Are We Killing TLDR US?

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We discuss the future of TLDR US and why the channel hasn't been getting as much love recently.
TLDR Global: / tldrglobal
KZbin: / tldrpodcasts

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@jackcassidy7317 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I think doing more non headliner stories would be good. Talking about stuff that’s important and current but just stuff that’s not being done to death on every network
@deceipher3 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking this yesterday. When I first started listening it was a good source of important news the mainstream media would shy away from.
@frazzleboi2821 Жыл бұрын
@tomrogue13 Жыл бұрын
And deep dives into policies or bills
@peadora Жыл бұрын
Jack I think you are right. John Oliver is doing excltly that, and receiving good results.
@0xCAFEF00D Жыл бұрын
There's the economic aspect. It's a lot to ask them to make videos with minimal to negative returns.
@sonbulan1425 Жыл бұрын
I go to this channel for US news **because** of the geographical distance. Not being US based gives a unique perspective that’s less tainted by American hyperpartisanship; in other words, you guys have less of a stake in American politics. That kinda of rare outlook deserves longevity and it’s own dedicated community.
@victording6698 Жыл бұрын
Cannot agree more 👍
@stvie3 Жыл бұрын
that's what i was gonna write, even PBS NewsHour is afraid to be frank. the closest we get to non-partisan news is fucking business news! think about the implication of that
@notinthemoodfornames8033 Жыл бұрын
sure you do pal, but you have to consider if that's a common enough consideration for people when watching the news (or more specifically youtube news video) If these guys can't meet their bottom lines, they will be taking financial losses.
@martibit Жыл бұрын
Not really. I am US Based and I do support the videos on all the other channels, but their content still seems biased like CNN or even Fox news. They sound establishment... Americans don't like establishment media. They lie too much. They can't even admit the truths of the Ukrainian war (Putin’s War, even though the US overthrew the Ukrainian Gov in 2014 with the help of the Azov Na*!’s per U.S Military ) or how the sanctions from the west are actually hurting the west. But they do make good, quality videos and I do love the different perspective
@directorjames1855 Жыл бұрын
I find that because they're not American, the stories are always just so surface level and there's never any deeper depth nor context to it. News outlets like CNN, Fox, and Daily Wire are just much superior in the level of depth and context that they provide, even if you include biases.
@seamusoneill99 Жыл бұрын
As an American myself, my best guess for why TLDR US has lagged behind other channels (I've observed this in real time, since I started watched TLDR US and TLDR EU regularly in early 2021) simply comes down to media saturation. The U.S. is has a massive domestic media market -- indeed, 3/4 of all native English speakers are located in the United States. We already get so much content about the big stories of the day from other media, both traditional (The New York Times, CNN, ABC, NBC, Politico, take your pick) and digital, like Vox, Vice, etc. Still, you guys do an excellent job presenting both sides, a rarity these days, without equating them. Since, as other commenters have pointed out, such a larger share of the viewers of ALL your channels are Americans, there are basically two things you could do here: 1. As some other people have suggested, start doing more in-depth content. Part of what makes TLDR EU and TLDR Global so great is that we get a look behind the headlines. For instance, China's high speed railway project into Tibet and "Why Greece's Economy is Still Failing" make for very informative videos because they covered fascinating and important topics overlooked in the day-to-day rush of news, and because they answered questions we always wondered about but never had answered (a la Greece) or answered questions we never even knew we had (a la Chinese trains). Doing that for the U.S. might look something like making a video on how tensions with China have affected foreign exchange students in U.S. universities, or looking into why some states in seemingly inhospitable regions (like Florida and Arizona) are growing, when others (like New York and Illinois) are stagnant. 2. Another possibility is broadening the region of the channel. These days, aside from often factually inaccurate debates about immigration, very few people discuss the links between the United States and the rest of the American continent. Expanding the channel to "TLDR Americas," covering both North and South America, would add to the amount of content you could produce and introduce other major countries, such as Mexico and Brazil, into the equation. This would obviously make "TLDR Global" more like "TLDR Afro-Eurasia," but including Latin America in the former US Channel and exploring, say, US-Mexican relations today or the Brazilian election or the militarization of the Canadian Arctic would give viewers a lot of content they simply wouldn't get anywhere else. This is a long answer, so here's my TLDR: --go beyond the headlines within the U.S. --or start looking at the U.S. in the context of the rest of North and South America, i.e. create TLDR Americas Either/both would bring content viewers couldn't get from conventional domestic U.S. outlets, both traditional and digital.
@AmariSali Жыл бұрын
I second TLDR Americas
@TrueScotsman96 Жыл бұрын
Even just NA would be an improvement of just US.
@Bigdog5400 Жыл бұрын
This channel is some of the most easily accessible, unbiased information given about prominent US issues... Please don't take away our channel 😪
@AndrewRusherLDS Жыл бұрын
They have a left-wing bias.
@toxiccommenter6540 Жыл бұрын
For anyone who enjoys unbiased news, highly suggest watching channels like the bbc and al jazeera (the latter is my personal favorite). I will usually find those two are the least inflammatory but still informative and influential news services out there. Enjoy everyone!
@USONOFAV Жыл бұрын
Lol TLDR is slightly biased towards left.
@idanthyrsus6887 Жыл бұрын
@yusteryumeister4601 Жыл бұрын
@@USONOFAV hate to break it to u my guy but in general, but esp when a channel originally from a civilised country does political commentary, its gonna be 'left wing' biased. Most of conservative ideology is not based in reality but in vibes instead.
@IPP133 Жыл бұрын
As an American and a Nebula subscriber, I would be very sad to see the US channel retire. This is a heartfelt comment about how much this channel has improved my life. I gave up watching the news around 2012 for my mental health. I was in the process of cutting out ads and cable TV, and none of the online news options worked for me. They all just made me feel anxious and outraged, not informed. Not to mention ads were everywhere. As someone with severe enough mental issues that I have been on disability and hospitalized multiple times, this decision was one of the best I have ever made. TLDR has gotten me back into the real world, after living under a rock for almost a decade, without making my mental health worse. Your shows allow me to live a normal life without sacrificing my health. I can't thank you enough for bringing me simple, straightforward info (especially including "we don't know yet"s) about what's going on in the world. I understand you have to do what's best for you and for the majority of your audience, but I will sorely miss the US channel, if you retire it. Your videos give me the ability to talk to friends about current events and participate in voting and local politics with at least some reliable information. Since I am American, the US channel has been the most important and relevant to me. With the pandemic, your work is even more vital. Both my social life and my mental health have been hurt by COVID. You giving me that connection back to society has truly been a godsend. I don't expect there are many viewers in my position. I'm just one person dealing with my personal issues. But I want you guys to know, especially the US team, how much your work has meant to me. I'm sure it must be discouraging to work hard on content only to see a fraction of the views and likes the other channels get, but your videos have really made a difference in my life. I will remain a loyal subscriber to all of the TLDR channels regardless of what happens with the US channel, but I will feel the drop in US news content in my life. I will certainly do my part to spread the word about this news source, but I don't exactly have a lot of people I can reach. I hope you all see the numbers turn around, but even if that doesn't happen, I'm grateful for everything you've given me.
@dylreesYT Жыл бұрын
@Luredreier Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. And yeah, I feel the same about TLDR as a European. I've mostly dropped the normal news preferring things like this instead.
@Luca.Bruschetta Жыл бұрын
I have never given up on the news but I have been hospitalized for SI dozens of times in the past few years and have severe mental health issues as well. As someone who has followed TLDR since the beginning I agree with the praise you are giving the channel(s). Thank you for being so open and honest.
@CarolinaMatamorosF Жыл бұрын
@MikeyTK96 Жыл бұрын
Let's keep this channel alive. Like some people have commented, there are not many "neutral" US politics channels. One reason might be that there are other channels focusing on US politics.
@aycc-nbh7289 Жыл бұрын
Do you think perhaps VOA should have a similar amount of influence and clout that the BBC has in the UK, then? Perhaps it could just be another news channel or another news site, but it has apparently gotten more attention recently.
@robbieflores7712 Жыл бұрын
Please don't kill this channel 😭 I love your objective and unbiased news of the US.
@AndrewRusherLDS Жыл бұрын
They have a left-wing bias which they try to hide but if you look you will see it.
@georgewojcik5398 Жыл бұрын
So as an American political junkie and and TLDR fan, I always kind of got the impression that I wasn’t the intended audience for TLDR US- I felt like it was a great resource for someone outside the US looking in. That said, that same perspective is why I love TLDR UK, EU, and Global, where you guys aren’t afraid to explain in detail things that don’t necessarily make sense to an outsider, so maybe I really am not the target audience here 😅. One thing I’ve noticed on TLDR US’s content is that it seems even more focused on elections and outcomes than your other channels though- personally I’d love more stories that discuss things like the challenges facing the US domestic economy (which faces similar, but not identical, pressures to those facing Europe and the UK) or discussions about the issues with policing and race relations in the US, rather than almost exclusively discussing election chances for various candidates and conjecturing about different 2024 presidential prospects- we get enough of that with our domestic news sources.
@cookiespark6189 Жыл бұрын
please dont stop tldr us i need an unbiased tldr of what's happening here
@Hans5958 Жыл бұрын
If they stop the channel, they will do it on the Global channel, but yeah, it would be less frequent.
@rpcsfx1785 Жыл бұрын
I mean dog they’re not the only one lmao. Hasan does great coverage it’s just a bit different then this
@trin873 Жыл бұрын
i suggest Philip Defranco
@AndrewRusherLDS Жыл бұрын
If they were unbiased, they wouldn't need to hide their left-wing bias since they wouldn't have one yet they clearly have a left-wing bias.
@andrewb1921 Жыл бұрын
I hope you don't have to shut down. As a US Citizen, this channel was one of my primary sources for balanced news about the 2020 election. And along with LegalEagle, one of my primary sources for news and balanced commentary on the fracas leading up to January 6.
@matthewtymczyszyn8948 Жыл бұрын
Maybe we should start donating to their Patreon. If it's THIS important to us we should probably act on that.
@tsuchan Жыл бұрын
Legal Eagle rocks.
@daveyharve Жыл бұрын
TLDR and legal eagle are both left leaning.
@tsuchan Жыл бұрын
@@daveyharve Balance is about putting both sides of an argument, about presenting the motives and thought processes of each side. Can you think of an example where they don't do that?
@daveyharve Жыл бұрын
@@tsuchan TLDR are more balanced than many although they are still left leaning. I’m not going to quote examples because I have other things to do today.
@velozio Жыл бұрын
Please don't kill this channel. Not enough unbiased news on US politics exist these days
@oldsoldier4209 Жыл бұрын
As strange as it may sound, I'm betting that a large portion of your viewership on all channels is American. Seeing as how you're located in the UK, you're able to report quickly and accurately on happenings there, as well as in the EU. Meanwhile, by the time you release stories on things in the USA, we've already heard the details a dozen times from our own local sources. While I personally appreciate the different perspective you often bring to situations in my country, many others likely have moved on to the next event before you post a video. Situations here evolve and change rapidly, and the attention of people shifts just as fast. Our own sources are just better positioned to keep up with things. Meanwhile, those same sources tend to give minimal information on matters outside our own country, giving us good reason to seek sources closer to those events. My advice would be to shift focus a bit on this channel. Instead of being forever 1 step behind on current events, go deeper into the changes that lead up to them. Discuss the origins and core values of our political parties, and track trends over time. Help us to see the bigger picture of how we got here, and maybe some of our options going forward. 🤠👍
@alexwhinnie274 Жыл бұрын
Well thought-out comment. Perhaps something a bit more like the Economist checks and balances podcast would be better but within a KZbin format because as you said there's majority disadvantages to trying to keep up with rapidly changing news whereas if you position yourself as a deep analysis but slower release format it's less time sensitive to the news cycle.
@Haris1 Жыл бұрын
If a large portion is American then why are the views so low?
@stephoh8613 Жыл бұрын
Agree with Liam and Alex - US news outlets and podcasts, etc. all cover every inch of news in the US but not much of the rest of the world. An analysis of the geography of TLDR UK/EU/Global would be interesting. If indeed TLDR EU is massively watched by US people, then maybe TLDR US needs to be tailored not to the US people, but to the rest of the world curious about what is happening in the US. Side note as a dual French/American to that exact point: I would love to hear more news from Asia/Africa/south America as those are not covered much in US/EU news outlets. But that may just be me^^
@thelegend_doggo1062 Жыл бұрын
I think your right, but it’s quite strange for people not from the US to understand, because most of our countries are rarely actually covered by international news, so when we do get covered we like to see the outside perspective. (That’s why reaction videos from Americans to European things is mainly popular with Europeans.) whereas Americans are covered so incredibly much by international news that you guys are tired of hearing the outside perspective.
@Crispman_777 Жыл бұрын
@@Haris1 He explained why. " the time you release stories on things in the USA, we've already heard the details a dozen times from our own local sources."
@MRMixedup Жыл бұрын
As a European i find this channel as one of if not the easiest sources to find out without too many complications what's happening across the Atlantic, I will try my best to watch every video you upload until the deadline to try and support the channel as i really want to see it survive, To try and help i can give you some ideas: 1. A video series exploring each possible republican candidate in the 2024 election, what they believe in and what they bring to the table (each video covers one or two candidates) 2.A video on what candidates could replace Biden in the future at the democratic party 3.Cultural videos exploring for ex: the difference between north and south or west coast and east coast or unique things like "does America have it's own unique cuisine" 4. A video series exploring different presidents and administrations, with things they may have done right and/or wrong. 5.More coverage on smaller parties like the libertarians and Andrew Yang's new project 6.Exploring different factions inside the big 2 parties ex: the democrats with the more progressive faction and the GOP with the anti Trump republicans. That's all i have for now interms of video ideas but for more advice i would suggest like: Hire an American writer/presenter as other comments have suggested (it always helps to have knowledge from a local), promote TLDR US on things like Tiktok, Reels and Shorts, make pre-scheduled premiers so there would be some hype before hand (this could play in with the previous point) and if this "last chance" ends up failing you always have the option of expanding the channel to something like "TLDR North America" giving you a whole host of new topics to explore, instead of ending it.
@eksortso Жыл бұрын
As an American enthusiast and supporter of TLDR News in general, I think this is a good list to explore for approaches to U.S.-based news. Cultural differences may make it difficult at times, but the awareness of those differences is even something TLDR can report on to put those differences in context. Not to divide us further, of course, but for us to see each other more clearly. It's something I get from watching your EU videos, how different countries view the same issues and have approached them, so it's a familiar principle to you.
@sorosw2980 Жыл бұрын
Honestly several of the past few videos more or less feel like summary of 538. A while ago I just decided to get my news from 538 directly. They have weekly podcast and update their election forecast every weekday. Other topics covered here were also covered by other KZbin channels that gives more in-depth explanations (probably because they are in the field). It’s really sad that TLDR US isn’t showing more growth. Two years ago when the channel get started, this channel is my primary source for getting news because it’s nonpartisan, but now I find lots of alternatives and feel like the channel isn’t offering enough new informations.
@weasol Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking. The channel has fallen more into poll analysis. As a (presumably) UK based channel group, I understand why - their expertise and awareness is across the pond - but there are plenty of reasons to keep US going. With the level of detail EU, Global and UK (EGU) get, it makes me think there isn't a US writer on board to really dig into what's going on here.
@edfig Жыл бұрын
What is 538?
@weasol Жыл бұрын
@@edfig 538 is a polling aggregate created by Nate Silver. While he correctly predicted the Trump win in 2016, he hasn't been very close on anything else since but still generates lots of buzz based off his model.
@vmistry94 Жыл бұрын
Which other channels would you recommend?
@TheRameniSBuRNT Жыл бұрын
@@weasol That's a completely wrong description. FiveThirtyEight didn't correctly predict Trump's victory, they only gave him a 30% chance which is more than other mainstream news outlets but still. Nate got all 50 states in the 2012 election correct, which his site was highly praised for but the thing is that the site deals with probabilities, not predictions. Rather than "this candidate will win", it's "this candidate has a 90% of winning." Given that their models are highly reputable. The 2016 and 2018 models performed well, and while their 2020 model overestimated Biden, that was mostly due to the historic polling miss that year. Obviously the site has its flaws like any other site but combined with other news sources, it's highly reputable.
@gabrielsoto1693 Жыл бұрын
I guess that what could be a long term project is a TLDR Americas channel, where you can upload news pertaining to all of the American continent. A lot of things happen in Latin America that I think viewers like me (Latin Americans living in the west) would really engage with. You could justify putting US news there instead of the global channel since it’s part of the Americas anyways. But I know that’s a long term project and you’d need more resources than what you have at the moment, including more writers and researchers. I’m not expecting it this year or even next year, but I do think that a channel with more Latin American news would be a great addition to the TLDR network!
@UGMD Жыл бұрын
That’d be 🔥
@zeq9021 Жыл бұрын
This is lit the best idea I've read so far
@l.shepard3216 Жыл бұрын
As A US citizen, I second this! To hear more News about the Americas as a whole would be awesome.
@rafagd Жыл бұрын
LA would definitely help keep things spicy when the US is on a news cycle slump
@master231090 Жыл бұрын
Great idea 💡
@blcstriker9052 Жыл бұрын
I personally like having an outsider's perspective on the crazy turbulence that is US politics as of late. While it's not like you guys are apolitical, you are a step or two removed from having to lean into the "culture war" nonsense both parties seem to be pushing (though one more than the other) to keep up appearances so I trust your takes a lot more.
@aitruscolso Жыл бұрын
I unfortunately have no advice for how to improve, but just wanted to say as an American that I’ve always enjoyed your content and perspective on US stories. I’ll continue to do what I can to support, and hope that things improve, but I’ll continue watching either way.
@UGMD Жыл бұрын
My favorite video on the channel is the Ossoff one since it brought a unique perspective onto an issue that KZbinrs mostly just complain about. You guys introduced the topic fairly neutrally and got an interesting interview with an important person. I’d imagine that doing stuff like that consistently would be impossible, but I believe that more especially high quality journalism like that could improve the channel.
@deannorrell5835 Жыл бұрын
This channel is great. Don’t stop the great work!
@roejogan2693 Жыл бұрын
They can't keep it if it's not profitable.
@deannorrell5835 Жыл бұрын
@@roejogan2693 and? I really enjoy their content on all their channels. So I don’t want them to stop. There ain’t many indie news companies who created content on America without some media or political bias. If this channel goes then fans like myself will be disappointed. I myself actually prefer to watch the American news they produce then the global channel. And there are things they could try before throwing in the towel to gain growth. But I will say thought at the moment American news isn’t a priority when we have wars in Europe and Africa and political tensions and issues in Asia. Eventually there will be the need to have this channel for the American content even after the mid terms 2024 will be a major year and this channel would be great to have for the president election.
@roejogan2693 Жыл бұрын
@@deannorrell5835 it's a business. They can't make videos if it costs them money. Just look at their views. The last video that hit 100k views was uploaded in June. More than 3 months ago
@deannorrell5835 Жыл бұрын
@@roejogan2693 this is just my opinion. I’m allowed to voice that I enjoy the channel and don’t want them to kill it. So negative Nancy, don’t poop on someone’s parade when they are sharing feedback with the creators that they asked for in the video and that I wanted to express about i enjoyment of their content. Peace
@roejogan2693 Жыл бұрын
@@deannorrell5835 lol I'm not even being a "negative Nancy". I just told you the arguments they gave on the podcast a few weeks ago as to why they can't consistently keep making videos for this channel anymore. But I also hope they'll be able to remain it. By the way, they asked for potential ideas to improve the channel. A comment saying you don't want them to go doesn't really have much value, besides the "validation"
@user-ks9bf9rd7n Жыл бұрын
i would be completely lost without this channel. PLEASE keep it going
@Heru3005 Жыл бұрын
I would second the suggestions to make TLDR US into a TLDR Americas channel. Cover everything in North and South America on it. The US news market alone, even on KZbin, is massively oversaturated but with a wider focus on more underserved markets i have no doubt it would breakthrough.
@georginatoland Жыл бұрын
@valdirbruxeljunior Жыл бұрын
It would be nice if they expanded this channel to include Latam, Canada, and Brazil There is much to talk about in the entire New World, not just the northern part of it
@DarkHarlequin Жыл бұрын
The idea is not bad but they likely would need some staff on your side of the atlantic so they have people who udnerstand the culture and what's going on on the ground.
@HiLasse Жыл бұрын
This is what we need.
@thomasantolovic4485 Жыл бұрын
TLDR US is what got me into TLDR. I'm from Ohio and I love keeping updated on Europe and all of your other channels. Even though the US channel isn't doing as well. I'm going to watch every single video as well as those same videos over on Nebula lol. Keep up the great work guy!
@jonunciate7018 Жыл бұрын
American here. I'm subscribed to all your channels. I like getting an outsider's perspective on US news. I appreciate you all for keeping to the facts with very little opinion or bias, something American news media is terrible at. It was your coverage of UK news that initially got me hooked tho. To be honest, I don't really care if the channel dies or not as long as you have a platform for giving American news as needed, and continue to produce quality content.
@VincentAlth Жыл бұрын
Keep the channel going! Seeing American politics through a British lens is always interesting, we need that perspective from you guys!
@erez2111 Жыл бұрын
Ok I just joined and I am a U.S. viewer so UK and EU news aren't as important to me. It is also important for you guys to know that there is large mistrust in U.S. news so having reliable people like you helps but because of the polarization of U.S. news viewership maybe struggling because of what is happening in the U.S. right now.
@michaelmayhem350 Жыл бұрын
I don't live in the USA anymore but I agree about the importance of this channel because my us news is biased and justifiably distrusted.
@ChildofWar2 Жыл бұрын
This channel is great, but you could possibly expand it to be an AMERICA channel, where you guys can maybe not only focus on US stuff but broaden it to include Canada, Mexico and South American countries. (or two seperate north/south America channels) instead of only focusing on the US, this might give you more content that differs and potentially could be more interesting if could pan out.
@ChildofWar2 Жыл бұрын
Either this our you could go for the easier way and collapse it on with the global channel.
@JAKE-ng8yr Жыл бұрын
so then they would split Global channel. Doesn't make sense. Then 2 channels would die, America one and the "Global" one
@ChildofWar2 Жыл бұрын
@@JAKE-ng8yr not necessarily, just like the EU channel and other channels, this one could go and more specific/in depth than a video on the Global channel. Like maybe finding small yet not insignificant news that wouldn't go on the Global channel but is maybe a bit more "local" if that makes sense
@HiLasse Жыл бұрын
This world be great 👍
@stickstories2750 Жыл бұрын
@@ChildofWar2 100% agree for example with the vaccine rollout video on global they had to go through 4 continents in 8 minutes so doing a AMERICAS channel would be great
@leejbailey3993 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jack, Thanks for the update. Truthfully I would be genuinely gutted to lose this channel with my other half. It's one of our favourite to be updated. And you were the one who made me subscribe to Nebula (and curiosity stream). I don't think you include the Nebula guys in your viewership. It's great not to have the intro adverts for Nebula, but frustrating to have to go and find the youtube version to express opinion. Please keep doing what you are doing and know that from Hong Kong I am loving your content because they are simply great. Thanks Lee
@sagethewild Жыл бұрын
I hope that this channel survives and flourishes, as I find it difficult to find non-biased content about US News.
@simpsot_ Жыл бұрын
Really enjoy getting to hear your opinions on US politics! The EU perspective is definitely valuable!
@abydosianchulac2 Жыл бұрын
BIG point of contention with some of your phrasing in here: even if you need to cut this channel, do not call this a "failure." Y'all have done a great job with the material you've put on here, and as you said you have a great team working on this content. Do what you need to do with your resources available, but please don't shortsell your work and people to the public _or_ to yourselves.
@jdtransformation Жыл бұрын
Man… I was sure I’d be one of the few, but after a little scrolling through the comments, it seems my viewpoint is one of many: As an American, I highly value outside (less-biased) views of US news, and have grown fond of European coverage especially. TLDR has become one of my favorite.. I love your format, pace and content. I, too, petition that you keep the channel going - but absolutely understand the realities of limited resources. Wish you guys the best and will continue to support however it evolves for y’all. ;)
@Teelirious Жыл бұрын
This channel is great, and why I got Nebula, frankly. I even enrolled through your link. C'mon, man.
@MirorR3fl3ction Жыл бұрын
i think its actually incredibly valuable to have a UK/EU based perspective on US/North American affairs, especially in the style you guys have. if logistically it will make more sense to move the content to TLDR Global, id personally be fine with that, it just depends like you said how US dedicated content does
@matthewtymczyszyn8948 Жыл бұрын
Would you consider a TLDR Anglo that lumps us in with the UK and the Commonwealth? I'd LOVE to learn more about Canada and Australia!
@HoennMaster Жыл бұрын
I really hope the channel picks up so you guys can continue. I love your content across all channels. News media here in the United States is EXHAUSTING. It's nice to have a channel like this to breakdown events in my country in a calm collected and non-shock value orientated way.
@robertharrington2658 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy watching your news reports, I made sure my notifications are on so I can view your. Videos when they are released. Keep up the Great Work 👍
@1FMAlchemist Жыл бұрын
Viewer from the U.S. here, while I enjoy the concept of this channel especially when there is a huge news cycle (like during election season) I feel the news you guys cover here for someone who wants an in depth look at U.S. politics is disappointing. While I feel your team being in the UK has the potential for offering a more unbiased viewpoint and offer unique perspectives of what US politics could mean for the outside world, I feel your content is generally surface level with summaries that don't share what I couldn't find locally. While I have subscribed as a way to see if you guys find news I haven't found elsewhere, I typically turn to other channels for my U.S. news. If you feel you can put a bit more time into sharing your perspectives of what U.S. news can mean to the UK or Europe (as you do with your EU topics) I feel that would make this channel more unique and valuable.
@mariolis Жыл бұрын
I think that is because there is a TON of channels telling US-News but a lot fewer doing the same basically everywhere else and that is where all your other channels come in , EU, UK , Global , etc... Its no wonder that the US Channel lags behind
@justinsutherland5883 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the only places I subscribe to. I read news everywhere but I love TLDR videos. Extreme sources on both sides of the isle here in the US means less hunger for unbiased news. Keep going.
@FalconsEye58094 Жыл бұрын
You’re a much better source on information than any of our news channels. Especially given the major things that have been happening and are sure to keep happening
@Walker956 Жыл бұрын
I watch all your channels, not sure why the US channel doesnt get views.
@NinjaAgnostic Жыл бұрын
I don't know if you guys read this, but I got a suggestion I've been thinking about for this channel. In order to reach a wider audience, what if it were TLDR: Americas, and include both North and South American headlines. I feel like this is a needed solution that could also cover stories that most Americans don't, but should hear.
@skeletonkeysproductionskp Жыл бұрын
Good shout! Keep up the great job and keep on learning!
@joshuahalbfoerster4693 Жыл бұрын
I rely on this channel for impartial content. You guys do a great job
@camarch Жыл бұрын
I’ve always thought the US channel should be made into a US & Canada channel.
@hippopotamusbosch Жыл бұрын
American news delivered with British accents.; sounds like a winning combo.
@nickbelcher2631 Жыл бұрын
My wife and I love this channel. The US has so many issues and the we need reliable unbiased information to even start having a dialogue amongst ourselves. Our democracy is at risk. If we had more news outlets like TLDR in the US the world and my country would be a better place. Thank you for taking the time and diligence to present fact and not opinion on all your channels…
@tonysegadelli9421 Жыл бұрын
Good luck. I love the way you present information
@andreluismarin8095 Жыл бұрын
Please don’t stop 😢
@petermann673 Жыл бұрын
Have you considered creating a US based subsidiary to handle this channel? That may play a bit of a part in it given the perspective. You guys do pretty well for outsiders looking in but that naturally plays a bit of a part in the selection of stories to cover and what is worth the effort to make a video on. At the very least, if not a whole separate news team then hiring an Americas editor and writer may be a worthwhile idea increasing the outflow for this channel.
@kosmonaut5 Жыл бұрын
Commenting for the algorithm!! Love the work you do
@gavinschmitt8592 Жыл бұрын
No advice or comments - you guys do fantastic work and I love listening in.
@mies1mies Жыл бұрын
you can tldr us channel chance in to the america's tldr fore all the content of south and north america
@jesseberg3271 Жыл бұрын
Speaking as an American, I go to you guys because our news is so inwardly focused, and I don't think I'm alone in that. Unless you have a similar need in some other country, i.e. a country whose news just ignores America, then I don't know that you can replicate what draws me to your UK and EU channel. Maybe if you made this channel *TLDR Americas* (plural) and added your Latin American and Canadian news to it, it would work better?
@l.shepard3216 Жыл бұрын
@hugonegron3135 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the other day, “I want more US stuff from TDLR”. Keep going you guys are great. American politics can get really complex so you’re simple in-depth videos really help me and others
@Executioner9000 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for being upfront
@MichaelPhillipsatGreyOwlStudio Жыл бұрын
I guess I never really thought about it before, but I suppose there are so many sources talking about US content, both in the US and in Europe, that perhaps there isn't as much of a need. Here, in the US, I of course get enundated daily with it all, so I've been more focused on the TLDR European content since we get very little of that here. That said, I think it's always interesting to see the US from a UK or European perspective, so if you keep making the videos, I'll keep watching.
@nolunch4908 Жыл бұрын
As an American myself I greatly appreciate your unbiased views of the US and it's policies that is super hard for us here in the US to get unbiased news on either side
@kevincronk7981 Жыл бұрын
I've liked this channel, it's how I even found TLDR in the first place, but KZbin just doesn't recommend it. It's 12 days later and I only just found this video going through my subscriptions.
@patrickmoriarty7273 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t realize tldr even existed ~ you guys do a great job
@rossellinirossicalrossc3507 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of it, the USA is soooo 2016
@superuberviewer Жыл бұрын
Just reading a few of the comments before I chimed in with mine, and I honestly say my feelings are a good amalgamation of what I've read. You all do a fantastic job in your presentation, and I learn more from an independent point of view than I do on any of our networks here. I do think having an American presenter would help, especially given the logistics that you mentioned and having a great US team along with guys like Nelson and your EU team. Aside from that, there's a mixture of policies, bills, and everything that can get a good deep dive like you do in the UK that's worthy of talking about, as well as other non-elective related content. I hope TLDR US lives on!
@benjaminrhodes4328 Жыл бұрын
I love this channel and don’t want it to go. I watch every video as it comes out , and watch and subscribed to the UK EU and global channel. Try to include some lesser known but interesting stories or continue to take a unique take on mainstream issue.
@tomrogue13 Жыл бұрын
I like the deeper explainers on particular bills or policies, rather than "the news". Time you guys make a video, it's usually just a rehash from all the places i get my news anyway. For example, a video on the Inflation Reduction Act or the CHIPS Act would have been real awesome.
@Luca.Bruschetta Жыл бұрын
Maybe do some polls on what types of videos to upload? Maybe zoom in more on certain local issues/events?
@jasonford2877 Жыл бұрын
Still very interested, your content style and efforts to remain impartial are greatly needed in the media landscape. Would love a tldr AU channel though! 🙂
@hyojinchoii Жыл бұрын
I think a range of stories would be a good idea as well as integrating more people on the ground. Talking to people (virtually) about the issues and at least incorporating that somehow.
@dylangunter1671 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I really like it. It’s good to see a different view on American politics and other US news. (I’m an Aussie for the record). Different views are needed nowadays. Keep it going!
@louisg.9161 Жыл бұрын
a good idea for the TLDR US channel would be to have the videos upload at a certain time in the UK so that it releases, say in the morning or early noon in the US
@marcelthevirginian1656 Жыл бұрын
I'm a subscriber to the US channel. As an American, it's nice to get outside perpective on our politics. I also appreciate your attempts to be unbiased, cause that attitude's in short supply
@TheRealBlackadder Жыл бұрын
As a Brit who used to work in the US, my advice would be a) Get an American to do the voiceovers b) Talk faster c) Shorter videos - break them into parts if needs be d) embrace the fact that you aren’t a news channel - maybe have a balanced weekly summary so people have a regular alternative to the news services I experienced when over there. I found no mainstream outlets who reported without some kind of left or right wing /partisan bias. Services like yours are a force for good. I wish you well
@robertchurch5646 Жыл бұрын
Maybe short videos on each individual state/territory’s history and/or individual political situations. Quick, direct videos you can pump out on a regular basis that are interesting and hopefully will make the viewer eager for the next installment. With 50 states and several more territories, this series can go in for a bit.
@eddyvaldes 9 ай бұрын
I just discovered this channel today. It is such a shame it has been shut down. It is so incredibly difficult to find Independent News in the United States.
@SolracCAP Жыл бұрын
Keep the channel! This channel is how I found your other channels!
@staminadaddy Жыл бұрын
Trust us, 2022-2024 will be wild, will stay tuned for TLDR US. Hold out, be patient
@jborjas94 Жыл бұрын
I understand your decision given your limited resources but would be sad to see the channel go. However I am still grateful for the work you guys have done. Independent media is really important and I always appreciate your team's dedication to impartiality and informational journalism.
@pianoman47 Жыл бұрын
It would be too bad. I really appreciate hearing your perspective (albeit as a Canadian).
@DiskoNixon. Жыл бұрын
Please don't get rid of this channel, I really enjoy this channel
@larsmasonsmith8370 Жыл бұрын
i like the international perspective that this channel brings
@josephvanlangeveld2216 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for not giving up on the US channel. I know it’s not doing as well but I know as for my self I absolutely appreciate hearing your unbiased stances and quality reporting. Would be very sad to see it go as American news better coverage like you provide.
@kronosbach5263 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to see more coverage on different state politicians
@emanuelzbeda1420 Жыл бұрын
Very good incentive to subscribe and click the notification bell for those of us in the states who love and appreciate TLDR US
@ulfneisius6984 Жыл бұрын
To improve the viewer numbers for TLDR US probably depends on the geographic origin of your viewers. For instance, if your main support is European, focusing on American foreign policy, monetary policy or other areas, with significant impact on Europe might be helpful (sort of explanatory journalism).
@supersoldierrcp Жыл бұрын
You know what I think would really help the US page. The US system is so complex that having someone with a background of education and experience to be able to talk to some of the key points or provide deeper insights into the education or reasoning behind certain decisions or even current concepts I think we do a lot to boost the channel. In the current time Americans really want to know more. We want to know more about US issues, European issues, Global issues, but there's not enough people that can speak to the finer points and provide adequate information from an objective viewpoint. I mean I would be happy to offer my opinions as a professional on some of the topics. I have a background in political science, I've served as an elected official, I've even done work internationally, and been to the UN. It's like as you guys are talking about Truss in the UK, the deeper insight into policies that you guys give actually allows me to understand what's going on better so I can have conversations with my British brothers and sisters, but on the US side there's not that deeper insight and I truly feel that's what's needed for the page. Hopefully you guys are able to make the changes needed, becuase I was hate to see this page go away, and if there's anything I can do I've already liked, shared, subscribed, and I would be happy to offer my opinions if you guys are looking for someone :)
@exp2745 Жыл бұрын
Just seen this on Nebula. As someone who watches all TLDR content posted (with the exception of The Editorial and Truss Issues due to lack of time and, in the case of the later, me simply believing that by the time I have found a way to watch all episodes of the show, she'll have left No 10 anyways...) I firmly believe that your content has enriched my media diet in the long term. I was saddened when the Daily Briefing first had to end and have been all the more impressed how you have been able to not just turn it into a success post reboot, but also that its quality has increased as well. Being able to do both was certainly not an easy feat and I would have understood if the Briefings quality had dropped post reboot to make it profitable. Perhaps such a miracle may be possible with TLDR US as well. Concerning the number of videos, 28 across 9 months is nothing to sneeze at, though I can understand that uploading the videos on the Global channel may be better for the YT algorithm in the long term. I feel that one reason for your lack of success in the US area is simply competition. Whereas there is a rather slim amount of more independent media in the EU and UK, the US has a larger range of competition across the political spectrum. Whilst most of these rely more on simpler videos, lacking animations, it still seems not unreasonable to assume that simply by virtue of existing for sometimes a decade before TLDR was founded, they have a more loyal viewership. Equally, when searching for a specific EU or UK topic (Brexit Fishery for example), TLDR videos are often very high in the search ranking. That was how I found TLDR News in the first place (long, long ago during the early days of Theresa Mays negotiations). Looking for US topics, TLDR simply has significantly more competition in the search ranks. Also, at least some are simply going to prefer listening to US citizens on these topics. That however is something that, outside of a siginificant (and risky) investment in US based hosts, can not be recitified. Lastly, I have a continued fear that TLDR as a team could burn out or spread to thin. I remember around 2019 when Jack was sometimes missing sleep to release updates on the BREXIT negotiations and I had concerns back then too. Whilst the team has grown significantly since then, I still have said concerns, simply as the number of channels and weekly videos has increased with every year too. Now we have TLDR Business alongside Global, UK, EU, Daily and the podcasts (though again, I suspect Truss Issues will not take too long for no fault of yours). All these videos have some form of animation and need to often be released in a timely manner too. Real time reporting is of course always stressful but in the case of TLDR I see a lot more than "just writing" (stressfull enough if you must release quickly) articles. Basically, the main reasons I (someone with no professional knowledge in the field) suspect TLDR US may have issues (competition, etc.) can't really be changed. Perhaps really focusing on the main differentiation, the animations, could help, but I can't say for sure. Then again, with Daily there is precedent for getting a channel out of a rut. Just please do not spread yourselves to thin. And if it really does not work, it is ok if the videos move to Global. I still remember the Shorts channel and find it a good attribute that you are able to try no things but also recognize when something does not fit that well with the rest of your production, rather then trying to force a success.
@alexanderalimarks7937 Жыл бұрын
I'm a big watcher of TLDR and have been for years. I've also been interested in US politics since I was a kid and more so than all of my peers. However I've just never really been able to fully engage with TLDR US. It feels like it is sometimes content for the sake of it, or a smaller daily briefing story stretched to make a 10min video. You guys do great work, and so I would love to see you pour more of your resources into the things that deliver you higher views (and the bits I like which are now largely non-us).
@artisticcompany Жыл бұрын
TLDR AMERICAS (plural) would be everything east of the international date line / 180° longtitude, and everything west of -3 Hour Time zone / 45° longtitude
@Mattattaxk Жыл бұрын
I like the idea of the content on the global channel. What I am curious is how much of the subs are actually US based?
@joelstalcup2464 Жыл бұрын
As an American I’ve appreciated your perspective on our government and politics.
@steffenberr6760 Жыл бұрын
Part of it is that there’s tons of independent creators covering politics on KZbin (albeit not always unbiased). You are one of many whereas I don’t see so many dedicated to covering Europe in the same way
@artisticcompany Жыл бұрын
TLDR AMERICAS (plural) would also have the advantage of being able to report on news relevant to all indigenous peoples across the Americas whose news is under-reported in favour of European heritage / diaspora / phonic dominated news
@JonathanShyman Жыл бұрын
Please don't kill the channel, it's awesome!
@MrFancyDragon Жыл бұрын
I do think TLDR US has a chance although this year the team did miss out on a lot of midterm news. However, there is also a lot of news outside of politics I think TLDR US can look into. Then again I’m not so sure what else they can cover past the midterms. Idk, what does the US have that can bring people to watch TLDR US? Maybe that’s a question that can be answered by the kind of content that TLDR and it’s European counterpart can answer. It’s really more of a brainstorming thing tbh. My personal opinion is that I subscribe for the non bias and bite sized content you guys offer. I’m American yet all the news surrounding UK and Europe is so intriguing.
@cole1380 Жыл бұрын
We love u ❤️❤️❤️
@LawyerPanda Жыл бұрын
As an American, i wouldn't mind navigating to the Global channel for US news.
@artisticcompany Жыл бұрын
Expand TLDR US news coverage geopolitically to become TLDR AMERICAS (plural) i.e. North, Central, South, Caribbean and dependent territories
@ethanwaller8683 Жыл бұрын
From listing to other creators' interactions with the algorithm, it definitely makes sense why you're considering this for the US channel. While I hope it doesn't end, it totally makes sense it end it. As an American, you all are my primary source for EU & UK news. If you see your time better focused on those channels (and global), go for it! I will say, the midterms may not be the best gauge for interest though, as even here in the US, the midterms don't spark much interest. If pausing the channel until 2024, or posting minimally (maybe twice a month) until then, is feasible I'd encourage that. Either way good luck, and I'm looking forward to more content on all the channels whatever ones those may be. Lastly, I'm surprised that the US would move to the global channel given that the UK channel seems to be more of a home base for TLDR. Again good luck guys.
@abrahamel-gothamy6472 Жыл бұрын
I really like ur US content!
@AnnoyedEchinda Жыл бұрын
Hi! Quick question; if I am a nebula subscriber and watch all my TLDR News there, are there better ways I can be supporting the channel(s)?
@Awfulwriter Жыл бұрын
As someone else has commented, I think getting someone with an American accent to present would definitely help. Americans don't tend to like people from other countries trying to explain their own issues to them (think of it like foreignersplaining). Also, it might be good to have a US daily briefing where you cover midterm elections at the state level (candidate policies and poll numbers). Also perhaps reach out to other KZbinrs to promote each other (there is one channel called "Let's Talk Elections" which is very good at discussing upcoming elections)
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