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Amicus Films : Part 3 (Documentary Review)

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Crab Apple

Crab Apple

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Пікірлер: 82
@leebritnell2405 4 ай бұрын
Hi,Crab Thanks for a superb episode!When it comes to Research and Production,I don't think anyone on KZbin gets even close to you for sheer quality.You clearly care greatly for your content,even down to the carefully -chosen background music.When I was at school in the 70s I was always being told that my horror film obsessions were trivial,and I would' grow out of it'.Well,I didn't ,and I'm glad because I can now enjoy decent features on these films by intelligent presenters like yourself.Try as I might,I still believe Dr Who died in 1989,and believe it's incurable broken now -thanks again, Lee.
@leebritnell2405 4 ай бұрын
Wow - thank you so much. I agree with you 100% on who though the Ecclestone and Tennant eras were pretty good. I lost touch with the show totally during Matt Smiths tenure. As his seasons went on the less I watched them. I dipped my toe in new who quite a few times hoping it would change but it didnt and became a travesty. Anyway enough of Who. I'd like to thank you for noticing the music in the background and how I try to use what's best for the visuals to help further the nostalgia sometimes it takes me ages to chose. Am glad you are enjoying the programmes. Best 🦀
@SmartCookie2022 4 ай бұрын
My favourite retrospective channel back with another deep dive into Amicus films. And its all done with tender loving care and a special fondness for the source material. The 1 hour 37 minutes runtime just flew past. Bravo, dear sir. Can't wait for Part 4.
@Stathis_Borans Ай бұрын
Hearing Brian Bennet 'Solstice' in the background just increased my enjoyment of this wonderful series of videos. Fantastic channel.
@naparry4772 4 ай бұрын
It's a shame Amicus never did a film version of Doctor Who's The Chase. Their second Daleks film was such an improvement on the first in every way, there's no doubt it would have looked phenomenal! Problem is, the story is little more than an excuse to put Daleks in as many curious situations and environments as possible (IMO). Ah to heck with it, this has been another genuine treat, another lovingly pieced together dive into the history of a little talked about company. Absolutely loved it, as always. Thanks, CB!
Personally I think the web planet would have been a blast. Especially as it would have been about 1967 so The Web Planet psychedelia style would be awesome - though how more trippy than the original it woukd have been god only knows - as if it could be more trippy in fact ! Glad you enjoyed it. Expect plenty more. Just finished watching The Birthday Party - awesome. Will broadcast soon. Take care. Crab 🦀
@naparry4772 4 ай бұрын
@@LOOKLOOKLOOKAGAIN - I could see the filmed version of The Web Planet being not unlike Peter Cushing's later At The Earth's Core film (his character is very like his 'Dr. Who'). Very trippy! As a big fan of Classic Who, I love your attention to detail with this, the choice of background music and sound effects. I enjoyed some post 2005 stuff ('Flux' was great!), but since Russell T Davis came back I find it genuinely unwatchable, which saddens me and makes me angry. Can't wait to see your new stuff!
@patrickmckenna5812 4 ай бұрын
My dad took me to see both the Dr Who movies back in the day. I was only about six or seven, and I sat there totally enthralled. Last year both movies were shown as a double bill in 4k at my local cinema, and it was amazing to be transported back to a much more innocent time. And I still love those damn Daleks!
@davidkoenig8592 4 ай бұрын
This was another well researched piece on the history of Amicus. More things here I never knew. Love your humorous style. Looking forward to the next episode!
Thank you so much. It starts with the torture garden and blossoms from there. Just watched The Birthday Party - bloody brilliant and will be a joy to review. Am having a little break, decorating my living room and once settled will crack on. Watch this space for your next broadcast of LLALA. Best 🦀🍎
@adrianhaythorne6008 4 ай бұрын
The third part of this Amicus documentary was the best yet and reaffirmed my fondness for that remarkable film studio. Many thanks!😊
@dangermouse2235 4 ай бұрын
Why have I not come across your extremely absorbing material before? More fool me. Im now a fan of whatever you release so thanks very much. More please.
You are very welcome. I have 4 years worth on here but the first couple of 'seasons' are ropey but I will keep them up to show how it all started and for the content which has and always will be a labour of love. Enjoy. Very best 🦀
@Apogee02UK 2 ай бұрын
Willy's Chocolate Experience. As a critique of set design this is perfection itself. Subscribed!
@67eamonn 3 ай бұрын
Always delighted to see a new Crabby film. Hooting with laughter at the 'dewigged drag act' line. Can't wait for the next one.
Haha ! Glad you liked. Am currently working on the current one and reviewing Torture Garden. Still tons to do but when it's done I am hoping it'll be a decent and worthy homage to Amicus. 🦀
@jamesreid8840 4 ай бұрын
Bloody brilliant Crab loved the poster and art work as per usual 👍 plus the info your like a oracle 😉. Would also like to thank you for the time and effort you put into these episodes for us all 👏👏👏 WE ARE NOT WORTHY 🦀 Crab can I be cheeky and ask what are the audio delights you use in The Deadly Bees, The Terronauts and They Came From Beyond Space segments please. Take care and can’t wait to see what you cook up for us next 👍
Many, many thanks. I believe the Music I used was from the radiophonic workshop and a CD called The Devils Planet and varied library tracks. I will get back to you on the track names for sure. Great to hear from you again, always keep you in mind for the posters and artwork. Take care, very best 🦀
@veritanuda 4 ай бұрын
Needless to say, YT did not inform me about this. Good thing I check all my subs every now and again for things I might have missed. I am sure it is going to be great as always. Thanks for sharing!
@lallancashire2201 4 ай бұрын
This is another excellent documentary, perceptive and entertaining. The clips are well chosen to illustrate perfectly the points you make. I completely agree about the two Cushing Who movies. I find they perfectly compliment the classic TV series (unlike the insulting modern woke tv series does!) and retain their charm to this day. These mini documentaries should be linked into one, if only they could be released on blu ray as the definitive Amicus documentary - I'd buy it! Well done! 👍
That means a lot. Thank you so much. It's lovely to hear from people who appreciate my labour of love. I am eternally grateful. 🦀🍏
@marcmcbride5531 4 ай бұрын
Best thing on KZbin, thanks for another awesome episode, one hour thirty seven minutes of pure heaven!
@SimonLeicester 4 ай бұрын
Always enjoyed this one. Much better than the first one, great fun even if Peter Cushing's Doctor is a bit of an old duffer. Bernard Cribbins is always a bonus.
@garybryant5946 4 ай бұрын
As Dr Who would say Most Exciting 👍 🦀Does it again fine stuff and modern equivalent to s well researched reference book and much appreciated by your loyal subscribers 👌
Bless you Mr B . 🦀
@leetaylor3099 Ай бұрын
I have watched this a few times now, but only just now caught the crack about Patricia's Amazonian hair style. Hilarious!
@@leetaylor3099 Its very cannibal holocaust bless her 😁
@robertgraves8843 4 ай бұрын
You can't help but like Milton Subotsky. He seemed to be such a nice chap. One gets the impression that Max Rosenberg was more of the required business head, though. For those of a certain age, while the 1960s is just about within memory, these movies still provide a glimpse of a world long gone. "The past is another country. etc....." Cosy and undemanding though they are, I still think they had their standout moments. For example, the scenes of devastation in the second Dr Who movie, as you point out, are pretty ambitious and you can tell that war memories fed into the set design. I'd like to speak up for "The psychopath", as I saw it not long ago and, though not brilliant, it does have a fairly sturdy storyline and a few mild shocks. Patrick Wymark, John (still) Standing and a room full of creepy dolls. To me, that's a draw. Suzanna Leigh, (did I get the name right?) Beautiful woman! What a sad loss. I first noticed her in an episode of "The persuaders". Tony Curtis was all over her like a rash. I'd watch her in any old shit. In fact, I have. I think she was in "Beware my brethren" with the late great Tony Beckley, but that'll have to fact checked. Another brilliant instalment, with a clutch of films from another world. Great stuff. For me though, the most vivid memories come from the era I expect you are about to cover.......
The late 60's into the early 70's is next for sure. There are some corkers too. 🦀
@inxe8 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic job as per usual Crab, I have to say though I was unprepared for how nostalgic this one was going to be for me! Amicus productions always seemed to be on TV back in the 70's, even the lesser stuff like The Terrornauts or Deadly Bees seemed to crop up regularly during my formative years. It brought back so many childhood memories ... so thanks for that. But also the tremendous work as a pure documentary about Amicus, who I've always felt are rarely given their due.
Thank you inxe8. I love to hear that this caused a spark of nostalgia and a murmur of enlightenment. The next instalments will probably further that nostalgic spark as we head towards the 1970's. Appreciate your comment. 🦀🍎
@robsawalker 2 ай бұрын
How TF has this account not got 500k subscribers?!
Well, it's all about quality bot quantity. I an happy with the subs I have, they're lovely people and as kong as they are happy I am happy. Thats a lovely thing to say though. Bless you. Best 🦀
@npc3po301 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely gutted, went to watch the 4th installment too late last night so paused/left the tab open to return to today and rather than carry on where I left off I refreshed and .. well you know the rest, bloody thing was all loaded up by then too so I could of at least seen the rest before it got zapped, oh world you..
I know my friend - I am having some real issues with copyright with canal studios - the others seem fine they just dont want me to monetise it - which is the last thing I want to do - education and enteratainment should be free. I uploaded the first one and canal studios blocked it, I appealed but theirs was upheld. I edited the scene out. Then uploaded the other edit and it was blocked again for a different scene, I appealed but Canals appeal was upheld again. I informed you tube and looked at fair use but this made no dufference. I have never had so many copyright issues as I am having now with Canal and it was all with one film 'A Touch of Love' which is the least known of the Amicus films - but is quite wonderful - so I am going to edit the video again and remove any clips of length used for this film and hopefully won't get blocked again. Seemingly the more views your videos get the more they are blocked. Ironic though that I am non profit, mention the DVD or blu ray, extol the virtues of the film, comment and review it as part of a documentary. Which could possibly inspire people to buy the original increasing revenue and then it gets vetoed ?? I cant get my head round it to be honest. It's also taking 3 hours on here to upload a 2 hour documentary. It's all very wearing. I will try again but this has been going on since Sunday night. Hold fire - third time lucky - unless they find something else to block. Crab 🦀
@npc3po301 2 ай бұрын
@@LOOKLOOKLOOKAGAIN I really don't get their logic, yes you are using their stuff but in a way that only promotes/preserves the legacy of and drives potential buyers to, the shortsightedness of it's baffling, I'll keep a watchout for the next attempt and hopefully get there before the gremlins (grr..)
@lynnmcelmurry3837 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely love this channeling
@ericburn4843 4 ай бұрын
Can't wait for the next one. 👍
@yoochoobb 4 ай бұрын
A treat, as ever. Thanks! I enjoyed the 2nd Doctor Who film (the only one I saw at the cinema) more than the first, which I saw years later on television. It was good to see Bernard Cribbins again much later in the TV series. Poor old Charles Hawtrey looks out of place in that science fiction effort.
Poor old Charlie - totally miscast but perfect to make you laugh from the get go. Its fun to observe his reactions - fish out of water springs to mind. 😀
@charliebarnes6736 4 ай бұрын
If Peter Cushing carried on playing the Doctor, Christopher Lee would have played the Master.
Wow - that would've been amazing. It's a shame they stopped short but money talks and poor distribution scuppered that in the USA. The Web Planet and Marco Polo would have been superb material to film. Apparently Disney were asked if by the BBC if they wanted to film Marco Polo but I can't recall where I read it or if it's true. Maybe they have Marco Polo still in their archives and haven't git round to dusting them off yet - wouldn't that be wonderful. 🦀
@Lab4Official 4 ай бұрын
This is such a great channel. Huge thanks for all the uploads and hard work. Top content.
@Nope.Unknown 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely wonderful!! Thank you thank you thank you for another superb doc!!
@npc3po301 4 ай бұрын
All kinds of splendid as always Crab, been looking out for another installment (or should I say 'enthrrrallment') of what is genuinely shaping up to be the finest most indepth retrospective of Amicus known to man (insert clip of John Cleese "and I should know I've followed a few"), truth be told I'm itching for your assessment of my fave 'From Beyond the Grave' (and have been from the off) but given the forecasted preview of ep.4 it looks like I'm still a few months away yet which could sadden me if it wasn't for the knowledge that when it does arrive I know my appetite will soon be sharing a post-coital cigarette blissful after another of your thoroughly forensic fingerbangings, btw if you look look and look again at 21:25 you'll see (far left of the approaching bunch) a 'Tri-i-i-ific' early appearance of Mike 'Frank Butcher' Reid, now stop reading this and get back to work damnit
Lordy - I think it is Mike 'Paaaat' Reid. God these thesps get about. From Beyond is a while off truth be told and then we have those wonderful jules verne adaptations that i am looking forward to look..look and look again. So much research to do. Best always 🦀
@mcal27 4 ай бұрын
Where to start.. wonderful wonderful & wonderful! I own about 80% of these films. This is the only channel that has the depth on these semi-forgotten treasures.. Yes even the Terrornauts! Lol
Thank you. My main aim is so these forgotten gems never fade via these documentaries as well as to entertain, enlighten and to provide some levity in such times as these. Thankyou for your wonderful comment and hope you find plenty to enjoy. All the best 🦀🍏
@texterity3873 4 ай бұрын
I’m a new subscriber to this fascinating channel. As an anglophile and a media nerd, I love Crab Apple’s deep deep dives into UK Pop Culture history.
Thank you so much and welcome to the channel. 🦀
@CthulhuInc 4 ай бұрын
haha well, that was fun! here's hoping there's more to come, cheers!
You're welcome. There is as we look at the late 60's into the early 70's. 🦀
@simoncurry5336 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great documentary and thanks for using Victor Lewis-Smith's Gay Daleks.
Couldn't resist. Hilarious. Sums it up really. Best 🦀
@ChrisChaka 4 ай бұрын
Cracking good time, as usual. Nice work on the graphics, as well.
@valmarsiglia 2 ай бұрын
01:19:14 Proof that Jacob Rees-Mogg is a time-traveller!
@angelrising8589 4 ай бұрын
Great watch. Thank you.
@skinksmith 4 ай бұрын
Just wonderful. Thank you.
Moi plasir 🦀🍎
@richardbrown8966 4 ай бұрын
the thals were big danny la rue fans, methinks.
@leetaylor3099 3 ай бұрын
I would watch the Amicus 'Who' films thirty times before I ever watched a 21st century-produced Dr Who episode. (I will never watch one!). If ever there was a succinct phrase that explains matters, should I need to, you summed it up, Crab, with 'Feel Good' . In a world where everything is made subjective, isn't that all that matters?
Unfortunately I did dip into the current adventures of the timelord and sadly it is travesty not only are we witnessing the collapse of our beloved timelord (which truly started with Whittaker) we are watching the death of visual media in general. The past is dead ... long live the past. All the feel good best. Crab 🦀🍎
@pauljacques2133 4 ай бұрын
I love The psychopath I love the Vulture But most of all I love Crab Apple :)
Oh bless you. Most humbled, truly. ❤️🦀🍎
@angelrising8589 4 ай бұрын
Nice you are back. Love from Qatar 😊
Wow - all the way from Qatar - glad you enjoyed the fresh documentary. Eternally grateful. 🦀
@thelj3279 4 ай бұрын
@TheOverlordOfProcrastination 4 ай бұрын
Another great video. Full of interesting detail. Would love to hear your take on films like Witchcraft (1964?), City of the Dead, Night of the Eagle, The Earth Dies Screaming, etc. Unless you already have and I’ve just not found them on your channel yet. Good luck with your future vids. Enjoy the occasional ’woke prick’ lines, too 😂😎👍🏼
You are welcome. City of the Dead is featured in the first Amicus documentary. Night of the Eagle will be on the pile and Earth Dies Screaming too. Watch this space. I agree with you and now the woke have awakened, had their 15 minutes of fame, perhaps they should go back to sleep - there is nothing new and as long as you are civil there really is no need. Still it keeps the pink rinsed in employment I guess. Best Crab 🦀
@TheOverlordOfProcrastination 4 ай бұрын
@Eltonlaleham 29 күн бұрын
I say Dr Who died in the horrible year of 1989, after having had 26 golden years on tv on bbc1 and that year I was aged 20 and I also got my first real job after having been left school in 1985 aged 16.
@SimonLeicester 4 ай бұрын
@Aurora-fn6bp 21 күн бұрын
Disney has destroyed everything it touches.
@@Aurora-fn6bp Yes they have - it's the consequence of blending politics with entertainment unfortunately.
@Aurora-fn6bp 20 күн бұрын
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