Asmongold Reacts to "Why Do MMO's Fail?" by Nixxiom

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Original Video: • Why Do MMO's Fail?
Asmongold's Twitch: / asmongold

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@XxC0ldH3artxX 4 жыл бұрын
"Without creating a need to socialize, the game will die." *Laughs in Runescape iron man*
@TheRaptorian 5 жыл бұрын
He is actualy right.Many of my friends quit wow and most people I see in the game now play solo or in premade mythic groups,kinda feels like single player game or coop at best. Just my 2 cents.
@lordjuno7372 5 жыл бұрын
Or their in private servers playin vanilla and BC
@neonace0070 5 жыл бұрын
rated pvp or raiding bro that's all you gotta dfo
@samisuhonen9815 5 жыл бұрын
What hooked me into wow 100% was going to the first "higher level" class trainer... and seeing all the insane skills he had to offer. I was a warlock, and just reading up what cool and amazing skills I could learn down the line was amazing. Fantasizing about the possibilities, of how powerful I would be if I had all these abilities to burn down my opponents and curse their flesh into oblivion. Dinging level 10 and seeing my talent trees. Seeing the end tier talent for destruction, conflagrate... An instant cast spell, that would consume my immolate to nuke someone for 10 times the health I had? That was my dream. Every time I felt even a bit of exhaustion grinding and grinding those mobs, I just opened my talent window, and got motivated again. Just a couple of levels and I can unlock a new ability from the trainer I have desired... A couple of levels to get to the next big milestone in my talents! Then I saw the max level PvP warlocks on youtube. Like drakedog, totally owning people in cool epic gear. Man did I dream about being like those gods one day. It just kept me hooked so hard. Realistically I was nowhere near able to get into raids or high pvp ranks. I was a damn kid that just leveled up as destruction because it was cool as fuck. But it was a dream. I knew I had to work for it, I knew those people had worked for it. It was fine that I didn't get what I wanted. I kept creeping closer every day, and felt badass just using those PvP ability combos on leveling mobs, imagining that I could one day beat players just like that. I mean if I just could have logged in as a rank 14 warlock with epic raid gear, it wouldn't have felt special. I wouldn't have felt satisfied. I would have played with my new toys for a few weeks, got bored and quit.
@Helvanic 5 жыл бұрын
Dude you just made an abstract of my vanilla time. Good times man. Thanks.
@wratatatata5499 5 жыл бұрын
mmo fails because of azerite gear
@AmorXcatalunya7 5 жыл бұрын
i love azerite gear xD
@Evil_Befall 5 жыл бұрын
Because of clueless wow devs lol
@Fulgrim_The_Phoenician 5 жыл бұрын
Remember a world where almost 99% of its content was relevent? A world where professions helped lvling, where being social was necessary and where having a 'Blue' item ment something? When leveling was part of the game and doing dungeons took effort. I think Wow is more about the journey and the destination as a cherry on the top. I don't know why alot of players hate questing and leveling that much but are begging for new content which they want to burn through as quickly and easily as possible. To appreciate the big picture, you must love the smaller details. ( bla bla bla I know, I suck )
@melissa48027 5 жыл бұрын
thats true
@Skepsikyma 5 жыл бұрын
I think one of the reasons that OSRS is so popular is that there is no real goal. Only like a percent of a percent of the players will ever max out all of the skills. so everything that you do in the game, you do because you think it's fun and enjoy the community. You talk with people while you train, you get excited when you get a good drop, you feel a sense of achievement when you unlock the ability to craft a new item. Quests are engaging, not just exp mills. By making maxing out a skill an almost superhuman achievement, the devs completely removed the concept of there even being an 'endgame' for the vast majority of players. Instead, there's just a 'game'. I think that early on in WoW's development, they decided that the game was going to be about max level instead of the journey to max level, and focused content development almost entirely on the endgame. This was bound to eventually cause problems, as people would constantly get restless without a sense of achievement to stimulate them.
@Jonathan-fw6ty 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, it's called FFXIV. Guess what I had to do while leveling in that game? I had to farm leveling raids for a couple of days to get enough tokens to update my gear because quest items and drops were getting pretty shitty. And guess what? I had fun doing it. WoW current gearing system, whether we're talking about leveling or endgame, is so fucking trash and unrewarding. It's a goddamn miracle there's still 5m+ people doing this shit. If it was any other game, it would have died a while ago.
@gary6631 5 жыл бұрын
I was never social, must be why I hated vanilla
@Cleron_O_Andarilho 5 жыл бұрын
I agree most of the video about players are just hating things, but players now just want things NOW and easy.
@SeruraRenge11 5 жыл бұрын
I actually think SWTOR is a perfectly fine game....if it was a single-player game. What killed it was making it an MMO.
@GhostRabbiit 5 жыл бұрын
@SeruraRenge11 5 жыл бұрын
I mean they were clearly trying to just make Kotor 3. But everything multiplayer about it felt so forced and tacked on. Don't get me wrong, I actually would've been ok with the multiplayer elements being there if it wasn't an MMO and it was just something extra the game had, like you could choose to play offline or online. Like Diablo 2.
@Shockdamost 5 жыл бұрын
its was a fun game until 1st major content up date to be fair
@gonzajd777 5 жыл бұрын
what in the name of god is SWTOR
@SeruraRenge11 5 жыл бұрын
Star Wars The Old Republic
@Francois424 5 жыл бұрын
Other reasons why MMOs fail, IMHO: - Too easy (and just mindlessly killing thousands of mobs without batting an eyelid and watching TV or KZbin on your second screen) - No economy / No reason to partake in said economy if there's one / All economics being bypassed by RMT / Lootboxes - Content segregation, either from players (PvP guild denying access to entire zones and/or dungeons) or developers (unattainable prerequisites from even the above average player) - Lack of Balance. If you have 4 classes in your MMO and all committed players only plays the one and the other aren't even considered for bosses/dungeons/end-game... problem ! And one of my most important : - Levels and hard-coded classes are bad(-ish). I remember Ultima Online, which to this day was so good for community and guild events. You could take the ENTIRE guild out in an epic dungeon on Friday night, the elites, the veterans, and even the newbies... Because there was no levels. Newbies had only a small skill pool to use, but they could heal the other players and they could whack on mobs as long as they didn't draw any aggro. They could follow us around and that was fun. Also everyone was welcomed as you could be anything you wanted... no classes. Sure the guild would require a Lockpicker and a Cartographer for some events... Would require magic users for others, but in general, everyone was welcomed. To some degree, Final Fantasy 11 and 14 solved this by allowing ONE character to switch to ALL classes (or jobs), so even tho the level segregation is still a pain in the back, at least you can change your skillset in town before the next raid/dungeons/guild crawl, should it be needed. Not as good as UO's skill-based characters, but the best we seem to be getting these days.
@StarboyXL9 4 жыл бұрын
"To some degree, Final Fantasy 11 and 14 solved this by allowing ONE character to switch to ALL classes (or jobs), so even tho the level segregation is still a pain in the back, at least you can change your skillset in town before the next raid/dungeons/guild crawl, should it be needed." Skyforge did that too.
@ryanpellegrini1023 4 жыл бұрын
When i first started playing back in vanilla, i was brand new to the MMO genre. As a noob i started questing blown away by this awesome world i was participating in with other players. It wasnt until about level 8 that i even realized there was a world outside my starting zone. My mind was completely blown when i first stepped into Stromwind, it was at that point I went from classic console RPG player to MMO lifer .
@LucaRobold 4 жыл бұрын
I started playing wow about a month ago. I preordered shadowlands as well because a friend of mine said they would play with me. I had decided to use the boost that came with the preorder. I was lost and had very little guidance on what to do. I played though, and just pushed forward. I eventually found a guild, chatted with them. It certainly helped, and hanging with them made me realize that I have no idea what I am doing. Currently, I am in the process of actively leveling up a character. Going from 20-120. And I can say I am enjoying it a lot, and I’m actually talking to people as I play. From a new player, the boost were a mistake. And I feel foolish for doing it.
@andrewg3196 5 жыл бұрын
I can never tell how serious this guy is
@topgunjoeicdbko 5 жыл бұрын
I am an even bigger looser. I dont even play wow but half my day is watching your content you just wont stop posting i cant get shit done anymore
@kallmannkallmann 5 жыл бұрын
why not lisen to this while u play wow?
@pokeyerface 5 жыл бұрын
@@kallmannkallmann or just play aos and listen to asmon here ehen you done?! Btw there is a TBC server called Excalibur WoW out there if you wanna live them good old days...
@juhokinnunen4797 5 жыл бұрын
Mmos ruin your life even if you are not the one playing
@thetom12395 3 жыл бұрын
i remember the first horde i saw was a lvl 60 undead rouge outside stromwind and i was only 12 years old at the time. im 29 now and still remember that. tryed to kill him but failed
@D00M3R_MAVS 5 жыл бұрын
the star-wars MMO is actually in an alright place right now as far as I can gather. I started playing it last year just to see what it was like (and I like star wars so would be a win, win) it's not nearly as big as wow, but it's still a good game. the classes feel and play like you would think they should and all that good stuff. I'd definitely recommend it if you like star wars. I can't really speak for the end game though, I'm one of these weirdos that likes to do the levelling up in MMO's once in a while and will level like 10 alts in a month or something and then not touch the game again for years.
@zer0veledits 5 жыл бұрын
ONE simple concept that the mmo games of today lack is ADVENTURE, when WoW was first released in 2004 it gave you this feeling that you were a nobody starting your own adventure in a new world fighting your way to the top but it wasn't just about the end game every little quest was its own little story everything had meaning even the gold you were able to obtain was so low and the expenses in the game so many that it felt so hard and at the same time amazing to make progress because every little thing had value every little piece of green gear you always had to keep in mind that you need silver and gold for your training so you can learn new spells, money for the repairs and food/water for your leveling, there's no mmo today that will give you that feeling the feeling that you have to go on this adventure and take on so many challenges.
@zubrhero5270 5 жыл бұрын
In all fairness. That adventure was also partly down to the fact that back then was the wild west compared to today's gaming. In the early days people barely used mods. Then it started becoming the norm that you'd have to install a threat meter and boss mods, getting whispers from every person in the raid saying "YOU ARE THE BOMB!". Early days people were in the infancy stages of going online to find everything out, most didn't know what BiS items were or what stats were most important. People would check thottbot for items or locations and get info from mmochampion. Cut to today. We install mods to show us where to go so most of the time we don't even take in the scenery. Raids are just airhorns and "run away little girl". Everything from this expansion was datamined what seemed like forever ago. Mods tell you what equipment to use and what to do. Hell, it annoys me that people have installed mods that automatically "gz" people when they get achievements. How fucking lazy is that? But yea, back on point, that adventure in-game is no longer possible due to the speed at which we communicate and the technology we have, just like in real life.
@ACCAW11 5 жыл бұрын
I still play ESO because as soon as they listened to the community it became amazing so long as you are in a guild that behaves like a guild instead of a collective of individuals. Great lore, great mechanics and great dec support.
@simhanssens7331 5 жыл бұрын
I have never thought about community like that.. waw. I mainly play League of Legends at the moment and I finally get why I'm so hooked on it since the end of season 1, back then everybody wasn't toxic yet and always answered my questions I had ( ofcourse the occasional "you're so bad noob" or "uninstall plz" was still there but not a lot ). You HAD to learn how to communicate with your team since you had to say which roles you wanted, champion picks, and all in gamecommunications.
@radialorbits 5 жыл бұрын
i remember being a "noob" for months and months, with the long journey up to 60. Even then I was a noob and spent months learning end content/raiding... miss it!
@jorgeclarkson4639 5 жыл бұрын
Every time I tried to get into WoW, cos it seemed so cool. I just ended up playing on my own and I just got bored and left. Then I watch cool videos like MadSeasonShow and I get so hyped and try again. And then I am just herding Spiders in the Eastern Plaguelands or some shit.
@unou588 5 жыл бұрын
He's right about cataclysm being the peak of their sub count, anything forward from that point, i would complete the content of the expansion, max my gear out, and then take a break for months waiting for the next expansion because there wasn't anything to log on to do that seemed worth it
@Destroyer3875 5 жыл бұрын
I wasnt part of a guild from the beginning of WoD to the beginning of BFA. The only reason I decided to join one is because I wanted the mount speed buff. The game doesn't make it feel necessary for a guild anymore, I can do lfg or dungeons and get to almost mythic ilvl without hardly any interaction with other players.
@grtech2011 4 жыл бұрын
I left wow after cata and came back for classic. So much more fun and I have a regular group that's not even in my guild that I've been questing with and love every min of it. Community is the reason I love wow and with classic it's been brought back and I hope its here to stay!
@Mistea84 5 жыл бұрын
what is the thing with the soda?
@chueyxuey8175 5 жыл бұрын
I am a new player and I totally understand this, I spammed this game on my first week and had over 100 hours in under seven days, it was so fun but it felt so like lonely and unsatisfying after a while. I was in a guild, but no one really helped or really did anything together besides the endgame players in the guild. And My guild was really nice and helpful, someone even gave me free gold to help me get heirlooms. But it still felt like I didnt interact with anyone, i couldnt make any friends because no one talked besides to communicate in dungeons, and everyone was a smurf.
@blakebrannvall466 5 жыл бұрын
I still believe the creation of dungeon finder in 3.3 or whatever patch it was. Was the start of the slow death of wow
@Noobie2k7 5 жыл бұрын
"Don't let them fight bosses that came right out of a raid at level 10" Sounds like a dig at Guild Wars 2. Personally the world bosses are one of my fav parts of that game. it actually encourages the community. Something WoW's lacking now. Infact WoW used to have random world bosses and now they've all been removed pretty much.
@Dark3nedDragon 5 жыл бұрын
I think, that most people are FINE with the 'Talent Bloat' over time. We all have a limit for abilities, but in NEW ways to use those abilities? What if instead of REMOVING content in Legion, or BFA, they added another set of talents, and free (no talent needed) abilities too, on occasion. What If: Warlock had the OLD 'Demonology Form' added as a new Talent for any spec. You take it, replacing your current (main) Damage CD, gain a new (additional) resource bar, and when it hits higher resources, pop it, triggering the new form, and modifying your abilities to match the old Demon-form (instant casting abilities, dots, leap, etc.). Rogues had the Pirate-Themed abilities stick around, but become optional Talents, and compete with comparably-powerful abilities. Or are talents that replace the baseline abilities, adding in new functionalities (increased range, damage, etc.). What if New Concepts were added, that redefined the way a Class or Specialization is played, such as Gladiator Stance for Prot Warriors? What if you could mix Specializations, or choose to be "Pure" gaining benefits either way. Mixing Affliction and Demonology would allow your Pets to apply certain Dots, and Dots to summon certain Pets. More importantly, there should be world-interaction with whatever you are playing. Gathering Soul Shards as a Warlock might be tedious to some, but the idea of 'needing to stockpile resources for the upcoming encounter' is pretty interesting to a lot of players. In truth, WoW is just done, the Engine is old and limiting, and the company has gone past its expiration. I find myself hoping, despite having played it for so many years, that it fails, and gets replaced. These older companies, EA, Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda, should be wiped away, and those responsible for their stagnation, blacklisted from the job-market. WoW was fun, quite a few years ago, but my best experiences were when I first started playing, and no, that's not a good thing. When you're looking at the amount of time I've put into the game, and that many others have spent multitudes more time than I have (and I've racked up a rather obscene amount myself), the most memorable things, that leave us with a smile on our face, should NOT be the first. It means that all which followed was inferior; the more we've known WoW, it's only gone downhill from there.
@bonfire301 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like something that could go a long way to drawing back old players is fix the quantity of supposedly rare mats. Bring back auctioneer spec
@dead4419 5 жыл бұрын
8:30 gave me the chills man
@Killinblaza 5 жыл бұрын
So true. Played on a Lich King server and after 2 or 3 years decided to go to a Cataclysm server that was good for a month or 2, then I tried going on live servers, mop and Legion. The fact that you don't NEED to talk to people to get to enjoy end content really messed up my experience. Never made any new strong friendships with people. Made soo many great friends from when I played in that Lich King server. WoW is never going to be the same, wish they prove me wrong though. Will never forget the feeling of leveling my first character when the game was actually good. Hitting Max level for the first time... Hope I will be able to experience a game like that one more time.
@LoreMaster007 5 жыл бұрын
This is why vanilla is going to save WoW. It was so organic on how everything worked. Being a blacksmith felt so important and I felt like I helped others that needed gear. I needed an alchemist to infuse my bars to make power items. You needed others. You felt needed. Community.
@omnifarius6325 5 жыл бұрын
Vanilla can work on paper, but it really depends on how many community driven people take interest in it. There's so many selfish gamers nowadays spoonfed rewards for little effort, Vanilla might be a bit overwhelming to them, and there just might not be enough people still playing that remember vanilla to establish a big enough community. But word of mouth has always worked for WoW, so maybe, just maybe.
@DahBro007 5 жыл бұрын
What about C for Computer upgrade I had to quit wow during legion because my computer no longer was capable to handle wow
@Monsteretrope 5 жыл бұрын
So the live chat just repeats whatever asmon says? So useful xD
@TrianglePants 5 жыл бұрын
that's the internet for you
@definitelynotdoge7278 5 жыл бұрын
@@TrianglePants twitch*
@TrianglePants 5 жыл бұрын
Nah. The entire internet is full of idiots like that. Just look at comment sections on here.
@cheyhey2170 5 жыл бұрын
@@TrianglePants twitch-chat is 90% sarcasm 9% irony
@TrianglePants 5 жыл бұрын
More like 40% titty streamers and their stupid audiences, 30% sarcasm/irony, 30% regular stupidity
@NotTheWheel 5 жыл бұрын
I'd suggest checking out that MMO detective guy Nerd Slayer he makes tons of videos on the rise and fall of MMOs and dissecting what they did wrong in a documentary style format.
@peterlopez2388 5 жыл бұрын
You mean nerd slayer?
@NotTheWheel 5 жыл бұрын
@@peterlopez2388 Ah yes lemme fix that
@peterlopez2388 5 жыл бұрын
@@NotTheWheel he just dropped another video too
@kylerBD 5 жыл бұрын
Activision is why wow has been bleeding subs
@D00M3R_MAVS 5 жыл бұрын
I'd probably agree, even without me looking into it. activision is one of those companies that is like a soul-less husk. when I heard of the merger it was a sad day. I still like me some hearthstone a few times a year (it's on my binge list) for like 3 months at a time, now activision are on board you can see the pre order BS is getting worse. they now have 2 pre orders and have content locked behind the bigger one. I bought both for boomsday, but then got none for the rasta one that just came out. I'd have preferred to get cards for both sets, but just couldn't justify spending all that money for a game I play a few months a year.
@Idkmanlemmeedit 5 жыл бұрын
WoW Bought Activision
@eagle0286 5 жыл бұрын
Activision might be bad for blizzard but wow has already been going downhill goes for most their games people just keep blaming Activision but that's not the only thing wrong.
@EcnalKcin 5 жыл бұрын
Too bad you are wrong. WoW started down the wrong track way back in BC when the item power level creep made everything in vanilla obsolete after 5 minutes in BC. That was years before Activision was in any way involved. Go watch some of development history videos, the people that created WoW and the original content got promoted and/or transferred to other projects, leaving new people to take over, and they did not produce the same quality as the original developers. All before Activision got involved.
@ehcopperage 5 жыл бұрын
@@EcnalKcin Activision merged with Blizzard late in TBC and we don't really know how many strings their grubby little fingers were pulling during that time but it's easy to tell they're making a lot of the decisions to appease shareholders only lately. But yeah I agree, WoW bleeding subs was inevitable because of the way they designed the expansions.
@Donnirononon 5 жыл бұрын
A self hosted TrinityCore p-server + Player Bots has as much social interaction as official servers nowadays
@pyloniac 5 жыл бұрын
GW1 had everything, awesome community, tons of content, commitment of the developers. With the PvP system of Guild vs Guild-Wars and the way you obtained new skills it is still my favorite MMO (except vanilla-wotlk WoW).
@Jaigarful 5 жыл бұрын
GW1 was an amazing game. I still have my collector's edition with the art book and all. The world was beautiful and was just a fun world. Whats sad is that we'll never see a game like that ever again. While its combat system was just a step above turn based, it was very tactical, and knowledge of the game far outweighed gear (which gear grind outside of transmog wasn't really a thing), I remember exploring Ascalon after the searing, working my way around. Felt like a proper world.
@rnation0115 5 жыл бұрын
PvP was the best I have experienced in a mmo, this and wow were my childhood lol. GW2 really dissapointed me.....
@joeyvpoisonfree 5 жыл бұрын
Gw1 was fucking awesome man
@jprec5174 5 жыл бұрын
Gw1 was the only mmo that i loved to pvp in.
@Jonathan-fw6ty 5 жыл бұрын
GW1 isn't an MMO.... No persistent world. It's all instanced except for towns. The game was divided into 4 parts (campaigns) that you could choose to play individually. It's more of an Online RPG with Co-op elements. There's was nothing 'massive' about it.
@Poisonjab354 5 жыл бұрын
My 1st time seeing a fel guard I knew I had to tear the game apart to get one.
@SpyMbaka 5 жыл бұрын
My Issue with Warhammer Online back in the day was that I was still a kid and my computer was too bad to play the game so I quit and went back to wow haha
@theR1ch 5 жыл бұрын
My poor scrub BC hands. That was when I saw it. The Lionheart Executioner sitting on the back of a level 70 Paladin. I'm gonna have a sword that cool one day.
@bailsack90 5 жыл бұрын
I instantly got hooked because my buddy said "YOU CAN DUAL WIELD TWO HANDED WEPS" during leveling. Didnt see it. Until one day. A taurean warrior gave me a ride in his fucking motorcycle. I knew..."that's gonna be me"
@jayson3137 5 жыл бұрын
That feeling of man I wanna look like that guy in all this epic gear you only get that once in an mmo once you get to that level you are that guy people who just started see you in your epic gear and they want to be like you and now they can do that in 39 minutes if they buy a boost it’s sad
@TuffMelon 5 жыл бұрын
I honestly feel that Wrath was the peak of WoW, not simply because of gameplay, but because of how iconic Arthas is. Seriously. Who the fuck else would be the face of the Warcraft main villain?
@GrusDarkhart 5 жыл бұрын
Hello, returning WoW player. On the EVE comment. One of the lesser known (kinda) things you can do in said game is "missions". These are runs you can do solo if you have the right ship and reputation with said faction. So if youre not known or just starting out with X faction you start at lvl1 missions. As you progress to lvl 4 they get harder and harder and require better rep to unlock. As they get harder the ship youll need will also get bigger and bigger.
@strbskepleso 3 жыл бұрын
perfectly built burn of McConnel at the end of the video :D
@SuDaixi 4 жыл бұрын
I think that last point is also why games which make you pay for interacting or talking to other players in a world chat don't really have open and easy to join communities and are almost never fun to play. I tried so many mmos and the ones I played longest were always the ones with many group play settings that didn't pit players against each other. Ones where pvp for example was optional and you could opt out of participating but was also very easy to access in case you did want to beat someone up. Otherwise the world was more based on pve but with many of it having to do with being in a party with others. And almost always if those things were tempered with, the easy banter between players would slowly trickle out of the game and soon drama and kind of just uneasy atmospheres would form and then the game is no longer a game and no longer fun to play. Also I always thought that if people wanted single player they would pick up single player games. The whole point of mmo is playing with others. Sometimes against, but mostly with. I think that is why I never enjoyed fps games like COD where you almost exclusively compete with others. I do not enjoy being screamed at by a 12 year olds. On the other hand I loved pvp in mmorpgs. You play pve for fun with guildmates in dungeons and raids, challenge a rival to a pvp match, argue with a guildmate on a good build and then beat the snot out of them in a private pvp duel to prove it works, participate in arena battles if you want to see how you compare against others, or do whole guild wars against other guilds for getting some kind of ingame benefit. And all that is voluntary participation, instead you could craft and swap materials with guildmates who had different skills then you or just do the hardest pve content with other guildmates. This was regular part of gameplay in so many games back then. Ah good times. I wonder if games like that are still out there? Nostalgia got me, I kinda want to revisit some of the older games I used to play if they are still around. I think the only "mmo" (but not really) game that I ever enjoyed that wasn't very group oriented was maplestory. The amount of characters with interesting story lines and the hilarious quests kept me going wanting to play every character to the endgame, despite the grind, to the point I really often ignored other people instead concentrating on getting to the next part of the story. Almost like a visual novel game with grinding in-between. Also sometimes grinding was therapeutic and also made me feel accomplished to get that next piece of the story. Never understood people who skipped quest descriptions in that particular game. Even then maplestory could totally have been played like an mmo if you had a committed group of friends with the amount of party quests avaliable that had rewards if you grinded them, it's just so easy to play that game alone though.
@Ch-thalassa 5 жыл бұрын
I still remember the Rift commercial on TV. "Were not in Azeroth anymore" At the time my interest in wow was low so i played it and loved it. but then Rift did the same thing as TOR. No content.
@toddtaylor316 5 жыл бұрын
Rifts are just annoyances after awhile.
@MarvinMonroe 5 жыл бұрын
Just noticed the grocer's apostrophe. MMO's. I know y'all are smart enough to know that that apostrophe doesn't need to be there
@terrancebutler3138 5 жыл бұрын
MarvinMonroe just noticed the 9th grader who just learned what a grocers apostrophe was and decided to share his superior knowledge
@MarvinMonroe 5 жыл бұрын
@@terrancebutler3138 true, I had never heard the term "grocer's apostrophe" until last week. 9th grade was 25 years ago though
@cheyhey2170 5 жыл бұрын
@@MarvinMonroe depends on what english your speaking actually, i think if it was british english it had to be there, not sure tho~
@orc001 5 жыл бұрын
It just makes it more pleasing to the eye, and thus more consumable. As a content producer, these things are key
@mmanigh2500 5 жыл бұрын
to mcconnel's comment at the end, warhammer online mmo was such an amazing game. people loved it, it definitely had all 3 c's, but it died because of EA
@Soulessdeeds 5 жыл бұрын
This is how bad WOW is. Streamers have to react to videos other people make on KZbin in order to entertain their viewers. And Blizzard wonders why people are leaving in droves.
@orc001 5 жыл бұрын
Mm well that is called being a streamer personality. If you just sit in one game and only talk about what you are doing, you don't make a feel connection with new viewers that makes them want to come back, or watch these commentary Vods
@sudowoodo9579 5 жыл бұрын
Plus he’s been doing this for a long time. When the new raids come out i guarantee you he will still do it.
@dariaminevord6537 5 жыл бұрын
I have the same situation, I left Perfect world and started playing lineage 2 at private server, but I am getting convinced that official ones are the best choice
@peterlopez2388 5 жыл бұрын
@@dariaminevord6537 jeez. PW is still online? Thought that fame died years ago.
@curiousfishie 5 жыл бұрын
Wow isn't exactly bad because of streamers. Wow is bad because it became greedy. Both financially and ummm ass-kissie. Lol I mean that they want to appeal to so many different people that in the end have lost their own charm in the process. You can't win them all, and Actizzard was ambitious in trying to hook all(altho greedy) but they need to realize what made them fun(not sure if they remember that word anymore) and appealing to many was their downfall.
@Zonofgod 5 жыл бұрын
Vanilla to woltk is the best because all class is useful + people need mage 4 teleport to dalaran
@mezlolx 5 жыл бұрын
Play a ret in vanilla not all specs useful
@Heathcz 5 жыл бұрын
he said classes not specs
@thomasreid7100 5 жыл бұрын
Try a fire mage in MC then come back
@thomasreid7100 5 жыл бұрын
Vojtech Cizinsky All classes are useful today as well that's why comps are a thing. But in vanilla and TBC there were specs that just weren't viable in any way, look at vanilla tanks, only warriors there was literally no point in rolling a tank that wasn't a warrior since they had taunt. DPSing as a druid was also not a choice, pretty sure locks were the only solid class there was but pretty sure their rotation at one point was just shadow bolt.
@naquan59 5 жыл бұрын
@ thomas reid try fire mage in ZG or AQ.
@djhangover2132 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder if I would still be playing Aion if i didn't get into a fight with the friend that I was playing...
@dolotorio9304 5 жыл бұрын
"Too many pigs" Asmongold 2018
@mobius6772 5 жыл бұрын
Star wars sandbox ever
@nateriver3830 5 жыл бұрын
wrath of the lich king was my childwood the best!..still playing it in warmane tho LOl
@AndresLionheart 4 жыл бұрын
What moved me away from WoW was the mobile style endless grinds. I originally quit during Pandaria because I got burnt out from having to do 3 hours of dailies every day for different reputations/relationships, materials and whatever the heck else. By the time I was done with that daily stuff I didn't want to play anymore. Then I came back during the last patch of WoD. I don't even think HFC was opened yet, but whatever jungle area that HFC was in was out already. It was actually not that bad. The during Legion they added Artifacts, which originally had an AP cap but then they made them pretty much grow forever. Having to do a shitton of things for the millions of AP needed turned me off again, just like it did during Pandaria. I started to only log in for my weekly raids and nothing else, which of course made me fall behind in artifact power. What I'm getting at is that they should chill the fuck down with these "required" grind. Back on WotLK I would log in, do a loop around Icecrown for Ores while queuing for a random H as DPS (I was a Tank on raids, so I did dungeons as DPS to change it up a bit). After that I would choose something to do and go do it because I wanted to, not because the game required me to do it. That sort of freedom is what the game is missing right now.
@jamesryanalbuquerque 5 жыл бұрын
I tried wow again after 8 years, didn’t buy the subscription but I logged to a level 3 Tauren. It felt so good to see that magical world again, but I logged out after finding a “rare” world mob 3 levels above me. What happened was that, before it was really hard to kill a rare boss that was your level, killing a 3 levels above you would be almost impossible... I did it with 4 hits and 4dmg taken. What have you done blizzard?
@williammoore1030 5 жыл бұрын
Everything gets boring eventually, Wows shelf life is impressive.
@deadintraffic8011 5 жыл бұрын
i quit playing when they removed skill trees that removed the fun in leveling alts and completely ruined the immersion for me
@masterroshi8764 4 жыл бұрын
I quit when they removed their perfectly fine, well liked, balanced, and fair conquest pvp system and replaced it with RNG bullshit designed to keep you from getting fully geared without being a fucking gladiator, or -- god forbid -- gear an alt
@andrewbarzu6617 4 жыл бұрын
Now that i think about it.. The reason i quit warcraft isn't because of any of those, but because i lack the money for a subscription. Damn i'd love to play classic wow and see why so many people got literally addicted to the game, and feel the thrill of partying up just to be able to kill that one boss or do that one quest, but i just can't afford it. Also, I tried guild wars 2, and there wasn't a problem of sorts, because it was only a 1 time pay. The problem there was commitment, i didn't feel any sort of progression. After i got max level, and got all the best gear, there wasn't anything to do, and it didn't take me that long, around 700 hours into the game and i got pretty much the best gear and did most of the content. I don't like exploration if it's not immersive, same with the story. I like challenging stuff, raiding, dungeons, doing bosses, but guild wars didn't give me that. It only gives us, players, one new raid wing every year and there have not been any new dungeons since release. Only 10 dungeons have ever been in the game, never any more. The game is being played by casual players, that aren't commited. They play the game for a month, leave it for like a year, come back for new content and so on, and that's not how it's supposed to be. You can't make friends, because at the end of the day you never know if that person will ever log in again after you've met, you can't build communities with people always leaving and coming back. Literally, the only mmo that ever made me feel good was warcraft, because of every thing it has done, all the content, the huge community, it felt amazing being able to play legion, and until i get hired and have my own salary i don't think i'll ever be able to feel that kind of thing for any other mmo
@hotaru1231 5 жыл бұрын
i played wow back in legion, and i only had people in my company during raid night, that was horrible played for 3 months and left
@jeanpierre3061 5 жыл бұрын
this is how i've seen WoW in the past couple of patches. It rewards players for doing fuck all, but doesn't reward you for actually working and grinding your ass off.
@SwagMasterGe 5 жыл бұрын
19:10 when you're butt hert that runescape doing better than wow
@Swatman170 5 жыл бұрын
RIP Warhammer Online, it did not have anywhere near enough content updates, its community was small and niche, the only pillar that it properly had stable was commitment, RvR really invested players into fighting each other all the time.
@robertmunroe9635 5 жыл бұрын
im a weirdo when it comes to mmo's i want the community but im a solo player. i like playing a rouge in classic and figuring out how to get shit done. but i will group when i give up
@calebedourado 5 жыл бұрын
57 Activision employees disliked that video by now.
@MagnusBellatorr 5 жыл бұрын
The thing that always turns me off every MMO that I have tried so far is when I hit the point that it becomes a grind fest. Maybe the developers hope that I have become addicted to the game enough by that point to put in the commitment to grind on the same enemies for 15+ hours for minimal return but I never am. Grinding is the most horrendously boring thing that I am made to do in any game. Not to mention that half the time I could easily just abandon the game and wait for a content update then get better gear than what people spent dozens of hours on from normal mobs a few levels down the track (a bit of an exaggeration but still). Community does *squeeze* me past mid-game grind sections where a group of levels in the mid-level range is for some reason many times harder to gain than any others. However I have 0 patience for end game grind of hundreds of hours of play for bare minimal return.
@menshika 5 жыл бұрын
That guy that mention about Warhammer online is dumb. Warhamme failed due to 1st Dark side being significantly cooler, hence most rolling to it, creating huge disbalance where you had no one to fight from opposite faction. Both factions struggled because of this. 2nd Class balance was atrocious in the beginning and it took ages to fix stuff. 3rd Server crashes at tier 4 were dumb, company didn't anticipate that 2008 video cards cannot handle 200 vs 200 people playing in one town. This main issue that led almost half population to leave in the first 6 months. And when they fixed it, it was band wagon fix creating instances that completely diminished the idea of server vs server, mass vs mass. P.S. It didn't help that they were rushing the game because wow was releasing WRATH. Warhammer needed another prob 6 months to complete stuff and test it but well instead probably forced by investors they released the game..
@Shitpressure 5 жыл бұрын
The guys response to warhammer was super retarded. Many people were interested. I think the game was completely set to succees, but after EA took over, the devs were no longer allowed to commit to the game. Hence they released too early and didnt fix bugs, as you said. Real fucking shame.
@DelicateDiablo 5 жыл бұрын
Agree ... I left Tera but still kept coming back to it in hopes that sadly were not supported.
@6teeth318 5 жыл бұрын
Many guilds collapsed after cataclysm. :) And who dont know moocluck.
@kirinkappa5662 5 жыл бұрын
Its very simple: compared to other genres, MMORPGs have nothing to offer except fulfillment and social experience, because all other things that people look for in games can be delivered much better by other genres. When MMORPGs give up on social experience and fulfillment, they have nothing left to offer, so they die.
@AmorXcatalunya7 5 жыл бұрын
i loved ashran, ashras wsa the right way to do battlefronts xD
@Denstoradiskmaskinen 3 жыл бұрын
Think if school could master these things, every book you read would be a expansion, filled with new Topics (dungeons)...
@Katzenkaiser4 4 жыл бұрын
the sacred cococo
@TheCaptnChunk 5 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy XIV has all 3 of the C's. More people need to check it out. Its great!
@OfficialGreekz 5 жыл бұрын
TheCaptnChunk Final Fantasy has both an art- and gameplaystyle people dislike, like myself. The franchise has been out forerver and people have experienced what a FF game is like, and therefore will not switch over to playing it.
@Tedmaster14 4 жыл бұрын
@@OfficialGreekz I second this.
@DeathIsLethal 4 жыл бұрын
True. It's had rough days, but it's definitely got all three c's.
@NezumiTheMouse 5 жыл бұрын
A big thing that let wow work was the warcraft brand and the time it came out it had to really compete with Ultama online and the everquest games games that came after that tired to "kill WOW" could not match up to its alredy set up player base... then wow kinda lost its charm as it became more about pushing a story rather then players telling there own
@Masertmaster 5 жыл бұрын
Actually bdo tries most of the things he mentioned but its not doing that well since most of the people can get easily frustrated if their progress takes 2 long
@soulserver127 4 жыл бұрын
I know this is a WoW channel but i do wanna say. One main reason why FFXIV ARR succeeded was the story content. The story is amazing but they force you to party up in the game. Literally forces to get through the content of the game. They do have the trust system now but still they force you. Thats why i play wow and ffxiv is the community content. I have no friend IRL and ik i will probably get comments saying you need to get a life. I do have a life but doesn't mean friends magically appear all my friends are in MMO's its one main reason why i play them. I love them. Thank you for this reaction and i love your channel
@ravener96 4 жыл бұрын
"the fuck is dwarf fortress" oh nononono you are but a babby
@supremehare9893 4 жыл бұрын
Made it to 7:54. What i learned: show people shiny. Dont give shiny. Dont need it reiterated 20 times.
@TheRealFrankWizza 5 жыл бұрын
This guy described ultima online to me.
@sockmonkey3393 5 жыл бұрын
Now that bfa is out in about the middle of its life span, i feel wow has 1 expac left.
@ELBastardOAwesomeO 5 жыл бұрын
I remember I came back after a break... mana burn became a forbidden magic, and removed from the game. I rolled a priest to get mana burn. I am a player that enjoys pvp. wow has great mechanics but too much grind in pve that is needed for pvp. I know its a MMO, but I dont want to grind to play the character I remember playing before a new expansion or patch or etc, and now I got to grind before I can play. or finally getting great gear then join a BG to play with afk players with greens. in the end, wow is no longer that game i want to pay to come back too. Ive made it to end game then new expansion makes changes i hate more so then like the new. I want to load wow, and play a BG/pvp game, where my gear is equal or I had a choice out of all the gear in the game.
@Idkmanlemmeedit 5 жыл бұрын
WoD killed my WoW experience. I joke around to my friends that all my Characters died fighting the legion
@jonathan.v 5 жыл бұрын
You could say they got MIA after crossing the dark portal too, they never returned.
@lovecontemplation8607 5 жыл бұрын
We will never experience it like we did. Because we were young. The world was magical. Games where really escapism. Now as we have gotten older, we DONT experience things like children.
@Icecranium 5 жыл бұрын
Yea, I know we all talk a lot of shit about BFA but if they did one thing right it's warmode and warfronts. They gather people into the same area and encourage them to keep pvp enabled. If anything that is my favorite thing about BFA.
@DiamondZyeTV 4 жыл бұрын
Yo I love yeah channel 😂😂 u be speaking facts my guy🗣💯
@WorstCommenter2008 5 жыл бұрын
I played SWTOR when it first launched all year along alone, jumping from guild to guild making friends. Then in 2013 end my final guild disbanded, all of the people there stopped playing and that's when an MMO died for me. They were the reason I showed up every day to do shitty boring dailies(Otherwise i'd never do them), doing some achievements or getting datacrons for lols or to help them... Also why I showed up to raid constantly. But imagine one day they are all gone, guild is empty and there is no more raid scheduled. Hah.... sad, If I could relieve 2012-2013 in a loop for even 10 years i'd be the best fucking time of my life.
@naquan59 5 жыл бұрын
Wow that's pretty sad.
@GGtheRealest 5 жыл бұрын
@@naquan59 fuck yourself lol I remember playing TOR at that time too and it was absolutely fantastic. the main story was amazing and it was everything I expected out of a SW MMO, after the main story line was finished, you pretty much lose your identity as the expansions came by and the story went to shit. imagine the sith empire and the republic working together LMAO
@cresttoothpaste8133 5 жыл бұрын
Lol anyone else here still play Wizard101? That was the MMO of my childhood
@hebziba8786atgmail 5 жыл бұрын
What browser does Asmongold use? It looks so sleek
@orband4342 5 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure it's Firefox
@j.lucasdecastroaraujo761 4 жыл бұрын
That is why Path of Exile is so successful, though not a genre everyone enjoys. It isn't pay2win, the devs listen to the community, there is a great economy since the base items that change the mods of an item are the currency, the players start with nothing but a stick and almost naked in a beach, the world isn't made itself as big as some other MMORPG but there a feeling of "wow, nice build, I hope to make one someday".
@jacobpickens4731 5 жыл бұрын
LMAO at the RuneScape comments.
@ikillupright249 5 жыл бұрын
4 Cs - Content - Commitment - Community - Competition People will always try new things. New games are usually an improvement of older games and they can easily attract players. While some may not be interested to try new games, but how long till they do? Influence from their friends, family or even the community of the games itself can easily influence their movement. Commitment can keep the players but competition will still slightly if not greatly decrease their commitment to their current game as they start to play several games. The 3Cs are extremely effective for the short to long term. But minding the Competition is the key to a true long term success. I'm not saying to copyright the genre or some sht to block off competition. I mean to keep up with the competition, come up with new stuffs that is game changing in terms of gameplay or just the experience. (Like a totally different mode or something) Fortnite making a creative mode? That is genius right there.
@tolo84 5 жыл бұрын
Warhammer Online didn't have commitment from the Devs, nor did it have any content to speak of for several months after launch. I solo'd my way up to max level, then started soloing scenarios because there was literally 0 open world PvP and *nobody* cared for the dungeon. I hate PvP, so what's the point in playing?
@TheBunnyb0y 5 жыл бұрын
When I play private server, I socialize and find friends all the time, in retail wow, I'm alone as fuck and been that for years
@Spika94 5 жыл бұрын
I really liked Warhammer Online. Really sad that it flopped.
@dandad7897 5 жыл бұрын
You know they have a private server right?
@XFKeksdieb 5 жыл бұрын
yea but there are no new content or balance changes so u can really only play till lvl 10 if u want it balanced, and the reason the game flopped was because the developer removed ~half the developer team and put them on another project shortly after the release
@GuillotineWoW 5 жыл бұрын
@@XFKeksdieb The dev team got cut down cause games-workshop for WHATEVER reason pulled the IP. So they werent really allowed to legally continue development of the game. Which is probably what then led into the lack of bug fixes and balancings and so on. But it'll still remain as one of my absolute favorite MMO experiences as a Chaos Chosen during live. I'm still giving the private server time to get their fixes before trying it out cause when I tried almost everything was still busted.
@springbreak2021 5 жыл бұрын
That game was so damn fun
@tehjamerz 5 жыл бұрын
Shoutouts to Ragnarok Online...
@tjockfet 5 жыл бұрын
Best of the best!
@TheGraveyarder 5 жыл бұрын
ive seen that mmo rise and fall on the west because their western division just stopped being committed to it and just gave up trying to beat the rampant botting lol private servers have done more to anti-botting technology than the retail servers, its embarrassing at least the community around the world is still going strong and its still fairly popular in asia
@adaumisasmr6620 5 жыл бұрын
I feel this is a problem with any MMO, nobody talks to one another. Often if a quest involved grouping (W.O.W), I would just abandon them. I'm playing ESO now and am having a hard time grouping with people :/. Maybe its just me. Lol.
@nickdrummond2799 4 жыл бұрын
"Oh I thought it was cocks." (Asmongold)
@teodorachim4757 5 жыл бұрын
At 9:25 he see ppl in epic gear sets and he wants that . Now you just have to take your wallet out and for a 30 to 50$ un get a nice looking outfit from the cash shop....
@elishathornton6143 5 жыл бұрын
There is actually 4 Cs. The fourth being COSMETICS BBYYYYYYYY
@astralisk 5 жыл бұрын
Actually true
@SparTadepT 5 жыл бұрын
Yea, I always hear about those Runescape cosmetics keeping the game going too.
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