100+ JavaScript Concepts you Need to Know

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The ultimate 10 minute JavaScript course that quickly breaks down over 100 key concepts every web developer should know. Learn the basics of JS and start building apps on the web, mobile, desktop, and more.
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🔖 Topics Covered
- JavaScript 101 Course
- Getting Started with JavaScript
- JavaScript basics tutorial
- Learn JS for beginners
- Most important JS concepts to know
- What is JavaScript used for?
- How do I learn JavaScript programming?
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Higher Order Functions
- Closures
- Non-blocking event loop
- Node.js

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@Fireship Жыл бұрын
The full JavaScript course is live… And use code BLACKFIRE to lock-in a 40% discount on a PRO membership forever! (expires Nov 30) fireship.io/courses/js
@NaveenKumar-xq6ce Жыл бұрын
Just bought your course jeff. 😀
@Lord_Vertice Жыл бұрын
Hi, I've been wondering for a long time: how do you display return values and errors in-line while writing code? It's not listed in the description and I couldn't find any extensions that do this. Is it just edited? If not, it's a really cool feature that I'd like to use myself!
@watchernode6138 Жыл бұрын
There are some additional concepts of importance 1. Object.create() - useful to correct prototype chain in some cases - like re-instantiating a object form local storage. 2. Closure has higher preference than Scope Chain 3. closure - means functions keep access to the variables in Heap, in the scope function was created. closure is also there in other cases when function are created 4. Maps - don't let you use function are values 5. Destucturing, Spread pattern and Rest pattern 6. fetch - then - catch - finally 7. try catch 8. map - filter -reduce , chaining , also find and array.forEach 9. DOM manipulation 10. Short circuiting && , || 11. ?? Nullish Coalescing operator 12. Object.entries, Object.values, Object.keys 13. call, apply and bind 14. IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression - still has a use case in async function call 15. some, every, flat, flatMap 16. BigInt 17. Classic Constructor functions for OOP. still lot of legacy code 18. ES6 classes being syntactic sugar till now 19. Inheritance between ES6 classes using extents 20. Method overriding 21. Protected properties #property in ES6 classes 22. super() and constructor in ES6 classes 23. Browsers APIs, like INTL, DOM, etc 24. Classical AJAX using XMLHTTPREQUEST , to deal with legacy code 25. throw error, as promise only rejects in case of network failure, you need to handle other cases with throw 26. Micro Task Queue is for async ajax, for other async Call back Queue. 27. For Event loop, Micro Task Queue has preference over Call back Queue, and can starve Call back Queue. 28. You can promisify Other call back functions. to overcome the call back hell 29. Promise Combinator like, Promise.race, all, allSettled, any 30. CommonJS modules - to deal with legacy code 31. Modules run in strict mode. also strict mode 32. Parcel module bundler 33. Babel, Polyfill
@user-dm5qi4nb6l Жыл бұрын
I expect another promo on December pls
@codesandtags Жыл бұрын
@@Lord_Vertice that's an extension called Quokka.js . However it has a free and pay version.
@QnJhbQ Жыл бұрын
Thanks alot Jeff, I can now safely put Javascript on my resume.
@qwerty-ud5mm Жыл бұрын
@SteamPunkLV Жыл бұрын
most original fireship comment
@ari_archer Жыл бұрын
@anand_dudi Жыл бұрын
dont this is not even basics 🤣
@NotTheHeroStudios Жыл бұрын
Have yall not been doing this?
@bilalsaeed232 Жыл бұрын
All 100+ Topics: 1. Web Browser 0:43 2. Html 0:55 3. High Level 0:58 4. ECMA 1:07 5. WASM 1:11 6. Runtime 1:16 7. Scripting Language 1:23 8. Browser Dev Tools 1:26 9. Interpreted 1:34 10. V8 Engine 1:42 11. Just In Time Compilation 1:47 12. Script Tag 2:00 13. Src Attribute 2:04 14. Console Log 2:06 15. Let 2:17 16. Dynamically Typed 2:25 17. Primitive 2:30 18. Mutable 2:06 19. Undefined 2:41 20. Null 2:46 21. String 2:50 22. Object 2:54 23. Semicolons 3:00 24. Const 3:13 25. Var 3:21 26. Lexical Environment 3:29 27. Global Scope 3:35 28. Function 3:50 29. Local Scope 3:43 30. Block Scope 3:46 31. Hoisting 3:55 32. Function Definition 4:00 33. Arguments 4:06 34. Return 4:10 35. Function Expression 4:14 36. Higher Order Function 4:19 37. Closures 4:26 38. Call Stack 4:31 39. Heap 4:40 40. this 4:51 41. Window Or Global 5:02 42. Bind 5:11 43. Arrow Function 5:16 44. Anonymous 5:22 45. Passed By Value 5:30 46. Passed By Reference 5:36 47. Object Literal 5:46 48. Object Constructor 5:52 49. Property 5:56 50. Prototype Chain 6:00 51. Inheritance 6:11 52. OOP 6:19 53. Classes 6:22 54. Constructor 6:25 55. Get/Set 6:34 56. Instance Method 6:39 57. Static Method 6:42 58. Array 6:46 59. Set 6:53 60. Map 6:56 61. Garbage Collection 7:05 62. Weakmap & Weakset 7:16 63. Event Loop 7:26 64. Sync 7:32 65. Async 7:36 66. Single Threaded 7:49 67. SetTimeOut 7:56 68. CallBack 8:04 69. CallBack Hell 8:12 70. Promise 8:18 71. Resolve 8:24 72. Reject 8:30 73. Then/Catch 8:33 74. Async 8:40 75. Await 8:46 76. Try/Catch 8:51 77. ES Modules 9:00 78. Default Import/Export 9:07 79. Named Import/Export 9:19 80. NPM 9:27 81. Node Modules 9:32 82. Package.JSON 9:36 83. DOM 9:45 84. Document 9:52 85. QuerySelector 10:00 86. CSS Selector 10:04 87. Element 10:10 88. QuerySelectorAll 10:16 89. Event 10:25 90. Imperative 10:34 91. Declarative 10:42 92. Components 10:48 93. Data Binding 10:58 94. Module Bundling 11:05 95. Network Waterfall 11:19 96. Dynamic Imports 11:28 97. Node.JS 11:35 98. Express 11:40 99. Cross Platform 11:45 100. TypeScript 11:54 101. ESLint07 12:01
@Wanderer2035 Жыл бұрын
Needs more likes
@phuang1512 Жыл бұрын
@AadilKhan-ed9ey Жыл бұрын
@sumitpatil7473 Жыл бұрын
@andreasberger4490 Жыл бұрын
Dude! You are the biggest Gigachad since Gigachad.
@nyashachiroro2531 Жыл бұрын
This is beautiful. If you are a beginner you can actually use this as a roadmap to learn JavaScript. You can expand on each concept that he talks about, make detailed notes, watch other videos and so on.
@BboyKeny Жыл бұрын
Although maybe skip WASM and just focus on JS. Just adding since he mentioned WASM
@kishirisu1268 Жыл бұрын
Dont do it if you have at least 2 brain cells (x2 more than ILon Mask or Trump together).
@thiagoelav633 Жыл бұрын
i feel like i need to comeback to this video and watch it everyday
@Rogue_Engineering 3 ай бұрын
exactly what im doing/did
@maxijonson Жыл бұрын
Let's admit it, for most of us, Jeff is probably the only person who can make us spend 12 minutes listening to concepts we've known for ages about a language we use 24/7 🙃
@BlueNinja007 11 ай бұрын
@Shimeih 8 ай бұрын
Or the opposite. I used to watch these before knowing a single thing about code.
@ShadowebEB 7 ай бұрын
I went through everything hoping to learn something I didn't know. Unfortunately it was JS 101, what did I expect 😂
@freerights6695 6 ай бұрын
I watch these before learning a language so I can get a good overview of it
@thistemba Жыл бұрын
11:32 - This is why I watch these sorts of videos. Every once in a while there's something I didn't know about (code splitting) that I desperately need. It's not about learning, it's about exposure.
@CaliburPANDAs Жыл бұрын
i didn't know about dynamic imports and code splitting either. glad i watched towards the end :D
@subliminakeys1674 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I always listen to/watch videos about topics I already learned. There is always something you missed when learning cause it wasn't relevant enough or you didn't fully understand what it meant at the time
@BearVodkaAndValenki Жыл бұрын
@legionsra Жыл бұрын
Note that dynamic imports can, sometimes, mess the things up with your bundler. Not always. But it can happen due to references to files that don't exist when all is bundled
@habib9722 Жыл бұрын
how experienced are you???
@Jwhiz24 Жыл бұрын
Been learning JS for about a month now with no previous dev experience. It's a good feeling to realize that I really have been learning since I understood most of the video. Now to write down the parts I didn't get and learn those too!
@humanperson8418 Жыл бұрын
This generally covers all the concepts you need to know to become competent with JavaScript. Thanks 👍.
@stackercoding2054 Жыл бұрын
the cool thing about JS is that literally everyone can just create an html file, add a script tag and start writing some code, you just need the browser (which everybody has installed) and nothing else. This may seem like a normal thing to us but this is actually one of the main reasons why a lot of programmers started with JS, because of how easy it is to start writing code without previous configurations or installations.
@Vantasner4214 Жыл бұрын
Started getting serious about learning js a week ago, perfect timing!
@ThijmenCodes Жыл бұрын
Small addition to handling errors of promises (8:51). You can chain `.catch()` after `await promise` instead of using try-catch, e.g. `const xyz = await promise.catch(error => handleError(error)). I frequently use this syntax when I define a variable that's based on a promise. In this way, the assignment stays in the current scope instead of a new (try-catch) block scope. This means you don't have to declare an empty (let) variable and assign the resolved value from within the try-catch scope, which is especially useful if you want the variable to be a constant. Additionally, in this way the error handling is always close to the async call, and when used properly it can prevent excessive nesting too (i.e. the horizontal Christmas tree). Great video as always, thanks!
@FlorianWendelborn Жыл бұрын
Instead of that, you can also use an IIFE and have the try/catch inside. That still allows you to make it const as is especially great if the logic for figuring out the variable value isn't small
@pscoriae6981 Жыл бұрын
Cool tip, thanks!
@ThijmenCodes Жыл бұрын
​@@FlorianWendelborn nice idea. I sometimes use an async IIFE when I want to execute async code in a synchronous context, but it has never occurred to me that it can also be used to avoid polluting the global namespace. Thanks! NB: for who doesn't know, the abbreviation IIFE stands for ​"Immediately Invoked Function Expression". The MDN docs have a nice article on the topic.
@ihorbond Жыл бұрын
Nice tip!
@victor5485 Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas!
@codewithguillaume Жыл бұрын
Honestly thank you for this video because this is things I try to teach since years. I have probably made about 80% of the same plan as your video but yours is way more clearer. Best !
@potatomain1239 Жыл бұрын
This vid is really helpful for me. I’m still learning JS and sometime i forgot some concept like lexical environment, async function and ‘this’ keyword. Thank you really!
@atmsudawa6925 Жыл бұрын
Sounds exhilarating to me, listening to something i already knew as if I never know, thank you so much you are among the best♥️
@vincidepo Жыл бұрын
Love this fast funny summary/intro. Comprehensive, amusing, precise. Excellent job!
@marcusurso6866 Жыл бұрын
This was amazing! Such a good explanation on such a rapid pace!
@rarbit Жыл бұрын
I know you see this a lot, but I just got a job as a React developer because of your videos. Even if I still know how to do something, I come back to your channel for reassurance. You have no idea how your work impacts so many lives, I'll make sure I buy you a coffee once my first paycheck comes in lol thank you so much Jeff and Fireship!
@roekuu Жыл бұрын
Absolutely love all your videos, love watching them even though I already know what you are talking about. I want to buy all your courses but unfortunately don't have the cash for it :( thanks for making these available on KZbin!
@studyingasyouwere Жыл бұрын
Thank you for an insightful video as always! This video could not have come at a better time for me. I have been wanting to learn JS to extend my web dev content on my channel! 🔥
@SamtheSWE Жыл бұрын
This actually helped me understand some key concepts and tools in JS without boring me to death, instant sub :)
@pesterenan Жыл бұрын
I'm SO HAPPY to "know" all of the 101 concepts presented in this video! I got a job in the beginning of this year, and I'm still an intern, but I'm learning each and every single day. JavaScript is so easy, hard, simple and complicated at the same time! I love-hate it! xD
@renzo5311 Жыл бұрын
Hey. What are some concepts you guys use a lot at your job? Im an aspiring programmer trying to land a job soon
@Tobsson Жыл бұрын
I got my final interview tomorrow for a new job as a junior frontend dev! Been learning JavaScript and diviated a few times to C# and Python, but finally got something going. I too became extremly happy to know of all the concepts, now I just need to learn them haha! And I agree; JavaScript is easy, it's just extremly complicated.
@julien9676 Жыл бұрын
Been working a lot with javascript last year. U'll find jsdoc interesting if u like explicit code but can't switch to typescript. You can basically document your scripts in a docblock style to get type hinting and autocompletion 🙂
@samuelkibunda6960 Жыл бұрын
@@Tobsson How's your experience with python I'm going to be self learning it and I'm intimidated by it, my only programing expertise are Java, C, html, css, php, JavaScript, sql!
@altairtodescatto Жыл бұрын
Peste, que felicidade ver voce por aqui, meu querido kerbal e, pelo visto, programador!!
@ferriskleier Жыл бұрын
I had a job interview and thanks to your Video about Angular I got the job, thank you VERY much!
@misaelpereira9679 Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to see that have all the 101 concepts clear, this makes feel a full programmer
@vectoralphaAI Жыл бұрын
Would love a Python 101 or a C++ 101 also. Great content as always.
@pablogonzalezrobles4429 Жыл бұрын
+1 for python
@bookworm_7 Жыл бұрын
-1 for C++ and all its manifestations
@mhmd_old7 Жыл бұрын
@@bookworm_7 it can't be that bad?
@dami-vx2215 Жыл бұрын
@@mhmd_old7 it's isn't
@cat-le1hf Жыл бұрын
@@dami-vx2215 it's even worse
@niavictory Жыл бұрын
This is so cool! I started learning JavaScript early this year and I always feel like I barely know anything about it. But there were maybe 5 concepts I didn't know so I guess I'm doing well.
@seanandrews5329 Жыл бұрын
I like men. You are a man.
@Wanderer2035 Жыл бұрын
Do you wanna work on a project together?
@vonelgamer3071 7 ай бұрын
​@@Wanderer2035w programmer rizz
@no-distrx 6 ай бұрын
@@Wanderer2035I’d like.
@cezarmocanu5043 Жыл бұрын
This is the best thing to go over before an interview😆always struggling to give a standard definition of this after using it 1000 times
@franbrankovic3617 9 ай бұрын
Combining it all together in a such a great way and everything... just... true masterpiece!
@koeraaaa Жыл бұрын
3:29 29. Lexical Environment (global / local / block scope) 4:05 Function Definition / Function Expression / Higher-Order Functions 4:26 Closure 5:19 Arrow Function (anonymous) 5:30 Passed By Value / Passed By Reference 5:45 Object Literal / Object Constructor 6:03 Prototype Chain 6:20 OOP - class, constructor, getter/setter, instance method / static method, array/set/map, garvage collection, weakmap 7:27 Non-Blocking Event-Loop 10:36 Imperative / Declarative 11:24 Network Waterfall 11:31 Dynamic Imports
@victorlongon Жыл бұрын
For anyone starting out or that don't master the core concepts of Js I would highly recommend Kyle's I don't know js book series. You will be a complete different developer when you finish reading it.
@RoboDragonJediKnight Жыл бұрын
Perfect timing with this video. I was just going through Eloquent Javascript by Marijin Haverbeke. Currently looking at asynchronous programming with Javascript with web apis like setTimeout(). It is quite satisfying once you have success learning concepts like binding of this in javascript.
@denisbogdanov620 Жыл бұрын
Ayyyy fellow reader! I started the book today myself :D What a coincidence!
@mohammedfahad4049 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video! Really putting everything together for me. Thank you!
@Irsa-D 3 ай бұрын
That's insanely Amazing how he covered everything in just 12 minutes, Thanks alot Jeff!
@interstella0 Жыл бұрын
The fact that most of the JS concepts are similar to other languages but the quarks of JS are addressed here is really impressive. I've been an experienced Python programmer for years but trying to learn JS has really trip me up with concept of 'this' and proto dunder. Thank you
@dansanger5340 Жыл бұрын
That's what makes Javascript strange and charming.
@emperor8716 2 ай бұрын
I’m a C++ programmer who has no problems with pointers but “this” scares me
@mohammedsalman8175 Жыл бұрын
All 100+ Topics: 01. Web Browser 02. Html 03. High Level 04. ECMA 05. WASM 06. Runtime 07. Scripting Language 08. Browser Dev Tools 09. Interpreted 10. V8 Engine 11. Just In Time Compilation 12. Script Tag 13. Src Attribute 14. Console Log 15. Let 16. Camel Case 17. Primitive 18. Mutable 19. Undefined 20. Null 21. String 22. Object 23. Semicolons 24. Const 25. Var 26. Lexical Environment 27. Global Scope 28. Function 29. Local Scope 30. Block Scope 31. Hoisting 32. Function Definition 33. Arguments 34. Return 35. Function Expression 36. Higher Order Function 37. Closures 38. Call Stack 39. Heap 40. this 41. Window Or Global 42. Bind 43. Arrow Function 44. Anonymous 45. Passed By Value 46. Passed By Reference 47. Object Literal 48. Object Constructor 49. Property 50. Prototype Chain 51. Inheritance 52. OOP 53. Classes 54. Constructor 55. Get/Set 56. Instance Method 57. Static Method 58. Array 59. Set 60. Map 61. Garbage Collection 62. Weakmap & Weakset 63. Event Loop 64. Sync 65. Async 66. Single Threaded 67. SetTimeOut 68. CallBack 69. CallBack Hell 70. Promise 71. Resolve 72. Reject 73. Then/Catch 74. Async 75. Await 76. Try/Catch 77. ES Modules 78. Default Import/Export 79. Named Import/Export 80. NPM 81. Node Modules 82. Package.JSON 83. DOM 84. Document 85. QuerySelector 86. Selector 87. QuerySelectoral 88. Element 89. Event 90. Imperative 91. Declarative 92. Components 93. Data Binding 94. Module Bundling 95. Network Waterfall 96. Dynamic Imports 97. Node.JS 98. Express 99. Metaframework 100. TypeScript 101. ESLint
@Android-17 Жыл бұрын
Mad lad!
@topics305 Жыл бұрын
@ashutosh887_ Жыл бұрын
Incredible Man!
@kasaiop Жыл бұрын
@sanjays3879 Жыл бұрын
Life saver!
@hilalbagas6823 8 ай бұрын
thanks dude, you summarized everything I learned for 3-4 months in 12 minutes, very impressive
@scootergirl3662 Жыл бұрын
This explains a lot of stuff that other resources don’t bother with - I finally feel like I understand js …as much as one can understand js
@samha1513 Жыл бұрын
This was ridiculously fun to watch. Bravo 🙌
@mikeandrewfernandez9797 Жыл бұрын
Thanks bro, you make JS sound more creepier more than ever
@kaustavroy6542 8 ай бұрын
It was smooth vid for quick revisions of the core concepts. Thansk jeff
@arwahsapi Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jeff! You are the king of summarizing things!
@kaylee_reed Жыл бұрын
This was actually extremely useful. I've been coding in JS for several years now and it's great to go back and get reminded of the roots. Thank you for the video! 💖
@perc-ai Жыл бұрын
did you know all 101 concepts??
@lookupverazhou8599 Жыл бұрын
@@perc-ai Yes, with 2 years experience, but not necessarily at mastery level.
@cineverseproductions Жыл бұрын
Your editing skills along with your Programming skills are top-notch. 👍
@Cohnan13 4 ай бұрын
This is a really cool video! The kind of overview I needed of the language, complete and without distractions, thanks!
@str2254 Жыл бұрын
As a kotlin and python programmer this is actually very educational for learning js
@varkonyitibor4409 6 ай бұрын
As a C# developer it feels like a happy walk on a minefield
@mostm8589 Жыл бұрын
Another banger of a video, Fireship. Great concept and superb execution. Just a small correction at 1:06 """Its standard implementation is called Ecmascript""" Ecmascript is not the implementation, its the standard itself. It's just a (huge) document written in legal-ish english that says how should people make compilers\interpreters\virtual machines untimes\Engines for Javascript. "Implementation" is usually the word we use to call the program(s) that we use to run any language, so an implementations of Javascript would be the actual V8 Engine in chromium or NodeJS or any other VM that can run JS, but ES is just a set of rules governing how to make implementations for JS, not an actual implementation.
@neuroll Жыл бұрын
I am speechless the promise is truly delivered as it was awaited. Well I tried to catch all of this but I think what matters the most is that at a global scope all the concepts were perfectly explained. Thank you for this mesmerizing experience it's the best video I encountered on KZbin this week. Haddag A.
@friendly4466 Жыл бұрын
This is acrually helpful when preparing an interview, thank you very much
@eboatwright_ Жыл бұрын
"JS. It's a wonderful programming language to learn for beginners. It's also a horrible programming language to learn for beginners." I 100% AGREE
@DonatoBencosme Жыл бұрын
I would start with languages like Java or C# to really understand OOP and then move to Js and learn it without classes syntax to know about prototype and what is actually happening in the background. And then I would move to the enjoyable live of ES5+
@eboatwright_ Жыл бұрын
@@DonatoBencosme That's definitely a way to learn!
@ziadidabde3662 Жыл бұрын
​​@@DonatoBencosme The two languages ​​have nothing to do with each other, you will only waste your time Determine the goal of learning the language
@DonatoBencosme Жыл бұрын
@@ziadidabde3662 I don't think that learning about oop first would be a waste of time and I don't mean mastering java or c#.
@worthsalive Жыл бұрын
Honestly, as a beginner I hated Javascript but then I realized that to thrive as a fullstack web developer, I have no choice rather than make Javascript my best friend. Now I and JS have become 5 and 6
@verified_tinker1818 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of ESLint-I'd love a quick video about formatters and linters in JS and their configuration.
@zhotpotrecipe Жыл бұрын
@Filaxsan Жыл бұрын
Proud member of the Fireship PRO family 💪 Thanks for the new course Jeff!
@muhammadabbasbangash4095 Жыл бұрын
javascript beginner to intermediate to advanced in literally 12 minutes! hats off! 🙌
@deniswastaken Жыл бұрын
Can you create the same thing for C or maybe C++ ?
@snesmocha Жыл бұрын
C++ would be better
@vayunsownsymphonies8906 Жыл бұрын
best coding channel on KZbin.
@sebastianskovnielsen6472 Жыл бұрын
Without a doubt
@InnoVative__Hub Жыл бұрын
@@sebastianskovnielsen6472 yaa
@InnoVative__Hub Жыл бұрын
@Don't read my profile picture ok i can't read ur name
@ahnafalnafis Жыл бұрын
It's been a long time that I touched JavaScript. I forgot some of the concepts. I was looking for a crash course which can help me to cope this situation in less time and can cover all of the topics for me. It was a mess at the beginning to find such tutorials. Then suddenly, the name "Fireship" popped up in my mind and I was thinking that who else would make such tutorial other than him. I looked up for "JavaScript in 100 secs by Fireship". After scrolling a bit, I found this video. Now, I have learned the things that I needed. Thanks Jeff for making such life saving contents for us ❤️
@klicksm7169 Ай бұрын
That amazing tutorial. This is exactly what i was looking for, fast, to the point not looking at a viewer as a kid learning for the first time.
@HalasiTamas Жыл бұрын
Note that at 7:18, there is an error in the code, since WeakMaps can't have primitive values as keys. Garbage collection of the keys only makes sense for pass-by-reference stuff (objects), so passing a primitive was made illegal 🚨
@theshermantanker7043 Жыл бұрын
JavaScript doesn't have primitives, implementation wise it's actually an object that contains your actual value in a buffer (very much like PyObject from the cpython virtual machine), so depending on which VM you're running your js on this will more than likely be accepted as valid code
@Yutaro-Yoshii Жыл бұрын
​@@theshermantanker7043 MDN says it's illegal too using the word "primitive". "Keys of WeakMaps are of the type Object only. Primitive data types as keys are not allowed (e.g. a Symbol can't be a WeakMap key)". I don't think the definition of the word "primitive" here refers to how it's implemented under the hood, but how the values appear to behave. Even if values are represented as objects, if it is immutable it behaves as if it's a primitive. As a side note, nodejs thinks it's illegal too > const a = new WeakMap(); > a.set("a",1); Uncaught TypeError: Invalid value used as weak map key at WeakMap.set ()
@Ilovecarrot Жыл бұрын
27 seconds ago. Anyways, these are quality videos. Keep going. And keep up the blame on every languages.
@DamnBoii123 Жыл бұрын
@@dont_read_my_profile_picture ok.
@0xzi Жыл бұрын
Been learning JS for most of this year and still managed to learn something from this! also, it appears the video on your JS course on your site only has audio in the left ear
@cinderwolf32 Жыл бұрын
Get out
@softwaretestinglearninghub Жыл бұрын
Great video! Have learned JavaScript but use only java at work. Good refreshment!
@samiikay6290 3 ай бұрын
''wtfIsThis" : 100% me When trying to learn 'this'
@icantseethis 13 күн бұрын
bro Imma make a language called Javascraps where this is renamed to that except for arrow functions
@Fuzzycap Жыл бұрын
Last time I was this early youtube had a different icon!!!
@ztipsamme 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! This was the perfect video to refresh my memory before I'm starting my internship this semester.
@maugrins 4 ай бұрын
im halfway through Meta's Front end dev courses and you help me more in one video. THANK YOU!
@45g4rerf45f45 Жыл бұрын
Don't use var, forget it exists.
@ConanDuke 9 ай бұрын
I hate my life.
@riham644 Ай бұрын
But Why lol
@user-cy5xt2me3s Ай бұрын
@fudgekiller Ай бұрын
Me too
@TheShadowgaming01 26 күн бұрын
Same lol
@abnergabriel534 21 күн бұрын
I love mine, hope u love your one day
@webdevcoursestv Жыл бұрын
Honestly this is an incredible video cheat sheet. He snuck in more than a hundred here like a boss. This might be the best researched and verified channel in coding. Fireship is just like that
@jgrote Жыл бұрын
I started directly with TypeScript, and this really, *really* helped me to understand how the sausage is made. Thanks.
@universecode1101 Жыл бұрын
JAVASCRIPT is the BEST and the worst programming language. I'M A REACT DEV 😜✅
@umertaiyab5500 Жыл бұрын
math: finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary.
@SkyyySi Жыл бұрын
For some reason, this comment looks like a bot to me lol
@hanielElenrion Жыл бұрын
Very sorry to hear that. Hope you will be okay. 1 👍 = 1 prayer.
@u4yk Жыл бұрын
I used to be a React dev, but then I found Vue. I hope you enjoy having to debounce all your hooks.
@AlesaGillespie Жыл бұрын
re-re-re-re-re-re-re useEffect re-re-re-re-render.
@gin9990 Жыл бұрын
Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy😊. I have been earning $ 60,200 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days•❤️
@timanthony1814 Жыл бұрын
Don't sleep on it...this is a time to invest I recently just bought another property valued at over $15m. I wish knew the right investment firm to invest with earlier, better late than never thought.
@kathleen9960 Жыл бұрын
I started with just 4,000 dollars now earning upto 17,000 dollars WEEKLY
@gabbtaylor8942 Жыл бұрын
I think I'm blessed because if not I wouldn't have met someone who is as spectacular as expert Smith I think he's is the best broker I ever seen
@whitewalkers7106 Жыл бұрын
Please how do I contact him, my income stream is in a mess......please🥺
@gabbtaylor8942 Жыл бұрын
*He's availability is sure on Tele gram user name👇*
@ZhekaChupr Жыл бұрын
Nice video that allows to refresh our JS knowledge!
@HappyLightning-ku7nh 3 ай бұрын
This video made me understand so much about javascript, it has gotten rid of bunch of doubts I had, subscribing rn.
@shannen0992 10 ай бұрын
What a master class in 12 minutes. Amazing Job, no words, hats off 🎉
@jimmyrecard396 9 ай бұрын
it's great that you noted on classes being syntax sugar for prototype inheritance, but it would be also good if you note that `async` is also eventually a syntax sugar for promises
@rodgenoalbury2557 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! Your teachings are TOP NOTCH💯🥇
@pagarevijayy Жыл бұрын
probably the best revision material
@carafachera4781 8 ай бұрын
This video resumes a year of javascript learning. Good job 👍
@amoh96 Жыл бұрын
Thanks alot we need more videos like this
@Jonathan-rm6kt Жыл бұрын
I’m finally getting around to learning js (coming from data analysis), WOW I wished this was the first video I watched. Great job
@aidynis724 Жыл бұрын
I have been looking for this video for so long, here you explain things that people are learning months!!
@federico.r.figueredo Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot Jeff! The JS content of this channel is amazing.
@SoulAndDust Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot dear, before this video i was banging my head on the table, to actually understand those quirky details of JavaScript as i came from a Java background which is rather intuitive and compliant with standard OOP concepts and UML diagrams.
@charlesbcraig Жыл бұрын
The time put in and quality of these videos is incredible!
@fakt0r74 Жыл бұрын
holy moly! great job Jeff
@isaacphiri6187 8 ай бұрын
Well explained.! Thanks
@SP4CEBAR Жыл бұрын
the video I needed, Thank you so much!
@vaisakhkm783 Жыл бұрын
He reads our mind, one of my friends asked me how to learn js, i was opened youtube to sent him a fcc tut, in front me this came as uploaded 5 min ago :)
@nirmalhasposted 4 ай бұрын
Super fast... Crystal clear.. Chrisp.. Amazing video ever Thank you Author ❤
@miahoneyproduction Жыл бұрын
Thanks for clearing let and var variable
@CarlosBallena Жыл бұрын
daaamn... so much content packed in so little time... thank you, sir!
@curiosdevcookie Жыл бұрын
I‘m falling in love with JavaScript all over again, thank you! ❤😮
@tajak 7 ай бұрын
Both informative and funny, cheers mate :-)
@jeffrbake Жыл бұрын
Your intro was both hilarious and accurate haha!
@CRBarchager Жыл бұрын
3:50 Hoisting was new to me. - Thank you for another great video teaching us something new!
@Yutaro-Yoshii Жыл бұрын
It's an outdated feature though. Codes written recently often only use let and const, so they don't rely on this behavior. Also declaring something after you assigned its value is kind of a bad practice.
@shreyasdesai24 10 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot fireship for this video....🤩
@martinngcobo3123 9 ай бұрын
@iamenochlee Жыл бұрын
thanks for the quality content Jeff.
@dannnnydannnn5201 Жыл бұрын
Great breakdown as always. One question I have as someone who understands these concepts and has been using them day to day for some time now. Why is it that the package lock file is rarely discussed in these types of explainers? I feel like a quick explanation of its purpose could be done within a few seconds to clear up a lot of confusion about a file with such a strong warning comment at the top of it.
@AbdouAbdou-ff2mo 9 ай бұрын
Dam man you are so dam special with your extraordinory videos ! this was like a quick effective revision of JS in just 13 minutes ! we will need more of those videos mine ! Just keep it UP !!!
@cristinocanga Жыл бұрын
This pure GOLD 👏🏾🔥
@alxanderfox5298 7 ай бұрын
Guys watching this 6 Months ago and not understanding a bit comparing to me today watching it and completely understanding every little detail he said makes me feel sooo freakin proud of my self.
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