I am proud to say that we have endangered fire salamanders at our property. But one thing that makes my blood boil is that some people run over them, I find their dead corpses in the road in front of our house. It makes me so mad because you can clearly see them when you are driving, so some psychopath must be doing it on purpose. I always pick them up if I find them in the road and bring them back to the grass. For some reason they seem drawn to the road though.
@agreenerview2 ай бұрын
Congratulations. Sounds like you have a good habitat. In my area, amphibians seem to move when it rains. New frogs come to my water garden and old ones disappear. I have seen salamanders show up in groups in window wells during the spring mating season. If you notice a pattern to the migration of your salamanders such as rain, mating season, or moving to hibernaculums, can you put up a low tightly woven fence to stop them from going onto the road? Then you can move them across when conditions are better.
@brocktoon82 ай бұрын
@@agreenerview That's a good idea! I think it happens in autumn during mating season (most salamanders mate in spring I guess but these guys in autumn). It could do with the rain as well though. I am going to look into this fencing idea, brilliant, thank you! : )
@agreenerview2 ай бұрын
@@brocktoon8 You could also consider having a bucket buried in the ground along the side of the fence so they gently fall into a pile of leaves in the bucket. This will protect them from exposure to predators and the environment and let you transport them without touching them. And you may need a permit to do any of this if there are laws in your area.
@brocktoon82 ай бұрын
@@agreenerview The place where I am speaking of is in Germany and frankly nobody seems to care much about them there. I will consider the bucket method. I see that they do this for certain frogs in another area at one time in the year, so I know exactly what you are talking about with the clothe wall and buckets. I will see what I can do.