主人は60代でカンザス州生まれで父親の仕事の関係でテキサス、ルイジアナ、ミシシッピ、オクラホマ等で暮らした事があったのですが、中学からはシアトルに越して現在に至りますが、アパラチア訛りの英語全部理解できました。動画を止めながら私に解説してくれました。George Clooney 出演映画で「O Brother, Where Art Thou?「」での南部訛りの映画をアメリカで観た時には私には全然理解出来ませんでした。シアトル聞きやすい英語で助かります。
懐かしいです。私の前の旦那さんがテネシー出身で彼は普通に喋りましたが、おじいちゃんはこれよりすこしマシな感じでした。Do you want to?が、ヨーントゥ? とか ジッイェッ? did you eat yet? は訛りとして有名。 いつも話しかけられたら、ヘヘヘ~と微笑むしかなかったけど、だんだん慣れてきます。
I’m British but I understood what the guy was saying right away! I’ve heard some dialects in the southern and southeastern US have some similarities to British English though, which might have something to do with it...
@浪々3 жыл бұрын
Maybe, local people have been preserving their dialect from UK more than urban ones, because time doesn't fly there.
@yuai53963 жыл бұрын
that dialect sounds like a Scottish English that i experienced in the hair cut in Edinburg. or sometimes Aussie English sounds similar. both commonly don’t open the month and speak seamlessly.
@jaycee3303 жыл бұрын
The people from Appalachia descend from scottish and irish folks.
I grew up around the accent my whole life, I never knew it was all that different from standard american english until I see that another american english native speaker can't understand it. Kinda blew my mind
Texan here. Understood all of it. They aren't too bad. I imagine though, ppl my age would not know what a "poke" is. Only reason why I know is because my wife's granny says "Don't buy a pig in a poke" all the time.
@shimewaza4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, me too. I grew up in MA near Boston and I had no trouble understanding the man. Yeah, he has a strong accent but it's understandable. I think maybe Nick's been in Japan too long lol
@jackgratehouse63203 жыл бұрын
Same bro 😂 I understood the entire thing
@raisecolor80473 жыл бұрын
Don't buy a pig in a poke. i learned a new word.
@nashjohn36784 жыл бұрын
help you何回聞いてもHappyにしか聞こえない
@山田太郎-d7o4 жыл бұрын
@user-k1ry0fo4 жыл бұрын
4:42 buy a pig in a pokeの慣用句というかAlexにセクハラしてる可能性が微レ存
I completely understand every word. This isn't Appalachian English this is just Southern English. Anybody from Texas could easily communicate with him. He literally sounds like everyone I grew up with. You too can learn hillbilly.
@nuko-_-nuko-_-4 жыл бұрын
I'm from Florida but i could still understand everything
@MuffinTastic3 жыл бұрын
i'm from the land of technologic hippies (california) and i understand him just fine
@grafvonkartoffel14553 жыл бұрын
I'm from Arkansas and I understood everything.
@tuki2743 жыл бұрын
I’m Japanese and I kinda understood what he said but not sure if I got it all…. I lived in Tennessee before and english over there was FINEEEE!
@TheYaha973 жыл бұрын
As a Texas native, this boosts my self esteem. I feel like a know a second language
テキサスに長く住んでいる日本人です。最初のはだいたいわかりましたよ。ToteとPoke、それとMountain talkは以外は1回目でわかりました。後半のもだいたいわかりました。 knocked in head ってイディオムですか? They are happyだと思います。字幕のミスってことは??
初めて見させていただきました 非常に興味深い動画で楽しかったです 自分もアメリカに長く住んだ事がありその際全米各地に旅行しましたがその時一番聞き取れなかったのが所謂southernerの英語でした 帰国後もオーストラリアのパース出身の方とも話したことあるのですがその英語も訛りが強くてほぼほぼ聞き取れなくて常にwhat?say it again please comeagainとか言ってましたねw
@bonkbong56923 жыл бұрын
@tcstcs26344 жыл бұрын
paper bagとpaper pokeで韻踏んでるかと思ったw
@nt05164 жыл бұрын
@tanukikuma4 жыл бұрын
@hirokocraig3 жыл бұрын
West Virginia で思い出したのが、ある日アメリカ中西部出身の夫が(今住んでいるカナダの街を一緒に散歩中に)ボロボロの家を見て「ここは West Virginia だなー」と言ったのを思い出したわ。白人の貧困層が住んでいる貧しい地域という意味らしいです。実際に私は行ったことはないのですがその州名を聞くたびにそんなイメージが浮かんでしまいます。
Where the heck is Graham county? Could it be in West Virginia? I had a friend from a blue ridge state & she did hellvajob gettin rid of the accent from there.
たまたま字幕が付いていて、you wanted to put in a paper bag, you'd put in a paper "poke" のところで「先ほどパパ、ポイント5倍のパイプ」って出てきて、コーヒーを吹き出しそうになりましたww もちろん私の耳は「パイポパイポパーイ」としか聞こえなかったので、自動字幕機能の方がたぶん優秀🤣