Рет қаралды 9,749
Insist (up) on хүчлэх шаардах
She insists on doing everything her own way.
Prevent (from) урьдчилан сэргийлэх
Vaccination will prevent from the spread of the disease.
Protect (from) хамгаалах
Sunscreen will protect us from the harmful effects of the sun.
Respond (to) хариу өгөх
Have you responded to John's email yet?
Stop (from) зогсоох
I can't stop myself from eating all of the chocolates.
Subscribe (to) бүртгүүлэх
I subscribed to Nomintoi Hamt and loved it.
Take care (of) санаа тавих
I am going to be late, I have things to take care of.
Thank (for) баярлах, талархах
I thank for what I have everyday.
Vote (for) санал өгөх
I have my own opinion, I will vote for who I want to.
Let's connect
/ nomintoi_hamt