Analyzing HEAVEN in Hazbin Hotel - WERE THEY RIGHT?

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Mine Mind

Mine Mind

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Today in Mine Mind, I share my thoughts on whether or not Heaven in Hazbin Hotel was actually justified in their actions and that what is being portrayed is not what it seems, join me in this analysis peering into the clouds of heaven and looking through their divine eyes.
#analysis #charliemorningstar #hazbinhotel #prime #theory #angel #heaven #hell

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@MineMind_ 7 ай бұрын
I know this might be a controversial idea, but these are my genuine thoughts on the story so far. Would love to read your lot's own thoughts on this divine matter...😇✨
@wolfsbanealphas617 7 ай бұрын
Great video I think the story is too one sided and makes Lucifer a victim and sympathetic when he has a reputation for being a liar and I don’t think heaven gave him that soooo does Charlie not know her dad real nature
@AlexTheGreatCreates 7 ай бұрын
I love a good video with an alternative perspective that’s based on facts and not feelings, this was very good ! Reminds me of another video where someone argued that Adam isn’t actually a villain, and they were lowkey right
@MineMind_ 6 ай бұрын
Ooohhh, thats interesting... Can you link me this video? Im curious about their thoughts
@wolfsbanealphas617 7 ай бұрын
Another thing Charlie doesn’t see hell as evil notice in her a happy day in hell she passes by horrible things like hanged men and corpses and just walks right on by singing girl is avoiding the real reality of hell and focuses on Her view of heaven and when heaven doesn’t match her view or standards they are the antagonist
@TheEyeofTerror 4 ай бұрын
“They were uprising Emily.” “She could empower the people of Hell with her songs.” These 2 lines lead me to believe that Lilith could make the sinners powerful enough to kill angels and even lead them in an attack on heaven. This would explain the golden gates (why would heaven need a physical defensive barrier) and the bloodthirst of the exorcist. I’m even willing to bet Lute lost a husband or father in that fight and uses Adam to fill the void.
@wolfsbanealphas617 4 ай бұрын
Your right but Emily would probably see empowering as something “good” instead of taking the actual context of that phrase in the situation
@user-nm1lx8qb3u 6 күн бұрын
I always had a problem with the first line because HOW are sinners supposed to uprise against Heaven if they don't even have a way to physically GET THERE? As far as we've seen the only way for anyone down under to see the pearly gates up close is by HEAVEN MADE portals. Heaven literally has to ALLOW them to come upstairs, and they sure as Hell wouldn't if they were UPRISING!
@fadelsukoco3092 7 ай бұрын
Another aspect to consider is that the way that sinners grow in power is through the dealing and binding of souls. Therefore, by conducting the exterminations, Heaven effectively limits the potential amount of soul power that the sinners can accumulate, thus minimizing their threat level. Also, it's stated in the lore that any sinner that isn't perma-killed by an angelic weapon will eventually remanifest, no matter how injured or eviscerated they are. SO, from a certain point of view, the exterminations also decrease the total amount of potential suffering that the sinners have to go through by giving them a means to die permanently.
@wolfsbanealphas617 7 ай бұрын
Your right but to Charlie their hurting her people instead of helping them
@wolfsbanealphas617 7 ай бұрын
Even though it should be considered letting hell grow is natural bad for earth and the universe Charlie really is the outlier in a place full of scum
@terrorbilly3367 7 ай бұрын
We could add that extermination is not genocide cas much as it's a mercy to sinners, do you wanna be bound and enslaved innhell or just be dead or potentially even redeemed? Besides that it's clear history of banishment is in fact a lie, beacose Lucyfer is a known liar,his history implies humans had no free will yet that story contradicts itself when Lilith rejects Adam wich means they were built by heaven with free will already, plus Lucyfer's sin is pride and saying "i was thrown out beacose i wanted humans to have free will" is showing him in much better light then " i staged a civil war in heaven coz i thought ill be better god than Elohim(hebrew Word for God) himself
@wolfsbanealphas617 7 ай бұрын
Facts and the fact after he got control over the ones that didn’t make it to heaven he allowed anarchy vice and sin if he truly wanted to help them he would make hell into his heaven but doesn’t and says I have them free will and Look at what they did with it
@Lord_Ivoundy_Creood 6 ай бұрын
Little trivia... Elohim is actually plural... Like Cheruvim, Seraphim etc... The root word El cam be translated to God but actually reffers to a diety in a patheon of gods, of which YHWH was a son of... Just a little trivia
@terrorbilly3367 6 ай бұрын
@@Lord_Ivoundy_Creood know but i simply thing that Elohim sounds better in my opinion as a name rather than Yahweh
@Lord_Ivoundy_Creood 6 ай бұрын
@@terrorbilly3367 ok, just sharing
@LadyLeomon 4 ай бұрын
In regard to Lilith though I can sort of see why she did: in her eyes she and Adam were both made from the dust of the Earth therefore he wasn’t superior to her, just the one before her. Also we really have no idea if Present-Day Adam became an even bigger douche-canoe than he was after losing *two wives* to Lucifer’s “offers” or if he was so insufferable to begin with that Lilith noped out despite being told by God “this is your husband, bye-bye!” 😅😅😅
@magikenn 6 ай бұрын
Innocence doesn’t equal good. The sinners went to hell for being bad in the living world, but up until Carmella killed an angel, the sinners were completely defenseless.
@Featheryfaith7 6 ай бұрын
Not true since ignorance can be bliss. Philosophy.~🎶
@NurIchBinIch 7 ай бұрын
Some very good points on the matter of heaven. And cool video!
@MineMind_ 7 ай бұрын
Thanksss, I'm also looking into speculations on Alastors deals, currently in the process of making it, so stay tuned fellow mind 😉
@The_Practical_Daydreamer 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for bringing these points up. When you are dealing with a realm of the prideful, and the willful, protecting the righteous and redeemed, take no chances. Welcome to Heaven also shows the series making two amateur writing mistakes. The fact the Divine Council doesn't know about the extermination, or even what saves a soul makes an idiot plot. An idiot plot is sustained by the fact everyone is an idiot. Charlie, as hard as she tries, is naive, and this was the only way to build up her cause. It is a case of protagonist centered morality, where what is right and wrong is framed around what the protagonist desires, not an objective standard. When Lucifer says, "I gave them free will and this is what they did with it," it is anger inducing. Humans already had free will, or they couldn't choose rebellion to begin with. But because he is on the designated hero team, he is framed as a victim, and Emily agrees with Charlie, so she is heroic.
@MineMind_ 7 ай бұрын
Yes, I do have a feeling that Heaven was emant to be corrupt ... But as I analysed their actions and what and why they did them, aside from Adam, the rest were in the right to do what they did so far... Especially when we see that Heaven has maintained a good quality of their souls so far... They tried to frame Sera as being heartless but all she did was to safeguard heaven as best she can from the literal demons of hell... But yesi agree so far it seems that Emily and Charlie are just naive... And last thing, if Sera was so set in her ways why did she allow Charlie to even present a case for redemption if she wouldnt even consider it... But yeah, thanks for the comment, still looking forward to season 2 though
@wolfsbanealphas617 7 ай бұрын
@@MineMind_right on all points but sadly Charlie sees herself as a Disney princess and sadly once she gets and idea in her head no one can change her mind look at Vaggie when Charlie was overly excited about a meeting with Adam but she goes their with preconceived notions on how they should act and I feel Adam intentionally acted like he did because he knew she would have such a view on him then try to butter him up Saying your smart a visionary bro was not falling for that and said your words babe not mine
@DrawciaGleam02 4 ай бұрын
@@wolfsbanealphas617 Ooh, someone else saying that Charlie has tunnel vision when it comes to her goals.....
@zerobeys 4 ай бұрын
While I largely I agree with you analysis, I need to point out two things you haven't taken into account: First: Sera specifically instructed Adam and his Exorcist to never speak about the Exterminations to other Angels, ergo Sera was deliberately hiding the Exterminations from the all of Heaven populace, not just the Winners, not just Emily, but even the other Elders of Heaven as we see their shocked reactions. Why would Sera even have to hide this from the Elders? It would make sense to hide it from the general Heaven populace as well as from Emily, because, as we saw with Emily, the general population might react negatively, specially if Winners were to have relatives down in Hell such as Molly, Angel's twin sister. But why weren't the Elders informed of this as well? Was it because Sera thought that they wouldn't accept it either? Makes you think, doesn't it? Second: The Council of Heaven, not even Sera herself, seems to know what determines if a soul goes to Hell or Heaven, they just know when a soul arrives in Heaven, but not why besides assuming they were a good person on Earth. The implication being that whoever or whatever passes Divine Judgment, most likely God, is something that not even Sera is privy to. But not only that, when we look at Helluva Boss, we see evidence that the system that determines the fates of souls is flaw, in one of the early episodes we see a Sinner that in life was a good woman, a caring and loving person and teacher, but she ended up in Hell, why? Because when she found out that her husband cheated on her with another woman, she killed him, almost killed the other woman (And at the time she thought she did) and then killed herself. Now, taking lives, attempting to take lives and even taking your own life are very big sins, but tell me, do you believe they are enough to outweigh an otherwise honorable life? Do you think it's fair that for only one big bad action she should have been sent to the same place that other, more evil people were sent to for much worse offenses? Not, it's not fair. You see the flaw with this system now? It's very rigid and black and white with seemingly very little room for nuances, it's very easy to screw up and end up in Hell. Emily might have been naïve in calling the Sinners innocent, because they're not, but was she entirely wrong? Knowing what we do, it's easy to determine that probably a lot of Sinners aren't evil people, they were just stuck in a very shitty situation that they couldn't overcome. Look at Sir Pentious and Angel Dust, they weren't innately evil, Pentious was very incompetent at being evil and very quickly embraced being a good person and Angel's debauchery was as a way of coping with how utterly terrible his life in Hell is, and in the Music Video Addict, Angel states he died due to an overdose, pointing at him always relying in substance abuse and other vices to cope with his life back on Earth. So whatever they did on life that lead them to end up in Hell, more than likely was something beyond their control. Not just that, but let's look at Molly, like I said, she's Angel's sister, but she is in Heaven, how? Well, the running theory is that Angel, or Anthony, had to sacrifice himself to ensure his sister had a good life, being possibly why he would have had to rely on substance abuse to cope with his situation he couldn't walk out of because he was in it to protect his sister, shielding her from whatever sort of awful thing would have happened to her had he not took the brunt of it instead. Evidence of this is how protective, and even brotherly Angel acted with Nifty in Episode 6, taking care of her in a way a big brother would take care of a younger sibling. So if this is true, and I feel it is, then Angel did a very noble action in life, but he still ended up in Hell, how unfair would that be? Another example we can point to as to show that not all Sinners are bad by default are the Cannibals. Sure they eat people, and Rosie did say they love carnage and bloodshed, but other than that, they are rather nice and civilized, even friendly as we see in Rosie, of course this would be as so long as you respect their customs, but they are not very evil. Sure, killing and eating people is bad, very bad, but the point still stands doing bad actions doesn't equate to being evil. And there's more, let's go back to Helluva Boss, in one episode we see Cherubs send to Heaven in an attempt to ensure an old man in his deathbed would go to Heaven, even if he wasn't exactly a good person for most of his life. Why would they do that? To avoid him going to Hell? But again, why? If he wasn't a good person, then he should go to Hell. There's something missing here clearly. Maybe a relative in Heaven requested the Cherubs ensure the old man goes to Heaven? Possibly, but we just don't have the full picture. But what I can discern is that if the Cherubs attempted to ensure this old man goes to Heaven when he dies is that while he wasn't very nice in life, is that he at very least didn't do anything too bad that couldn't be offset by good actions before passing, thus ensuring passage to Heaven. More food for thought. In conclusion, while Sera might have had a point in allow Adam and his Legion to exterminate Sinners on a yearly basis, not all of them would have deserved to be purged, for not all of them would have been that bad of a people. And whatever this Divine Judgement is, it's flawed and uncapable of seeing the nuances of a person and only what their actions in life were. These are my thoughts, I hope you enjoyed my analysis.
@danielemorandi2814 Ай бұрын
I don't think the point about Heaven being misguided was ever about the Exterminations themselves, rather its the black and white thinking as well as the impossibility of redemption that makes Heavens actions wrong. There is a reason us humans have the concept of "rehabilitation imprisonment" ,because we have underlying understanding that: - people might commit crimes (sins in this case) due to circumstances they are in ,and giving them a second chance might prove fruitful. There are also simply evil people that cannot improve in any way and need to be kept away from society ,but for A MAJORITY of criminals, while they need to be kept accountable for their actions, knowing how different circumstances might have influenced their behaviour is to be considered. In the Bible itself there is a passage where God reprimands the angels for being arrogant towards mankind and claims that, if the angels were subjected to the same pressures of the material world as humans on Earth, they would struggle too in mantaining righteousness. The show itself alludes to this when Adam claims there are "no hard days in heaven" , it is easy to be righteous if everything is handed to you. I also think that being able to redeem in Hell is actually harder than on Earth: on Earth there are incentives to behave properly,such as laws and societal pressure, in Hell the most vile and wicked are those that get rewarded the most (which is another issue with Hell in HH, the most evil sinners actually do better than the more "casual" sinners). For Heaven to treat every soul equally and not consider how noble the act of trying to redeem oneself in Hell is, can be considered heavily misguided, to add fuel to the fire they don't even know what gets people into Hell/Heaven and what severity of actions warrant eternal punishment. Lucifer and free will : the show never made this very clear but could it be that, given the name of the tree as "knowledge of good and evil", that humans before the apple were like children unable to tell which actions are good and which aren't. Would also explain Adam's douchy behaviour becayse,since he didn't eat the apple, he is basically a manchild unable to understand where his actions land him. Also we don't know if Adam/Lilith/Eve were mind-controlled before eating the fruit so believing that Lucifer actions only brought Evil into the world is not super accurate. Overall the Exterminations are bad in the context of lumping every sinner together (considering HOW MANY supposed sinners get sent there one would guess that it is impossible for the majority of humanity to be murderous psychopaths and most are simply flawed people that made mistakes).
@CMDRZero01 7 ай бұрын
Solid video and pretty enjoyable. I do have just a little push back on some of your points. There's not much to disagree with on the topic of Lucifer. Really we need more information to pick a side in that. What were the ideas that were seen as unacceptable and what explanation was given for why. Next, the Hypocrisy of Heaven. Charlie and Emma are technically on point with their assessment. As you said yourself, the Hellborn are technically innocent of any immediate wrongdoing. The fact that their home was eventually engulfed by some of the worst souls society had to offer and then were given powers didn't help. But in addition to the Hellborn, there are also the not quite good enough souls that are there too. And the relationships they have with each other. The hotel dwellers were upset by the death of Sir Pentious. Which one could argue would cause suffering to Charlie, a more or less innocent soul. Now, Sara's motivations can be called into question because she allowed the Exterminations to go forward but kept everyone else in the dark about it. If it was such of righteous decision then there would be no reason to hide from it. In a roundabout way, Charlie and Sera are trying to do the same job, both trying to make things better. Despite her youthful naivety (no clue how old she is) Charlie is under no delusion on how bad some of her citizens are and knows it when she sees it, but she's still trying to get them all to be better. Sera and Adam refuse to even acknowledge the idea of sinners redemption... which will be interesting to see how she'll deal with Pentious. Hell, I don't think Sara knows Lilith is even up there, how is she getting her information? There are a lot of gaps in Heaven's information. As for the whole genocide thing, not genocidal at all. But, as an American I can see some parallels on bad decision making out of fear.
@MineMind_ 7 ай бұрын
Appreciate the thoughts thankyou greatly: To respond, as I analysed the philosophy of heavens planning, as far as we see, I noticed that they are very careful to implement things... I actually forgive Sera for not making it public knowledge as it may upset some denisens of heaven which would or may make them more bulnerable to the anticipated attack from hell that tehy are trying to prevent. On the thing about Lucifers banishment, I think its very clear that he was rightfully punished to the literal consequence of his actions, and noticing that he was only banished after he did aomething that actually had a rwal negative impact and not just because he mentioned sum ideas. But yes, its clear that the whole system of Heaven and Hell needs to improve and there are a lot of questions, but yes, the point of my video was to show that Heaven in HHotel isnt as evil as many people think, its actually really close to stereotypical heaven just with a few kinks...
@CMDRZero01 7 ай бұрын
@MineMind_ Rimshot for kinks, lol. Oh heaven most definitely comes across as utopia... if you're not the least bit rebellious. Though I've always lived by the idea, "Just because you're in charge doesn't mean you're right." LOL if the angles can't agree, what hope is there for freewilled humanity.
@MineMind_ 7 ай бұрын
Well that saying is true, thats called the argument from authority fallacy. But in this case I did not justify heavens actions by reason of authority, I was defending them via analyzing the logic behind their actions. As I demonstrated in the vid, heaven does tolerate some level of rebellion/creativity, since they didnt banish lucifer for just saying different ideas. Also to clarify, I do not claim that, nor was it the intent of the vid, to paint heaven as perfect but simply as being not as bad as it was presented in the show.
@CMDRZero01 7 ай бұрын
@MineMind_ That, I agree with. It doesn't look like a bad place, and at the very least, everyone is pretty chipper. If one were to go by The Good Place rules, they only reason Adam would be there would be because all the things that would bar him hadn't been invented yet. It's an interesting thought experiment to understand the criteria of the rules for that show. Either way, keep up the good work.
@SomebodyWhoExists23 5 ай бұрын
i hope they flesh the other angles like sera more out since something doesnt seem really right especially when it comes to lilth
@MineMind_ 5 ай бұрын
Yes, I'm about to make a speculation analysis video on Liliths motives and then speculating about who told heaven that hell was "uprising"...
@kesemstudio 7 ай бұрын
The real question would Hell rebel against Heaven if demons can not climb up physically? They can not go up there to burn the place down. We never saw any signs that Hell wants to fight Heaven if you don't count Velvette.
@wolfsbanealphas617 7 ай бұрын
We do Lilith song 🎵 plus helluva boss just bring sending std infected minions to earth 🌍
@MineMind_ 6 ай бұрын
Hello, as I might e mentioned, the mystery is who informed heaven that hell was supposedly uprising? And was it even true?
@wolfsbanealphas617 6 ай бұрын
@@MineMind_ I think Lilith did as a means of getting into Heaven
@Featheryfaith7 6 ай бұрын
Yes they were both right.
@Cosmicangel36 7 ай бұрын
Good video but I gotta say how can the sinners or overlords go to heaven they can’t open portals to it and they can’t take on all the angels especially sera and the elders
@MineMind_ 6 ай бұрын
Sorry for the kate reply, I just thought that it was implied that there might be ways. I think Serra and the others assumed the sinners found a way since they were told that they were uprising and thus cannot risk veryfying the truth of that possibility ...
@mirandabeaulieu7735 7 ай бұрын
you might have have a point but they went against morality and christianity
@mirandabeaulieu7735 7 ай бұрын
Actually, scratch that the evidence presented to us by the Bible, and the show, and the creator herself will probably disagree with this video
@mirandabeaulieu7735 7 ай бұрын
Actually, they could have tried diplomacy history has proven that to way more effective
@MineMind_ 6 ай бұрын
How does it violate christianity irl though?
@lluismariamunnecuadras7806 5 ай бұрын
​@@MineMind_ killing is a sin
@mirandabeaulieu7735 2 ай бұрын
@@MineMind_ just look it up in the bible
@flyguy8814 6 ай бұрын
Most unhinged hazbin video I have ever seen
@Lord_Ivoundy_Creood 6 ай бұрын
Wait, how though?
@BEK-yj9mr 7 ай бұрын
Well, I could be mistaken, but the exterminators do kill hellborns. - Franklin (Rosie's business partner) - hellborn child Vaggie spared. If she had killed the innocent hellborn, she would not have fallen. Edit: yes, I now know the cannibals are sinner demons. I was working under a previous statement that Rosie never died, which suggested she was Hellborn.
@bdariamihaela 7 ай бұрын
Cannibals are confirmed sinners
@BEK-yj9mr 7 ай бұрын
@@bdariamihaela confirmed now. When I wrote this I had no such confirmation.
@MineMind_ 6 ай бұрын
It has now been confirmed that Cannibals are sinners... And there is an interesting theory that actually explains why they look so alike... Its that this is a consequence of having a deal with Rosie... Might make a vid elaborating on the topic...
@BEK-yj9mr 6 ай бұрын
@@MineMind_ the idea that those with soul deals resemble the overlord who resembles them is intriguing. I speculate the longer the contract the more pronounced the effect. Alastor: yellow teeth? Shadow-like? Rosie: black eyes, smiles Val: angel has 8 legs, but only shows 6.(like a moth). Height? Missyzilla: bright dinosaur look? Vox: tech components? Zestiel: cloaked in shadows, 4 eyes.
@pokeballblaze9835 4 ай бұрын
It was implied Rosie killed Franklin
@AxiomofDiscord 4 ай бұрын
Hell might be forever but it is obvious that Heaven is not.
@MineMind_ 4 ай бұрын
Why do you say so?
@AxiomofDiscord 4 ай бұрын
Because you can fall from Heaven
@AxiomofDiscord 4 ай бұрын
But I guess one rose to heaven so seems it is all lies
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