7 tech leaders who ended up in prison
Erlang in 100 Seconds
Ай бұрын
Nvidia CUDA in 100 Seconds
Drizzle ORM in 100 Seconds
They made React great again?
Expo in 100 Seconds
2 ай бұрын
Pascal in 100 Seconds
3 ай бұрын
10 weird algorithms
4 ай бұрын
The Gemini Lie
4 ай бұрын
@recessiv3 20 сағат бұрын
Is this even true? React native doesn't seem to support web at all. You need to use react native for web in order to make a website with react native
@pajeetsingh 20 сағат бұрын
ts 🤮
@gospatrick 22 сағат бұрын
Man, programming is gay af.
@BrianPhillips-hc9uj 22 сағат бұрын
Controversial Opinion: GraphQL only exists because backend devs make bad API designs.
@johns5558 23 сағат бұрын
@mylittleyoutubetest4531 23 сағат бұрын
@IHeartKerosene 23 сағат бұрын
After watching you describe coding throughout your videos I've decided, I'm going full Amish.
@Lamadamadingdonn 23 сағат бұрын
Exploitation Is not manly
@suryapratap9936 Күн бұрын
Bro why are you not posting?
@s-kf2ot Күн бұрын
I’m a minimalist, I don’t like amazon echo or similar products, instead I like to modify things, like I tried to play doom on a ebook weeks ago, I love doing that stuff
@Hav0c-Mx Күн бұрын
Pass already juggling chatgpt, codecademy, freecodecamp, leetcode, hackerank I'm beat learning but I'll watch your course ad long as you make it fun like networkchuck
@jamescraft5300 Күн бұрын
please make a longer video on this and please link a github to that code you wrote
@jimmysnaps4600 Күн бұрын
how tf I'm supposed to watch this video and take all the information when I laugh from all the memes...
@samislam2746 Күн бұрын
I hope Typescript will replace JavaScript soon.
@kordeyrow Күн бұрын
maybe missing the game programmer?
@shinegreyruin Күн бұрын
Dude, what you just described covers enough topics for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science
@5cover Күн бұрын
Controversial opinion: *some* duplication is OK DRY is only relevant when sizeable sections of code or solutions are repeated more than twice. I'm writing a compiler for a Pascal-like language. It implements procedures and functions. Those are almost identifical except that the latter has a return value. Should I abstract the logic for functions and procedures into generic algorithms that can handle both of them? Probably not, unless there's an obvious solution that doesn't add much complexity. Follow KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and the principle of least suprise.
@rtothec1234 Күн бұрын
My tech stack are any technology that didn’t exist 15 years ago. 🤭
@dfwdeadshot9557 Күн бұрын
Hello everyone seeing this. Today I start my journey. I am deep diving into coding. Wish me luck.
@jixster1566 Күн бұрын
For me docker is like the final boss of software engineering
@ustujnin Күн бұрын
its a flop, so no, no jobs are being taken by a scam company
@mohammedidrissiyazami5257 Күн бұрын
Does it work on mac ?
@july172 Күн бұрын
Nitendo has to sue because they are baby cries.. Other people do it right but they wanna sue for being lazy ? straigh AMERICANS
@Wako_san91 Күн бұрын
Who’s gonna carry the boats?!!
@user-ci6og9do8z Күн бұрын
2:13 POV: 12 YEAR OLDS "ThErEs An APP!?"
@amitavasengupta5580 Күн бұрын
JavaScript was written in 10 days, I learned javascript in 10 days just to keep up
@julfikarjawwad2947 Күн бұрын
Didn't understand in which direction to steer. To avg steer or COM? Rule 2 and 3 are probably contradictory.
@iamtharunraj Күн бұрын
So I didn't understand a single thing
@huntcringedown2721 Күн бұрын
I tried few languages and C++ feels the easiest for me. Everyone says that C# is easi for beginner but its overxomplicated for no reason
@derekfurst6233 Күн бұрын
Neo4j is idiot proof. I love it
@val78787 Күн бұрын
Excellent video! Really well done, I appreciate the information and memes a lot!
@dipeshmishra153 Күн бұрын
You are using elastic ui icon.
@JoshuaDorman-gp3kf Күн бұрын
@UnderpayLumber Күн бұрын
When I found out one card represented just one line of code this got even more insane.
@dianagera8413 Күн бұрын
Actually I failed FizzBuzz on one of my first interviews, due to overthinking. But I was eventually hired
@thirthysix Күн бұрын
Flexing as a software engineer is having almost no responsibilities and higher pay. Do not become teamlead lmao, big mistake.
@ayushpurohit8266 Күн бұрын
Please remember while python and js are dynamic JS is loosely typed Python is strongly typed
@kaustavmahata4138 Күн бұрын
VHDL in 100 seconds 🥺
@Srindal4657 Күн бұрын
The cycle of history. Humans live. Humans find ways to control other humans. Powerful and rich humans control poor humans. Powerful and rich humans get tired of poor humans. Powerful and rich humans leave to venture into new terrain. Humans live, but now in two different places. Etc. Etc.
@kulkarni005 Күн бұрын
Blazor needs to be independent of the boomer, cumbersome and bloated Visual Studio. Pure hopeless, does not even want to try watching it installing 15GB visual studio to run it.
@kulkarni005 Күн бұрын
5GB Compressed , 15GB after expanded.
@sickboydroid Күн бұрын
Came from TOP
@Tank-general Күн бұрын
import csv def print_factuur(klantnaam, klantnummer, bestellingen): print("Factuur voor:", klantnaam) print("Klantnummer:", klantnummer) print("-------------------------------------------------------") total = 0 for item, prijs in bestellingen.items(): subtotal = prijs['aantal'] * prijs['prijs_per_stuk'] print(f"{item}: {prijs['aantal']}X {prijs['prijs_per_stuk']:.2f} euro | subtotaal {subtotal:.2f} euro") total += subtotal print("------------------------------") print(f"totaal: {total:.2f} euro") print("------------------------------ ") def main(): try: with open("klanten.csv", newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',') klanten = {} for row in reader: klantnaam = row['Inlognaam'] klantnummer = row['Klantnummer'] gekochte_producten = row['Gekochte producten'] bestellingen = {} producten = gekochte_producten.split(", ") for product in producten: item, prijs = product.split(" ($") prijs_per_stuk = round(float(prijs[:-1]), 2) # Rond de prijs af tot twee decimalen if item in bestellingen: bestellingen[item]['aantal'] += 1 else: bestellingen[item] = {'prijs_per_stuk': prijs_per_stuk, 'aantal': 1} if klantnummer in klanten: for item, prijs in bestellingen.items(): if item in klanten[klantnummer]['bestellingen']: klanten[klantnummer]['bestellingen'][item]['aantal'] += prijs['aantal'] else: klanten[klantnummer]['bestellingen'][item] = prijs else: klanten[klantnummer] = {'naam': klantnaam, 'bestellingen': bestellingen} for klantnummer, klant in klanten.items(): print_factuur(klant['naam'], klantnummer, klant['bestellingen']) except FileNotFoundError: print("Het bestand 'klanten.csv' kon niet worden gevonden.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
@VuTrinhCatTien Күн бұрын
2:19 is not 100 second , it 139 second
@DigeeTheGenie Күн бұрын
React. When You want to do something simple in the most fucking ass backwards way you can possibly do it,
@SirMrDany Күн бұрын
I dont know if I should use it or not. It is a great tool, but most things I do also require a backend that administrative personnel can work with and I don't know if firebase has that.
@jacksdoffath1 Күн бұрын
have you heard about add blocker?
@vilemrehos423 Күн бұрын
assembly is my beautiful wife that hits me and i let her. javascript is a stranger breaking into my house and attempting my life on the regular
@creatorcreator-dp6py Күн бұрын
hey! are you interested in collab? ( sponsered :)
@nhatvuquang6279 Күн бұрын
hi! where you can see the local container e.x yours is 5000?
@Yashhh02 Күн бұрын