Why Won’t God Take Away My Same-Sex Attraction?

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MARKINC - Ask Dr. Betters

MARKINC - Ask Dr. Betters

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In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “All my life I’ve been attracted to the same sex, going back to early childhood (elementary school age). I’ve heard we’re born straight, gay, or bi. I’ve heard as a Christian that it’s a sin. I believe it is. I have never acted upon with it another man, only in thought and through fleshly pleasures. I am saved and baptized. I believe in God, in Christ. I’ve accepted Him as my creator and Savior and Lord. But I’m torn between why I’m gay and why He has never taken it from me. I’ve prayed for it to be taken, I’ve tried giving up the thoughts and feelings of sexual desire towards men. It never goes away! I hate it! It has consumed my entire life in every way and has ruined my life since middle school. I need help! What am I doing wrong to get rid of it? Am I to live with it till death yet learn to not act or think on it? Please help Dr. Betters. I’m at the point of giving up on God or dying now to have the peace I hear of in heaven.”
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@richardmooney7114 2 жыл бұрын
I too can relate what was related by the man describing how same sex feelings have ruined his life. I consider being gay as a curse because of how society treats us. Yet worse, is how absolutely destructive these feelings have been to me personally.
@NaturallyHomosexual Жыл бұрын
Our homosexuality isn't to blame for how badly society treats us for it, anti-gay religions are to blame. There's nothing wrong with same-sex attraction. Two consenting adults of the same sex in a loving relationship can live happy and fulfilling lives together.
@sylvesterjohns7968 11 ай бұрын
Jesus help my brother and heal me as well.
@m.f.5739 9 ай бұрын
I can relate to this completely. Same sex attraction can and often does ruin lifes. And society nowadays is not better than before. This constant temptation and deceit in this world makes a hard thing even harder and more painful. And as someone struggling with unwanted same sex attraction I often feel misunderstood and left alone. If I would tell anyone about this, most wouldn't understand and try to push me into acting out. Not with any bad intention, but because many don't understand that not everyone with same sex attraction wants to act on it.
@Potato_Peel_ 4 ай бұрын
Homosexuality as a sin is completely different from any other sin, so it makes no sense comparing it to something like a drinking addiction. You can decide to stop drinking today but you can’t decide to stop being homosexual. Anyone who says otherwise just doesn’t understand it. Yes god can take the desire away but as I have heard, the attraction will always be there. If it wasn’t for those few verses in the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin or even an abomination, I would wholeheartedly become a Christian. I will never be able to have a happy family with someone of the opposite sex because the attraction just isn’t there, but I’m also not supposed to be with someone of the same sex even if I truly love them. I’m sorry but I just can’t live a life like that being miserable forever.
@AskDrBetters_MARKINCMinistries 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment and thank you for listening! Please visit helpandhopenow.org. Many free resources are available for you that will provide you with help and hope! We also have a free APP. Just type Help & Hope into your app store to download!
@ianexplore1542 2 жыл бұрын
Don't use the free will in the wrong way, we are created with capacity to distinguish wrong from right, you have to fight against the sinful desire. We have to please God rather the Devil
@ronsmith2241 9 ай бұрын
It was medically proven that I was born gay during electronic shock therapy. Happy to explain. God created me gay and He knew what He was doing. The entire medical profession declassified homosexuality as an illness 51 years ago. A 51 year marriage to my accepting wife did not change a thing. I cared for her for 26 years with MS before she passed. I am very proud God created me gay. Its absolutely fine.
@SethEdwards-hq9pm Ай бұрын
I've been celibate for the last 30 years because I thought it was God's will. I now have absolutely nothing to show for it. He feels free to call me an abomination but has done nothing to help me. I wish I had my life back.
@AskDrBetters_MARKINCMinistries Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment and for listening! I encourage you to visit helpandhopenow.org, where you'll find many free resources to provide the help and hope you need. Additionally, we have a free app-just type "Help & Hope" into your app store to download it. Be sure to subscribe and enable notifications so you never miss a single video!
@pastorbri 9 ай бұрын
he won't take away SSA as its not a sin
@johnhaleii208 3 жыл бұрын
So when I beg and plead for an end to my loneliness, as I have been for twenty years, God will keep me alone and/or exhausted as He has done? Right now I cannot interpret my situation as anything other than mockery from above. My church is filled with great people and attractive ladies, but none of them are appropriate for me. Either they are not an appropriate age, already in a relationship, or have no interest in me. This life of celibacy and loneliness is keeping me miserable and the only choices that I see do not improve matters. I want to seek God, but God seems to not want me.
@ibharloera 3 жыл бұрын
I relate to your struggle and I am currently single. I have had times where I felt just as you describe in your post. It's definitely hard. One of the toughest things that I did that has helped me is not leaning into the idea that I am being made to suffer. People often say the timing isn't right or that I need to wait for the right girl. Those statements while I believe them do not always help. But I have told myself that I need to become better and work on what I would offer to a women and making sure if I do find someone amazing that I can also be amazing for that person. Working on myself and becoming better has really made being single easier and keeping faith in the lord even when it's hard has also made my wait easier. I wish you luck my friend and hope you soon find peace in singleness or peace in a solid relationship.
@andremahesa4249 3 жыл бұрын
Hi sir. As long as you have actraction toward opposite sex. You still have chance and hope. Christian online searching may help (be careful)(use credibel apps/site), make an effort and pray. But make sure it is not your ultimate goal, it could be an idol. Put God first. Pray for you sir
@shawneeb8273 2 жыл бұрын
John H. Seek ye 1st the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Refocus your desires on pleasing GOD. HE KNOWS you desire a wife and will give you one 9nce you are ready. Make sure you put him 1st, not your desires. Make sure you are the best you- groomed, dressed well, kind, gracious, stern and polished. Always smell good and look at men who are appealing as a guide to help you improve yourself. GET SOME CONFIDENCE. Women are attracted to confident men.
@Devante1065 2 жыл бұрын
Me too I’m gay since my mother conceived me im really not attracted to woman it just came naturally to me I think 🤔
@smeatonlighthouse4384 3 жыл бұрын
One thing which is not taught to Christians is the truth that we are 'new creations IN CHRIST JESUS'. The Bible does NOT teach that we are new creations in ourselves. I remember when younger singing 'He's changing me, He's changing me, I'm not the same person that I used to be . . . .' It was a nice catchy tune, but wrong. We ARE the same person that we were. We are still prone to all the feelings, thoughts, desires that we had before we became Christians. It is Jesus Christ who is the perfect one. It is Christ who has fully satisfied and glorified God in His life and especially in His death. Because of this fact, God reaches out to us in Grace now (His unmerited favour). All that Christ has purchased and obtained through His substitutionary death on the cross, we are brought into the good of 'IN CHRIST'. It is a new standing before God. We are now Sons of God by adoption (Romans ch. 8). However, when you read 2 Corinthians ch. 4 v 7 'But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us'. v8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair. v10, Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. etc. etc. We have the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ - but - we have it in earthen vessels. That is so that we will ALWAYS be in DEPENDENCE on God for power to live for Him. The apostle Paul had his problem. His asked God to remove it. God said No. My Grace is sufficient for you. You are exactly the same. God wants you to experience His grace in your Life. That power which the Holy Spirit gives us to walk worthy of the Lord and that Christ might be made manifest in our bodies. All sexual relationships outside the marriage of a man and a women is sin. It is only Love for Christ Jesus which can give the victory over lust. Learn how God sees you towards Him in Christ Jesus. If you look at how you feel towards God, you will see failure and a lack of love. God sees the sinner who was dead in trespasses and in sins - as quickened, alive in Christ, and seated in Heavenly places in Christ, accepted in the beloved, sons of God, joint heirs with Christ Jesus and we shall reign with Him, and so much more. Romans ch. 6 tells us to 'reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ, our Lord.' Reckon means treat it as a 'done deal'. Live in the good of it. Read Romans ch. 5, 6, 7 and 8 in that order, as one follows the other in experience. Finally, as regards the thoughts and desires, that's your cross, carry it and set your affections on Christ and things above.
@andremahesa4249 3 жыл бұрын
Read your comment made me hopeless. Same sex attraction is not only about sex, it is involves many aspects. The calling of singleness or not, the way we relate to people around, the needs for love and intimation, the problem of loneliness, and many... Image being unwanted single, due to, you have no chance to do something (effort to find a spouse, cause no interest/attraction). In other case hetero attracted singles, still have chance to do something. When Jesus says "my yoke is easy to bear". For me and for almost all SSA struggle christian "this is beyond our stregth, this is so heavy" Imagine being heart cry almost every wake up and night time. I dont know how not to desparate over this situation. It feels like hell knowing that i would spend the rest of my life having this attraction.
@JohnSmith-y8v 9 ай бұрын
I've cried as a teenager until my head hurt, crying out to God why can't he do something about it? I've tried women but they are a foreign thing to me, the mechanical motions seem futile. Regardless of how Dr. Betters or anyone else looks at things, no one can rewrite the Bible. The best I can do is remain celibate until I die and it's now been over 35 years of celibacy. When I die, I plan to ask God what was that all about? What was the point of me?
@oprator81 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you and thank the Lord. May that help many as it did me.
@nelsontoledo4858 Жыл бұрын
I love this video, I would like to find a counselor and speak about my problems.
@AskDrBetters_MARKINCMinistries Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful! We have a team of biblical counselors that you could speak with. To find out more visit AnchoredHope.co. God Bless!
@awillingvessel238 3 жыл бұрын
If you don't act on the homosexuality desires you aren't a homosexual right?
@richardmooney7114 2 жыл бұрын
Not acting on gay desires does not help. It actually makes it worse, because one can never have peace from thoughts which the Scripture which says, to lust in one's heart is just as bad as acting on these thoughts. It is a not win situation. I would tell any young gay person to not get involved in the promiscuity of the gay culture. Rather, I would advice to diligently seek a monogamous relationship with one carefully chosen person. No different than a straight person should seek God's to send that one special wife/husband to live a fulling lifetime.
@dmmnola Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard people claim that they have been “delivered” from same-sex attraction when they are in church in front of a body of believers. However, it’s amazing that when people know that you’re not judging them and know that you are legally bound to confidentiality, they tend to tell the truth. In 22 years of practicing psychiatry, I have never seen one person who could say that their attraction had been changed from being gay to straight or vice versa, with divine intervention or not. Not have I ever seen anyone, believer or non-believer, “delivered” from Schizophrenia. People clearly have the ability to choose their behavior in accordance with their convictions, but they have no control of the automatic neurophysiological responses that occur with attraction. Attempts at conversion therapy have been unequivocally debunked by the American Psychological and American Psychiatric association. There is clear evidence that same-sex attraction has a genetic component, although it does not account for all cases of same-sex attraction. Attempts at the so-called reparative therapies have led to major depression, suicidal thoughts, even suicide completion. The Church has no obligation to embrace or affirm aberrant sexual behaviors, but it does have a commandment to love and accept people.
@m.f.5739 9 ай бұрын
That's a bit of a debate. Some say the actions define if your gay, some say the thoughts do. But most people living a celibate life because of same sex attraction don't like the label gay because it makes their same sex attraction their identity. In the end I think actions matter more than labels.
@camille-bz2vp 3 жыл бұрын
Amen 💗
@NaturallyHomosexual Жыл бұрын
As a homosexual woman, I've lived all my adult years happily with my same-sex attraction because I know there's nothing wrong with it. I accept my attraction to other women, and as a result of accepting my same-sex attraction, my homosexuality has only ever brought me happiness, fulfilment and joy and I've never had to suffer a single suicidal thought because of my homosexuality. I feel so lucky to not only live in a country where I don't have to face persecution and possibly death penalty for something harmless that I can't control, but also to have been raised by a single mother who loves me for who I am. I send my happiness and love to all my fellow homosexuals out there, no matter if they're being forced by religious nonsense to struggle with themselves or if they're comfortable like me with how they are. ♀❤♀🏳‍🌈♂❤♂
@RB-.- Жыл бұрын
i suffer from same sex urges and its wrong
@infoentertainment5743 10 ай бұрын
Same sex urges are wrong abd it's not given by gid
@m.f.5739 9 ай бұрын
You just have different morals and values like many of us here, so you chose to act on your same sex attraction. That's not the way I want to be dealing with it, but if it's the right way for you, that's ok. To everyone his/her way.
@trenton9 Ай бұрын
It is totally possible to enjoy and be comfortable in sin. This is one of the reasons God came to us as Jesus, to remove our blindness and desensitization to our own moral crimes, even when we LOVE our moral crimes. The happiness humanity manufactures apart from God ends in hell. Whatever fulfillment you experience within your gay relationship, greater fulfillment is still possible in God.
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