to him of course. But yeah the daycare thing.. as he says.. he works from home as youtube is his job.. so why pay for daycare if you are at home ;) Plus like I said. travel isnt that expensive, especially if they would stay in the region.
@bognagruba7653 Күн бұрын
@@someguyanonymous5171 OK, I don't know if Ryan uses daycare for his son. Having a first child at around 30 is not too early. I'm sure he wouldn't like to travel without his wife and son.
@phunkmonkeycookiegarage7773 Күн бұрын
Speaking as a non-American and from a very, very long way away, I know the classic old line that you can never truly divide Americans because they have far more in common than they have differences that divide them. However, those were the days when Americans identified themselves as AMERICANS. Those days appear to be gone now as it has now become tribal as people now no longer identify as Americans anymore. Now, people identify as their political belief systems. You are now either a Republican or a Democrat first of all. They are no longer as one with just different political values, wich would always allow them to find common ground. They are now part of two tribes that are caught in a death match, where there is only enough space for one tribe to survive and flourish. While Americans now continue to identify as part of a political tribe and NOT as Americans first and foremost, there is no glue to heal that society and bring it back together. When you have politicians and media fighting hard against bringing the country together, what future does America ultimately face?
@klarasee806 Күн бұрын
The way I see it, these are the puberty years of the USA. They are now going through various identity crises, hormones are going crazy, everything they previously believed is being turned upside down and questioned...but in the end they will have their own cultural identity.
@rinynewton8297 Күн бұрын
Ryan, just pack your bags and start traveling !!! That will open your eyes. Do it before you are to old! GET OUT...
@QuentinPlant Күн бұрын
Or at least let his kid learn a "European" language so that they later might have the choice of having a different life.
@geschichteistcool7182 12 сағат бұрын
It's not refreshing to hear someone say "America is the greatest" because it isn't. It's childish and weird to try to make your country better than other countries. Especially because it's hard to quantify the "greatness" of a country. Say that you like your country but don't talk nationalist and stupid bullshit like "Blabla is the greatest" because it's dumb and ignorant.
@jurgenweimuller944 23 сағат бұрын
The US school system could actually start to teach geography, culture, and history of other countries. That might help.
@choconoisette9737 Күн бұрын
Yeah you find capitalism dangerous when it comes to drugs and medication because profit is made upon peoples health issues, but this applies to housing (people need a house to live, or they survive, which is very different), to food and water, to environment (yeah people need a clean environment to live otherwise it becomes survival). In a modern civilisation it would also apply to education or cultural access.
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A guide to our alphabet
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Joe Rogan Experience #2219 - Donald Trump
Рет қаралды 17 МЛН
Celine Dept
Рет қаралды 85 МЛН