Awakening of the Rebellion - Artillery, Target This Grid. Fire! (Ep 47)

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@flyboy6392 Жыл бұрын
"Local star field jamming communication" I see what you did there
@TsuperYT Жыл бұрын
@flyboy6392 Жыл бұрын
@@TsuperYT Starfield and people playing it
@isaacimperium6321 Жыл бұрын
@@TsuperYTwhen he released the video there was a 8 seconds delay with his voice and the game but he added that as a rp of him fixing it
@commanderknight9314 Жыл бұрын
@@isaacimperium6321 It was there in the original. He was referring to the new game Starfield.
@harrisondansie9542 Жыл бұрын
Shack PLEASE check that Riot mission you got, Bilbringi is a SHIPYARD planet, you'll be setting yourself up to knock out two birds with one stone if you can get off a successful riot (Leia, Han, Kyle, lots of stealth SpecForce units) on the surface and soften up their orbital defenses. You'll probably get a lot more Hope points for future missions to boot.
@TheGreatSpl00ge Жыл бұрын
Yeah he will likely forget
@jacobhuot3056 Жыл бұрын
"We can throw fighters at the front line and we won't lose them as long as the officer survives!" - Captain Shack Excuse me sir, but we suddenly have lots of pilots requesting to be transferred from their divisions.... Your orders?
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
"Denied" - Shack's response.
@harriskorbin9470 Жыл бұрын
Lmao funny as freak both y’all
@mr.president7190 Жыл бұрын
Improved ground pathing, coming next update
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Particularly for units like the Juggernaught (Large Tracked/wheeled ones basicly) if you can help it please. The poor girl can be a bit....Wonky at times.
@Argacyan Жыл бұрын
One big difference between the bribe & capture abilities is also that Chewie is fixed to whatever unit you want to capture, Tyber Zann is not locked to bribing one unit. If you invest the time you can bribe 10 units then sit Zann in a map corner.
@42meep13 Жыл бұрын
Shack, from my experience the best way to utilize artillery is as follows: 1 unit of heavy tanks as a frontline, 1 unit of engineers (for the tanks), 1 wildcard (aa/scout/officer/etc), and 7 units of arty. If used properly it can effectively deal with the majority of defences the AI could ever hope to muster. Even ATATs don't last long against that level of firepower.
@jaizumi Жыл бұрын
I like the idea that Yavin has become an airbase. Training space starfighters, ground support starfighters. Loving this series! ❤
@brenobassocenci6571 Жыл бұрын
“Sees artillery in thumbnail” (Prussian noises intensifies)
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
Commanders Log: Commander Rylan “Saber 1” Brask. Alliance Fighter Squadron Lead [X-Wing Squadron: Callsign - Saber] This past month has been… well rough. Though that’s putting it lightly. We had a simple raid on Kile 2. It was supposed to be in and out quick and easy. Well I should’ve known it would never be that easy. We were ambushed by Spectre Squadron and while most of us made it out, Witton did not. My gut says he’s alive but I don’t know how anyone could’ve survived that crash. Few hours after we returned from the raid, my fiance, Kayla, was captured. Turns out she was right about that Kaz Harlann guy being a spy. Too right almost. Guy was I.D.d as Agent Harbinger who Kayla said is one of if not Imperial Intelligence's best field agents. I have my squadron, Quinn, Saul, and a few of the Rogues, namely Janson, Dak, and Hobbie to thank for helping to support me as I did my best to do the same for them. Kylah finally decided to go to Kuat and help with the Mandator Project. That would be a good way for her to work through her grief and put her skills to good use, other than fixing up our fighter of course. I will say I’m gonna miss the extra upgrades though. As far as I know Quinn has become the pseudo “Chief Crew Chief/Engineer” thanks to his skills and partly his background. I know he enjoys the work. In terms of the actual war, We’ve taken control of Etti IV and Session from CorSec. One more planet to go and these sieges are done. We might finally be able to make a move on Mandalore soon. I don’t have much more to report other than that. As rough as it’s been I appreciate how slow it’s been. Though now that I think about it, that doesn’t sit right with me. Or maybe I’m just being paranoid. Anyway, I think Saul wanted to talk to me about another crazy plan to go and rescue Kayla and Witton if he’s even still alive. Commander Brask, Out [END OF LOG]
@admiral_pisces7935 Жыл бұрын
Captain's Log #47. Greetings commander, as it stands the fleet is looking well. As a result the Mandator is fully under construction. Mon Mothma has sent me to oversee its construction on Kuat. I am concerned the local forces won't be enough if the empire presses forward. I also wish to say that the CSA front needs to finish soon. We need Home One and the Phoenix on the frontline soon. I must be going now. It seems Mon Mothma needs me . Admiral Pisces out.
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
And with that the corporate sector is liberated. I can see Kyle doing cartwheel flips on the bridge.
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
Rogue Squadron Journal Week 274 - Kuat Chief Engineer Kylah Karielle A month and a half. That's how long it's been since I lost Witton. The Rogues gave me this journal when they cleared out his locker. They said he had it since the start of the war. Since he first joined Rogue Squadron, and now it's mine. I haven't looked at the previous entries, I can't bear to. The wounds haven't healed. It feels like they never will. Now I know how he felt when he lost Sarra at Scariff. I wonder if writing in this helped him, I hope it helps me. Rylan from Saber Squadron was with Witton when he went down. He told me what happened. Witton was leading a raid against an imperial base on Kile 2 when they came across a group of Tie Defenders, Spectre Squadron, guarding someone important. These were the guys who attacked us at Vas and inflicted serious casualties on the Rogues. Since the Rogues were flying Y-wings at the time Witton ordered a retreat and stayed behind to draw them away so the others could escape. Rylan, leader of Saber Squadron, stayed behind to try to rescue him once all the others were away, he wasn't going to leave his best friend and fellow commander behind. He tried his best but he was out matched and couldn't save Witton. By sheer luck he himself was able to escape but alone. I decided to leave the Liberation and join the construction effort at Kuat on the Mandator. There was nothing left for me back there. Here I can keep my mind off of the loss most days by working on this outdated relic. The Mandator is an impressive dreadnought but compared to the Executor it's a joke. The armor is weaker, the shields weaker, the guns are weaker, and don't even get me started on the power reactor. That thing is a joke to what I put in the Executor. Kuat really swindled the Rebellion on this project. It's going to take a miracle to get this thing up to standard so it can hold it's own and even then I can't say for certain how well it'll preform in actual combat. There's much work to done. Hopefully it'll keep my mind off of things like Witton and my family. I haven't even told them I'm back on Kuat. Though I figure they'll find out their wayward "rebel" daughter is back very soon. At least they won't have to worry about their daughter being in a relationship with Rogue Squadron's commander anymore. Witton said he'd find a way to convince me to go home again. I just never dreamed it'd be like this.
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
(A while after Saul finishes his report, an aide from Nightswan's unit comes looking for him. He finds Shiro and grabs him by the shoulder.) Aide: Captain, can you tell me where Nartha is? Shiro: He's at the shrine. (With his destination set, the aide makes his way to the warhost's shrine. Saul, his senior officers, and Tanya all kneel in front of a large mural, their body language showing that they are in prayer. The centerpiece is a woman posed in a leap towards the viewer, her black hair billowing behind her. A long white cloth flows across her chest, curving around her to cover her waist. Curved around her in a wider arc is a large blue cobra, fangs bared at it faces the viewer too. A red starbird is on its forehead, the wings curving down around its gray-green eyes, the hoods having stacks of four eyes each, with each eye a match to its counterpart on the other hood. Various offerings are laid around the mural, candles, jewelry, even the skull of a masiff, with the smell of lit incense filling the room. The aide waits as Saul finishes the prayer, as he rises he turns to look the aide dead in the eyes.) Saul: What? Aide: I was ordered to come straight to you, Commander Nartha, by Nightswan. That is a very nice mural, by the way. Saul: Yeah, it kinda is. Zoural: Bossam and his wife are the big ones in the warhost, makes sense they'd have a bit more attributed to them. Saurthen: I'm just happy the rest of us were included in the use of the other eyes. Toba: Word to the wise, don't look at it while tripping, you'll only hurt yourself. Saul: Now then, I take it you've got word about the investigation. Aide: Yes (He hands a datapad to Saul) This is what we've found recently. (Saul looks at the datapad and reads the report on it. He gives the pad back after a minute.) Saul: Talion, Sarrick, order the warhost to prep immediately for a mission. Sea, grab Janson and Rogue Squadron, Paul, you grab Rylan and Saber. Tanya, grab your Blood Embers. The stars align my brothers and sister, we save Witton and Kayla, today.
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
@@sonofjack6286 (Shack sighs as he looks over the plan presented to him by the three groups from Rogue and Saber squadrons and Saul's Warhost. Rylan and Calumn, Tycho and Janson, Saul and Tanya.) Shack: "100% insanity. You want to hit one of the Empire's best battlegroups with nothing but two squadrons of mixed fighters and two shuttles? That's at LEAST three destoryers with a mix of escorts with well over a hundred Ties, including Spectre Squadron. You guys could barely hold your own against them before and now you want to fly right to them?" Tycho: "It is a big risk sir but one we believe to be manageable. Thanks to Nightswan we know that Kayla is being held aboard the Darkstar at Kolthas. This will be our last chance to rescue her before they deliver her to Yaga Minor. With Tanya's connections we've learned that a small supply convoy from Tanarith will be arriving soon with foodstuffs. Using the same tactic we did at the Geddes prison, the Sword Eagle will cloak and join the convoy until they reach the Darkstar. This will get Saul and his men onboard. They secure the hanger and open it for reinforcements from the Blue Heron, which Saber will escort in while Rogue Squadron will attack the battlegroup itself with a mix of B-wings and X-wings. Once our people are onboard they can effect rescue and sabotage as necessary. We get in, get Kayla, and get out." Shack: "You make sound so simple Captain Celchu. That's still only a relatively small force against thousands of imperials. If commander Narthra and his men get bogged down, trapped, or lost it'll be a disaster. Speed is essential to this mission." Tycho: "That's why he and men won't be going in alone. Joules has volunteered to go with them. Her Force abilities should give us the edge we need." Janson: "They always did with Commander Skywalker." (Shack sighs again looking at the assembled group.) Shack: "You guys seem pretty confident you can pull this off. I still say it's impossible." (Janson scoffs and crosses his arms. Giving the Captain a confident smirk.) Janson: "We're Rogue Squadron Captain. Impossible is our stock in trade and success is what we deliver. You should know that by now." Shack: "I guess so. I get the impression that you're going to do this whether I okay it or not aren't you?" Janson: "What could've possibly given you that impression?" Shack: "Years of dealing with your nonsense Janson." (Janson just smiles and points a hand to his chest.) Janson: "Me? No, that can't be right. I'd never irritate a superior officer." Shack: "Of course not. Fine. You have my backing, hit the Imps hard and bring Kayla home." [Saul won't be able to bring his entire force, just the best he's got. Whoever can fit on the sentinel and the Heron. Joules will be on the sentinel. As for the Darkstar itself, as long as it isn't destroyed or rendered completely inoperable, any internal damage is up to you.]
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Saul smirks as he turns to look at his officers.) Saul: Well, gather the Raxus, Tatooine, and Eriadu men. Handpick whichever ones you think will help make this mission a success. Tanya, I'm taking what Raxus men remain in the Blood Embers. Tanya: Alright. Get Kayla and Witton back. SCs: Aye Bossam. (A moment later, Saul and Kyle stand in front of the Sword Eagle chatting.) Saul: I hope this works. Kyle: It will. Your boys have been through enough in this war they'll be able to make this mission a success. (The two are cut off as the sound of hundreds of marching footsteps are heard coming from deeper in the ship. A minute later, the soldiers of the warhost march into the central hangar, some even coming from other hangar bays, the elevators moving at least a hundred with every trip. After ten minutes, the entire warhost is assembled, with the troopers picked for the team standing at the front. Saul walks to a small crane vehicle that lifts him up to see his soldiers.) Saul: (Taking a breath) BLOOD! Troopers: MAKES THE GRASS GROW! Saul: WE! Troopers: MAKE THE BLOOD FLOW! Saul: WE ARE LIBERATORS! Troopers: AND CONQUERORS! Warhost: HOOAH! HOOAH! HOOAH! (Saul and his soldiers begin cheering and screaming, their rabid attitude either disturbing crewmen and pilots nearby or making them cheer with them. A single motion from Saul silences them.) Saul: My brothers and sisters, now is the time! These soldiers who have been picked shall rescue Commander Bogre and Major Airey, and we shall make the ship they are imprisoned upon run red! WITH IMPERIAL BLOOD! (With their brothers and sisters cheering for them, Saul's raiders begin filing onto the Sword Eagle, with Saul shaking hands with Tiba before he and Kyle walk aboard.) Saul: Well, let's get this done.
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
@@sonofjack6286 (Tycho, Janson, and Rylan walk past the assembly and move to their fighters.) Tycho: "So Saul still believes Witton is alive. I wish I could share in his belief. If he was still alive Nightswan would've heard about it by now. At least Kayla is still alive." Janson: "I meant to ask. How'd Nightswan find out that Kayla was on the Darkstar?" Tycho: "Didn't you read the report he gave us?" Janson: "Just the good bits. Mainly that Kayla is alive." (Tycho rolls his eyes.) Tycho: "Figures. Intelligence picked up encrypted long-range communications from the task force and Yaga Minor. Without the facilities on Kile 2 it's forced them to revert back to more traditional comms that are easier to intercept. He went out there personally to confirm their presence and found them. Apparently they've been on the hunt for the original Nightswan and have been back tracing him. I guess they thought Kayla might be of some assistance in their search but it seems her usefulness is at it's end." Janson: "No mention of Witton?" Tycho: "None. Like I said, I wish I could share Saul's convictions on him being alive, but it's not likely." Janson: "Leave the grim predictions and brooding to Hobbie. Rogue Squadron has enough with him around." Tycho: "I guess you got a point there Janson. What do you think Rylan? Is Saul just holding on to false hope?"
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Rylan sighs as he rubs his hand over his face.) Rylan: "Honestly Tycho... I don't know. I mean I saw the crash site, there was barely anything left of his fighter but a burning wreck. On the other hand my gut tells me he's alive. If there's anyone who could survive a Y-Wing crash, other than me, it would be him. At least if we get Kayla back she might be able to confirm for us. If I know her, she's probably been trying to weasel out any information she can from the Imps. As for how well it's going I can't say. Speaking of our rescue mission, I'm not sure how you guys would feel about it but... I'd like to accompany the raiding party onto the Star Destroyer. I know Joules is going with but they took Kayla and Wit-" (Rylans voice catches in his throat.) Rylan: "They took Kayla and probably killed my best friend. So I'd say they made it very personal. Call me old fashioned or whatever but I want to see to this personally. I need to." [Sorry I'm late, of course with Shack uploading late he had to do it on the first morning I worked this week. Also I always imagined Rylan going with the raiders. He's got faith in his squadron and even if he's a pilot first he's not half bad on the ground. He had to be back when he was a pirate.]
@commanderguardian7292 Жыл бұрын
TK-1158 journal entry #7: It’s been all quiet here on Anaxes, to quiet even. It’s hard to believe that it’s been around 5 years since the battle of Yavin. I don’t remember how long ago I fought on Kkyysshk (I again don’t remember how to spell that horrible planets name). I heard my sister recently awakened from the coma the second battle left her in. My squad and I have been on constant alert, I haven’t had good sleep in weeks. Command is becoming more and more desperate the closer the rebels come in to the Core. Apparently they’ve started construction on their own super Star destroyer. Hopefully it dies as quick as ours did… my faith in the Empire is near rock bottom. Even after becoming a Shock trooper it I find myself questioning the Imperial doctrine. Yesterday I saw Army troopers stealing from civilians and even though I reported them to my commander they did nothing. Every fiber of my being is telling me that maybe the rebels aren’t terrorist. Maybe they’re hope for a republic is obtainable. I was only a boy when the Republic fell I could barely walk at the time. The change didn’t really affect me all that much but… maybe you were right mother. But I can’t risk joining the rebellion. Not yet at least.
@justtryintobeokay2237 Жыл бұрын
To your question about anti tank/ heavy armor Captain, I think a u-wing & heavy tracked tank combo would probably be the best option. Hit 'em with a stun then rockets and Canon fire. I'd personally put a tier 2 rocket trooper with the tank, doubling the fire power. If you keep a mon cal shield unit with them the tank takes minimal damage. Tank, mon cal shield shoulder to shoulder, rocket unit behind tank. U wing circles, doing gun runs.
@thedramaticcharismatic5664 Жыл бұрын
Meeting transcript, Mon Mothma and General Han Solo. Mon: "General, I'm disappointed you've passed up command of our siege company. May I ask why?" Han: "I'm a smuggler by trade. I don't know anything about sieges." Mon: "I'm well aware of that general. I have many veterans of the outer rim sieges from the clone wars to handle the specifics. I need your opinion for a very specific reason. Do you know how you defeat a siege?" Han: "you outlast it, I guess." Mon:"yes, and how do you get the supplies necessary to outlast the siege through the blockade?" *General solo remains silent.* Mon: "I urge you to reconsider, General." Han, after a long silence: "...yeah."
@goldenguardian8753 Жыл бұрын
Ah, wondering when the audio would be fixed, can’t wait for the final battle for the corps
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
"I wish we had a vehicle that could pick up ground tanks" ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?! Shack.....Ya know that BIG Honking Transport General Rycan uses? TRY THAT! Vehiles take up 2 slots instead of 1 but it SHOULD (far as i know) be able to pick up a few tanks.
@SamuelJamesNary Жыл бұрын
Rebel Diaries 47 - It's great to be off of Korriban. That planet gave me and Chewie the creeps, and I feel sorry for those still having to hold that world in case the Black Sun moves on it while the Corporate Sector Campaign finishes. And I must say that the campaign has gone well. With no control over space and with the siege artillery present, while the Corporate Sector was dug in, particularly on Etti IV, they couldn't win. They had some tricks on Etti IV, but I think a lot of that was the maze of roads and alleyways that many of the Rebel troops had no experience with. Me and Chewie could provide some help, given we've been through here before the Battle of Yavin against the Death Star, but nearly all of the rest are from Mon Calamari and other places. They'd never been in the Corporate Sector before. But it appears that Black Sun has been pretty calm as we've conducted these sieges in the Corporate Sector territory and that's let me talk a bit with General Snunb. The Sullustian understands many of the things that the Corporate Sector does and admits that much of the corporate government on Sullust operates in a relatively similar way... business and profit come first; idealism comes second. But at least the Sullustians have had more understanding that freedom for business is going to be best when there is freedom for all, not just the corporate entity. Which has been why the Corporate Sector has been so... well... aligned with the Empire. Which will make the liberation of Etti IV and Ession even more critical, as I think there may have been guys besides Katarn that were sent here by the Empire. The success has worked out well and there is only Bonadan left to land on and secure. This might provide some extra wealth for the Rebels going for and will make it easier to fund the massive battles that will be coming to shut down the Mandalore Pocket. Ackbar is still over Dantooine, and I suspect after Bonadan is taken, the units from the Corporate Sector campaign will then move for the liberation of Dantooine and possibly Telos. From there... the fight will move in. Though from what Snunb tells me... his fleet will need reinforcements. Corvettes and frigates will be key, in addition to some capital ships, particularly after the losses taken over Deltooine at the start of the Corporate Sector campaign. Though from there, the General is not sure on where he would be sent for the issues with the Mandalore Pocket... His force was to be the northern fleet while Ackbar would take the eastern fleet... but given the damage taken and the time it would take to repair, Snunb is not sure his fleet may be ready to take a lead role for a while... against either the Black Sun or the Empire. I might offer he take on some hit and run roles once the Corporate Sector is beaten and move to the west of the Mandalore Pocket and then raid at some of the spaces forces that the Black Sun has tried to move around and let Ackbar then focus from the other directions. That would then buy time for Snunb to get the reinforcements his fleet needs while the next moves are thought over... places like Yaga Minor, the Maw, Trandosha, and perhaps Zhar... all will be things that will need to be dealt with. - Han Solo
@gabrielnavachavez9331 Жыл бұрын
Shack for the mandator fleet two mc80 justice 1 dauntless four quasar 5 nebulan b frigate 10 cr90, hammerhead, dp20
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
Commander's Log Orbit of Bonadan Week 274 [Begin Log] Preparations, that's what we've been making for a month and a half while Nightswan's agents do what they can to find Witton and Kayla. Flyboy gets shot down during a raid at Kile 2, and Kayla gets kidnapped hours later by some Imperial agent. Meanwhile, Etti IV and Ession are rebel systems now, with the Rebel starbird flying over ghe former capital building of Etti IV. The fights weren't that great, but they weren't shit either. That's all for now, Nartha out. [End Log]
@АндрейТурилов-я7б Жыл бұрын
Nabooian analytics center report Week 269-274 The siege of the Corsec is going much better then anticipated, based on previous experience. Especially we would like to highlight the use of U-wings in the last battle and notice, that officers are able to call in other tipes of fighters. It is possible to train such specialists. Talking about flaws, the Rebellion is lacing of fighters and heavy vehicles. They exist, but not enough of them and not in all units. Antivihecle capabilities of the new siege company are also questionable, we can not fully rely on individual heroism in case of artillery protection, it may be not enough. Losses in scouts also seem to be a problem, in case of even fight. We would recommend to provide them with more cover and support in combat and medics during breaks. Interaction with Mon-Cala's platoons also leaves much to be desired. Speaking of future, we still insist on receiving intelligence before striking, especially before striking a possible well defended position. May the force be with you.
@blackburn1489 Жыл бұрын
9:49 shack, you can see stats right now, by finding thouse snipers on the battlefield and hover cursor on them. Yeah- you need to hover on the sniper model, not on GUI
@inductivegrunt94 Жыл бұрын
Great to see another episode of this campaign. Loved seeing the Rebel artillery on full display here.
@justtryintobeokay2237 Жыл бұрын
All this seige warfare is making me want a star wars foxhole game. Street to street fighting as a clone or clanker, rebel or Strom trooper. Would be epic
@yassinet5 Жыл бұрын
Love the idea of specialised companies and fleets protecting different planets
@be-noble3393 Жыл бұрын
Our siege unit “Tide Breaker” will finally pierce the defenses of CorSec. Death Corps. Of Krieg: “You call that an artillery barrage! Where is the massive friendly casualties!
@HadesDarkstar948 Жыл бұрын
You should send scouts to the capital shipyards of both the Empire and Black Sun, and then raid the weakest with a stealth force to easily destroy the shipyards.
@kaseknife8740 Жыл бұрын
LOL I was in the middle of watching the original post before it was taken down
@titanbuff1332 Жыл бұрын
Been watching you since 2015 and you still put out amazing content. I have a a Star Wars fan as along as I can remover from 2006 to today.If it wasn’t for you and some others, I probably wouldn’t be alive. You have brought so much joy into this world,So keep up the fantastic work!
@WarhammerWings Жыл бұрын
Outer Rim, SSD Lusankya. Admiral's Personal Log. I am pleased to learn that Cor-Sec is all but history now. Now,finally we can focus all our forces on the Black Sun scum and the Empire. However, as pleased as I am to learn Kuat is making progress on the Mandator and our recruitment worlds are pumping out troops like nobody's business, I don’t like how our fleets are getting spread too thin. This could give the enemy an opportunity to strike when we are at our weakest in different sectors of the galaxy. That is unacceptable. Another thing I hope goes in our favour is General Organa and her negotiations with the Hapes Consortium. I've seen their ships in action and they are fearsome things. Alien in design, but the technical geniuses of their makers allow firepower equivalent to a Star Dreadnought in a ship the size equivalent of a battlecruiser. I know people there personally, and I myself was born there before my parents moved to Kuat proper when I was a boy. I really hope we get allies in the war against the Black Sun and the Empire. I really do. Come on, Princess. Be successful. I believe in you. Until then though, this is Admiral Ventaros of the Lusankya, signing out. *END LOG.*
@bolter445 Жыл бұрын
For the seige army maybe look at the teir 3 anti tank missile infantry? Kinda sit amongst the other forces and lob rounds at any enemy armor on the offense? Wish empire at war had the same functionality as terran command where you could direct your anti armor units to fire at certain things over others.
@lightspeedvictory Жыл бұрын
You’re finally learning the beauty of combined arms warfare..
@tjlnn22 Жыл бұрын
A couple of tips that might help: 1. if you're looking for the Rebel's best screening units I don't recommend capital ships, but instead use the Br'aha'tok gunship groups (the things you call flak boats) as these are actually the most effective anti-fighter units the rebels have available to them. Their flak ability is just supplementary to their many laser cannons and concussion missiles which do the majority of their damage, also they have the flare ability so missiles don't do much to them 2. best anti-vehicle unit as rebels are the tier 3 missile troopers, the vanguard platoons. T3-B tanks are also good but their pathfinding is atrocious. Generally the best ground army as the rebels is just entirely tier 3 infantry but for vehicle killing specifically the missile troopers are the best. 3. All space battles with just ground units in orbit can be auto-resolved. It doesn't matter if the enemy has air units meant for the ground in orbit, they come in defenseless transports. The auto-resolve calculator doesn't take them into any actual calculations against genuine space forces so you wont lose anything by autoresolving. 4. You wont be able to finish the campaign without the Zhar mission being completed, I know you did say you would do it but just keep in mind that once it's finished after some time passes another VERY important story mission will trigger that is super fun ;) 5. Not sure if you already know this or not, but the 'Hunt shipyards' mission that you occasionally get has it's reward determined by the class of shipyard you destroy. Black sun thip traders will often give out Clone Wars era capital ships, while an Imperial advanced capital shipyard will either give venators or ISDs (this is the best one to hit IMO) Anyway, love the series hope this can help!
@duke359 Жыл бұрын
My ass got excited thinking we got two episodes in one day, I got blue ballsed man 😢
@brandonkellum451 Жыл бұрын
I got excited too 😂
@generalgrievous696 Жыл бұрын
"local star field" You know what you did. yeah you in the back of the classroom. 😆
@ghostaknightofficial334 Жыл бұрын
Love your vids shack been watching since middle school ive now been graduated from high school for 5 years now
@jonahchristopher6734 Жыл бұрын
I noticed he started the construction of the mandatory dreadnought
@RoyalFusilier 8 ай бұрын
We give Shack a hard time for his 'eccentric' command style, but he really handled CorSec invasions well here. It helps that u-wings are great, artillery is great, bombardments are fun... without a fleet, they've just got nothing really.
@commanderknight9314 Жыл бұрын
If you're still needing screener ships for some of the fleets that you mentioned need a few episodes ago, might I recommend the twin blade frigates. They've got 4 flak and 4 PD guns. You already have a few from that batch of 5 from a couple episodes ago.
@zacharyclapp1072 Жыл бұрын
27:59 Chewy can also only get 1 at a time. The bribe can take an army with enough time and money.
@Sapherzz Жыл бұрын
Definitely would be interested in seeing an rpg Starfield series Shack!
@OllyBC Жыл бұрын
I would certainly watch a Starfield playthrough, sounds interesting!
@chasethompson8414 Жыл бұрын
I think a good composition would be 2 arti, 1 anti air, 1 air, Han and Chewie, 1 mon cal team, 1 suppression squad, 1 medic team, 1 sniper team, and 1 rocket team. This gives the group the ability to hold out in both infantry and artillery fights. Air support can harass/mark ground. Solo can be used as mechanic while Chewie is frontline fighter.
@thatzachguy76 Жыл бұрын
lol I thought I was losing my mind cause I saw this video and then the Empire scrambled the transmission
@kylelantan9220 Жыл бұрын
I know it's a bit late, but careful of Espo's with shields, they will deflect rounds like a Jedi back at the attacking unit. Snipers especially will suffer from this. The Espo's are the bane of my usual BS Trandoshan units. Had to bring in the flame tanks to fix em.
@mranderson9553 11 ай бұрын
furthering the difference between bribe and the steal ability, once the vehicle is destroyed chiewie drops out wherever the vehicle dies, not guranteeing damage but giving the enemy a chance meaning you have to treat the vehicle like a proper unit that is more expendable than others but still needs to be protected, with bribe it makes a unit thats already taken its cost with the money meaning the unit has no value other than damage it can cause so you can use it as a suicide bomber without care because its not your unit, on the other side its the instant loss of a unit with no chance of stopping, and even worse there's no chance of retaliation, there's no chance to kill the briber if you kill the unit so it feels like a kick in the gut rather than value gained
@WarhammerWings Жыл бұрын
Outer Rim, SSD Lusankya. Admiral's Personal Log. With the recent successes of my Rebel allies in the Eastern Rim, and the constant training of troopers at our main recruitment worlds in the South, I feel confident that we can give the Black Sun scum and Imperials a right ass kicking on the ground. However, my greatest concerns are the obvious fact that our starfleets are beginning to get spread too thin, and that'll give our enemies an opportunity to strike when we're weak. That is unacceptable. Another thing I do not like is potentially getting into a conflict with the Hapes Consortium. I've seen their vessels in action and they are not to be sniffed at. They are beautiful and alien in design, but hit like a tank. I hope General Organa can succeed in swaying them to our side. If not, I do not like having to fight ships that pack an SSD's firepower into the hulls of battlecruisers. I can only pray that we can get allies in our war against the Empire. Until then though, this is Admiral Ventaros of the Lusankya, signing out. *END LOG.*
@ronl9309 Жыл бұрын
Poor Rogue squadron has to wait another week to be free
@HeadCannonPrime Жыл бұрын
I would watch a Starfield about 2 years. But, as I'm currently also playing the game, I don't want anything spoiled so I wouldn't watch it.
@JoshuaMathew-hm1lx Жыл бұрын
Please, its been 5 days without any content. I know your busy, but could you please upload more, it honestly brings me satisfaction when I see excellent play. I love your work tho
@ChristopherMocko Жыл бұрын
battles will take longer, but you could deploy only one artillery at a time and throw in one of those heavy tank groups you got with the army for anti armor.
@Seven--Eight Жыл бұрын
The Starfield roleplay would be interesting and relatively feasible for the non-lethal, given the EM Non-lethal weapon(s) the game has.
@TjtheSquishyLegomanic 5 ай бұрын
All Battles: 08:10 Etti IV Ground Invasion 35:29 Ession Ground Invasion 47:19 Bonadan Space Defense?
@briskyjpeg1139 Жыл бұрын
Best thumbnail I've seen in a long time
@MrSHADOWANGEL999 Жыл бұрын
Let the battle begin
@oscarbayton1118 Жыл бұрын
Yes, starfield playthrough!
@andrewlocklair565 Жыл бұрын
Have you considered walking guns? artillery A is in place while artillery B moves up about 1/2 it’s range to set up. Then artillery A moves up and so on so there’s no point in time where your forces are without artillery cover.
@pontythython1901 Жыл бұрын
Oops looks like this is stuck only in 360p edit: glad its fixed
@Syco108 Жыл бұрын
This is going rather well
@sixmonthgaze135 Жыл бұрын
Nice thumbnail!
@chjeremy6538 Жыл бұрын
go for T3-H if u want a survivable tank derstroyer, they are basically same as T3-B but faster, trade some HP for shield and cheaper,. i will take T3-H over T3-B all day. V-25 spam is the fun option, they are fast, they come with AT missile and get 3 tank per company, not many tank can suvive 2 salvo of AT missile from six V-25(2 cards), they are the "more unint on the ground, more guns/missile shooting at the enemy" stralagy. V-25 also get blaster cannon to kill infrantry so this is a 2 bird one stone option
@vander2976 Жыл бұрын
I would love a Starfield playthrough
@cameronmontgomery1549 Жыл бұрын
next season possibility black sun campaign led by an IG 87 unit: code name Shock, made by admiral shed to combat his traitorous brother but malfunctioned.
@jonpilif569 Жыл бұрын
I think it would be cool to see the star field series
@tjevarts9525 Жыл бұрын
Yesss! Another episode... finally ❤
@kaseknife8740 Жыл бұрын
starfield series. Lets GOOO!!!!
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Bribe unit works the same way it does in Vanilla. it hasn't changed.
@Shotgun3505 Жыл бұрын
I am doing a criminal campaign and the droids are not even the best of there units. And there MAL (Artillery) will destroy a line in one volley
@penguinsareForever Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see you do an X4 playthrough at some point.
@HizonerTheMayor Жыл бұрын
Yes to a star field KZbin role play please!
@FunkThompson Жыл бұрын
Literally every Black Sun system is their front line right now lol.
@FunkThompson Жыл бұрын
And yeah, Chewie can charge an AT-AT backed up by three tier 3 infantry and be just fine... and the bribe only works if you have the cash. They seem fairly balanced, and I hate anything that steals my units away from me. Granted.... I don't think the Empire actually has any such units? Nor does CorpSec?
@FunkThompson Жыл бұрын
Bonadan is controlled by CorpSec, so those units would have arrived at the stations, not corners.
@davidsperry4362 Жыл бұрын
Finally made it to ep 47 after two ep 46's lol
@iamspartan1997 Жыл бұрын
oh god please sir do a star field playthrough wether it is your cool roleplay idea or just a cassual one. it would be awesome to see
@pokemonstarfighter2295 Жыл бұрын
great video Are you going to rescue rogue squadron and the droids also don’t get careless with your heroes they’re not invisible
@charlesmayo9957 Жыл бұрын
A artillery company is referred to a as a battery
@bananacabana2817 Жыл бұрын
you should take the maw more early in campaigns for the research bonus
@phelanbutonyoutube Жыл бұрын
I'd love a starfield series
@jonhakon1510 Жыл бұрын
Woudle love to see a star field seires here or on twitch
@dan2797 Жыл бұрын
Nah nah nah corset got “voluntold”
@megaszero514 Жыл бұрын
For the starfield algorithm!
@Yyllry Жыл бұрын
I would watch you playing Starfield
@LoliFoxQueen Жыл бұрын
have you considered a X4 playthrough? it has a starwars mod.
@milamberpuc7059 Жыл бұрын
add the wookkies for the anti vehicles no?
@ragtagzagvee7675 Жыл бұрын
The trade off with birde is that they have to use ther own money per use and they don't keep the units after the fight so if you can keep the ZC/BS form geting a lot of money it a useless power to use
@ragtagzagvee7675 Жыл бұрын
all so to add to it the money they use is i think around half of what ever the unit cost to make it is so the more better or powerful the unit the more money they have to use for it
@XDeltaXCZ Жыл бұрын
The Asoka epi 4 tho!!!!!!!!!
@davidcave7986 Жыл бұрын
So when the mandator is finished you will pull that fleet at kuat back and blow the black sun to hell right IT'S TIME TO INVADE BONDAM
@carrotsgaming7980 Жыл бұрын
love the vids man keep it up
@ponsta5280 Жыл бұрын
mmm I would've said kill zone would've been better for the artilarie name
@harriskorbin9470 Жыл бұрын
@wanderlegion Жыл бұрын
YESSSSSS to new character
@joshbone9888 Жыл бұрын
Ironic the opening movie mentioned signal issues and first upload has audio issues
@sword4005 Жыл бұрын
must have force sight, as i already foreseen this
@bb-61ussiowa75 Жыл бұрын
Fire for effect baby
@razorka1293 Жыл бұрын
@danpalage577 Жыл бұрын
Knock out mandalore next
@gleadr6869 Жыл бұрын
Is it just me or does Star Field not feel like No Man Sky? I'm so bored in the first 2hrs, has not grabbed me at all.
@9474sammus Жыл бұрын
Shack you trolled me I was halfway through the video when you privated it 😂 good to see you got the audio fixed
@jakob7116 Жыл бұрын
Maybe you could use the guard feature to put solo and troops to follow the artillery?
@admiralhalo7293 Жыл бұрын
See it funny I started to push back the rebel to only a hand full of worlds but out of nowhere they started to push me back I went from all most winneing to now I'm about to lose
@sirfelix77 Жыл бұрын
Please don’t do a Starfield series cuz it’ll take over the channel and I really enjoy the Star Wars empire at war series😢
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