Are Heavy Attacks RUINING the Game? The Most Pointless ESO Debate Ever | The Elder Scrolls Online

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@jasonmpease Жыл бұрын
“Should ZOS nerf Heavy Attacks or Oakensoul? No. Should ZOS look for more ways to provide transitional bridges between different levels of gameplay? Absolutely.” This. 100% this. Casual players are rushing to HA playstyle because it is an accessible bridge for them to enter into endgame content. This is what has always been lacking. If you are an experienced player who simply couldn’t interact with the LA playstyle, you had no options except to switch to support roles. I think that the booming popularity of HA builds exposes a problem that has plagued this game for a long time. I don’t normally comment on your videos @Nefas but this was a great commentary on the state of the game.
@NefasQS Жыл бұрын
Least insane KZbin commentator.
@Antasco Жыл бұрын
As someone who plays from Australia and has to deal with the awful ping, yeah, HA builds are perfectly welcome even if ill never use one myself. Also because i dont want to buy high isle.
@glenndhorallmyxlvntx9294 Жыл бұрын
A lot of people with less dexterity on the fingers… HA build is perfect. I prefer 2-bar builds for certain things but love the HA builds for a lot of content. Accessibility also means that people have the opportunity to learn mechanics in end game content. Mechanics are really the things that people need to learn.
@Kurock1000 Жыл бұрын
100% agree, oaken should be great for dlc dungeons and normal trials. Get people in there breath some life into endgame. Oaken should NOT be vet trial viable imo. Vet trials should be a place reserved for that 1%, I’ve never done vet trials It’s not something I have a interest in. So I say that as a “upper middle” player, lol. Oaken has given me as a bad dps, historically bad not just eso, but every mmo, a chance to do dps in dungeons and normals without feeling like I’m screwing the group over by being sup par. Dps is just something that has never been enjoyable to me I like healing and support, and eso is the first time I’ve had a build where I can step outside of that role and not feel bad about it. It might be over tuned right now, but imo if anything empower should be taken from 80% to like 70-75% so its still a option for everything short of vet trials.
@jasonmpease Жыл бұрын
@@Kurock1000 - I agree with most of what you said, except in the arbitrary lines you are placing on content. There are two factors in ESO, skill and build. Skill can make up for build. I’m sure there are groups out there that could do anything in this game in Rubedite gear. Vet trials aren’t difficult. Trifectas and Hard Modes are meant for the 1%.
@shannonphillips2101 Жыл бұрын
There's a 70 year old man from NZ in my guild on NA that did pretty decent before oakensoal. But he wasn't able to hit high enough to join vet trials. Now, thanks to the ring, he can. Same with ppl who have arthritis and other health issues. They shouldn't be punished for that. I love that they can be included.
@edworeyes Жыл бұрын
Yes!! Oakensoul should only be able to be equipped with a doctors not lol
@Despond Жыл бұрын
I am sorry but the reality is the game isn't meant to be designed for a small % of people, it's a reality you have to accept. For example they aren't going to make WoW pvp easier because someone complains they are blind, or can only use one hand. I am not saying there shouldn't some other systems in place, but you have to have your main systems and gameplay based around what is usual you're average ability gamer - or else when you try satisfy every single type of person you end up with half-assed hybrid. I use a one-bar build btw, but people still should have an incentive to go beyond that, but if it's so broken that you only really do like 10-15% less damage but have it 100x easier then that is not good balance.
@shannonphillips2101 Жыл бұрын
@@Despond Oakensoul isn't designed for a small % of ppl though. Literally anyone can use it, that has access to it anyway. But having an alternative to LA builds that are easier for ppl with health issues or high ping is awesome. Ppl are going to stick around longer if they access to more content too so its a win win for everyone. Of course, not necessarily ALL content. Trifectas are hard, as they should be. But vet trials should be more accessible. I love that more ppl are included in them for fun guild events and for the better gear. Gate keeping is lame.
@justinwitter31 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100 that people should be able to use this ring - fill for a trial or step in and play. that is not what is happening. People are exploiting this and playing nothing but oakencringe
@luriddream Жыл бұрын
Just hand out every title and reward in the game to everyone at this point because accesibility (well if you pay enough gold you already get literally everything anyways but thats another matter). Do these handicapped people also ask to be carried on the mount everest for a nice mountain climbing experience? Or do they want to become a sick guitarist with arthritis? Thats good and all to make the base game content accesible to all (which already is since I can play the games overland content with my ass at this point) but why do you kill every damn sense of achievement in the game? Suddenly literally everyone has a disability after this ring dropped, really is a wonderful coincidence aint it?
@Dovah_Jay Жыл бұрын
This whole debate is stupid. If it works, and people can complete content with it that they might not be able to do with a two bar build, then it fine.
@zarathustrasmith1604 Жыл бұрын
I for one believe Oakensoul is one of the best things to happen to ESO in a very long time. I have played off and on since launch and currently am around 2200 CP, and I have never attempted a vet trial for a few reasons. First I have tendonitis in my wrists which limits the amount of time I can play. The hours I work also limit my available play time. With the time I do have, I want to actually play the game, not spend hours dummy humping trying to perfect a light attack rotation so that a raid group will let me join. With a raid community that as I understand it is currently dying I would think raid leaders would be thrilled at the prospect of an easy to learn easy to acquire build that allows lower skilled players to do adequate damage to complete vet trials. Oakensoul seems to be doing exactly what ZOS intended which is to bring up the floor without affecting the ceiling for the top players.
@ztyhurst Жыл бұрын
If the build was out dps’ing my more difficult to run DK build then I would say it is probably overturned, but because it enables players to do more DPS than they normally would and helps fill trial rosters I have no complaints.
@connor_____9236 Жыл бұрын
Until you can’t find any supports (support dps, healers, tanks) because everyone just wants to run the HA builds because they’re the easiest way to complete a certain piece of content. It’s already hard to find people to EC or Zenkosh, how do you convince people to learn to do those roles when you compare the work/time investment in a group between them and the HA players? The HA build users are being carried by the support dps, healers and tanks, while offering nothing back to support the group and no additional reward or incentive to learn a support role,; despite the massively widened gap in terms of effort and practice required within a group To clarify I’m talking about going forward. ESO doesn’t retain players well, so if all the players who are experienced enough to out damage the HA builds with LA weaving eventually leave, what are you left with? A group of people who only know how to HA, because it was the path of least resistance
@ztyhurst Жыл бұрын
@@connor_____9236 I don’t think anyone who cuts their teeth in trials with a heavy attack build is going to stick with it. As long as the raiding community isn’t toxic towards them then they will probably fill rosters, learn mechanics, and maybe even decide to try other builds. You are always going to have a hard time keeping a good roster of support builds because a lot of them suck or require more skill to run. As for tanking and healing, players that do that generally do it because they like it. They aren’t going to opt to run a DPS just because there is an easy HA build.
@dfsfsfdsaf6511 Жыл бұрын
@@connor_____9236 Agree. Top DDs have to play support sets because everyone else can't. That is my experience. Oakensoul HA Builds are a local maximum. And if people want to get better from there on, they will lose DPS at first and maybe give up and stick with HAs. If there were a smooth transition that wouldn't happen. And they could make support sets more accessible. Why has EC such a short duration? Or Kinras? Just a few seconds more and it would be so much easier for people with less than perfect uptimes or LA weaving. And MK is downright dangerous for whoever plays it. I also don't understand why they tried to make LA weaving less important but than added new sets where you have to LA weave.
@connor_____9236 Жыл бұрын
@@ztyhurst I would hope that is the case the concern I have is that, there is no way to smoothly transition from an HA build to LA weaving, they kinda just have to go hit the dummy for hours till they get it and will loose dps at the start. I’ve even seen experienced players who do know how to run a full two bar setup run HA instead, because it’s less effort and they can get away with it in a lot of scenarios The general point I was trying to make though was just that the amount of practice and effort it takes for certain members of the raid group to get to the required level of proficiency is massively different since this has been introduced. Sure they’ll eventually hit that hard ceiling and maybe have to look at switching, but up until then there is a massive inequality in the amount of work it takes within a group that wasn’t as prevalent before In the casual social guild I’m in I’d say about 90% of the new players that join go for the HA build immediately, because it lets them get into higher level content quicker than any other route, just because it is so much easier than running a 2 bar dps, healing or tanking. Whenever we post open trial runs (both vet and normal) we always have to fill the support roles from our more experienced teams who are running HMs because none of the new players sign up for those roles; This is despite having channels just to answer questions about builds etc… and running classes in VC to help them out. Less and less players are showing up to the classes and the QA threads since the empower changes, because they aren’t interested in learning something that is harder if they can get into the content they want to do with the HA builds Instead there’s just a ton of posts both in guild chat and on discord looking for people to farm wayrest and tempest isle with Normal trial runs are also harder to fill in guilds, as people slap on a HA build and go ok I meet the minimum dps requirement for vet trials, so I’ll just go straight into that and skip doing normal; Especially since there’s no gear worth farming from trials if you’re in a HA build
@alexbrowne9566 Жыл бұрын
@@connor_____9236 HA are a minority and a lot of people don't want to run that. I've been promoting oaken to friends who were struggling and it's been a godsend for them. But me? I am tank and zenkosh DK, I love my own playstyle. People have individual tastes
@BradleyCTurner Жыл бұрын
Ill be honest, the combat in eso for me and many people ive tried to get to play sucks, this build makes me actually engage in content more. Thats my casual take on it lol.
@realdhop Жыл бұрын
Do people not realize how hard it has been getting people together for trials and such? The more people that can do higher DPS the better. If the developers wanted to shrink the gap between high-end players and everyone else mission accomplished stop complaining. It’s so aggravating when people complain about the way someone else plays the game and have fun doing it that way. Just because you wouldn’t play that way doesn’t mean you get to gate keep And try to say they don’t belong or are lesser than you… Touch grass
@glenndhorallmyxlvntx9294 Жыл бұрын
Well said right on point
@xnbk-yotiex5247 Жыл бұрын
@St.petersEye Жыл бұрын
3 weeks into game, nothing but gatekeepers. Fk guilds too toxic, they take it too seriously and need to get a life hard. Touch grass and Touch brain button and turn the fker on.
@lt.danicecream Жыл бұрын
Never understood this at all. Ive been playing for almost 8yrs and dont care who I get grouped with. I dont care what they run, how much they die, how much damage they do, or if they want to do the dungeon quest. I do what I can to help them and not be a dick.
@lt.danicecream Жыл бұрын
​@@St.petersEye You'll find ppl that are like minded. As I've said. I have almost 8yrs in the game and could careless what your experience level is. The ppl I learned from had the same attitude as me, and those are the ppl that taught me. They are out there.
@gibran6190 Жыл бұрын
I don’t expect anything when I PUG however I’ve noticed drastically better DPS when I do PUG(by obvious heavy attack builds) and I love it.
@cookingkoalas1380 Жыл бұрын
I love it too
@AJ-eh1sh Жыл бұрын
I stopped tanking a month or so after U35 because the percentage of terrible DPS groups, even in RNDs, became seriously unfun. Maybe it was just bad luck, or because of experienced players quitting the game, but it was the least enjoyable time I've had in the game. However, a couple weeks ago, I needed transmutes, so I gritted my teeth and tanked a bunch of randoms and base game vet pledges..... I have to give credit where credit is due. Now that HA builds have caught on, average DPS is way up, and tanking is much more enjoyable than it was before U35. For all the poor communication, head scratching nerfs, and self-inflicted turmoil, ZOS at least deserves credit for finding a path to improving the PUG experience.
@alexbrowne9566 Жыл бұрын
This is my take. HA are really nice to run with when you are tank. They also tend to be solid and reliable, due to major resolve and other defensive buffs of oakensoul
@r3v3ngercsgo22 Жыл бұрын
Lol do u enjoy tanking with heavy attackers who pull everything (yeah they will not die) but then why are u there.. i do often random vets with my gf and we go 1 support 1 dps still find heavy attackers who pulls in random vets and ruin my experience of tanking i would rather take 1 random with low dps then a heavy attacker who ruins my tanking experience..
@gibran6190 Жыл бұрын
@@r3v3ngercsgo22 1. Tanks/healers honestly aren’t needed in most content if the DPS are competent, this has been true LONG before the ring ever released. 2. People DPS or otherwise have always pulled ran ahead of the group, that has been a thing again LONG before the ring was introduced. Saying you want someone with low DPS over someone with high who also doesn’t die is completely bonkers. You’re definitely in the minority in that opinion.
@theplague5737 Жыл бұрын
For those that have mixed feelings, please understand that the highest form of Endgame content is score-pushing. This requires the most optimum builds and highest DPS to be competitive - which isnt achievable with a full group of heavy attack bulds. So for true endgame/ record scores pushing, heavy attacks builds don't have an impact on those 0.01% of competitive players. Heavy attack builds are a great way for players to clear the content, Heavy attack builds can't go further than that because THEN they will need to invest in a more optimized build which will require ''skill'' to achieve extremely high scores. People shouldn't gatekeep content just because players are clearing trails. If the heavy attack builds WERE getting world record scores with a low entry requirement then that would be a problem, but right now heavy attack builds are good for vet-endgame content.
@jasonmpease Жыл бұрын
Agreed. VAS is what, 6 years old at this point? Sure people or clearing old hard mode trials but back when they came out DPS was like 60k at the top end. lol. Sure it’s fun but it’s not any huge accomplishment. Nobody is getting Swashbuckler Supreme with HA builds.
@codgemeister1 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. An oakensoul/HA build will typically do only 60-70% of a 2-bar 'weaving'' build so what's the problem. Most casual players problems are around PVE game mechanics... not dps particularly and the latest HA builds make that slightly easier to learn. But you STILL have to learn them.
@Michael_Turner Жыл бұрын
Heavy attacks give you back Stamina, but not in this context.
@Michael_Turner Жыл бұрын
And, to be honest, a great DPS measuring OpTic is engagements per 10. The higher the number, the greater the impact.
@BloodyStigmata Жыл бұрын
"This promotes laziness from people unwilling to work yet want the same rewards." I mean, lazy or not, less skilled or not, they're actually doing the fucking content where they otherwise wouldn't have and perhaps, I don't know, bought a carry or something.
@Liohlon Жыл бұрын
Exactly and most people are using it to learn vet trial mechanics or attempt normal trials for the first time.
@andycross5801 Жыл бұрын
i have a sorc which runs a 1bar HA build - I play on console and do quite often suffer with bar switch lag which then gets frustrating, I also have some wrist/finger problems which can also affect switching bars. Yes, I am hitting reasonable DPS on this build to get content done but have also got 2 bar builds on the same toon which are in the same ballpark figures but take a lot more work. I play the game for fun and not to get stressed out.
@jinxedcat9843 Жыл бұрын
I'm in the same boat, the bar switch lag is such a nightmare when i try to use 2bars and i haven't played my other dps besides my sorc because of it :\
@lt.danicecream Жыл бұрын
The more you gate keep, the more restrictions you implement, the less ppl you'll have playing the game. Then those groups will be whining womdering why they can't find new recruits for trials, dungs etc.
@michellepartridge8558 Жыл бұрын
I have damaged tendons in my arm, I have to use a controller to even play, playing for extended periods is painful, the oaken soul sorc heavy build works well for me. I still play many 2 bar builds, it's just nice to run through a daily random, or pledges without being in pain.
@Jale.V Жыл бұрын
Something I've heard from Endgame players breaking into the scorepush realm is that oaken builds gives you a pass on mechanics "JUST LEARN THE MECHS" they cry and that it hands you a Trifecta. While yes this mythic has made in particular IR (vas+2 trifecta) much more easily acquired, you still gotta know the mechs. One group I've been doing it with has spent about 5 weeks now, 2 hours a week, to get the achievement and have not yet. Where as I've gotten it twice in 2 open pug runs, just this last week, with people who *cough* know the mechs (still half the group without the achievement). In CR, yes oaken builds skips the Voltaic mech, but so do just regular 1 bar builds, or werewolf builds. When we attempted a oaken vCR+3, we couldnt clear cause it was a skill issue, the build didn't hand us the trifecta. Now I am not the best player, my fingers are kinda stiff from injuries and working with my hands alot, so I am usually pretty low CPM. HA build doesn't really help that for me, it hurts to keep that button held down for 2 hours, that I'll swap fingers to do so. I am pretty indifferent to using oaken builds or not, and find more enjoyment out of the game with experimentation. What about Ring of Pale Order in solo arenas?? Does using that mythic in solo arenas wrong to use? or Any mythic??
@therealfjcthulhu Жыл бұрын
It feels healthy to view these HA builds as a tool in your toolbox that you use for certain jobs. The HA builds will take some players to places they've never been -- awesome! This is great, and I think the game needs it. My hope is that players on the HA path discover that it leads them to a better understanding of item sets, abilities, min/maxing stats and eventually exploring more complex builds. Because like everything in ESO...the ride is going to end one day. Enjoy it while it lasts. When the next "thing" comes around, you're going to be left behind if you get stuck in a hole with these builds. Use this hot spot to learn, build and enjoy your game and who knows, you might accidentally learn something along the way. The "drama" around this is mostly projection. It's really not that bad. There's so many HA sorcs out there that Craglorn looks like a Jurassic Park sequel you bought off Wish. Sure, there's a vocal minority who have to fling their opinion on everybody -- but the majority of players don't care about your build unless you're taking too long to kill things or parsing the floor.
@TheTyronecus Жыл бұрын
As someone who tanks vet trials(VDSR, VRG, etc) I fully support HA builds. Easy way to get people into harder content to teach them mechanics without worrying about roto.
@Liohlon Жыл бұрын
@Rodneybow Жыл бұрын
I mean the end game community consists of less than 5% of the community... HA has opened this up to so many more. I can get significantly more damage not using a HA build, but HA has allowed me to really learn mechs with less stress and increase my survival rate.
@RJrules64 Жыл бұрын
5%??? more like 0.001% 5% is one in 20 players. Less than 5% of players have even done vet dlc dungeons. Less than 1% of players do vet trials way less than that do vet dlc HM trials way less than that do trifectas way less than that do endgame
@alexbrowne9566 Жыл бұрын
HA doesn't hurt anyone, actually benefits a vast majority of the community in many different ways. This whole debate is just an ego story
@joetheagent Жыл бұрын
I've actually been trying a lighting staff heavy attack builds on and off since back in the day when XYNode was talking about them with his "EZsorc" build years ago. People HATED him for that build. And they would trip out on you for daring to use it. Now that its actually pushing some decent dps due to Oakensoul people are losing their minds. The gatekeepy attitudes are gross.
@silentseashore Жыл бұрын
That's because these Oakensoul builds are tried and tested with actual parses and numbers behind them, not some random theorycraft generated by a KZbinr who's never to date shared a parse, or numbers, and is known to mute/ban people from his stream for asking questions/critiquing. No one's gatekeeping anyone - people with at least one active braincell knows which one's legit and which one's shit.
@cookingkoalas1380 Жыл бұрын
There are people with physical disabilities too that make it hard for them too keep up with content. Oakensoul has been a huge game changer for them.
@attinger117 Жыл бұрын
People don’t dislike xynode for his heavy attack build. They dislike him because he is rude and badmouths endgame players for playing meta builds. He’s like the definition of a toxic casual.
@irishsage2459 Жыл бұрын
​@@attinger117 I'll add his attitude is especially weird (Xynode) because he himself will run meta builds. Relequen on every single stamina build. Piller of Nirn. Then he trashes "meta" when he uses it himself. He's a hypocrite on top of being extremely egotistical. He's all fine if you agree with everything he says. Lots to dislike about the guy.
@attinger117 Жыл бұрын
@@irishsage2459 Right? He will talk shit about meta players but then spend an hour talking about details for his builds and how each choice matters... I'm like thats literally what meta builds do, except at least they perform at the peak.
@AhamkaraMommy Жыл бұрын
If you downright hate Oakensoul and want a "sense of pride and accomplishment" perhaps, and this is just a thought, perhaps it's time to go touch some grass.
@RangerErnsy Жыл бұрын
It seems fitting that Riven is making this comment. I suddenly have a craving for cheese.
@kinglewieiii310 Жыл бұрын
I’ll never understand why PVE players care what other PVE players do. You aren’t competing against each other, you’re killing NPCs. If heavy attack builds were outperforming traditional DPS builds I’d understand the concern, but that’s not the case.
@connor_____9236 Жыл бұрын
That’s not the actual issue, the problem is the division it creates between players within the same raid group. They all get the same rewards, some have to do tons of work and spend lots of time learning and practicing (support dps, healers, tanks), others have to do very little both in terms of time investment to learn to play and in the raid itself… how do you fill a roster when all there is, is HA builds because it’s the easiest way to the same endpoint? How do you convince people to play the other roles mentioned? It creates an inherent carry for the people using the HA builds with no additional reward for the group support players extra work
@esoislife9961 Жыл бұрын
Tanks and healer were getting the carry for a long time, who cares anymore.
@codgemeister1 Жыл бұрын
@@connor_____9236 I know what a healer and a tank is but, what's a 'support dps'? As to the 'learning and practising'... are we talking about mechanics here? Everyone has to do that as otherwise they'll spend most of the time dead, certainly in hard content. So your statement that they don't have to 'learn to play', simply isn't true, is it. If you mean learning and practising their rotations, that's because that's what the 2-bar weaving setups they've chosen to use, require. How is that someone else's fault? I don't complain when I'm having to 'res' a melee guy who's standing next to the boss and he's turned around and clattered them for the umpteenth time or because that guy didn't understand a specific mechanic that I did. The fact is people STILL have to know how to play the game to do the harder content so what's the problem?
@skipperg4436 Жыл бұрын
PvE players ARE competing against each other, and quite viciously. Killing NPCs is easy and grow boring really fast. Getting damage numbers higher than other players however... its all that matters for DDs. If only ZOS made some kind of leaderboards for dungeons and trial completion times with some kind of visible rewards for that...
@connor_____9236 Жыл бұрын
@@codgemeister1 As you get into harder content, the support dps role is introduced in order to be able to get your group damage high enough to make it through hard mode trial content it is a necessity. Essentially a support dps will wear gear sets that increase overall group dps, usually at the cost of a personal dps loss. The sets that are run to do this cannot be run require 2 bar LA weaving setups to apply the set effect with appropriate uptimes. Examples of some support dps sets are: z’en’s, alkosh, elemental catalyst, martial knowledge, master architect/war machine. In my current raid group about 4 of the 8 dps are running some sort of support role, where they have to manage a buff or debuff uptime to help the group, as well as doing damage. The biggest complaint you hear from raid leads about the HA builds is that they provide nothing to the other members of the group and normally need the dps not running support sets (I.e. parse dps) to be pushing higher numbers than the HA build caps out at to make up for the damage the other players in the group lose by having to run support sets. So HA users will reach a point where they can no longer progress, without going back to the drawing board and learning LA weaving. My issue is that there is no clear path to move from an HA build into learning the objectively more difficult double bar LA weaving play style. Theoretically in a game you want to reward improvements in player skill, but there is no room for the progression with the HA build, the floor and the ceiling in terms of damage are negligible in difference, so once players hit that ceiling their only option to improve is to relearn combat which will initially result in a dps loss To clarify/respond to the learn to play thing. I meant learn to do damage, not learn to do mechanics. I.e. spend time on a dummy practicing to be able to put out decent damage numbers 2 bar LA weaving setups require hours and hours of practice in this manner, HA builds require virtually none. Support dps require even more than regular 2 bar dps of this because they also have to worry about uptimes as well as doing damage.
@1848revolt Жыл бұрын
I don't care what anyone plays. And I play the way I want. I mostly pvp. You like heavy attack builds? Good. You hate oakensoul? Don't use it.
@Bongwater33 Жыл бұрын
Im using oakensoul because Im an old lady with slow reflexes, I had trouble remembering to use my second bar alot of times so its perfect for me, now I can run around and do content for fun!
@fytbvro Жыл бұрын
The ESO new player experience: 1. Join ESO 2. Realise you can just buy 3 million gold selling crown crates in game 3. Realise endgame gameplay is just you holding down one button the whole time 4. Leave ESO
@eldenmox5525 Жыл бұрын
I understand some who are upset because the build allows for those who are less skilled to be able to do what they can with less effort. However in my opinion I just wish we had more options for builds with the same effectiveness but with other playstyles and weapons and such. I hope this doesn’t get the 1 bar build nerfed but rather be the base for which the developers can bring other playstyles up to compare to it. The 1 bar build currently is just much better in actual content due to not losing stacks of rele for example and also the tankiness. With other builds that hit over 100k if you mess up in the slightest your parse is fucked meaning that in actual content you are never getting close to what you get on a perfect parse.
@kylebarclay9352 Жыл бұрын
I feel mixed at times about the build, but overall positive. I love that the game has been opened to the low-mid tier dps, but now a lot of end game raiders are resorting to this build for completing content more easily. The build has very high survivability, especially if you have your group running the healing morph of the bird. I'm having a heck of a time using this build in VAS2 and getting clears with ppl who raid and don't have their complete yet. I've been with a few groups who we had skinned 6+ ppl (including supports that have never step foot in there). The build just feels perfect for vas2 tho, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I think a lot of people get upset at the fact that running this build makes things "easy mode". 🤔 But I look at end game raiders running it more as a strategy for certain activities. You have to be pretty well optimized to make it work in all content. My biggest complaint (and this is prolly more of my ego) is that I'm seeing people pop unchained with 1 tank+3 sorc heavy attacks left and right. I'm currently working on my 2nd unchained with a group and we're getting consistent (we gona pop in any day now), but have been in there for a long minute. We've had a dozen groups now pass us and pop in with just a fraction of the prog using that heavy att build. 😳 that said, when we pop it, our time+score will be much higher than those running it.
@dadshirt6681 Жыл бұрын
unironically a skill issue brotha
@Flustershy Жыл бұрын
I personally think Oakensoul is the best addition ESO has had in years, it has opened 10x the build variety for me at least. My problem with 2 bars is very simple... It's the same shit different class type of deal. It doesn't matter if I'm on my Warden, Necro or Templar, before oakensoul it was same shit on each class, all the duration skills like caltrops, Netch, Lotus, bonearmor etc to the backbar, toggle them on, switch bars, and toggle back to it to refresh, same shit each class. Now with oakensoul, I don't need to slot things like Ice armor on warden necessarily, or bone armor on necro, I can also now skip things like magelight or expert hunter, and I can straight up ignore sets like mighty chudan or toothrow. And if you don't like Oakensoul that's fine, you don't need to use it, and if it somehow ruins your experience with ESO, I think its more about the player using the ring and not the ring itself. (I have met the most toxic players running dungeons with Pale Order, but just because the players are crap doesn't make me go to the forums and youtube crying about pale order being the problem)
@nandog2597 Жыл бұрын
I don’t get why people cry so much 🤦🏾‍♂️this is a PVE MMO let’s be honest only a few people play PVP
@midnightsoulband9320 Жыл бұрын
theres no build diversity with oakansoul what are you talking about haha
@strychen Жыл бұрын
Gatekeepers are what ruin online games. Players who take it upon themselves to make others feel lesser because they didn’t sink as much of their lives into the game.
@IBeTehNinja Жыл бұрын
The only gatekeeping in eso is ur ability to type in a youtube search bar🥱
@gibran6190 Жыл бұрын
No blue horse mount for you if you don’t play 14 hours a day you filthy casual.
@strychen Жыл бұрын
@@IBeTehNinja you could replace ESO with literally any other game and your sentence would still work. We happen to be in an age of outrage. Everyone mad that others don’t play like them….. growing up in the south, I equate it to some religious mom getting mad at me for wearing a metal T shirt. People drinking poison and waiting for their enemies to die. Lol
@strychen Жыл бұрын
@@gibran6190 when the game starts forcing my PS5 to print out paychecks for my time spent, I’ll play 14 hrs a day. Side not: must be nice to have so much free time. Lol. I have hobbies and a job to juggle against my gaming time. Lol.
@individual116 Жыл бұрын
Toxic casual
@davidjohn758 Жыл бұрын
I use Oakensoul, here in Australia it's super fun to play with lots of lag. Oakensoul allows us to preform well for a group with our handicap due to no servers this side of the pond.
@teresam.2531 Жыл бұрын
There are a couple things I don't like about the HA build - first, in highly mobile fights, as a kite healer I have observed a lot of HA players out of position, because they're trying to HA while they should be moving from position to position. This is pretty important in fights like vCR+3 or vAS+2. If they are willing to drop their HAs and get into position, then I have no problem with it. Also as a healer, all the flappy birds are definitely a pain, as they are always right in my face (like Maws and tanks). I am ambivalent and fairly unhappy about all the raids lately that specify either all HA or no HA builds. It's hard enough to get a trial group right now without those limitations on the roster. Finally I do agree that it's helpful to players with ping issues or hand/arm issues which are very common among older players. I use oakensoul myself on a warden and plar for overland and solo arena content to make dps more accessible to me. But as a healer, I don't really care what you do as long as you are not sacrificing positioning or necessary mechs to trying to be HA parsing,
@dadshirt6681 Жыл бұрын
heavy attack is literally best in slot for vAS+2 rn what are you talking about lol
@teresam.2531 Жыл бұрын
@@dadshirt6681 not if the interrupter is too busy HA-ing to get to the interrupt quickly and kills the group over and over ... this is what I mean by a tendency to ignore critical mechs to finish the HA. maybe there should be 7 HA sorcs and one actual interrupter >.>
@codgemeister1 Жыл бұрын
@@teresam.2531 Good point, You STILL have to be able to play the game. No build, gear, skill or anything ELSE will change that.
Endgame players are busting balls nonstop.Good for anyone who broke the 100k barrier with his/her rotation.Let people use whatever set up they want.Say no to this dps tyranny and just enjoy the damn thing.
@franciscasepulveda4370 Жыл бұрын
I actually just got back into the game after 3 years of not playing. I got back in because of the new chapter dropping in June. (I love Dunmer lore) That Oakensoul build for my main sorc is what helped me get back into the game faster since all my gear was very old meta. I'm actually having fun in ESO since I'm not worrying about dying too often. It's not a perfect handicap. I often solo PvE since I love doing quests and reading the lore. People can stay mad about the build I guess. I'm just happy I can finally do some Craglorn quests by myself. And honestly, once the new chapter drops there is going to be a new meta. I haven't been in the community for a while, but I do remember how often things change. I don't see what the big deal is.
@einz Жыл бұрын
I'm a casual player. Always hated this weaving mechanic as well as 2 bars, dropped the game many times cuz of that. Finally I can play and enjoy my playstyle without being a useless anchor in my group.
@overnow Жыл бұрын
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the value of a build with simple execution when you're learning content that is new to you but your teammates know. This might be more relevant on console since we don't have add-ons but when I try a vet trial/dungeon for the first time on my 2-bar builds I'm significantly more likely to either miss a mech or get so focused on mechs that I'm losing big DPS. By going through the first time on my OakenSorc. I get to focus way more on the mechanics, and the specific animations and patterns while still doing decent DPS and not being a liability to my team. The first few times I drive to a new office for work I use GPS as a crutch. But after a short period of time I know the route. I know the tricky little turn that's easy to miss, I know what time I need to leave to arrive on time, etc. Hell maybe I've even found my own shortcut
@fytbvro Жыл бұрын
If we added another CP slot you'd all instantly boycott the game for raising the ceiling... yet you can make any 3 year old parse 80k by slapping on 1 ring and if we complain we're braindead. Double standards are crazy
@Sithishe Жыл бұрын
Bar switching in ESO seemed always kind of dumb to me, and btw, attack bar/buff bar thing is really getting old and annoying and stupid. This ring challenges status quo and that is good
@Ares_Sorrow Жыл бұрын
I think the Oakensoul ring is a good idea. It enables players who don't have mental or physical capability to play the game properly. I have a friend who has arthritis, and she can't bar swap very well or even play the game all too well because of it, and she had 49K at the beginning of February. She now has 80K on a heavy attack sorc, and she couldn't be happier. Sure, it's an easy way to play the game, but is that seriously a bad thing? Does everything NEED to be hard to achieve for the people who are mentally or physically unable to perform as well as others?
@Eweyhen Жыл бұрын
There are so many bigger issues in the game than HA builds wtf are these people on.
@kiwitea2451 Жыл бұрын
The slow rotation is good training towards light attack rotations, imo. It's also very welcome for high ping players, where hitting a skill doesn't always immediately proc it where you expect it within the rotation.
@mariop8852 Жыл бұрын
Mid tier player here and I don't understand why anyone cares so much. having an easy build doesnt remove complex builds. Plus if you need a DPS fill you know you can always trust that they won't be holding back teams.
@ayufever1978 Жыл бұрын
first of all i confess two things- that i use the oakensorc because i am lazy, and idgaf about vet trials or pvp (those two things bring out the worst in people). i prefer to play heals. i am very comfortable in the role, so i can jump in and do the job 👍🏼 i just do not possess the required investments of time, effort, and dedication to “learn” how to properly dps because of commitments to lots of other games and a rapidly fading interest in ESO. i do not play ESO as much as i used to, and oakensorc opened up a lot of doors for me. most importantly i HAVE FUN WITH IT !!! no group i have been in has ever complained about HA builds, but i dont do vet trials.
@gg05irgm Жыл бұрын
The fact is this: Sweaty rotation with a ton of skills on a non-optimized combat system where you need to constantly rotate between ability bars and keep up a ton of minor durations from both bars is not enjoyable for most people. That is just a fact. If nerfed into the ground most of those ppl will simply do badly instead because they dont enjoy being overly sweatlordly. I've been a top dps'er when i was younger in mmo's but i no longer value being a sweatlord and as i grow older i get so tired of games opting for increasingly overcomplicated and convoluted rotations that simply dont feel enjoyable. Heavy attack builds are a way off from top performing builds of top sweatlords. What is gonna happen is prob some nerf to oakensoul and empower changed to light/heavy at a lower value. And then have maybe 76-80k dps builds and in practical terms like 50k dps builds.
@alexbrowne9566 Жыл бұрын
Don't expect them to nerf oakensoul any time soon, they don't treat mythics like common sets, they're meant to be game changing and ZoS typically resist nerfing mythics into obscurity. Oakensoul is exactly where they want it in terms of balance. It's not as good as 2 bar builds but is an awesome accessibility option. Will people only be happy if they can flame disadvantaged players for being shit?
@illfaded2125 Жыл бұрын
I know as someone who has just begun playing in December that you’re honesty and voice of reason has helped me navigate the waters of an extremely complicated game socially and mechanically! I appreciate you bro!
@ArkAngelRonin Жыл бұрын
While I feel Oakensoul is for those who are looking for an accessibility in their build, there is a sense of feeling rewarded for a good 2-Bar DPS build. At the same time, we should not be gatekeeping Oakensoul users over the fact that they have a "Skill Issue." When I help people setup their DPS builds, I did give them the option to use Oakensoul, but once they are ready to take off the training wheels, they can feel free to take it off. ESO really needs to have more viable ways to play to actually flourish, so that builds are not always this, "2-Bar, Dual Wield Front Bar, Two-Handed Back Bar, and this works for both Magic and Stamina" way of playing. The gatekeeping culture of this game has always been out of hand, which is why the devs are looking for ways to shrink the gap between high-end players and those who are trying to get into Vet content. Let people run Oakensoul and Heavy Attack builds if that is how they are getting high DPS, I'd say.
@ashleeedb Жыл бұрын
Wow - you're right - it is the most pointless debate ever, lol! I can not believe how many are super invested in how other people do content in a VIDEO GAME?! I don't have Oakensoul, because I don't have High Isle. Should I rant at people who do, because I don't have access to it? No, because that's stupid. It's a game, I don't get to tell others how to enjoy their free time. Edited for clarity
@cleverbotevie1262 Жыл бұрын
Eso's combat is mid at best and not very skill expressive to begin with. Oakensoul let's people that are not sweaty try hards enjoy the game. If you don't like the build don't use it. Double bar build will always be overall more effective. It's literally that simple. People should stop complaining about how other people decide to play a video game and touch some grass.
@wynngwynn Жыл бұрын
I have shoulder issues and I can LA weave it just really hurts. This makes it so I can do multiple raids in a row without an issue.
@Grey_Skiesz Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Nefas! Preach!! 🙌🏽
@drsrjones1369a Жыл бұрын
My main complaint with all the HA sorcs is that trials are getting really annoying with all the flappy birds in the group. I can't see crap most of the time LOL
@grzes848909 Жыл бұрын
so let me get this straight. People who spent hours if not days even worth of time perfecting rotation infront of testing dummies at guild halls for half a day, every day, are pissed that one item single handedly makes all their practice potentialy obsolete? Yeah that sounds like a genuine skill issue.
@wdeemarwdeemar8739 Жыл бұрын
I have played this game since 2014 the people who Complain are usually not very good players. It’s why I loathe pugging dungeons.
@DefyLegends. Жыл бұрын
As an end game player I can say, oakenchad Strat only works if you know and understand mechanics. The reason this stuff looks so easy is because everyone knows what to do already…. Timmy isn’t going to get his first trifecta ever because he slapped a ring on and just held his left mouse down
@codgemeister1 Жыл бұрын
The mechanics make more difference than dps in most content but PARTICULARY on the harder content. If you miss the orbs in vGD, (which only require a light attack anyway), you're gonna wipe. There is NO amount of dps that's going to change that. Looking at the time nefas gets in this trial it's roughly double the fastest time in a properly set up 2 bar raid group... so why is ANY of this a problem? I've been trying to help some people in my guild feel like they're contributing and these builds help me in that regard so why is that a problem for someone I don't even know. More to the point, what the hell's it got to do with them anyway?
@Nikephorus Жыл бұрын
Not sure why certain people are so angry about oakensoul/heavy attack builds. It's great if you just feel like playing chill, or if you have a hard time with bar swapping, but still want to do some of the harder content in the game. Raising the bottom up to get more people into endgame content is a good thing isn't it?
@Despond Жыл бұрын
It's great as long as it's balanced and there's still incentive to eventually leave them to be better. If they are performing too closely to optimal builds/skill all while being 50x easier then that's poor balance.
@joetheagent Жыл бұрын
People being mad at Nefas for doing videos about this build should just go on over to Deltia's channel and yell at him first because he turned me on to this build weeks go. The gatekeeping attitude from the haters is unreal. You were too nice to them Nefas.
@colonian83 Жыл бұрын
people really be going for gold in the down bad olympics
@unclesasuke6858 Жыл бұрын
Imagine being upset by more players becoming capable of completing content. LOL. I hate gatekeeping in games.
@tomguglielmo9805 Жыл бұрын
Imagine your groups consistently being wiped by one bar dorks that think they are God's gift to gaming, when people hitting 125k+ are following mechanics and oakdorks are wiping groups going afk 40 feet away from group
@unclesasuke6858 Жыл бұрын
@Tom Guglielmo Any ranged build can do that.... It has nothing to do with Oakensoul. Not a valid argument.
@Nikephorus Жыл бұрын
@@tomguglielmo9805 That has nothing to do with oakensoul heavy attack builds, but a player not following mechanics. Even if he was using a two bar build you would still have the same result. That's a very weird argument you got going on.
@jinxedcat9843 Жыл бұрын
​@@tomguglielmo9805 that's not a thing, just a fake situation you made in ur head.
@jinxedcat9843 Жыл бұрын
​@@tomguglielmo9805 most HA builds are because the user can't bar swap and be quick asf for mental or physical limitations and oakensoul has let them play endgame without being a burden. Stop being a dick.
@lef1970 Жыл бұрын
I don’t care - dudes can beat on things with a banana peel if they want as long as I get the clear.
@ambotaku Жыл бұрын
There are different kinds of gamers playing ESO. Psychologically there are "explorers", "achievers", "killers" and "socializers" and any player is a unique mix of those. Also therer are young, old or disabled player and ESO should not discriminate or block any content for any kind of player to be really succesful. Weaving light attacks is difficult for disabled or elder players and no fun at all for others. So Zenimax reacted with the easy to play Oakensoul one bar builds. That may seem unfair for the "achiever" type gamers, but others have paid the same for the game and should be able to access all the content the paid for. The "explorer" type of gamers have no fun at all with "dextery game content" at all and unimaginitive hitting some dummys for many hours to get able to enjoy that game.
@pixadavid Жыл бұрын
They shouldn't nerf oakensoul. What they should do is come out with even more sets aimed at making different playstyles endgame viable. And, sure, balance them all a it less than LA weaving so the current elite get to remain on top.
@SmugTheClown Жыл бұрын
I made it 9 secs into the video and yes they should they fact heavy armor set can get you the highest DPS in the hand needs to be fix people don't understand that one heavy attack is like a bow ult with AOE that is free to use without resources lost
@CrayvenMithras Жыл бұрын
I love your examination of that NBA analogy. It really is like you said with letting teams participate with lower standarts. Which strangely enough is comparable to Cyrodil where random PvPer encounter Ballgroups :D
@Slayrpunk Жыл бұрын
I’m going to come clean. I was a bit indifferent when it came to HA builds. Didn’t hate them, just didn’t use since I’m a cro main. Made a crojo build just to farm the vas polymorph plus tan some other content now I’m hooked! 😅
@alexbrowne9566 Жыл бұрын
Me too but now I'm on board
@aa306911 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the best videos you’ve ever made. Also why would someone attack Skinny of all people?!
@cameronbachman8161 Жыл бұрын
"Is an easy way to get fairly decent damage ruining the game?" No people WANT SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT some people are toxic cry baby's at their core.
@brendansmith-mj8vx Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with you. To much toxicity. At the end of the day, it's a game
@Despond Жыл бұрын
LA weaving has always been annoying AF.
@ipathvvv Жыл бұрын
It’s great to know there are content creators and amazing players like yourself who are for more accessibility! Thanks for all that you do!
@kiserlee5471 Жыл бұрын
If you want accessibility play a mobile game RPG, they literally play themselves they are the epitome of accessibility
@irishsage2459 Жыл бұрын
​@@kiserlee5471 You need to go outside more. Touch a boob or something....more to life than worrying about what other people do in a video game. A dying one at that. Keep putting that nail in the coffin bro....your attitude helps kill it more and more.
@kiserlee5471 Жыл бұрын
@@irishsage2459 you're still replying, we both need to go outside lmao
@Riko_XIII Жыл бұрын
Oakensoul raised the floor without lowering the ceiling. Heavy attack builds, however, are a bit over tuned. Just a little.
@troyskillman5397 Жыл бұрын
I am PVE player and I don’t care how other PVE players play I am playing the way I want to play.
@HiryuNikai Жыл бұрын
Personally I never liked 2 bar combat or light weaving and it was the reason I left ESO for a long time. I like the idea of having 2 weapons and skillbars, but swapping them for better rotation is just not user friendly IMO. When I see animation cancels due to light weaving and weapon swapping I feel like this combat style is just bad game design. Animations can't keep up. The "skill" comes from tracking 10 dots and timing light attacks, but it also makes every build the same. Apply buffs and dots, cast spammable once and get back to dots. This is not the thing I want to spend time learning when I play MMO. In other games if you don't like DOT gameplay, you can just pick another class, that focuses on nukes or comboes etc. Heavy attack builds and templars channelled DPS are 2 playstyles that bring a little variety. In terms of combat ESO feels like it's still in 2010 and for me, oaken soul ring is a step in right direction. Ofc every game becomes easier and easier as new items are added, so diminishing achievements of people who did difficult stuff with difficult builds is inevitable. I do like having more competent people due to easier gameplay. Now I would love to see a necromancer that focuses on rising dead rather than just keeping dots up, a shapeshifting warden and more mechanics stolen from wow. I think the combo system on arcanist is also a good step towards variety. Now we need warrior rage system for more melee DPS, buffs for usung several abilities of same or oposing elements etc. Make combat mechanics more challenging, not the combat. Would if be more fun if you also had to press a button every 2 seconds for your character to breathe? I mean... it requires skill, right?
@summerbrez Жыл бұрын
Scheme at 1:49 perfectly sums it all up xD
@beowulf26 Жыл бұрын
The only thing that needs to stop is people getting kicked from groups for wearing Oakensoul. People just want to clear content and whatever or however you do it should be the end of it.
@rusty2969 Жыл бұрын
People just don't get it man, I personally prefer to use a LA build over HA builds. However, I'm thankful for the existence of Oakensoul as it's kept many of the trial runs I'm in alive. Whether that's the GH prog I'm currently in or the casual Craglorn runs I do with the social guilds I'm in. We wouldn't be able to fill out rosters without it.
@youtubedislikebutton752 Жыл бұрын
This is a good reason to buff jabs back, people want easy high damage it opens the game for so many people.
@murfturf4366 Жыл бұрын
Don't particularly have a problem with heavy attack builds, but when it's at the point where Right trigger goes Brrrr, and can clear almost all content, I genuinely think that there is a balancing issue. I understand not everyone has the time to game, but when the "pinnacle difficulty" content can be cleared by just holding RT, something tells me there's a problem. Idk just a thought.
@Titansdragon75 Жыл бұрын
What's interesting is that similar dps can be reached with one bar light attack builds, without even using oakensoul. 1 bar was viable long before oakensoul.
@highfivemistertorque4537 Жыл бұрын
They shouldnt allow add-ons if people are complaining about oaken 💀
@Sithishe Жыл бұрын
how do you get Oakensoul ring?
@individual116 Жыл бұрын
It’s the best thing ever for me so pls don’t nerf it
@KamienTV Жыл бұрын
As a returning played that missed quite a few DLC Oakensoul builds seemed like a more casual way to build a toon to get back into the game and then start working towards end game content builds.
@Almadanee Жыл бұрын
HA might be lazy but its a wonderful thing to other players to finally reach greater achievements. I'm a 4 years eso player where 250-300 is normal ping in our country and i have never reached 90k because of skill delays. I got frustrated many times and just gave up because there is nothing we can do about it. Many players in my country stopped playing because of latency issue. If only ZOS put Asian Server or closer things would be different.
@xboxgamerz22 Жыл бұрын
I use one bar because it easier and fun on xbox.
@jtrankgaming9052 Жыл бұрын
As a new player I love the oakensoul ring. Its boring to play but it allows me to learn game mechanics as I collect better gear and unlock the skill lines and equipment traits to craft the gear for more advanced builds. Not having to upgrade 1 piece of jewelry and a set of back up weapons was a massive help to me when I was super new and didn’t have the gold, mats or skill lines upgraded enough to make 12 pieces of yellow gear. Now that I am more comfortable with the game as a whole and have progressed a bit I am playing more content without needing to use oakensoul.
@Tactialscrub Жыл бұрын
Oakensoul is great for accessibility I don’t think one bar builds should be hitting 100k or be able to outright ignore some mechanics I think what’s probably gunna happen is a slight empower nerf and maybe a survivability nerf if zos decided to do something about oakensoul
@Liohlon Жыл бұрын
100k for HA and 140k for 2 Bar seems pretty fair, HA shouldn't be nerfed below 90k though because the people hitting 100k dps on HA aren't the lower levels or newer players using oakensoul.
@mufasafalldown8401 Жыл бұрын
It's mostly people that used to be somewhat dominant in X activity are now faced with more competition, overall. Basically, people need to focus on themselves and their own experience.
@braxen3937 Жыл бұрын
Oakensoul is something that is sent from above to those that cannot run 2-bar bar-swapping-every-5-seconds-rotations. But basically these Elitists don't want people who are mechanically inept due to an illness that causes less dexterity in their hands and fingers to play ESO...
@FatCatVibes Жыл бұрын
as you said, in the past 99% of end-gamers started with one mediocre build then moved to a better one. This is the same situation, I really don't understand that war against HA and Oak. P.s. at the end of the day, it's the player that gets IR, not the build. Looking at the beginning of this video, the positioning of the players and the mechanics knoledge are PERFECT, they could achieve the same result with 1Bar builds, 2bar builds and even with blue random gear
@JeffCDollente Жыл бұрын
HA, Oakensoul are great to have and essiential to the current state of ESO. It does a help out a lot of people including veterans like myself and beginners as well. It helps leaning a new class, or dungeon or trial mechanics and soloing world bosses,etc . Good for quick farming gears, champion points, leveling up, gold and materials. HA also compliments soloing with companions. General, I think it helps out the ESO community it a lot of ways. Try to stop thinking of yourself and look at the general picture. We got more players to play with. Another is game population. Would you like more people to play with capable HA people or empty lobby or game to play with? About them gatekeepers well they do get overboard sometime but they are just misunderstood people. lol you do you. Just play ESO how you want to and stay away from negativity in general :)
@alexmitchell2622 Жыл бұрын
Not everyone is a neckbeard, overweight no life gamer than can farm for crap for hours upon hours Majority of people work jobs and don't have time for that.
@jedidotflow Жыл бұрын
Based video, Nefas. Absolutely dunked on that Dunks dork.
@immatoll4375 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty experienced in MMORPGs but the combat system with it's 8 to 9 button 10-second buffs from everywhere (half of it not even class related) you have to press is just garbage game design. All characters are running, jumping, rolling around and spam their buttons with overclipping animations. I actually love playing with the weapons more than pressing all these stupid buttons like playing the piano so I'm fine with the oakensoul. And tbh: Who cares about endgame dps meters and all that stuff in ESO. Man this games endgame is so irrerlevant compared to almost overy other mmorpg. It's actually the only game I really enjoyed for its world and story but never really cared about raids because they are neither well designed nor worth the time.
@elderwiz3165 Жыл бұрын
With Oakensoul I wonder how a normal light attack weave build performs vs a heavy attack build? Both using oakensoul. I think weaving and pressing skills instead of just heavy attacking should always outperform. Has anyone tried it for comparison?
@iuppiterr Жыл бұрын
Yes it depens on the class but heavy attack is on most classes higher in dps, tankyness and sustain
@jeremiahhughes8674 Жыл бұрын
You still have to keep skills up it’s not just HA. 😂
@elderwiz3165 Жыл бұрын
@@jeremiahhughes8674 Skills.. Funny word these days..
@duperbrok3615 Жыл бұрын
I was left speechless after seeing how some care so much about this debate. Indeed it is just a game and what matters in the end is having fun, either solo or in group. Performance and stability ruin the game more than this single item
@LotusOfDoom Жыл бұрын
I spent about 9 months going from only tanking to really trying to become a functional end game DPS. I was able to get myself right up to the 90k+ range on my Magplar (which basically no one wanted in group unless I was leading it 😂) I tried this Oakensoul Heavy Attack style and not only did I quickly equal out to my light attack counterpart I realized I didn’t really enjoy LA weaving(I know plenty do). To me this was much more fun and I’m right about where I was before damage wise except now I’m more versatile
@Mudd5680 Жыл бұрын
Idk, I think people that are butt hurt about this just like to bitch. I’m fine with it and I busted my ass to get good at dps. There’s still a gap. A heavy attack build will never do as a much as good 2 bar build. It’s an option that does make content more accessible for the average player. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@DeathDealerZ248 Жыл бұрын
This whole argument is one of the main reasons I left eso after 3 years. It's not worth it anymore to try and argue with people about this build. It allowed me to continue to do content that after hand surgery I have been unable to do anymore with 2 bars. I have already completed every zone so no overland content wasn't an option for me. I still love eso but I can't continue to log in and get hated on in a game I've spent countless hours learning. I really hope the community doesn't let this discussion destroy the game but who knows. If zos decides to nerf heavy attacks into the ground, I don't see many sticking around after they finish questing. There just isn't much to do after that. Good luck to all the ha users. I hope for your and the games sake it isn't nerfed.
@wasteland-werewolf Жыл бұрын
No, people will complain about ANYTHING. This argument is proof if that. The people complaining about this are probably the same ones that fake queue and leave their group behind.
@Thiniking Жыл бұрын
Be ego, be real dumbing down the combat, it is a fact that if you have a game that's too easy, it will not be as entertaining as a game that is more challenging. I have a 1 bar sorc and it gets boring very fast, but makes for a very relaxing game style. If anyone can pick up.a build that can cheese over most of the content, how long will those player stay?
@derpfaceuwu6206 Жыл бұрын
Eso players: Why does Zos nerf everything that makes the game easier? Eso players: Oakensoul heavy attack builds take no skill and ruin pve. Nightblades ruin pvp, Wardens and Dks are unkillable. Cry cry cry. Probably why we get hit with nerfs every 3 months and usually have to grind for a whole new build or switch classes entirely to be viable in what we prefer to do. Edit: I'm a pvper mainly but I've been dabbling in vet trials as a warden healer for the past few months. So I know how it is on both sides.
@kiindovah9736 Жыл бұрын
@Mark-hf3bb Жыл бұрын
I haven't seen this mentioned here yet... However, has anyone noticed how much smoother the game plays with all the 1-bar builds? It decreased the CPU calculation and memory utilization on ZOS' servers a great deal.
@ZDavidH Жыл бұрын
Hey nefas, will you do a video about templar one bar setup?
@NefasQS Жыл бұрын
This coming week: Templar, Necromancer and Nightblade. Subscribe to get notified~
@unclesasuke6858 Жыл бұрын
@@NefasQS Can't wait!
@ZDavidH Жыл бұрын
@@NefasQS thank you!
@thelonemadladed Жыл бұрын
I’m curious where you define endgame at. Some say vet dlc trials. Some say dlc HMs. Some say trifectas. And someone said starts at score pushing. I got eof and I don’t even know if that’s fair to call endgame
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