Entitled Mother RECORDS my THERAPY SESSION and tries TO SUE ME cuz of WHAT I SAID - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Jerk?

Am I the Jerk?

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@Solesteam Жыл бұрын
2:37 That's the whole point of a therapist, to say how you truly feel, even if it's about someone else.
@mastertadakatsu Жыл бұрын
"You need to stop telling people I am a bad person" I hate this saying with a passion, as it was exactly what my mother would say before I went to therapy sessions I had for my anxiety. I wondered why I had anxiety problems until I left that household.
@lifeiscats1337 Жыл бұрын
She should stop being a bad person then
@bombdotcom2168 Жыл бұрын
My mom said the same thing when we started family therapy. I just stopped talking altogether in those sessions because I knew she'd blow up if I said something she didn't like- Narcissists are just the worst
@elizabethp1772 Жыл бұрын
I am absolutely dumbfounded by the mother in the first story. She literally recorded a therapy session (WHICH SHOULD BE PRIVATE) and threatened to use it against them in court. WHAT?!
@rhfgssdtgt4199 Жыл бұрын
Last story- Let me guess, ca state Berkley feminist studies? Dude dump her she is too toxic to be in a relationship. A couple should be there to help each other, not control.
@hilaryhongkong Жыл бұрын
She can't sue you for slander unless 1. it's false, 2. you know it's false, 3. it actually affected her reputation and damages her in a concrete way
@arandomthingintheabyss2062 Жыл бұрын
and 1 it not false 2 she knows it not false and 3 not sure on 3 but im 99 percent sure she probably has a terrible reputation
@UnlimitedEmeralds Жыл бұрын
And you’re forgetting step 0, is it even legal to record someone without their consent during a therapy session? Quick answer, no it’s very illegal.
@lunarlilysstories6699 Жыл бұрын
It was a PRIVATE therapy session and likely uses basic confidentiality Unless it is information about someone trying to hurt - people, things, themselves, or is said you can share it - That information is not to be shared.
@llcoojoe20 Жыл бұрын
@@UnlimitedEmeralds the therapy session was in the moms living room. She had a camera up in her own house.
@UnlimitedEmeralds Жыл бұрын
@@llcoojoe20 go ahead, put a camera in your bathroom and see what happens. “Your house your rules” is not a law, nor does it enable you to break the law. Even in Texas, you can’t record a private medical appointment without consent of the medical professional or the patient. The mother has absolutely zero legal grounds to sue and could even get herself in legal trouble for presenting this information to a judge.
@richietribe9487 Жыл бұрын
Hidden recordings are illegal evidence. And secretly recording someone is illegal too
@erinthedemonhog2090 Жыл бұрын
That mom will get in huge trouble & possibly go to jail.
@richardzedrahl4016 Жыл бұрын
Only if your in a two party consent state. If your in a one party it’s not illegal.
@benjie128 Жыл бұрын
@@richardzedrahl4016 but, one party consent requires one person in the party to know and grant permission to record. Texas is a one party consent state. Since the mom was not present, the recording is illegal and could be charged with wiretapping.
@Goldenwhitewings Жыл бұрын
In England it’s not illegal and in a lot of American states it’s not illegal but doing this in a therapy session is illegal in most states and England
@VictorMontel Жыл бұрын
Exactly. That's a mistrial.
@MotivatedVergil111 Жыл бұрын
Okay, so I'm in therapy, and here's what I know. This is in violation of the patient privacy act, she cannot legally do this.
@billcipher3479 Жыл бұрын
story 1: OP needs to move away from their mother story 2: OP needs to rethink their relationship story 3: same as story 2 story 4: hope OP never have to see them at work again story 5: dude needs to pull out and leave
@viviennemorgan7217 Жыл бұрын
yep story 4 is just toxic work relationship and op needs to break things up with her.
@slayermoon666 Жыл бұрын
The 5th story sounds like she’s cheating… op should gfto and run 🏃‍♀️ from that minefield
@RabblesTheBinx Жыл бұрын
Let her sue you, then countersue for invasion of privacy, secretly recording you, and HIPAA violations (yes, _this_ is something that HIPAA actually covers).
@rhfgssdtgt4199 Жыл бұрын
Problem is HIPPA only applies to health providers and others that legally have access to medical information, not the general public.
@Rtrstormghost327 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree I worked in a hospital before I just keep my mouth shut that mom is going to going to prions for one year and get a 500,000$ fine for it 🤦🏼‍♂️😡 it’s makes me so angry people doing that
@RabblesTheBinx Жыл бұрын
@@rhfgssdtgt4199 correct, but HIPAA _does_ apply to people who do illegal things to get medical information they do not have legal access to.
@sirmatsdubois2509 Жыл бұрын
In regards to the first story: just take your mum to court on basis of invasion of privacy! or let her take you you to court and tell them that the recordings are from your therapy session that you had to have in your home due to the covid situation. and considering the law in your state I don't think the judge would actually consider her story and reason for taking you to court to be a wise decision on her part and either slap her with an enormous fine or send her to prison. You should also probably tell to the Court about your childhood and how you were literally forced to care for everybody else in your family why your mother is basically a giant lazy b. And definitely ask for a restraining order and that she shows the police were the camera is so you can destroy it! I really think that's the best option for you. In regards to the fourth story: you should definitely report her to human resources and tell them that you are experiencing a toxic work environment because of her and that you are being mistreated by her. and you should definitely include that if they don't do anything that you are taking them to court for allowing a toxic work environment to Fester. legal action usually is enough to get them off their lazy but and actually make them do some action ( if anybody who is in human resources read this then don't take this personally. I just have heard of a many stories about human resources don't do anything until it's too late. and a tip is there is one complaint do an immediate investigation incognito. it will save you later down the road) and she'll probably be fired or at least severely reprimanded. and you're not supposed to be able to do everything even after a month of service at that restaurant. just because you've been working there a while doesn't mean you will be able to do everything. plus I have kind of a similar problem that if people don't tell me what to do I don't know what to do. but anyway I hope that woman gets a big plate of karma.
@GhostBear3067 Жыл бұрын
Therapist might also have grounds to sue the patient's mother.
@kylemarkley7170 Жыл бұрын
Let the mom in the first story sue, and watch as she's laughed out of the court... and into the cell.
@NeoArashi Жыл бұрын
Exactly. She wanna use illegally obtained material as evidence for a civil case. Lol.
@akeel_1701 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: The Girlfriend has already checked out of the relationship and it's over - cut your losses and walk away
@Ilikebunnies-metoo Жыл бұрын
Story #1: Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake. Your mom doesn't behave like family, and seeing as she doesn't put your best interests as priority, I'd consider her an enemy.
@bombdotcom2168 Жыл бұрын
Oh dude that first one made my blood boil- My mom got angry at me for not wanting to attend family therapy since I knew she wouldn't like what I had to say and would take it out on me at home- The fact that the mom in the first story recorded the session and had the audacity to say what she did and threaten OP is just absolutely infuriating- What a narcissistic jerk Also dude the last story is a classic case of projection he needs to RUN
@TheDarkLink7 Жыл бұрын
The first story. Yes get a lawyer. If she wants to dig her own grave by revealing the illegal recordings she's made. Then personally I'd say let her. I do know that it is illegal and all and from what it sounds like. If this happens. The mother may be going to jail as well. Especially if she shows what she is recording in court. Ignoring what the mother did to OP for a second. Recording a therapy session without consent is a major health care wadda-call-it. The therapist might also bring a law suit against the mother as well.
@artimator4714 Жыл бұрын
21:40 (Girlfriend being a hypocrite) The guy already lost his bubbly personality, so yeah, it'll come to a point where he has no expressions. It's bad for the OP's mental health I'm sure.. also- Story 1: Santa Claus after hearing that it's illegal:
@ztutt19 Жыл бұрын
That last story is unbelievably infuriating. That girl needed to be single yesterday
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
I would counter sue. Illegal surveillance, extortion, intentional infliction of emotional stress, abuse of process, malicious prosecution, etc.
@EddBanshee Жыл бұрын
Story #1: So the mom wants to take the O.P. to court. MAN I wish I was a lawyer! Just thinking about all the fun I'd be able to have at the mom's expense is making me feel all tingly! I mean if she's really willing to BREAK THE LAW by SECRETLY RECORDING THE THERAPY SESSIONS, then it's pretty clear that the O.P. actually HAS A REASON to tell the therapist all that stuff!
@tylergee1405 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: let her sue you, let her amber heard herself. There's an exact 0% chance she will win. Story 3: hopefully your boss steps up and fires the toxic worker who is harassing you. Story 4: I was thinking of feminist but narcissist fits too. Why are you with her? It's not a healthy relationship.
@fullmetalgamer6062 Жыл бұрын
"My dog stepped on a bee."
@privateuser3726 Жыл бұрын
Anyone that uniroically uses the term manspread is a feminist
@apat2691 Жыл бұрын
"don't talk about me to your friends" "stop telling people about my bad behaviour" LOL sounds like things i've heard myself. This mother is toxic to the core !
@drakofox1362 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 I would say let her try to use them if she does that would mean she illegally recorded OP and in a court of law that would shut down her case in favor of OP
@GokuGaming Жыл бұрын
Therapy is protected under HIPPA she’s not supposed to have that information if ANYTHING you can sue her for getting medical information without your consent. That’s also against the law
@NeoArashi Жыл бұрын
First story: OP, you said it yourself what your mother did is ILLEGAL. Whether or not what you said is slander, ehat you said was said to your therapist durring a session that was meant to be 100% private between you and your therapist. I don't think she could use illegally obtained material as evidence, especially for a civil (and not criminal) case
@JoeXTheXJuggalo1 Жыл бұрын
In the first story technology the daughter can take her mother to court for technically blackmail. Plus her mother secretly recording the therapy session is I believe a form of a violation of HIPAA. Which I believe could be a fine of around $50k and minimum 1 year prison (not jail PRISON). I would suggest taking her to court first but in a way I would highly suggest letting the mother take the daughter to court. That way her mother can stew in her own mistake and it will look even worse on the mother because it will be her big mistake of actually fallowing though with it. Either way it will look bad on the mother.
@DanielGonzalez-qk6sd Жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP needs to rethink their relationship. If they feel their girlfriend is lying, putting friends over them, etc…they should leave. Also it is *never* to late for someone in a relationship to determine they will chill with their partner. These are friends and while friends are important it is also important to try and do the “first of” milestones with the partner. If a female said this, AITJ (in my opinion) would be on the guy’s case for ignoring the theoretical gf. That said, OP needs to either grow a pair or leave. OP not speaking up is a result of either a) not being confident enough to know his worth and state what they want or b) not feeling comfortable with their gf enough to speak up. In either case, OP needs to reflect on themself and the relationship and see why they are in the situation they are in.
@DePhoegonIsle Жыл бұрын
Story/Post 3: OP .. just sounds a bit unbearable if I had to be brutally honest. She's literally getting bent out of shape over... 'the same cloths' not that their dirty or he doesn't keep his hygiene up, but the same look. I know burping & farting are not 'classy' things, but frankly I couldn't be with someone who finds them 'disgusting' like that. Seriously though, she's getting hung up on repeative lines... like bro, I fucking dare you to go 3 months, 2-3 hours a day 3 days a week. (72 - 118 Hours) and you even attempt to spin jokes, laughs, stories that don't fucking repeat or start hitting the same feeling notes. -- I don't even know professional comics that have that much material that doesn't repeat, never mind the polished material they put on stage. OP has communication & personal expectation issues. We don't know if the BF isn't really trying, or if he has his focus someplace else... ya know on what matters, his job, his love life, & enjoying what there is. I have to ask though, Just how many bloody outfits do you have that you swap them out enough for them to not get .. reused? Also yes, 'eating out' every single time .... is a bloody fing issue. Sure ask him to help clean up after a in home meal with him, but seriously .. learn to communicate & perhaps try to not eat out more than once every two weeks at best. >.> ------- Like seriously, I can't understand what exactly she expects? To look perfect all the time and 'show effort', have constant material to cycle through that not even professional stand up comedians have, to never burp or fart, or ever be relaxed around her so that it'll never happen.
@SausHedgy Жыл бұрын
That 4th story hits so close to home, i left my first job shortly after i was basically put down by both a co-worker and the boss in the first week, made fun of by the boss for my choice in career, and was told i wasn't performing well in my first week for not understanding certain things or needing clarification, not to mention the co-worker constantly tattles on me when i either ask a question or mess something up by accident, and after talking to friends and family, decided to just leave it and be done with it since it was just unacceptable for them to treat me like that.
@olgar.6604 Жыл бұрын
Story 3, that's an absurd situation. How can you even consider it a viable relationship when you can't have an enjoyable conversation with that person?
@aimies Жыл бұрын
the 4th story op should just match her energy the next time they work together. If no one gonna stand up for you, you gotta do it yourselves.
@keithhouston31 Жыл бұрын
she never had a case to begin with, if I remember what she was indeed illegal & could look at serious jail time for recording someone without someone's consent even if it's family, there's reason why it's called confidentiality, it's between her & the therapist, telling her not to tell anybody about her she just made herself out to be a bigger monster & the fact she says she did nothing wrong just made it worse it's lie after lie, she tells one lie only to tell another one in its place.
@draken882000 Жыл бұрын
So, if the first story is true, I'd advise OP to get a lawyer involved. I'd also make the police aware. If your mom ended up suing, I'd suggest an Anti-SLAPP counter suit. Also, try having her arrested for breach of confidentiality and invasion of privacy.
@queenrhubarb1676 Жыл бұрын
The therapy one no you are 100% absolutely not in the wrong. It’s illegal to do that and to use it as blackmail is downright awful. I too have a therapist and what we talk about is no one’s business but my own the fact your mom went out of her way to do this to you is horrible. I’ll send all the virtual hugs that I can and hope you can settle this.
@shadewolfe1231 Жыл бұрын
Story 2-Right off the back OP sounds exhausting. They want to do something with the SO but only bring it up once in conversations (6? months before hand) don’t attempt to make any plans themselves and they makes all these excuses as to why a cultural event they’re connected too will make them feel left out because they don’t know anything about their culture. Like…how is that your girlfriends fault? If you wanted to do something special why didn’t you actively make plans with your GF leading up to this so she’d have a reason to decline her friends. You never verbally tell her you don’t want to go the two times she’s asks about it before she and her friends get tickets. Snd then you get upset she doesn’t report every single detail of her night after plans change to you. And the story’s not even over! I saw another comment that said she’s checked out of the relationship. Good for her! Because again, you sound so draining to be with.
@andrewjackson6358 2 ай бұрын
For the 1st story, being on private property that every party consent doesnt matter and wont hold up in court as you can record everything on your own property. With that being said she has to prove that you indented to slander and the harm it has brought to her. As many cases you can look up will show as long as it didnt affect her in any way than just her Karen feelings she will lose 10/10
@jameshyland7372 Жыл бұрын
Yo can we get a part 2 on the service dog entitled mom thing on tik Tok pls
@Vampibatmanodactyle Жыл бұрын
Story 3 is peak entitlement. Bf wants sex every time you hang out and that's bad, but it's okay for you to want to go out every time. Bf then says you're digging into his wallet. Even if you pay for half the dates, you can still drain his finances by dragging him into spending his money more often than he wants to. It doesn't seem very complicated to me. This is why the modern dating scene is so insufferable. Smh.
@rollanddev Жыл бұрын
I love how AItJ tells her "lol, just keep thinking you can change him - if the superficial stuff feels good, focus on that!" And in such a confident tone, too! :D NGL, sometimes I wish we could just mute out his responses and just get the stories, tbh...
@discocup Жыл бұрын
Fully off topic, but the youtuber is playing my favorite game
@SenseiRaisen Жыл бұрын
There is 2 things who make 1st story had more problems for OP too. 1st she is jobless and with a kid. 2nd she can't move on because of that reason as well. So have an attorney will be hard too.
@WesleyZ3 Жыл бұрын
3rd story can be solved with OP talking to the guy but she won’t like most women. She will let these minor problems grow until they break up or she cheats.
@falcon3268 Жыл бұрын
I hope OP sues her soon to disowned mother in proverty. That woman is a psychopath and needs to be in jail. The Karen waitress is being a spoiled bully that is trying to make OP either get fired or lose his job with her bullying
@TheDarkness21 Жыл бұрын
Last story: dude needs to drop this crazy chick. How do you not see that she's a manipulator and narcissist? Let her go why ruin yourself for someone like her?
@jasondouglas152 Жыл бұрын
The story around 20:00 with the body language gf.... she's an insecure crazy person and she's cheating on you. Run dude
@DigitalViscosity Жыл бұрын
Story 2, The OP is writing as if they are victim but I feel a lot of controlling behavior there. There's things in the writing the lead me to believe that, "That's she's gonna do whatever she wants" and I simply have to deal with it. I'm suspect about only understanding one side of this story.
@Suisuihoz Жыл бұрын
Elaborate please
@xtoxicrosex2337 Жыл бұрын
Her following the 4 guys on Instagram and him saying “and she didn’t tell me.” Rubbed me the wrong way. Why does she have to tell you? Def some controlling behavior there
@DigitalViscosity Жыл бұрын
@@Suisuihoz Little things, like question yourself. Why does he know all these things? He's spending waking moments prying into her life. She doesn't owe him explanations or justifications. There was also something he said "she's gonna do whatever she wants" and that bothers him? He should be coming to compromising and talking to her, but he comes online with breadcrumbs he admit leads to no hard evidence that is questionable he should even have any control over.
@privateuser3726 Жыл бұрын
@@DigitalViscosity why is she meeting 4 guys at a hotel
@szepi79 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, 2nd story didn't make sense to me either. At one point he said that he is a confident person, and then he shies away from a conversation that only has a chance to become a fight. And he didn't do this once, he did that for months, hoping the gf would forget about it. He sounds 'off' in a lot of ways
@cameronshelters Жыл бұрын
In the story with the girl and her friends going to a hotel for the "bathroom" it was found out she was cheating.
@canadianexplores115 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: not a jerk l. What I would do is counter sue if she does press charges
@QuickManEXE Жыл бұрын
Story 1: If your mom tries to sue you, i would immediately counter-sue for invasion of privacy. Also, since it is illegal where the OP is from, i'd press charges against the mother. Story 2: I'd tread very carefully with this gf. So many red flags here about her and her behaviour. Only a matter of time before she cheats.... if she hasn't already. Story 3: OP could be overthinking some small things, but it doesn't seem like the 2 of you are really compatible overall. Story 4: If i were the OP, i'd keep the owner in the loop more on this person. This person is very vile and almost seems territorial. Being in the restaurant biz, i see a ton of cooks and servers who act very hostile towards others because they feel their job/position being threatened in some way. I'd be going out of my way to make sure i never work any shifts with that person again, because eventually, crap will hit the fan. Story 5: The gf here is a complete bag. Dump her, and like yesterday. The longer you're with her, the worse she'll get.
@wcemichael Жыл бұрын
Story 1. Sue her. She just proved she is a narcissist and the reason you need therapy in the first place. With these recordings and her threats, she has set back your therapy by years,,, even maybe back to the start of why you needed therapy in the first place. What she did was illegal and unethical, because a therapist is not allowed to share that information with anybody or they, themselves can be sued and lose their license to practice All you have to do is get her to admit to what she did in court, which sounds like she would be boasting about it to a judge
@rhfgssdtgt4199 Жыл бұрын
Step one, go no contact, step two press charges for invasion of privacy, Step 3 let her take you to court and counter sue.
@davioncarvalho6890 Жыл бұрын
The last story,she sounds insecure. Honestly, her negative attitude can affect u so,me,personally, I would end it. Well,I would also take her to therapy
@slayermoon666 Жыл бұрын
The first story, I wonder why op is in therapy
@icharneco29 Жыл бұрын
They might want to double check because while it may be illegal to record a private conversation it is perfectly legal to monitor your property via cameras. In that case it would have to be proven the camera was put in place specifically for recording OPs therapy sessions.
@tanandalynch9441 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't matter. Mother was not involved in the conversation and while she won't get into trouble for having the camera she will get into trouble if she tries using the recording of the therapy session to sue. It's illegal evidence and while Texas is a one party consent state, that only applies if you are actually part of the conversation. It's also illegal in every state to record medical appointments. It's seen as a HIPAA violation
@Mr.JesseR Жыл бұрын
​@@tanandalynch9441 wasn't HIPAA meant for medical personnel only?
@hikosaemon Жыл бұрын
I really like this narrator. He listens to the story and shows a lot of empathy and thought to the OP on each story. The other narrator makes every story about himself, and it drives me nuts, I always skip the commentary or the whole vid. I hope he learns a bit from this one. Always love these stories and your comments!
@totallynoah44 Жыл бұрын
broz playing sonic adventure
@lifeiscats1337 Жыл бұрын
“You need to stop telling people I’m a bad person” Then don’t be a bad person, it’s a simple concept.
@maggieanderson3778 Жыл бұрын
This girl sounds like if you get in a situation with her you will have a full grown KAREN on your hands. May I just say, do not go into a relationship thinking that you can change the other person PERIOD. If its a habit you want them to break, get it taken care of before. Lieing is a habit also. And it does not change just by wanting it to. If I were in your shoes, I'd get out before you get any closer. Sorry.
@amberbrown8052 Жыл бұрын
1st story: op needs to find out if it is legal to have a camera in a public living space without other people in the house knowing about it.
@tanandalynch9441 Жыл бұрын
It is. But even if it's not, the therapy session recorded upon it makes it illegal evidence. You cannot record medical appointments. It's a HIPAA violation and the mother also violates the consent laws as she wasn't part of the conversation
@tanandalynch9441 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it's illegal to have concealed cameras unless you tell the people who live there about them.
@elijahandcompamy8640 8 ай бұрын
Story 1. She can't take OP down for slander. Everything is true. That's not slander. It wouldn't even be admissable in coury because she's literally breaking a law in your state. Your therapist can even say that that's the truth. She could possibly get herself into trouble for trying it at all. WHEN SOMEONE SAYS YOU SHOULDN'T SPREAD THEIR BUSINESS AROUND AND YOU'RE ONLY TALKING ABOUT WHAT THEY'VE DONE, THEY KNOW THEY'RE IN THE WRONG! THIS IS MANIPULATION, YOU AREN'T TALKING BAD ABOUT THEM YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT WHAT THEY'VE DONE!!! I said what I said "Stop telling people I'm a bad person"?!?!?! Fuck no. Nope. Manipulation, and probably gaslighting. Blame shifting as well. Kinda narcissistic behavior. I think OP's mom may actually be a narcissistic. Victim blaming, blame shifting, trying to hold something against you as leverage, gas lighting, manipulation. Yes I know abuse isn't part of the diagnostic criteria but NARCISSISTIC ABUSE IS A THING! Saying it doesn't literally invalidates all those who have been abused by narcissists. There are ones who just have a god complex or whatever else and aren't Karens/abusive/entitled/etc. Never said there wasn't. Don't get it twisted
@epepo Жыл бұрын
I think the best course of action would be to let the mother sue for slander. Since said recording is illegal, and obtained illegally, OP can counter sue. And drain the mother.
@cybermainstream Жыл бұрын
I would like to address the therapy story to EVERYONE who seems to not know a dam thing about recording consent laws. Even the daughter doesn't know the law apparently. What the mom did threatening to use the recordings is wrong. However, Texas is a ONE PARTY CONSENT. That means as long as the person who is recording is aware of the recording taking place it is 100% legal to record. Also, they are inside the OP's mom's house. Legally the mom has every right to put up cameras in her own house. What she did was actually 100% legal law wise. You can disagree but the facts are facts. Please learn what the laws are instead of assuming.
@BlackMoridin Жыл бұрын
2nd story, she probably thought going to the party WAS "doing something together".... Also OP says he's a confident person, but everything he says points to the opposite. That 4th story seems like confirmation bias from both sides happening. Last story 100% narcissist
@ukitkatcello6306 Жыл бұрын
Yesssssss Sonic Adventure 2!!! Too bad I’m packing boxes while listening. May have to rewatch for the gameplay footage lol
@Warriormon87 Жыл бұрын
3:24. Not "especially when they are not involved." It is ONLY illegal if you are not involved. Texas is a single party consent state. Meaning someone has the right to record conversations they are in. Single party consent is much better than two party consent because two party consent states just use the two party consent to cover up corruption and abuse. For example, the reason why Johhny Depp lost in his original divorce proceedings with Amber Heard, despite having recordings of her abusing him, is because California is a two party consent state and Amber didn't "consent" to having the evidence of her abusing Johny recorded and used against her. Really two party consent is corrupt and is used by politicians all the time to cover up their corruption and hypocrisy because they can gag order any unfavorable recordings of them. But here, her mom wasn't the one talking AND therapy is afforded protections. Her mom was totally wrong.
@drakephoenixfeather4056 2 ай бұрын
Story 2: It's okay to think someone is a good person and to have fun around them and not have romantic or intimate feelings for them, even if the relationship started with romance and intimacy as a goal. You shouldn't try to push a romantic relationship when you don't have those feelings, it's just going to eventually end with everybody hurt
@croithewolf4461 2 ай бұрын
Story 1: If my mom recorded my therapy sessions and told me I would immediately take her to court. What you say in those meetings is 100% confidential, absolutely nobody needs to hear a word from the meeting
@shadowcollins4589 Жыл бұрын
The story with the toxic coworker She obviously has mental health issues. If she didn't have mental health issues, she would not be going at the OP the way she is. I will say I am like the OP and I'm generally a pleasant person and I like to help. I used to be more calm like the OP seems to be. But I recently went through a lot of stuff and because of it I am way more aggressive than I used to be. I don't keep my mouth shut and just take everything from everybody anymore. And all I kept thinking was that this narcissistic psychopath would get out of my face a few times after dealing with me. I want to punch her myself. I am small and I look cute and sweet and like a total pushover but I have a huge presence. The minute you piss me off repeatedly like that, for absolutely no reason? I'm gonna have your head and you're going to leave crying. Cuz I will hit the bullseye with my snarkiness and sarcasm. Oooh I wish I was there lol. Yes I would have mentioned it to the manager but had the toxic coworker continued for a length of time with this poor girl, I would have waited for it to escalate in a private area and then went off on her in the middle of her tantrum. She needs to be fired
@LegendStormcrow 11 ай бұрын
Anyone who says "man spreading" in a non-joking manner, with the exception to when men spread their knees 3 feet wide, is toxic. I'm bot injuring myself or playing with my manbits to not injure myself because someone wants to put a bag somewhere. We can share that spot.
@queeniethedragon3121 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: she the lady that’s illegal Story 2: Did you seriously just confess to stalking your girlfriend or getting someone to stalk her? Maybe thats the reason why I mean I can’t think of anything freakier then getting stalked by your boyfriend. It seems you have control issues and it kinda sounds like your lying ngl. Plus you literally agreed to go to this new year party with her you can’t just change your mind.
@cake94309 Жыл бұрын
Story 2. OP doesn't sound old enough and/or mature enough for a relationship. They should have spoke about this more with the girlfriend before just agreeing to go. Also they haven't realised what the honey moon faze is. You always feel like they're the one during the honeymoon faze. OP has a lot of growing up to do
@fionna_cool_girl Жыл бұрын
10:21 this story kinda reminds me of what's happening with me although it's more lighthearted. My bf and I have been together for 10 months and this'll be our first new years together. My dad has been supporting the idea of my boyfriend and I going out for new years so it can be special just between us. However I wasn't fully set on what we were gonna do and I talked to my boyfriend and he asked what my family does for new years since his family doesn't stay up for new years and just sleeps the night away. I told him my family has traditions we do every year: turn on our cars, turn on all the lights, have change in our pockets, all the doors open, the fridges and freezer open and we have a big, somewhat expensive meal (lobster tails with filets and twice baked potatoes). And although he was confused about the traditions, he said he'd love to be a part of it with my family since he thinks my family is much more exciting than his. It warms my heart knowing he wants to spend time with my family for new years even if he thinks our new years traditions are odd.
@worldspam5682 Жыл бұрын
I'm confused too. If refrigerator is running while it's door is open that can lead to it burning out (or just to giant electricity bill)
@fionna_cool_girl Жыл бұрын
@@worldspam5682 we only leave everything open and on for a second when it hits midnight. The traditions my family does represent certain things. The fridge being open represents our want to have food in the fridge, the lights on represent wanting our lights to stay on, the change in our pockets represent the want of wanting money to come in our lives and the cars being turned represents us hoping our cars function well into the new year.
@worldspam5682 Жыл бұрын
@@fionna_cool_girl well, that looks like after such tradition I would be left only with change in my pockets, because that looks pretty expensive.
@fionna_cool_girl Жыл бұрын
@@worldspam5682 it's really not. We only do it just before the clock hits midnight. We don't leave everything on for a long while
@Saphira3441 Жыл бұрын
4TH story i get so much. there was this guy who worked with me(thankfully i only had him one of the two days i worked) and omfg he drove me up the wall, he would always play his music at full volume in the brake room while iam trying to read, and always just the one line. If you asked him to do anything he would give you an adatuide, he acted like he owned the place. Whenever he sneezed for some reason he had to shout, and i mean full on, SHOUT. First few times he did that my head would always snap up and look around becuse i thought i was in trouble! Thankfully he had two jobs and his 2nd moved his hours so i dont have to deal with him anymore but omfg he was so annoying.
@infinate30 Жыл бұрын
last story......the gf is projecting......all the stuff she accuses him of doing (what his body language is saying), is more than likely what she means/implies when she does those things
@viviennemorgan7217 Жыл бұрын
the mother is so crazy, but i hope that op can take her to court.
@tanandalynch9441 Жыл бұрын
She can. The recording on that camera is illegal evidence and op can easily sue for invasion of privacy. Texas may be a one party consent state However nobody actually involved in that conversation consented and no matter the state or location you cannot record a medical appointment, which is what therapy sessions fall under. The mother has no ground to stand on and she knows it, she's just making op squirm with that looming threat.
@Juzokinnie Жыл бұрын
Therapy sessions are private. It is literally illegal for the therapist to share details of what someone has said without their consent. That information is to remain private unless the patient gives permission to release the information. To record a PRIVATE session with private information is very much illegal. The mother's "threat" will just come back to bite her in the butt if she goes through with it.
@iluvanimals09098 8 ай бұрын
Story #5 Dude...she's Hella controlling you. GTFO!!
@Werewolf-zh8oz Жыл бұрын
The whole story about the therapist and the mom reminded me of a story that I have of a horrible therapist don't want to get into every Last Detail but the guy my mom was dating at the time and that we were living with had gotten it physically and emotionally abusive towards both of us a cop suggested to my mom to make a safety plan to be able to get out and to tell the therapist so the therapist went against the law because he was also the therapist of my mom's ex-boyfriend and fully told my mom's ex-boyfriend my mom's emergency plan to get out so my mom's ex-boyfriend came back to the house extremely pissed and obviously being physical both of us are fine now but the story doesn't fully have a good ending as far as I know nothing happened to that therapist because of what he did
@edkrach8891 Жыл бұрын
Recording therapy sessions without consent is illegal. Mother should be charged with privacy violations abd the recordings would be inadmissible in any court.
@1742Q Жыл бұрын
One if you will have a therapy session who has it in your own living room I’m having that in my bedroom one or in the bathroom what’s your son? Literally just like open the door and start a listening your private therapy session or your mother literally just started listening through the door. She just sit on the porch like that’s something I would do. Yeah you were really dumb for doing it like that but I do agree you should be able to have a private therapy session like that, but in your own room, and legally, if she goes to court with us legally since you were legally, you didn’t tell her that you were going to have it in the living room and because it will be more like whoever names on the house list, like if her name is on the house and you didn’t tell her you were having it in the living room and the camera store recorded everything then you can’t take her to court if your name is on the house she’s in the cameras anyway, you can take her to court
@darkstarmoonshadow Жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly therpists counselors anyone in that practice studies confidentiality in any case of any braking said rule could or can be tried for braking the law. In any case there're in hot water for going against said rule.
@Isaac67273 Ай бұрын
I’m too busy looking at the back ground and if nobody knows what this game is it’s sonic adventure 2
@dark342ful 2 ай бұрын
Why the hell didn't you pick up the item with tails at the end of that level you feel good sir you need to shoot it you needed to shoot it with your goddamn laser the metal boxes or did you forget to pick that item up I was like stage 2
@jermf35 Жыл бұрын
The second story with the op being the girlfriend well every single woman on this planet overthinks every single thing so that being said if I were you I would bring up these complaints that you brought up in the story about the burping and farting and all that gross stuff that should be common sense to him and bring up his lack of trying as far as wearing clothes wearing the same thing or something similar it is gross and it is not trying you know so tell him that and you're not his mother either he is an adult he shouldn't have to be told these things but before you make a drastic decision you know since you do like this man just put in a little bit effort one last time everything that you said in the story tell it to him and see if he changes all of those complaints that you have are valid in their extremely easy for him to fix and if he can't put in the effort to fix those things then get rid of them but if he fixes them right away yeah give him another three months and if he does not change back to the way he was being lazy and not trying and keep them but if he changes back to being a lazy guy who does not listen and does not change then yeah get rid of them because he should want to look good and smell good for you I know I'm a male and whenever I have a girlfriend I always make sure that I smell good and look good for her all the time because it's super awesome then you have your girl coming up to you and giving you a big hug and taking a big breath of air to sniff you I mean that feels good and she loves it too obviously so those are things you can change easily just bring it up to him and see if he changes or not and then whether he does or not make your decision on keeping them or letting them go off of that.. you're welcome
@gidgemo1869 Жыл бұрын
Mom is breaking HIPPA laws. Court would see her indicted.
@drgnfsh9006 Жыл бұрын
For story three, it sounds like op is fine with this dude until it gets romantic or until it comes to attraction. Some people are better off as friends, and while I know that this is the only stuff we see, the fact that at 6 weeks op already feels this discontent, if not outright unhappy, means that they're not a good fit.
@gurglequeen433 Жыл бұрын
I think I'd be both impressed and disapointed if the mother managed to find a lawyer stuoid enough to take a case where their client's entire case hinges on evidence they obtained illegaly.
@TristanL3 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - just poke and poke. Let her take you to court, she’s gonna have a shock when she gets there. She could legit end up in jail.
@chara-y9q 6 ай бұрын
Story 1: that woman is crazy therapy is private that woman is needed out of your life
@Icalasari 7 ай бұрын
Story 1 - Nah, she isn't a party in the recordings. Even one party states require the recording person to be in the recordings. Sue her first
@johnnymcneal5914 Жыл бұрын
Actually you are right would you say between you and your therapist is supposed to stay between you and your therapist she had no right to pry in any way shape or form answer Cena's peeking into somebody when they're in their nude
@williamhartin3177 Жыл бұрын
I'm 13 and have been shaken my leg since 7 it reduces my stress with school and quizzes
@brandonnewby178 7 ай бұрын
16:16: If it helps, it doesn't matter who you are, women have a funny way of not 🤬 answering the damn question.
@uroskovac2212 Жыл бұрын
I am a relatively confident person "Continues to throw his insecurities over a damn trip with his gf"
@kevinvalentefunfilmsclub3484 Жыл бұрын
It’s cool that you have this video uploaded on my birthday, December 30th.
@randy1582 Жыл бұрын
Omfg, i used to have that sonic game when i was young. Absolutely loved it every single day.
@xargalakthe7thplanar326 Жыл бұрын
12:59 i was like that, and you know what my girlfriend at the time told me to stop, and you know what I did I stopped if the guy loves you he will do stuff for you if he doesn't get over it 18:43 that woman sounds like she was a badger in her previous life, yay for idiot people that gloat that they are some deity on steroids
@Rtrstormghost327 Жыл бұрын
That goes against hipaa violation the mom would get a 500,000$ and a year in prison and I use to work in a hospital so yeah I know hipaa can do if someone try to mess with it
@jacksonmccallister5881 Жыл бұрын
States and all across the world if if you the only thing that you can show one of therapy session is if they want to do something illegal so I'm pretty sure if they brought him him to court the mother would lose
@dillonking8512 Жыл бұрын
It's illegal to film on private property but it isn't illegal to do it in public property even if they don't want to be filmed it's still a right
@free_palestine421 Жыл бұрын
you can sue here she wasn’t apart of the convo she recorded you when you are vulnerable physical and verbal and mental abuse all of them are abuse
@100dimemotion6 Жыл бұрын
and plus can't the mother get in legal trouble for recording the sessions because i looked it up and it has to be consent from both parties and since you nor the therapis did not give consent you can sue her i think
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