Are Electric Unicycles a hazard to society?

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Bradley from eevee's reads some comments we've received in response to all the media attention electric unicycles have been getting in Canada recently. Below are links to all of the articles and comments:
- Daily Hive Instagram Video (820+ comments): / cupfvninl6e
- Reddit /Vancouver: (183+ comments): / cbc_bc_electric_unicyc...
- Daily Hive Article 1 (260+ comments):
- Daily Hive Article 2:
- Daily Hive Article 3:
- CBC News Article (177+ comments):
- CBC KZbin Video: (193+ comments): • B.C. unicyclists hit w...
- CTV News Article and Video:

Пікірлер: 196
@Roskellan Жыл бұрын
I'm 65 I ride a master, I love it. I wouldn't be riding it if I thought it was unsafe. I don't show boat and I don't ride irresponsibly. I don't even ride that fast, the machine will do 50 mph, I'm happier around 24-25. Most of the people making negative remarks don't ride. They don't understand the benefits limitations of the machines and they are extremely intolerant of anything new that makes them uncomfortable - it's their problem not mine. Like the invention of the motor-car these things are not going away. Make them legal allow us to get insurance, give us a little latitude as you would a cycle, motorbike, horse, etc etc. Live and let live. As with everything else on the road, its not the mode of transport that can be the problem, it is the person using it - and by far we are nice people.
@Blox117 Жыл бұрын
the problem is that they took comments from reddit. the low IQ cesspool
@norbertjanicke4020 Жыл бұрын
Nice Video ❤. I’m from Germany and I have to go to court because i don’t want to pay a 900€ fine for driving an electric unicycle. I wanted to say almost the same things and using the same argument to them in a few days, like you do in this Video !
@konditor Жыл бұрын
Good luck, from a fellow german rider🤞🤞
@Blox117 Жыл бұрын
german mustache man would not outlaw them
@PurpleRider 8 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that. It really makes me appreciate the freedom of riding in Seattle.
@Electric_roller Жыл бұрын
Been riding 3 years, 20k km (13 000 miles) total (commuting, leisure, groceries, etc) I have been around the Police at big events here in Ottawa as well just riding on the daily (Bluesfest, The Escapade, etc, The Byward market) and ALL my interactions were cordial, curious and genuinely pro- EUCs. Couple of examples: a Police officer, directing me to use the bus lane for quicker access to an event entrance. #2: An after-accident intersection clean up, a cop runs up to me and starts chatting about the wheel (I was using the Commander Pro at the time), he even suggested stopping traffic to let me thru the big intersection lol. Bottom line, ride as the Ambassador to the EUCs, use bell when passing, slow down around people, be willing to interact with the public (we ALL know people LOVe to chat with us). PS. I ride the mten4, Kingson 18XL, inmotion v12 Ht (thanks eevees, it's been 1 year to day lol, 6700km on it lol) AND my beloved S-Klasse wheel, the Commander Pro. Cheers to you all!
@nelson2095 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be surprise if one of these days, Police officers themselves start adopting EUCs to patrol neighbourhood. The tactical benefit of it is HUGE. ex. They can draw their sidearm or stun guns with their free hands while riding. run down fleeing suspects or cut them off up ahead, etc. They could come up with tactical usage much like they did with bicycles. It's only a matter of when...assuming the city don't get put off with each unit's cost. As of now, ALL EUC riders should be an ambassadors to this new mode of transport, keep things on the down low so as not to antagonise lawmakers and public alike. That's the best way to ensure this community will grow.
@PurpleRider 8 ай бұрын
Plus, a lot of cops are adrenaline junkies themselves so some get extra interested and give respect when respect is given.
@mongi4435 Жыл бұрын
They’re saying that electric unicycle’s are dangerous . Cell phones killed more people than any EUC by texting while driving. I’m 62 and just bought my EX30. I love it, and will not give up riding electric unicycle’s. It’s the way of the future I commute 40 miles round-trip daily. My biggest fear is getting hit by cars driven by people who are texting and not paying attention.
@dirt.surfer Жыл бұрын
Yeah since I started riding I notice these distractions play out in front of me, I ask myself... what's this guy doing? He slowing down, all over like he drunk... get along side them, they got that f'ing phone if there face. And worse off it's probably happening behind me too.
@venjsystems Жыл бұрын
still trying to get wheels legalised here in Adelaide, Australia. you just covered most of the talking points i've been saying for about a year now. good job.
@laurv8370 Жыл бұрын
Hey mate, I was in Adelaide for a month plus, last year in July, and was looking like hell for a wheel to rent as I was missing my riding time... Could not find anything. Do you have a site or some point of contact for my possible trips in the future? :D
@terrenceclark763 Жыл бұрын
That's nanny-state Australia for you.
@andrewbakker7640 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for being so informative and proactive on this!
@bobwitmer2492 Жыл бұрын
It’s sad when innovation is limited by the imagination of a pencil pusher writing highway traffic rules 100 years ago. If the bicycle was invented today it would be outlawed. I don’t understand why people think they have to be limited by wattage, don’t over complicate it set a speed limit and stay in the bicycle lanes. We all have to set a good example and ride responsibly, especially around children and pets. I offered to give free lessons to anyone in our local municipality that was responsible for the regulation because I thought they should understand them if they’re going to regulate them. My offer was rejected but I’ll try again.
@greenwave819 Жыл бұрын
the snowboard comparison really nailed it. Also, EUC appear to go much faster than they actually are. and 500w for a bike? at least here it's 750w which is still far less than it should be
@weemanrelapse Жыл бұрын
Im very proud of what Eevees has helped put together here in Vancouver and I wish to promote safe riding rather than banning something out of fear due to not wanting to understand
@PurpleRider 8 ай бұрын
Yea, it's very cool, wish we had an Eevees in Seattle!
@ChrisH0Y Жыл бұрын
I happen to have an interesting scenario - I am the first and only one to ride an EUC regularly in our group of towns in the last year and a half. I ride responsibly and courteously. In car traffic, I obey all laws, and use hand signals when turning, wear a Guardian Angel light to be seen by cars easily, and travel at speeds of the cars around me. On sidewalks, I travel a walking speeds, and pass any people and a slow and controlled manner, and if they smile and wave, I return it. On bike lanes for trails, when I pass from behind, I give a friendly call that I am passing so they won't be surprised. Any human traffic I pass, I travel at similar speeds, and I NEVER zoom by them. Guess what? Our town loves EUCs. I have had not a single complaint or negative response, but instead, curiosity and questions about this new from transportation. Unfortunately, people won't try EUC yet because it looks hard to learn, and worries about riding with cars; but I feel that if I continue to commute regularly, people see me in the grocery store, etc., and I have not had any mishaps, others will try. I am hoping that when this happens, they will ride responsibly and courteously and not undo all my hard work in integrating this amazing "transportation of future" into society.
@jessepope7726 Жыл бұрын
I applaud you sir. I do this exact same behavior in my Midwest suburb and have never seen another rider. I take it as my personal responsibility to ensure people have a positive opinion of our beloved vehicle and will answer any questions people ask and try to encourage others to look into the sport.
@d_skrilla6479 Жыл бұрын
In two short months I've grown tired from trying to explain the WHY. I'm convinced you cannot understand what it can do for you physically ,mentally unless you take the plunge and at least ask to try one.
@dirt.surfer Жыл бұрын
I know it's so hard man. Ppl think it's dangerous. I have been trying to teach ppl for free in Kelowna, it's crazy Noone takes me up. Or if they do i get no shows and ghosted, all they need to do is take the lessons. I provide the euc and gear lol.
@leadergo Жыл бұрын
I believe the risk factor of PEVs is no different than riding a pedal bike. They share similar controllable (speed, awareness, maintenance) and non-controllable factors (ie. motorists and other riders). The non-controllable factors will be the biggest hurdle to work out. This is going to take society some time to adjust to, and it is our responsibility to make sure we do it right the first time.
@greenwave819 Жыл бұрын
most place agree with this and classify EUC with bikes
@YeeLeeHaw Жыл бұрын
It's futile, this is only the beginning, they have gotten big enough to be noticed now; now the whining from the population and the state will kick into gear. If something is too fun the state will ban or cripple it by restricting it, that's how it has always been and will always be. You can't be free in an old country today.
@coryascott Жыл бұрын
If anything, an eBike is more dangerous because it weighs a lot more
@DeathToCockroaches Жыл бұрын
Let's not be unrealistic, if a kid runs into you isn't much of a problem, if an adult runs into you it's unpleasant
@YeeLeeHaw Жыл бұрын
@@DeathToCockroaches Weak argument.
@victor9 Жыл бұрын
Good now do another one where you are sitting down wearing suits and a tie saying the same thing, then do another wearing a lab coat and big glasses and holding test tubes. And do another while sitting in nature doing yoga mystical music. Cause I guarantee you people are not going to listen to reason😂
@Vanwheeler Жыл бұрын
Good on you boys! Us riding our pevs will be the norm in 20 years because it will be necessary by then :) Keep fighting the fight and love from New Zealand. (P.S If you can sort some kind of international shipping, I'll happily become a regular customer)
@PurpleRider 8 ай бұрын
I completely agree, this is just the tip of the iceberg. PEV's are going to be around for a long time and in growing numbers.
@flitsies Жыл бұрын
The problem is that people see cars as their go to mode of transport, it's ok to sit for an hour in a traffic jam, it's ok to force motorcycles to sit in traffic jams not allowing them to filter through the traffic, it's ok to sit right next to a truck on a bicycle sucking up their diesel fumes it's all ok, but you are the devil in disguise for riding a small electric vehicle that does not pollute, does not contribute to traffic congestion, is really cheap to use and ultimately way safer than almost every other form of transport on the road. So that's how it is in the UK and clearly Canada as well as Australia, very odd how China and Russia seems to have no real problems with them, very odd indeed, dictatorial countries compared to the so-called free world, free world you get fined, oppressive world they actually incorporate them into the military in China. Turkey actually had the police riding them patrolling the very busy shopping centres because their riders could get through the crowds quicker.
@trevorkenny Жыл бұрын
I'll be ordering one from you guys at some point. Keep up the great work.
@razei Жыл бұрын
The only thing that prevented me from buying an EUC (or OneWheel, e-bike, e-scooter) is fire safety. The potential of a battery fire is terrifying when living in a high rise apartment building, especially with how large the capacity of EUC batteries are. I've seen people use FireSak, fire extinguisher balls, and metal safes but they don't negate the toxic fumes of battery fires and still require a human to be present to get the burning vehicle out of the building. I've been following a Fire History post on the Electric Unicycle Forum. I don't know exactly how rare electric unicycle fires are (most seem to be Begode/Gotway), but I'm not willing to take the chance, at least until I can store it in either a garage or outdoor shack of some sort. Hopefully more electric vehicles catch on and I can rent an EUC in the future until I can safely store my own :)
@duperfastEUC Жыл бұрын
You'll be fine. Cell phone can catch on fire yet it's in your living space daily
@razei Жыл бұрын
@@duperfastEUC by comparison, cell phones have much smaller batteries and are much easier to dispose of/extinguish.
@bencrystalofficial Жыл бұрын
This 1000%. I have no explicit data, but empirically, it seems like 90% of the electric vehicle fires I've heard of in NYC in the past few years have been because of EUCs which just seem to have looser regulations on their BMS and batteries in general than other evehicles. For the distributors out there, for the sake of your own longevity and PEVs as a whole, PLEASE stop selling wheels with bad battery systems!
@Kay0Bot Жыл бұрын
Understandable, it's a hazard. All U can do is be prepared. Safe practices. Everyone has their own risk/rewards analysis.
@bencrystalofficial Жыл бұрын
@@Kay0Bot I know what you mean, but I can almost guarantee 99% of buyers aren't doing the due diligence of learning specifically about overcharging, overcurrent, the optimal ways to store their vehicles, etc. Most things I think should be at the will of the consumer but there's no excuse that raw safety factors like this shouldn't be accounted for
@Electric_roller Жыл бұрын
Mike (isthereanyfood channel)got his Ex30 confiscated in Sweden. He got it on cam.
@dirt.surfer Жыл бұрын
Yeah I know him. Also they are banned in Germany and may get taken away. And UK apparently they take them away. I hope this never happens in canada or we going to a road runner coyote situation... and I'll be on my EUC going MEEP MEEP!!!
@dickiewongtk Жыл бұрын
If it's speed is similar to e-bike or bicycle or e-scooter (~30km/h ish), I don't see the logical reasons for banning it on road or bike lane. May be you can make a law requiring electronic speed limiter regardless of how powerful the motor is? Heck, I say legalize 50km/h+ versions of these things and put then into limited speed motorcycle cataglory (class 5 license, insurcne and registration).
@grb1969 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t want to live in a country where EUCs weren’t celebrated for the Revolution that they represent? If everyone who could ride would do so, the insurance industry would collapse, car prices would plummet and we’d likely have an extra few hundred years of fossil fuel to abuse without having to frack under your neighbor’s house just to extract every ounce of natural gas while poisoning the groundwater. The benefits far outnumber the risks. There’s a visceral fear that overcomes a stagnant mind when presented with an option that might redeem the population whom are in denial over our own contributions towards an Existential species extinction. A $600 ticket for saving the planet is what this looks like… also, looks like every other collapsed civilization in human history.
@eucfng Жыл бұрын
OMFreakingG the audio got me panicled for a little there. i just had a bad ear infection couple months ago on my right ears and had to go to ears specialist and take anti-biotic. RIGHT CHANNEL seems to be weak on this edit not my ears. thank god 😮
@HOTOREL Жыл бұрын
Oops, my bad 😅
@Dang3rRoom Жыл бұрын
Everything can be a hazard …. Depending on the user
@noncil Жыл бұрын
I hit someone before, but it was because he was walking backwards into my path suddenly from just standing in one spot. I would hit him either way even if I am walking.. it was unavoidable because one party wasn't paying attention to where he was.
@legyroquoi Жыл бұрын
Great video! We will use it to promote the hobby to our legislators in Quebec which just passed a law effective today, "legalizing" but prohibiting EUCs at the same time ... Maybe seeing people from Canada actively promote it could convince them to move faster legalizing it !😂 Which province will get the most progressive and environmental legislation out of it, the race is on 😂
@MariqueTams Жыл бұрын
Sad that Canada is so big and slow to adapt new technologies. Everything is so slow to develop compared to Europe. Well good luck fighting the good fight, hopefully it wont be a long process to open governments ayes. Thousands of Karens will stand in your way sadly
@xViaOnYoutube Жыл бұрын
*insert unwanted pokemon joke you have already heard in the comments before*
@DarthTinderalla-qm9zw Жыл бұрын
Yes EUCs are dangerous. So many parts that could fail, and cause power to cut out which means face plant. I'll never ride mine above ~10mph without full protective gear for that exact reason. Still my new favorite form of transportation.
@PurpleRider 8 ай бұрын
@weemanrelapse Жыл бұрын
Friday last week I was riding safely in a bike lane leaving north Vancouver. A shuttle bus didn't use signals and turned into me. I reported the incident. I was safely using a bike lane. I was awaiting for the bus to move on because they were acting weird. They proceeded past the empty bus stop then as I felt safe to proceed passing that bus stop, the bus decided to suddenly cut me of, throwing me into the grass (luckily grass). No one got on the bus, no one got off. I think the gentleman riding that bus, that bus itself. Is immensely more dangerous than I. Will I ask busses to stop existing cause 1 person decided to act unsafely? Not at all.
@jonoeuc Жыл бұрын
The Hypocrisy is astounding since the most dangerous vehicle (cars) is the most accepted and glossed over. However I'm not saying cars shouldn't exist. Simply allow alternatives. I suggest it's a good thing EUC riders ARE so vulnerable. It's in our best interest to ride safely and ensure we don't collide with anyone else. The trend I'm seeing in the USA of ever increasingly large and brutish trucks is very triggering. [see These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us) by Not Just Bikes] However if EUCs (or pevs) were widely adopted here in seq QLD, we don't have the necessary infrastructure to Accommodate pev use other than using the existing road infrastructure. Ideally separated protected mixed pev use lanes. -As for the concern about looking odd, grow some self confidence, it will be good for you. -zipping around pedestrians is not good but they may be inflating their sense of danger with the actual. Please slow down around pedestrians! this again comes back to lacking infrastructure. -Since there is such a perfect learning curve I believe these are much safer than say Surons or Escooters. Since little skill is required to ride or go excessively fast straight away. Sorry there are tickets being given out, GL. Well covered responses, thanks!
@dirt.surfer Жыл бұрын
Heya Jon, well said buddy. It's a battle trying to get acceptance on a device that is pure amazing in every way, from one rider to another you know what I mean. You in Australia have great challenges with authority as well.
@ratchfordgeorge Жыл бұрын
They are cool but scary
@paraiskaparaiskai4762 Жыл бұрын
EUC's are amazing.
@GrantBinder Ай бұрын
With my EUC able to alarm at bike lane speed limit, my hand horn for warning pedestrians when I'm approaching (from 50 feet away, not 5 feet or NO WARNING like most cyclists), and respecting the rules of paths and the road, I"M getting passed by spandex jockey cyclists all the time. There are the show-offs who do stupid speeds around people but that's a small minority and should be ticketed.
@bepriceless Жыл бұрын
First! I think the person saying they've been clipped several times, was talking about scooters. I've never even seen another EUC in my city. There has to be one in a city of a million, but I've never seen one. There really aren't very many; these chicken littles are screaming that the sky is falling and they really don't know what they're talking about.
@PalaNickers Жыл бұрын
Thank goodness that the Police here in the States don't care at all about EUCs. I have them come up to me often in LA to just ask questions. I'm contemplating pitching them to the cops so that they can patrol on them.
@aronoc Жыл бұрын
The thing is, it was exactly that way in Vancouver too. Then a single bad cop turned everything upside down. Don’t take anything for granted.
@jessepope7726 Жыл бұрын
While on a group ride in downtown Saint Paul, later in the evening, we came upon some cops riding Trikkes (electric powered carving vehicles capable of doing 30ish mph). They were traveling perpendicular to our route, but they saw us heading up to the Capitol. They circled around and came up not to harass us but to ask about our machines and their specs. They were enamored with our wheels and super excited about them.
@PurpleRider 8 ай бұрын
Personally, I do think EUC's are unsafe, but that's the risk we take. It's most likely to be dangerous to the own rider rather than other people in most situations. Practically speaking, the mobility is unparalleled and cities should embrace this new technology.
@ChrisGardner-vp9nd Жыл бұрын
Share the names of these VPD officers that have taken it upon themselves to harass riders. With over 7k subscribers emailing VPD to complain about these officers, I believe command staff would put these tyrants in check
@gabinator1177 Жыл бұрын
The officers are Ian Christie, Andrew Prebushewski, and Kim
@noncil Жыл бұрын
sigh.. kim just nabbed me today for no insurance charges
@samuelbreton9061 Жыл бұрын
People opinion on Van Isle seem extremely positive. I get to interact with curious path users and shoppers every day. To them I'm far from being a menace. If anything I just look happier than average 😅. I behave sensibly around other trail users, keep my speed reasonable, ring my bell and pass wide. I am also an avid cyclist, however the small fpr factor (even for the "big" wheels), make the EUC my preferred tool for my daily commute. Cohabitation between traditional bicycle, e-bike, e-scooter and EUC is already proven to be possible without requiring adaptation of the already existing infrastructures.
@pimpjetfighter05 2 ай бұрын
Just fyi. The audio is significantly louder in the left channel especially in the first half of the video. Which is weird since your positioned on the right half of the frame
@truthiscensored 11 ай бұрын
Lamborghinis go that fast but people don't go their max speeds because of regulations, traffic etc... On the flip side many a-hole try to cruise EUC at their MAX SPEEDS (which usually don't end well) and they try to do in traffic with cars. Not good. The max speed should be used as a indicator of how safe to go at normal speeds (About 10-20 mph below the max speed) Many on KZbin video give and promote very bad examples riding these EUC. And it shows they crash many times in their videos
@kadmow Жыл бұрын
Like electric skateboards - Fun as they may be - they are not legal to use in most places - not a lot of people have their own private city to ride in.. Either get them legalised or stop promoting their use in public spaces - even if they must be registered and licensed (boohoos... from all legal motorcyclists) - they are motor vehicles anyhow just electrically powered - I have been riding and driving high adrenaline toys/tools and transportation devices for decades, I understand the desire.. Skateboarding in public space is still illegal in many places. (pedestrians get ko'ed by scooter riders - keep the message "stay cool" In Australia the tickets could total $3500 not merely $600. On course - don't be a dick, Richard... lol.
@jesustyronechrist2330 Жыл бұрын
I really is the ancient, never-ending problem: Few bad apples spoil the bunch. All it needs is to make one grandma startled while you ride by them and all of the sudden people will form smear campaigns happily just because they think something is stupid and you don't understand it. I don't like the clips of New Yorkers having races in traffic. Nobody does. But that's what the public sees and that's what the public thinks it's used and who uses them.
@monowheeling 11 ай бұрын
Pretty horrible response to the requirement for a speed limit. Lamborghinis need a type approval, registration, insurance and a driver's license and that's the standard in our society for vehicles that can go 90km/h.
@TheAnimeist Жыл бұрын
2:20 "It's essentially a half ebike" Chooch on the brain.
@eevees Жыл бұрын
Hahaha 😂 not gonna lie, I got it from his damn KZbin titles
@jessepope7726 Жыл бұрын
Thought the exact same thing
@ItsNotMeItsYou007 7 ай бұрын
Maybe someone should try and get some sort of liability insurance and then if you get stopped you can say that you do have insurance.
@gritred5500 7 ай бұрын
I just want to know how the heck did the bikes in Netherlands get such favor as to have a law that states "if a car hits a bike the car is at fault." I know that there the insurance companies said this has to happen or we won't write a policy for bikes.
@ryanhillary9198 Жыл бұрын
It's literally the best feeling on any amount of wheels,
@josepharndt6061 9 ай бұрын
Just need to wear the safety gear and learn how to use it properly and I wouldn’t trust a electric car over gas anyday and I got a euc just to have some fun and learn how to use it and fore excersize
@paulsteel9127 7 ай бұрын
EUCs are the least dangerous form of transportation to peds (next to non-electric kick scooters).
@Laenthal Жыл бұрын
Would not the very act of riding "this dangerously balancing thing" entice much more care from a rider, just to not fall over every second y'know? Therefore making him be much more careful to his environments and therefore safer to others? This very logic seems to be slipping from the critics minds.
@volooooo Жыл бұрын
Great video. It’s super clear those comments come from people who are incredibly close minded and ignorant.
@rileyhall9320 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like comments from a bunch spandex wearing cyclists
@mrprestonhughes8081 Жыл бұрын
the unicycles are the one EV i have not tried, but after skateboards, onewheel, and multiple scooters. dont knock it until you try it. seriously, try something new and try it for a month at least
@joederose5200 9 ай бұрын
Keep doing what you're doing, EUCs are here to stay, and all of the BS issues will be settled with time.
@jltplease Жыл бұрын
$600 bucks?? That's freaking ridiculous
@DonovanWert Жыл бұрын
Riding Euc is my favourite thing in the world to do ❤ Thanks guys!!🙏
@foxosaurus4278 11 ай бұрын
I am sorry, but as a member of the EUC community this video did nothing to address nothing. You have just downplayed every single comment, of which there were few pretty valid ones. Also horse carriges were driven out of the streets along with the pedestrians for profit of car manufacturers, so showing progress on cars shows the lack of depth in your arguments. I know this comment will do nothing, but it’s a stance from someone who knows the bad arguments when he sees them.
@eevees 11 ай бұрын
I would love to hear your arguments.
@foxosaurus4278 11 ай бұрын
@@eevees 1. First argument about the motor power was fine, but argument “they make Lambo’s that go 350km/h and you don’t see those bombing down the street at 350km/h” - you don’t? Are you not familiar with rich people crashing their precious cars at high speeds in midtowns? Because I vividly remember few years back that this was trending topic on KZbin at least. So the fact that they don’t go 350km/h in cities is that traffic and street design is slowing them down, otherwise I am 100% certain, that we would see them going/crashing at those speeds. Besides, you continue “just because they can go that fast doesn’t mean that most of the people do” and this argument, along with everything you have just said is based on nothing particular. You have not given the source, most likely you are speaking out of your personal experience, but that doesn’t mean much when you are trying to address the valid point of speeding on EUC. 2. Third argument is about insurance and “hot-rodded ride-on” and the person in the video has a valid point - what is a diffeence between an EUC and lawnmower? I am not arguing the insurance arguments, but there are people who 100% slapped a 2000-3000W motor to a lawnmower and are riding those. You have all kinds of ewehicles riding the streets and you can find them on KZbin without a problem, but where is the line between DIY lawnmower and “professional” EUC? You cannot possibly argue that EUC’s are yet on some completly different level from those DIY lawnmowers, when we are still talking about which batch EUC is from and when they are tweaking them as they go. 3. Next argument is about someone “being clipped” by many EUC drivers and your answer is “no, you haven’t”???? What the hell? Cannot people speak from their experience and be living in the an area with the rude EUC driver/s? You based your argument on nothing! 4.Another comment was about people speeding on the EUC’s and you have used “bad apples” argument. First of all, this argument is wildly used by the police I think purely on those grounds should be avoided, but secondly - as with police, this is simple downplaying of the situation. Go and watch EUC content and don’t tell me that around 7 out of 10 KZbin videos from the biggest channels are not showing someone riding at 50 to 70 km/h. You know how I know it? I am watching EUC stuff consistenly for the past year and in almost all clips there are people speeding. I am not saying all people are, but you can absolutely get encouraged to go high speeds and be more irresposible just from watching YT, which almost every EUC rider is at some point when deciding which EUC to buy. Also remember that there are people with EUC’s who have the cash and will buy the best EUC’s just because they want the power. And again you have downplayed the situation with comparing EUC riders to bad cyclist and drivers. Car accidents killed millions over the years and your arguments are no help. This particular one said nothing about nothing. Why then make the video when you don’t want to engage in a serious discussion about the real problems? 5. The argument that got my preassure up hovewer was the next one, with the snowboarders, because what you are using is the argument of progress and how things became norm, but when you cassualy throw cars into the mix you have invalidated everything else, because you wanted to show how history works without knowing how history worked and how roads, that for thousands of years belonged to everyone suddenly became the privilage of the cars. Btw. cyclists to this day have to fight for their place in the streets. You had shown the problem with this whole video with this subtle argument - that not all progress is for the better. 6. Next argument is part of the previous one and that is that cars are killing a lot of people but EUC’s aren’t? And how YOU never heard about one? What is this for an argument? We are pretty soft creatures and when an 100kg EUC rider at 70km/h hits you, you are dead if not really badly injured? You can be killed by a crash with a regular bike, why not by a powerful EUC? And the fact that you have never heard it happend? Again, what does that prove? To anyone?
@eevees 11 ай бұрын
Yikes, you clearly missed the point of some of the sarcastic humour we used in our video and missed the simplicity of our arguments. The fact of the matter is 3000lb cars kill way more people every single day over 3500 people are killed around the world from cars (Source: World Health Organization). EUCs are far less dangerous to pedestrians and other vehicles than cars. It's just an objective fact. You are the only rider in these comments that don't like our arguments. There's always one of you. Anyway, you didn't really provide your own arguments (just why you didn't like ours). Have a great rest of your week!
@PurpleRider 8 ай бұрын
Well, I do agree that we shouldn't downplay the pedestrian issue despite having a lack of statistics. A man in the UK who was a pedestrian did die from injuries after being impacted by an EUC rider. Also, you can see from popular riders like Chooch who completely bombs by pedestrians at 35+mph which is not only unsafe but quite disrespectful. I'm just saying that I think pedestrians feelings about EUC's are valid and we shouldn't be sarcastic about that if we want to garner support from them@@eevees Thanks for the work you put in advocating for EUC's though!
@123Jeffdude Жыл бұрын
I'm very glad you showed the clip of a car completely destroying a house. I saw that the other day and was just completely washed in the incredible difference in the destructive power of cars vs electric unicycles. I'd love to ban cars from my neighborhood, I don't want them anywhere near my house! EUCing & other PEVs are the safe and smart future of transportation.
@VoltaicWanderlust Жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly stand behind these devices and happily advocate for them at any given opportunity. Thank you for everything you guys have done, are doing, and will do to help further the education to the public and help push new legislation. Hopefully, this will allow other provinces a framework to follow and build their own.
@jimmykiang4420 Жыл бұрын
nice defense eevees 💪
@eevees Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jimmy!
@JeskaRain Жыл бұрын
How bout lawmakers and police stop infantilizing everyone and rekindle with the notion of individual responsibility.
@east905skims5 7 ай бұрын
: I almost got hit by one Brad: no you didn't next question. 🤦‍♂️
@CartoonWeasel Жыл бұрын
Literally only 1 model goes 90kmh 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@tylerdoumnoff3411 Жыл бұрын
At some point there were people that said horseless carriages were bad too. Now we all drive cars. Same thing with the radio, cell phones ect.
@SaiyanEuc Жыл бұрын
Awesome points! People can be so ignorant sometimes.. I'd rather get stuck behind an euc than a bicycle anyway 😅 most of the danger is taken on by the rider not the public.
@MrDmadness Жыл бұрын
No, rental scooters are though. People that own their pev are generally pretty good at using them
@steveo6034 Жыл бұрын
Yup look at crotch rockets, they can go over 200mph.
@ryanchk Жыл бұрын
Very awesome point, EUC are actually less harm than any other vehicles
@landocycle Жыл бұрын
Well said, boys!
@BarkingMAX365 Жыл бұрын
Wait you guys got ticketed $600?
@LeoPira Жыл бұрын
Even though being in Brazil, I try to follow what’s going on in and with the EUC community everywhere as it can, most certainly will, affect us all. The point of the 4000w came up last year during the public discussions for the law that will cover PEVs in Brazil. Among many other thing, some good some not so much, the EUCs, and only EUCs, where granted 4000w engine capacity, but all PEVs were more or less limited to 32km/h (20mph).
@legyroquoi Жыл бұрын
Wow thanks for your comment. Here in Quebec the law that passed today limits the Euc to 500w😂 we need data from everywhere to show the legislators that it can be different
@LeoPira Жыл бұрын
@@legyroquoi There are several other aspects from making EUCs equivalent to standard bikes and defining each PEV category. If it comes down to it, even though in portuguese, it’s Brazilian Resolution (Law) 996 passed on 15 June 2023 to serve as reference.
@therealchayd Жыл бұрын
We have this legality issue in the UK (with e-scooters as well), but generally the police will leave you alone as long as you're riding responsibly, using bike lanes or the road if that's not available. Riding on the pavement (sidewalk) is definitely a no no.
@eevees Жыл бұрын
It used to be like that here but the a select few cops have been giving riders a tough time over the past few months
@FourthWayRanch 11 ай бұрын
I like to turn suddenly in front of cars
@supakat1835 Жыл бұрын
I was going to take a trip up to BC to ride, & visit your shop, then thought nevermind when I heard they were illegal in Vancouver, & police were confiscating them. Then I thought, WTF, doesnt Vancouver have like a extremely serious drug epidemic, why are these police bullying, & harrasing PEV riders??? So this is all because of 3 overreaching police officers abusing their authority? This can happen anywhere in there is law enforcement that doesnt know what to do, & hopefully legislation & common sense will help resolve those matters with your unknolegable citizens there in Vancouver BC, & get lazy overreaching police going after people doing good for society by getting more cars off the road, than going after gang activity, & drug dealers, & people destroying the community. These police either need to get their job priorities straight or find another job. If they ban EUC's I'm buying an elderly person mobility scooter.
@eevees Жыл бұрын
Police aren’t confiscating them. And it’s extremely rare to get a ticket. Dozens of people are riding around constantly in the city and never get ticketed. I think all of the press on this is going to stop the 3 officers from handing out more tickets to be honest. I wouldn’t worry about getting ticketed if you were visiting.
@MegaAaron42 Жыл бұрын
There is nothing environmental friendly about the battery's you euc and EV cars use. Do your research first on production them disposal of the battery's.
@eevees Жыл бұрын
Looks like you’re the one that needs to do some more research. They are a hell of a lot more environmentally than buying and driving a car. Also recycling lithium ion batteries is a thing. Eventually most batteries will be made from mostly recycled materials.
@EdLrandom Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, those people won't see this response.
@eevees Жыл бұрын
We posted it in a bunch of the comments but you’re right. I wish more of the commenters could see it.
@michaelobrien3492 Жыл бұрын
Excellent. Ever notice how people who have an axe to grid with euc’s don’t seem to be too clever? There I was, trundling down the street on my V12 HT in Maple Meadows, my 66 year old back bent under the weight of 4 full growlers from (shout-out to) Foamers Folly, when this young dude steps off the sidewalk and shouts at me, “That thing looks super-gay!” So I thanked him for the compliment and continued on my way. He seemed a bit angry. I guess attitudes to gays and euc’s must have changed a bit while he was in jail. If we can only get politicians to get on the euc train as well, the world will be a happier place. Have you guys reached out to BC’s transport minister and offered him a free euc riding lesson yet?
@skrombopuloslopez2537 Жыл бұрын
I had an issue with a local cop telling me I couldn't ride. He gave me a whole lot of crap about how not even bikes are allowed to ride in the street. The first thing I did was go to the local prosecutor. The prosecutor looked at me and basically said he's not going to be charging anybody with anything for riding these things in the street. As long as we obey the rules of the road, we are okay. He also said that he's going to be putting things in legislation to better identify unicycles under the law. I'll be checking back with him in a couple months to see how things are going. Oh and he sent out an email to the local PD and I haven't been getting messed with since. I have a commander, monster pro and a commander pro. Needless to say I will not be going down without a fight.
@ek-nz Жыл бұрын
I got confirmation from then Automobile Association that they will extend their e-bike and e-scooter roadside rescue to EUC. That’s quite a significant step IMO.
@isstuff Жыл бұрын
Too bad my state in Australia, sees them as illegal and is ticketing people. I broke my leg on an electric skateboard, but have loved the idea of a EUC, I think I will just need to be satisfied with a e-bike. At least they are allowed.
@markyoung1622 Жыл бұрын
there is the effect of a general member of the public stopped in their tracks as they do not know what the hell i am driving. they stop, they stare , and forget they have a duty to remove themselves from danger(if there is any). i am only able to manouver safely once the pedestrian makes a decision one way or the other. if they stay stuck on stupid there is not much i can do to mitigate any threat and still be going about my business
@adhochero6619 Жыл бұрын
I rode mine to the store today to grab something cause my mom was using my car cause hers needs fixing. past 2 cops no issues. bike lanes are my friend.
@MathieuTechMoto Жыл бұрын
Thank you for helping our awesome EUC community !
@TheDownloader86 Жыл бұрын
Actually a lot of scooter riders and bike riders told me that riding EUC looks very cool. So I will stick with that :D
@YASAJTV Жыл бұрын
Good work. Thanks for making these videos.
@maximumlean Жыл бұрын
Well said! Thanks for supporting the community! ❤
@Kekafuch Жыл бұрын
Thank you for using your platform to continue the public discourse.
@bernardobuffa2391 Жыл бұрын
good divulgation job guys! cheers!
@senseivegan Жыл бұрын
Job well done Gentlemen!!🔥🔥
@ryanhillary9198 Жыл бұрын
Im hoping to meet with my local MLA and see if i can get the town counsel behind our cause, there are some really grounded individuals. I almost worried about bringing it to their attention because I can ride around the town i live without any repercussions. Even got the nod and wave from a few on duty officers as i rode by
@jessepope7726 Жыл бұрын
This is a debate I’m having with my group ride friends. Some think that proactively bringing the discussion to city council and state representatives will just bring unwanted attention and shut us down sooner. I’m of a mind that if we don’t bring our well reasoned and thought out arguments in favor of our wheels to our local leaders, then those that fear change will get to them first and poison the well.
@vitus6762 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@superobservation Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this!
@TroyArn Жыл бұрын
@gar_ee8884 Жыл бұрын
carbon taxes aren't meant to be more environmentally friendly, they just want to tax you not driving a car is akin to tax evasion, so they have to tax you through tickets instead
@oldretireddude Жыл бұрын
Well stated.
@DinoEatsDelivery Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@Kay0Bot Жыл бұрын
I feel the euc ban will be death knell for Eevees...sad but u can't beat new laws without buying your own politicians
@ChrisJoeCJ Жыл бұрын
Eucs aren't banned here though, they're not illegal. It's fine for people to buy and sell eucs. No new laws have been passed to restrict eucs either, its legal status here is unchanged since their inception. Eevees also sells eucs to people in other places in the world where the laws can be different.
@aronoc Жыл бұрын
It’s incredible the influence that one nasty cop can have. He and his two buddies are the only reason for this crisis in Vancouver.
@arevee9429 Жыл бұрын
I ride an EUC, and agree that some of the comments are warranted. Not having or being able to obtain insurance is a legitimate concern. And the EUCs I've ridden do not stop more quickly than most bikes. I love riding and will continue to do so, but I agree with some of the concerns raised by the commenters.
@jessepope7726 Жыл бұрын
Fair points, I’m with you on those. Big/powerful wheels do not have the deceleration capability that something with hydraulic brakes is capable of. And yea, it would be smart to get some sort of insurance coverage for wheel riders.
@arevee9429 Жыл бұрын
@@jessepope7726 the thought of falling off the wheel in a crowded area and having the wheel continue to roll isn't a good one. I usually wear a runaway strap and hope the thing I've fastened it to holds. And fortunately, falls among crowds don't happen often. But a car did go through a stop sign (without stopping) and when I ran into it, they asked about insurance. Reminding the driver about running the stop sign and hitting a "pedestrian" did quiet them down.
@mikko.g Жыл бұрын
Every vehicle that enables the user to propel themselves faster then they would otherwise be able under their own power is a hazard to society. Probably shouldn't be able to ride on roads above 30 km/h without liability insurance though. Hitting someone walking, or biking at that speed will cause injury and liability at least allows a victim some compensation. Seems like the EUC community has a heavily skewed demographic towards young males and that particular demographic is renowned having a higher percentage of individuals that make reflectively bad decisions, take risks and at higher speeds. (Anecdotally: Young, male dirt bike riders rip up and down my communities roads doing wheelies, extreme acceleration off the stop line, drive through stop signs and travel at double the legal limit... and there is a monument to one lad who died from running a stop sign on a blind intersection)
@gabinator1177 Жыл бұрын
So cars are a hazard to society?
@nelson2095 Жыл бұрын
'Hold my beer" - Dawn Champion 😁 (She's an outlier, she pop into my head after reading your comment...But I get what you're saying) EUCs are in grey area when it comes to legality of their usage. Barrelling through traffic at a speed and doing eyebrow raising race events (such as that cannonball-like run occurred in NYC, can't remember the name of the event), isn't helping the community's image. I know it's new and exciting and young folks want to test the limit of what their machines can do. I'm sure most of them understand (I hope) that reckless behaviours, though thrilling, they are treading on thin ice when it comes to public and policymakers perceptions. The key to swaying the public opinion and getting a favourable legislation in place is, like all else, moderation and education.
@rcgldr Жыл бұрын
I have a Inmotion V8F and a 2001 Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle. My concern for the faster EUCs is the braking distance, which on EUCs is limited by the torque of the motor and much worse than a motorcycle (which can accelerate and brake at over 1 g). I don't know what percentage of e-bikes can brake as well as motorcycles.
@jessepope7726 Жыл бұрын
Deceleration is the biggest drawback of EUCs. If you need to conduct an emergency braking maneuver, you’re not going to be able to stop as fast as a vehicle with hydraulic brakes. That said, it highlights the need for good piloting skills on a wheel. You must get to know your wheel’s technical specifications/limitations as well as your own personal riding abilities. Ride within those limitations, predict where less speed is prudent.
@dancox3251 Жыл бұрын
Comparing the braking force of a motorcycle rider to an EUC is not a good comparison. A more appropriate one would be vs. the typical car and non-skilled driver which is what most people are likely to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Many safety experts use 15 ft/sec2 (0.47 g's) as the maximum deceleration that is safe for the average driver to maintain control, good to excellent tires, dry surface. A reasonably skilled driver can stop at 20 ft/sec2 (0.62 g's). Most production street vehicles have a maximum braking around 0.8 g's. On my S22 I can pull 0.63g braking and I haven't overpowered it yet. That's plenty good enough.
@rcgldr Жыл бұрын
@@dancox3251 - in a panic stop situation a typical car driver will peg the brake pedal and rely on ABS for braking, resulting in about .8 g or better, depending on tire.
@dancox3251 Жыл бұрын
@@rcgldr I should probably have added that 0.63g was at 50% of the rated motor's continuous power (not peak) and not an emergency brake.
@monowheeling 11 ай бұрын
I am pretty sure very few motorcyclists are able to decelerate even close to 1g. On the other hand, the back EMF of the electric motor allows for much higher breaking force than acceleration force on the EUC. This lets me believe that modern EUCs should be able to brake at 1g if rider and tire can, which is about as unlikely as for a motorcyclist, I guess.
@stephenleach4808 Жыл бұрын
At 2:36 you acknowledge they are illegal to ride on public roads. Yet here you are complaining about the enforcement of the current laws? I understand you are trying to get the laws changed to include EUCs, but until those laws are in effect, why should people riding them be exempt from the laws? Additionally, the comment of 'its like half an e-bike' is just ridiculous. E-bikes have regulations in place (as to power and speed) that allow them to be ridden legally on the roads.
@eevees Жыл бұрын
Many people are riding eBikes way over the limits and not getting tickets. There should be speed limits (and speeding tickets) instead. It’s been very much a grey area for a while. No one was getting ticketed for years. After all of the recent media publicity, no one has been ticketed since. So I think the media attention worked. I have a feeling the higher-ups in the police force told the few ticketing cops to chill out. As you mentioned, we’re trying to get the laws changed. Hence this video, hence us reaching out to politicians, hence us reaching out to the media to cover the story of the ticketing that was being done.
@stephenleach4808 Жыл бұрын
@@eevees Theoretically, none of the legal ebikes would be capable of much more than 32km/h as they are speed limited. Should EUCs be speed limited to a similar speed if they become legal? I would hope so. There are also illegal ebikes being ridden on the streets of course, and I have seen them being ticketed as well.
@eevees Жыл бұрын
@@stephenleach4808 I believe there should be speed limits not speed/power restrictions on the actual device because it actually makes them more unsafe. The more power an EUC has, the more braking power and balancing power it has to keep you balanced. Hopefully the law-makers understand this when regulations start happening. I would be thrilled if we were allowed to legally allowed to ride on the streets and would fully accept speeding tickets (red light, stop sign tickets, etc) for riders breaking the rules of the road.
I don't like where EUCs are heading
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