Awakening of the Rebellion - The Shipyards of the Empire Never Sleep (Ep 57)

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8 ай бұрын

Awakening of the Rebellion Season 4 with the new version 2.1!
The Empire has lost its new planet killing battle station, the galaxy is in chaos. The criminal families and factions are uniting. The Rebellion has begun.
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• Awakening of the Rebel...
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@jakubmakalowski6428 8 ай бұрын
Seeing Shack shift blame on Ackbar, makes me feel he will go far in the political world of the new republic.
@barrycabbageM34 8 ай бұрын
Emp… I mean… Chancellor Shack will be a great leader after the war.
@marcravenbalintong6775 8 ай бұрын
@jakubmakalowski6428 8 ай бұрын
@@barrycabbageM34 just because he somehow seems to be re-elected unanimously, doesn't make him a dictator.
@barrycabbageM34 8 ай бұрын
@@jakubmakalowski6428 exactly! A dictator would never have a 99.26% majority vote after all.
@Sp4rt4nSl4ya 8 ай бұрын
He'll fit in with all the other corrupt generals, admirals, and governors
@42meep13 8 ай бұрын
Shack, Ackbar isn't dead for good. He respawns if you win the Battle of Endor scripted mission (reposting to make sure you see this crucial info) Also, Adumar (near Ilum) is an excellent fighter production planet, since it gives a discount to ALL fighters built there
@lyinarbaeldeth2456 8 ай бұрын
Ackbar coming back absolutely *livid* that Shack tried to shift the blame onto him
@sgtsmith501 8 ай бұрын
Let's pray Shack picks up with the story chain meaning actually doing the Zhar shuttle mission with ace
@questionmaker5666 8 ай бұрын
@@sgtsmith501 I heard something which suggests the Zhar mission is now easier.
@awakeandwatching953 8 ай бұрын
i dunno for the series story it makes more sense for him not to.. remember the play through is in part narrative not simply playing in the most effective way
@42meep13 8 ай бұрын
​@@awakeandwatching953 Maybe. But many other heroes get to come back when you capture the world they're "held prisoner" on. So it wouldn't be too crazy. And if it doesn't fit the narrative, park him over mon cala and forget about him.
@OnyxheartWolf 8 ай бұрын
Captain Shack may have been hitting the Spotchka on duty lately, calling a Gladiator a Golan platform twice, then calling Carida Mon Mothmas home world, when she comes from Chandrila, sad to see the breakdown of such a decorated officer 😔
@abelhuszar9312 8 ай бұрын
War is hell and it changes everyone. It breaks your body, your mind and your soul.
@mini2239 8 ай бұрын
Not to mention forgetting it was his fuck up not Ackbar’s
@Amoschp524 8 ай бұрын
Its the guilt from Ackbar's death.
@silver76x 8 ай бұрын
o know right. he needs a coffee brake. or 3.
@roulo5516 8 ай бұрын
Shack just shift the blame of losing Home One to Ackbar. He's going to be an excellent politician of the New Republic.
@RevanTheFireMage 8 ай бұрын
Word for word
@HeadCannonPrime 8 ай бұрын
That close up of the Twi'lek girl that gets skelotonized was absolutely BRUTAL. was not expecting that.
@KingCARROT19 8 ай бұрын
Captain's Log Orbit of Carida Week 337 [Begin Log] And so it begins. The Imperial counter offensive has finally begun, we've amassed our ships and are ready to finally reclaim so much of what we have lost. Of course, the loss of Yaga Minor is regrettable, if was a strategic victory in the end. The rebellion has lost their Admiral, alongside their second largest ship, Home One. Face of the Rebel fleet. The sight of it burning in atmosphere was truly beautiful. With it the Rebel's moral has been crushed, this is not a guess or hypothesis, it is fact. Their performances at the battle that came after Yaga Minor truly show this. In the past few weeks they've lost two Dauntless Battleships, Home One, numerous other Mon Cala cruisers of various sizes, and entire companies of Infantry and vehicles. Their performance here at Carida can confirm. Admittedly it was an oversight that the Rebels had active Anti Air in the area yet... Lord Vader insisted we send in our units. Needless to say I was surprised when the Rebel AA fired a vast majority of their missiles into the hill side, and our air was able to take out most, if not all of their anti vehicle capabilities. Our walkers were able to move in and clean up any stains left after the air raids. Imperial High Command has questioned Vader's tactics, with the Lord willing to sacrifice Tactical locations in favor of splitting the rebellion yet... It's working. They've went from guerrillas to *attempting* conventional warfare, and now look at them. Scattered and running with tails between their legs. They tried to counter attack and save Carida with their outdated Super Star Destroyer, trying to use shielding technology to keep out our fire yet.. We caused them to panick and retreat into a separate sector. Now Kuat, and several pieces of the Mid-Rim are vulnerable for our taking. Might I say despite our territorial losses, we very well could win this war. This is Captain ****** signing off. Long live the Empire. [End Log]
@heartoffire9995 8 ай бұрын
I've got a name for the new independence since the last episode I believe "Vengeance" would be a good name
@shadowofhawk55 8 ай бұрын
Gotta say, my younger brother just got this game from your videos and the joy in his voice when he first was playing it brought me back to the days when he and I were just boys playing with nerf guns and singing out the Clone Wars theme. So thanks for showcasing this game and giving him that.
@CunnilingusVolcano 8 ай бұрын
You should give it a shot as well if you haven’t, Great Game
@shadowofhawk55 8 ай бұрын
@@CunnilingusVolcano I played a little on his account, got some other stuff in my wishlist to play
@billygrantham5380 8 ай бұрын
Rouge Squadron Journal Week 337 - Aeten 2 Cmdr. Witton Bogre - Rogue Four "Wedge's Heros" Wedge is back. After years without him, I can't begin to describe the feeling that has rippled throughout the squadron. It was a welcome moral boost after losing Ackbar. Not two days after we took orbit I led Rogue and Saber squadrons down in a raid on the prison complex. Without Commander Saul Narthra or proper commandos we had to do it ourselves. I wasn't waiting one more day. If our nightmare on Atramenta taught us anything, it was how to fight and survive on the ground. We took that knowledge and stormed the prison. Thankfully it was only lightly guarded, as the rest of the planet seemed to be. We broke in, wrecked havoc, got Wedge, and got out. A few days later Generals Solo and Chewbacca arrived. Apparently Saul had been tasked with retrieving Solo by Captain Shack after learning he'd escaped Black Sun imprisonment. With them at the lead, the invasion was swift and deadly. Unfortunately we learned afterwards that most of the imp's command operations had been moved off world months ago along with most of their army. Looks like Admiral Faro and Commodore Star got the last laugh in the end afterall. Regardless, the world is liberated and Wedge is back. A good thing too because the Empire has redoubled it's efforts in the Mid-Rim. Darth Vader's fleet has smashed into and broken our defenses and routed our Mid-Rim fleet, including our Mandator at Carida. Taking the planet by sheer force. The space around our Mid-Rim holdings, including Kuat, are cut off and extremely vulnerable. The Emporer is feeling the walls close in and is lashing out. Command in their infinite wisdom has determined that the Mid-Rim fleet can counterattack and that the worlds there can hold. So with that our the Outer-Rim Fleet was moved to link up with Admiral Cress at Ord Mantell and ordered to hit the last Black Sun territories in the Outer-Rim beginning at Aeten 2. Because that's just a great idea! While the Mid-Rim burns, we of course get sent out into the far reaches of space! At any rate, it gave Rogue Squadron a chance to break in our new fighters, test our new replacements, and give Wedge a chance to get back into the swing of things. Unsurprisingly, it was like he never left. Wedge, now a Magor thanks to Admiral Cress, got right back into his role as Rogue Leader. I'm now his XO and second in command. As if fate demanded it, his first fight back was against a massive wave of pirate fighters. Even outnumbered we tore those squadrons apart in short order. Wedge did have years of frustration to work out and those pirate scum made great target practice. So Rogue Squadron is back to full strength once more and ready to take the fight to the enemy.
@alexperlinger1478 8 ай бұрын
25:40 "Our anti air is still ready and prepped" *Immediately fires a volley directly into the side of a hill*
@devangsingh1689 8 ай бұрын
that hill must be destroyed!!
@BigSky5578 8 ай бұрын
Man when I saw those AA missiles hitting the wall I was so sad, those missiles could've been doing work this whole time
@jaywerner8415 8 ай бұрын
Wow.....that hurts.... for god sake why do mods always have this issue?
@SamuelJamesNary 8 ай бұрын
Rebel Diaries 57 - It feels good to be flying again. The Empire didn't let us do much while they had us imprisoned on Yaga Minor, though we did catch a fair amount of news. That was a good thing, I suppose. That we've waged war with the Corporate Sector, and won, and actually won quickly, and in doing so surrounded Mandalore and then taken it... and other forces destroyed a massive Super Star Destroyer while we've built a dreadnought of our own... Man, a LOT has happened. And it's good to be back in the fight, particularly as the Alliance is focusing things now down to the force that had fought for Yaga Minor's orbit into the new Northern Fleet. And that'll be good for the moment, as the fleet's command looks toward the Black Sun worlds going toward Illum. The fight for orbit was relatively easy as the Illum campaign began, though we did lose some light ships and fighters... though we also did take out some heavy Black Sun forces, so that works out well and that will set things up for any move on the Black Sun in the north. Though, I would suggest that we begin building up Yaga Minor into an additional capital ship production planet to refurbish the region and the fleets. For, I have also heard on some of the major losses that had been taken while Rogue Squadron was imprisoned. The Dauntlesses lost in the Maw, Home One over Yaga Minor, and other ships lost in the core... particularly as the Empire has struck out at Carida. That's all worrying and will require replacement ships be built. For while our fighters are great and can take down Star Destroyers, they can't do so easily or alone. Some of the other pilots were surprised by the reports on the size of the fleet that attacked at Carida, citing the losses the Empire had taken in the Maw and above Yaga Minor. However, while these losses for he Empire was big, with shipyards at Corelia, Bilbringi, Coruscant, and others in the core and other areas in the region, they still have a lot of production centers and what was taken out at the Maw and Yaga Minor were just isolated garrisons. They weren't the core of the Imperial fleet, and those losses can and will be rapidly replaced. I'd also cite that I think the commander of the Bulwark took a poor strategy over Carida in trying to rely on capital ships alone. The Bulwark, despite its age is powerful, but we would have been better served to have it escorted with fighters in order to force the Imperials to pivot around and try and track fast moving craft rather than focus on one big target. But with fighter reinforcements, some blockade runners, and some other heavy ships that can punch back, like a Dauntless or two, the Bulwark fleet should be able to whittle the Imperials at Carida down, even if it's in a series of raids. In the meantime... I look forward to taking down the Black Sun in the north. - Wedge Antilles.
@user-zb5sq5do2k 8 ай бұрын
Cerulean Aces Log: Week 337 In orbit above Aeten II The Empire’s breakout operations are working. The and a large fleet of ISDs have pushed our fleets back in the Mid Rim. We sent the fleet from Kuat to take it out and got nowhere. The was forced to retreat under the sheer amount of firepower brought by the enemy. Darth Vader himself is leading this charge, and even Chandrila is at risk now. There is some good news, fortunately. We’ve defeated the Black Sun forces in Aeten II’s orbit. The new MC80A, the that was built to replace led the charge and took out their fleet, killing several capital ships and one of their commanders. Probably some admiral I never heard of. I stopped regarding the Black Sun as a major threat after Mandalore, so I haven’t been keeping up with it. Rogue Squadron was at Aeten II. I’m sure Witton is going to be talking about the next time we see each other. Gotta remember I promised him a souvenir when we take Coruscant, but that probably isn’t any time soon. We’re going to move on Vader’s fleet soon before it carves too deep a scar in our front lines. I hope it goes well, but I know we’ll take losses.
@deathlord269 8 ай бұрын
*Being Transmission* Captain Shack The loss of Carida is a setback, but I'm going to try to be optimistic and say it has provided us an opportunity, more on that towards the end of this message. Good work on Yaga Minor, Wedge just finished telling me how bored him and his squadron were getting locked in their cells, they're wanting to blow off some steam in these upcoming battles. I fear next time they get shot down it won't simply be them being captured, but if we try to tell them to stay out of the major fights, they'll just ignore us anyways. Securing the orbit of Aeten II has put us 1 step closer to Illum. In my last transmission I was in favor of allowing Luke to attempt to bring back the Jedi order to some degree, I still find it a worthwhile investment. Now, with most of the outer rim secured, we have a problem with units being scattered all over our back lines. Some are working with the local defense forces because they are worlds we CAN NOT lose, and, though bored they may be at times, with the empire raids becoming more frequent, it is important for them to stay there. That said, all other ground forces, should be gathered up and reorganized. Other officers have been making this recommendation, and with progress towards several of the objectives I've been lobbying for having made significant progress, it's time I agreed with them. My recommendation for a staging ground is to recall all ground forces to our old base on Yavin 4. As for the fleets, any spare ships need to be brought to the front lines, ready to either strike, or hold off an attack. Any ships not assigned to a fleet, or any fleets needing re-tasking should meet up near, but not on the front line. Last thing we need is to be ambushed while the crews are being reassigned. Lastly, rebel command still wants Ace to be rescued. I'm told you have his coordinates, and rebel command tells me Ace has a plan for Zhar, which would wrap up the southern outer rim. *explosion sounds* Ahem, it seems the boys have gotten the artillery guns in range. I'm not normally one for advocating for the eradication of an entire species of wildlife, but I'm exactly broken up about taking out rancor caves on Dathomir either. If this stops the Black Sun from sneaking through and smuggling them off world to use them in their cause, ... whatever they're actually after..., well, I'll gladly complete this assignment I've been given. Commander Jester of Epsilon Company, out *End Transmission* (if you're wondering why I used the name Jester instead of my youtube screen name of Pilot, I've begun to go by JesterandJudge on twitch and various other services)
@sonofjack6286 8 ай бұрын
Commander's Log Orbit of Ithor Week 337 [Begin Log] Yaga Minor is now a Rebel world. With the destruction of the Eleventh Fleet in orbit of the world, Rylan and Witton went on a mission to rescue Wedge planetside. He was deemed combat worthy after the world was taken. Solo and Chewbacca led the ground invasion, with a massive war party of wookies and a battalion of tanks, all to take out the largest military installations on the planet. Safe to say we've got a lot to celebrate with it being under our control now. In other, less pleasing news. Carida has been retaken by the Empire. Vader led an offensive that saw the Core Response Fleet needing to respond. Unfortunately, the commander of the Core Fleet had the wrong jump vector in for the fleet and had them jump towards either Mykyr, or maybe it was Concord Dawn. Either way, our Core systems, along with Skywalker, who is working on fortifying Chandrila, are cut off by a large Imperial fleet. In other news, the Ring of Kaffreene and the orbit of Aeten II are now ours. I'm not enjoying being stuck in orbit of Ithor while Witton and Rylan get all the fun. Anyways, Nartha out. [End Log]
@arc-Droper 8 ай бұрын
I thought a golan platform was a defensive station not a ship, and im pretty sure that you were talking about the gladiator
@austinl4947 8 ай бұрын
yeah obvious brain fart
@Glacier36 8 ай бұрын
Personal Holo Log: Captain Kyran Tadden. Alliance Intelligence. I know, the code name should go in the pre-message header, but right now I'm not exactly feeling like adhering to soem rules, not after all that's happened since the last update. I shouldn't let it get to me, but The Maw... the largest Imperial Fleet we had ever seen right under our noses and we didn't even see it until we opted to subdue the region. Either someone deliberatly ignored the build-up or someone in intelligence REALLY dropped the ball on that one. And then the loss of Admiral Akbar over Yaga Minor, as far as the reports know, they recovered escape pods and such but the Admiral was not among the survivors rescued, thus Alliance Fleet Command is declaring the Admiral missing, persumed dead. People are dong their best not to show it, but losing Akbar has rocked morale to the core but we can't let it stop us. The attack on Yaga Minor was imminent, I just knew Witton was going to make getting Wedge out a priority, so off my own back, despite it being maybe over a year out of date, I gave the Ground Assault all I had on Wedge's last known location in former Moff Seardon's Palace and wished them good hunting. Better news as that General Solo was back after a 'prolonged visit' to the Black Sun. Led an armored column down toward their primary power generator, and while the air power was the same the report got back to me that the equipment and manpower on the ground was less than when Seardon was focused on getting the Conquerer operational, meaning anything useful and not bolted to the floor had been ripped out by the time we arrived to eventually evict the Empire. The good news is that they hadn't moved or done anything to Wedge, either forgetting he was there or deciding he might be a better value alive should things turn sour for the Empire he could be negotiated over in exchange for us not turning Seardon's Palace in to a crater. Now with Wedge back at the head of Rogue Squadron, command decided they wanted the last of Black Sun in the northern Outer Rim removed, starting with making up for what happened over Aeten II a few years back, this time with the 'Phoenix', a new MC80 Command Cruiser leading the charge. After the Vanguard dropped in we quickly got word that Tyber Zann was in orbit of the planet, possibly meaning that the region was the Black Sun's fallback position. Whatever Zann could sack and raid from Mandalore's Shipyards to whatever could be saved from the imperial shipbreaker yards. Wedge definatly had not lost a step leading the fighter engagement while our fleet just hammered in to whatever capital ships that were in orbit forcing whatever was left to run for safety and their orbital assets self destructing shortly after. Not all good news unfortunatly, reports from the southern front suggest that Death Squadron is on the move again to try and force a breakout. Vader leading the charge means that the Empire doesn't care what collateral damage they inflict as long as we aren't poised to strike the Core. The defence fleet, admirable as their actions were, couldn't hope to hold out against four ISDs and those Long Range Turbolasers, the only upside is that Vader was so distracted demolishing out Orbital Assets over Carida that it allowed a critical supply convoy the chance to book it out of the system. Not long after rallying over Kuat, the Bulwark led a counterattack in the hopes of dislodging Death Squadron from orbit. Unfortunatly the Empire seemed to have learned from us that use of Starfighers to augment their capital ships, despite the Shield Projectors on the acompanying MC60s, the Bulwark was forced to withdraw lest the ISDs and their bombers overwhelm her. The Ground Assault came shortly after the Bulwark was routed. Reports suggesting that Vader led the assault personally on the Base's power generator... I'm having a hard time seeing what the body cam footage recovered, Vader just ripping a bunker apart just by holding his hand out toward it. The amount of weaponsfire that rained down on him would have dropped a Stormtrooper Squad in no time at all and yet the southern flank had to throw everything they had at him before he was subdued, but by then it was too late as the upper and mid flanks had been overrun and pushed back to the Ground base, only to be demolished by an Orbital Bombardment. The only upside was that Vader has been taken out of action, how long for... considering whoever or whatever Vader is willingly marched into concentrated blasterfire, I don't see them being out of action for long. It feels as though we've kept the momentum, but at the same time it feels as if anything and everything is trying to stop or rob that momentum and bring us back to a standstill. We're on the verge of actually taking it to the Empire now we've all but secured the Outer Rim and this shows how desprate they are if they hoped to just blast out of the encirclement and break a supply line in the process. It's a setback, not going to lie, but it's going to be a momentary one as soon as we've finishes shoreing up the defences and removing the last holdouts. For now, I'm keeping my ear to the grapevine for anything else.
@billygrantham5380 8 ай бұрын
(Meeting in Nightswan's temporary quarters on the Phoenix, Witton and Rylan relay the story of their discovery. Of the ship, the virus, and the infected.) Witton: "That's about it. We had to tell someone about it but we didn't know who. I mean who would believe us when we say "un-dead" attacked us?" [I'm really curious what Nightswan's opinion is.]
@Glacier36 8 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 [Nightswan took his time looking over the information and the report of Witton and the other's jaunt to that 'abbandoned' Star Destroyer. At first an almost barely contained anger started to appear, then slowly change in to a more 'is this a joke' expression when he read about smart 'undead' Stormtroopers. Probably a good thing they came to him instead of the Admiral or anyone else in the chain of command, the reactions would be between dismissing the absurdity of it all to blind screaming panic the Empire potentially had a Bioweapon ready to deploy despite the evidence saying it went down with the Star Destroyer.] [Nightswan decided to keep this with the 'Intel Net' of himself, Bridger, White Owl and Kallus. if Kayla wanted the information... he'd give it but swear her to secrecy rather than cause a panic. Keeping a copy for himself and uplodaing it to the others on Fulcrum's intelligence network, stood up... and in a moment of unprofessionalism he couldn't hold in anymore given recent days, launched Witton's datapad across the room.] Nightswan: Anything else the Empire is keeping hidden from us!? Because I would really like to know at this point!
@billygrantham5380 8 ай бұрын
@@Glacier36 (Witton is suprised by the outburst initialy.) Witton: "There's probably a lot more they have. Given the fact that we're closing in on the in the Core we should expect them to become more desperate. Thankfully though their hubris proved their undoing this time." (Witton hesitates a moment.) "Is everything alright Nightswan?"
@be-noble3393 8 ай бұрын
Shack: It was the start of the Mid-Rim sieges. It just wasn’t yours!
@Nobody10115 8 ай бұрын
Isn’t it kinda accurate to cannon or legends that the mid-rim offensive fails?
@cringelord9722 8 ай бұрын
Im excited to see how explains the galaxy becoming bright white for a second.
@theelectricgamer9889 8 ай бұрын
Log no 2 now playing This is Captain (NAME REDACTED) of Warspite Venator class (Grand Old Lady.) Okay I admit my core world optimism may have blinded me a bit about Bulwark. To make this log efficient I will divide it into three parts news, new Mandator tactics I'm sending to high command, and theories. First Cardia has been captured by the Empire. The local garrison was sadly wiped out before the KDY defense fleet arrived. Using a new tactic from High command we tried to use three MC80 Justices as shield cover. The plan was to have them cycle use of their shield bubble unfortunately high command over estimated those shields and since we were outnumbered we were forced to retreat to Myrkr which is were Warspite is currently orbiting. Next I saw some of the clips from the ground battle. It looked well bloody for both sides. The other thing is Yaga Minor is now fully under control what's more Han Solo despite the fact Alliance intelligence claiming Han was captured however my core world "friends'/contacts" were unable to find Han and yet he's back. more on this in my theory's section. Tactics. I have now sent two new strategies for use of Bulwark. 1 permanent defensive deployments of key worlds like Kuat and 2 clean up duty. Essentially Bulwark and the rest of the fleet if used offensively should be deployed to worlds with little to no fleet presence. Not only will this protect Bulwark but this will free up other fleets form the backwater worlds and focus more mid and inner rim. Theories. With Han's return I have uncovered something, I don't know what but shortly after Ackbar's supposed death and before Solo's return both on the same planet I might add, I found a secret operation being planed by the higher ups. I don't have much and I fear I may lose my command if I look further. The only thing I have of this operation is a name...Operation Ghost Fleet. I think Ackbar is alive and is secretly planning his return which may have something to do with an Imperial shuttle at Zhar and what ever the empire is doing. I don't have much but my sources all conform that the Empire is building something and if finished we will lose. I think this is all I can safely say. This is Captain (NAME REDACTED) of Warspite Venator class (Grand Old Lady.) out
@Dynas13 8 ай бұрын
The Retribution might be a nice name for the new Independance as a payback for the loss of Home One
@SolitarySpade_Davon 8 ай бұрын
Admiral's Log Admiral Davon Cress, CO of MC-80 'Independence' Class "Phoenix" Alliance Northern Fleet Let me tell you, you always gotta expect the Empire having more of everything. The ground battle on Yaga Minor was a breeze, losses were minimal, and General Solo and the now Major Antilles are back with us, alongside many of the POWs held in the prisons there. A few familiar faces too. Some of them have been held there since the decisive battles over Muunilist and Dathomir. Nonetheless, the planet's under our control now. Here's to hoping we use it wisely, getting ourselves new ships. We're gonna need it especially after what happened over by the core. Vader's armada mounted another counterattack, this time, the planet of Carida. The local garrison force did put up a bit of a fight while CR-90s with some of the command staff made their escape. The garrison was unfortunately gunned down by the armada, but this gave ample time for our corvettes to get out of there. The Kuat Defense fleet responded shortly. We were hoping to delay the inevitable ground invasion in time for our planetside forces to dig in. The Bulwark and the fleet tried a new "shielding tactic". Rotating some of our shield-projecting ships sounded like a good idea at first, until the Empire got wise and started going for the shield generators on the ships themselves. As soon as the first projector ship went down, the Bulwark and her escorts were given the order to retreat in fear of losing the largest ship in the rebellion. Guess we're trying to be cautious after losing Ackbar. The planet soon fell after. Our ground forces did put up a fight, but their units were quickly suppressed by the surprisingly large amount of aerial support by the Empire. Gotta say, you can't ever guess what the Empire will do next. They did take a lot of casualties, but so did we. Our fleet was routed away from the core. They'll either have to break through the Imperial Blockade over Carida or take the long way to get to Kuat. Either way though, our gains over at the core are in jeopardy. We've got better news back here though. The Alliance Northern Fleet has linked up with the Phoenix. Our orders were simple: pave the way to Ilum, and destroy the black sun's northern remnants. I'm telling you, fighting the black sun never gets tiring. Aeten II was our first objective. Command gave us too short of a deadline though, so we weren't able to send scouts and gather information beforehand. Consequently, I was slightly shocked to see a rather large Black Sun fleet centered around an old Droid Core. Nothing the fleet can't handle though. Snunb and I led the attack, with the Byllurun and Phoenix dealing massive damage to the Black Sun's fleet. Rogue and Saber Squadrons tore through the ensuing furball. I'd like to tell you the number of kills they got... but their tallied victories are STILL coming in. Gotta tell you, aces are aces. We're awaiting the troops to arrive from I assume Yaga Minor. In the meantime, I'm reading a rather... concerning report coming in from Vantiss. He's been hitting Imperial installations for months now, and I only told him to contact me if there is an emergency. Apparently, ever since our battle over Altaan, the Tanager and Vice Admiral Torres has been MIA. It's been... maybe a few dozen weeks since then? Well, it turns out, he's alive. Stuck in a nebula for that long in the Tanager. Vantiss managed to get a glimpse of the Empire's rescue effort. What most concerns me is that Vantiss was rather disturbed by the transmissions sent out by Torres. He says he's gone insane. I'll be monitoring the situation with Torres from here on out. For now though, Admiral Cress, out.
@Zaeikil 8 ай бұрын
Torres is gonna get a new ship and it’s gonna be called The Alicorn isn’t it… I can hear the AC7 music now.
@SolitarySpade_Davon 8 ай бұрын
@@Zaeikil That's the plan. If you remember the empire making a few bellators way back, I'll have him steal one and go rogue.
@captainfierce8508 8 ай бұрын
Captain's log: I got my orders to move out with the tempest and the extra dauntless and to join up Admiral ackbar. I question why when we could have easily invaded jakku and took it over and even maybe invade fondor. The only reason they bought me over was saying that i can get lighting squadron if i join ackbar's fleet. Fine here i come. "This getting crazy", i look off to left as i watch the dauntless i got to know go up and i know tempest was next. "Lock that down" but i know this ship isnt going to last long under this amount of fire. "Sir, engine room reports the reactor has gone critcal and will lose both power and weapons in te minus 5mins". Well that does that then. "Attention all hands, abandon ship, i repeat abandon ship, this ship go critcal in 5mins, get off this ship while you still can. Watch as everyone made there way towards the exits and escape pods. I made my way towards my quarters to grab shadow(my rare black lothal cat) and made my way to the hanger. I found my x wing and start prepping launch when i heard someone coming down the corridors. I was starting question how long i got. She came running towars the hanger and i scream out, " COME ON AND GET IN". I started the launch cycle and left as i move my x wing where she can jump in," T 7 shut the hatch and lets get out of here". Hatch close i flew right as she went up in a ball of explosion 💥. By the time i landed on home one the battle was almost over. I let her get out first before i did. She was by the looks of it, a mechanic who was trying to get everyone out before she got lost in the shuffle. I still question how she got stuck as the second to last one on board. She thank me alot actually but i just accepted it but she knew i was trouble by this event. After i turn and headed towards the bridge she hug me from behind said that" i know this battle was a mistake for u and that we should have done your idea, we got to get past this and move on, dont let it ruin u and move on". She finally let go and i ask her whats her name before i headed to bridge, she said her name was Rebecca, the best mechanic in outer rim. I got to bridge and told one of the officers to hold on the shadow while i go to ackbar, something was off but i gave him my reports and and everything head towards the hanger to meet lighting squadron who were in my opinion the victors of the day. Hopefully i get a new ship and we can finally put this at ease. I hope ackbar is okay though. (End log)
@admiral_pisces7935 8 ай бұрын
Captain’s Log #58. Greetings Commander, what has this world come to? With the loss of Home One the Fleet commanders are talking about who leads the fleet now. They have come to a decision. Rebel One and your Liberation are the new heads of the fleet as the flagships of the rebellion. Don't let us down. I put in a lot of work to get that to you. I must be going now. Mon Cala is furious. Admiral Pisces out.
@YoLo-bb2vc 8 ай бұрын
7:07 BREAKING NEWS COMING LIVE TO YOU FROM GNN: an ancient bomb found on Jakku that was created by the extinct Rakatan Empire was detonated by rebel terrorists during the riot of Jakku! the bomb was currently being displayed in the cities museum of antiquities and so sadly we may no longer know how or why the ancient Rakatans built it. its detonation has harmed many citizens from half the known galactic worlds who have reportedly gone blind from the shear brightness of the explosion. the flash emanating from Jakku was so intense, that for those on the night side of those worlds assumed it was day time! it is also believed that the rebel, Princess Leia Organa may have been the one responsible for this act of extreme terror and a warrant for her arrest has been issued with a bounty of 100 Million Credits to who ever can bring this terrorist to justice alive. his eminence Emperor Palpatine was quickly rushed to safety onboard his battle station due to the fear that the star which coruscant orbits could have gone nova. it is safe to say that never did happen hahaha! (Edited to fix some mistakes)
@questionmaker5666 8 ай бұрын
100 million credits could buy two Venators
@YoLo-bb2vc 8 ай бұрын
@@questionmaker5666 the beginnings of your own freighter fleet ;)
@pieterboshoff7582 8 ай бұрын
Shack im happy to see you finally listen to some of my suggestions at the END like using your raid units to scout out empirial worlds to see how big their fleets are and where they are.
@dresdenvalareo1002 8 ай бұрын
"Home One is at your command" Too soon will never not be too soon
@demosxn6722 8 ай бұрын
With the empire striking back so effectively and the retreat of the Kuat fleet a shockwave is sent across the Galaxy. Worlds considering defecting to the Rebellion now pause, the empire still has some teeth to it. To soldiers of the rebellion this is a wakeup call to the complacent. A cry of injustice to those on backwater worlds. Volunteers across the Galaxy now sign up to the next front line, to be the wall holding back the empires tyranny. The empire has woken up, but so had the Rebellions rage.
@obiwancannoli1655 8 ай бұрын
Shack just so you know Chandrilla is the home world of Mon Mothma not Carida! It was killin me when you said that lol 😂
@alduintheanti-dragonborn 8 ай бұрын
For raiding garrisons, it might not be a bad idea to bring Luke along. He can use the Force to stop vehicles, even air vehicles, in their tracks. This would be perfect for getting several rockets firing in an AT-AT's behind, or stopping an annoying fighter when you don't have proper AA.
@YABOIBISON 8 ай бұрын
Super glad you're going for Illum and doing an organizing forces episode! Kuat being undefended is a bit worrying. You should think about going for Zhar at some point before everything is mopped up. Next campaign it would be interesting to see an AOTR Black Sun/Empire campaign once the huge update comes out. Thrawn's Revenge campaign with the shield penetration submod would also be interesting to see - especially as the New Republic continuing on the lore from this campaign.
@gustavogonzalez1884 8 ай бұрын
“After the victories at Yaga Minor and the Maw, we thought the Empire was on the backfoot. Carida changed that. When the Empire took control of its Orbit, and we heard the news that the Kuat defence fleet had been dispatched to deal with them, we sighed with relief at what would no doubt be an easy victory. Then the news came. The counterattack had been driven off, and the Empire had launched a vicious planetary invasion that left no rebel survivors. It reminded us of the truth of the situation, the Empire may be battered, but its going to rip and tear at us until we put it down.”
@drguineapig8755 8 ай бұрын
@ObviouslyNotXenrek 8 ай бұрын
the closeup of the twilek getting zapped and their skeleton for a split second was a bit brutal, lmao
@mini2239 8 ай бұрын
Personal recommendation that you start doing some story missions, otherwise you'll win the campaign before becoming the New Republic
@R3LOADlikesgames 8 ай бұрын
New Republic is, mostly, mid to me. I’d rather win as the rebellion than the NR. Haha
@pieterboshoff7582 8 ай бұрын
ya but he never does the full story so we just want him to do something different because he always wins the game as rebels@@R3LOADlikesgames
@Josankillas 8 ай бұрын
Dude, the opening actually made me sad. It was gripping dude. Amazing job!!!
@DHGHWS 8 ай бұрын
kept callin the Gladiator a Golan platform lol
@matthewmohri9990 8 ай бұрын
Damn shack, Carida...You did your best. Well at the very least you can learn from this. Wow like you, I don't think any of us saw this massive space and ground fleet coming.
@darkwave8892 8 ай бұрын
I feel like the mandator just had the wrong support. They had so many missiles and fighters that those shields where basically useless. I think jamming would have been better. Alternatively make the mandator the core of the artilery fleet and just get as many ships with the least fleet cap for the most guns to sit behind the mandator to focus down enemy artilery and carriers before switching to captitals and just using the increadible bulk of the mandator to tank. The other option is to combo the two togethers a bit of jamming with a bit of arty. But thats just me.
@FloofMother 8 ай бұрын
Week 337 To Cuben Blisk, lieutenant commander, 621st joint operations force (congrats on the reassignment): The past month or developments on the front can only be described as disgusting. The loss of Ackbar over Yaga Minor, the humiliating defeat and late retreat over carida, the bungled defense of that very same planet, and even the battle that we *did* win, at yaga minor. I have made no attempt to hide my dislike of Captain Shack (did you know his brother is the commander of the imperial forces we’ve been facing? He certainly didn’t make that fact available to us) but this is beyond the pale. Shack has been coordinating the rebellion’s efforts for a very long time now, and, whether or not I agree with his priorities or his opinions on who is and is not an oppressor in this galaxy, he has been an effective commander, or so I thought. Yaga Minor shattered this delusion. I read his report on what happened. I do not believe a single word of it. The official version of events is that Ackbar suffered a mental break after the events of the Maw, during which we took many casualties, which was to be expected after our probing attacks ran up against a steel wall of imperial Star destroyers. It is suspicious that a hardened military commander like Ackbar would break after a almost routine engagement like this, but it gets better. Shack alleges that the loss of his independence class was actually a prolonged suicide attempt by Ackbar (he referred to it as a “heroic sacrificial distraction” but lets be honest with our narrative here) This is coming hot off the heels of him taking credit for Ackbar’s naval victory over trandosha, which was something I’d been lobbying for for a great long time, and I suspect you may have had something to do with that, but I won’t press further, I imagine you called in a lot of favors to get that done for me. I’ll make sure you get a quasar “mistakenly” assigned to your battle group next rotation. It gets worse. On the ground invasion, I witnessed an entire column of anti air tanks fire their surface to air missiles into the side of a hill. I completely understand how we lost carida if this was the kind of maneuvers that passed for tactics in their training. In addition, the defense fleet assigned to Kuat (and thus is under my de facto command) has been commandeered by Shack to fight his “mid rim sieges”, and by fight I mean target imperial freighters (read: civilians) and miss, and then hunker down behind a three shield generators while not taking a single star destroyer down, and then only retreating after taking avoidable losses as it was abundantly clear through the live transmission that the Bulwark was just not capable of the damage output (something I have repeatedly said yet have been ignored every time). It’s not all doom and gloom. The pilots of some of the Xwings reported that they saw streaks of light that could’ve been escape pods coming off of Home One, so it is not out of the question that Ackbar survived shack’s blunder. Speaking of Home one, a cadet in my capital ship tactics class has recently been drafting quite a peculiar strategy inspired by the hoax report of the phoenix being destroyed over (iridonia? I can’t recall at the moment). It can be summed up as hyperspace ramming, but this would be a disservice to it. She initially came to me with the idea that we could use droid piloted ships to destroy large imperial dreadnoughts like the arc hammer or the executor, or even a second Death Star if you could imagine such a thing. I pointed out to her that droid ships are notoriously cheap and prone to failure, and good droids are too expensive to waste on a suicide attack, and that’s if you consider it ethical to directly send a sapient being to their death. I also pointed out that starfighter sized ships would have insufficient density to do damage at that speed and would likely just flatten against the hull. She seemed dejected, but determined, and returned to me the next day with a new idea: Use a single volunteer after the engine crew has prepped the capital ship and transports have evacuated all other personnel and equipment. I told her this still would be an unacceptable loss of material, even if you were able to dismount all the equipment and crew during a battle, which the enemy would have to be out of effective range, and retreat via hyperspace would have to be impossible (thank the force hyperspace tracking is impossible, the rebellion would’ve never gotten off the ground if it was). I told her it would be a good idea if you were in a situation in which you couldn’t retreat, you wouldn’t be able to do any damage to your target conventionally, had time to dismount all nonessential material, and were outside the effective range of the enemy’s weapons. You’d also have to have a decent size capital ship and be on your last stand. Bonus points if you hit a large target with a fleet behind it and destroy it with the shrapnel. Overall it’s a logical strategy, it just would be very situational, and a lot of things would have to go right for it to work. I estimate the odds of that situation happening being about one in a quadrillion, give or take. Cadet Holdo is promising however, she’s a model military commander. She has a deep understanding and respect of “need to know” clearance and chain of command, and she lacks the hero worshipping qualities the farm boys I usually get seem to be infected with. were I a younger and less cynical Lepi, I would have made her my protege, but I have an academy to run, and I have refugees from the ground force academy on carida to process, so lots of new students, hooray. Headmistress Flyka Al Flonkir, Kuat Fleet (and Ground Force) Academy.
@FloofMother 8 ай бұрын
Disclaimer, I do not hate shack, my character does. Keep this in mind as you read the comment above
@lyinarbaeldeth2456 8 ай бұрын
Build frigates and cruisers! You're too capship heavy, you aren't the Empire!
@kysofye1 8 ай бұрын
13:34 “we’ve almost killed a golan platform”☠️☠️☠️
@jakewilson5418 8 ай бұрын
Great episode, Captain. The republic sees your hoard of credits... It's time Captain, don't hold anything back.
@cameronhenry541 8 ай бұрын
Shack u-wing ground forces are perfect for shield generator destruction. The ion gun shreds the generators and projectors. You discovered this early in the playthrough but seemed to forget about it.
@bradleywoods1999 8 ай бұрын
The empire was suprising good in that ground battle.
@donwanna3906 8 ай бұрын
DAMN, you got some work done in this one.
@lordvader8981 8 ай бұрын
You should name the new Independence the Averager, as a symbolic way of the Mon Cala people promising to avenge Ackbat
@scotch_mist 7 ай бұрын
The Star Destroyers are actually really scary in this mod. :D
@johnwilliams-xe4he 8 ай бұрын
staying awake for this is worth it!!!!!!
@tkc1129 8 ай бұрын
Haha, the preview image should have been that Twi'lek getting disintegrated on Carida.
@JackalSon1 8 ай бұрын
Not sure if you've forgotten, but you at one point said you were going to make the coresec worlds a fighter production powerhouse. I don't think you ever queued up any fighters.
@anotherkenlon 8 ай бұрын
00:51 Oh my god, he pronounced Yaga correctly. This is the best day ever. 1:24 Sadly, he only managed it once. No longer the best day ever.
@alexi4829 8 ай бұрын
I believe that rocket launcher the wookies use in this is based on the wookie rocket launcher from Republic Commando, which is basically a single-use shotgun but with 6 tracking missiles, it's the epitome of "you see that enemy over there? I don't want to" another highlight of that game's arsenal, also a wookie weapon, is the bowcaster! in RC the rounds not only bounce off of surfaces, they explode when they hit an enemy or their lifespan expires! it does appear that according to RC the wookie mantra for weapons is "it must explode and be over the top"
@Amoschp524 8 ай бұрын
For organizing the forces you should set rally points for each type, light armor, heavy armor, infantry, rockets etc.. in your back lines so when they are produced you know where to send them to wait to be assigned. For your front lines build three to four Armies like you did when taking the Corporate Sector to use for ground invasions.
@thomasbuege8074 8 ай бұрын
Shack please show the bug with the Heavy Tanks so the mods can patch. The Heavy tanks do not have ANY range by themselves if they go off into the fog of war. As a tank lover of this game I appreciate you!
@kianchatterjee890 8 ай бұрын
Just woke up about to watch this masterpiece
@lowtier 8 ай бұрын
@MajorHickE 8 ай бұрын
If you're going to use generic jedi against Vader, make sure to support them with suppression teams & snipers. The Jedi WILL lose on their own, but they can occupy Vader long enough for massed fire to do the job. Also, your Liberty's ability was shut down by an imperial ion boat, a small frigate designed for just that purpose. Might be a good idea to focus them down when you see them before going after ISDs.
@jlaortheshaman1451 8 ай бұрын
consolidation of forces is key, you have the economic advantage. The empire is still going to swing and hit , till you crack the Core .
@darkdragonfiendtamer 8 ай бұрын
The loss of Ackbar's shaken him so much that he cant name 90% of the ships right. Poor Shack
@theshadowdoctor5500 8 ай бұрын
You could name one of the independence class ships "The Emperors Folly"
@erikkluczkowski6973 8 ай бұрын
I actually think the Justice shields did a good job, the issue you faced was just overwhelming numbers. Give the Mandator more cover against enemy bombers. Quasars and/or CR 90s will work well for that, and the Kuat fleet should only ever fear overwhelming numbers ... or another SSD
@nickwyckoff85 8 ай бұрын
Hey Shack, build frigate shipyards over Rendili(right below Kuat) and start mass producing Assault frigate mk1’s at a discount. You can get 4 for the price of one Dauntless and they’re faster and more reliable.
@aboocock 8 ай бұрын
You need to give your super destroyer a butt load of fighter support and some artillery
@generalsanis3612 8 ай бұрын
the endurance for the new MC80 independence, or the Galactic Voyager, another one of Ackbar's flagships
@danpalage577 8 ай бұрын
Remember to build fang fighters and more n1s. Also to expedite your movement you should either attack Roche andthe hapes. Because it's so close to your front line it slows movement by you going around them. And of course go for Illum get the jedi
@shawnlahey1317 4 ай бұрын
“I’ll keep an eye on it” hahahahha
@Emile50 8 ай бұрын
I feel like the republic would have some real struggles if the empire could hyperspace Golan platforms
@brenobassocenci6571 8 ай бұрын
Rogue squadron be like: Took you long enough…
@sandviper5339 8 ай бұрын
ah yes, my favorite ship, the golan platform. and my favorite station, the gladiator
@ChristopherMocko 8 ай бұрын
Wanna build big fighting space boats close to the action? Rendili is the place for it. It can have cruiser and capital yards, and I think gives discounts on a number of ships. Not sure which ones for the Rebel Scum, I mean glorious freedom fighters of the galaxy, but they do give discounts on a number of Superior Imperial Ships.
@sadlerbw9 8 ай бұрын
I'd say Thyferra needs to be taken and turned into a stronghold. Yes, that might mean the Empire and Black Sun are attacking you instead of each other, but I think it would be worth it to lock down a potential jumping off point to so many worlds that you still don't have an amazing fleet ready to defend. Other than that, doing some housecleaning and organizing your units sounds like a great idea. I'm just not sure we need to see it all in a video. Maybe do the moves off-screen and just report on the new formations you end up with at the end.
@Sigma0283 8 ай бұрын
Vader took Cardia in response to the loss of the Maw and now Chandrila, and Onderon are under threat and Kuats fleet has been lured away. May want to look into building up defensive fleets for Onderon and Chandrila and find a way to get Kuats fleet back to Kuat. You may also want to consider evacuating Luke from Chandrila temporarily until Cardia is taken back.
@bonehawk1173 8 ай бұрын
Maybe sticking with mythical creatures for naming your independence class, such as “the manticore” or “the Basilisk”
@Canes2311 8 ай бұрын
Shack, if Star Trek can have an Enterprise A immediately after the destruction of the original Enterprise you're allowed to have a Home One A as well lol
@pieterboshoff7582 8 ай бұрын
hey shack i suggest combining all the northern fleets with kuat defence fleet to brute force your way back to kuat also i suggest stop using the ssd for a while as it takes up pop space that otherwise could be better used like if you instead used the other ships instead of the ssd and projecter ships you could of lasted longer or even beat them with great difficulty. shack i suggest build up as many ships to defend kuat and bring any fleets from the west or south to defend it. I sugget build up liberators and assualt frigates by sullest in the south while doing this order up as many frigates in the core and build atleast 1 dauntless or mc80 winged at kuat. i suggest the kuat defence fleet do hit and runs with carriers and artillery (do not use ssd) also if possible build up fighter production in core sec region. now onto my review of the final ground battle. 1 You shouldve built the anti air instead of the bunker turrent also i wouldve made the other turrent to very left also an anti air because it builds faster. 2 Instead of attacking the sensor you shouldve retreated troops to the center while laying mines. 3 you shouldve been more carefull with the snow speeder as you already know from expierence how hard it is to controll the waypoint. 4 shouldve built light factory or small outpost instead of the generator or even upgrade the barreks itself. Although this seemed harsh i hope these tips could help you better defend more worlds. I also understand that they came from all directions very fast and i cant hold that against you. Shack thank you for the amazing episode hope to see another 1 very soon.
@mranderson9553 7 ай бұрын
it so weird, you're the rebellion but this is the first fight in quite a while where it feels like you were the fighter group with bombers taking out capitals and such
@Cody_L._Brock 8 ай бұрын
17:38 Chandrilla! Not Carida, Chandrilla is her home world.
@wolfpack95805 8 ай бұрын
Excerpt from a holocall between members of the newly formed 5th fleet in the Mandalore sector: I think Ackbar's defeat at Yaga Minor has driven the Cap delirious boys, he's starting to get confused and think up some outlandish tactics. He thinks a staggering of ship projection shields will stop those new-fangled Ion Boat Victory's the Empire's mass producing. He's training all the Mandator's guns on the same hole in a destroyer where a weapons system *used* to be. He even input the coordinates for the Kuat fleet's jump in wrong! Now we're heading to some fierfek-filled planet Myrkr and not our planned Chandrila fallback point! (that reminds me, Cap doesn't seem to remember where Mon Mothma's from...) And finally, FINALLY, we got holonet footage from the ground siege of Carida that the Cap had placed the AA on the wrong side of a mountain range. If he doesn't get some RnR soon, I'm putting in a request to High Command that he be relieved of duty due to insanity. How his armada took Concord Dawn I'll never quite piece together.
@questionmaker5666 8 ай бұрын
Hurricane, Tempest or Typhoon are all good names for a ship seeking vengeance for Admiral Ackbar. The Endor mission respawns him. Maybe he was captured and escaped?
@Azulon120 8 ай бұрын
It might be time to consolidate the plantes. Bild up the new front line and make the back plantes more support? Maybe. But I love this series, so dynamic. :)
@pieterboshoff7582 8 ай бұрын
ya but when ever he does that they get raided so i would suggest putting an outpost on planets that he turns into cash worlds because jjust like in the last ground battle if he had another outpost or tank factory then he couldve lasted longer.
@jaywerner8415 8 ай бұрын
You might Want to start using the MC60s and MC40s, their cheep on pop cap (they are Cruisers are they not?) and pack a punch. NO, do not replace your MC80 Artillery Ships with MC60s, they serve 2 different purposes. The MC80 Does damage with its Dimond Boron Rockets, the MC60 Debuffs with Mag Pulse Missiles. The MC60s not only have all those Ion Cannons but the Mag Pulse Missiles. IF I Remember Correctly, they Debuff a Ships Fire Rate when they hit. At least if the Ability of the Broadside Cruiser (which makes it fire mag pulse missiles instead of Dimond Boron Rockets) is anything to go by. The MC40 is your "modern" Torpedo Boat. It is the replacement for the MC75 and its even in a smaller package. Although the MC 75 has both Normal and Ion torpedos and while the MC40 only has Normal Torpedos.
@presidentmeeks1656 8 ай бұрын
You should Right click the mouse in space Battle it is way then on ground Battle and it is really good at having your ships at Great positions
@ModeloIbarra 8 ай бұрын
sees how many air unitss are about to attack...builds a bunker turret...
@Sephiroth144 8 ай бұрын
Name for the new Independence ship... Apartment One, (since, ya know, you lost the home)
@savirianwinter1656 8 ай бұрын
Thank goodness it wasn't a big army, or fleet you lost. That would have changed the entire outcome of the War.
@bigolbearthejammydodger6527 8 ай бұрын
name suggestion for the new independence class: The Ackbar - in recognition of the old admiral, though personally I doubt his demise - that ol fish is a cunning one with many tricks up his sleeves.
@MultiLoska 8 ай бұрын
Ilum will be a great take! Unlesh the Jedi lol
@Empmortakaten 8 ай бұрын
Kuat can rebuild their own defense fleet. They just trotted out the first backbone ship for it.
@knightangel2190 8 ай бұрын
Great episode love seeing the give and take of worlds. Also this got me thinking a bit. The rebels have an ion cannon ,empire has hyper velocity cannon, wondering if the black sun should have the option to building like a massive rail gun on planet doesn’t damage shields but actually armor ( could only be built by like two of the four factions leaders in black sun). Wonder if that would make things interesting.
@lyinarbaeldeth2456 8 ай бұрын
They already get those for free on their defense stations, greatly outranging all other weaponry.
@R3LOADlikesgames 8 ай бұрын
Yeah… I’d rather they get the EXPENSIVE choice to build either. (For example: it would be 8k credits to build an Ion Cannon, and 10k to build an HV gun) to me it makes sense that they get access to it, but it would need to be a very expensive investment. They use the black market and repurpose things they get their hands on, after all.
@knightangel2190 8 ай бұрын
@@lyinarbaeldeth2456 those are mini versions which although okay aren’t all that dangerous. Personally I liked the rail gun they had a few versions ago as it was powerful but only attacked the hull not shields maybe the can bring back a version of that
@devangsingh1689 8 ай бұрын
@@knightangel2190 its already there the thing he is talking about doesnt exist in AOTR lol
@devangsingh1689 8 ай бұрын
@@lyinarbaeldeth2456 they do not get any such thing on their defence stations base game ZC has the giant plasma cannon AOTR BS got the HVG which is weak against capitals and anything with heavy armor does meh against medium armor capitals
@azureplays9361 8 ай бұрын
Shack, Ackbar isn't dead for good. He respawns if you win the Battle of Endor scripted mission
@colresswesker8912 8 ай бұрын
Were I guess, wiping out the fleet over the Maw freed up a bunch of the Empire's build cap. So you'll be seeing more frequent Imperial attacks for the next little while.
@jamesgabbard3666 8 ай бұрын
New Independence name suggestion: The Vangaurd
@dracofury1173 8 ай бұрын
I love how Shack finally notices the comments saying that he should do a raid on Yaga Minor after he lost Ackbar to all of those space stations….🤦‍♂️
@borealx8344 8 ай бұрын
@CaptSardonic 8 ай бұрын
If you're planning to name that new Independence-class, I'd like to suggest "Restoration"--restoring fleet capability and the Republic.
@granatjens6420 8 ай бұрын
this vidoe should be called "the empire strikes back"
@declantweddle9974 8 ай бұрын
We thought the war was practically won Our losses have been heavy Little did we know the empire hasn’t given up yet No matter the cost we will succeed in freeing the galaxy from oppression. We have our orders Reorganise our forces to fight the continuing threat of the empire Secure our worlds so we are not caught off guard again Bring the jedi back to bring hope to those still under the empires control To victory
@RinIsArty 8 ай бұрын
shack my man, just build more N1s and B-Wings. Those are the two best attack fighters you'll get a hold of, you could blitz that imperial fleet with a full stack of them. And more importantly than that, it'd be a fucking *beautiful* aesthetic.
@metaljedi2908 8 ай бұрын
@bostonrailfanner471 8 ай бұрын
Let’s go another upload
Awakening of the Rebellion - The Mid Rim Redeployment  (Ep 58)
Awakening of the Rebellion - Return of the Jedi Order? (Ep 59)
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Power of Tesla - Command and Conquer - Red Alert
Рет қаралды 46 М.